cvvr lab.@ national dong hwa univ. 國立東華大學 virtual reality (artificial reality)

CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國國國國國國 Virtual Virtual Reality Reality (Artificial (Artificial Reality) Reality)

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Page 1: CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學 Virtual Reality (Artificial Reality)

CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Virtual Reality Virtual Reality (Artificial Reality)(Artificial Reality)

Page 2: CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學 Virtual Reality (Artificial Reality)

CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


“A computer system used to create an artificial world in which the user has the impression of being in that world and with the ability to navigate through the world and manipulate objects in the world.”

-C. Manetta and R. Blade

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


• A display connected to a digital computer gives us a chance to gain familiarity with concepts not realizable in the physical world. It is a looking glass into a mathematical wonderland.

• The ultimate display would, of course, be a room within which a computer can control the existence of matter.

- Ivan E. Sutherland

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Requirements of VR

• Immersive

• Interactive

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Human sensorial channels

• Vision

• Auditory

• Tactile

• Smell

• Taste

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Related Areas of VR

• Computer Graphics

• Computer Vision

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Construction Ways of VR幾何式與影像式虛擬實境之優缺點

幾何式 (Geometry-based)

影像式 (Image-based)

對象 可以是完全不存在的物件或場景


互動性 使用者可以完全自由地移動 使用者的移動受到限制速度 逼真的影像描繪需要大量的



擬真度 影像品質較不真實 影像品質非常逼真製作過程 物件幾何模型製作時間

長, 3D掃描所需儀器價格昂貴


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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Immersive VR

Immersive : 3D environment seen through a head-mounted display (HMD). In a completely immersive system the user has no visual contact with the physical world.

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Semi-immersive VR

Most advanced flight, ship and vehicle simulators are semi-immersive. The cockpit, bridge, or driving seat is a physical model, whereas the view of the world outside is computer-generated (typically projected).

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Two Parts of VR

• Augmented Virtuality

• Augmented Reality

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Three “I”s of VR


Interaction Immersion


Why Imagination?1. To extent VR application

to solve real problems2. Mind’s capacity to

perceive nonexistent things

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

MUD (Multi-Users Dungeon) : First MMORPG, textually described virtual worlds where the user perceives the virtual environment through mental images like reading a novel.

Evolution of VR

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Desktop : 3D virtual environment graphically displayed on a desktop computer monitor.

Evolution of VR

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Evolution of VR

Projected : 3D environment projected onto a screen. Enables a single user to demonstrate concepts to a group of people. A CAVE (developed by University of Illinois), where several screens are used to surround the user with images, is the most advanced form of projected VR in use today.

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

History of VR• Sensorama video driving arcade

by Morton Heilig in 1962– 3D Video: obtained with a pair of 35-

mm cameras– Motion– Color– Stereo Sound– Aromas: smell food when passing by

a store– Wind effect– Vibrated seat: feel the pot-holes of

the road

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Early Commercial VR Technology

• DataGlove by VPL in 1987– Fiber-optic sensors to

measure finger bending

• PowerGlove by Nintendo in 1989– Ultrasonic sensors to

measure wrist position– Conductive ink sensors to

measure finger bending

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

VR becomes an Industry

• Reality Engine, a graphics workstation by Silicon Graphics Inc.(SGI) in 1993

• Cost over $100,000

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Five classic components of VR

VR Engine I/O Devices

UsersSoftware & Databases


7. Human factor

5. Modeling &6. Programming

2. Input & 3. Output

4. Computing architecture

8&9 Applications

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

VR Technology

• Input devices to sense user interaction and motion.

• Output devices to replace user's sensory input from the physical world with computer-generated input.

• Hardware capable of rendering real-time 3D graphics and high-quality stereo sound.

• Software that handles real-time input/output processing, rendering, simulation, and access to the world database in which the environment is defined.

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Hardware Technology

• More realistic graphics and audio (this is also a software problem)

• Greater processor power

• Less lag

• Less obstructive input/output devices

• Better display technology

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

• Need modeling tools to create objects (AutoCAD, 3D Studio, PeopleShop etc.)

• Designing objects is time-consuming

• Objects often need to be optimized for VR use

Software Technology

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


1. Architecture2. Art 3. Business 4. Conferencing5. Design and Prototyping6. Education 7. Leisure8. Medical9. Military10.Rehabilitation11.Training12.Visualization

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


• Walkthroughs to evaluate design decisions and present designs to customers

• Demonstrate how a planned construction fits into the environment in which it is intended to be built

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

• Virtual galleries and museums• Virtual theatres


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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

• 3D visualization of complex financial information

• Demonstrate customizable products to customers


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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


• Collaborative work over the Internet

• Virtual work groups

• Virtual conferences

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

• Use to create rapid prototypes rather than make clay models or full-scale mock-ups

• Simulate assembly lines. For example, to evaluate the risk of interference or collision between robots, cars, and car parts

Design and Prototyping

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Education• Visualize concepts• Visualize the past ('Virtual Heritage') • Virtual lectures and classrooms

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


• Games

• Sport simulators

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


• Practice performing surgery

• Perform surgery on a remote patient


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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Civilian and military training simulators

• Driving simulators

• Flight simulators

• Ship simulators

• Tank simulators


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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


• Phobia therapy • Use VR input devices and tele-presence to

enable handicapped people to do things that would otherwise be impossible for them to do

• Enable people to visit/see places that they would be otherwise unable to experience

• Use VR to teach new skills in a safe, controlled, environment

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

Scientific Visualization

• View complex data sets to gain greater insight and understanding of structure

• View complex molecular and geological structures

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


for hazardous or difficult operations• Nuclear plant maintenance• Learn to move in zero gravity • Practice locating and fixing faults in equipment

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


PassengersPassengers SeatsSeats 300300Cruise SpeedCruise Speed 2.4 2.4 MachMachRangeRange 5000 5000 nminmi

High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) AircraftHigh Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) Aircraft

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學


eXternal Visibility SystemeXternal Visibility System

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CVVR Lab.@ National Dong Hwa Univ. 國立東華大學

VR is a powerful user interface technology

• Choosing the best way to visualize information is important

• VR enables the user to interact directly with information

• VR enables the user to see/experience things in new ways

• VR does not have to be immersive to be useful
