demo on english language teaching with slides


Upload: rajalingam-limbadri

Post on 30-Jun-2015




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This method of teaching is helpful for the online teachers. They can develop their teaching methodology on the slides, include graphics, sound and animation. You can also make the file run independently by converting them into .exe files to run independently on the other's system with all security measures to avoid piracy.


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Dear viewers,

The society ahead for the students is

very much challenging. Unless they have full of

their capabilities, they can not

get into jobs. The society is changing

day by day.

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Universities are simply providing degrees without quality educationand sending the students into the society of high competition.

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English speaking is the big issue for the rural youth.The students from cities appear high in confidence level

and the students from rural areas feel embarrassed to faceequally with them in communication skills.

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The students realize the importance of

Spoken English and Personality development

only after coming intothe society with their

degrees in hand.

The part of communication skills as

a subject is totallyneglected at college


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The only one bridgethat connects the gapof education and job



Thus, the wider gap exists between

the education and job.

They cannot simply switch over to job

after their education.

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Year by year the students put maximum efforts in getting degrees andP.G. degrees and in the end, they stand in between the hell and the heaven.

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The chill in the spine appears whenthey enter into the interview hall

for an interview.

Just for their own introduction, the questionarises in the mind from where they should

start and where they should end.

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It is not the problem of a single student. The college students of all ageswho studied in their mother tongue and studied in rural areas are

suffering internally though they are from English medium.

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Even after entering into the jobwith all their maximum efforts,

the evil of English becomes again a hard nut to crackto manage their hot seat.

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Tons of books are available in the market to help them in improving English language skills.

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But, the problem of Spoken English remains settle in their mind

and makes the students run here and there for Spoken English classes.

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Wherever the students go in search ofSpoken English, every institute startswith boring and undigested definitions of Noun, Pronoun,Verb, Adverb etc...

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Hardly there are few institutes to show the way to get English in easy steps.

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Let’s discuss on one point….

Are we speaking our mother tonguewith grammar application?

“NO”. If the answer is ‘NO’,

Is grammar necessary to speak English?Our answer is also “NO”.

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We speak our mother tongue very fluently because, we are in and around the culture of mother tongue

and we speak to the tune of our requirement.If we speak something shocking,

we are guided by elders in our mistakes.

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Here, what we mean to say is...whatsoever the language it may be,speaking is the first and foremost

important rule to practice any language

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Learning any language is like learning swimming. The better way to learn swimming is to

jump in water.To learn Spoken English, you need to start right now

to speak or read something in English.

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Now, the question arises in the mind what to say?what to speak? and why English speaking doesn’t not

come out as their native language?

Let’s find the solution why the students can notSpeak English.

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The students can not speak English just for

TWO main simple reasons.

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The very first reason is shortage of


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The students should be well aware of verbs especially and some other words too.

They should answer pretty well for every kind of action.

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We do many

kinds of actions

like these...

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Without proper

VOCABULARYin our mind, we cannot express in the form of words.

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The second reason is lack of knowledge of


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to present in perfect way and to make one person understand

in the prescribed way of


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GRAMMARis nothing but, few set of rules to be followed in

speaking or writing format

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Then, What is the difference between the grammar studied at school and this language development grammar?

I explain you here,

GRAMMAR AT SCHOOLwas adopted to get marks and in random order,

but, not in step by step way

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With the knowledge of

SCHOOL GRAMMAR,students are unable to present a letter of their own in real time, at least for their personal usage, like

corresponding to Banks, Offices, Colleges etc.

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SCHOOL GRAMMAR did not teach perfect application in real life

and ‘LESD’ Language development view of grammar

teaches the students IN STEP BY STEP ORDER

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GRAMMARpertaining to language development

focuses special attention on sentence formation skills.

We developed this concept in

TWO LEVELS of learning process.

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LEVEL-1starts with a sentence formation

with the help of a verb, and how it helps to form a sentence in terms of present, past and future.

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By the end of


a student will be able to read and digest the contents of an English News Paper.

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Of course

they can read now also.

Think..what is the use without getting actual meaning and also they might not read

as speed as a paper in mother tongue

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After our training programme of level-1,a student can go through line by line with a great satisfaction

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LEVEL-1assures the learners to get

the knowledge in the following areas.1)vocabulary improvement,

2) various sentence formations in addition to tenses,3) language used in text books and news papers

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The confidence level improvesin the LEVEL - 1 programme.

The student will be mentally ready for answering,to express about himself, to express about an incident,

or unforgettable experiences if any.

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But, for interaction, the students feel wider gapof questioning in proper way.

This gap is filled up inour programme


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Level 2 encourages the student to enhance theknowledge of questioning and makes the student

to go for more oral practice to train up the speech organs.It even reduces the time in asking a question and analyzing from


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Simple techniques have been applied for practice.This practice helps to reduce the time from


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Later on, situations are given for discussionto improve the flow of speech and

habits are guided to develop


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Apart from all these, there arefew fixed structures. These are seen out of grammar

and used more in English conversation. This is called

SOFT SKILLS in representation.

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with emphasis on soft skills for




Like this, there are

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leads to perfect conversation


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After these basics, we suggest the students to go ahead for the classes of

for their career development.

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