disrupt or be disrupted: competing in a digital world

Competing in a Digital World Agus Wicaksono 15 Dec 2016 Disrupt. Or Be Disrupted

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Page 1: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Competing in a Digital World

Agus Wicaksono

15 Dec 2016

Disrupt. Or Be Disrupted

Page 2: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Chairman, The Association of Indonesia CIOs

Member, CIO Council Asia Pacific

Member, Enterprise Board of Advisors Asia Pacific

Chairman, IT-Data Management Committee, Indonesia Petroleum Association

General Manager – IT IndoAsia Business Unit


Page 3: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Live . Study . Work .

Widen Horizons Embrace Diversity Shorten Psychological Distance

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Managing Across Geography & Time Zones

Collaborative . Always On . Virtual .

180 61,500 $ 129.9B

Page 5: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Growth toward 2020: Markets and Data

New Types of Jobs Data Privacy & Security – the Speed of Trust

Social Listening Data Science: Information to Insights Digital Economy: Shared, Collaborative, On-Demand

Page 6: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017

Inefficient Government Bureaucracy


Inadequate Supply of Infrastructure

Top 3 Problematic Factors

GCI – 41 of 138

Performance in the labor

market has been weak,

with slow job growth.

Access to up-skilling and

re-skilling opportunities

are limited (ADB, 2016)

Page 7: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Risks of Mismatch

Lack the right skills: post-secondary qualifications in low-skill occupations

2015: 52% workers were underqualified for their position

20130: demand for 113 million semi-skilled and skilled workers

Source: Emma R. Allen.: Analysis of Trends and Challenges in The Indonesian Labor Market. ADB, 2016.

Page 8: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Banking is necessary -------- Banks are Not

- Bill Gates

Disruption and Disintermediation

Page 9: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Marriott wants to add 30,000 rooms this year.

We will add that in 2 weeks.

--- Tweet, in2014

Belong Anywhere

Agus Wicaksono [email protected]

Brian Chesky CEO Airbnb


Page 10: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Digital-Enabled Biotech and Precision Agriculture

Energy & Food Security – Population Explosion

IoT - Smart Farming

Supply Chain – Seed to Consumption

Genome Sequencing

Page 11: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

F. Luthans, K.W. Luthans, and B.C. Luthans (2004) – Positive Psychological Capital: Beyond Human and Social Capital

Traditional Economic


Human Capital

Social Capital

Positive Psychological


What You Have What You Know Who You Have Who You Are


Tangible Assets (plant, equipment, patents, data)







Network of Contacts






* Human Capital and intellectual Capital is sometimes used interchangeably

Develop Your Capital Strength

Page 12: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Understand Cultural Sensitivity, Inter-Cultural Empathy, yet Ready to Push the Limits of the Culture

Establish Your Professional and Social Network Globally

Don’t Wait and See: Influence & Act!

Expose to and Embrace Diversity

Anyone who still thinks the sky is the limit has no imagination (Franklin P. Jones)

Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

Communicate, Collaborate, Connect, Create and Contribute

Winning Psycho-Social Traits

Page 13: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

Definition of Success

Source: Ipsos/Strayer University omnibus on behalf of The Success, August 2014

Page 14: Disrupt or be Disrupted: Competing in a Digital World

20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do

than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Thank You

@aguswicaksono Agus Wicaksono [email protected] http://aguswicaksono.blogspot.com

Mark Twain (1835-1910)