district news spring 2010

1 Inside this issue: NEW MEXICO DISTRICT COUNCIL ASSEMBLIES OF GOD MARCH 2010 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: District Council 1% Report Women’s Ministries Prayer and Fasting Summit Student Ministries Con- ference and Camp Infor- mation Men’s Ministries Real Man Conference How to Reach Us 2 Superintendent’s Report 3 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report 4 Women’s Ministries 5 Student Ministries 6 1% Report 7 Senior Adult Ministries 8 Men’s Ministries 9 SAGU 10

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District News Publication of the New Mexico Assemblies of God.


Page 1: District News Spring 2010


Inside this issue:





















M A R C H 2 0 1 0


O F I N T E R E S T :

District Council

1% Report

Women’s Ministries

Prayer and Fasting


Student Ministries Con-

ference and Camp Infor-


Men’s Ministries Real

Man Conference

How to Reach Us 2


Report 3


Report 4

Women’s Ministries 5

Student Ministries 6

1% Report 7

Senior Adult Ministries 8

Men’s Ministries 9


Page 2: District News Spring 2010


Deadline for articles and/or information to be included in the

next issue

APRIL 15, 2010





Micheal Dickenson

[email protected]

Assistant Superintendent

David Vistine

[email protected]

Secretary - Treasurer

Marcus McClain

[email protected]


Northwest, Randy Joslin

[email protected]


East Central, Lemuel Perry

[email protected]

Southwest, David Crispin

[email protected]

Northeast, David McCarty

[email protected]

Native American, Wm. D. Lee

[email protected]

West Central , Clyde Johnson

[email protected]

Southeast, Melvin Suttle

[email protected]


Student Ministries

Jeral Dickenson

[email protected]

Women’s Ministries

Becky Dickenson

[email protected]

Girls’ Ministries

Sally Frazee

[email protected]

Royal Rangers’ Commander

Bart Garrison

[email protected]

Senior Adult Ministries

Greg Burchfield

[email protected]

Worship Ministries

Scott Caldwell

[email protected]

6640 Caminito Coors NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120

505.899.5399 fax 505.899.5859 email: nmaog.org

We are now on the web at


New Mexico District Council


March 2010

19-20 Women’s Prayer and Fasting Summit—Madonna

Retreat Center

21 BGMC Day

25-27 Youth Conference—Evangel Christian

April 2010

2 District Office closed-Good Friday

7 Camp registration deadline

9-10 Royal Rangers Commanders


12 Teen Challenge Golf Tournament

13-15 District Council-Tramway CC


16 District Office closed

17 Rainbows/Daisies/Prims Day


29- Women’s Mission Trip

May 7 to Dominican Republic

Page 3: District News Spring 2010


I woke up early on the first

day of January with Paul’s

words from Ephesians 3:20

ringing in my spirit. “Now

to him who is able to do

immeasurably more than

all we ask or imagine,

according to his power that

is at work within us!” As I

tried to wrap my mind

around what God’s word

says in this verse, I could

almost see the hand of God

pushing the walls back,

extending the horizons,

challenging me to think

beyond the limits I so often

put in place and to see the

possibilities of what God

wants to do in us and

through us.

I went to the King James

Version of scripture and

found words like

“exceedingly abundantly

above all that we ask or

think…” Wow! As I read

this verse from various

translations and versions of

scripture, I looked at The

Message where it sounds

like this.

God can do anything, you

know-far more than you

could ever imagine or

guess or request in your

wildest dreams…”

I sensed God saying to me,

to us, to New Mexico, “I am

God, and if you will let me,

I’ll take you by the hand

and take you on a journey

that is beyond

imagination.” A few days

later I walked into the

Prayer and Bible

Conference where General

Superintendent George

Wood was the keynote

speaker, and when he

opened up the scripture for

his message that night, he

took us to this very portion

of scripture with a powerful

word from God.

By the time you read these

words, you should have

already received the

promotion for this year’s

District Council and you’ve

seen the theme, “Dare to

Dream!” If you attended

the Leadership Tour in

January, you know that we

talked about dreams there

as well.

I am absolutely convinced

that God wants to take us

both personally and in our

ministries into the

dimension of

“immeasurably more” and

“exceedingly abundantly

above” and into a living

relationship with His

dreams for our lives! I

encourage you to open that

door today, take that next

step and go with God on

this journey…IMAGINE!


I sensed God

saying…”I am

God, and if you

will let me, I’ll

take you by the

hand and take

you on a journey

that is beyond


Superintendent Micheal E. Dickenson

[email protected]

Leadership Tour 2010 was an outstanding success with over 400 people in attendance. Thanks to our

leadership team and to all who came together to make this a wonderful event. You can access the

audio for the main segments of this event at our New Mexico District website at nmaog.org and click

on Media.

Page 4: District News Spring 2010


‘throw in the towel’ and

surrender to

circumstance, but then

you are reminded of what

your Savior did for you

and how you have been

blessed by His

perseverance. Let us

follow His example of

enduring with the

knowledge that there are

blessings in store.

To reinforce the theme of

perseverance, I am

including one of my

favorite poems. I trust if

you are going through a

trial that you will be

energized by God’s Holy

Spirit not to quit but to


You Mustn’t Quit

When things go wrong, as

they sometimes will,

When the road you’re

trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low

and the debts are high,

And you want to smile,

but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing

you down a bit,

Rest! if you must-but


Let us follow

His example of

enduring with

the knowledge

that there are

blessings in


never quit.

Life is queer, with its

twists and turns,

As every one of us

sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns


When he might have won

if he’d stuck it out;

Stick to your task, though

the pace seems slow-

You may succeed with

one more blow.

Success is failure turned

inside out-

The silver tint of the

clouds of doubt-

And you never can tell

how close you are,

It may be near when it

seems afar;

So stick to the fight when

you are hardest hit.

It’s when things seem

worst that YOU MUSTN’T




James 1:12 states,

“Blessed is the man who

perseveres under trial,

because when he has

stood the test, he will

receive the crown of life

that God has promised

to those who love him.”

As you are aware,

James, the half-brother

of Jesus, was writing to

the Jewish Christians

who had been dispersed

over the Roman Empire.

He was encouraging

them as they, like many

of us, were enduring

difficult circumstances.

Gratefully, the church is

privileged to have

modeled the perfect

example of

perseverance, Christ

and the cross on which

He was crucified. As our

hearts turn toward the

season of celebrating

His death and

resurrection we should

all be encouraged to

‘stay the course’ as we

journey through this life

with all of its challenges.

If you are like me, you

often find yourself at a

threshold at which it

would be so easy to

Secretary/Treasurer Marcus McClain

[email protected]

Springer Assembly

of God Pastor

Installation Service,

February 28, 2010

conducted by Rev.

Marcus McClain.

Angie and Jerry Johnson, (left), outgoing minister, Marcus

McClain (center), and Becky and Bob Clevenger, incoming

minister (right).

Page 5: District News Spring 2010


Women’s Ministries Becky Dickenson

"Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,

and come with me. See! The winter is

past; the rains are over and gone. Flow-

ers appear on the earth; the season of

singing has come, the cooing of doves

is heard in our land. The fig tree forms

its early fruit; the blossoming vines

spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my

darling; my beautiful one, come with

me." Song of Solomon 2:10-13

Since the days are shorter during the

winter I choose to blame the lack of

quality lighting for the dust that accumu-

lates in my home from mid-November

through March. In due time however the

lengthening days and the spring sun

conspire to spotlight all the work that

needs to be done. Though I am glad

that winter is past, I breathe a heavy

sigh at the thought of spring cleaning.

As I read Solomon’s words it occurs

to me that in typical “man” fashion, he

seems blissfully unaware of the vac-

uuming, dusting, raking and reorganiz-

ing that waits for his lover. Does he

offer to help? No. He waxes poetic

about flowers and cooing doves and

fragrant figs! He makes me mad.

But isn’t the Lord just like that? No,

not that he wants us to be slothful, but

that he longs to guide us through the

changing seasons and to draw us away

from work to worship. We know that

work will wait. Sadly, we assume that

He will too.

It is tempting to leap into Spring with

an increased focus on work. My prayer

is that I am not too busy to escape to

the places He wants to take me to

“come away” with Him.

I hope that you will take advantage

of all the spring activities that your local

church, your community and your dis-

trict provide for you. At the same time, I

hope that each of us will put even

greater effort and energy into spending

time just enjoying the Lord.

The winter is past. May Spring find

us being cleansed and renewed by time

well spent with HIM.

This years’ Prayer and Fasting Sum-

mit will again be held in Albuquerque at

the Madonna Retreat Center.

Be sure to set aside March 19-20 to

take part in what has become one of

the most important and life changing

events on the District Women’s

Ministries Calendar!

Our special guest speaker this year

will be Sue Schaeffer. Sue is an

anointed teacher and a prolific author.

You will receive from her vast

experience in Christ as well as her

powerful ministry in the Holy Spirit.

More Prayer and Fasting Summit

in format ion can be found at


Join panelists Becky Dickenson, Ilda

Vistine, Sharon McClain and

Johanna Garrison for a fun and hon-

est discussion about the top chal-

lenges facing Christian Woman.

This luncheon is open to all Women

for a cost of $5 per attendee.

Download a registration form at


A Place for Minister’s Wives.

If you are the wife of a minister and would

like to experience the comfort,

encouragement and connection of this group

please email your request to:

[email protected]

NEW at District Council!

Page 6: District News Spring 2010


Student Ministries Jeral Dickenson

Page 7: District News Spring 2010


City /church Pastor

Alamogordo-First Crispin**

Albuquerque All Nations Fragua+

Albuq., Azusa Derry+

Albuq, Revival Church Sutherland+

Albuq, Evangel BFranks**

Albuq., First Family Woodward+

Albuq, Harvest Fellowship C. Johnson**

Albuq, Tramway Comm. Kofahl**

Albuq., Valley Gospel E. Smith+

Anthony, Alfa y Omega Ramirez**

Artesia, Trinity Temple Argo**

Aztec, Assembly Steen+

Belen, First Assembly G. MacPherson+

Bloomfield, Assembly Wolfard**

Carlsbad, Calvary Price**

Carlsbad, First Coates+

Carson Living Waters Peters+

Clayton, First R. Floyd **

Cliff Mountain View Donaghe+

Clovis, Bethel Perry**

Clovis, New Life Assembly Caldwell+

Edgewood, East Mtn Cox+

Estancia, First Assembly Fulfer+

Farmington, First Bardwell**

Farmington, Oasis Joslin**

Grants, Lighthouse T. Garrison**

1 P E R C E N T R E P O R T F O R J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y

Hobbs, Faith Ball+

Hobbs, First Eidson+

Las Cruces, Abndt Life Pinckard**

Las Cruces, Faith Elliott+

Logan, First Garrison**

Lordsburg, Assembly Cooper+

Los Lunas, Hosanna Crider+

Lovington, Good News Bayes**

Midway, Midway Assembly Sons**

Mountainair, First Rimer**

Nara Visa, Assembly Haisten**

Newcomb, Assembly Hammond+

Ojo Encino, Assembly Watchman+

Polvadera, First Gates+

Portales, Trinity Assembly K. Fulfer*

Prewitt, Assembly Droll+

Radium Springs, Assembly Sullivan**

Ribera, El Valle De Cristo Youts**

Rio Rancho, Life Fellowship Eggert+

San Jon, First Assembly Ragland**

San Ysidro, Christian Life Loeffler+

Santa Clara, Victory Bevill**

Santa Fe, Christian Life Bauman**

Santa Rosa, First Hay+

Shiprock, First Wash Lee*

Silver City, Glad Tidings Burchfield**

Socorro, Family Christian G. Floyd**

Springer, First Clevenger**

Texico, First Burris**

Tucumcari, First Owen**

Yatahey Calvary Assembly Phillip+

+Giving to 1% Program

*Giving to 1+1 Program

**Giving to both 1% and 1+1 Programs

Among New Mexico District churches, 26

give to the 1 percent program; 29 give to

both the 1 percent and 1+1 percent

programs; and 2 churches give to the

1+1 program only.

If you would like more information

regarding either of these ministries,

please feel free to contact the District

Treasurer’s office

Thank you for your faithful support to

the District.

District Council

April 13-15, 2010


Tuesday, April 13

12:00 Registration

1:00 Opening Session, Alton Garrison

5:00 Cookout

7:00 “Dare to Dream,” Micheal Dickenson

9:00 SAGU Alumni Reception

Wednesday, April 14

9:00 “Heart to Heart,” Alton Garrison

10:30 Breakout Sessions

11:45 “The View,” For God’s Women

2:00 Business Session

7:00 Ordination Service

Reception Following

Thursday, April 15

9:00 Memorial, Communion & Prayer


10:30 Closing Service, Alton Garrison

Page 8: District News Spring 2010


Senior Work Days

May 24 -26

Begins at noon on Monday (24th) & ends on Wednesday (26th) at noon,

after lunch!

Cook Canyon Ranch Ruidoso, New Mexico


Clovis, New Life Assembly of God

Scott Caldwell

Springer, First Assembly of God

Bob Clevenger


Angela Burbidge (L) WC Section

Isaiah Campbell (C) WC Section

Don Schmid (O) WC Section

Scott Larabee (O) SW Section

Monte Meade (C) SW Section

Eulalia Padilla (L) SW Section


Carl Bauman (0) NE Section

Diana Bauman (O) NE Section

Ch. Steven C. Tvedt (0) WC Section


Melanie Covert (L) N. Tx

Raquel S. Griego (L) N. Tx

Aaron Parker (O) Louisiana


Alfredo Carmona, (C) Santa Fe


Tularosa Community Church

Dulce New Life Assembly of God


Melvin Suttle




We are glad to announce that the Monthly Ministry Report for District Affiliated Churches can be processed on line. Go to www.nmaog.org and click Resources, click on Church, click on District Church Monthly Ministry Report, click on District Church Monthly Ministry Report again. This will allow you to access the report. Fill out the boxes designated in red, and when completed, hit the ‘submit’ button at the top-right hand of the page. The report will come directly to my office and a copy will be forwarded to your Presbyter. These reports are reviewed by Bro. Dickenson and me and then placed in your church file for reference. You can still fill out the form and mail it in the USPS if on-line reporting is not an option for you.

Marcus McClain


Belen First Assembly of God has 150 hymnals to donate. If you would like to have these

hymnals, please contact Mary Lou at 505-864-4117.


Loving Assembly of God is in need of a sign board to place in front of the church.

If you have one to sell or donate, call Rev. Michael Stone at 575-745-9905.

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