
what would you do ?

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Attitudes and discussions bout dilemma !


what would you do?

❶Dilemma Russ is at the airport to catch a flight He is on his way to his brother’s wedding . His flight is about to leave As departure gate, an elderly man suddenly slips and falls in front of him . The man cries out in pain . Russ knows that if he stopped to help the man , he would miss his flight. If he missed his flight, he would miss his brother’s wedding. Russ runs past the man as if he hadn’t seen him Would you have done what Russ


* Answer the questions.

1 _Why is Russ at the airport?

2 _What does Russ decide to do ?


Mike is taking an extremely important history test. The test will determine whether he passes the class. Mike has been studying for the test day and night. He feels well prepared, but when the test is front of him, Mike’s mind goes blank . He can’t remember anything. It is as if he had never studied .

What would you do if you were mike ?

* Answer the questions.

1_What is Mike considering doing Why ?


A ship strikes an iceberg and ten passengers crowd into a lifeboat that is only intended to hold nine. The lifeboat slowly starts to sink because of the extra weight. If it does, all ten passengers will die in the freezing water. The captain considers his choices and decides to force the weakest individual out of the .lifeboat

If you were the captain, what would you do?

* Answer the questions.

1_What is problem on the lifeboat ?

❹Dilemma Mariana has struggled in science class for years. This year, to help motivate her, Mariana’s parents have told her that if she receives a B on her report card, they will help buy a cell phone. But Mariana has done poorly in the class and knows that her final grade will be a D. The day her report card is due to arrive in the mail.

What would you do if you were Mariana ?

* Answer the questions.

1_What is Mariana tempted to not tell the truth about her science

grade ?




We are all responsible about our planet


who is .…………….. for cleaning up this mess?

my mothers cookies always …………..moments after she takes them out of the oven.

the beautiful weather helped …………...me to go outside and do some exercise.

People should feel that it's ………....wrong to buy stolen goods .

I……….taking final exams next week .

I was…….......to watch the film on TV , but I mead myself study instead .





