deportation of latinos in nyc

Deportation of Latinos in NYC Rocio Gutierrez & Kelvin Frias

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Deportation of Latinos in NYC. Rocio Gutierrez & Kelvin Frias. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Deportation of Latinos in NYC

Rocio Gutierrez & Kelvin Frias

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The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The peace treaty signed in 1848 in Guadalupe Hidalgo between the U.S. and Mexico that ended the Mexican–American War (1846–48). With the defeat of its army and the fall of the capital, Mexico entered into negotiations to end the war. (Genova 2004)

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It is revealing that the US Border Patrol, from 1924 – when it was first created. (Genova, 2004)

Legislation passed in 1996—the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (Brabeck and Xu, 2010)

In 2001—the USA PATRIOT Act (Brabeck and Xu, 2010)

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What is Deportation The lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other

person from a state and the action of deporting a foreigner from a country (Hernandez 2008)

ICE officers are supposed to consider two key factors in determining whether to detain or release an alien in proceedings if the alien is a flight risk and if he is a risk to the community. (Reasoner 2011)

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The Obama administration has deported nearly 2 million people so far, and it still has two years left to go. This would seem to indicate that the U.S. immigration enforcement machine is running at top speed. (Policy center in administration, 2014)

DHS orders most individuals deported. (Policy center in administration, 2014)

Two processes: “expedited removal” or “reinstatement of removal.” (Policy center in administration, 2014)

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Families separated The present survey was designed to statistically explore

the impact of detention/deportation on Latino immigrant parents and children. (Brabeck & Xu 2010)

Across nationalities, children of immigrants, particularly when their parents are undocumented, are less likely to have health insurance and less likely to participate in public programs like Medicaid, food stamps. (Brabeck & Xu 2010)

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There are more interesting videos this one was the shortest one. Let me know if u want the links to the rest of the videos

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De Genova, N. (2004). The Legal Production of Mexican/Migrant" Illegality".Latino Studies, 2(2), 160-185.

Hernández, D. M. (2008). Pursuant to deportation: Latinos and immigrant detention. latino studies, 6(1), 35-63.

Brabeck, K., & Xu, Q. (2010). The impact of detention and deportation on Latino immigrant children and families: A quantitative exploration. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32(3), 341-361. Policy center in administration, 2014 Reasoner 2011

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Accessibility issues of Health care

Affordability is key.

Education can make a difference.

Tough Jobs.

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Causes for Bad Health

Salud is very important

Remaining hidden.

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Health insurance status for immigrants

No insurance for so many people.

We have to become legal.