cyber center of excellence (cyber coe) - afcea … tradoc lessons learned initial military training...

UNCLASSIFIED Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) AFCEA TechNet 10 September 2014 MG Stephen Fogarty Commanding General, US Army Cyber Center of Excellence & Fort Gordon

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Page 1: Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) - AFCEA … TRADOC Lessons Learned Initial Military Training Doctrine ... The Cyber Center of Excellence Cyber CoE Commanding General is the


Cyber Center of Excellence

(Cyber CoE)


10 September 2014

MG Stephen Fogarty Commanding General,

US Army Cyber Center of Excellence & Fort Gordon

Page 2: Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) - AFCEA … TRADOC Lessons Learned Initial Military Training Doctrine ... The Cyber Center of Excellence Cyber CoE Commanding General is the


“The DoD’s recognized experts for cyberspace, signal, and electronic warfare; develops DOTMLPF solutions that synchronize Warfighting functions in converging land and cyberspace domains.”

Page 3: Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) - AFCEA … TRADOC Lessons Learned Initial Military Training Doctrine ... The Cyber Center of Excellence Cyber CoE Commanding General is the



DCG Initial Military


DCG Combined


DCG Futures



Initial MilitaryTraining


Functional TrainingTraining


Concept Development

Training Development

Requirements Determination

Capabilities Integration

Leader Development


Initial MilitaryTraining


Functional TrainingTraining


Concept Development

Training Development

Requirements Determination

Capabilities Integration

Leader Development


Initial MilitaryTraining


Functional TrainingTraining


Concept Development

Training Development

Requirements Determination

Capabilities Integration

Leader Development

CG, Center of Excellence

CG, Center of Excellence CG, Center of Excellence

Center of Excellence Defined

A designated installation, centered on U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) core functions, that improves combined arms solutions for joint operations, fosters doctrine, organization,

training, materiel development, leader development, personnel, facilities, and facilities (DOTMLPF) integration, accelerates the development process, and unites all aspects of institutional training to

develop Warfighters, leaders, and civilians who embody Army values. Each CoE will have a Capability Developments Integration Directorate (CDID), to focus on concept development, experimentation and

requirements determination in support of the COE mission (TR 71-20)

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Threat, Mission, & Building a Cyber Force

Page 5: Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) - AFCEA … TRADOC Lessons Learned Initial Military Training Doctrine ... The Cyber Center of Excellence Cyber CoE Commanding General is the



Complex, Evolving Environment

5 v10

Required Interaction

Deconfliction “Discrete Battlespace”

Shared Situational Awareness

“Common Operating Picture”

Cooperation “Coordination”

Cohesion “Collaboration”

Linear Maneuver Formations

Network vs. Network Echelon vs. Echelons

Corps Optimized for AirLand Battle

Non-Linear: 360° Irregular Warfare – Decentralized Execution Complexity from Multiple

Asymmetric Engagements

Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multi-National (JIIM) Operations

Increasing Cyber-attacks

Russian Tanks in Georgia

Missiles in Iran and Korea

Iranian Green “Twitter” Revolution

Cyber-attacks in Estonia

Maneuver / Counter-Terror


USS Cole



Arab Spring/Libya

The Challenge

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The Cyber Environment

6 v10


Cyber Identity

Information Layer

Physical Infrastructure

Geographic Layer

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…HQDA EXORD 057-14

Projected OCT ‘14

Projected OCT ‘15

Cost-Benefits Analysis Concept Plan Stationing Plan

Phase I: Provisional CoE Phase II: Initial Operating Phase III: Full Operational Capability

CSA’s Intent

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Combined Arms in Cyberspace

25 35



Present Future

Cyber Operations are inherently Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational

25 17 35




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The Key to Cyber: Trained People

Page 10: Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) - AFCEA … TRADOC Lessons Learned Initial Military Training Doctrine ... The Cyber Center of Excellence Cyber CoE Commanding General is the



The Cyber Center of Excellence

Cyber CoE Commanding General is the Force Modernization Proponent for the Cyberspace domain:

Determines and integrate DOTMLPF requirements for Cyberspace domain and the branches within the CoE (Signal, Cyber, EW)

New Signal and Cyber Schools with Commandants and Branch Proponents

Commandant and Chief of Signal and Cyber

Responsible for Training Execution, Leader Development, Education, and Personnel Proponent responsibilities for each branch

Supporting Force Modernization Proponent (Cyber CoE CG)

The Cyber CoE is the Force Modernization Proponent for the Cyberspace Domain

Page 11: Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) - AFCEA … TRADOC Lessons Learned Initial Military Training Doctrine ... The Cyber Center of Excellence Cyber CoE Commanding General is the



The Cyber Center of Excellence

Page 12: Cyber Center of Excellence (Cyber CoE) - AFCEA … TRADOC Lessons Learned Initial Military Training Doctrine ... The Cyber Center of Excellence Cyber CoE Commanding General is the



Cyber CoE DOTMLPF Integration Efforts





Leadership and Education:



FM 3-38, FM 6.02, ATP 6-02.71… Accelerating development of the Army’s capstone cyber doctrine (FM 3-12)

ARCYBER, 780th MI Bde, 7th CPB, ACI, Cyber CoE (Provisional) C-BA for Cyber CoE submitted to CAC Jun 14; associated CONPLAN ready for submission

25D TRAP approved for seven FY14 classes; JCT&CS equivalency for 255S POI Multiple POIs under review for JCT&CS equivalency; reviewing all Cyber training

Completed initial Cyber capability-based assessment and DiCR Materiel requirements for DCO and OCO submitted to ARCIC; Cyber SA requirements will be submitted in FY15

Army Cyberspace LDE&T Assessment & Implementation Strategy Implementing into all PMEs

Fielding multiple MOS’s to meet initial cyber capability requirements CMF 17 SME Panel Completed Developing the Army’s Cyber Career Field (17)

Completed requirements analysis and planning charrette for facilities Working simultaneous actions for both short (modular) and near (refurbishment) term SCIF facilities for operations and training


25D 255S



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Recognize and adapt to change,

provide flexibility to our

Operational Force, sustain the

current fight and ensures our

Army’s credibility

(DOT) MO 1.1: Design Flexible Training & Education for the Future (DOT) MO 1.2: Execute Quality Training & Education for the Future

Provide Training and Education LOE # 1

Transformed into an adaptable

organization and postured to support change in the Army

The Installation is properly

staffed , funded, and trained to

support on-going and future

mission across the Fort Gordon

and Gillem Enclave Communities.

The Force of the future is

designed and integrated to

address future global

requirements across DOTMLPF

and Cyberspace

Design the Future Force LOE # 2

(CDID) MO 2.1: Develop The Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace (CDID) MO 2.2: Develop Concepts & Capabilities for the Future Army Network (OCOS) MO 2.3: Develop Signal / Cyber Personnel Structure (DOT) MO 2.4: Develop Signal / Cyber Doctrine

Personnel are developed in the

right numbers with the right

skills, at the right grade to meet

emerging Army and joint

cyberspace requirements while

aspiring to a lifetime of service


LOE # 3

(OCOS) 3.1: Design Signal / Cyber / EW Personnel Structure (OCOS) 3.2: Acquire Signal / Cyber / EW Personnel (OCOS) 3.3: Develop and Sustain Signal / Cyber / EW Soldiers, Civilians and Leaders (G-1) 3.4: Enhance Cyber CoE Human Capital Management

Develop & Sustain Soldiers, Civilians & Leaders

Desired -

State The Cyber CoE & FG produce

the best trained and

educated Signal / Cyber /

EW Soldiers, Civilians, and

leaders, organized and equipped with

relevant, adaptable

capabilities and enablers in

support of decisive action

for any operation.

(DCoS) LOE # 4

(DOT) 4.1: Implement University Model (KMO) 4.2: Adapt Business Processes (G-3) 4.3: Synchronize Staff Actions Horizontally and Vertically

Drive Change

Drive Change

LOE # 5 Provide Installation Services

(DPTMS) MO 5.1: Build Flexible, Integrated Processes & Services ISO ARFORGEN (DFMWR) MO 5.2: Attain Resilient Service Member, Civilian & Family Well-being (DHR) MO 5.3: Build Competent, Adaptive & Customer Focused Leaders & Workforce (DES) MO 5.4: Provide a Safe, Secure, Healthy Living & Work Environment (DPW) MO 5.5: Achieve Modern, High-Quality, Compliant/Sustainable, Facilities & Infrastructure

Strategic Objective (SO) Cyber CoE Lines of Effort

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Civilians 25D 255S



Establish a Coherent Community of Interest: Organize as the Army’s Force

Modernization Proponent for Cyberspace Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Signal.

Education, Training, & Experience/ Talent Management: Established separate Cyber

and Signal Schools under an integrated University-like construct.

Establish a Career Field: Design and establish the Army’s first Cyber Career

Field and Branch.

Increase Capacity: Obtain workforce growth of 180

Military and Civilian Positions by 1st QTR, FY 16

Facilities: Interim facilities growth requires a 27,000 ft2 Sensitive Compartmented Information

Facility (SCIF) with anticipated MILCON in out years.

Acquisition—Industry Sector: Developing clear & concise materiel concepts for

Cyber force mission requirements

Increase Support to Tactical Forces: Produce an array of tools enabling echelons-below-corps to tap into

powerful Cyberspace Operations capabilities

Cyber CoE Priorities

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Academia and Industry partnerships enable knowledge-sharing and innovation, creating the conditions for success in the uncertain but exciting future of exploitation of the Cyber domain

How “You” Can Help

Community, Academia, and Industry are vital partners to the Cyber CoE: • Community support as Fort Gordon continues to expand • Cutting-edge national, regional, and local-level STEM education programs • Collaborative exchange programs • Increased awareness of Army Cyber opportunities (military and civilian) • Advanced degree partnership • Development and refinement of recruiting and talent management analytical tools and

applications • Research and development – Joint Experimentation • Design and build secure, small, modular, and scalable • Increased collaboration that drives a more dynamic development and acquisition process • Training With Industry (TWI)

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