describe an influential person in your or your

DO NOW Describe an influential person in your or your family’s history that influenced the way you live your daily life?

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Describe an influential

person in your or your

family’s history that

influenced the way you

live your daily life?

Learning Targets and Intentions

of the Lesson• I Want Students to:

1. KNOW the impact of Julius Caesar’s

life and death in the creation of the

Roman Republic. 2. UNDERSTAND

and explain the causes and effects of

expanding the Roman Empire. 3.

SKILL- Complete a formative reading

and writing assessment on the Roman

Empire and the life of Julius Caesar.

Roman Republic

Republic to Empire

Effects of Expansion1. Spread of Roman culture as the Romans created a

large empire.2. Increase in wealth- much money from trade, taxes

and looting3. Corrupt governments in the provinces - Roman

governors called proconsuls were sent to rule for 1 year - they took bribes, robbed treasury and neglected their duties.

4. Farm problems - small farmers could not afford to rebuild after the war and sold their land to the wealthy who created large farms called latifundiaswhich are worked by slaves

▪ also much grain came in from the provinces

▪ Farmers migrated to the city but there were no jobs.

▪ result: massive unemployment

5. Gap between rich and poor increased – The wealthy desire fancy living, morals decline - less patriotism

6. Increase in wealth helped cause inflation - rise in prices

7. poor started ton become loyal to generals instead of government

8. Civil wars began in Rome between generals as they seek power

9. Constant threat of rebellion - from provinces and from slaves (big slave revolt occurred between 73-71 BC led by Spartacus.

Decline of the RepublicAttempts at Reform▪ Some Roman leaders realized if Plebians were not

helped, revolutions were possible.

▪ Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were both elected Tribunes(ten years apart in133 BC and 123 BC).

▪ Both tried to help the poor by giving them land & food.

▪ The Senate was angry and both brothers were killed

Civil War

▪ During the next 100 years, Rome had a series of civil wars as the power of military leaders went unchecked.

▪ The old Roman legions (a division of from 3000 to 6000 men (including cavalry) in the Roman army) were now more loyal to their generals than to the

Roman government.

First Triumvirate▪ What is a triumvirate?

rule by three people▪ Why was it formed?All wanted power, but none were strong enough to take it


▪ Members Pompey, Julius Caesar & CRASSUS▪ Why were they famous? Military conquests

▪ Crassus died while fighting a war in Asia Minor▪ Caesar went to fight battles in GAUL (France) and

BRITAIN▪ he won much territory▪ Result: Caesar became very popular▪ Popularity of the Senate and Pompey decreased

▪ Pompey and the Senate order Caesar to DISBAND his army and come home, but Caesar disobeyed when he crossed the RUBICON River.

▪ Caesar said, “The die is cast, I have crossed the Rubicon.” That means that a person has made an important DECISION and cannot change the path they have started on.

• Pompey and the Senate fled Rome but Caesar pursued and defeated them.

• While in Egypt, he fell in love with CLEOPATRA and formed an alliance with Egypt.

• Julius Caesar wins many other victories and is famous for saying…

“Veni, Vidi, Vici”


Don’t confuse Pompey with Pompeii!




• City destroyed by Volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD.

Okay…now back to Caesar!

▪ 44 BC the Senate made Julius Carsar dicator life. He wanted to be named emperor but was not.

Some of Caesar’s reforms:

1. Gave land and jobs to the poor

2. Extended citizenship to people in the provinces

3. Increased the number of Senators (with his supporters)

4. Created the Julian Calendar (used for the next 1600 years)

▪ The Senators were nervous that Caesar would use his popularity to try to become emperor and take away their power.

▪ March 15, 44BC called the Ides of March

▪ Caesar went to the Senate and was MURDERED

▪ Plot was led by Cassius and BRUTUS

▪ Caesar’s final words were “Et tu, Brute?”

Second Triumvirate

▪ Two main members were OCTAVIANand MARC ANTONY

▪ They get rid of Caesar’s enemies (Brutus and Cassius both commit suicide)

▪ Antony fell in love with CLEOPATRA and went to war with Octavian for power.

▪ Octavian won at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC.

▪ Marc Anthony and Cleopatra committed suicide

▪ Octavian becomes Rome’s first EMPEROR and changed his name to AUGUSTUS. He ruled from 31 BC – 14 AD

▪ The ROMAN REPUBLIC is dead and the ROMAN EMPIRE had begun

The Obituary of Caesar• Look at how Caesar acted, both good and bad. It is your job to write an obituary

outlining the legacy of this man.

• Your obituary must reflect a particular point of view to support a position from one of

the newspapers below:

• The Roman Times: A well-respected newspaper that tries to accurately place events

into the “big picture.”

• The Hill Review: The paper favored by the Roman Senate that carries all of the

contemporary news about which their constituency, the patricians, want to read and

wish to be informed.

• The People’s Tribune: This underground newspaper caters to the Roman mob and

tries to cover the events in Rome as they affect the lives of the everyday people.

• The Gallic Post: This paper is officially banned by the Roman government, but

remains available in Gaul, Germany, and Britain. It brings the news of Rome to the

ever rebellious tribes of Gaul.

• Your Obituary should be written in a style similar to today’s newspapers.

• Include an illustration as well.