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  • 8/14/2019 De Thi Anh B 1 FPT Co Dap An


    English test B1 1





    Time allowed: 60 minutes50 questions

    PART 1

    Read the letter below and choose the opinion A, B, C or D which best fits each gap.

    Dear Mr. Hill,

    With (1)_____ to your advertisement in the Educational Gazette I would like to (2)_____ for one

    of the scholarships your Trust is offering to students who wish to continue their (3)_____ at a

    British university.

    I am 22 years old and have just (4)_____ in English Philology from the Complutense University

    in Madrid, Spain. I am very interested in doing a Masters degree in English Literature. My

    (5)_____ interest is the English playwright Arnold Wesker. However, it is almost impossible for

    me to study Wesker here in Spain, as he is not very well-known. I would really need to come to

    Britain. Unfortunately, the (6)_____ cost of university fees in your country makes that almost

    impossible. I would be leaving away from home. My parents could contribute something towards

    my keep but thats all.

    My (7)_____ of English is good. I passed the Cambridge First Certificate examination last year

    with grade A. I hope you will (8)_____ my application.

    Yours sincerely,

    Carmen Moreno

    1.A connection B reference C relation D concern

    2.A demand B request C inquire D apply

    3.A career B studies C interests D subjects

    4.A completed B finished C graduated D studied

    5.A peculiar B general C individual D particular

    6.A big B extremely C high D expensive

    7.A level B proficiency C grade D stage

    8.A pass B consider C agree D regard

  • 8/14/2019 De Thi Anh B 1 FPT Co Dap An


    English test B1 2

    PART 2

    Read the text below and fill each gap with one suitable word. An example is given.


    A child prodigy of four is receiving computer lessons at Brunel University, in London. Nicholas

    MacMahon (0)__is__ studying at university because he is (9)_____clever for school. A senior

    lecturer at the university, Valso Koshy, said (10)_____boy was remarkably intelligent.

    Nicholas spoke fluently before he was one and (11)_____the time he was 18 months old he was

    taking telephone messages. This (12)_____ soon followed by conversational French. These are

    the trademarks of a highly-gifted child, unusual (13)_____ not unique. The strange thing

    (14)_____Nicholas is his reading- he taught (15)_____to read before he could speak. Ms Koshy,

    (16)_____ expert on gifted children, says Nicholas is quite exceptional. Yet exceptional

    understates his amazing ability (17)_____read, almost from birth. He was talking when he was

    one (18)_____we realized from the start he (19)_____read, his father said. Soon after, he was

    correcting my spelling, words like caterpillar. Now he identifies insects by (20)_____ Latin


    The list (21)_____achievements is impressive, but frightening. A four-year-old who (22)_____

    tell a Boeing 747 from a DC10, devours encyclopaedias, reads The Daily Telegraph and is well

    on the way to becoming a violin virtuoso is (23)_____normal.

    PART 3

    Complete this summary of Marisols trip. Fill each gap with a word or expression to do with

    airports and traveling by air from the box below. An example is given.

    duty-free took off immigration departure lounge gate runway

    stewardess check-in passengers excess baggage landed customs

    scheduled charter baggage claim boarding card crew aisle

    Last autumn, Marisol went to England for a holiday. She took a (0)__charter___ flight rather

    than a (24)_____one because it was much cheaper. She arrived at the airport and went straight to

    the (25)_____desk where the ground steward gave her a (26)_____with her seat number on it.

    She had too much luggage and she was almost charged for (27)_____ . Unfortunately, she was

    too late for a window seat and had to sit by the (28)_____ . Afterwards, she went to the

    (29)_____and waited for her flight to be called. Eventually, after a short delay, she was told to

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    English test B1 3

    go to (30)_____number 19 and boarded the plane. The captain welcomed the (31)_____aboard

    on behalf of himself and the rest of the (32)_____. The plane (33)_____from the (34)_____and

    the flight went smoothly. After she had had a meal, the air (35)_____ came round offering

    (36)_____ goods. Marisol bought some perfume and cigarettes. As soon as the plane had

    (37)_____at London Airport, she went to the (38)_____area to pick up her luggage. At first, shethought she had lost it and gave a description to a clerk. Fortunately, just as she was about to

    leave the airport, the luggage turned up. Half an hour later, she passed through (39)_____ and

    (40)_____and met her friend and her parents who had been waiting for her.

    PART 4

    Read the passage and answer questions 41-50.


    The main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to grant you an interview. There are

    two kinds. One is the familiar tombstone that lists where you went to school and where youve

    worked in chronological order. The other is what I call the functional resume- descriptive, fun

    to read, unique to you and much more likely to land you an interview.

    Its handy to have a tombstone for certain occasions. But prospective employers throw away

    most of those unrequested tombstone lists, preferring to interview the quick rather than the


    What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read- a resume that makes youcome alive and look interesting to employers.

    Put yourself first: In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel

    important about yourself.

    Sell what you can do, not who you are: Practice translating your personality traits, character,

    accomplishments and achievements into skill areas. There are at least five thousand skill areas in

    the world of work.

    Toot your own horn! Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities. Some think

    they have none at all! But everyone does, and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer

    would be glad to punch- if only you show it.

    Be specific, be concrete and be brief!

    Turn bad news into good: Everybody has had disappointments in work. If you had to mention

    yours, look for the positive side.

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    English test B1 4

    Never apologize: If youre returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply

    write a short paragraph (summary of background) in place of a chronology of experience. Dont

    apologize for working at being a mother; Its the hardest job of all. If you have nospecial training

    or higher education, just dont mention education.

    How to psych yourself up: The secret is to think about the selfbefore you start writing aboutyourself. Take four or five hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply write down your

    every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job, that made you feel effective. Dont worry at

    first about what it all means. Study the list and try to spot patterns. As you study your list, you

    will come closer to the meaning: identifying your marketable skills. Once you discover patterns,

    give names to your cluster of accomplishments (leadership skills, budget management skills,

    child development skills etc.) Try to list at least three accomplishments under the same skills

    heading. Now start writing your resume as ifyoumattered. It may take four drafts or more, and

    several weeks, before youre ready to show it to a stranger (friends are usually too kind) for a

    reaction. When youre satisfied, send it to a printer; a printed resume is far superior to

    photocopies. It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work, worth doing


    Isnt that the kind of person youd want working for you?

    41.The author calls one type of resume a tombstone (line 2)because:

    A it lists your achievements in chronological order.

    B it lists what youve done in the past rather than what you can do in the future.

    42.Quick (line 6) means:

    A fast.

    B efficient.

    C alive.

    43.Toot your own horn! (line 15)means:

    A dont be modest.

    B tell the employer what youve done in the past.44.Many people clutch when asked to (line 15)means:

    A many people panic.

    B many people underestimate themselves.

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    English test B1 5

    45.One of yours may be just the ticket an employer would be glad to punch (line 16-17)

    A a good indication of your abilities.

    B something an employer might find interesting.

    C exactly what is required.

    46.How to psych yourself up (line 25) means:A make a list of your abilities before you write your resume.

    B how to prepare yourself mentally before writing your resume.

    C what to do.

    47.Two kinds of resume are

    A chronological and descriptive resumes.

    B tombstone and functional resumes.

    48.Which kind of resume should you send to an employer

    A a printed resume.

    B a photocopied resume.

    C a handwritten resume.

    49.What should you practice translating into skill areas

    A personality traits.

    B character.

    C accomplishments and achievements.

    D all the above.

    50.How many skill areas are there in the world of work

    A at least 4000

    B at least 4500

    C at least 5000

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    English test B1 6



    KEYTime allowed: 60 minutes

    50 Questions

    Full name:........................................................................................................................................


    1. B 26. Boarding card

    2. D 27. Excess baggage

    3. B 28. Aisle

    4. C 29. Departure lounge

    5. D 30. Gate

    6. C 31. Passengers

    7. A 32. Crew

    8. B 33. Took off

    9. Too 34. Runway

    10. The 35. Stewardess

    11. By 36. Duty-free

    12. Was 37. Landed

    13. But 38. Baggage claim

    14. About 39. Customs

    15. Himself 40. Immigration

    16. An 41. B

    17. To 42. C

    18. And 43. A

    19. Could 44. A

    20. Their 45. C

    21. Of 46. B

    22. Can 47. B

    23. Not/hardly 48. A

    24. Scheduled 49. D

    25. Check-in 50. C

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    English test B1 7