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Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya Malang - Indonesia

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Page 1: Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine University · Ujian Akhir Blok 3. Ujian Akhir Semester 4. Ujian

Department of ParasitologyFaculty of Medicine

University of BrawijayaMalang - Indonesia

Page 2: Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine University · Ujian Akhir Blok 3. Ujian Akhir Semester 4. Ujian

Staf Akademik Laboratorium Parasitologi FKUB

• dr. Aswin Djoko Baskoro, MS, SpParK.

• dr. Sudjari, DTM&H, MSi, SpParK.

• dr. Soesiati Rahajoe.

• Dr. dr. Sri Poeranto, MKes, SpParK. (Kepala Lab.)

• Prof Dr. dr. Teguh Wahju Sardjono, DTM&H,MSc,SpParK.

• Dr. dr. Loeki Enggar Fitri, MKes, SpParK.

• dr. Mahono Widayat, DAPE, MKes*

• Agustina Tri Endharti, SSi, PhD.

• dr. Agustin Iskandar, MKes*.

• dr. Aulia Rahmi Pawestri

• dr. Dearikha Karina Mayashinta

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Staf Non Akademik

1. Budi Siswoyo,

2. Heni Endrawati, S.Si.

3. Malisa Cory Wardani, S.Gz.

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Luasan Pembelajaran Parasitologi

• Penyakit-2 yang disebabkan oleh Cacing• Round worms: Intestinal worms (Soil Transmitted

Helminths/STH; Non STH), Filariasis(Nemathelminthes)

• Flat worms/Taeniasis, Fascioliasis, Schistosomiasis (Platyhelminthes)

Medical Helminthology

• Penyakit-2 yang disebabkan oleh Protozoa

• Amoebiasis, Giardiasis (Protozoa usus)

• Malaria, Toxoplasmosis blood/tissue Protozoa

Medical Protozoology

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Luasan Pembelajaran (cont’)

• Serangga penular penyakit

• - Mosquitoes, flies insectstransmitter/holder

• - Venomous insects the cause of disease

• - Insecticide

Medical Entomology

• Tanggap kebal pada infeksi parasit(dibelajarkan pada kuliah imunologi)

Immunology in parasitic diseases

• Peran diagnostik dan penanganankasus infeksi parasit.

Laboratory examination

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1. Ujian modul & Praktikum

2. Ujian Akhir Blok

3. Ujian Akhir Semester

4. Ujian Perbaikan,

utk memperbaiki nilai UAS,

nilai max: 80

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Nilai BM-Par:

1x(Tes Modul & Prak) + 2xUAB + 2xUAS)



Keterangan:- Penghitungan Tes Modul & Praktikum adalah jumlahnilai tes modul/praktikum dibagi dengan sejumlah/ banyak tes modul/prak.

- Tes modul/Praktikum terdiri dari: Nilai tugas modul, Tes B/S (Nematoda), Tes B/S (Protozoa) Tes Praktikum I & II (Mikroskop), dan Ujian Praktikum (Slide)

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Why do we learn Medical

Parasitology??• Indonesia : one of “storehouse of parasitic diseases “

• Poverty, low health status, economic and education level, ≈ may

caused by Parasitic diseases

Example: Worm infections (Ascariasis, Hookworm, Filariasis)

– patients are still able to do the daily activities without feeling

any disturbances,

– Impair education and economic development,

– Reduce mobility and productivity

– Promote poverty

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Factors Influence Health

• Species/strain (Reproduction Capacity, Virulence, Resistance)

• Number of pathogens and duration of infection


• Resistance/immunity of host: age, genetic, race, social-economic level, nutritional status etc


• Physical : geographic, land, humidity, temperature, climate, etc

• Biological : biota, inter-actions among biota

• Social : culture, habit, life style


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International Zoological Classification







Order ended with -ida

Suborder ended with -idea

Superfamily ended with -eidea

Family ended with -idea

Subfamily ended with -inae



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International Code of Zoological Nomenclature

Binomial System of nomenclature.

Each organism : has generic and specific name.

Generic Name genus, Capital letter.

Specific Name species, small letter.

Usually continued with the name of investigator, coma

and ended with year of investigation

Example: Ascaris lumbricoides Linnaeus, 175B.

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• the state of infection or infestation with an animal parasiteParasitoses

• the invasion and growth of pathogens (agents) in the body of hostInfection

• the presence and growth of pathogens (agents) on the body Infestation

• is an organism that shelters and supports the growth of pathogensA host

• is an abnormal state in which part or all of the body is not properly adjusted or is incapable of performing normal function


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• Organisms which live on the host /attached to the skin or temporary invade the superficial tissues of the host’s body produce an infestation (lice, leeches).

Ectoparasite (Ectozoa)

• Organisms which live in the host’s body produce an infection.

• (Intestinal worms, blood protozoa)

Endoparasite (Endozoa)

• Organisms which can not exist without a host : Plasmodium

Obligate parasite

(Permanent parasite)

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• Organisms which under favorable circumstances may live either a parasite or free living existence Strongyloides stercoralis.

Facultative parasite (Temporary


• Organism which live on/in a certain host by accident.Example: infestation of dog lice to human

Accidental / incidental parasite = Occasional parasite

• Organism which is harmful, frequently causing local or systemic damage (mechanic, toxic or traumatic)

Pathogenic parasite

• mimics the parasite but in actually is not parasite (air bulb, cellulose)

Pseudoparasite = artefact

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• free living animal or those which parasitize other hosts, are at times recovered in living or dead state from human excreta

Spurious parasite= coprozoic parasite

• when an individual harboring a parasite is re-infected with the same species of parasite


• the infected person is re-exposed from his own direct source’

• external : peri-anal or anus to mouth via fingers

• internal : may be reinfection


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What kinds of hosts?

Definitive host = natural host

• Organism which is harboring the adult stage of the parasite or where the sexual reproduction of the parasite occurs

Intermediate host

• Organism which is harboring the larval stage of the parasite or where the asexual reproduction of the parasite occurs plays role as mediator of transmission of disease.

Paratenic host

• Organism which is being the resting place of parasite larva (resting stage) the parasite is still alive and in infective, and may move to other host (definitive host)

Accidental / Incidental host/ un-natural host

Reservoir host

• Organism which serves as host and being the source of infection

• Example: Sumatera mongkey Malayan Filaria.

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Human can serve as

Definitive host : Ascariasis, Filariasis

Intermediate host : Malaria, Toxoplasmosis

Definitive & intermediate : Trichinosis

Accidental host : Gnathostomiasis

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• Disease of animal which is transmitted to human

• Anthropo-zoonosis :

• infections are acquired by man from animal/other vertebrates: Trichinosis, cysticercosis, hydatid disease

• Zoo-anthroponosis :

• disease primarily of human origin which may be acquired by other vertebrates

• Anthroponosis = restricted to human


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Organism which transmits the parasite from a host to

another, or being transmitter of disease

– Mechanical vector: the parasite do not change in number

& stage

– Biological vector : the parasite grows and/or changes in

stage and number

• Change in stage : cyclo development Filaria

• Change in number : propagative development

• Stage & number : cyclo propagative development


Vector :

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1. Background why do we learn about the disease caused by the


2. Brief illustration about the disease, the parasite, including history,

prevalence, and geographical distribution

3. Morphology and life cycle of the parasite

4. Habitat.

5. Mechanism of transmision including the role of intermediate host,

reservoir host etc.

6. Pathology & symptomatology.

7. How to detect or diagnose and treat the disease

8. How to prevent it (mass and individually).

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Transmission of Disease

Direct Contact Transmission Preventing DC Transmission

Indirect Contact Transmission Droplet Transmission

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Pathology and symptomatology

• The Incubation Period ≈ no signs or symptoms

• Biological incubation period

• Exposure to infection is the act of process of inoculation infective agents become established in the host’s body damage/pathologic process depends on interaction between host and parasite.

• Clinical/intrinsic Incubation period

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Diagnosis and treatment

• Definite diagnosis : by laboratory examination

• Specimen for examination depend on thehabitat of parasite (Stool, Urine, Blood, Sputum, Tissue, etc.

• Treatment: depends on result of laboratory examination

Prevention : mass / invidual.

• aim : to cut the ring of parasite life cycle.

• Manipulation : host, agent, environment.

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Intestinal nematodes

Soil transmitted helminthsA.lumbricoides,

Hookworms, S.stercoralis, T.trichiura

Non-soil transmitted helminths

E.vermicularis, C.philippinensis, T.spiralis

Larva migrans

Cutaneus larva migrans A.braziliense, A.caninum

Visceral/ocular larva migrans

Toxocara canis, Toxocaracati

Blood and tissue nematodes

Filarial wormsW. bancrofti, B. malayi, B.


Other blood nematodesO. volvulus, LoaLoa, Mansonella sp, D.


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Intestinal Protozoa

Entamoeba histolytica

Balantidium coli

Dientamoeba fragilis




Entamoeba coli

Chilomastix mesnili

Iodamoeba butsclii dll.

Blood and tissue protozoa

Plasmodium Toxoplasma

Pneumocystis cariniiTrichomonas vaginalis

Trypanosoma spp.Leishmania spp.

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