death in islam

All Glory and Praise is for Allah and Peace and Salutations be upon the Holy Prophet & . Allah has declared in the Qur'aan: "Every soul shall have a taste of death." This verse reminds man of his ultimate end to this earthly ex- istence and the inevitable beginning of the real life of the hereafter. The Ahadith also exhort us to constantly remember death, the shatterer of all worldly pleasures, desires, goals and ambitions. In reality it is the repeated rememberance of Death that instils the tendency to incline towards the life after death and detaches one from the influences of worldly matters. Arhamdolillah, the respected Author has mentioned the realities of death and related issues in a most profound and comprehensive manner, basing his facts on authentic references. I pray most sincerely that this contribution creates an awareness in all of us about the real object of our earthly existence, and assists us in fulfilling same. May Allah accept this publication and make it a means of guidance for the entire Ummah. Aameen! MOULANA HAROON ABBASOOMAR (Secretary : Jamiatul Ulama Natal) 379 Pine Street DURBAN Natal, South Africa.

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All Glory and Praise is for Allah and Peace and Salutations be upon the Holy Prophet & .

Allah has declared in the Qur'aan:

"Every soul shall have a taste of death."

This verse reminds man of his ultimate end to this earthly ex- istence and the inevitable beginning of the real life of the hereafter.

The Ahadith also exhort us to constantly remember death, the shatterer of all worldly pleasures, desires, goals and ambitions.

In reality it is the repeated rememberance of Death that instils the tendency to incline towards the life after death and detaches one from the influences of worldly matters.

Arhamdolillah, the respected Author has mentioned the realities of death and related issues in a most profound and comprehensive manner, basing his facts on authentic references.

I pray most sincerely that this contribution creates an awareness in all of us about the real object of our earthly existence, and assists us in fulfilling same.

May Allah accept this publication and make it a means of guidance for the entire Ummah. Aameen!

MOULANA HAROON ABBASOOMAR (Secretary : Jamiatul Ulama Natal) 379 Pine Street DURBAN Natal, South Africa.

INTRODUCTION ....................... ., ....................................... i to iv


ANGEL OF DEATH AND HELPERS OF IZRAEEL ............................. 2

CONDITIONS & PANGS OF DEATH .............................................. 3



RECORDED INCIDENT ............................................................... 5

CHILDREN, RELATIVES & FRIENDS WELCOME ......................................................................... THE DECEASED 6

........................... THE HOME OR RESTING PLACE OF THE SOULS 6

AA'LAME BARZAKH ................................................................... 8

ACTIONS WHICH WOULD SAFEGUARD ONE FROM THE PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE ..................................................... 8

MISCELLANEOUS MASAILS PERTAINING TO DEATH, DYING & THE DECEASED ......................................................... 11

. COMMENTARY SURA AL ZILZAAL ........................................ 16

SIGNS OF QIAMAT .................................................................... 38

MAJOR SIGNS OF QIAMAT ......................................................... 38

........................................................ MINOR SIGNS OF QIAMAT 48

THE DWELLERS OF JANNAH ..................................................... 51

TWO MAJOR SINS ..................................................................... 57

................................................................... USURY (INTEREST) 57

ZINA (ADULTERY) .................................................................... 58

CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 6 1

A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HELL ................................................. 65

Islam, being a complete Code of Life, encompasses every facet of one's existence. Allah has guided mankind through the agency of His beloved Nabi & so that mankind could lead that life which generates the Pleasure of Allah.

Our Nabi 4% has taught us how to develop hope and create the love for Allah; and side by side, the fear of Allah has also been in- stilled in us. The hope and love urges one to fulfill the command- ments of Allah and follow the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi &' , whilst the fear becomes the deterrent against sin and transgres- sion.

Some people disapprove the idea of our Ulama discussing subjects which deal witfi the fear of Allah and any condemnation to Hell fire. Instead, they favour talks which stimulate 'hope' in Allah's pardon. However, such an attitude is inconsistent to the ad- monatory references in the Qur'aan and Ahadith where Allah and His Rasool & warn us about the punishments of the Hereafter.

If the topics concerning such warnings are out of place, then why has Allah included in the Qur'aan the different punishments meted out to the wrongdoers amongst the contemporaries of former Prophets (A.S.)?

Allah has declared in the Qur'aan: "And Allah would not punish them whilst you (Muhammad) are with them."

(Al-Anfaal : 33)

Yet, in spite of this assurance, why was it that our Nabi & used to become so perturbed, turning pale, that he immediately resorted to salaah and du'aas during an eclipse or whenever violent winds erupted bringing dense clouds?

This is but a clear example of the fear of Allah which our beloved Nabi .& inculcated in the Ummah. Therefore it is important that, together with the love for Allah, Muslims also learn to fear Allah as well. However this type of fear is not the same as one would have for some unjust ruler, because Allah is Most Just and Fair.

The purpose of this treatise which I have entitled, "Death" is to instil the fear of Allah into the mind of the reader and through it, constantly discourage the commission of sins.

I have always been wondering about the paradoxical outcome of today's Islamic Education:

Although the Islamic Education imparted to our children, in the present era, is of a superior grade taught by highly qualified personnel yet the quality of the product is one of degeneration: the spirit of Islam is lacking.

Muslim parents are paying the price of exposing their children to the filth of westernisation in un-Islamic environments. Subtle in- doctrinations have reached such alarming proportions that many of our children are not just dressing or talking like non-Muslims but their very thinking and mentality have become a threat to Islam itself!

One of the reasons for the setback amongst the children is that "modern" parents are overlooking and disregarding the golden rule adopted by our forbears that the child must have only such friends who are good and pious.

Forgetting this, we are flinging our offspring into such evil sur- roundings which snatch from the hearts all the love and venera- tion for Allah and His Rasool &$ , and a dangerous inferiority complex developed within them, dispels all respect for religion, making it extremely awkward and difficult for the younger generation to practise Islam. Shameless nudity, where girls lay bare their hands, legs and hair, are no longer considered sinful and they openly venture into more explicit and indecent exploits of the West.

This state of affairs led me to grasp the urgency and importance of including in the Madrasah Syllabi some such course which would help to create and promote the FEAR of Allah so that through such fear our younger generation could be protected from committing major sins. So, with this thought in mind, I pro- ceeded to record my Jumuah lectures on Surah A1 Zilzaal with the idea of compiling a book which would be quite appropriate in the Madrasah because, in my opinion, Surah A1 Zilzaal is not only adequate to create the fear of Allah, but it is also short and therefore ideal even for Hifz (memorising).


1 In the commentary of Al-Zilzaal, I have included a chapter on DEATH and the signs of Qiamat. The material for death I have

I drawn solely from the poem of Allamah Suyuti (A.R.), "MAN- ZOOMATUL QUBOOR" and its commentary, "SHARHUL GAFOOR" by Moulana Idris Kandhalwi (A.R.). I did not con- sider it necessary to verify the references because both these learn- ed and pious scholars are eminent authorities on Deen.

I have concluded the booklet with three brief chapters and a con- clusion, the first of which deals with the signs of Qiamat, the se- cond with the rewards for the pious through the love and fear of Allah, whilst the final section warn us against the two common sins, viz. Usury and Adultery. In the second chapter, in order to impress upon the reader Allah's love and mercy for his creation, several Ahadith are also narrated which describe the virtues of helping one another, thereby pleasing Allah and earning tremen- dous rewards. However, I must emphasise that, together with the mutual assistance, the fulfilment of all other Islamic respon- sibilites is also obligatory.

I humbly appeal to all parents to ensure that a copy of this kitaab is acquired and studied regularly in their homes. For maximum benefit the reading of this book should be completed at least three times annually in order to refresh and keep alive the fear of Allah in our hearts.

(iii )

In conclusion, I would be failing in my duty if I do not express my sincere appreciation to all those who assisted to make this com- pilation a reality, especially my friend Haji Adam Omarjee who helped to edit and type the manuscripts.


Compiled by : E.M.H. SALEJEE (Estcourt, Natal)


1 . It is necessary for the sick to accept the Will of Allah happily. (MUSLIM)

2. The sick should cultivate both FEAR and HOPE : Fear when pondering over their sins, and Hope in the Mercy of Allah.


3. The sick should never hope or pray for Death. (BUKHARI)

4. The sick should settle all their outstanding debts or make provision in their wills for settlement of these debts. (BuKHARI)

5. The Bequest (Wasiyyat) can only be made in favour of those who will not inherit from the estate. (QUR'AAN)

6. A Bequest must be made quickly (without delay). (BUKHARI)

7. One cannot bequeath more than a third of one's estate. (BUKHARI)

8. A Bequest must be witnessed by at least 2 good Muslims and if they are not available then reliable non-Muslims would be acceptable. (QUR'AAN)

9. It is incorrect to make such a Bequest which would totally deprive or reduce the share of any of the rightful Beneficiaries. (QUR'AAN)

10. The Wasiyyat should include instructions to prevent all un- Islamic practices at the time of the funeral. (AL - AZKAAR)


1. To wail for the Deceased. (MUSLIM)

2. To strike one's face and tear one's clothers. (BUKHARI)


3. To shave the head. (BUKHARI)

4. To dishevel the hair. (ABU DAWOOD)

5. To stop trimming or tidying the beard even for a few days. (NASAI)


1. Announcing a funeral is permissible as long as it is simple and free of all the (un-Islamic) customs and ways of the Days Ignorance.


2. It is better that the one making the announcement also requests for Du'aas for the deceased. (AHMAD)


Just before departing from the world, the deceased recites the Kalimah: "LAA ELAA HA IL LUL LAW HU MU HUM MA DUR RAW SU - LOEL LAWH" (MUSTADRAK HAAKIM)

At the time of death the forehead perspires. (AHMAD)

Passing away on FRIDAY (night or day). (TIRMIZI) I

Passing away on a Battlefield. (QUR'AAN)

10. To die from the sickness of 'SILL' (ulceration of the lungs and high fever). (MAJMAUZ - ZWAAID)

1 1. To die whilst protecting one's wealth and possessions. (BUKHARI)

12. To die whilst defending one's Religion, honour and chastity. (ABU DAWOOD)

13. Death occurring while waiting for Jehaad. (MUSLIM)

14. Death whilst performing any virtuous deed. (AHMAD)

15. Being killed by a tyrant ruler merely for having proclaimed the Truth before him and given him advice.



The testimony of at least two pious Muslims confirming that the deceased was a good person,-makes Jannah obligatory for him, and similarly, their testifying to his being an evil person makes Jahannarn obligatory for him. (MUSLIM)


The occurrence of an eclipse has no significance upon death. So a person's dying at the time of either solar or lunar eclipse is no indication of his being good or evil. (BUKHARI)

Passing away as a victim of plague. (BUKHARI)

WASHING THE DECEASED (GHUSL) Passing away due to a stomach ailment. (MUSLIM)

Passing away as a result of drowning. (MUSLIM)

Passing away during or after the delivery of a child. (AHMAD)

To die of burns. (MUWATTA - MALIK)

1. When any person dies then some people should make immediate preparations for giving Ghusl. (MUSLIM)

2. Ghusl should be given three times or more. (BUKHARI)

3. Ghusl should be given an odd number of times. (BUKHARI)


Whilst giving the deceased ghusl to use soap or 'Ber' leaves at least once. (BUKHARI) The shroud (kafn) should be preferably white in colour.


To mix some perfume, like camphor, in the final washing of the deceased. (BUKHARI) The Shroud should not be expensive. (BUKHARI)

ACCOMPANYING THE BIER To comb the deceased's hair after giving him ghusl. (BUKHXRI)

Accompanying the funeral is the Right of the Deceased. (BUKHARI)

A lady's plaits must be washed thoroughly. (IBID)

To commence the Ghusl from the right side beginning with the limbs and parts that are washed during wudhu. ( I B I D )

By "accompanying the Bier" is meant either of the following two deeds, both of which were practised by Rasulullah & : a). To accompany the funeral till the completion of Janaazah Salaah. b). To accompany the funeral till the burial is over.


To cover the deceased with a sheet before starting the ghusl. (ABU IIAWOOD)

Ghusl should be given by someone knowledgeable in the etiquettes of ghusl. (IBN MAJAH) To accompany the bier until after the burial is nobler and more

rewarding than accompanying till the Janaazah Salaah. Rasulullah & has said that the reward for the latter is in proportion to one

large mountain and-for the former it is two large mountains. (BUKHARI)

There is great reward for the person bathing the deceased. According to one narration Allah shall forgive that person 40 times.


It is preferable for the one who is bathing the deceased to also take a bath thereafter. (ABU DAWOOD'I

The rewards for accompanying -. the funeral applies to males only because Rasulullah & has prohibited the females. (BUKHARI)


Rasulullah 4% has prevented and prohibited with funerals the accompaniment of wailing and fire (smoke, e.g. lobaan /incense).


A Martyr should not be given a bath. (AHMAD)


After ghusl it is essential to shroud the deceased. ( M I J S L ~ I M ) Those accompanying the funeral should not raise their voices while making Zikr (remembrance of Allah). (AL AZKAAR)

The cost of the shroud shall be paid from the deceased's estate even though he may not possess any other wealth. ( B U K H A R I ) The funeral procession should be conducted briskly. (BuKHARI)

When accompanying the funeral procession (cortege) it is permissible to walk in the front, along the sides or in the rear.



The shroud should be large enough to cover the entire body. (MUSLIM)


9. It is however, preferable to walk behind the funeral. (BUKHARI)

10. The mounted (i.e. those using some mode of transport) should remain in the rear. (ABU DAWOOD)

1 1. It is preferable for those who carry the 'rnayyit' (deceased) to make wudhu. (ABU DAWOOD)


1. To perform Janaazah Salaah is Waajib. (MUWA'ITA MALIK) I

Janaazah Salaah should also be performed for the following: I

a) Child (ABU DAWOOD)

b) Martyr (TAHAAWE)

c) The condemned Muslims killed in accordance to the Shariah, e.g., murderer or married adulterer, etc. (MUSLIM)

d) An open sinner, as long as he was a Believer. However the I

Ulama and the Pious should not participate in the Janaazah Salaah so that it can serve as a lesson to others. (AHMAD)

Similarly the Janaazah Salaah of one overwhelmed with debts should preferably not be made by the Ulama and the Pious.


3. It is not permissible to perform Janaazah Salaah for the Non- Believers and the Hypocrites. (QUR'AAN - SURAH TOWBAH)

4. The Janaazah Salaah, like the five times Daily Salaah, should be performed in congregation. This is obligatory.


5. The more people in the Janaazah Salaah congregation, the better for the Deceased as Rasulullah & has said that if 100 Muslims intercede for him then Allah shall forgive him. Also in another narration, Rasulullah & has been reported to have said that if 40 people who do not commit shirk intercede for the deceased then Allah shall accept their intercession. (MUSLIM)

It is preferable to arrange at least three 'SAFFS' (lines) for the Janaazah Salaah and, according to Imam Showkanee, the minimum number of worshippers in each row could be 2 (two).

The Ameer or his deputy are most entitled to lead the Janaazah Salaah. (MUSTADRAK HAAKIM)

If they are not available then the one who knows the Qur'aan the most should lead the Janaazah Salaah. (MUSLIM)

If there are several funerals at any one time, then the Janaazah Salaah shall be performed once for all of them, with the females' Biers being kept furthest from the Imam. (NASAI)

It is also permissible to perform Janaazah Salaah for each one separately if there are mbre than one funeral. (TAHAAWE)

It is permissible to perform the Janaazah Salaah in the Musjid. (MUSLIM -- TIRMIZI)

However, it is preferable to perform it out of the Musjid -- at a specially'fixed place for the Janaazah Prayers. (BUKHARI)

It is not permissible to perform the Janaazah Salaah by keeping the Bier in front of or between the graves.


In Janaazah Salaah the hands should be raised only once when reciting the first "ALLAW-HU-AKBAR, i.e. the hands should not be raised when reciting the remaining three takbeers.

At the end of the Janaazah Salaah, salaam must be made on both sides as in the five Daily Salaah. (SUNAN BAIHAQEE)

To make salaam only on one side is also allowed. (DAR QUTNEE)

It is incorrect to perform the Janaazah Salaah during any of the three forbidden times unnecessarily. (MUSLIM)


It is 'WAJIB' - obligatory - to bury the deceased, Believers and non-Believers. ( B U K H A R I )

Believers and Non-Believers must not be buried jointly in one grave. (AL MUSTADRAK HAAKIM)

It is Sunnah to bury the deceased in the Graveyard. (IBID)

A Martyr, however, shall be buried in the Battlefield. I


One can bury at night out of necessity even if one has to make lighting arrangements for the duration of the burial. (IBN MAJAH) 1 The grave should be deep and spacious. (NASAI) 1


Both the 'LAHAD' and the 'SHIQ' types of graves are allowed. I

(ABU DAWOOD) ~ More than one beliver can be buried in a single grave when this becomes necessary. However, the more virtuous shall be given preference (i.e be buried first). (NASA])

The shrouded bodies of the deceased, whether male or female, shall all be lowered into the graves by males only. The proof for this comes from the example set by Rasulullah & . Moreover if the ladies begin the lowering into graves, the& bodies would become exposed in the presence of strangers which is absolutely prohibited. (AHKAAMUL - JANAAIZ - ALBAANEE)

The close relatives are the most entitled to lower the deceased into the graves (MUSTADRAK H A K I M )

The 'mayyit' (deceased) should be lowered into thegrave from the leg side. (MUSANNAF IBN ABI S H A I B A H )

In the grave the deceased should be made to lie on his right side such that he faces the Qiblah. (AL MUHALLAH IBN HAZM)

Those lowering the deceased into the grave should recite : (In the name of Allah and complying to the 'millat' (Deen) of Rasulullah & ) (ABU DAWOOD)

After lowering the deceased, the people around should put three handfuls of earth into the grave. (IBN MAJAH)

The grave should be raised slightly in proportion to one span so that it can be recognised 2 .z grave and not desecrated.


The grave should be shaped like a camel's hump. ( B U K H A R I )

Some sign should be placed over the grave (on the head side) so that it can be easily recognised and differentiated.


(*** NOTE : Tombs and tomb-stones are prohibited.)

One should not make 'talqeen' at the graveside; rather one should seek forgiveness for the deceased and also make du'aa for steadfastness and request others to do likewise. The narration in favour of 'talqeen' is weak. (ABU DAWOOD)

NOTE :- 'TALQEEN' - i.e. Prompting the interned with the answers to the questions of 'MUNKAR' and 'NAKIR' the 2 angels who question in the grave.

It is incorrect to prepare one's grave in one's lifetime as no one knows where death would occur, and furthermore, neither did Rasulullah & nor the Sahabah (R.A.) dig their graves in advance during their lifetime. The best preparation that one can make for death is good actions.


(i) '-

20. To sympathise with the bereaved is a Religious Command. (NASAI)

Rasulullah ;& has said that whosoever sympathises with his Muslim brother in his difficulty then Allah shall make him wear clothes of Jannah which others shall envy.


2 1. When consoling the bereaved appropriate words should be used so as to lessen their grief e.g., "0 Allah! forgive the deceased, raise


his status amongst the guided, become the Guardian of the bereaved; 0 Sustainer of the Universe! forgive us and him, make his grave spacious and fill it with 'noor' (light)."

22. The Mayyit is inforped in the grave about those visiting him and he is pleased by it. (AR-ROOH - IBN QAYYIM)

23. The souls of the living and the dead can meet in dreams and are also able to discuss and ask questions. (IBID)

24. The soul is returned into the body of the deceased in the grave for questioning. (IBID)



Concerning this, Hazrat Eisa (A.S.) has said, "This world is a bridge : cross it but do not build on it." In other words, it is the existence in the Hereafter which is the ac- tual REALITY and objective for which this world acts as the bridge or means to transport one from the cradle to the inevitable grave where one is bound to spend some time. Therefore it becomes imperative to study and gain enough knowledge about the conditions prevailing in the grave so that adequate prepara- tions could be made and when one reaches the moment of truth one will not feel lonely, deserted or confused.


Shaikh Jalaluddeen Suyuti (A.R.) has recorded the verdict of the Ulama that death is not mere extinction or annihilation but a type of metamorphosis where the soul (Rooh) is separated from the body like the movement or relocation from one dwelling to another. (Sharhus-sudoor). A believer's death has been explained analogously by some Ulama as the transference from a world of hardships to that of peace and luxury. (May Allah grant us such a death! Aameen).


In Kitaab-ul-Zuhd, Imam Ahmad has included the narration of Hazrat Hasan Basri that when Allah created Hazrat Aadam (A.S.) and his progeny the angels expressed much concern about the world being insufficient to accommodate all of them but Allah assured them by declaring, "I shall create Death!" Hearing this, the angels became disconcerted and when they remarked that death would instil fear and remove the pleasure of life, Allah explained, "I shall create Hope and Ambitions."

According to Hazrat Mujahid (A.R.), when Hazrat Aadam (A.S.) was dispatched to earth, His Sustainer said: "0 Aadam! construct buildings destined for destruction and ruination; and procreate to invite death." A poet has expressed this quite beautifully:-

meaning: 0 dweller of lofty mansions, very soon you will be buried in the sand (a lowly station). . . . . . Allah has an angel calling daily: Procreate but for death and erect buildings for devastation.


Malakul Maut is the Angel appointed by Allah for the extractions tions of souls. This is confirmed in the Qur'aan:

'Say the Angel of Death put in charge of you will take your souls; then you shall be brought back to your sustainer' (S.32 V . 1 1 )


The name of the Angel of Death is Izraeel whose one foot is in the east and the other in the west. He regards the entire world as a saucer of grains from which he picks up whichever grain has been selected. According to another narration, the whole world is in the sight of Izraeel and whichever soul he summons, it comes to h i m .


Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) has explained that the word, "Rusuluna" which appears in the following verse refers to angels who assist Hazrat Izraeel (A.S.) at the times when souls have to be removed:-

- 2 -

I When death comes to one of you, our ANGELS take his soul and

I they never fail in their duty. (S.6 V .61) I According to Hazrat Rabei Ibn Anas (R.A.), Hazrat Izraeel (A.S.) I is the leader of all the other angels participating in the process of

1 all fatal terminations. The angels are divided into two groups, I

one of which conveys MERCY whilst the other carries PUNISH- I MENT. A pious Muslim's soul is handled by an angel of Mercy.

(May Allah grant each and everyone of us this favour. Aameen!)

An interesting fact in some Ahadith concerns martyrs who drown in the sea. It is stated that the angels are not entrusted with the task of extracting their souls because this responsibility is ac- cepted by Allah Himself. (SHARHUS-SUDOOR)


Imaam Ghazzali (A.R.) has written that the soul is removed from the body in stages (as mentioned in the Quran): it is first taken out from the feet followed by the shin and the thighs after which the chest is affected and at that point the power of speech is lost. When the Rooh is taken from the throat, the faculties of sight and hearing disappear. (i) 'Yes, when the soul reaches the collar bone (in its exit)'.

(S.75 V.26) (ii) Then why do you not (intervene) when (the soul of the dying

man) reaches the throat. (S.56 V.83).

The severity of death has been mentioned in numerous Ahadith some of which are:

1. Hazrat Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.) has reported that Rasulullah & had mentioned that the seizure or grasp of Malakul Maut is more severe than one thousand hacks with a sword.


2. There is a narration about Hazrat Moosa (A.S.) who was questioned by Allah after death about how he had undergone the experience of dying and he replied that it could be describ- ed as the case of a live bird being immersed into a hot boiling pot of bubbling oil.

3. On another occasion, Hazrat Moosa (A.S.) is reported to have replied that the experience was like that of a goat being skinn- ed alive by a butcher. (Sharhus-Sudoor & Ihya).

4. It is narrated from Shaddaad Ibne Aus (R.A.) that there is not as much pain or torture in being split by a saw, or shredded by a scissors or scalded by fiercely boiling water, as that ex- perienced in death.

Hazrat Abu Qatadah (R.A.) reports that Rasulullah & said that all a martyr's distress, vexation and agony at the time of death 1


can be likened to that of an ant-bite. 1


Friends and relatives of one who is in the throes of death, are re- quired to recite Surah Yaa Seen, for this practice as well as indulg- ing in the Sunnah of making miswaak, eases the pangs of death according to Ahaadith.

We learn also from the Ahadith that a person whose last ut- 'terance, before passing away, is LAA ILAIiA ILLALLAH then this indicates that he will enter Jannah. When the time approaches for a believer to breathe his last, then, according to the Ahaadith, a group df angels visit him and con- verse with him and sometimes those standing around also hear this. An incident has been mentioned by Hafiz Ibn Qayyim (A.R.) con- cerning a very pious lady who called for her nephew at the time of her demise and enquired about what should be said at the mo- ment when the soul is presented before Allah Ta'ala. The nephew who happened to be 'an eminent Aalim advised that the etiquette at such a time is to recite:

Allahumma antas-salaamu waminkas-salaamu tabaarakta yaa zaljalaali wal-ikraam

- 4 -


Abu Nakeen (R.A.) narrates that when one is close to death, the angels are ordered to smell one's head and report their diagnosis. Through this means they discover the presence of the Qur'aan in the head. Similarly they find the roza (fast) in the heart, and the feet convey the signs of standing up for worship at night (in Taha- jjud). Following this, the angels remark that this person has well- nurtured his nafs (soul), so may Allah protect him.



Once Abu Qalaba (A.R.) visited his nephew who was in the lqst stages of his life. That night he noticed two very dark complex- ioned figures by his nephew's bedside. Soon two angels also descended from the roof. Abu Qalaba (A.R.) narrates that he overheard the one angel request the other to check the sick person for any virtues. The angel commenced his investigation and thereafter reported saying, "I smelt his head but foundno Quraan and his stomach has no roza whilst his feet show no signs of ever standing up during even a single night." The other angel then re-checked the whole process and was then heard to remark that' it is surprising that this person, being a follower of Rasulullah & and yet does not seem to possess any good qualities. Finally, he opened the dying man's mouth and ex- amined his tongue, squeezing the tip. hent the angel was heard to say that this person had taken part in the Battle of Antakia during which he had recited takbeer once with sincerity and as a result of that I can smell the fragrance of musk. The angels then removed his soul and told the two dark, ugly figures to return empty-handed.

(Narrated by Hakim Tirmizi in his Nawadirul Usool)

It is narrated from Abu Hurairah (R.A.) that when punishment is being inflicted upon a person in the grave then his recitation of the Qur'aan is personified to offer him protection.

Similar is another report where it is mentioned that salaah defends one from the left whilst the tortures in other directions are warded off by one's charity, one's walking towards the Mus- jid and other good actions performed by the feet.


Nabi Muhammad & has explained that when a Believer's soul is transported to the skies, then the souls of other previously- deceased Believer's meet it and enquire about their friends and relatives on earth; and, if about some person they are informed that he is no more on earth, having passed away long ago, they

'6 exclaim, ...... but he has not come to us!" (Imaam Suyuti (A.R.) has confirmed this as a sound Hadith.) ITTIHAAF



Another account in the Hadith tell about how the souls of Believers rush and crowd around a new arrival, questioning it about conditions on earth and about their friends, kith and kin. Seeing this, the angels intervene by exhorting them to have mercy on him for he has just endured immense difficulties and hardships (meaning death). So after a while they again continue with their quest for information about their living friends and relatives.

Hazrat Sabit Bunanee (R.A.) narrates that when a person dies then his relatives who had pre-deceased him rejoice exceedingly and their happiness is similar to that household which is welcom- ing a member who is returning after a long journey. They then surround him (and enquire about the affairs of the world from which he has just departed). (ITTIHAAF)


There are numerous narrations indicating the different areas where the 'Rooh' or Soul can be confined to after death.

Hafiz Ibn Qayyim (A.R.) has explained that it is quite difficult to conclusively state where a particular soul has reached because the righteous ones would be grouped separately from the evil ones.

Besides, according to one's spiritual advancement a soul could gain a high stage of Jannah whilst others may be in the care of Hazrat Aadam (A.S. ). Similarly, Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S. ) takes charge of one group. There are also others who are placed within the bodies of green birds to remain on the move in the hereafter. As for the evil-doers, they will suffer either in the fire, rivers of blood or some such place of torture and punishment.

Although each soul would be based at different points, they would be ethereally connected to their mortal remains and the ex- act means of this contact or link is known to Allah alone. However, for the purpose of understanding this phenomenon one - may ponder over the position of a sleeping whose soul is also linked but the exact nature cannot be comprehended.


( 1 . . desirous to drive large, shiny cars, REMEMBER: You will be driven one day as a horizontal passenger.

(2) . wild and crazy over expensive clothes, REMEMBER: You will end up in' jtst a 'KAFN'.

(3) . recklessly sacrificing everything to construct beautiful homes and palatial mansions, REMEMBER: the graveyard 'PIT' - one's real

(4) . . . greedily devouring tasty dishes and all types of extravagant delicacies, REMEMBER: one day YOU will be the meal for ants, worms and other insects.

( 5 ) . aspiring for fame, fortune and bright lights, REMEMBER: the awaiting darkness and


The Dictionary defines "Barzakh" as that which separates two things and in shariat BARZAKH is the term referred to the period which intervenes between death and Resurrection as mentioned in the following verse of the Quraan:

". . . . and before them is Barzakh (barrier) until the Russerrection Day. " (Q. 23: 1 03)

Aa'lame-Barzakh is also referred to as "Aalame-Qabr" and QABR here is not to be considered as some pit prepared underneath the ground.

It is immaterial whether a corpse is disposed of in land, water, fire or consumed by any creature for the Qabr (grave) is really a con- finement where the dead are assigned to till the time when the Bugle will be sounded for the second time. It is here that they become aware of all the things about which we were informed by the Qur'aan and Ahaadith.

In the Aa'lame Barzakh, the attachment to the world is not altogether terminated because any rewards and sawaabs remitted by the living on earth are allowed to reach and benefit the dead. Unlike in the world where the body is in control of all affairs, in the "Barzakh", the soul is quite free from such domination and the institution of nikah (marriage) is also absent. However, in the Hereafter when both the body and soul will once again co-exist, marriages will take place.


1. Allamah Safaarinee (A.R.) has stated that the most effective method of preparing to ward off the punishment of the grave is to practice daily meditation wherein one has to take full stock of how that particular day had been spent. Before sleeping, one should ponder, contemplate and reflect for a little while upon all the good or evil one has indulged in from the morning till bed-time.

Thereafter he must sincerely repent and plead for Allah's par- don and forgiveness for all sins committed with the firm in- tention not to repeat any wrong actions. Furthermore he should resolve that if Allah Paak spare his life for another day, he would not commit any sin whatsoever, and whilst reciting, "Astaghfirullah", he should go off to sleep. *"

If the person passes away that night he would be gone with TAUBAH and if he is granted life he could start a new day with new zeal for good actions. When man goes off to sleep, the angels fold up his scroll or page of deeds. Therefore it is recommended that one's last ac- tion before sleep should be taubah (i.e. repenting and asking Allah's forgiveness) and upon waking he should commence the day by hymning the praises of Allah so that both his sleeping and waking occurs with the remembrance of Allah.

2. The Recitation of Surah Mulk: It is recorded in the ahadith that whosoever recites Surah Mulk (29th Parah) will be saved from the punishment of the grave.

3. Surah 'Alif Laam Meem Sajdah': It has been reported from a Tabi'ee, Khalid Bin Ma'daan (R.A.) that a narration has reached him from his predecessors that Surah 'Alif Laam Sajdah' (21st Parah) would argue in the grave on behalf of its reciter, saying, "O! Allah, if I am a Surah of your kitaab then accept my interces- sion on his behalf otherwise delete me from the Qur'aan." According to Hazrat Jabir (R.A.), our Nabi & would not sleep without first having recited these two surahs (i.e. Surah Mulk and Alif Laam Meem Sajdah).

* * * FOOTNOTE: Together with "Astaghfirullah", ( I seek Allah's forgiveness), he should also recite the other masnoon dua'aas and surahs mentioned in the Ahadith, for details refer to 'SUN- NATS' by E.M.H. Salejee.


Hazrat Ali (R.A.) has narrated the saying of Rasulullah & that whoever recites 'Laa ilaha illal-lahul malikul haq-qul mobeen' one hundred times will be protected against poverty and financial dif- ficulties; and further, it would become a means of providing solace and comfort in the darkness of the grave; and finally, the doors of Jannah (Paradise) will be opened for him.


It has been reported that our Nabi & once remarked to Hazrat Abu Zar (R.A.) that before embarking upon some journey in the world some preparation has to be made for the trip, so, what about preparation for the journey of the Hereafter? and, shall I not show you what would would benefit you on that Day? Hazrat Abu Zar (R.A.) replied: "My parents be sacrificed for you! please tell me." Then our Nabi & explained that the fasting during an extremely hot day would benefit one on the Day of Resurrection and the performance of 2 rakaats nafl salaat in the darkness of the night would help to overcome the loneliness of the grave.


Hazrat Umar (R.A.) has reported that our Nabi & has said that Allah will illuminate the grave of whosoever undertakes to ar- range or provide lighting for the Musjid and, if anyone places in the Musjid aromatic scent (approved non-alcoholic fragrance), Allah will Bless him with the sweeter smells of Jannat in his grave.


From Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) it has been reported that a Believer will be given the Qur'aan to read in the grave.

In another Hadith it has been mentioned that our Nabi & told that anyone who passes away whilst learning to memorise the Qur'aan and before its completion, Allah will depute an angel to teach him the Qur'aan in his grave.


Imaam Dailami (A.R.) has narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) that our Nabi & has said that when an Aalim (scholar of Deen) passes away then Allah will per- sonify his knowledge so that it would become a companion for that Aalim in the grave to defend and protect him against worms and insects.


When Allah intends good towards any person, He giants that person the ability to perform righteous deeds and places within the heart a distaste for sin and evil practices. Such a person is distracted from worldly pursuits and his attention is focussed towards the Hereafter to such an extent that death occurs together with the reciting of the kalema,


NOTE: This type of good death can only be attained through the sincere following of Allah's Commandments and the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi Muhammad & .

As for a disgraceful death, the Ulama have written that laziness and apathy towards salaah, disobedience of parents and hurting other Muslims are quite often the causes for a dishonourable and bad death.

1MISCELLANEOUS MASAAILS pertaining to death, the dying and the deceased.

1. Questioning in the grave is an absolute REALITY. Certain people disbelieve in the occurrence of torments in the grave and substantiate their stance by stating that when a grave is opened the corpse is found to be motionless without any signs of either pleasure or punishment.

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However, a simple explanation against such an attitude is that all vision and the ability to notice things are under the control of Allah and only what He wishes becomes visible. This is why, when Nabi & departed from his home in Makkah whilst being completely surrounded by enemies who were after his life, nobody could see him leave. Similarly, during the battle of Badr, the angels sent by Allah to assist the Muslims were visible to Shaitaan yet the polytheists of Makkah failed to notice anything. This point can be further elucidated through the concept of nightmares and dreams where the dreamer is the only person who is aware of what is occurring and anyone close to him has no inkling of the dream until in- formed later. Therefore it is inconclusive to deduce that there is no questioning in the grave merely by opening a grave and failing to notice any such thing therein.

It is obligatory and essential to maintain faith and belief in the trials and questionings of the grave because of the numerous ahaadith on this subject.

2. Rewards o r punishments in the grave is applicable to both the body and the soul.

3. Nabi Muhammad & has told that we must learn the answers for the questions that would be asked in the grave. It has been reported that the Ansaar used to teach this to their children as soon as they reached the age of understanding and also when any of them were in the throes of death. A poet has composed beautifully the answers to the 3 questions of the grave, viz.: (1) Who is your Sustainer?, (2) What is your religion? and (3) What do you say about this man (i.e.) Hazrat Muhammad

& , in the following verse: -

Allah is my Rabb (Sustainer); My Deen, Islam. Muhammad is my Nabi, and Imam.

NOTE: After burial it is an innovation to prompt rhe answers to the questions in the grave for the deceased.

4. The questioning in the grave will take place for everyone regardless of how a person had died i.e. whether by drowning, burning or even by having been eaten by some animal. Allah will recreate and revive all bodies which have been destroyed before the questioning. This process is invisible to our physical senses as it occurs in the Aalame-Barzakh (Hereafter) which forms part of a Muslim's belief.

5. From the Ahadith we learn that the following persons will be exempted from the questioning of the grave:- a ) A Martyr. b) The Muslim soldier who loses his life whilst guarding the

Muslim boundaries. c) Anyone fatally stricken by plague. d ) A Siddique i.e. someone who is totally honest both inter-

nally and externally and there is no trace of any falsehood in him.

e) The Prophets. f) The Angels. g) Immature children (not according to Bazzaz (A.R.)) h) One passing away on Friday (night or day). i) One who recites Sura Mulk (29th Para) every night.

6. After burial, when the people have departed, the corpse is revived to face the ordeal of questioning by Munkar and Nakir, the two angels appointed for this purpose.

7. These 2 angels which then appear in the grave have been described in the Hadith as extremely black in colour with twisted hair, so long that it touches the ground; and having dark blue eyes, voice sounding like thunder claps, with their eyes shining like lightning and elongated teeth which reach the ground. CAUTION: Those things which man has seen is quite limited

whilst the things he has yet to see are UNLIMITED and if he denies the things which he has not seen then his IGNORANCE becomes UNLIMITED.

8. During the questioning by the Angels in the grave, which is conducted in the most harsh and terrifying manner, Shaitaan also appears and prompts thus: "Say, 'I am your Rabb'." Therefore it has been reported in the Ahadith that Nabi & used to beseech after burial:


""O! Allah save him from Shaitaan".

9. The questioning of the grave is restricted to one's BELIEFS and not one's deeds.

10. According to certain Ulama, Munkar and Nakir are 2 specific angels entrusted with the duties of questioning the dead in the grave, but other Ulama are of the opinion that Munkar and Nakir refer to a GROUP of angels that perform the same tasks.

11. The questioning in the grave is done in Arabic although some Ulama mention the possibility that each person may be ques- tioned in his own mother tongue.

12. Nabi & has mentioned that when the angels arrive to take the life of a pious Muslim, they first convey to him Allah's salaams which should be replied in the following manner:

13. The ROOH (soul) of a good Muslim is enshrouded in heavenly silk by the ~ n ~ e l - o f Death after conveying to the - - dead the glad tidings of Allah's happiness.

14. It is understood from the Ahadith that the deceased becomes fully aware of and recognises those who give him ghusl, en- shroud him and lower him in his grave.

15. The grave welcomes a pious Muslim and fondly embraces him.

16. From the ahadith we learn that the dead meet one another in their shrouds (kafn). Therefore good shrouds should be selected for them i.e. white and clean but not something ex- pensive.

17. The Hadith teaches us that when anyone visits his brother's grave and greets him then the inhabitant of the grave replies and if the visitor is someone who he had known in the world then he also recognises the person. The response to the greeting and the recognition are not restricted to any specific day but is applicable everyday.

Ibn A1 Hasan (A.R.) once remarked: "I am grieving for forty years over a sin committed by me." Someone enquired., "What sin is that which has caused such great concern and grief in you?" He replied, "Once I was visited by a friend and in order to enter- tain him, I bought fish which we subsequently ate. After the meal, I scraped some sand from my neighbour's wall without his per- mission, to wash my hands. I am still crying over that sin."

The questioner expressed surprise over the fact that such a small fault has created so much of anguish and concern. So Ibn A1 Hasan explained that according to Nabi & ), the biggest sin before Allah is that little slip or error which man regards as trifle and unimportant and therefore thinks it unnecessary to seek forgiveness. On the other hand, if he acknowledges his wrongs considering them to be quite serious, he would certainly feel guil- ty and ashamed of his actions and this would induce him to re- pent, seek.Allah's forgiveness through which he receives pardon and in this way obliterates all trace of the sin.


I have selected a very short surah of the Quraan-e-Majeed known as "A1 Zilzaal", meaning THE EARTHQUAKE. This surah was revealed in Madinah and is therefore classed amongst those refer- red to as the Madani Surahs.

Although A1 Zilzaal is one of the short surahs of the Quraan, its spiritual benefits ?re so extensive that if one has to place only this surah before him as a guide for the journey of life, it would transform one into a better Muslim. Our Nabi & has mentioned about Surah A1 Zilzaal, brief as it is, that it conforms to a quarter of the Qur'aan, meaning thereby that if someone recites the surah four times he would accumulate the rewards and sawaab equivalent to having read the whole Qur'aan.

The commentators of Hadith have attributed the high value of the surah to its subject matter. It deals with matters relating to the Hereafter and is therefore a quarter of the FOUR main topics into which the Quraan can be divided. These topics are as follows:-

1. TOHEED - which refers to the UNITY of Allah, and His uni- que Nature as the One and only Creator who has no associates or partners. For man's success on earth, in his grave and in the Hereafter, it is essential to believe in the ONENESS of Allah in His Nature and Being, as He is, with all His At- tributes and Qualities, without any partners. He alone is om- nipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. There is none besides Allah who has the knowledge of all things eternally or to be aware of and see everything simultaneously and unceasingly.

2. PROPHETHOOD - This is the next topic about which the Quraan clearly states that we must believe in Muhammad & as the final Messenger of Allah. It is obligatory and essential to accept whatever Nabi & has brought.

3. CRITERIA OF RIGHT & WRONG - This topic concerns the DO'S and DON'TS of this world such as what is permissible to eat and what is not to gain the pleasure of Allah. Similarly which deeds are prohibited and which not, to gain Allah's pleasure.

After all, the existence and objective of man on earth is to generate the pleasure of Allah and attain success in the Hereafter by entry into Jannah where also the greatest gift that a man would receive will be the Ultimate Pleasure of Allah.

Amongst the DO'S and DON'TS which is of extreme impor- tance but is being neglected irresponsibly is one which is the cause of havoc in society : resulting in family feuds, broken homes, bloodshed amongst brothers and fighting between mothers and their own children. The reference here is the total disregard of the Islamic Inheritance System which controls the distribution of wealth upon one's death.

Quite often, a father - in all good faith - prepares his Will with the intention of assisting his offspring, but as it turns out to be against Islamic Laws, he harms and spoils his own future of the Hereafter. This reminds us of the statement that many a person steals even after being buried; and upon inquiry as to how was this possible, it was explained that this occurs when a man orders through his Will to distribu'te his wealth con- trary to Islamic teachings, depriving others of their rightful shares and thus becoming the means of robbery.

There are specific laws in the Quraan and Ahadith relating to Inheritance and the distribution of wealth. Neither does Islam encourage capitalism nor does it condone- communism or socialism for the emphasis of Islam lies upon the equal distribution of wealth. Therefore, at the moment of death, a person loses all claims and rights over his estate with the ex- ception of bona fide expenses such as the cost of his funeral, debts incurred by him and any wasiyyat he has made. By wasiyyat is meant the desires and wishes of the deceased which would accrue reward for him eg. contributions towards the construction of Musjid, madressa, public rpads and facilities or for the printing of useful kitaabs; and also for of- fering grants to some persons who are not the heirs of the estate provided that such distribution is within the prescribed third proportion of the whole estate.

The balance of the wealth MUST then be shared strictly in ac- cordance to the laws of the Quraan and the manner shown by our Nabi & . Failure to arrange the proper distribution of the estate will be sinful and liable to suffer severe penalties in the hereafter. Therefore it is necessary that everyone use the pre-printed and approved will drawn by the Jamiatul Ulama, Natal, and Insha-Allah, this would prevent their heirs from fighting and indulging in haraam after one's demise.

4. CONDITIONS AFTER DEATH - This is the fourth topic of the Quraan and has been referred to in Surah A1 Zilzaal which discusses life after death, Qiamat and the conditions of Qiamat. Being one fourth of the different topics, Surah A1 Ziizaal, if recited 4 times, carries the same value in rewards as for completing the Qur'aan.

According to another narration Nabi & has equated the value of sawaab for this surah to half of that for completing the Quraan. This is applicable when the Quraan is divided into only two topics where the first part discusses worldly matters including Toheed, Prophethood and the Criteria of Right and Wrong, and the second part discusses all conditions of the life in the Hereafter.

Once, when a Sahabi requested Rasulullah & to teach him something of the Quraan, our Nabi & appointed Hazrat Ali (R.A.) for this task, and he began to teach him Surah A1 Zilzaal. When the Sahaabi learnt this Surah, Hazrat Ali ventured to teach him more but was stopped by the Sahaabi who said: (Enough, Enough! I am not bothered $ I do not hear any further

as this surah is sufficient for me).

Hazrat Ali (R.A.) then complained to Rasulullah & about the man's reluctance of further studies. Hearing this, Nabi & replied: "leave him, he is an intelligent man." This was so because if anybody grasps and adheres to A1 Zilzaal sincerely, then this surah causes a reformation within him, because at every point in time he would become conscious of the teachings of the surah and ,

this awareness will prevent him from committing sins.

The foregoing anecdote about the tuition of a Sahaabi by Hazrat Ali (R.A.) brings forth another important example for us i.e. the system of imparting knowledge during the time of our Nabi & . Alhamdulillah! in our times we make elaborate arrangements and preparations to educate our children. This of course is a necessity and I do not advocate that such methods be dispensed with because from infancy the process of learning must commence so that the child is always equipped with the proper knowledge when it is needed: By the time salaah becomes Fard, he has already learnt all the particulars and details concerning salaat; similarly, before embarking upon other ventures like commerce, industry or even agriculture sufficient knowledge is acquired for success in leading one's life.

However, the incident concerning Hazrat Ali (R.A.) highlights the even greater need for ADULT EDUCATION. Unfortunately this one aspect is being sorely neglected in our societies and very few of us have any concern for it. How many of us are bothered about whether our own Quraar-reading is correct? How many of us worry about checking and rectifying our own salaah? Not to mention the higher branches of Islamic learning like Tafseer, Hadith and Fiqh.

We are reminded about the Hadith wherein Nabi & had said that there are so many people who recite the Quraan but their recitation is flung back at them or at that the Quraan curses them. According to one interpretation, this and other similar ahadith mean that when the Quraan is not recited correctly or the salaat not performed properly then these actions are rejected and flung back upon the persons concerned.

Therefore a humble plea is made to everyone to heed this warning seriously and take stock of our knowledge and practices and not to assume that whatever we have learnt during childhood we still remember correctly; and even if we do remember well we should attend the Adult Education Classes as a refresher course.

After all, there is really no end to studies for one is always learn- ing, from the cradle to the grave. One should set aside at least 2 hours every week to study Deen in addition to our normal Islamic duties.

Surah A1 Zilzaal is the answer to those people who deny Qiamat and do not believe in the Final Hour.

Consider the EARTHQUAKE when the whole i o G d will be violently shaken!

Can you imagine the plight of those inside a building which crumbles as a result of underground movement of the earth? . . . . and what if the earth tremor affects not just one building but a complete block in a locality? Think about the magnitude of destruction if the whole town is engulfed by some violent upheaval. Imagine what turmoil, confusion and bewilderment would prevail. But here Allah is informing us that on that Day it will not be an eathquake affecting just a street, a town or a coun- try but the convulsion will cover the entire world and by this means everything will be completely annihilated. In another verse of the Quraan Allah Paak tells us:

O! People, fear your Rabb. verily the earthquake of the Hour is a great and dreadful event.

In this verse Allah refers to Qiamat as 'THE HOUR' because everything happens in time and numerous events occur in time but of all occurrences, THE event of all time will be Qiamat which Allah refers to as 'THE HOUR'. Furthermore, the word, "RABBAKUM" (Your Sustainer) has been used and not the word, "ALLAH". Whilst "RABBAKUM" is a specific quality of our Creator, "ALLAH" encompasses all the Attributes to perfection. As we are being warned in the verse about Qiamat, the feeling could have crept into man that perhaps, Allah is a zaalim (wa naoozubillah), an oppressor who does not have any mercy for His creation.

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I When the earth will eject its 'dead' men from within its bowels,

However, by the use of the word, RABBAKUM, we are being reminded that Allah is our Rabb and Sustainer who cared for our needs in the mothers' womb, and looked after us out of the womb through the mother's pure milk; because 'RABB' is the name given to that Sustainer who nourishes according to one's needs at any given moment. Therefore this word (RABB) is reminding us that Allah cares for us in the womb as well as outside where He has created and placed all the means for man to nurture himself and advance towards a life which would please Allah.

On that Day you will see it, every breast-feeding mother, (human or animal), forget (to feed) its babe.

Can you imagine a mother forgetting to feed her child?

The Quraan further declares:

And on that Day every pregnant mother will drop her burden

Fear, anxiety and tension would be so great that the mother, out of extreme shock, will abort.

And man will seem to be in a stupor, a drunken and intoxicated state but they would not be drunk but would appear so because of

the severity of Allah's punishment.

These verses should be sufficient to create revolution in all our hearts once we realise that every person - rich or poor, black or white - can experience the horrors of such a Day.

The earth will offload its burden

when the earth will throw up molten lava, when the earth will have volcanic .eruptions, it would also discard gold and silver from its stomach. All other treasures would be collected and cast

And man will say what is happening to this earth (that it is behaving so abnormally)

According to some commentators of the Quraan, the 'laam' in the word, "laha" stands for benefit expressing that whatever the earth is discarding has no benefit for us: The gold, silver and precious stones being piled in front of us and after which we were hanker-

{ ing in this world is lying now useless without any benefit for anybody. ; //

And on that Day (this very earth which is behaving abnormally: by its huge convulsion and earthquake when everything is disintegrating and crumbling upon man and the treasures from beneath are being cast out), this same earth will relate her stories (and give evideme against man) according to what Allah has

revealed to it.

The earth will report all the facts in detail about the behaviour of so and so whilst perched upon its back, indulged in sinning, and certain man killed so and so, and someone or the other robbed, committed adultery, spoke ill, carried tales, etc. etc. Thus every action of man will be revealed by the earth. It would become necessary for the earth to testify because when man receives his Book of Deeds he will be alarmed at the number of ill-deeds recorded against him and he would exclaim: 'O! Allah, this Book has such actions to my account which I never committed. This is an error on the part of your Malaaikah."


On that Day, man's mouth will be sealed (unable to speak through that means) and instead his hands and feet would be giv-

ing evidence about what each limb had done (on earth.)

Thus man would be testifying against himself! We know about the verses wherein we are reminded that the Pro- phets (A.S.) have passed the message to us and we have been


forewarned about what to expect and how to lead our life. Then on the Day of Qiamah, our own limbs would be giving evidence against us, and coupled with that, the ground also would be call- L

ed upon to bear witness against us. Shaitaan, on the other hand, is doing his utmost to mislead mankind by creating the thoughts and impressions that nobody is watching, so there is no one to see a wrong being done or a sin being committed.

We must never be fooled by such thoughts and instead always be aware that the ground and our very organs would be speaking out against us in the Hereafter. Through this awareness we would be able to check our actions because even though a sin is to be com- mitted in the darkest hour of the night, the earth is still present to sense what is taking place.

If we have erred in the past, we must hasten to repent and seek forgiveness. Our Deen and religion is most easy: Our Nabi & has said that if one seeks forgiveness sincerely, one would be cleansed of all sin in such a way as if no sin had been committed at all.

The condition for acquiring the pardon and forgiveness is to re- pent earnestly and sincerely with the firm intention of never repeating or indulging in the sin again.



How would it be possible for it to behave like a man who has life?

The Quraan guides us regarding this question. Allah says in the Quraan:- (And there is not a thing on this earth but that it glorifies Allah)


Some commentators of the Quraan have explained that this glorification is recognisable from the external appearance which points towards some known form of sacred veneration or medita- tion. For instance man has a tongue through which he expresses himself and this is called 'ZABAAN-E-MAQAAL' i.e. the tongue of speech. There is also a 'ZABAAN-E-HAAL' an outer condition and appearance indicating the presence .of speech. A simple way to illustrate (Zabaan-e-haal) is to consider the case of a certain man who is knocking upon a door. Being in a dirty and dishevell- ed condition with tattered and torn clothing, he will be im- mediately recognised as a vagabond even though he has neither been questioned yet nor has he spoken anything.

It is such outward condition of everything which expresses glorification of Allah.

If you watch an animal walking on its fours, it is expressing TASBEEH because it has assumed the position of RUKU. Similarly trees, by their upright positions, compare with QIYAAM which is the standing posture in namaaz. In the same way, crawling creatures are said to be in SAJDAH and glorifying Allah through the expression of complete humility.


(But you do not comprehend its tasbeeh) (AL-QURAN)

So the external expressions can be understood as explained above but Allah Paak is telling us explicitly that everything makes the Tasbeeh: the sun, the moon, stars, trees, animals and even rocks but man does not understand!

The Hadith Indicates also that mere postures are not the actual tasbeeh although the positions resemble those of salaah. The fdmous Hadith about the tree trunk which began to wail and cry profusely when a new MIMBAR had been built for Nabi & and had become clear that now it would not be necessary any longer for R;lsulullah & t o lean against that tree trunk as he had been accustomed t o do before the construction of the MIMBAR. The Sahabah (R.A.) report that Nabi & spoke to the tree trunk and askcd for the reason for its lamentation. It replied that the weeping resulted from the realisation of its separation from Nabi ,& who would not be leaning against it any longer. Thereupon Rasulullah consoled the tree trunk by asking it to choose to become a tree of Jannah where it would enjoy eternal life o r to be 1 blessed so that people would come from afar t o enjoy its fruits. This apparently lifeless, senseless and emotionless trunk then chose the life of the Hereafter. About this decision, Moulana Rumi (A.R.) has written in one place, addressing man:

O! Negligent One, be not more degraded than a tree (wood) (. . . . . . . because the tree had the intelligence t o choose eternal life and, not the TEMPORARY rank, status, position and pleasures of this world, the things which are making us forget the


From this incident one learns that even a tree has the power of speech! On another occasion, Abu Jahl - the arch-enemy of our Nabi & - placed something in the palm of hls hand, closed his fist and ap- proaching Nabi & , taunted thus: "O! Muhammad, you claim to be bringing messages of Jannah and Jahannam which no one rlas witnessed. If you are truthful, tell me what I have hidden in this hand of mine?" Nabi replied, "If you wish, I will not only tell you what you conceal but I can also make what you hide to speak." This astonished Abu Jahl who then remarked: "I had asked you for a com{aratively easy task but you want to accomplish something more difficult. Well, let us hear the speech of what lies in my hand."

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Nabi & replied, "This is not difficult for Allah." Thereafter- he told Abu Jahl that there were six pebbles in his hand, and then ,td- dressing the pebbles, he exhorted: "Testify as to who I am!" The stones immediately began reciting: ( W c t c s t z f ? ~ that thew is none zuorthy of worship besidrs . . l l /~h; and U:P tc?.stzf~~ that Muhammad & is Allah's worshipper L ~ n d


Hearlng t h ~ s , Abu Jahl flung the stones away 'and retorted: "0 Muhammad! y o u are a magician." (wanaoozub~llah j

This hadith clearly shows how inanimate things like stone4 ccln be made to speak and bear witness to the prophethood of Xabl Muhammad & . '

NOTE: With modern technology, ordinary mortals are able to record sound and voices upon inanimate discs and tapes so in comparison, Allah's Qudrat and I'ower is L,imitless and unquestionable!

In another Hadith Nabi & has said that everything thar heitrs the Muazzin's voice will testify about his Islam and Imaan on rhe Day of Judgement. Nabi & has specifically mentioned that everything dry and green will give evidence in favour of the Muazzin, regardless of whether they appear to be animate or in- animate.

This also conclusively proves that EVERYTHING hds life and they glorify Allah, making His TASBEEH, even though we nlciy not understand the exact process. So like everything else, the ground will also testify as mentioned previously.

O n that Day of Judgement, mankind will come forth, graded and in groups to be shown their respective deeds.

On the one hand will be the good people and on the other hand the evil ones. The evil group will be sorted into different categories like atheists (kafirs), polytheists and other types of sin- ners. Each sub-group will have different signs to identify their kind, for instance:

the sinners who had broken promises would be recognised by a flag jutting out from their buttocks; the rogue will be burdened with all the stolen property tied around his neck regardless of the amount or size of the stolen goods; the proud ones will become deaf and dumb mutes even though they did not have such defects in the world;

\ the ones who had failed to fulfil the rights of neighbours 1 would find their hands and feet chopped off; those who had been dealing with interest-bearing transac- tions in the world would be dragged by their feet with their heads on the ground as the angels pull them.

These will be just some of the groups to be formed.

Even the good people will be placed into separate divisions: There would be those whose faces would shine like the fourteenth full moon and others who would glitter like the stars. A group would be sitting on thrones made of pearls, rubies and emeralds whilst others would be upon mounds of musk and saffron. Many would be found beneath the shade of the Throne of Allah. All of them will be granted deserving positions according to their respective deeds in the world. 6

li Thereafter, each individual would be shown his actions of the world in order to commence the account taking. 1 We must remember also that on that Day of Judgement, we will have to account for every single deed whether it had been done openly or covertly.

Surah A1 Zilzaal draws our attention to and encourages us to ponder for a moment 5efore commencing any action.

We have to ask ourselves whether the deed being contemplated would please Allah or please Shaitaan and earn the wrath and displeasure of Allah.

In the Hadith it is recorded that when the Bugle is blown for the second time, mankind will emerge from the grave and remain standing for a thousand years and according to one Hadith nar- rated by Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.), everyone then will be completely naked. FOR THE PIOUS AND ALLAH-FEARING PEOPLE THESE THOUSAND YEARS WOULD SEEM LIKE JUST A MO- MENT!

Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) had been concerned and questioned, "Ya Rasulallah & ;will everybody be naked when they come o u t of their graves, the good as well as the bad?" When Rasulallah & replied in the affirmative she began to cry bitterly due to her modesty and bashfulness and fear that in the hereafter, when man will have no control over his actions, she would be naked in the presence of other people.

A case of extreme modesty has also been recorded in the case of Hazrat Fatimah (R.A.). Before her death, she requested that her bier be well covered so that nobody would be able to discern the shape and form of her body.

This request was for an additional cover upon the kafn on her body; and further, she asked that when she was being lowered in- to the grave, some material should be used as a screen to cover the grave.

Alhamdulillah! even these days we notice that when we are about to bury one of our sisters a t the cemetery there is call for no light entering the grave. This, in fact, is the Sunnah of Hazrat Fathimah (R.A.) where purdah is being stressed upon. Unfor- tunately this importance of purdah is insisted upon for our mothers and sisters when they have passed away but when our sisters, daughters and wives are living on the face of this earth there seems to be no real concern for thi$.

From this we realise that the Sunnah and Faraaidh are being cast aside when we are walking on the face of the earth: this very earth which would testify against them and us for denying the Laws of Allah Paak. They appeared nude on this earth in spite of being clad.

Many of us are quite aware how the schools and other groups organise Charity Drives in order to raise funds. Charity, Al- Hamdulillah, is very good but before participating in such drives, two things should be considered: Firstly, is this drive being con- ducted according to the teachings of our Nabi & or not; and, secondly what is the aim and purpose of this charity? Would it be against the Deen of Islam or would it assist in the benefit and pro- gress of Muslims?

In these charity drives, some of the methods adopted are quite good but it is also common knowledge that, most unfortunately, in the name of charity MODESTY has been flung aside and Islamic standards thrown overboard to such an extent that Beau- ty Pageants and Best Legs Contests are being staged at schools and many parents are not even aware that their own daughters are featured in these haraam Contests. What are we heading towards, that at the time of burial of womenfolk who are then lifeless and unable to attract any admiration, we are stressing so much on Purdah (which of course is perfectly correct) but what is of much more importance we are flagrantly neglecting to such an extent that we are not even aware that our daughters are display- ing their bodies for all and sundry to view and admire?


The second aspect concerning charity affecting Muslims is the vital questions of h3w and where would the collected funds be utilised?

Muslims, Alhamdulillah, throughout the world are very generous and charitable. However it is important that all charity be guided in accordance to the teachings of the Quraan and ahadith.

No Muslim in his right senses must offer any form of assistance for the upliftment of any other religions other than ISLAM even if the deen concerned has been mentioned in the Quraan, like Judaism and Christianity.

Sometimes a drive for fund; is made for the construction of a church or temple. One should not be deceived into thinking that if the temple or church is built the followers would live a better life because even their scriptures contain some etiquettes of morality. (In actual fact the church or temple would bind them forever into shirrk and disbelief). We must always bear in mind that Allah has clearly stated in the Quraan:

Assist in good and piety and not in sin. (SURAH : A1 Maidah)

However there is no harm is assisting any person, either Muslim or non-Muslim, to relieve him of his difficulties. In other words, to help with provisions such as food, clothing or medicine is per- missible and laudable but there should be no assistance towards the construction of temples and churches or any activities relating to their religious beliefs (eg. sale of Diwali lamps, fire crackers, "holy ashes", raakhies, birthday cards, etc.)

O n that Day i.e. the Day of Judgement, Allah will gather and divide mankind into groups : the Good and the Evil. Thereafter each of these groups would be subdivided according to the in- dividual's category.

From the ahadith we learn that both sections, the Good as well as the Evil, would display different signs to distinguish one from the other and in this way their deeds would be identified as expressed in this Surah (Al-Zilzaal). This is how Allah wants to make manifest to everyone the actions of mankind, and every i,l- dividual will be presented with a Book of Deeds, by Allah.

The Book of Deeds of each person is being compiled by two ap- pointed angels, the Kiraman-Katibeen who are constantly recor- ding (in the minutet detail) every action of man: (. . . . . . and upon them will be their guardians (angels) who are the

honoured nrntt.rr and they knoui u~hateuer yon are dolng.) (A1 - Q L I K A A N )

Allah has made it possible for these angels to sense and become aware of every action of mankind, but they are invisible to man. All the good people will receive their Book of Deeds in their RIGHT hands, as mentioned in the Quraan: drrd z~ thosoe~~er u*rll be given the Book of Deeds in the RlGHT

i'znd, his n.rkontng u ~ ~ ; l d be easy and he would return to his f a m ~ l y happily.)

The word, "family" here does not only refer to one's kith and kin but includes all other believers who were successful like him. Although no Book of Deeds would contain any injustice within its pages, man will still be asked in the hereafter to state whether he has found any fault in the recordings. Some people will remark that, "0 Allah! I notice in my Book of Deeds the inclusion of numerous virtuous deeds which I had never performed but You have Blessed me with their rewards." Allah will then remind him about all the du'aas which he used to make in the world and were not fulfilled there but instead were reserved for him as treasures of the Hereafter by Allah. Hearing this, the man would begin to wish and realise that it would have been a far better option if all his duaa's of the world had been un- fulfilled there and instead reserved for the hereafter.

Another Believer will exclaim: "0 Allah! you have credited iny records with numerous performance of Haj and Umra, payments of considerable amounts of Zakaat, observance of extensive periods of Roza and the qualifications of a large number of ilalims under my hands whereas I was never an Aalim myself and had but a short span of life."

Allah I'aak will then remind him that: "In the world you had been engaged in uplifting the Deen by enjoining good and forbidding

evil, and as a result of your efforts of Dawah, many people saw the light of righteousness and moved into the Straight Path.

When they changed their lives, they began earnestly to practise the Deen correctly by performing Haj and Umra, by paying Zakaat, keeping Roza and educating their offspring to become Aalims; and they did not stop at that for they went further and carried the Dawah to others who likewise benefitted and upheld the chain of Islam. As you had been instrumental in initiating all these resulting efforts, the cumulative rewards and sawaabs have been written in your account also."

So, respected Readers, as I mentioned earlier, this Surah - A1 Zilzaal - should be placed before us as I constant reminder that we have to answer for all our deeds, good and evil, because everyone of them (even as tiny as the minutest atom) has been recorded and we will have to account for them in the Court of Allah.

The evil-doers, those who transgressed the Laws of Allah and those who disbelieved, will be given their Books of Deeds in their LEFT hands:

And those who would be given their Books in their left hands would lament: 'O! if only we were not given our Books; if only we were not informed about our actions, deeds and account-taking; if only we were completely dead and not revived to see these books; our wealth is worthless now and the kingdoms and em- pires have long been destroyed and in this hour of need they are not available to derive any benefit from.'

Also, such people would be handed their books from behind their backs:

That those who will be given their Books from the rear (the non- believers and transgressors) then they would say, 'if only we had been dead today' but they would be sent to ~ahannam. -


At that time they will be given their respective Books to study the contents, as mentioned in the Quraan.

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Allah will ask them to read through the Kitaab and check if anything has been entered incorrectly. That is when the disbelievers would be crying out: 'It would have been better if we remained dead to-day and never seen these.'

In a Hadith we read that on one occassion, Nabi & enquired from his Sahabah (R.A.) whether they knew who a real PAUPER .

was. When they replied in the negative, Rasulullah & explained that a pauper is that person who appears before Allah Ta'aala with a tremendous amount of good deeds including Zakaat, Haj, Saum (fasting), Salaah, Dawaah and Tabligh. However, inspite of having all these virtues, he would have also trampled on the rights of others by having spoken ill of someone, criticised another wrongly, back-bitten or insultingly sworn somebody or robbed another, etc.

His good deeds will now be used to compensate for all the evils committed by him until all his rewards and sawaab would be eliminated. Therefore the sins of those whom he had wronged would be transferred upon his shoulders and thus, as a real PAUPER, he will be cast into Jahannam. (May Allah save us all from such a plight!)

The account-taking will only begin after the intercession of Nabi & when Allah Paak will commence with the reckoning.

(Allah will command! Stop them for they are the one's to be ques- tioned)

There wil be several stages or stations for questioning and the first of these will deal with SALAAH; tbe same salaah about which Nabi & declared that it was the Mairaaj of the Believers, the same salaah which Nabi & called the 'coolness' of his eyes, the very same salaah concerning which Nabi & said: (Whosoever neglects his salaah will be with Firaun, Haamaan

and Ubai-bin-Khalf..)

Firaun was a tyrant ruler who used to boast: (I am your Rabb, the most high). Hamaan was a king's minister whilst Ubai-bin-Khalf was a notorious trader who lived during the time of Nabi & .

The commentators of Hadith explain that the very occupations which these 3 people were involved in are even today preventing Muslims from performing their salaah on time i.e. having a kingdom, being a minister or a businessman.

Therefore whoever neglects his salaat for similar reasons would also meet the same fate as the three mentioned.

According to another Hadith Nabi & has said that there are 10 types of people for whom there is especially severe torments and amongst them are those who neglect their salaat. Jannah will pro- claim to such people: "For you there is no place in me." Mean- while Jahannam will exclaim: "Come, Come to me", and the angels would bind them and smite them on their faces and backs.

In another narration Nabi & has disclosed that in Jahannam there is an exclusive valley infested with serpents whose width resembles the size of a camel's neck and the length is equivalent to a month's journey, and their sole task is to torment, persecute and punish those people who had neglected their salaat.

Ubai-bin-Khalf was the person who had selected a horse about which he used to boast proudly to Rasulullah & that, "I am rearing and looking after this horse solely to mount it for the pur- pose of killing you (Allah forbid!)." Firaun on the other hand claimed to be the GOD and RABB.

So one can imagine how severe the punishment would be for these people who had been so much steeped in kufr; and yet, we are warned that a similar fate awaits those who neglect their salaat and this warning has been given by none other than our beloved Prophet Muhammad & whose truthfulness was never question- ed even by his enemies! (The TRUTH emanating from our Prophet & was so glaring and distinguishing that he was given the title, "A1 Ameen".)

In spite of the warning, we still find Muslims missing their salaat one after the other. Azaan is being heard distinctly but the Imaan, has become so weak that not only is the call to salaah ignored but unfortunately, at that moment, one indulges in some idle pursuit

or the other.

Whilst the correct procedure to adopt is to join the congregation for namaaz at the Musjid, one's Imaan can be so weak that this is not being done, so the least that one should do is perform the namaaz, even individually, but within the prescribed time without it becoming QADHA i.e. delaying it so long that Asr has to be read at Maghrib time.

In one Hadith Rasulullah & has said that the person who misses his salaat and makes up for it later through qadha, (NOTE: this hadith is not discussing about those who neglect salaat altogether), he will be punished in hell for the period of one 'Hu- qub'.

A 'Huqub' is calculated as a term of 80 years of which one year has 360 Days and each single Day (of the hereafter is equivalent to a thousand years (of this world) which we reckon.

So respected readers, having accepted the admonitions of our Nabi & as the absolute TRUTH, and having full belief and faith in his words, we cannot afford the risk of remaining apathetic and sinful any longer. Therefore let us resolve sincerely to strive towards rectifying our faults and remain steadfast in the perfor- mance of salaat regularly and timeously. Henceforth we shall endeavour never to miss any salaat for the Qur'aan clearly in- forms us that the 'correct' salaah will protect us from indulging in sin.

Now, in the final verses of Sura A1 Zilzaal, Allah Paak says:

(Whoever performs a good deed, even an atom's weight will see it then . .. ...)

(And whoever does an evil deed, even an atom's weight will see it then.)

Even if one has to overlook or forget all the commentary of this Surah discussed thus far, and only grasps and remembers these last two verses, it would be quite sufficient to change one's life and create a revolution in the heart because of the realisation that every little deed would earn sawaab whilst every evil, even the tiniest, would be revealed. This must urge us all to begin practis- ing on the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi and continue to fulfil the commandments of Allah.

May Allah Paak grant each and everyone of us the ability of recalling this Surah and its vital messages at every juncture of our lives so that we become better Muslims and thereby gain the Pleasure of Allah. Ameen!

1. Man is aware about his inevitable death, yet he in- dulges in laughter and merriment.

2. Knowing that this world will come to an end, man still hankers after it.

3. Man knows that everything has been predistined yet he laments over the loss of something.

4. Man has been warned and has the full knowledge about the Fire of Hell but he continues to sin.

5 . Man believes in the Reckoning of the Hereafter but still he persists in amassing wealth.

6. Declaring his belief in the Unity and oneness of Allah, yet man remembers others besides Allah.

7. Man believes in Jannah but still finds pleasure in the idle pursuits of this fleeting world.


All the Prophets who came into this world foretold the occurrence of the Last Day, which would be also the Day of Resurrection and their prophecies have included several signs which would precede and indicate the approach of that Final Hour. Our Prophet Muhammad &$ ), being the seal and the last in the chain of pro- phets, detailed even more signs, events and calamities that would come to pass and signal the imminence of the Day of Qiamat.

It was necessary for mankind to be informed about these signs so that precautions can be taken against disasters and one's Imaan may be preserved.

The following predictions have been collated from the Ahadith and presented here, consecutively, according to each one's ex- pected occurrence:

1. Before Qiamat such major events would occur that would induce people to enquire: "has your Nabi & mentioned anything about this?"

( H AKIM )

Thirty great liars would make their appearance and the last from among them would be the one-eyed Dajjal. (HAKIM)

3. Till the descension of Hazrdt Eesa (A.S.) a righteous group from the ummah will remain steadfastly on the correct and true path wittiout wavering or being bothered about their opposition.


4. The final Ameer to lead this group would be Imam Mahdi.


3 .

Imam Mahdi would be a pious Muslim from the family of Nabi & and, the descent of f-Iazrat Eesa (A.S.) will occur during his lifetime.

A Muslim army comprising Allah's beloved people would wage war against India and become victorious. Upon their return to Syria they would find Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) (already descended).

(NASXI: K 4 W Z )

7. The Romans would declare war against the Muslims. The Muslim Army will then be despatched from Madinah to defend Islam and protect the Muslims. When the two armies face each other, the Romans would demand the return of their prisoners. When the Muslims refuse, figthing will commer~ce and in the en- suing battle, a third from the Muslims will flee and their repen- tance (towbah) will not be accepted; another third would be made shaheed, becoming the best of the martyrs. The remainder of the Muslims would gain victory and thereby also gain protec- tion against all future trials. (MUSLIM)

8. Following the defeat of the Romans, the Muslim army will con- quer Constantia (Constantinople). (MUSLIM)

9. This group will depart hastily after hearing the false rumour about the coming out of Dajjal. However, by the time they reach Shaam (Syria), Dajjal would really emerge, (MUSLIM)

10. Prior to the emergence of Daijal there would be three different oc- casions when people would become dreadfully alarmed and ter- rified. (AHMAD)

11. At the time of Dajjal's appearance there would be very dew pious people but disputes and differences would be rife. (HAKJM)

12. The followers of Dajjal would comprise mainly women and also Jews who would be about 70,000 in number. (AHMAD)


13. Dajjal will appear to be young with curly hair and having pigmen- tation like that of wheat. His both eyes would be defective with the left one completely blind and the right one popping out. Upon

his forehead would be inscribed 3 (KAFIR) and every Believer, even though illiterate, will be able to read it.


14. He will be mounted upon an ass and would be able to move rapidly like the clouds and wind. Very swiftly he would travel around the world carrying mischief and devastation. Makkah, Madinah and Baitul Muqaddas (Jerusalem) will be safe.


15. At that time Madinah will have seven roads leading to it, and both Makkah and Madinah would be guarded by angels.


16. Dajjal will encamp on the outskirts of Madinah at Zareebe Ahmar. During that period three earth tremors will occur in Madinah and this will persuade all the hypocrites, males and females to defect, and take refuge with Dajjal. (IBN MAJAH)

Women would be the first to support and follow Dajjal. (MAJMA-UZ-ZAWAID)

18. The fitnah and pillage of Dajjal would be of the worst kind ever to afflict mankind. Hence every Nabi (A.S.) has warned his na- tion about it. (IBN MAJAH)

19. In the beginning Dajjal will claim to be a Prophet but would later proclaimDivinity and he will have with him a mountain of provi- sions (foodstuffs and water). (AHMAD)

20. The hidden treasures of the earth would follow his orders and come out into the open. Dajjal will also be able to cure those who had been blind since birth. (FATHUL BARI)

21. Dajjal will be accompanied by two shaitaans who would converse with man. (HAKIM)

22. On either side of Dajjal would be two angels who will materialise and take the form and shape of two Prophets of former ummats. Turning towards them, Dajjal will question: "Am I not your Rabb and God? Do I not give life and cause death?" One of the angels will respond by exclaiming: "YOIJ ARE LYING!" unfor- tunately this reply would be audible only to Dajjal and the other angel and no other person will hear it. The second angel will then tell his partner: "YOU have spoken the truth!" However, this answer will be heard by everyone who will assume that this is the reply to Dajjal's questions. (This confusion would be a further test for mankind.)


23. Whosoever accepts and believes in Dajjal would become a Kafir and all his good deeds of the past would be reduced to nought; and those who reject and defy Dajjal would gain forgiveness for all sins. (HAKIM)

24. All those following Dajjal will enjoy great comforts, luxuries and abundance (provided by Dajjal) whilst those who reject him will undergo many difficulties. (MUSLIM; AHMAD)

25. No one will have the power and ability to destroy Dajjal besides Hazrat Eesa (A.S). (ABU DAWOOD)

26. Whosoever recites upon Dajjal the first ten verses of Surah Kahf,

he will be protected from the fitnah and trials of Dajjal to such an extent that even if Dajjal flings him into the fire, it would become cool for him. (MUSLIM)

27. To strike belief into a youth, Dajjal will first severe his body into two with a sword and thereafter, through the Will of Allah, restore him back to life. He will then ask the lad, "Who is your Rabb?" The youngster will reply: "My Rabb is Allah. You are Dajjal, the enemy of Allah and today my belief in Allah has become stronger ." (MUSLIM; IBN MAJAH)

28. With the exception of the one youth, Dajjal will not have the ability or power to revive anyone else after killing. (AHMAD)

29. Dajjal's fitnah will last for forty days, one day of which will be equal to a year, another day would equal a month and a third day will equal one week. The remaining days will be normal.


30. The Believers will be assembled on 'Jabal-ud-Dukhan' and Dajjal will be by the gate of 'Lud'. (AHMAD; IBN MAJAH)

31. Dajjal will besiege a group of Muslims. This siege will create enormous problems, difficulties, poverty and famine for the Muslims. (HAKIM)

32 . Finally Dajjal will appear in Jordan. At that time all the Believers (in Allah and the Hereafter) will be in the Valley of Jordan. Dajjal will kill one-third of the Muslims and again defeat another third. Thus only a third of the Muslims would survive. (HAKIM)

33. When this siege of the Valley of Jordan becomes very long and ar- duous, the Ameer of the Muslims (Imaam Mahdi (A.R.) will

declare war. That night would turn out to be very dark and at the time of Fajr, Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) would descend with his hands on the shoulders of two angels. (HAKIM: MUAMMAR: AHMAD: MUSLIM)

34. Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will resemble the famous Sahabie, Urwah Ibn Masood (R.A.) and his colour would be reddish-white and he would be of average height. His shoulder-length hair would be shining and straight. (IBN JAREER: ABU DAWOOD)

He would be clad in an armour. (MUAMMAR)

36. The descension of Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will occur in the midst of a very pious group of people comprising 800 men and 400 women. When requested, Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) would introduce himself.


At that moment, Iman Mahdi (A.R.) would have already stepped forward to lead the congregation in salaah. He would immediate- ly step back to allow Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) to take over the lead but Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will bid him to continue.


38. After Fajr Salaah, Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will order to open the door behind which Dajjal would be stationed with his army. Then Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will indicate with his hands that the path should be cleared leaving nobody between him and Dajjal. At the sight of Hazrat Eesa (A.S.), Dajjal will begin to melt.


39. The breath of Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) would have such force and vigour that it would travel even as far as the line of sight, and all those from amongst the disbelievers who are affected by this 'spray' of his breath, would die.


40. A full scale war will begin and during the battle, Dajjal will at- tempt to escape. Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will pursue and kill him at the gate of 'Lud' which is in Israeli-occupied Palestine.

There will be no protection whatsoever for the Jews siding Dajjal because even the trees and rocks behind which they would at- tempt to hide, will call out: "Behind me is a Jew . . . . come and kill him!" (IBN MAJAH)

41. Eesa (A.S.) and the Muslims will break the CROSS and destroy the PIG. (i.e. annihilate Christianity). (MUSLIM)

42. Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will proceed for Haj and visit Madina where he will offer greetings to our Nabi Muhammad & who will reply. (HAKIM)

43. Mankind will be living in peace and comfort when suddenly, 'Ya- jooj Majooj' will break the wall behind which they are presently fortified. (HAKIM)

44. Allah will order Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) to take the Muslims and seek refuge upon Mount Tbr because there would be none capable of fighting against Yajooj Majooj who would be in great numbers, wreaking havoc wherever they go. They would empty all the rivers in their path drinking all the water until they would say to themselves: 'We have overpowered the inhabitants of the earth, so let us turn to the sky.' (MUSLIM; HAKIM)

45. Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will remain trapped with his companions upon Mount ~ u r where they would be facing acute shortages due to the siege. (MUSLIM)

46. Allah Paak will then accept the du'aa of Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) and destroy Yajooj and Majooj by infesting their necks with worms which would cause their bodies to burst. (MUSLIM)

47. After further du'aas by Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) and the Muslims, Allah will depute gigantic birds to pick up the bodies of Yajooj Majooj and cast them in the sea. This would be followed by heavy rains that would cleanse the ground. (MUSLIM)

48. After his descension, Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) would be the khalifa of our Nabi & and therefore, would practise upon the Qur'aan and Sunnah and also exhort others to do likewise.

(Durr-e-Manthiir; AHMAD)

49. Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) will live for forty years after his descension.


50. All those who support and follow Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) in order to safeguard their Deen, would become Allah's beloved and would be protected from the Fire. (NASAI; KANZ)

51. There being no more Kafirs or other religions, only ISLAM would prevail. There would be so much of wealth and riches that Zakaat and Sadqah would become unnecessary and no more col- lected. (IBN MAJAH; MUSLIM)

52. The entire world would be satiated with PEACE and there shall be total absence of enmity between any two persons for seven years! Everyone's heart would be free of hatred, jealousy, malice, enmity, etc. (IBN MAJAH; MUSLIM)

53. Nobody would die or fall sick for a full term of 40 years. (HAKIM)

54. Children would be playing freely with wild animals and snakes as they would be harmless. (AHMAD; IBN MAJAH)

55. During the reign of Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) it would be a period of great abundance and plenty of Peace. (KANZ)

56. Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) would marry and have children. After mar- riage he would live for only 19 years.

57. His passing away would be a natural death and he would be buried in Madinah near the grave of our Nabi & .

58. After the death of Hazrat Eesa (A.S.) and according to his wish, the people would appoint Muqdd, from the Banu Tamim tribe, as the next Khalifa. (AL ISHAAAT)

59. Muqad will also pass away. ( IBID )

60. There would be three earthquakes, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia. (MUSLIM)

61. A uall of smoke will arise and make the Believers experience cold whilst the heads of the disbelievers would undergo roasting.


62. One day the sun will rise from the West instead of the East. See- ing this, the non-Muslims would want to accept Islam and the sinful Muslims would prepare to repent, but it would be too late as nothing would NOW be accepted. (MUSLIM)

63. A strange beast will appear with the ability to talk to man.


64. A fire will break out in Yemen and drive the people to Syria where the Believers would be assembled. (MUSLIM; NASAI)

6.5. After the death of Muqad, the Khalifa of Hazrat Eesa (A.S.), and within a period of 30 years, the Qur'aan will be removed from the hearts of the people, and even the printed copies would disap- pear. (AL ISHAA'AT)

A pleasant breeze will blow and take away the lives of all the Believers. (MUSLIM)

Only the evil-doers will now remain on earth, living sinfully without any shame, and upon them Qiarnat will occur.


"I have neither deprived him of his sustenance (rozi) for he had consumed completely all his food and livelihood allotted to him, nor have I curtailed his age for he had completed fully his term on earth. I have to come back again to'this house and my visits would be recurring until I have captured everyone's

Hazrat Hasan Basri (A.R.) has mentioned further that if the dwellers and residents of that house were to see and hear the Angel of Death then, By Allah! they would forget their dead and instead begin to worry about themselves.


1. WAQF Property would be regarded as one's personal belonging and assets of Public Trusts would be misappropriated.

2. Zakaat would be considered as a burden of TAX.

3. Obedience to wife and disobedience of parents would be the order of the times. The husband would pusillanimously (most timidly) submit to the un-Islamic whims and dictates of his wife.

4. Whilst mothers would be disobeyed and fathers treated like strangers, preferance would be given to friends who would be entertained with warm receptions and generous hospitality.

5. Acquisition of Islamic Knowledge would be solely for monetary gain and not for the pleasure of Allah.

6 . The reigns of political power would be vested in undeserving peo- ple having low morality and wicked character.

7. Tyrants would be praised and honoured in order to escape their persecution.

8. Alcohol and other intoxicating beverages would be publicly con- sumed and labelled as "soft drinks".

9. There will be prevalence of music with newly-invented musical instruments as well as dancing and singing women who will ap- pear in great abundance.

10. Usury and Interest would be regarded as trade whilst bribery would be taken as gifts.

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11. The incidence of divorces would be on the increase.

12. Shame and modesty would disappear from the general public whilst adultery and fornication would become commonplace.

13. Besides food and drink, women will also be provided and offered for the entertainment of guests at parties.

14. Men would compete with one another in the construction of high rise buildings.

15. The Islamic greeting would be reserved for only one's acquain- tances.

16. The rate of natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, etc. would increase.

17. The sanctity of Musjids would be defiled by noise and worldly discussions.

18. Businesses would expand to such an extent that womenfolk will stand alongside men in shops and other commercial enterprises.

19. Sudden death will become a common occurrence.

20. Women would appear naked in spite of their dressing which would be either scanty and transparent or tight-fitting and reveal- ing.

21. Breach of trust would become a common malady of society.

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Illegitimate children would abound profusely.

23. Females would greatly increase in number over males such that there would be nearly 50 females for each male.

24. Some people would arise with sayings of the Prophet & which nobody had heard before.

25. Arabia will be turned into artificial meadows and rivers.

26. The people will not follow the companions of the Prophet & holding them in light estimation.

27. The river Euphrates will disclose enormous quantity of gold for which 99 % of the people present there would be killed in mutual fights.

A fire will break out in Hejaz and spread far and wide.


May Allah Guide Us All! (Aameen)


Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) narrates that: "We asked Rasulullah & , 'Jannah (Paradise) is made of what?' and he replied, 'of

water'. So we further enquired, 'our question was referring to the buildings (in Jannah)?' T o this, Rasulullah & offered the follow- ing explanation: 'One brick is of gold and another of silver; the cement is musk, the sand saffron and the stones are pearls and emeralds. Whosoever enters Jannah will not be deprived of anything and will live there eternally, never to be overcome by death. Neither will his clothes age and deteriorate nor will he lose his youth.'

A Jannati, according to our Nabi & , will walk in the shade of a certain tree in Jannah for a hundred years and still not cover or walk off from the extent of that shade!


Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah & said that 'LUBAH' is a Hiir (Damsel) of Jannah who is composed of four elements viz. musk, camphor, amber and saffron, knead- ed with water. If she were to spit in the salty oceans, its waters would turn sweet; and on her forehead is inscribed: 'Whoever desires me must OBEY the Commandments of Allah.'

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) has narrated that our Nabi & has informed that unlike on earth where a person ages all the time, in Jannah the beauty and youth would be enhanced continuously.

In Jannah, a man would assume and maintain the age of 33 and the height of Hazrat Aadam (A.S.) who was of 60 hands length. With the exception of head, brows and eyelashes, the Jannati will have no other hair on the body. His complexion would be white and would be donned in 70 garments, each of which would be of a difierent colour.

Allah revealed to a Nabi (A.S.) of His: "O! son of Aadam (A.S.) (meaning MAN), you are buying HELL at a very high price and rejecting the purchase of Jannah at a very low and cheap price." The meaning of this has been explained thus: Sinners and tran- sgressors squander thousands for feeding and providing pleasures for other sinners and feel no loss for such extravagance and hence purchase Hell. Yet they find it a great burden and enormous pressure to spend a mere pittance for feeding the poor and thus failing to acknowledge the price of Jannah and Paradise.

Islam, being the complete system for perfect existence, encom- passes within its fold, codes which guide mankind not just for worship only but for every facet and aspect of life. These are teachings which are structured to establish harmonious societies and communities. Included amongst the remarkable features which enhance Islamic ideology, is the unique enlightenment to a Believer to fulfill another's requirements before one's own. Nobility and excellent character is achieved not just by striving for personal gains but by true dedication and sacrifice in the quest for assisting and relieving the plight of other needy people.

This loss of personal comforts and needs whilst assisting others is held in such high esteem that Allah Paak praises the laudable peo- ple in the following verse of the Quraan:

And they giue ( them) preference over themselves erlctz though poverty was {their lot)

There are also numerous Ahaadis of the Prophet & which describe the admirable status and rank of such worthy people. Some of the Ahaadith are listed hereunder, primarily to impress upon the reader that in Islam it is not difficult, rather extremely easy to gain the pleasure of Allah and save oneself from the tor- tures of the Hereafter.

1. Nabi-e-Kareem 4% has mentioned that anyone who removes a Muslim's difficulty and hardship in this world will be rewarded in the hereafter by the removal of his own difficulties by Allah; whosoever assists the needy in this world will be freed by Allah of his own needs in this world and the hereafter; whosoever conceals a Muslim's fault in this world will be protected by Allah who will not expose him neither in this life nor in the hereafter; and as long as a man continues to support and assist his Muslim brother, Allah shall continue to support him. (AT-TARGHEEB)

2. Rasulullah & once remarked that Allah has created such people also who patronise (assist) people in time of need. In reality they are the people who are safe from the punishment of Allah.


3. The Prophet & has said that a Muslim's walking to assist his fellow brother is more rewarding than' 10 years of Nafil I'tikaaf; and you should know that a single day's I'tikaaf, performed solely for the pleasure of Allah, merits that reward where Allah will separate him from the proximity of Hell in proportion to 3 HUGE trenches one of which measures as long as the distance between one end of the sky and its other extremity.


4. In one Hadith Rasulullah & has said that whenever anyone pledges to do some favour for some person then 70,000 angels are appointed to invoke Blessings and pray for mercy on his behalf; and when the deed of favour is fulfilled during the day the prayer for Mercy is carried out throughout the day, from morn- ing to evening; and if the favour is accomplished at night, the Angels supplicate till morning. Resides this, every step taken in the performance of the deed causes one sin to be forgiven and the promotion of another rank. (AT-TARGHEEB)


On one occasion the Prophet & explained the position of a cer- tain person in the Hereafter who will emerge from amongst those condemned to Hell and approach one of the inmates of Jannah (Paradise) posing the question and pleading, "Don't you recognise me as the same person who had once fetched water for your wudhu?". The Jannathie will then intercede on his behalf and the intercession will be accepted. Similarly, another person also con- demned to Hell will notice someone from the group destined for Jannah, whilst passing by, and will cry out, "Do you recognise me? I am that very person who did you a favour once by carrying out an errand for you." Hearing this the Jannathie will intercede for him and the intercession will be accepted.


6. In another narration it has been recorded that the Prophet & has informed that for every step taken by a person whilst going towards or returning from the performance of a favour or assistance to another, he gains 70 rewards and earns the forgiveness of 70 sins. Upon the fulfilment of the favour he is ourified and cleansed of all sins and attains the sinless status of one newly born; and if he passes away whilst still carrying out the favour, he will enter Jannah without reckoning (hisaab).


1 .

Once a group of Sahabah (R.A.) came to Nabi-e-Kareem & and remarked about the piety of a co-traveller on a journey. They ex- plained that the man was so pious that he was constantly busy with the recitation of the Quraan during the travel and whenever the opportunity arose to pause or stop over, he engaged himself in salaah.

Hearing this, Rasulullah & enquired about who undertook to look after his goods or arrange fodder for his animal whilst he was busy in worship. When the Sahabah replied that they had assisted him in those tasks, the Prophet 4% mentioned that they were indeed better than the pious one.

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In another narration Rasulullah & has said that whosoever causes happiness to prevail within any Muslim's home, his entry into Jannah will become a real pleasure for Allah.

9. In another narration Nabi-e-Kareem & has said that whoever rescues an oppressed person by restoring his rights and granting him proper due will find that on the Day of Judgement, Allah will protect him on the 'Pul Siraat' (bridge over hell) by keeping his feet firm (and prevent them from slipping). (AT-TARGHEEB)

10. According to one Hadith the Prophet $ is reported to have said that, "the doing of a favour by one Muslim to please another Muslim, also pleases me immensely; and whoever pleases me, pleases Allah too so Allah will grant him Jannah." (MISHKAAT)

11. Rasulullah & also said that whenever a person does a favour by helping someone in distress or difficulty, Allah showers him with 73 rewards which is written in his Book of Deeds and only one such reward is sufficient to cover all his requirements of this life and the balance of 72 rewards will be reserved for him for the Day of Qiyaamah. (MISHKAAT)

12. In a similar narration Rasulullah & explained that, since Allah's

I creation could be likened to His family, Allah loves most that per- son who does good towards Allah's family. (MISHKAAT)

13. On one occasion, whilst advising people about good actions, the Prophet & stressed the following point: "Listen carefully! for I tell you of something, the reward of which exceeds even that of salaat and fasting. Listen! whenever there is a rift through argument between two people, then strive to unite and reconcile them for the virtues of such action is even superior than salaah and fasting." (AT-TARGHEEB)

14. In one of the traditions of the Prophet & , an episode has been recorded about a pious 60-year old man who had lived amongst the Bani Israel. This pious worshippers good deeds had diminish- ed as a result of his having committed adultery and it was feared that he would become a Jahannami. When he died he had only a single good deed in his account which he had acquired as a last resort just before death, by offering to a beggar who had knocked upon his door, both of the last 2 'rotis' which he had at the time. When this solitary action was weighed against all his evil deeds it proved heavier and was therefore forgiven by Allah.


15. Apart from favours and assistance offered to fellow humans, acts of kindness to animals are also viewed with magnanimity and consideration by Allah.

Rasulullah & has narrated the actions of a lady who had lived previously during the time of one of the former Prophets of Allah. She was a woman of easy virtue and ill repute but despite her im- modest nature she was struck by great pity when she noticed a dog suffering from extreme thirst. Using her shoe and head-scarf she drew water from a well and quenched the thirst of the dog. Allah was pleased by this action of hers and forgave her.

16. Similarly, in another hadith Rasulullah & is reported to have said that he had seen a person enjoying himself in Jannah; and this was his reward just for chopping down a tree and removing it from a pathway because it had been an obstruction and causing inconvenience to passer-bys. (MISHKAAT)



All sins, whether major or minor, constitute real evil simply because any transgression (however small) tantamounts to disobedience which naturally provokes the wrath of Allah. However, in this chapter only two major sins have been discussed in the light of the Qur'aan and Ahadith because they have become very common in this time and age.


The practice of involvement in transactions which contain usury and interest-bearing agreements is a very grave and major sin but its recognition as a great evil has disappeared from the hearts of many Muslims.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) has reported the saying of Rasulullah & that during his ascension of Mairaj, he had notic- ed a group of h e n whose stomachs were bloated to the size of big rooms and their wanting to move from their positions was not possible, they would be crushed in a stampede by the friends of Fir'aun. Our Nabi & seeing their deplorable condition asked Hazrat Jibra'eel (A.S.) about their identity and he was informed that they were people who indulged in dealings of usury and in- terest.

In another Hadith, Rasulullah & has cursed: (a) the one who offers the interest; (b) the one who receives the interest; (c) the one who is a witness to an interest-bearing transaction;

and (d) the one who records the transaction.

O n one occasion, our Nabi & said that to accept one dirham of interest intentionally is a worse crime than committing zina (adultery) 36 times.

According to another hadith the Prophet & has warned that to consume interest is equivalent to committing seventy sins, the lightest of which is INCEST with one's own mother.

Man's actions are responded to by Allah Paak either as Blessings or chastisement. Therefore when ZINA becomes widespread, plagues and dreadful diseases make their appearances. Similarly rains are withheld owing to the practices of dealing in short- weights and under-measurements. Indulgences in usury leads to a spate of murders and blood-spillings.


Zina is the sin of cohabitation with some member of the opposite sex with whom nikah (Islamic marriage) has not taken place.

The definition of zina is not confined just to copulation but in- cludes acts of gazing, touching, communicating whether by speech or writing, for Allah has commanded us in the Qur'aan:

"And do not go close to zina."

So, to protect man from indulging in zina, the Qur'aan explicitly orders both males and females to lower their gazes. For women, a further command requires them to cover themselves with an addi- tional, loose-fitting, outer garment such that their entire bodies are concealed with the exception of a small suitable opening for the eyes.

A Sahabie (R.A.) once advised, "Keep away from zina for it con- tains the following six evils: (1) An adulterer is deprived of barakah (blessings) in his

sustenance; (2) He loses all goodness; (3) He is disliked and accursed by even the common folk; (4) Allah becomes furious with such a person; (5) The adulterer's reckoning becomes very strict in the hereafter

(there is no leniency); (6) He is driven into Hell.

Yes, the adulterer is made to enter Hell ... the very same Hell about which our Nabi & had questioned Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.) and asked him to describe the condition of the FIRE of Jahan- nam.

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Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.) replied that the Hell Fire is pitch black and extremely dark and so intense that even if a minute fragment (equal to the eye of a needle) is exposed to this earth, it would burn in a flash and destroy the whole world and all that it con- tains. Also, if a garment worn by a dweller of Hell, has to be suspended between the sky and the earth, then just its stench would be sufficient to cause the deaths of all the inhabitants of the world. Similarly if only one of the angels of Jahannam were plat- ed in this world its hideous and revolting features would be so fearful that any living creature glancing at it would immediately die of shock. Even the mountains would not be able to bear the strain if just a single chain of Hell were to be placed upon the ear- th. Hearing this description, our Nabi & began to cry even though he is infallible, innocent and free from all types of sin. Noticing this crying, Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.) also began to weep so the Prophet & asked him: "O! Jibraeel, why are YOU crying when you are an angel who is also a Favoured One?" Hazrat Jibraeel replied: "If Allah drops me from this high station, then who is there to prevent it?"

If such is the fear which Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.) and our Nabi $.k have for Allah, then how much more fear is needed from us humans who are continuously breaking the commandments of Allah most wrecklessly?

The worst type of zina occurs when a man divorces his wife but

I continues to live with her because he is reluctant to reveal to

I others (about the divorce) due to embarrassment and shyness.

Hazrat Kaab (R.A.) once told Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) that when you see plague-type diseases becoming prevalent, then

I know that zina is being widely committed.

1 AIDS, the dreaded scourge of modern society is spreading so fast 1

that leaders of different nations are greatly concerned over the calculations that within the next five years, the labour force of certain countries will have half its number stricken by this killer d ' ~sease.

One does not have to look far for the cause of this plague: it is the result of man's actions, without any doubts!

Therefore we must sincerely repent and beseech Allah's forgiveness and pardon. Thereafter it must become our DUTY to serve Deen by enjoining Good and forbidding Evil, and the simplest way of achieving this is to participate in the programmes of the Tablighi Jamaat. This would enable our communities to thrive spiritually, avoid unhealthy situations and lead better Islamic lives.


In the weekly publication, KHATME NUBUWWAT IN- TERNATIONAL, the following horrifying incident was recorded in the issue dated 10 November, 1988:-

Recently in Sukkhur, Pakistan, death occurred to a man who was noted for dealing in interest and tak- ing usury. Soon after his passing away, his facial features began to contort until it resembled that of a pig: His eyes swelled and came over his cheeks with the upper lip stretching upwards and the lower lip falling down; and together with this an


I now conclude this treatise with the inclusion of certain relevent Ahadith and a brief description of Hell.

In a lengthy Hadith, Hazrat Samurah (R.A.) has reported that one morning, the Holy Prophet & narrated his dream of the night:

According to our Nabi & , in his vision, he saw two men who guided him to Masjidul Aqsa in Jerusalem. During this journey, they witnessed a horrifying sight where a man's head was being battered by another with a boulder whikh caused the head to be crushed as it rolled off to some distance. By the time the stone was recovered and brought back, the crushed head assumed its original shape and form; but once again the head was crushed and the punishment proceeded in the same manner incessantly.

After praising Allah, our Nabi & enquired about the identity of those people but his companions told him that there were still other horrors to follow. So they resumed their journey until they came upon a man tearing another's mouth from one corner to the nape, and when he began to rip open the other side of his mouth, the first torn side was restored but not for long because each side was being ripped open continuously, unceasingly.

After praising Allah, our Nabi & enquired about who these peo-

/ ple were but once again he was told that there was more to be

seen and they had to continue with their journey.

Ahead, our Nabi & noticed a furnace from which emanated loud screams. When he stopped to investigate he saw many naked men and women tossed about and burning under huge, leaping flames that caused them to cry out bitterly. The utterly foul

I ! stench emitted from this oven was unbearable. When our Nabi & asked about these people, he was told again that there was ,

still more to be seen, and the journey resumed as before.

Before long, they reached a stream which appeared red like blood and inside was a man swimming to and fro from the centre to the bank and each time he came to the bank, another man standing alongside a pile of stones shoved a stone into his mouth like a morsel. This procedure continued non-stop over and over again. Once more our Nabi & enquired but received the same reply that there was still more to be seen. Soon they passed a hideous- looking man who was moving around a fire which he had kindl- ed. His identity also was not revealed because our Nabi & was informed that there was still more to see.

Shortly they came to a very green garden where a number of children could be seen around a very tall man. The man was so tall that his head could not be visible and it was someone whom our Nabi & had not seen before. Receiving the same answer that there was still more to be seen, our Nabi & continued the journey with his companions.

After a while they reached a huge garden and our Nabi & entered the place after having gained permission to do so. The garden contained the most beautiful city. The fascinating buildings were constructed with bricks of gold and silver. However, the inhabitants appeared strangely deformed having bodies which were partly beautiful as well as ugly. When they ap- proached the visitors, the companions of our Prophet & ordered them to plunge into a stream flowing nearby. This diving into the water cleansed the ugliness off their bodies and they were transformed into beautiful people who were now matching their lovely surroundings.

The companions then informed our Nabi & that this place was his abode known as the Garden of Eden. They pointed to a most beautiful Palace which they said was also his abode. Our Nabi 4% made du'aa and then requested that he be permitted to see the

Palace. However this was not granted immediately but was given the assurance that he would receive it at the appointed time. Our i Nabi & then requested that his companions explain all the 1

mysteries experienced during their journey. They acceded by I

unravelling the perplexities as follows:- I

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The man whose head was being crushed was one who had studied the Holy Qur'aan but forgotten it (i.e. to either read, remember or fulfil its commandments). Instead he had whiled away his time in idle pursuits and even neglected the performance of obligatory prayers.


The person whose mouth was being ripped open was being punished for his habit of speaking lies.


The group who were being roasted inside a furnace were men and women who had indulged in adultery.


The swimmer in the river of blood who was being fed with morsels of stones was a person who had indulged in the sin of usury: giving and taking of interest.


The person shown to be kindling a Fire was actually the Guardian of hell.


The tall man surrounded by children was Hazrat Ibraheem (A.S.) and the children were those who had passed away with the cor- rect Deen.


Those who had appeared to be both beautiful and ugly, compris- ed people who had indulged in good as well as bad actions. So after being submerged through Allah's Mercy they were absolved of their sins and liberated.

Our Nabi & then mentioned that his two companions introduc- ed themselves as Jibrail and Mikail (A.S.) (BAIHAQI)

In another Hadith, Abdur Rahman Ibn Samura (R.A.) reported that once Rasulullah & visited him and narrated a strange dream experienced the previous night. He explained thus:

"I saw the tortures of the grave envelop one of my followers, but his wudhu (ablution) personified and shielded him from the punishment. Similarly I witnessed how Salaat came to the aid of a person from my Ummah who was surrounded by the angels of torture.

Another one of my disciples was seen to be in a parched state and panting with thirst. He ran hither and thither to every tank to quench his thirst but all in vain but his Roza (fast) appeared and provided the precious water. I then saw a man from my Ummah approach, in turn, the.groups encircling the different prophets but wherever he went he was rejected. Then his ghusl of Janaabat came to his rescue by holding his hand and seating him beside me. I also noticed another one of my followers being enveloped in darkness. However his Haj and Umrah soon dispelled the darkness and brought him into the light.

Another person attempted to speak to the Believers who were giv- ing him the cold shoulder by ignoring him. Just then his compas- sionate disposition through personification intervened and urged the Believers to converse with him and forbade them from conti- nuing their deliberate unfriendliness. So they began talking to him.

Another one of my followers was rescued by his zealous acts of preaching, Dawah and tableegh from the very clutches of the Angels of Torment and placed in the care of the Guardian Angels. - One man's balancing of the Scale tilted heavily towards the dread- ed left side but his Fear of Allah appeared and weighed down the right side. Similarly another person was saved from the balancing of the scale through the aid of his children who had died during infancy.

1 saw one of my followers fall into the Fire of Jahannam. That tear which he had shed (in the world) due to the Fear of Allah, assisted him and drew him out of the fire.

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Over the bridge of Hell, Pul-Siraat, which is as thin as a hair and as sharp as a sword, there stood a man who began to tremble but shortly his Hope in Allah came forward, dispelled his fears and guided him across the Bridge. Another person who was trying to cross this bridge, stumbled as he struggled in his attempt of even crawling and falling. However his acts of transmitting Blessings and Durood to me assisted him to his feet and he then managed to cross easily. I saw several men whose lips were being cut off. Upon enquiry I was told that they were back-biters. Others were seen to be hanging by their tongues and I was informed that they were people who used to falsely accuse Muslim men and women. " (AT-TARGHEEB)

IT SHOULD BE REMEMBERED THAT THE DREAMS OF PROPHETS ARE AUTHENTIC AND A MEANS O F REVELATIONS. Therefore these Ahadith indicate the types of punishment which can be expected in the Aalam-e-Barzakh ( H e r e a f t e r ) .

A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HELL Although Muslims quite often mention Hell (Jahannam) in their talks and conversation, their actions conceal any fear that they might have for that dreadful place because the subject is treated like the comments of daily weather conditions. In my opinion, this is so because of sheer ignorance and lack of knowledge con- cerning the reality of the different types of tortures and punishments in Hell. Without such knowledge one is apt to become careless and often fail to safeguard oneself from the grim fate.

I make du'aa to Allah sincerely that He grants the readers of this Booklet the ability and opportunity to reflect and ponder over the prevailing conditions of Hell (which is being listed briefly hereunder) and thereafter protect themselves from indulging in sins, falling prey to the tricks of Shaitaan and submitting to their carnal desires.

1 . Hell is so deep that if a stone were to be dropped into it, it

would travel for 70 YEARS before reaching the bottom.

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2. The breadth of each of the four walls around Hell is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of FORTY YEARS.

3. Hell has 7 gates.

4. Hell had been lit for one thousand years until its flames became red. Again it was heated for another thousand years till its colour became white. Still again it was burnt for a fur- ther thousand years and its white coloured flames turned pitch black.

5. Even the most fierce fire of this world is SEVENTY-FOLD cooler than the Fire of Hell.

6. The lightest punishment in Hell would be the wearing of FIERY SHOES which would cause one's brains to boil.

7. Hell is infested with venomous snakes and scorpions of the size of donkeys and if they were to bite a person he will suffer pain for 40 YEARS.

8. For food, the dwellers of Hell would be given Zaqqum which is a prickly tree, so bitter, that even if a single molecule of it were to spill onto this earth it would make all the foodstuff of the world bitter and unpalatable.

9. For drinking, the denizen of Hell would be provided with hot, boiling pus mixed with blood, matter, urine and tears etc. of the dwellers of Hell. If a bucket of this foul liquid were to be spilled onto this earth, the entire world would be upset and disrupted by its most foul stink.

10. Boiling water would be poured over the Jahannami's head and this will cause their internal organs to melt and leak out through their feet.

11. The inmates of Hell would be lashed with heavy clubs of iron. If one such club were to be placed upon this earth, the combined strength of all the human beings, as well as all the Jinns, would fail to lift it; and, if a mountain is struck with, one of these clubs it would cause the whole mountain to

12. The dwellers of Hell would be burnt daily for seventy thou- sand times. Every time, after the skin and flesh is burnt, they would be restored to life so that they can continuously taste this punishment.

13. A drunkard will be given blood, pus, sweat, filth, etc. to drink in Hell.

14. All the haughty people will be gathered in the Hereafter and driven towards Hell but their bodies would be reduced to the size of ants and they will be given to consume the excretions of the dwellers of Hell.

15. Some sinners would be made to dimb "SAUD" which is a mountain of Fire in Hell, and then dropped from its peak and this process would continue for ever and ever.

16. The dwellers of Hell would be bound in chains which would be greater in length than the distance between the sky and the earth.

17. The clothes of sinners in Hell would be highly inflammable.

18. Besides physical torture, the dwellers of Hell would also be subjected to mental harassment through the taunting by the Guardians of Hell who will remind them of their mideeds on earth and remark: 'now taste the Fire, etc.'


19. The sinners and disbelievers would be humiliated to such an extent that besides their revolting ugliness and pitch black faces, their upper lips would be touching their foreheads and the lower lips dangling around the navel.


20. The dwellers of Hell would weep so much and shed so much ~ of tears and blood that furrows would be formed on their cheeks.

21. The tongues of the Hell-inmates would be so long and pro- tuding from their mouths that others would trample and step on them.

22. Shaitaan will also rebuke the denizens of Hell.


23. The dwellers of Hell would display their rage and fury on those who led them astray.

24. The inhabitants of Hell would appeal to the Guardians of Jahannam to intercede on their behalf in the Court of Allah but their pleas would be rejected. They would then make direct supplication to Allah but their prayers would not be granted.

25. They will then abide forever in Hell, continuously lamenting and braying like asses.



(AAMEEN Yaa Rabbal Aalameen)

I humbly appeal to all readers that this publication be referred to constantly bearing in mind that every description relating to the Hereafter mentioned herein, is a translation from the Qur'aan or Hadith and therefore authentic.

The facts have been presented so that even a habitual sinner would take heed, realise what lies ahead, sincerely repent and 1 E refrain from committing sins again.

Can any man, who believes Allah to be the Supreme and most Powerful Creator and Muhammed & as His final messenger, still deny what has been expounded in this booklet from the Qur'aan and Hadith? I - On the other hand, if we accept the contents of this exposition,



Our Nabi & has warned that "Hell has been concealed in the pleasures of this world whilst Jannah lies in the difficulties of life."Hence those who seek the pleasures of this life are, in

reality, on the same path leading to Hell, and those who patiently tolerate the sufferings and hardships of life whilst still persevering in their performance of virtuous deeds are certainly on the road through which one can attain Jannah.

Insha Allah, the reading of this Booklet should motivate any per- son . . . even those with just a flicker of Imaan . . . to muster up suf- ficient courage and desire to reform, shun transgressions and lead an active ISLAMIC way of life in preparation for the REALITY which is going to be everlasting and perpetual.

I suggest therefore, that the reader hasten to adopt and practise the following simple formula prescribed by Hazrat Moulana Ashraf-Ali Thanwi (A.R.):

EVERY night, before retiring to bed, two Rakaats of Nafl Salaah should be performed and thereafter supplicate as hereunder:

(First praise Allah, our Creator and Sustainer and confer Durood on Rasulullah 4% and then with utmost sincerity and humbleness make the du'aa)

0 Allah! Forgive and pardon all m y sins: those committed inten- tionally as well as those done unintentionally. I seek your pardon from all major sins, every minor sin, those which were committed either in the light of day or within the darkness of night and even those transgressions which I did not recognise and consider to be sins.

0 Most Mercijul of those who show Mercy, forgive every sin of mine and that of the Ummah of our beloved Nabi & . 0 ALLAH! I HUMBLY BEG YOU TO GRANT M E HIDAAYAH AND GUIDANCE and save me from disobedience through your Grace and Mercy!

This du'aa, especially the begging of Hidaayah and Guidance should be implored at least three times and, then concluded with the Praise of Allah and recitation of Durood.

DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS OF SIN Every sin produces the following outcome:

(1) Allah's wrath and displeasure. (2) Shaitaan's triumph and delight. (3) Moving remotely further away from Jannah. (4) Approaching Jahannam. (5) Harming one's own soul and self. (6) Blemishes appear and cover the heart with black spots. (7) Agonizing and causing injury to the angels who accompany

the individual. (8) Nabi & becomes grieved (because the Ummah's ac-

tions are presented to him regularly). (9) The ground upon which the sin had been committed would

testify against the transgressor. (10) Causing great harm to all creation because through the sin

Allah's Mercy is reduced due to which even the lifeless creatures are adversely affected.


A pious man was once questioned: why is it that, although we study and hear about Deen, such learning does not affect us beneficially?

The man replied that you have within you five characteristics which prevents Islamic Knowledge to motivate you towards righteousness. They are:

(1) You fail to express gratitude to Allah for His favours; (2) You do not seek forgiveness after sinning; (3) You do not translate your knowledge into practice; (4) You sit in the company of the Pious but do not follow in

their footsteps; (5) You take no lesson from the plight of the dead whom you

are burying.