dimitar dobrev cv & portfolio june'12


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Architecture Exploits


Page 1: Dimitar Dobrev CV & Portfolio June'12
Page 2: Dimitar Dobrev CV & Portfolio June'12




100 Westminster Bridge Road Flat 68London SE1 7XAMobile : [email protected]


Nationality: Bulgarian Languages: Bulgarian - nativeEnglish - fl uentItalian - basicFrench - basic

September 2010 - June 2011

September 2011 - June 2012

AA School of Architecture 2nd Year

AA School of Architecture 3rd Year



2011/12 AA Inter 4 Urban Interioriority Tutors: Nathalie Rozencwajg, Michel Da Costa Goncalves

June 2012 RIBA Part 1(anticipated: June’12)

2010 - 12 AA Library Assistant

2010 - 12 AA Exhibitions Assistant

2011/12 RIBA Education Fund Award

CIAT Membership2010 - 13

June 2011

April 2011“Recreated Details“ Individual Photo Exhibittion at the Bulgarian Union of Architects

2010/11 AA Inter 10 The Self-OrganisingCity, UAETutors: Marco Poletto, Claudia Pasquero

Exhibited personal creative work & photographs at the AA Projects Review Show

January 2011Lectured in the Centre of Culture & Heritage in Abu Dhabi

november 2010

Won the AA Bursary Award

July 2011

RIBA Student Membership


Attended Biennale Architettura‘10 Venice

Network Oasis - Submission for F+P Travel Scholarship

March 2012

Visit to Fuksas Congres Centre, Rome

february 2012

M y i n t e r e s t i n architecture began from a very young a g e b y r e a d i n g various architectural m a g a z i n e s . E v e r since, architecture has become a part of my life and the well-defined focus of my further studies.

My achievements up to now have a l w a y s p u s h e d me to aim higher and I never lose my motivation. I am interested in a vast variety of architectural issues, starting from the relationship between architectural design a n d l a n d s c a p e architecture, from traditional concepts to utopia.


I am current student at the AA School o f A r c h i t e c t u r e , London; look ing to progress into a higher stage within t h e a rc h i te c t u re and design sector. T h e r e f o r e , I a m s e e k i n g f o r a new and suitably chal lenging role within architecture-leading organisation and I am keen to a c h i e v e f u r t h e r p r o f e s s i o n a l development.

Date: July 2012References: Available upon request


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personal achievement

educational achievement

professional achievement



3d Studio Max


Adobe Photoshop






Adobe inDesign


Rhino 3d


Green ArchitectureLandscape Architecture & Design

PhotographyLandscape Photographrapher of the year 2011NIKON Architecture ContestAA Camera Club

Model MakingLaser Cutting, 3D Printing, CNC, Wood & Metal Shop Experience

Personal SkillsFast learner, deadline oriented & passionate for creativity. Good at being a team leader as well as being a part of it. Loves to travel & cook.

September 2009 - June 2010

Attended the International Architecture Congress of UIA in Turin

AA First Year.Tutors: David Greene, Tobias Klein, Valentin Bontjes van Beek

AA School of Architecture 1st Year

Exhibited personal creative work & photographs at the AA Projects Review Show

June 2010

Won the AA Camera Club Award

May 2010

Architecture Foundation Membership, London

Participation in the World Photo Press Contest & Nikon Urban Architecture Photo Contest

2009 - 11

2009/10Workded as a photographer for the Bulgarian Architectural Journal „Stroitelstvo GRADAT„



Bulgarian Diploma for specialized secondary education in Landscpae Architecture

2004 - 2009Technical College of Construction & Architecture:

Landscape Architecture

August - September 2008Worked as an assistant landscape architect at AG Studio, Sofi a

June - August 2005 Photography Diploma

August 2007 IELTS, Cambridge & DELF Certifi cates

June 2008 AA Summer School„London Ever After„May 2009

International Driving Licence

May 2008



June 2009




MS offi ce

2010/11 AA Inter 10 The Self-OrganisingCity, UAETutors: Marco Poletto, Claudia Pasquero

January 2011Lectured in the Centre of Culture & Heritage in Abu Dhabi

november 2010 Attended Biennale Architettura‘10 Venice

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Nathalie Rozencwajg,

Michel Da Costa Goncalves


Project name: Urban/Interior Labyrinth

Location: Passage Verdeau, Paris

The project examines the domestic,

public and private spaces that we inhabit

and our perception of the boundaries,

these spaces represent and impose.

Life in a city and life in a building are

experienced through urban/interior

corridor paths from one scene to the

next. The focus is placed on constructing

a sequence of spatial experiences. The

modern perception is a montage of

rapidly evolving experiences which blur

the distinction between the urban and the

interior. A space is not only defined by its

enclosures, but also implied by a second

layer of a more ephemeral “texture”.

The experience oscillates between the

urban and interior to support a fusion of

realities and perceptions. This creates an

inseparable ambiguity between the house

and the city - the domestic and the urban.


urban interiority blurring the boundaries between urban & interior

Collapsing the Urbanity within the Interiority

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AA 3rd Year

urban interiority blurring the boundaries between urban & interior

Relationship between Spaces, Circulation & Vistas

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interior urbanity the “iDeaL” room - Sir John Soane Museuminfo:

Nathalie Rozencwajg,

Michel Da Costa Goncalves


Project name:

The “IDEAL” Urban Room

Location: 13 Lincoln‘s Inn Fields, London

“Soane...contrived vistas from his interiors,

only he was not content with the

alignment of doors. He also layered space,

so that the eye was no longer constrained

into a telescopic recession of portals

and could wander wide, up, across and

through from one place to another... when

characteristically Sonian vistas occurred,

they did so most often in circulation space

or out of the windows, not in occupied

space.” - Robin Evans


+ Square Layout

+ Layered structuring wall+ Dome Ceiling

Daylight Distribution

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AA 3rd Year

Spatial Transformation of the “Breakfast Room”

Integration of Structure, Glass Panes & Reflections Manipulation of the Transmission of Light

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urban interiority Physical vs. implied boundariesinfo:

Nathalie Rozencwajg,

Michel Da Costa Goncalves


Project name:

Physical vs. Implied Boundaries

Location: Vatican

The project examines the domestic,

public and private spaces of the border

between Rome and Vatican. It creates a

new link between the domestic buildings

on the Vatican and the intersection of the

border wall, by dissolving its physicality

and connecting it to the urban street level

of Rome. By segmenting the appearance

of the wall, a new reading of space is

introduced, allowing urban interior

perceptions and glimpses to otherwise

hided spaces. The structure establishes

a different kind of interaction between

individuals, built space and movement.

The facets of each glass panes reflect the

place and reconstruct a paradigm that

breaks the reading of the course. The

structure invites the visitor to step inside,

exposing him to collided images of details,

intimacy and outside spatiality.


Passetto di Borgo, Vatican Site Strategy

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urban interiority Physical vs. implied boundaries

AA 3rd YearPlan ViewExterior Space

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SeLf-organiSing network Co-oaSeSartificial urban Slope - Site analysisinfo:

Marco Poletto,

Claudia Pasquero


Project name:

Artificial Urban Slope

Location: Jebel Hafeet, UAE

The project is located on Jebel Hafeet, the

only mountain topography found in the

UAE. The mountain is an important symbol

of the country, but now it remains static.

The challenge was to propose a rather

more sustainable and ecological project

for the mountain, which in fact is making

the most use of the natural landscape,

instead of destroying it completely.


Layering Topographies

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SeLf-organiSing network Co-oaSeSartificial urban Slope - Site analysis

AA 2nd Year

Material System

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SeLf-organiSing network Co-oaSeSartificial urban Slope info:

Marco Poletto,

Claudia Pasquero


Project name:

Artificial Urban Slope

Location: Jebel Hafeet, UAE

The project is addressing the problems

of localised ground discontinuity and

programmatic, physical isolation of the

site. It proposes a network of slopes

integrated with housing, commercial &

recreational zones. The aim is to create

relationships between infrastructural

flows and architectural space by forming

a new ground condition, driven by the

site topography.


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SeLf-organiSing network Co-oaSeSartificial urban Slope

AA 2nd Year

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CoMPutationaL organiZation Super block


Eugene Han


Project name:

Super Block

Location: N/A

This projec t i s focus ing on the

manipulation of digital geometry using

scripted techniques within a NURBS

modelling environment, using Python

for Rhino. Covering the basics behind the

theory of computation and processing as a

means to establish intelligent geometrical

systems, the project’s aim is to generate

a “Super Block“ with various spatial

organizations on a plan level, hence,

providing different types of units within

the dwelling. The rather chaotic interior of

the super block is combined with facade

components allowing different openings

and entrances to the building.


North Elevation West Elevation

Plan View

Grid Logic

Facade Components Variations

L-shaped Profile Element Basic Facade Components

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CoMPutationaL organiZation Super block

AA 2nd Year

West Elevation Section A-A

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Painting arChiteCturebeer rollercoaster

3D Modelling



Alex Kaiser


Project name:

Beer Rollercoaster

Location: N/A

Designing Through Painting

Whi lst recognis ing the value of

contemporary software, I argue that

the lust for line is not dead, that a basic

understanding of traditional drawing

and painting methods can be fused

with contemporary 3D packages to

quickly and efficiently create new and

innovative spatial ideas, sequences and

large scale narratives. Ideas are siphoned

through various software, techniques

and projections - gradually aggregating

into the fi nal vision, though experimental

brushwork, orthographic painting, 3D

modelling, value sketching, and digital



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Painting arChiteCture beer rollercoaster

AA 2nd Year

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DiMitar DobreVarchitecture Designer

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DiMitar DobreVarchitecture Designer


100 Westminster Bridge Road fl at 68London SE1 7XAMobile : [email protected]

This folio is a selected sample of my recent work.For more projects, information, academic & conceptual

work please visit following webpage:



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