description of your target audience

Description Of Your Target Audience BRADLEY BARNES

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Page 1: Description of your target audience

Description Of Your Target Audience BRADLEY BARNES

Page 2: Description of your target audience


16-25 year old females. I am planning to do my music video based upon the indie/pop

genre , my age range will be the typical 16-25 year old, as it is the common age range for indie/pop viewers . I have chosen to do an indie/pop music video because the answers of my questionnaire said that many teenagers/young adults would choose to listen to indie/pop rather then , gospel or rock, simply because it tends to mostly be about them and their interests.

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We will aim our indie/pop music video at mainly females as they are more likely to like our genre. As we are going to use vibrant colours, Alice in Wonderland inspired costumes our female audience are more likely to relate to the ‘wonderness’, whereas males may not fully understand the concept as much. However, we are still going incorporate elements within our video which will appeal to a small amount of men, so that our video isn’t see as being ‘too girly’.

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Social Demographic

C1 – Teenagers/ young adults audience  I would put Radio 1xtra into categories C1 – D. This is because

this show is part of the BBC so I would imagine there would be plenty of listeners and the show would be fairly popular because of its status. Although content includes World News, this show wouldn’t necessarily appeal to middle or the upper classes. As well as World News, it also cover celebrity gossip and tackles issues such as pregnancy, abortion, black culture, knife crime etc. appealing to teenagers and young adults 15-30 and seen as our target audience is 16-25, they would fit perfectly into liking these topical issues etc.

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The younger generation, who would listen to Taylor Swift, would be within part-time occupation and a student in education or at university as Taylor Swift is selling emotions, deeply felt, and honestly sung, to a group of people who feel similar things.  That is not a formula anyone else has pursued effectively, within the teen group. She aims her music to be felt by teenager generations who are going through the same emotions during this age whilst being at school or within education.

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Our target audience would be someone who is sociable and vibrant, relish in dancing and expressing themselves through the use of music.

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Style In addition to branding and marketing, Taylor has strong

positioning (establishing where you are in the market).  Consider how she was able to successfully pull off a complete image re-brand.  She has the artistic freedom to redefine herself in a way that is culturally relevant.  That's any artist's goal: to be who you are and set cultural trends, not react to them. This is because she's found her niche but she's bold enough not to be defined by it. 

No matter what you're pursuing, you can gain insight into reaching your goals by looking at one of the music industry's most successful performers.  Taylor Swift has worked her way to the top by commanding her public image, having a direct say in her marketing, creating a strong thesis for focused communication and connecting with her audience on an emotional level.

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Media Grouping

Favourite film – Mean Girls Favourite TV series – Gossip Girl Favourite artist other than Taylor swift – Ed Sheeran Favourite type of music – Pop

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What Uses & Gratifications will your music video offer to your audience?

I think that the main use and gratifications that my music video will offer to my audience is that it will be a source of entertainment for them to watch and enjoy. Furthermore, as I plan to make a narrative indie/pop video for this song unlike my chosen artist did, this can display to the audience a narrative element and storyline, further being entertainment. Also it can allow different interpretations of the song to be shown rather than the just the artist's.

Personal companionship - We can form a relationship within the media and also use the media to form a relationship with others. By using personal companionship within our media video  

Personal identity - This model explains how being a subject of the media allows us to reform the identity and positioning of ourselves within society. The use of media for forming personal identity can be seen in music videos. Pop stars can often become role models inspiring children everywhere.

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What solutions will your music video offer to their problems? (Utopian theory)

I think that my music video will offer some solutions for my audience's problems. As I plan to use bright colours throughout my music video, this will be a source of entertainment for my target audience. Similarity, as I plan to display the song's main theme of an Alice In Wonderland theme, it may take people back to their childhood and growing up watching films and feeling innocent and young again.

The Utopian theory was created by Richard Dyer and it is a theory expressing the idea of an ideal world or place. Some music videos tend appeal this theory throughout their work, by the use of happy facial expressions and bright lighting, as it can connote positivity as well as well cause the audience to feel happy. I plan to apply Dyer's Utopian theory to my own music video by constantly having my main actor to have happy facial expressions despite having bad days, to further emphasis positivity to my target audience.