david's super saturn file

Super Saturn By David

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Page 1: David's super saturn file

Super Saturn

By David

Page 2: David's super saturn file

Diameter and Distance


1 .7th p lane t from sun.

2.It is 838,800,000 m ile s

away from sun

3.It is 762,700,000 m ile s

away from e arth

4.The plane t is 74,898

m ile s in d iam e te r.

Page 3: David's super saturn file

Saturn compared to Earth

E arth is a lot sm alle r than S aturn,by sm all

I m e an by 66,000

m ile s !

I m e an look at the

p icture !

Page 4: David's super saturn file

Saturn’s gravity compared to Earth’s

• S aturn has a little le s s

gravity than E arth . Le t’s

put it th is way if you

we re to we ighe d 1 00

pound ’s on e arth you

would we igh 92 pound ’s

on S aturn . •

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Temperatures on Saturn

• S aturn te m pe rature

is a lot cold e r than

ours by a lot! You ’re

not going to be lie ve

th is but on S aturn it

is – 274 d e gre e s

Fahre nhe it.


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Color and gases

• S aturn is a tan color

with HUGE RINGS. It’s

atm osphe re is m ad e up

of thre e gase s :

hyd roge n, he lium , and

S ulfur.I would n’t want to

sm e ll that plane t!

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Moon’s and Missions

• Saturn has……62 moons!

• WHOA. We just keep finding more and more and we found out that it owns the second biggest moon in the solar system! It’s name is titan. We have made 3 flyby missions to Saturn and one rover mission. The missions actually have names! The pioneer1; voyager1; voyager2were the flybys and the Cassini was a rover. `

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Life on Saturn

• Saturn cannot have life on it because it is a planet with no oxygen or water.