diet tips

DIET TIPS http://www.grupomayanfriends.

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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http://www.grupomayanfriends.comTips that can help you to lose weight!


Page 1: Diet Tips


Page 2: Diet Tips

When you bring your fat intake down to a healthy level, it can work wonders on your waistline. Grupo Mayan health

experts want you to know that there is a lot more that you can do to get rid of

those extra pounds and keep them off for as long as you want. The following

strategies from the Grupo Mayan health professionals will allow you to change

your eating habits and lose the weight that you have been struggling to since

the first of the year.

Page 3: Diet Tips

Grupo Mayan experts say that you still need to count calories. Too many people think that they can go with low carbohydrates or low fat and eat as much as they want of other things. Regardless of how little carbohydrates or fat are in foods, they still contain calories, and most food consists a lot of them.

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For every 3,500 calories that are consumed, you are going to gain one pound.

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Grupo Mayan health experts want you to make sure that you continue to keep the carbohydrates coming. Potatoes, rice, beans, bread, and pasta really do not go straight to your hips, as that´s just an old wives tale to get people to eat their fruits and veggies.

Your body would rather burn off those carbohydrates than store them as fat.

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Fibers Grupo Mayan experts want you to become a fan of fiber. Food that is high in fiber will give you a feeling of fullness so that you will not over eat. Use high fiber foods as your carbohydrates and get double the benefits. Grupo Mayan experts recommend consuming 35 grams of fiber per day. These can be found in vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grain cereal and breads.

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Grupo Mayan health experts want you to drown your hunger. Water is the best and cheapest appetite suppressant around. Most of the time when you´re feeling hungry, you´re body is actually thirsty. When you give your body water, you are tricking it into thinking that it´s been fed and will momentarily stop bothering you for food. Grupo Mayan health care professionals suggest that you drink at least six to eight glasses of water everyday to avoid this problem.

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Last but not least, lay low on the alcohol. Whenever you drink a glass of wine you´re consuming that´s 106 calories in only five ounces. Whenever you drink beer; that´s 150 calories in just only one small can! Grupo Mayan health professionals state that there is also evidence that alcohol disrupts your body´s fat burning abilities which makes it harder to lose the desired weight. Avoid more than three drinks a week.