debault delmar eileen 1992 usa&world

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  • 8/12/2019 Debault Delmar Eileen 1992 USA&World


    2 2:2, i Afour, mij ton, {je ttxong in ^xacE ofC^xiti^Etut, and ixantmlt tEoc^ingtd l auE^ll in t/lEjixEtEncE many ivitnEttEt to tuitttxroxtliy tnEn, thai tfi y nay ^e conjiEtEnt to tEocH ot/iExt ato. ^atJINTERNATIOlSiiU- CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES- Eileen Debault Directors. i; : 848/:^ ^

    TOlesi Florida 33853' .Tel: 813 676 6667

    January 10 1992

    Dear Christian Friends:

    What a disappointment it was a year ago when it became necessary to postpone our mission trip to thePhiiippines. Serious security probiems insome provinces due to the Persian GulfWar necessitated cancellingour plans.Now, wehaveset our goal on completingas muchofthe planned ministryas possibleas itwas set inthe 1991itinerary. Jack Howard, now minister of the Christian Church, West Burlington, iowa, and i have ourreservations on ChinaAirlines, leavingWednesday, March25 with planned return to the US on Monday, April27. Wewill arrive inCebuon Friday, March 27, Intime for the Baccalaureate and Commencementprogramsin the Cebu BibleSeminary, Sunday, March29. Much ofour time will be spent on the island provinceof Bohoiin evangelism and leadership training. Our Mission has been primarily involved in establishing the NewTestamentchurch on Bohoiand promoting muchof the supportfor the Christianworkers. After the conventionof the churches of the Visayan region at Cebu, April 17-19, our last week will be spent InManila sharing inthe annual American Missionary Fellowship and the Philippine International Convention of the Churches ofChrist, April 23-26.My friends,mytime isshort, so a bitofexplanationwill be necessary. My round-tripticket fromTampa,Florida,Manila and Cebu, will be 981.00. It will require at least 1,000.00 for my expenses in travel, food andlodging the month wewill be in the Phiiippines. So 1will need 2000.00 for the trip. Thetickets must bepurchased one month beforedeparture, byFebruary 25. i amstartingfrom scratch. We don't have 1.00in th e t rave l funds to kick of f this effort.Why have i waited until there are less than two months to complete this project.^ Let me explain. Our traveland mission plans have been on hold since the latter part of October. Near the close of the annualNORTHWEST SCHOOLS OF MISSION among manyof our churches in western Montana and Idaho, Oregon,Washington and northern California, September 20 -October 25, Eileen was struck withan acute circulationproblem In her left arm and hand. After six days of extensive diagnostic tests in Stevens Memorial Hospital,Edmunds (Seattle), Washington, itwas determined there was a complete occlusion ofthe artery under her leftarm, blockingthe normal blood supplyto the arm and hand. Specialists determined this to be a result oftheradiation she received following her surgery October 25 1960. Theartery finally closed. Collateral blood

    dJ^VE ljut onE candfE to (juxn andivoufd xat/iEX l^uxn it out iv/ieze fiEobtE axE duinq in daxAnEtt t/ian in a [andtv/iic/i itjtoodEd ivitfi [iym.

  • 8/12/2019 Debault Delmar Eileen 1992 USA&World


    vessels then began to take over, witha partial supplyto the arm and hand, enough to sustain them. Withmedication, blood thlnners, she has slowly regained the use of her hand, but still has some discomfort andlimitation.

    After our return to Florida, November 11 she has been under medicaltreatment In LakeWales and WinterHaven. We had to cancel all missionary activities (teaching Inthe Windward Islands School of Evangelism,St. Vincent and teaching seminars and evangelism in Guyana, South America). We could not make anydecisions any earlier.Asof the firstweek InJanuary,she has progressedsatisfactorily enoughfor her to function alone. Ourfamilydoctor has given us the green light. Therefore, Jack Howard and I havere-activated our plans for the tripto the Philippines. Wehad discussed taking Peggy Howard) and Eileen with us. I would like for Eileen tomake at least one more trip to the Philippines. Butsince Jackand Peggymoved fromCharleston, Illinois,to Burlington, Iowa, just last Augustshe cannot be absent from her newjob for the extended period of timewe plan to be away. So Eileen will not make the trip either.Dear friend, I needyourhelpand I need It now. I have never attempted to raise $2000.00 ina littlemorethan six weeks Inthe fifteen years we have been in this special ministry. Thiswill be aour annual appeal- we just send one money raiser a year.Ifyou can have a part, any part, big or small,makeyour check to INTERNATIONAL CHRIS-TIAN MINISIRIES. desianated Debault TraveiFund. Iwill breathe a prayerthat God will helpyou make a decision to have a part in this,which will be my 8th mission trip to thePhilippines. Eileenand Ihavecircledthe globerepeatedly; we have preached and taught onevery continent, and our favorite spot andpeople must be the Philippines. If we wereyoungfolks Insteadofa coupleof7thdecadeold codgers, no doubt wewould be In thePhilippines as fuil-timemissionaries.Will you prayfor us? Will youpraywith usthatGod's peopie will supply the needs for thisjourney? Iam ready to go, but Ican't go unlessth e funds come in .

    Sincereiy, for HIS Kingdom s Sake,

    Delmar D. Debauit

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  • 8/12/2019 Debault Delmar Eileen 1992 USA&World


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    2 ZJiin 2:2 my ion i i itiony in tfi ^-fiac of C fiiiii fjenn. ami tnaniinit lft hacfiinyi Ci yaot you in ifi fiititnce. ofmanu ivitniisi to tiuitivoitfiii men, tfiat tfieu inaii comfittini to teacfi otfien atio. iPaut^ ^ ^ JUN . 81992INTERnWoNAl CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES ^33

  • 8/12/2019 Debault Delmar Eileen 1992 USA&World


    My home f l i gh t wi l l l e ave Moscow a t noon. Sa t . , June 27, and a r r i ve inNew York a t 4:00 P.M. ( e igh t hour t ime d i f f e r ence , ac tua l ly 12 hourschange o f p lanes in Hel s i nk i ) . wi l l spend Sa t . , n igh t in New York wi thmy F il ip in o f r ie nd , Bro. Em ite rio (T erry ) Reyes , Minis t e r o f th e WestManhat tan Chr i s t i an Church , then a r r i v e in Orlando a t 2:00 P.M. Sunday.We wi l l be busy in Ju ly and August with miss ion meet ings , DVBS FamilyCamp in th e Kiamich i Mounta ins , Aug. 2 -7 . I wi l l comple t e th e p r epa r a t i onfo r my teaching assignment in Lincoln 111) Chr i s t i an Col lege , August 25-Dec embe r 1 5 , D IRECT SUPPORT MISS IONS , POST WORLD-WAR II . Wh i l e Eileenand I a re on th e campus o f LCC t h i s fall I in tend to pu t th e f i n a l t oucheson th e copy fo r p u bl ic a t i o n by COLLEGE PRESS, J o p l i n , Mo. , i n its THIRTEENLESSON SERIES, The Missionary Moti f of the Sc r i p t u r e s . I have t aught itfo r y ea r s , around th e wor l d , bu t my t e a ch i ng ou t l i n e s and no t es a re f a rfrom being camera r eady , j a rgon fo r being ready fo r th e p r i n t e r s .The exc i t emen t ove r my coming trip t o R uss ia has a lmos t crowded ou t th eroom fo r a r epo r t o f th e g r ea t t r i p Jack Howard and I had to th e Phi l i ppines , March 25-Apr i l 27. We are t hankfu l we had no major problems. Thewea the r was ho t , 100+ p a r t o f th e t ime , and d ry - s e r i o u s d rou t h in muchof sou the rn Ph i l i pp ine s . We were able to accompl ish most of the th in gswe had hoped t o do , wi th a number o f unexpec ted b o n u s e s . What a f e l l owsh ip we had w ith o ld f r i end s pLus-manyLnew^ones-) in th e graduabio i tJ .n -Cebu Bib le Seminary , March 29. I preached in th e Sunday morning combinedmorning worsh ip and th e Seminary Bacca l au r e a t e . Bro the r Jack de l ive r edth e Commencement address in th e a f t e rnoon se rv i c e . This was my seven thexpe r i e n c e in s h a r i n g in th e g rad u a t io n ce r emon i e s o f Cebu s i n c e 1979 ,and each one seems to become a little more meaningful to me. I am longingt o r e tu rn to Cebu and t e ac h a no th er term be f o r e I hang up my spu r s , inth e n e a r f u t u r e , I hop e .Jack and I s p en t two weeks on th e I s lan d Prov ince o f Bohol , March 30 -Apr i l 5; and aga in A pr i l 13 -19 . Words a re very weak in an a t t emp t tod es c rib e th e happy t imes w i t h t h e s e peop l e whom we have come t o l oveand apprec i a t e a lmos t l i k e f ami ly . The first week on Bohol I s tayed inth e home o f J u l and Luz Cas t e l l ano and their f ou r little one s , E i l e e n IIF a i r y , De lma r D ., and Yu l , p l u s a number o f o t h e r s who s h a r e i n th e homeocca s i ona l l y . Those four k id s a re p rec iou s and t h a t little Delmar D. i sa cha r ac t e r ( c ap i t a l C). Jack s ta ye d w ith Ter ry and Amparo Knippers anddaugh t e r She i l a . Te r r y , American miss i ona ry who met Amparo t h rough s l i d e so f ou r work in the Ph i l i pp i ne s . Af t e r a b r i e f co r r e spondence , t hey metin February , 1986 , marr i ed in May, r e tu rned to th e US and a deg ree fromOzark Ch r i s t i a n Col l ege . Love ly little She i l a has some d e l i g h t f u l Ph i li pp i ne f e a t u r e s bu t sh e i s r e a l l y an image o f h e r g randm othe r JoanKnippe r s , Crescen t , Ok. We en joyed renewing f r i e nd sh ip wi th Mr. and Mrs .Rene (nee Lenny P ed oja n) P ere z and new baby daugh t e r Ei rene . Our miss ionsuppo r t ed them t h rough Cebu Bib l e Seminary and con t i n u e s to send p a r t i a ll i v ing - l i nk suppor t . We spen t some t ime in evangel i sm with Arnold Cors igaand b r o t h e r s and sisters in Jagna and Dat ag . Our last week was s p en t inUbay, on th e oppos i t e end o f th e I s la nd from Tagb i l a ran , home o f Knipper sand Cas t e l l ano . I s tayed with Nemesio and Ter ry Carbon i l l a and Jack s tayedwi th Mr and Mrs . Cr i s p i n Mi l l endez a t th e Kata rangan chu rch . Ac t i v i t i e swere buzz ing wi th VBS programs , evange l i sm , t e a ch i ng and p r each i ng . Jackb a p t i z e d a numbe r o f c o nv e r t s i n t h e Pacific o c e a n .J a c k s f a v o r i t e exp re s s i on_a t_ th e ^ . s i g h t s , sound s and sme l l s o f a wor l dd i f f e r e n t from any th ing he had ev e r known was , U nbe l i ev ab l e . When wemade th e trip to Boco lod , Negros Occ i d en t a l , and then i n to th e moun ta in sto v i s i t Magsaysay, th e home p lace o f th e Mil l endez family and a number o fo t h e r Chr i s t i a n l e a d e r s from t h a t chu r c h , we expe r i enced some t ough t r a v e l .When we left Danca lan and good buses and highway to go i n t o th e mounta insou r s e a t s on th e b ig o ld bus were s a v e d . But be fo re th e over -c rowded busdeparted, about 40 people who had been standing nearby crowded on, aboutha l f i n s i d e and th e o th e r h a l f on to p o f th e bu s . J ack s a i d , U nbe l i e v ab l e .Then he was speechless when they hois ted 28 goats to the top of the bus forthe r ide up the mountain. Since it was now impossible fo r th e d r iv e r to ge tthrough the packed bus, and with no f ron t doors on e i the r the d riv ers s id eor the passengers , he j u s t climbed in through the window, cranked up thebus and we ca reened up th e mounta in r oad . I saw Jack c lo s e h is eyes , andheard h is p i t i f u l prayer , God be with us. Our l a s t week was spent inManila, capped with th e Philip pin e In te rna t iona l Convention of the Churches o f Chr i s t , a t t endance o f 5000 fo r th e Apr i l 23-26 assembly .My most of ten asked quest ion : WH T RE YOUR PL NS FOR THE FUTURE?Would you bel ieve it looks as though it may be M INL N CHINA IN 1993.WOWli I can ha rd ly wa i t . . . /o^ I I Corin th ians 11:26 /I// /Delmar D. Debault hj^ journeyings of ten. . .

  • 8/12/2019 Debault Delmar Eileen 1992 USA&World


    ULY 1, 1992 813 676 6667My d e a r friends

    Oeltnar 0. DebaaitP.O. Sox 848Me Kbles, FL 33i$3

    How old must one be before new experiences and adventure and the ant ic ipat ion of walking in a new land ( the Kremlin-Red Square) no longer bringexcitement, exhi la ra t ion and inexpress ible joy? My answer - You wil lhave to ask someone older than I - More than 50 years of minis try andt h r e e q ua rte rs o f a cen tu ry o f life on t h i s t e r r e s t r i a l ba l l have failed to dim the glow of the Gospel or minimize to any degree the challengeo f b r e a k i ng newground f o r J e s u s .As I waited Monday afternoon, June 8, in JFK a i rpor t , MY preparing toboard FINN-AIR 102 , bound fo r Moscow, Russ ia , VIA Hel s ink i , Fin l and ,my h e a r t was still s ing ing with th e happy memories o f - t h e rec ord b reaking F aith -P rom ise Mission Rally in the Beaver Road Church of Chr i s t ,Roches ter , N .Y., June 5-6 -7 . The week-end was capped with a sp lendidmission service Sunday night , June 7, in the Liverpool(NY) Chris t ianChurch, with old f r iends Loyal and Bev Gallaher. As the Finn-Air j e tgained a l t i tude I was almost emotionally overcome with the anticipat ionof f ina l ly minister ing in Russia. For more than 20 years our mis siona ryt r ave l s have taken Ei l een and me t o every con t i n en t and to more than 60count r i es of the world and through a l l these incomparable experiences Ihave cherished two unful f i l led dreams and goals - witnessing fo r Chris tin mainland Red C hina and th e Sov i e t Union . Wel l , th e USSR is no more andthere are mil l ions of sp i r i tua l ly s tarved people wait ing ( even begging )f o r th e Gospe l message o f God s redeeming l ove .And fo r th e next th ree weeks I was going to be r i gh t in th e middle of i t fUpon my a r r i v a l , I would j o in Harold and Patsy Starbuck, D ire cto r o f th eKiamichi Mts. Chris t ian Mission (Okla . ) , Roy Weece, Direc tor , Chris t ianCampus House, Univers i t y o f Missour i , Columbia, Mo., and Joe Garman, Dir .of American Rehabil i ta t ion Minis t r ies , Joplin Mo They were already inthe middle of a p i l o t program of B ib le te ac hin g in the- o f f i c i a l Russianeducat ional system. Not only a f i r s t in his to ry , but a year ago it would^lve~Deenr~a:^thOusand~T;o one odds bet; aga ins t any sucir th^iig^ ever^Tappening^in Russia. I f it (we) fa i l , the consequences are too sobering to imagine.Ear l ie r t h i s year , Harold Starbuck was invited by Dr. Vladimer Saprychin,Vice P re sid en t o f th e Minis t ry o f Educat ion (Chairman o f Pro fess iona lSchools Curriculum) to a s s i s t in a new f i e ld o f s tudy in th e Russianeduca t i ona l sy s t em, THE DEPARTMENT OF MORAL AND SPIRITUAT. EDUCATION, wi ththe Bible as the text-book. When Harold was given the opportunity to expla in the hi s to r i ca l and doctr inal pos i t ion we represen t , these professional educators, (Ph.D. s) were a t f i r s t almost incredulous. They werewawa r e t h e r e was such a t h i n g a s undenomina t i ona l , non - s e c t a r i a n Ch r i s ti an i ty in the world. The concept of the Bible being taught without theconfusion of cu l t s , or the re vo lt in g re ve la tio ns o f l a t t e r day sa in t s ,and new B ib l es , o r th e con t r ad i c t o ry w i tne sse s o f Jehovah , o r th edichotomy of Greek Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism was not onlynew to them but brea th- tak ing ly acceptable . Vladimer Saprychen respondedwith , Russia i s ready fo r and wil l welcome th i s message,The f i r s t SIX WEEKS SEMINAR was launched May 18 in a Moscow College ofTechno l ogy , wi t h Haro ld S t a r buck and Jo e Garman B i b l e lecturers f o r t h ef i r s t t h ree weeks and Roy Weece and I fo r th e second t h r ee weeks, June 826. There were a few col le g e s tu d en ts among the 82 enrol led but the majo r i t y were co l l ege and u n iv e rs it y f ac u lty members, i nc lud ing Dr.AlexBogachev, Ph.D. (Physics) and head of the Sc ience depar tment of the col legewhere we were meet ing . Roy Weece t augh t APOLOGETICS (Ch r i s t i an Evidences)a most oppor tune sub j e c t fo r t h e s e peop le who a re j u s t emerging from communism, and ( in t he i r own words) the l i e s of Marxism. I t aught LIFE OFCHRIST , a survey type s tudy, without t ime fo r much expos i t ion . They tookspec ia l note of my bir thday, June 10, with flowers and Happy Birthdayin Russian. The col lege head made me an honorary graduate , a t l eas twi th l ape l p in s r ep re s en ti ng th e two depar tments o f th e school , t echnica land l i t e r a r y . That evening Harold took me fo r my b i r thday dinner a tMcDonald s ( l a rges t in the wor ld , sea t ing c ap ac i ty o f over 1000) . I a te a tMcD on ald s 1 4 ou t o f th e 20 days I was i n Moscow, and MCD S c o f f e e isj u s t a s r o t t en in Moscow as in a l l the o th er places in th e world. I a teat P i zza Hut t w i c e , tw i c e at t h e SALUTE HOTEL built f o r th e 1980Olympics) and d id my own cook ing in ou r f l a t th e r e s t o f th e t ime , l o t sof s a r d i n e s , b e a n i e we e n i e s , c r a c k e r s and c h e e s e .

  • 8/12/2019 Debault Delmar Eileen 1992 USA&World


    Harold Starbuck launched a neir church in the assembly room of the collegeJune 7th., and by the 3rd Sunday the attendance had more than doubled, with34 baptisms June 21- A highlight of the trip was the victory banquet, Mondaynight, June 22, in the Salute Hotel, when more than gO American evangelistssingers, Bible college professors and ministers who had been in crusades inMoscow and many places shared their experiences, victories and disappointments - Thousands of responses, hundreds of baptisms, churches launched-Questions most asked in the few days I have been home 1 s communism dead i n Russ i a ?No, i t is not. The Russian people will NEVER again accept or be dominatedby atheistic Marxist socia lism, but there is grave danger in the latentsleeping dogs of some former members of the communist Politburo , the KGsuspected military leaders rising up in the guise of good guys in thehats and taking over the country in some form of dictatorship. ^Eventhough Lenin/Marx are discredited, there has been no miraculous overnightconversion to western democracy of those hundreds of favored , well fedh o u sed and bo o zed commun i s t l e a d e r s .2 -Nha t a b o u t t h e R u s s i a n economy?I t i s bad, worse th an dep ic te d by the news media. The Russian s tores , whereRubles are accepted have empty shelves. They queue up by the scores for aloaf of bread, pound of butter or cheese. I never saw meat counters inthose s tores . One member of a family spends 20 hours a week standing inl ine to shop for food for the family. There are a few well-stocked Interna t iona l s t o re s t h a t of fe r almost anything to be found in a US market ,but accept only hard money, US , or British Pound Sterling, German Marks.No Rubles accepted,hence off l imits to the Russian people. Also the pricesare sky high, I paid 1.00 each fo r apples and bananas.3_Is Russia really as open and receptive to evangelism as is reported?Yes, Russia i s WIDE OPEN fo r evangelism and Christ ian education, and i savidly seeking for the t ruth and enlightenment of the Gospel. Perhaps notsince Apostolic days has the Lord's church had such an opportunity.4-Wi l l freedom and th e f r e e marke t p reva i l ?The sobering analy sis of knowledgable people shows about a 50/50 chanceof succeeding. After spending some time xn Russxa recently, tha t xs almostan exact quote from ex-President Richard Nixon,usually the astute one innternational affairs

    5Is there genuine hope for a sp i r i tua l rebirth in Russia?I t has happened before in h isto ry and Russia may be this God-blessedphenonenon as we go in to the 21St century .I was l e f t in charge of the teaching program fo r 3 days a f t e r the r e s t ofth e US crew left fo r home. The f i n a l day o f the Seminars , June 26, wastouching and their appreciation heart warming. They showered their loveand respect profusely and some of you know I cry easily). I must confessto one aberration concerning the gorgeous dozen red roses my favori teflower) the ladies presented me. I wanted to bring them home to Eileen -but you know Customs and Immigration regulations. I put them in a coolerovernight, carefully wrapped the plastic protector and stowed them in mysu i t / sh i r t carry-on and decided they could accompany me on the plane.I f they asked me no questions, I would te l l them no l ies. No questionsasked a t Moscow Internat ional , changing planes in Helsinki , Finland andJFK, NY, was a breeze. When I presented them to Eileen a t the Orlandoairport Sunday afternoon, June 28, they were in lovely shape.And thats theway i t was and I'm glad I did i t . They added a touch to our 51st annivers.June 3U.^ : ^We wi l l be home un t i l Ju ly 1 6,th en leave fo r th e mid-west where we haveDVBS in I l l i n o i s , Vernon Brothers Vacat ion and Sp i r i t u a l Encounter , Ju ly26-30 , Branson , Mo., old-fashioned Family Camp Meeting, Kiamichis, August2-7, DVBS in I l l ino is . We wi l l be l iving on the campus of Lincoln Christ ianCollege (111) Aug. 20-Dec. 14, while I am teaching MISSIONS and completingmy manuscript for publication by COLLEGE PRESS, Joplin, Mo., THUS IT ISWRITTEN , th e Miss iona ry Moti f of t he Scr ip tu re s- We wil l share in theNational Missionary Convention, Wichita, Ks, Nov. 5-8, and a number ofmission ra l l i e s in churches in I l l inois and Missouri. Home for Christmasand get ready for 1993. I t is already fi l l ing up. And the BIGGIE FOR 1993?Are you ready for this? MAINLAND RED CHINA All the signs look favorable.Hebrews 12:2, Looking unto Jesus , the Author and Finisher of our f a i t h . .In HIS S e r v i c e , De lma r D. l l e b^Ul tP.S . Max Goins , US Minis ter , moves to Moscow, August, 199 3, as permanentleader in the Bible textbook project . Many Bible lecturers/ teachers neededfo r short-term s ix weeks) Bible courses i n schoo ls /co ll eges, Sept. '93.