digital marketing a quick run through

Digital Marketing A quick run through

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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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This was a presentation I gave to a group of MBA students about digital marketing and some of its elements and some examples.


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Digital Marketing

A quick run through

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• Drivers of digital marketing

• Digital marketing channels/tools

• SEO and PPC

• Malthouse Engineering example

• The future

• Some useful stuff

If you don’t understand, ask

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When we talk about digital marketing

what are we talking about?

Can you name some of the tools/ channels?

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Pay Per Click



ROISocial Media


Digital Display


Linked in


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Why has digital marketing become so popular – some of the key drivers

• Relationship building

• Measurability

• Cost

• Responsiveness

• Targeting

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Relationship building

• Relationship building is key for longterm retention

• Creating value for relationship is easier

• Maintaining regular communication is aided through digital methods– Amazon emails suggesting products I may like

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• Campaign development speeded up

• No long lead times to creation (compared to TV/Print/Radio)

• BP good example, very soon after oil leak they were buying up keywords to direct people to their site and their communications– Oil spill/gulf of Mexico response

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• Increasing pressure from senior management to reduce costs

• Heightened by downturn

• Use of digital channels is highly cost effective

• See example

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Example• Promoting a national art exhibition• Identified 4000 people within a 50 miles radius fitting into

predefined criteria• Worked with designers to create invites• Worked with printers to print them• I then stuffed envelopes with help• Then we posted them

• How many responded????• 67 responded, 11 said they weren't coming

• Why so low?• How many received invited/how many

looked at invite?• How many wanted more information?• How many saw it and read and will come?

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CostingsPostage Email

List of names

Invites (design/print)


Cost of help




£1200 (4000x0.32)

£30 for 2 people @ 5 per hr




£80 (£0.02 x 4000)



Could have saved £1650

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• Above all digital marketing offers substantial opportunities to measure everything

– Return on investment/engagement/behaviour

• Website usage – now possible to understand how sites are navigated so as to better optimise it

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• Increased opportunities to targetdifferent audiences down to the 10’s or 100’s

• Means less wastage of cash

• Greater chance of getting desired response due to targeting

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Targeting example – using facebook adsA new website with a niche audience

• Go to create a ad on facebook and select the target audience

• Lets suppose I want to start a dating agency in Wolverhampton

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Targeting example – using facebook ads

• Just want to target people between 18-23 who are women

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Targeting example – using facebook ads

• Just want people who are interested in fishing

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Targeting example – using facebook ads

• Just want to target women who are interested in other women

• Women who are already in relationships

I now have my audience of 60 people who I can send targeted ads to

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Tools of digital marketing

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Website• A well designed website is the primary tool of

digital marketing

• Understand why you have a website –sales/leads/information/ creditability of your org

• Taking note of design techniques– F zone

– Usability testing

– Clear layout

– Short concise text

• Calls to action to get people to provide your desired response – eg register for a newsletter

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Calls to action

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Eye tracking – f zone

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Understand usage and make site easier to use and more relevant

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• Has suffered in recent times due to spam – email providers are becoming more savvy to spammers and starting to blacklist senders

• Can provide significant cost savings and provide in depth insights in to recipient responses

• Great for maintaining cost effective communications and developing relationships

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Digital display

• Banners – along the top

• Skyscrapers – down the side

• Mid page units – in the middle

• Can be specifically targeted to individual based on browsing behaviour - remarketing – james caan


• Can be based on website demographics

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Social Media• Is social media a fad? -

• United breaks guitars– Travellers guitar broken during flight with United Airlines– They don’t offer good service and traveller wrote a song and

posted it–– 10mil views and share price dipped by 10% = $180mil

• Walmart virals–

• Seen by over 2million people – minimal cost good WOM

• Mystarbucks idea– Good for customer service and relationship building


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Mini case

• Interactive Amy ordered a dominos which was delivered 1hr late and was the wrong pizza

• Tweeted - “hardly any room for human error, but still a mistake.”

• Got a reply from local store manager who promised to make it up to her and also sent a video apology


• Organisations using social media to identify service failure – recover business and now used as a prime example of how to use these channels –all at no cost and providing greater PR


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A key statistics to remember

• About six in 10 (59%) online shoppers say user-generated customer product reviews have a significant or good impact on their buying behaviour.

• WOM still key in influencing purchases but now its online

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

• When we talk about SEM we refer mainly to Google

– 85% of global searches

• Googles aim since creation is to offer users sites that are relevant to what they are looking for – this underpins all developments they do

• How do they do this

– Your site is scanned for keywords and matched up to what has been searched for

– The HTML code is scanned to find info which tells googlewhat your sites about

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Search Engine Optimisation

• Getting to the top of the natural results

• Through a number of activities such as

– HTML tags

– Links – quantity/quality

• Split in to on page and off page factors

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SEO on page factors

• HTML tags

– Title tags – put in your keywords

– h1/h2/h3

• Images – give them “alt” names that are relevent to your content

• Text – make sure it contains relevant keywords

• Internal links – will help google find its way around your site

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SEO off page• Links and lots of them

– Make sure they are good quality and relevant

• Ways of getting links– Use forums

– Directories

– Blogs

– Social media

– Loads of other methods

• Be careful and be google legal -

• Should ideally be from related sites – seen as a better quality link

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Pay Per Click

• Google displays your advert based on the keywords searched for and how much you pay google per click

• Pay Google or other search engines on a Cost Per Click basis

• CPC is worked out by Google on the amount of people bidding for a word or phrase

• Adds displayed based on bid price and quality score

• Quality score = CTR, Loading time of Landing Page, Landing page relevancy, relevancy of creative to keyword and natural SEO

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Malthouse Engineering Example

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Work done

• Identified keywords using Google keyword tool and other means – eg asking customers

• Used google analytics to understand website usage

• researched the work carried out by the competition and copied the good bits

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Paid Search Example

Steel Profiling Ad Copy

Steel Flame Cutting Ad Copy

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Results• An increase in website usage by 922%

• Spend of £7500 in last 18 months

• Received over £800,000 enquiries in return

• Website better optimised for users and continually reviewed

• Social media has been used to show facilities through youtube and engage with customers and local press through twitter – resulted in increased business

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• Mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web-access devices worldwide by 2013

• Ties in with TV viewing, 71% learn more about a product or service having seen an ad, 68% use it to find the best price for a product. – Direct Response from TV ads

• Not just young people - More than twice as many people age 55 and older visited social networks on their mobile phone in 2011 compared to Q3 2010, according to data from Nielsen’s. That’s a jump of 109% year-over-year.

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The future

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• Digital marketing growing due to

– Cost effective communications

– Need to build relationships that maximises revenue through reduction in cost compared to traditional marketing

– Measurability provides greater justification for use of digital over traditional channels

– Superior targeting – behaviour/use

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Useful stuff – all free

• - leading digital marketing author/academic

• - leading ukpodcast

• - useful blog articles

• - good for spotting trends

• – internet advertising bureau –lots of interesting case studies

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The end
