dachau`s gettysburg or the imminent downfall of an offenders` town

1)Introduction Those well acquainted with American history know, that the battle of Gettysburg in 1863 was a turning point in the US- Civil War. Its defeat in this major battle put the until then somewhat victorious Southern Confederacy on the defensive and ultimately led to its capitulation in 1865. There is now much evidence, that in retrospect the year 2014 will turn out as the year of Dachau`s Gettysburg, e.g. the year, in which the irreversible downfall of this morally prostituted town in Upper Bavaria began. In this English language edition, a much expanded version of the german original, which I published just a few days ago, I will outline the reasons for the downfall of this morally uninspiring and hypocritical town. 2)The tactical conspiracy of offenders` town Dachau In offenders` town Dachau they know quite well, that in particular due to their morally prostituted concentration camp history they have an reputation problem. This poses many problems for the inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau. On the one hand, they are deep down in their heart quite greedy and egoistic. On the other hand, an offenders` town is expected to show much humanity and idealism. The traditional answer of the inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau always has been to behave on weekends, when television cameras are switched on, as if they were by now the morally sensibilized archangel Gabriel. Furthermore, on surface, most inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau are at first glance very friendly and open minded to foreigners. However, if one looks somewhat behind the façade of pretended respectability, it becomes quite clear, that Dachau`s humanity is underdeveloped und Dachau`s material egoism is overdeveloped. Large sections of offenders` town Dachau are a town of hypocrites, which has regrettably developed well with this strategy. 3) Dachau- the town of nazi-murder-shame In Dachau concentration camp tens of thousands of people were killed at the instigation of the Nazis. In hypocritical Dachau one now holds the opinion, that Dachau became only by ill luck

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The town of Dachau in Upper Bavaria is a town of great historical shameand of many recent scandals. In other words, Dachau is an offenders`town. Despite all this, Dachau has experienced in recent decades perceptible demographic and economic growth. Now, however, there are first signs, that this undeservedly positive development might come to an end. In all probability, in retrospect, 2014 will have been the year of Dachau`s Gettysburg. The year, in which the hand of fate turned the tide of Dachau`s fortunes, and in which Dachau`s downfall began. This ebook outlines the reasons for this development.


Page 1: Dachau`s Gettysburg or the imminent downfall of an offenders` town

1)Introduction Those well acquainted with American history know, that the battle of Gettysburg in 1863 was a turning point in the US-Civil War. Its defeat in this major battle put the until then somewhat victorious Southern Confederacy on the defensive and ultimately led to its capitulation in 1865. There is now much evidence, that in retrospect the year 2014 will turn out as the year of Dachau`s Gettysburg, e.g. the year, in which the irreversible downfall of this morally prostituted town in Upper Bavaria began. In this English language edition, a much expanded version of the german original, which I published just a few days ago, I will outline the reasons for the downfall of this morally uninspiring and hypocritical town.

2)The tactical conspiracy of offenders` town DachauIn offenders` town Dachau they know quite well, that in particular due to their morally prostituted concentration camp history they have an reputation problem. This poses many problems for the inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau. On the one hand, they are deep down in their heart quite greedy and egoistic. On the other hand, an offenders` town is expected to show much humanity and idealism. The traditional answer of the inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau always has been to behave on weekends, when television cameras are switched on, as if they were by now the morally sensibilized archangel Gabriel. Furthermore, on surface, most inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau are at first glance very friendly and open minded to foreigners. However, if one looks somewhat behind the façade of pretended respectability, it becomes quite clear, that Dachau`s humanity is underdeveloped und Dachau`s material egoism is overdeveloped. Large sections of offenders` town Dachau are a town of hypocrites, which has regrettably developed well with this strategy.

3) Dachau- the town of nazi-murder-shameIn Dachau concentration camp tens of thousands of people were killed at the instigation of the Nazis. In hypocritical Dachau one now holds the opinion, that Dachau became only by ill luck the site of a concentration camp. Given the hideous, inhuman and hypocritical nature of offenders` town Dachau, it might however rather have been the case, that the Nazis considered Dachau people the kind of people, who would stand a killing camp before their doors better than other, more cultivated, Germans.

4)Dachau- the town of Germany`s greatest election forgery scandalIn the year 2002 occurred in the offenders` town of Dachau the greatest election forgery scandal in post-1945 democratic Germany. In the mayor`s election of that year, the challenging candidate of the conservative party CSU only triumphed in the initial deciding ballot over the then mayor Piller because a party member of Bürgel, a certain Aechtner, had forged ballots on a large scale. Although Bürgel was himself admittedly not involved in this forgery, he, for the time being, nevertheless profited from this forgery, as initially he, and not Piller, was officially declared winner of the election. When the election forgery increasingly became obvious, Bürgel, as it is significant for the moral mentalities in

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offenders` town Dachau, not readily agreed to a repetition of the deciding ballot, but sued around in the law courts to prevent such a repetition. After all, in offenders` town Dachau one even wants to keep the palm of victory if it was conquered by illegal means. (In the end he, however, had to give in!) The behavior of large sections of the population of offenders` town Dachau, too, gives ample testimony of the problematic mentalities in offenders` town Dachau. In probably every other town of the world the population would have elected in the now following repetition of the deciding ballot the victim of the election forgery, e.g. Piller. Not so in offenders` town Dachau. Quite to the contrary, hundreds of persons who in the initial deciding ballot, the forged one, had voted for Piller, switched into the Bürgel camp in the repeated deciding ballot. Consequently Bürgel won. In my opinion, there is only one plausible explanation for that kind of behavior: In offenders` town Dachau the morally problematical majority was quite angry, that through exposure of the election forgery scandal the already tarnished reputation of offenders` town Dachau had been additionally damaged. More angry than they were about the election forgery scandal itself! Consequently, in an reaction of emotional defiance against the exposure of the election forgery scandal, these people elected Bürgel. Can one imagine a more problematical mentality than that? Hardly. Once again it becomes clear, that Dachau has the mentality of an incorrigible offenders` town.

5)Dachau- the town of the law court murder scandalIn the year 2012 offenders` town Dachau witnessed a crime hardly imaginable to occur even in Chicago. A former Dachau transportation entrepreneur, indicted for evasion of social benefits payments, at first tried to shoot in the local Dachau town law court the judge and then killed the young solicitor general from Munich. Murder in the local law court: A most horrible crime once again nearly unique to the morally debased offenders` town Dachau. And nobody should be fooled into thinking, that this most heinous and hideous act of murder only accidentally occurred in offenders` town Dachau and could have happened everywhere else, too. Quite to the contrary, this crime is a mirror of the debased mentalities of large sections of offenders` town`s Dachau population. After the Dachau law court murder, the president of this law court received a multitude of e-mails, in which inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau ridiculed the death of the young solicitor general and glorified this act of brutal murder. Solidarity with the murderer instead of solidarity with the victim. That is the true state of mind of large sections of offenders` town`s Dachau morally problematic population.

6) The offenders` town Dachau population growth and economic growth conspiracy Deeply rooted in the soul of offenders` town Dachau is the unbending desire to outgrow economically and demographically the shame of the holocaust. It is therefore no mere accidence, that the leaders of offenders` town Dachau constantly pride themselves, that even the population of the sympathetic city of hearts Munich would stagnate, while that of Dachau would grow tremendously. The calculation behind this is the following: In fifty or seventy years offenders` town Dachau shall have grown demographically so much, that the emphasize is no longer that much on offenders` town Dachau`s bleak past as concentration camp town but much more on offenders` town Dachau`s status as economically and

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demographically successful community. To outgrow their historical shame. That is the secret strategy of offenders` town Dachau.

Part of this population growth conspiracy -and the calculating and hideous mind behind it- is also Dachau`s desperate quest for a sister-city arrangement with a town or even larger city in Israel. This nearly unbending desire does not stem from idealism, as Dachau idealism certainly does not exist. They are simply hideous, calculating and greedy. Normally, e.g. if the Holocaust had not happened, greedy Dachau would not long for a sister-city arrangement with a town or city in Israel at all. Quite to the contrary, they would opt for such a sister-city arrangement with places in Arabia. After all, the Arab sheiks have the big money, and a cordial relationship with Israel might well prove an obstacle to Dachau attempts to get Arabian investments. However, given the existence of the Holocaust, a sister-city arrangement with Israel is necessary for calculating Dachau, if it gradually wants to succeed in deemphasizing its outcast status as a former concentration camp town. After all, so they calculate, Dachau will not continue to have a bad reputation, if even a community in Israel should be prepared to enter into a sister-city arrangement with offenders` town Dachau. And to a town with a better reputation, so they calculate, more and more people and investors will be prepared to move.

However, there are increasingly signs on the horizon, that this strategy is going to misfire. As it turns out, no municipality in Israel is prepared to enter into a sister-city arrangement with offenders` town Dachau. Moreover, while the big metropolis Munich is growing strongly, Dachau`s population has increased in the first half of the year 2014 only by about 120 persons from 45621 to 45745 inhabitants. For several reasons this increase may not even have been real. The Bavarian bureau of census, like most census bureaus of the individual german states, incorporates the number of people, who have moved into a municipality, more quickly into its statistics than it does the number of people who have moved away from this municipality. Dachau may for this reason in the first half of 2014 suffered in reality a decline in population number. In this context, it is remarkable, that according to the german internet magazine Focus Online house renting prices have fallen during the period April to June 2014. Does a town, that suffers a fall in house renting prices, normally experience an increase in population? Normally not! Furthermore, given offenders` town Dachau`s ability to produce scandals, I would not even exclude right from the start the possibility, that the population statistics were manipulated in favour of offenders` town Dachau. The new german census system is a very complicated one, and according to the most recent german census of 2011 most middle-sized german towns had fewer inhabitants than thought before the census. The morally prostituted offenders` town of Dachau belonged to the very few towns to whom the census attributed a larger population size than thought before. Hand in hand with this upward calculation went strong advantages as increased money supplies to Dachau from the German federal government and the Bavarian state government. With regard to a town of such bad reputation as Dachau such unexpected population increase is a very extraordinary development, and I can only hope that no manipulation took place.

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Economically too, Dachau`s prospects have deteriorated. One of Dachau town government standard assumptions always has been, that Dachau would be less vulnerable to big economic crises, as it was not that much dependent on a flourishing exportation industry.

This, of course, is self-deception. The only reason, that Dachau has no major exportation industry is, that no major company is prepared to move its main national seat of business to Dachau. This was a lesson Dachau officials had to learn, when the cool and sexy Coca-Cola company told the town government, that it would under no circumstances move its regional seat of business to a morally prostituted town like Dachau. Instead of this, Dachau`s industry mainly consists of suppliers to the Upper Bavarian exportation industry. This makes Dachau hardly less vulnerable to big economic crises than other german municipalities. In the year 2009, for example, which marked the heyday of the big economic world crisis of the years 2007-2009, Dachau`s revenues from the commercial tax, a german speciality, dropped by about 50 percent, while in Germany as a whole these revenues decreased by merely 23 percent. Moreover, in contrast to Germany as whole, Dachau`s revenues from the mentioned commercial tax have not yet reached again the level of the year 2008. All these factors are definitely no sign of lesser economic vulnerability to big economic crises. Against this background, it is by no means surprising that the town of Dachau will have by 2018 accumulated overall debts of about 80 Millions Euro. (The annual town budget, debts included, only amounts to about 110 million Euros!). Hardly more promising is the situation of Dachau municipal works company, e.g. the company, that is responsible for energy and water supply and public transport. This company will indebt itself in the following years to a point, that might make it impossible to pay these debts back. The whole situation is furthermore complicated by the factm that Dachau is already a very expensive place to invest and to live. House renting prices in Dachau are for example more expensive than in some upper-middle class living areas of such important world cities as Hamburg or Berlin. Wages are also comparatively high in Dachau. What is more, these expenses will increase in the nearer future. In some areas of Dachau, for example, new inhabitants are legally forced to buy energy from Dachau municipal works company. Water prices have already been increased by 100 percent, and for new house constructions Dachau town council has imposed an additional municipal fee on the house owners. The somewhat daring argument behind this fee is, that new inhabitants would create new costs for offenders` town Dachau, and that they should therefore compensate for these costs through the payment of this fee. It remains to be seen, whether measures of the above mentioned kind will not very seriously decrease offenders` town Dachau`s attractiveness for investors and new inhabitants.

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7) The Jobcenter Dachau (formerly called ARGE Dachau) - a case study of a suppressive institution of offenders` town Dachau Characteristic for the true, unmasked nature of offenders` town Dachau is also the local Jobcenter Dachau (formerly called ARGE Dachau). Whether the accusations against the chairman of this Jobcenter, Mr. Peter Schadl, that he has –together with the health insurance company AOK Munich- denied to a sick person life critical medical services are true, I do not know. I, therefore, accuse neither Mr. Schadl nor the insurance company AOK Munich of such a kind of attempted euthanasia through the backdoor. Given my own very bad experience with Jobcenter Dachau, I, however, also do not exclude anything right from the start. Repeatedly, I was –contrary to the stipulations of German social law- denied by Jobcenter Dachau adequate amounts of heating oil, with the result, that in recent years my heating system went several times out of operation. The last time this occurred in February 2015. The driving force behind these acts of discrimination probably is the morally polarizing deputy-chairwoman of Jobcenter Dachau Kakoschke, who was “imported” from Eastern Germany. To persons she likes she awards up to 2500 liter heating oil per year for a flat of just 48 square meters. If I need the same amount of heating oil per year for a whole house, she rejects my pleas. By my experience, the worst women of Jobcenter Dachau are not the Bavarian women, but those “imported” from Eastern Germany or the German federal state of North-Rhine-Westphalia. However, such kind of women are imported because offenders` town Dachau officials wants to suppress the social rights of the unemployed and poor in order to save money.

Even more cruelty and discrimination manifests itself in the tendency of Jobcenter Dachau to humiliate and break intellectuals by forcing them into the mobile labour camp of the Munich based company Packmas. In this labour camp, called for its waste collection purpose “Sauberer Norden” (cleaned north), morally polarizing Job Center Dachau women of power as deputy chairwoman Kakoschke put –together with convicted criminals and drug addicts- those intellectuals who -due to their intellectual spirit of resistance- have become an object of hatred. Liked Persons on the contrary, even if they have rejected one job offer after the other, are never punished this way. I myself just barely managed to escape such measure in 2013, and another intellectual, a song composer to the best of my knowledge, even underwent this humiliating treatment. (A labour camp of this kind is of course anyway inacceptable and inhumane, but the increased preparedness to use it as a tool for disciplining disliked intellectuals lends additional stigma to the whole undertaking!)

8) The reawakening Neo-Nazi Spirit in offenders` town DachauA very big problem furthermore is the reawakening Neo-Nazi spirit in offenders` town Dachau. Many Dachau creatures have never been particularly reluctant to express verbally neo-nazi sympathies. I remember, for example, an incorrigible old guy, who at the local lake of Krantzberg always expressed his opinion, that even Hitler`s Nazi government had been better than the present government of democratic Germany. In 2013/2014, however, neo-nazi sympathies have been very! much on the rise. In 2013/2014 the building of the local Dachau Youth centre was repeatedly polluted by Neo-Nazi paroles. Things then reached its climax, when the gate of the Dachau Concentration Memorial site was stolen by –in all probability- neo-nazi-sympathizers. I myself became in December 2014 the object of neo-nazi-agitation. An anonymous Muslim of Bosnia and Dachau sympathizer, angry about my Dachau critical Täterstadt Dachau Song (“Offenders town Dachau song”) on youtube, send

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me an e-mail, in which he insulted me by calling me a “fat son of a bitch, who better should go to Auschwitz”. He furthermore added, that “half of Concentration Camp Dachau memorial site would anyway be a mere fake”. I gave some thought to the question, whether I should indict him in the law courts. However, Christmas time and the cold Bavarian winter somehow reduced my preparedness to do so, and I therefore irrecoverably destroyed the insulting e-mail.

How can this reawakening neo-nazi spirit in offenders` town Dachau be explained? Well, I think it is in all probability an emotional counter reaction to offenders` town Dachau`s failure to polish its reputation and to lay the foundations for further economic and demographic growth. No city sisterhood arrangement with Israel towns has been achieved. Population growth increasingly comes to a standstill, and the town debts are very much on the rise. In such a situation the inhabitants of offenders` town Dachau become increasingly angry and let the mask of humanity fall from their faces. In short, they now show their real moral nature.

9) ConclusionThe offenders` town of Dachau has until recently enjoyed some success in improving its demographic and economic position. Now, however, the limits of Dachau`s future prospects -as well as the town`s underdeveloped moral nature and its hypocritical character-, become increasingly visible. Therefore, with hindsight 2014 will, in all probability, turn out to have been the year of Dachau`s Gettysburg. The year, in which the hand of fate turned the tide of Dachau `s fortunes and threw the offenders` town of Dachau onto the road of irreversible downfall.

Markus Eder, M.A. Rotdornweg 9 86567 Hilgertshausen-Tandern, Germany on the 15.3.2015

N.B: The author of this essay, Markus Eder, does not live himself in offenders` town Dachau. Due to the Bavarian territory reform of the late 1970s, however, his place of residence Hilgertshausen was taken out of the County of Augsburg and transferred to the County of Dachau (County! of Dachau, not offenders` town! Dachau).

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