derechoiii papper matrizproductiva escrito

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  • 8/11/2019 DerechoIII Papper MatrizProductiva Escrito


    M. Caldern P.


    Ecuador's economy has been characterized as a supplier

    of raw materials in the international market while

    importing goods and services with higher added value. The

    constant and unforeseen changes in international commodity

    prices, and its difference from the increasing prices of

    products with higher value added and high technology, have

    placed the Ecuadorian economy in a situation of unequal

    exchange subject to the vagaries the world market (Exhibit


    Aware of this situation, the government of President

    Rafael Correa, boosted from the start of a process

    management changing pattern of productive specialization of

    the economy that allows the Ecuador generate added

    production in the context of building more value a

    knowledge society.

    Transform the productive matrix is one of the greatest

    challenges in the country, which will allow Ecuador to

    overcome the current generation model riches hub, inclusive

    and based on natural resources, democratic, and inclusive

    model based on knowledge and capacities and Ecuadorians.

    In regard to what we call productive matrix, the

    expression for the way society is organized to produce

    certain goods and services is not limited to purely

    technical or economic, but also has to do with the whole

    interactions among social actors using the resources they

  • 8/11/2019 DerechoIII Papper MatrizProductiva Escrito


    M. Caldern P.


    have at their disposal to carry out productive activities.

    In this set, which includes products, production processes

    and the resulting social relations of these processes,

    called productive matrix.1

    Different combinations of these elements generate a

    pattern of specialization. For example, Ecuador's economy

    has been characterized by the production of commodities for

    the international market, with little or no mechanization

    and high concentration levels of earnings.2

    These characteristics are determined that our primary

    specialization pattern - exporter, the country could not

    overcome throughout his Republican era.

    The pattern of primary specialization - exporter of

    Ecuador's economy has helped increase their vulnerability

    to changes in commodity prices in the international market.

    Ecuador is a highly unequal exchange situation by

    increasing the differential between the prices of raw

    materials and products with higher value added and high

    technology. This forces the country to intensify the

    exploitation of natural resources only to try to keep their

    income and consumption patterns.

    The purpose of this paper is to focus the productive

    forces of our country through the optimal application of

    1Secretara Nacional de Planificacin y Desarrollo, SENPLADES (2012)/ 1a edicin Quito

    2Jaramillo Albuja, J. (2014) Perspectiva Econmica del Ecuador: La Matriz Productiva

  • 8/11/2019 DerechoIII Papper MatrizProductiva Escrito


    M. Caldern P.


    structural development that has been taking place the last

    years. Ecuador has dragged the deficit in the trade balance

    for five years, generating an instability due to the

    outflow of foreign exchange (Exhibit 2). That is why a

    change in the productive structure of the country from an

    extractive commodity model to a value-added model on these

    same raw materials is more than necessary. Today, there are

    many questions about the guidelines that have been followed

    to control the deficit and others on Matrix Production by

    the Ecuadorian State. But down the road are realities that

    are part of the landscape that have enterprise level, which

    management skills should focus on looking for opportunities

    on the reality that is not to analyze whether what has been

    done is right or not.3

    There are strategic sectors (Exhibit 3), and in them,

    great opportunities to achieve greater openness productive

    industries that can go meet the needs of the country in a

    constant replacement of key importaciones.La is this

    process is to focus the work on four major principles:

    Diversification of production, value added generation,

    import substitution, and Increased exports.

    The government creates incentives(Exhibit 4) and to

    prevent problems, approved the Law of Incentives for

    Productive Sector, which aims to compensate for the

    3Espinosa, R. (2013) Matriz Productiva: EL Momento Ideal es Ahora

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    M. Caldern P.


    resignation of the ATPDEA Ecuador4; Offset the reduction in

    revenue that could have Ecuadorian products by establishing

    unilateral sanctions or the imposition of tariffs, is the

    goal of the draft Law on Incentives for Productive Sector.

    Ecuador unilaterally renounced the Andean Trade Preferences

    System (ATPDEA) and that could affect the sector.

    In conclusion, the pattern of specialization primary

    extractive exporter and has possibly been the most serious

    problem of the Ecuadorian economy throughout the Republican

    era. Get over effectively giving a total shift in the

    structure of the country and allow the construction of the

    country Ecuador Good Living it craves.

    The government has taken important steps towards a new

    equitable and inclusive economic and social order, strongly

    driving the transformation of the pattern of specialization

    of the economy. Substantial improvements in indicators of

    capacity building in the context of education and the use

    of connectivity technologies and telecommunications, have

    also made progress in systemic productivity infrastructure

    such as roads, scientific development, change of energy mix

    and staffing of essential goods and services.

    However, meeting this historic challenge demand deepen

    the results achieved through coordinated and planned all

    4Is a trade preference system by which the United States grants duty-free access to a wide range of

    exports from four Andean countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

  • 8/11/2019 DerechoIII Papper MatrizProductiva Escrito


    M. Caldern P.


    long-term efforts and all. The transformation of the

    productive matrix generator will make the country and

    exporting higher value added through the use of knowledge

    and human talent, including new actors on the basis of an

    adequate redistribution and equity, thus ensuring the Good
