discover your inner entrepreneur

© Copyright Want2geton? Christian Career Coa Want2get on? is a unique caree to draw upon their Christian Discover your inn In the same way that most of us at our inner risk-taking side, w centre stage in our lives. The fi local Jobcentre and, as I waited every fortnight – even self-empl At that moment I wish I could famous self-starters such as An the thought of being self-emplo to sell furniture for a living. The The Apostle Peter is the chara thoughtless in his speech and t huge courage. If you have eve able to connect with Peter’s ex comfort zone) to do the impossi aching UK 2013 er coaching service that offers 1:1 suppo faith and apply it in a practical way t Tel: 07503 177126 charles ner entrepreneur s have a book inside waiting to be written we may well find a successful entrepre irst day following my redundancy, I reluct d to see my adviser, I considered any alt loyment. d say that my mind was filled with insp nita Roddick or Peter Jones. Instead, I fe oyed, which could neatly be captured by trouble was, it was my own!acter to whom many of us can relate m too quick to make promises, but also a p er considered starting up your own busin xperience of being called by Jesus to ste ible: walk on water. (Matthew 14: 28-29) ort for those who want to their job situation. [email protected] n, if we dare to glance eneur waiting to take tantly stepped into my ternative to signing on pirational quotes from elt a degree of fear at y Les Dawson: ‘I used most, sometimes a bit person who displayed ness, then you will be ep out of the boat (his

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In the same way that most of us have a book inside waiting to be written, if we dare to glance at our inner risk-taking side, we may well find a successful entrepreneur waiting to take centre stage in our lives.


Page 1: Discover your inner entrepreneur

© Copyright Want2geton? Christian Career Coaching UK 2013

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1

to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.

Discover your inner

In the same way that most of us have a book inside waiting to be written, if we dare to glance

at our inner risk-taking side, we may well find a successful entrepreneur waiting to take

centre stage in our lives. The first

local Jobcentre and, as I waited to see my adviser

every fortnight – even self-employment.

At that moment I wish I could say that my mind was filled with inspirational quotes

famous self-starters such as Anita Roddick

the thought of being self-employed

to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own!

The Apostle Peter is the character

thoughtless in his speech and too quick to make promises, but also a person who displayed

huge courage. If you have ever considered starting up your own business, then you will be

able to connect with Peter’s experience of being called by

comfort zone) to do the impossible: walk on water.

© Copyright Want2geton? Christian Career Coaching UK 2013

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those who want

to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.

Tel: 07503 177126 [email protected]

Discover your inner entrepreneur

same way that most of us have a book inside waiting to be written, if we dare to glance

aking side, we may well find a successful entrepreneur waiting to take

The first day following my redundancy, I reluctantly s

as I waited to see my adviser, I considered any alternative to


I wish I could say that my mind was filled with inspirational quotes

Anita Roddick or Peter Jones. Instead, I felt a degree of fear

employed, which could neatly be captured by Les Dawson: ‘

to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own!’

he Apostle Peter is the character to whom many of us can relate most

thoughtless in his speech and too quick to make promises, but also a person who displayed

huge courage. If you have ever considered starting up your own business, then you will be

Peter’s experience of being called by Jesus to step out of

comfort zone) to do the impossible: walk on water. (Matthew 14: 28-29)

support for those who want

to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation.

[email protected]

same way that most of us have a book inside waiting to be written, if we dare to glance

aking side, we may well find a successful entrepreneur waiting to take

following my redundancy, I reluctantly stepped into my

any alternative to signing on

I wish I could say that my mind was filled with inspirational quotes from

I felt a degree of fear at

captured by Les Dawson: ‘I used

most, sometimes a bit

thoughtless in his speech and too quick to make promises, but also a person who displayed

huge courage. If you have ever considered starting up your own business, then you will be

Jesus to step out of the boat (his

Page 2: Discover your inner entrepreneur

© Copyright Want2geton? Christian Career Coaching UK 2013

Today in the UK, over 4 million people are self-employed, including an increasing number

who feel pressurised into it following unemployment. Economists generally agree that

entrepreneurship is the way out of recession, and it is people, possibly yourself, who, with

brilliant ideas, big dreams and well crafted plans, can lift communities and nations out of the

grip of the effects of recession.

Peter ran his own small-scale fishing business and would have been familiar with risk-taking

and basic economics. If he had sought only human wisdom such as:

“Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful

business opportunity.” (Groucho Marx)

…he would have remained a normal and unremarkable fisherman. However, what set Peter

apart was that he placed his faith in Jesus and allowed Him to speak directly into his life’s

calling: transforming his business from a fisher of fish to a fisher of men.

God has a plan for every part of your life that does not include your staying unemployed

where you cannot pay your way. If you ask Him in prayer, then He will speak to you about

your next move, either through the people with whom you speak, articles you read or your

quiet inner voice. Some of your steps to self-employment may well feel like you need God’s

help to walk on water, but His guidance can also be found in some more mundane advice:

Five key steps to start

1. Do something you are passionate about. What are you good at? What problem

have you seen that needs solving?

2. Research the market. You may love your idea, but does anyone want to buy it?

3. Write a business plan. A business plan helps you to focus your idea, foresee any

pitfalls and will be essential if you want to seek funding. For essential business advice





4. Sort out the finances. Many businesses can be started on a small budget by using

savings or loans from friends and family.

Page 3: Discover your inner entrepreneur

© Copyright Want2geton? Christian Career Coaching UK 2013

5. Build a support system. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs credit their

mentors for getting them there. Join a local business network or visit: to meet other business start-ups online.

Want2get on? is a unique career coaching service that offers 1:1 support for those who want

to draw upon their Christian faith and apply it in a practical way to their job situation. Tel: 07503 177126 [email protected]