david james (ctio) for the dark energy survey pan-starrs1: science results stsci , baltimore - 24...

David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI, Baltimore - 24 June 2014 Dark Energy Camera – DES: YR1 of the Dark Energy Survey The Dark Energy Survey:

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The Dark Energy Survey:. Dark Energy Camera – DES: YR1 of the Dark Energy Survey. David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014. The Dark Energy Survey:. Survey project to probe signatures of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

David James (CTIO)for the Dark Energy Survey

Pan-STARRS1: Science ResultsSTScI, Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Dark Energy Camera – DES: YR1 of the Dark Energy Survey

The Dark Energy Survey:

Page 2: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

The Dark Energy Survey:

Blanco 4-metre Telescope at CTIO

Ω Survey project to probe signatures of Dark Energy using four complementarytechniques:

Ω Cluster CountsΩ Weak LensingΩ Large-scale StructureΩ Supernovae

Ω Two multiband surveys:Ω 5000 deg2: 10σ griz(Y) to 24th (21.6th) magΩ 30 deg2: repeated SNe fields

Ω Build new 3 deg2 FoV camera and data management system:

Ω Survey 2013-2018 (525 nights)Ω Facility instrument for Blanco


Page 3: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

The DES Collaboration

FermilabUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/NCSAUniversity of ChicagoLawrence Berkeley National LabNOAO/CTIODES Spain ConsortiumDES United Kingdom Consortium

University of MichiganOhio State University

University of PennsylvaniaDES Brazil Consortium

Argonne National LaboratorySLAC-Stanford-Santa Cruz Consortium

Universitats-Sternwarte MunchenTexas A&M University

plus Associate members at: Brookhaven National Lab, U. North Dakota, Paris, Taiwan

Several hundred members plus students & postdocs

Funding: DOE, NSF; UK: STFC, SRIF; Spain Ministry of Science,

Brazil: FINEP, Ministry of Science, FAPERJ; Germany: Excellence Cluster; collaborating


Page 4: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Dark Energy Camera: A new prime focus instrument


Corrector Lenses

CCDReadout Filters +


Focal plane (detector, 62+ CCDs)

Page 5: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Brave New World: DECam

Parameter Mosaic II DECamNo. of CCDs 8 62 + 12(F&A, guiding)

CCD Format 2Kx4K, 15μ pixels 2Kx4K, 15μ pixels

CCD Type Standard, BBAR Depleted, red optimized

Full well 60K 130K

Image size 128 MB 1040 MB

RON 6-12 e- rms 15 e- rms

Read time 100s 17s

Overheads 10s 3s

Guiding separate Focal plane

Filters many g r i z Y

ADC yes no

Page 6: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Controlling DECam: SISPI

Ω Data Flow: Ω Image acquisition (Panview, 6 Monsoon crates) Ω Image Builders (multiple instances)

Ω FITS formatting

Ω Image Health

Ω Telemetry

Ω Compression

Ω Submit to NCSA (DTS)

Ω Observation Control:Ω OCS (pipeline architecture)Ω OBSTAC

Ω Instrument Control:Ω Internal (shutter, hexapod, filters)Ω External (cooling, temperatures, ICC)

Ω Guider & Focus:Ω Interfaces to TCS & Cloud Camera:

SISPI is the DECam dataacquisition and control system:

Page 7: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

The Dark Energy Camera: Detector

2k x 2kGuide

2k x 2kFocus &


2k x 2kFocus &


2k x 2kGuide

Page 8: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

(original) DES Observing Strategy:

2 tilings 3 tilings

Ω Sept-Feb observing seasonsΩ 80-100 sec exposures Ω 2 filters per pointing (typically)

Ω gr in dark timeΩ izy in bright/grey time

Ω Photometric calibration: overlap tilings, standard stars, spectrophotometric calibration system, preCAM

Ω 2 survey tilings/filter/yearΩ Interleave 10 SNe fields in griz if

non-photometric or bad seeing or time gap (aim for ~5 day cadence)

Page 9: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

(present) DES Observing Strategy:

Year 1 regionsSDSS Stripe 82


Year 1:Ω Moved footprint eastward to

reduce secZ, improve image quality

Ω Cover 2000 sq. deg. (4 tilings per filter) rather than full 5000 sq. deg. (2 tilings) to improve photometric calibration

Ω Allow g, Y observations with seeing>1.1” (not used for Weak Lensing).

Year 2:Ω Complementary 3000 sq. deg.Ω Optimize: many more half-nights

than YR1

By end of YR2, expect will have done 90% of the exposures needed to complete 4 tilings of the 5000 sq. deg. footprint.

Page 10: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Dark Energy Survey: Year 1

Month # Full Nights # 1st Half Nights

# 2nd Half Nights

August 1 0 0

September 24 0 0

October 14 0 0

November 18 0 0

December 27 0 0

January 4 19 0

February 0 9 0

Ω DES started taking YR1 data on Aug. 31st 2013Ω In January, we switched to 1st half nightsΩ Finished YR1 in mid-February 2014

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Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

DES: Observing Sequences

Page 12: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Year 1 (vs. SVA1): Exposure Breakdown


Time period 11/01/12 − 02/15/13 08/31/13 − 02/15/14

# exposures % accepted # exposures % accepted

All bands 10929* 60% 17605* 82%

g 1998 58% 4203 73%

r 2086 53% 2782 90%

i 2281 57% 2916 93%

z 2375 65% 2965 96%

Y 1608 88% 4738 70%

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First DES YR1 Image

First DES YR1 image is #229250

Ω Image DECam_00229250 was transferred to NCSA in Urbana where; Ω DES “Data Management” processed

it and made a catalog of the stars and roughly 100,000 galaxies that can be identified in it.

• 31st Aug. 2013 23:55 Local Chilean Time

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Page 14: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Ω Only 2 problems lasted as long as 4 consecutive hours: In Oct. we lost a night from a TCS software bug. In Nov. we lost 1½ nights due to problems w/ electronics: noise and missing backplanes, then CCD S30 failed.

Ω The other problems are computer interfaces issues, … mostly, shutter resetsΩ Shutter was open 63% of “Observing Time” during YR1. Dome control improvements gave us

~4% better efficiency starting in late December 2013.

DES Operations EfficiencyMeasurements

Operation DES Yr. 1 Accumulated Hrs. (%)

DES Extended SV Hrs. (%)

Observing Time Available 888.25 (100) 321.0 (100)Observing Time 751.50 (84.6) 226.7 (70.6)Engineering Observations NA 23.2 (7.2)Bad Weather 90.25 (10.2) 24.5 (7.6)Telescope or Infrastructure Failure => can’t observe

18 (2.0) 45.1 (14.1)

Camera Systems Failure => can’t observe

25.75 (2.9) 1.5 (0.5)

Observer Error 2.75 (0.3) 0 (0.0)

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Page 15: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

DES WFSurvey

Ω Goal was to observe 4 “tiles” of ~672 images per tile in each of 5 filters

Ω 13435 images totalΩ Plots here show what we


Ω Gaps in Stripe 82 (North)Ω Gaps in Sept. to Nov. survey area

(West)Ω Images in YR2 fields because

nothing “available” from YR1 particularly in late Jan. to Feb. ~3k images (17%) of YR2

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Page 16: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

DES SN Survey: YR1 Observations

Ω 10 SN fields. 2 of those are “deep fields”

Ω Our plot shows day-by-day SNe cadence

Ω 2565/2699 SNe exposures “good” (95%)

Ω After 7-days, even when the weather is good, SNe team gets their data on “deadman” condition of OBSTAC.

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

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Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

DES Observing: YR2

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Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

First DES (SV) Science Paper:


Page 19: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

Community Use of DECam:

Ω DECam-NEOO: Ω Lori Allen (NOAO – PI)Ω 3-yr survey time awardedΩ 1st 10-night block executed April

2014Ω Early results are very


Ω Light-echoes of SNe remnants:Ω Armin Rest (STSci – PI)Ω many nights per semesterΩ étendue of DECam criticalΩ latest results are now available:

Prieto et al. 2014, ApJL, 787, L8

Page 20: David James (CTIO) for the Dark Energy Survey  Pan-STARRS1: Science Results STScI , Baltimore - 24 June 2014

DECam Current Status

Ω Sensor array is OK exceptΩ Two CCDs are no longer

functioning correctly: Ω N30 11/07/2012Ω S30 11/28/2013

Ω 8 CCDs ~12e- RO noise (7e- is typical), spec is 15 e-. Problem comes and goes since late Nov.

Ω S7 (½ CCD) non-linearity unstable at very low light levels (<1000e-).

Ω Two focus chips have 1 “weak” amplifier.




Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

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Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

The DES Collaboration

Thank you !

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Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

The DES Collaboration

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Pan-STARRS1: Science Results Dark Energy Survey David James

The DES Collaboration

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DECam Community Workshop, Tucson, August 201124

NOAONCSAFor details, ask Brian Yanny, DES Data Coordinator,

or Robert Gruendl, UIUC

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DECam Community Workshop, Tucson, August 201125