digipak presentation


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Post on 16-Dec-2014



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Page 1: Digipak presentation


Page 2: Digipak presentation

The Script I have looked at the digi-pack/album that the song 'Nothing' that I analyzed before, has come from which is the album 'Science and Faith’. The front cover of the album science and faith has a photo of the band in order to promote them as the artist. Also the composition of the photo is also important as the have the lead singer at the front at a medium close up as in their videos he takes on the lead role of their music videos, where as the other two members are getting further back in mid shot and long shots. The photo is in good focus and both the band and the background are in high contrast colour, with the name of their band in the top right hand corner in their iconic style, which their target audience will be able to recognize. Also with the title of the album underneath the band title in white writing and more spaced out this is in order to show the importance of the band, so people can recognize this is their album. I like the placing of the title of the band and the CD name as it doesn't interfere with the image as it’s not overlapping anything, which is something that will need to be considered if using a shot of the artist as the album cover as I need to ensure the layout of the photo doesn’t interfere with the title.

Page 3: Digipak presentation

The CD itself has got a series of lights that circle the centre, this links into the title of the album science and faith as its a scientific symbol also the lights are in a warm orange colour therefore make it a bit more romantic. Also as the lights are in a warm colour this links to the front of the case with the high contrast of colours, which makes this consistent, as there skin tones are warm as well as the background.

The back design of this and the inside book are both coffee coloured backgrounds with simple images of hands, this could be here in order to represent the faith side of the title science and faith, where it is kept simple it can be interpreted in different ways and also looks more professional than having confusing images instead. Also the fact that the images are similar with the lighting and the use of the hands keeps it consistent. On the back the song titles are in the top right hand side with the editors etc. parallel at the bottom right hand side all in black writing which keeps it neat as this colour links into the shadow of the hand in the photo. This is something that I hope to consider when it comes to making my own digi pack so that it looks professional and will need to remember that a barcode needs to be included so its realistic as that’s what is needed to identify the CD when being scanned. The barcode it placed well on the back of the scripts album as it doesn't interfere with the rest of the image at all and fits neatly.

The Script Continued…

Page 4: Digipak presentation

The Scripts Advert The photo that they have used on the advert is the same photo that has been used on the back of the album case. This is for consistency between the advert and the album, so it is recognisable to people as the album this is advertising. This is something I will need to consider when making an advert and most likely use an image that is on the CD case itself already, or to keep similar theme with them both.

The advert is made to look like a worn down poster this is could be there in order to link in with title of the album ‘Science & Faith’, as these are both things that go back a while and this is there to show how old they are. Below the photo is has ‘Out Now’ written, this is wrote in black and a font similar to the other writing, in order to fit in with the style and is their in order to make it clear that it is advertising this album. On my advert I will need to have something similar written on it to define it as an advert.

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Arctic MonkeysThis digipak contains a booklet and is more of a traditional case style. One thing I really like about this arctic monkeys case is the fact that the outside cover and the picture on the CD itself both link - the cover is of a man smoking and the CD is a picture of an ashtray - I would like to use a similar idea when coming to creating my own CD dig pack, in order to keep it consistent but change it and make it relevant to my artist and song. The smoking theme to this case is kept consistent through to the inside booklet as one of the pictures with the group of people wrote on it is ‘Strictly no smoking’, which is also keeping the case consistent as well as having the images on the front, back and the CD itself in black and white.

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The Arctic Monkeys advert

The photo that has been used for their advert is the same photo that has been used on the front cover of the album, this is a common trait with adverts for albums as it is then easier to recognise which album it is. Also the photo itself appeals to their target audience as although it may stick to codes and conventions in the respect that it has on of the band members on the front, he is smoking therefor makes it a bit different which appeals to their target audience as it also fits in with the ‘indie rock’ genre of the band itself. In the bottom right hand corner it has ‘Album out 23.01.06’. This is wrote in white in order to link in with the black and white theme of the poster, also this is what needed to be added in order to let their target audience aware that the album is out and when.

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BeyoncéThis is the front and back cover to Beyoncé’s album ‘I am Sasha fierce’. The front cover has a black and white image of Beyoncé with her in focus with a blurred background this is in order to promote her as the artist of the album and so her target audience will recognise it as Beyoncé’s work. The image on the back cover is also in black and white this helps to keep the album pictures consistent. The image on the front cover is a soft image where Beyoncé is natural and soft lighting whereas with the image on the back she has a lot of harsh make up on and her overall image is harsher and the lighting is also harsher with the darker shadows to emphasis this. The two images being such a contrast could be there in order to show the two sides to Beyoncé, which is most likely shown in her songs on this album.On the back image at the top left hand side there is the track list which frames the image rather than text that interferes with it. Also where appropriate the writing is black and white on the shadows and in the light so that it is legible for people to understand. There is also a bar code on the back which is essential when it is being sold, this is placed in the bottom right hand corner as this is typically where they are placed as it does not then interfere with the image.

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Beyoncé continued On the inside booklet their has the name of the tracks and the lyrics to the songs. In the first half of the leaflet there is the lyrics to the songs on the first disc. These songs show the softer side to Beyoncé and this is represented by the photos used next to the track lyrics in the booklet as softer images are used where Beyoncé is natural with soft lighting, which is the same style as the photo on the front of the CD case to keep up the consistency. The second half of the booklet has got the lyrics to the tracks on the second disc, the photo’s here show Beyoncé's other side which is represented within the track on this disc. These style of photos are similar to the photo on the back of the CD case with the harsh lighting and Beyoncé wearing heavy dark make up.

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Beyoncé's AdvertThis is the advert for Beyoncé's album. The photo used is the same photo that is used on the front of the CD but has been extended in order to make room for text, so it doesn’t interfere with Beyoncé.