curso o melhor ingles (34 licoes) andrew abrahamson, ph.d


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Alunos e Amigos,Estou contente em poder oferecer o meu curso de inglês gratuitamente para download fácil. Agora todos que falam português podem aprender a falar o idioma inglês sem pagar nada. Após muitos anos online o curso ajudou milhares de pessoas aprender a comunicação em inglês de uma forma simples de assimilar e fácil de fazer. Este é o curso completo, não haverá, não tem mais aulas além destas. Estou aposentado morando nos Estados Unidos, deixo o curso como uma contribuição útil para o Brasileiro. ...é só assistir as vídeo-aulas acompanhando com o livro. Andrew Abrahamson, Ph.D.


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    PRONOUNS I eu MY - meu, minha YOU voc YOUR seu , sua (voc) OBJECTS






    WINE ENGLISH - ingls

    FISH PORTUGUESE - portugus


    BRAZILIAN - brasileiro

  • 4


    to EAT / ATE

    I eat fish . I eat meat. You eat my fish.

    to DRINK / DRANK I drink beer. You drink juice.

    to SPEAK / SPOKE

    I speak English . You speak Portuguese.

    to NEED / NEEDED precisar ne i I need water. I need my fam I ed m lk. ily.

  • 5

    ITH com other.

    e I eat fish AND meat. I drink wine AND beer.

    I need water AND milk.

    QUALIFIERS W I speak WITH my m I speak WITH you. I speak WITH my family. AND

    Qualificadores de When NOW agora I need my wine NOW. I need to eat NOW. NOW I need my mother. TODAY - hoje I need to speak English TO DAY. I need to eat fish TODAY.

    A K YO o rigad

    UR NAME? Qual seu nome?

    EXPRESSIONS TH N U b o PLEASE - por favor WHAT`S YO GOOD MORNING bom dia GOOD AFTERNOON boa tarde GOOD EVENING boa noite GOOD NIGHT boa noite GRAMMAR I need preciso I need to speak preciso falar I speak falo I need to eat preciso comer I eat - como I need to drink preciso beber NO INGLS SEMPRE USAMOS A PARTCULA TO USAR DO ATOR ENTRE DOIS VERBOS

  • 6

    A E S F R M

    er lis mas formas encaixam. A habilidade de fazer

    Estas estruturas so chamadas de

    O aluno no precisa aprend tas completas das formas do idioma sim a estrutura dentro do qual estassubstituies corretas muito importante.FRAMES ou quadros. Para a ir fa dade automtica num dquir cili a lngua preciso exercitar utilizando estes FRAM S E .

    . . ortuguese. water. I _______Portuguese with Joo.

    ou. er and father.

    h. I drink water_______you. You_______to eat meat

    ister. You_______to drink milk and juice. You_______to speak with your sister.

    I EAT fish with Jane. ed at. I_______meat with my family. ___milk. I_______fish and meat.

    1 I DRINK beer. 2 I SPEAK English and P I________ I________milk. I_______English with y I________juice. I_______with my moth

    3. I drink beer WITH you. 4. You NEED to speak Englis I drink milk _________my s I drink juice_________my family.

    5. I need juice AND water. 6. I ne fish______meI need coffee____

    need you______your sister. I_______meat today.


    7. h TODAY. 8. I need my wine NOW. I need to speak Englis I need to eat fish_____ eat____. __. I need my m I need my mother_______. I need you_____. I need meat and beer______. I need to speak____.

    9. I eat meat with my family. I drink wine and juice with my father.

    I need to drink beer with my brother.

    I need to speak English with you.

  • L E S S O N T W O





    HAM presunto DAUGHTER




    *TO WANT / WANTED - querer

    I want ham. I want coffee. I want to eat.

    TO PLAY / PLAYED - brincar I want to play. I play with Bill.

    tocar - I play piano. I play saxophone.

    jogar - I play tennis. I play basketball.

    TO WORK / WORKED - trabalhar

    I work today. I work with you. I need to work.

    TO SEE / SAW - ver

    I see your son. You see my brother.

    QUALIFIERS TOMORROW amanh A um, uma, (a boy, a family, a cup) BUT - mas EXPRESSIONS HELLO - ol IN THE MORNING de manh HI oi IN THE AFTERNOON tarde GOOD BYE - tchau IN THE EVENING noite NICE TO MEET YOU muito prazer em conhec-lo EXCUSE ME - com licena

  • GRAMMAR Para formar o negativo no ingls, temos que usar o verbo auxiliar DO e junt-lo com a palavra negativa NOTe ento DO + NOT = DONT. I dont want - no quero

    I dont work - no trabalho

    I dont see - no vejo


    - F R A M E S 1. I SEE a cup. 2. I see a CUP OF COFFEE. I_______a glass. I want a___________. I_______a boy. I need a___________. I________my sister. I drink a___________. 3. I WANT to eat. 4. I WANT to EAT bread. I________to speak. I______to______cheese. I________to drink. I______to______ham. I________to work. I______to______fish. 5. You NEED to eat fish. 6. I WORK with you. You_____to drink milk. I_______tomorrow. You_____to speak English. I_______in the morning. You_____to work tomorrow. I_______and play. 7. I DONT WANT to work now. 8. I work WITH my brother. I_____ _____to drink beer. I play_______my daughter. I_____ _____to see your sister. I speak______my children. I_____ _____to eat bread. I drink_______my brother. 9. I see a boy AND a girl. 10. You eat with YOUR father. I see a mother____a father You drink with_____mother. I see cheese_____ham with bread. You speak with_____children. I see wine______beer. You work with______brother.

  • 11. I need to play with MY daughter. 12. I eat IN THE MORNING. I need to work with____daughter. I dont play_____ ___ _______. I need to speak with____daughter. I want to work_____ ___ _______. I need to see______daughter. I speak German_____ ___ _______. 13. You want to work IN THE AFTERNOON. You want to play____ ______ _________. You want to drink beer____ ______ _________. You want to speak_____ _______ _________. 14. I eat and drink IN THE EVENING. I work and play____ _____ ________. I see my family____ _____ ________. I need milk____ _____ _________. 15. I need to work today. I want to play tomorrow. I want to eat now. I want to work in the morning.

  • L E S S O N T H R E E

    PRONOUNS HE - ele HIS dele SHE - ela HER - d ela IT - neutro ITS dele, dela [coisas neut] He wants to work. She needs to see. It needs to eat.







    TO SLEEP / SLEPT - I sleep in the evening. I sleep with my son.

    *TO LIKE / LIKED - gostar de You dont like to work. I like to eat cheese.

    TO GO / WENT - ir I go with you. I go tomorrow. She goes now.

    TO STUDY / STUDIED I study English. I study German with you. QUALIFIERS OR ou NOR nem ONLY s, somente THE o,a,os,as [art. Def.] TO - para [destino] FOR - para AT - em TO THE , ao [para+a, para+o] AT THE - no, na [em+a, em+o]

    Qualificadores de Where so verdes

  • EXPRESSIONS WITH ME comigo BY MYSELF sozinho [eu] SORRY desculpe BY YOURSELF sozinho[voc] MORE OR LESS mais ou menos MY NAME IS_____________. Meu nome ___________.

    GRAMMAR Para formar o interrogativo, mais uma vez usamos o verbo auxiliar DO e posicionamos ele na frente do pronome. Do you want?

    Do you study?

    Do I like fish?

    Does he work?

    * Does she need my car?

    * A forma do verbo na 3 pessoa do singular no tem a ver com o plural *

    Para formar o plural, acrescentamos o som de s ou z no final do objeto.

    The boy - o menino My friend meu amigo The boys - os meninos My friends meus amigos

  • - F R A M E S 1. I LIKE my teacher. 2. I SLEEP in the evening. I_______my friend. I________by myself.

    I_______my family. I need to_________.

    I_______my manager. I want to___________now.

    3. Do you study? Do you__________English?

    Do you__________Portuguese?

    Do you like to__________?

    Pergunta Resposta 4. Do you study OR work? 5. I dont study NOR work Do you want_______need? I dont want________need.

    Do you eat________drink? I dont eat________drink.

    Do you play_______study? I dont play________study.

    6. I like HER family. 7. I want to see HIS sister. I like_________store. I want to work at_________store.

    I like_________manager. I want to speak with_________son.

    I like_________coffee. I want to drink with_________glass.

  • 8. I study AT THE school. 9. Do you want to go TO THE church? I work__________store. Do you need to go______store? I drink__________bar. Do you like to go______movies?

    I eat__________restaurant. Do you need to go______school?

    10. I want to go TO THE movies. 11. DO you want the juice? I want to go________school. ______you want the cup?

    I like to go________church. ______you want the bread?

    I need to go________store. ______you want the cheese? 12. DO YOU LIKE to work? 13. I ONLY work in the morning. ___________to sleep? I_______study with my sister.

    ___________to play? I_______like to eat.

    ___________to study? I_______work today.

    14. He NEEDS a manager. 15. She WANTS a son and a daughter. He_______a friend. She________a glass and a cup.

    He_______a teacher. She________fish and meat.

    He_______a father. She________only tea.

    16. It LIKES to eat. It_______to sleep.

    It_______to play.

    It_______to go with me.


    1. I like to drink wine with my friends. Do you like to drink wine?

    2. Sorry, but I like to drink beer. Only my father wants wine.

    3. I need to work tomorrow, and I want to sleep now. Good night!

    4. Do you want to go to the store in the evening? I work at the store!

    5. I need to speak with my father today. Do you want to go with me?

    6. I dont want to go to the store by myself. I want to go with you.

    7. Do you want to go to the church with my children tomorrow?

    8. I dont need to speak German. I only speak English.

    9. I like to eat bread and cheese. Do you like to drink tea?

    10. I want to drink a glass of water. Thanks, I need to go.

    11. I want to speak only English with my teacher and my family.

  • L E S S O N F O U R

    Pessoas que imitam facilmente tem uma grande vantagem em aprender uma

    lngua estrangeira. Mesmo assim algumas pessoas boas em imitar, ficam intimidados

    quando tentam reproduzir sons estrangeiros, e suas habilidades naturais so inteis.

    Aprender uma lngua necessita imitao cosciente. Isto quer dizer anotar com

    cuidado coisas como: as posies dos lbios; a qualidade dos sons; a velocidade da

    fala; a entonao da voz; o rtimo das senteas, e at gestos caractersticos. Imitar tais

    aspectos pode parecer bobagem no inicio, mas muito mais bobagem no fazer isto,

    mesmo fazendo vrios erros. Em geral ns temos que massacrar a lngua antes de

    domin-la, e este processo tem que iniciar imediatamente.

    Imitao tem trs aspectos: 1) observao constante e intensa 2) se jogardentro da imitao 3) treinamento contnuo Se jogar dentro do modo da lngua muito importante. No incio, adotar

    conscientemente, hbitos completamente diferentes de falar pode parecer

    terrivelmente embaraoso, ou at doloroso. No uma coisa normal, e sentimos que

    estamos ofendendo as pessoas pela maneira consciente que imitamos cada palavra e

    gesto seu. Mas o que esquisito para ns, no para eles.

    Treinamento contnuo outra parte importante no processo de imitao. Aps

    pouco tempo esta imitao no parecer mais estranho a ns. Na realidade ele se

    sentir muito natural, e inconscientemente adotamos novas maneiras de falar o

    idioma estrangeiro.


  • SOUND STUDY Um dos erros mais comuns em aprender uma lngua falhar em treinar ouvindo.

    S depois que aprendemos a sentar e escutar que podemos ficar de p e falar.

    Nossa inabilidade de captar com os ouvidos a frase ou sentena complementar,

    nos desanima. Ela vem com muita velocidade (numa mdia de trs a cinco slabas por

    segundo). A nica maneira de nos familiarizar com a forma acstica do idioma de

    escutar seletivamente um aspecto e depois um outro aspecto.

    ( 1 ) O TOM DA VOZ - Se o tom da voz levanta ou abaixa, ou fica nivelado uma das primeiras coisas que uma criana percebe sobre uma lngua,mas geralmente a ltima coisa que um adulto percebe. Uma criana quase inevitavelmente usa a intonao correta mesmo quando est tagarelando. No adulto esta falta de intono que o trai como estrangeiro quando ele fala o idioma no prprio. Sendo isto como for OUVIR SELETIVAMENTE para a intonao exatamente onde todos devem comear a escutar uma lngua estrangeira.

    ( 2 ) SONS ESTRANHOS Quando estamos ouvindo seletivamente para as variaes dos tons, certos sons estranhos, vogais ou consoantes, vo nos atrair. Ento a prxima coisa que devemos fazer escutar seletivamente estes sons estranhos. Se um som freqente, devemos concentrar nele; apagando qualquer outra coisa da mente e concentrando nas ocorrncias dele. Quando algum escuta com cuidado aos sons estranhos, ele vai ver que est movendo sua lngua, seu lbios e queixo, imitando este som estranho. A nossa mente automaticamente faz com que os rgos de falar se movam na direo e tempo certo para reproduzir o som. Estas ligaes entre ouvir e falar so uma das razes pela importncia de escutar. 15

  • Os sons de uma lngua so a base de tudo nela, e os sons de cada lngua so distintos. Para nossa convenincia podemos dividir os sons em duas classes tradicionais: 1) consoantes e 2) vogais. As consoantes , na maior parte; interrompem o ar saindo dos pulmes com vrios pontos de articulao. Estes pontos so efeituados com movimentao de rgos do aparelho fonador:

    pn passagem nasal

    L lbios

    d dentes

    a regio alveolar

    O primeiro passo rp regio palatal

    Obter um quadro dos rv regio velar

    Sons de cada sistema pl ponto da lngua

    Para uma anlise contrastiva l lngua

    Cv cordas vocais









    Surda sonora

    P b

    t d

    k g


    Surda sonora

    f v

    0 o

    s z h


    Surda sonora

    c j


    Surda sonora

    s z


    Sonora l


    sonora m n n



    bilabial labiodental Alvolo

    dental palatal velar

    Oclusiva Surda sonora

    p b

    t d

    k g

    Fricativa Surda Sonora

    f v

    s z


    sibilante Surda Sonora

    s z

    Lateral Sonora l


    Nasal Sonora m n

    ~ n

    vibrante sonora I n

    O confronto dos quadros fonmicos das duas lnguas mostra que elas so diferentes quanto ao seguinte: (1 ) Um certo nmero de fonemas do mesmo tipo tem pontos de articulao diferentes nas duas lnguas; o caso de [t, d, s, z, l, n] alveolares em ingls, e [t, d,s, z, l, n, r] lveo-dentais em portugus. ( 2 ) O ingls tem consoantes que no ocorrem em portugus: th, h, ch, i, ng. Lembramos que em produzir as vogais a corrente de ar egressa dos pulmes sem encontrar nenhum obstculo, ento no h pontos de articulo, e sim regies de articulao. Os diferentes efeitos acsticos so obtidos pelo arredondamento ou distenso dos lbios, associados a maior ou menor abertura da boca. (as in me) (as in ball) (as in day) (as in coat) (as in bat) (as in two) 17

  • Estes diferentes efeitos acsticos tambm so obtidos com os movimentos efetuados pela lngua. O espao aproximado onde esses movimentos se efetuam, ou seja onde a lngua adquire uma posio, que classifica as vogais em anteriores, centrais e posteriores e ainda em: baixas, mdias e altas. INGLS PORTUGUS O confronto dos quadros fonmicos das duas lnguas par vogais mostra que elas so diferentes quanto ao seguinte:

    ( 1 ) As vogais do ingls so estranhas ao nosso sistema fonolgico ( 2 ) As semivogais do ingls no correm em portugus Y, w, r As vogais mais comuns: beat, bit, bet, bat, father, bought, boat, put, boot, but.

    A E I O U

    Comprido - Ei ii i ou you

    Curto - ah e uh


    A menor unidade marcadora de significado do sistema sonoro o que chamamos de

    FONEMA. O simples conhecimento dos fonemas de uma lngua estrangeira nos

    possibilita a comunicao com falantes nativos, isto se dominamos a estrutura


    Quando ouvimos uma lngua estrangeira, tendemos a pensar que os sons dessa

    lngua so os mesmos que os americanos pronunciam o a de maneira diferente, que

    o m em alguns casos e igual, e etc. Trata-se na verdade, de dois sistemas sonoros

    diferentes, que podem ter alguns sons muito parecidos.

  • PRONUNCIATION EXERCISES O a em ingls, pode ter vrias pronncias. Eis as trs mais comuns:

    a = ei a = ! a = ah plane mad what name bad war fame band tall game land talk page rat fall lady sad raw baby that ball ai = ei sailor - pain - rain tailor - nail - rainbow tail - grain - paint mail - railroad - paid train - bait - brain - pail - daily - main


    1) Idiomas so sistemas de sinalizao complexos que separamos em partes para melhor entender. PRONOME OBJETOS GRAMTICA VERBOS QUALIFICADORES 2) Pronomes at agora: I MY FAMILY YOU YOUR sister father HE HIS brother daughter SHE HER mother son IT ITS 3) Formas negativas usam DONT: I dont need. You dont like. I dont want tea. You dont need to work today. * He doesnt work. * It doesnt like you.

  • 4) Formas interrogativas usam DO antes do pronome: Do you work? Do I need to go? Do you like fish? Do you go to school? * Does he drink beer? * Does she study 5) A o artigo indefinido - um, uma. a boy a school a girl a church 6) THE o artigo definido - o, a, os, as the boy the boys the church the churches o meu carro my car (o ingls no usa do artigo o meu filho my son ** definido tanto como no o filho dele his son portugus) a irm dela her sister A preposio TO para alguma direo. I go to Rio. I go to church. You need to go to my store. A preposio FOR no para nenhum lugar. I want to work for you. I like to work for you. I want a book for my son. A preposio AT significa em. I study at my school. I work at his store. Juntamos as preposies com o artigo definido THE. I want to go to the school. I need to speak to the boy. Do you need to go to the store? I work at the store. I study at the school. Do you drink at the bar?

  • L E S S O N F I V E

    PRONOUNS WE - ns OUR nosso YOU ALL vocs (todos) YOUR de vocs THEY eles, elas THEIR deles, delas We need to sleep. You all need to see. They like to study. We dont want ham. You all work in the evening. They need to work. OBJECTS

    TIME SOCCER (football)



    CAR DINNER(denr)



    WIFE HOUSE(haus)

    HUSBAND HOME (houm)

    MONEY AT HOME VERBS TO BUY/ BOUGHT(bi)(bat) comprar I buy fish and meat. Do you buy ham at the store? TO SELL/ SOLD vender I sell books. Do you sell cars? TO UNDERSTAND/ UNDERSTOOD entender I understand Spanish. I dont understand you. (has) TO HAVE/ HAD = got, got to gotta ter, ter que I have a brother. I have to work.

  • QUALIFIERS Adjectivos so rosas NEW novo WHAT o qu, qu OLD velho WHERE onde BIG grande WHEN quando SMALL pequeno THIS this car, this book, this boy SOME algum, alguns THAT that house, that store, that family Qualificadores de Quantia so amarelos EXPRESSIONS HOW MUCH quanto HOW MANY quantos EVERYDAY todos os dias EVERY WEEK toda semana ON THE WEEKEND no fim de semana BUCK(bc) pau (dinheiro) to HAVE BREAKFAST tomar caf da manh to HAVE LUNCH almoar to HAVE DINNER jantar YOURE WELCOME- de nada SEE YOU LATER (si ya leirar) at mais tarde WHERE ARE YOU FROM? de onde voc ? GRAMMAR - MY meu, minha (s) ITS dele, dela (coisas, animais) YOUR - seu, sua (s) OUR (r) nosso, nossa (s) HIS- seu, sua (s) / dele YOUR vosso, vossa (s) de vocs HER seu, sua (s) / dela THEIR deles, delas Qualidades em geral e o adjetivo,no ingls,sempre vem antes do substantivo. BIG CAR carro grande OLD HOUSE casa velha SMALL GIRL menina pequena GOOD BOY - menino bom



    - F R A M E S

    1. WE need to work. 2. YOU ALL see the store. _____want to sleep. _______ work today.

    _____have a car. _______ have a friend.

    _____sell fish. _______ speak English.

    3. THEY want some ham. 4. We want OUR lunch. _______want some bread. We like_____teacher.

    _______need some fish. We see_____mother.

    _______speak some German. We want_____money.

    5. You all need YOUR books. 6. They like THEIR house. You all need______cups. They like_______mother.

    You all need______friends. They like_______sister.

    You all need______home. They like_______church.

    7. I BUY fish. 8. We want to SELL our house. I_____my books. We need to______our car.

    I_____lunch. We don t______animals.

    I_____cars. We like to______to you.

    9. Do you UNDERSTAND English. 10. I HAVE a sister. (got) I only_______________Spanish. I_______a car. (got) Does he_______________you. I_______a wife. (got) We don t_______________. I_______a new son. (got)

  • 11. I HAVE to work. (got) 12. I have a NEW home. I_________a car. (got) I have a_______car. I_________to go. (got) I have a_______friend. I_________to sleep. (got) I have a_______wife.

    13. He likes OLD cars. 14. Do you like BIG stores? He likes______friends. Do you like_______cups? He likes______books. Do you like_______houses? He likes______homes. Do you like_______girls?

    15. I want a SMALL tree. 16. I want SOME small trees. I want a ________wife. I want______small glasses. I want a_________house. I want _____big cars. I want a_________glass. I want______big books.

    17. WHAT do you buy? 18. WHERE do they work? _______do you want? _______do they sleep? _______do you need? _______do they play? _______do you see? _______do they study? 19. WHEN do you have to work? 20. When do you have to sell THIS car? _______does she have to study? When do you have to sell_____house? _______do they have to sleep? When do you have to sell_____bread? _______do I have to go? When do you have to sell_____cheese? 21. I want to buy THAT book. 22. When do we HAVE LUNCH? I want to buy______glass. When do we__________with Bob? I want to buy_______house. When do you want to_________? I want to buy________car. Do you______ _______by yourself ? 23. Where do you want to HAVE DINNER? 24. I like to HAVE BREAKFAST. Where does he want to______ ______? I need to _______________. Where do they want to______ ______? I want to_______________. Where do we want to______ _______? I only________ _________.


    1. I want to speak with the manager. He doesnt work today.

    2. Where do you want to go tomorrow ? I need to go to the school.

    3. I need to speak with your husband today. He needs to go to Rio.

    4. What do you want to eat now? I dont want to have lunch now.

    5. Do you want to sell your car? I need to buy a new car.

    6. When do you like to sleep? I dont like to sleep in the afternoon.

    7. I need to buy some fish. I like to eat fish and drink wine.

    8. Where do you need to go this weekend? I want to go to the beach.

    9. Do you have time to go with me to the store to buy some ham?

    10. Do you need to drink water? I want a cup of tea, please.

    11. I study French in the afternoon, and English in the evening.

    12. I like to play with my children at the beach. We go on the weekend.

    13. I want to work at the store with my brother. Do you want to work?

    14. Do you go to the school by yourself, or with your sister?

    15. Do you like to eat meat in the morning? I only eat bread cheese.

  • 30

    L E S S O N S I X Crianas no se preocupam com declinaes, conjugaes, e subjetivos. Elas apenas escutam, repetem, e juntam palavras que tenham ouvidos [muitas vezes com erros, mas estes so corrigidos com mais tempo ouvindo]. Escutar a base deste rocesso de aprendizagem e juntar as palavras em diferentes combinaes o sultado natural da pessoa comunicar seus objetivos e observaes. O passo inicial

    este processo o que chamamos de OUVIR PASSIVAMENTE.

    Sendo que, mesmo sem um esforo consciente as nossas mentes podem nos judar bastante na aprendizagem de um idioma, devemos dar todas as oportunidades ara nossas mentes trabalhar em com eficincia mxima. Fazemos isto da seguinte

    1) Dar mente bastante material para escutar como gravaes de palestras, o dio, fitas e televiso.

    2) Relaxar. Ansiedades at sobre aprender a lngua do um curto circuito na mente.

    claro que podero sar algumas expresses mas para ter o beneficio total de ouvir passivamente, a


    to vo faz outras coisas. uma boa tcnica jornal, ou brinca com arecer ridculo, mas s mais complicadas

    msica que tocou tantas vezes no rdio

    Precisamos entender que todo som em toda lngua estrangeira um som isso precisamos ter certeza de que

    stamos reproduzindo estes sons adequadamente. Uma das melhores maneiras bservar a produo dos sons uma investigao cuidadosa da maneira que ns

    pren apmaneira:


    3) Dar bastante tempo mente. Muitas pessoas acham que devem estar falando algo na lngua estrangeira depois da primeira semana. upessoa tem que deixar a mente fazer seu trabalho por alguns mese

    4) Deixa a mente trabalhar enquan cescutar uma gravao enquanto voc faz a barba, come, l o seus filhos. No preciso sempre prestar ateno. Pode pconsidera que desta maneira que as pessoas decoram at amusicas sem prestar ateno. Lembra daquela que os vez enjoar? Dominando sons estrangeiros estrangeiro e diferente do portugus. Por eotentamos reproduzir um som.

  • 31


    Grupos Consonantais de SONS ESTRANHOS

    Vamos ver o problema das combinaes fonotticas, ou seja, as seqncias e rupos de fonemas do ingls que so estranhos ao portugus. Em posio

    g inicial, o ortugus no tem os seguintes grupos consonantais do ingls:


    p ike through thwart twine shrew feud swine stay cute splash spy mute squat smile beauty ls im sky pure spray snail view

    qu ick scream dwell

  • 32

    *************************************************************************************************** Outro aspecto dos sons, que se resume em quatro pontos to importantes que somam 50% de aprender um idioma: 1) CONTEXTO quando estamos numa conversao temos que saber o

    assunto sobre o qual conversaremos ou estaremos por fora.

    2) RTMO temos que estar usando o ritmo correto do idioma

    para poder captar e tambm transmitir as palavras chaves. 3) PALAVRAS CHAVES numa frase ouvimos apenas as palavras chaves que nos

    permiti entender a frase sem ouvir cada palavrinha. Estas palavras chaves ocorrem onde temos a batida do ritmo. O tom da voz tambm acompanha estas palavras chaves e afeta a interpretao.

    4) PENSAR EM INGLS com o contexto, ritmo, e palavras chaves todos acontecendo em harmonia, podemos entender a conversao e pensar em ingls.

    Uma pessoa pode treinar o pensar na lngua estrangeira fazendo

    onversaes imaginarias, compondo palestras, ou recordar o que tem ouvido ou lido cabulrio restrito, muito importante experimentar

    to usando as palavras e expresses da lngua proposta. icialmente pode parecer desesperanoso, mas, cada vez que uma palavra ou frase

    mento deve prosseguir os uma pessoa falando ls, sem tentar traduzir anto preciso muita com facilidade, sem

    cno idioma. Mesmo tendo um voformular o pensamenInde portugus entrar na mente, deve ser jogado fora, e o pensasomente com as palavras e frases do ingls. Quando escutamingls, devemos nos esforar em acompanhar pensando em ingas palavras para o portugus. Isto difcil de no fazer, portconcentrao para evitar. A fala tem que fluir naturalmente econtores mentais.

  • 33


    SONS SEMELHANTES aos semelhantes . Isto no se refere a semelhanas

    Depois de ouvir seletivamente sons estranhos, devemos dirigir a nossa ateno com sons no portugus, mas as

    o do Pe ntre o

    espondente entre o Te o D, e outro entre e diferenas nas lnguas so sistemticas. Idiomas

    zao muitos complexos, e tem que ser sistemas ou no ser possvel lembr-los. s sons sem prestar ateno nas palavras ou seus sentidos. Mas ns no queremos esperar e no preciso. Podemos j notar semelhanas em palavras.

    seam theme sick thick song thong sum thumb face faith

    pass path

    semelhanas de sons da lngua estrangeira. Estas semelhanas so as como B. Logo veremos que estas semelhanas so agrupadas como: um som eP e o B provavelmente ter um som corros sons Ke G. As semelhanasso nada mais do que sistemas de sinali

    Uma criana escuta somente o

    SOUND EXERCISES /s/ /th/ sin thin sigh thigh sink think

    1) To SIN is bad. [pecar] 2) You dont want to SINK. [afundar] Too THIN is bad. [magro, fino] You dont want to THINK. [pensar] 3) We want a SONG. [cano] you have? [soma] We want a THONG. [correia] 5) Do you see the PASS?[passe]

    4) What SUM do What THUMB do you have? [polegar]

    Do you see the PATH? [caminho, trilho]

  • 34


    ch sh o, ou = a chair she mother church shell brother chase sheet some cheese shine come chicken sheep company children shirt something

    check shoe money beach shampoo young

    R E V I E


    1) icado do sistema A menor unidade marcadora de signif sonoro o que chamamos de FONEMA. 2) Para dominar o sistema sonoro escutamos seletivamente os seguintes:

    a de IMITAO consciente.


    THEIR Pronomes com YOU




    O TOM DA VOZ SONS ESTRANHOS consoantes e vogais SONS SEMELHANTES sin / thin

    3) Aprender uma lngua necessit 4) Pronomes novos: THEY

    pletos: I MY YOUR



  • 35

    5) A preposio TO = para algum ou algum lugar tendo sentido de com destino: I want to go to the store. I have to speak to the manager. 6) A preposio AT em algum lugar: I study at the school. I work at the big store. I sleep at my house.

    CONTEXTO; e acompanhando com o RITMO certo; vamos poder captar as PALAVRAS CHAVES; e ento poder entender e PENSAR em ingls. 8) WHAT do you buy? WHAT do you need?

    7) Sabendo qual o tema ou

    WHAT does he want?

    WHERE do you work? WHERE are you from? WHERE do you go on the weekend?

    WHEN do you have lunch? WHEN do they sleep? WHEN do you got to go?

    9) I want THIS book. He likes THIS car.


    I have THAT bike.

    He needs THAT ham. They go to THAT church.

    Do you need THI money?

  • 36

    L E S S O N S E V E N









  • 37



    PRONOUNS Pronomes Objetos SEE ME - me US (s) nos GIVE YOU o , a [voc] YOU ALLos, as[vocs]

    ele] THEM os,as[eles, elas]

    You dont want me

    HELP HIM o [ -NDE STAN U R D HER - a [ela]

    IT o, a [neutro] . [me quer]

    O PRONOME OBJETO I dont see you. [o vejo] SEGUE O VERBO I dont want him. [o quero]

    I dont need her . [a preciso]



    I write books. She w s newspape

    rite for a r.

    AD TO READ / RE (rid) (rd)

    You need to read this. He doesnt like to read.

  • 38

    TO HELP / HELPED Do you want to help me? Please, we need to help her!

    (guv) (geiv)

    TO KNOW / KNEW - (no)saber, conhecer I dont know you. Do you know Spanish?

    TO GIVE / GAVE I want to give this to you. He wants to give money. QUALIFIERS THESE (these books, these cars) 1 one 1 first cond THOSE (those things, those hams) 2 two 2 se come ird HERE aqui 3 three 3 th go TH 4 fourth ERE l , ali 4 four FROM - de (procedncia) 5 five 5 fifth cima de) 6 six ON em ( 6 sixth bre (por cima) 7 seve OVER so n 7 seventh 8 eight 8 eighth A CAR 9 nine 9 ninth AN ANIMAL (annmal) 10 ten 10 tenth AN INDIAN

    ABOUT sobre, a respeito de , a cerca de, aproximadamente WHY? por qu?

    BECAUSE (bikz) - porque

  • 39

    EXPRESSIONS THIS MORNING - nesta manh (in the morning) THIS AFTERNOON nesta tarde (in the afternoon) THIS EVENING / TONIGHT- nesta noite (in the evening)

    WHAT DO YOU (trim t lern) Estou tentando aprender.

    THINK? (about) - O que voc acha? IM TRYING TO LEARN.-

    GRAMMAR O verbo dar to give, funciona apenas para o ato de entregar algo,

    s c mo n portugus: dar de frente com...;deu nas


    HAV A CA . - THAV TO G T


    ou ceder, no de tantas forma o o

    notcias...; deu nos bzios...; dar para agentar...


    [posse] I E R enho um carro. [necessidade] I E O enho [que] ir. . -

    I HAVE TO WORK. Tenho [que] trabalhar.


    I KNOW YOUR FATHER - Conheo seu pai. I KNOW HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH Sei [como] falar ingls.

  • 40


    . You like ME. 2. We need YOU.


    . I understand HIM. 4. I work with HER. ___. ___.


    . ____. y.

    1 He likes_______. Your father needs_______ She likes______. She needs_______. They like______. It needs ______. 3 They understand_______. He works with____ We understand_______. We work with_____ She understands_______. You work with____ . 5. I like IT. 6. They see US play He likes__ He sees _____pla

    She likes_____. You see_____play. . They like_____. She sees_____play

    7. I speak with THEM. 8. They WRITE letters to me. We speak with_______ You______numbers. for us.

    She speaks with______. He______for a newspaper. They speak with______. We dont______to him. . I READ the newspaper. 10. We need to HELP the boy. 9

    You______the book. You have to______us today. We want to________. I want to_______at home. He______magazines. Do you_______your mother?

    1. I dont KNOW your name. 12. I want to GIVE you bread. 1 Do you_______her husband? I want to_______them water. The waitress doesnt____ n . He wants to______me a car. __E glish The boss_______my brother. I want to_______ you a book. 3. I want to sell THESE books. 14. Do you see THOSE birds? 1

    I want to sell_______cars. Do you see______dogs? I want to sell_______cups. Do you see______bikes? I want to sell_______houses. Do you see______cars?

  • 41

    15. I buy meat HERE. 16. My sister works THERE.

    I sell books________. My wife studies_________. I play soccer_______. helps__________. I read books_______. My parents eat_________.

    My son

    17. I have a l I have a letter______my friend e____indian. I have a letter______your sister. I see____apple. I have a letter______the boss. I see____ace. (pergunta) (resposta) 9. WHY do you work? 20. BECAUSE I need to.

    ______do you study? _______I have to. I like to.

    etter FROM you. 18. I see AN animal. . I se


    ______do you read? _______ ______do you help? _______I want to. 21. They work at the THIRD house. 22. I want the SECOND book. They play at the_______house. I want the_________cat. They study at the______house. I

    want the_________waitress.

    23. We want to work THIS MORNING. 24. You have to go TH We want to play______ _________. You have to help____ _________.


    _____ ________. We want to study_____ _________. You have to write We want to read______ _________. You have to sell______ ________. 25. He works TONIGHT. 26. Do you KNOW HOW to read?

    _____ _____to write? He speaks__________. Do you_____ _____to work?

    _ _____to buy?

    He studies__________. Do you

    He has dinner___________. Do you____ 27. I like to speak ABOUT my family. 28. I have ABOUT three birds. I like to speak_______the children. I know_______seven numbers. I like to speak_______my work. I read________two books. I like to speak_______money. I write________fi

    ve letters.

    ____ ______ ______him?

    29. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT the boss? _____ ___ ____ ______ ______this? _____ ___ ____ ______ ______your work? _____ ___

  • 42

    Leia cada frase concentrando no rtimo, palavras chaves e pensando em ingls



    1. I want to understand my friend, but I only speak English.

    2. I have money today, but I dont want to go. See you later.

    3. Why do you read in the morning? I dont have time in the evening.

    4. When do you eat? I have lunch in the afternoon.

    5. I like to speak English with my family. We dont speak Portuguese.

    6. How many books do you have about animals? I have four books.

    7. I dont eat at my home. I like to have dinner at the restaurant.

    8. Where do you like to study? I only study at the school.

    9. You dont like to work at this store. Why do you work here?

    10. We dont have time to go to the store with you today.

    11. Do you want to buy a newspaper with this money? I dont read.

    12. They want to write a letter this afternoon. Do y wou ant to elp? h

    13. I buy two books every week. Do you sell books or magazines?

    14. Do your friends go to the school with you? I go by myself.

    15. Why do your children go to the movies only on the weekend?



  • 43

    L E S S O N E I G H T H mais um aspecto na aprendizagem de um idioma em que ouvir imsendo ouvir a ns mesmos. Inconscientemente todos ns escutamos nossa

    portante, maneira

    de falar. Assim podemos falar igual aos outros. A pessoa que fica surda perde este poder de controle e em breve sua maneira de falar fica distorcida. Primeiro controlamos os movimentos musculares que nos do controle constante. E segundo, controlamos os sons que saem da boca e nos do controle demorado. Este controle de ns mesmos necessita um esforo consciente. Sempredevemos comparar nossa fala com o que ouvimos dos outros. Com esta comparaocuidadosa com a maneira correta de falar, podemos ter bons resultados em pouctempo.


    TUDY upos Consonantais de SONS ESTRANHOS

    Aprender a falar uma lngua relativo a aprender a ouvi-la. SOUND S Gr

    Vamos ver o problema dos grupos de fonemas do ingls que so estranhos ao portugus em posio final de palavra. Em posio final os grupos consonantais de palavras simples so: mend trench burp ant soft purse mist grasp heart (hrt) fence film serve bold bulge fears [rz] (firz) ox [ks] bulb marsh (mrch) shelf welch [I bish] rth sink fields [Idz] corpse act kiln fi rst change verb shirts (shrts) solve third prompt belt surf b umps (bmps) desk iceberg belch kelp large triumph[mf] false

    church stops

    milk park script health pearl lens [nz] shrimp storm next [kst]

  • 44

    In onat o

    Nenhuma lngua falada em montono. Isto quer dizer que sempre h alguma modulao da voz, e todas estas modificaes ao padronizadas e adquirem certos significados. Dominar a intonao necessita muita pacincia e determinao de imitar constantemente. At conseguirmos falar uma frase com sua intonao correta, no ser dita corretamente.

    SOUND EXERCISES SONS SEMELHANTES h/ 1) I see your TIES. [ gravatas ] I your THIGHS. [ c

    thanks He is a TINKER. [ funileiro ] tinker thinker

    tick thick ticket thicket tree three true through fate faith

    / t/ /t tin thin

    o thighs xas ] ties tanks

    2) He is a THINKER. [ pensador ]

    I have a FATE. [ destino ] 3) I have a FAITH. [ crena, religio ] 4) Go to the FORT wall. [ for fort te ] fourth Go to the FOURTH wall. [ quarta ]

    th/ /f/ /1) Its a beautiful REEF. [ recife ] first thirst It s a beautiful WREATH.[guirlanda] fought (fat) thought

    three free 2) I have FREE ticket fret threat s. [ de graa ] I have THREE tickets. [ trs ] ) thrill

    ) death ] uf) with

    ) thin (rif) wreath

    frill (freil deaf (df3) Come WITH me. [ com whiff (

    fn Come WHIFF me. [ sentir cheiro ] fin ( reef 4) Are you DEAF? [ surdo ] LER E REPETIR AS COLUNAS, Are you DEATH? [ a morte ] DEPOIS COMPA


  • 45

    A memria auditiva pode ser aprimorada tanto quanto qualquer outra, e algum aprendendo um idioma faz

    bem em concentrar melhor neste fator.

    ow that here


    ea = i ea =


    cream(crim) feather (fder) pena (ave)

    u e (mr (w

    PRONUNCIATION EXERCISES th - (som sonoro) h (espirado) this h the husband then head (hd there heart (hart) mother hand father happy eat (it) bread (brd) meat (mt) beat (bit) - bater dead morto clean (clin) deaf surdo easy (isi) meas r jar) medida neat weathe der) tempo, clima

  • 46


    1) pronome objetono ingls vem depois do verbo:

    Do you know ME? Please, speak for US. I dont see YOU. I speak to YOU ALL today. She helps HIM. I have to go with THEM. He needs HER.


    2) GIVE muito usado no imperativo e com o pronome objeto:

    I like I

    Give me the book! You dont want to give your time. I want to give you this. Give me that!

    3) Nossos qualifiers THIS e THAT agora tem THESE e THOSE: I like this

    book. --- I like these books. Do you see this bird? --- Do you see these birds? I want this magazine. --- I want these magazines. Give me that letter. --- Give me those letters. I like that cat. --- I like those cats.

    4) O verbo to know tem que ter how adicionado quando estamos falando em saber como fazer algo.

    to re Do you KNOW HOW to speak English? I KNOW HOW ad.

    We want to KNOW HOW to go there. 5) I have to work IN THE MORNING . I have to work THIS MORNING. Do you study IN THE AFTERNOON? Do you study THIS AFTERNOON? I go there IN THE EVENING. (TONIGHT) I go there TONIGHT. (THIS EVENING) 6) Lugares ambguos no recebem preposies. I go downtown everyday. I want to go home now. I work downtown. I need to go north.

  • 47

    L E S S O N N I N E



    BEANS (bnz)





  • 48


    TICKET passagem, conta, FRUIT

    EGG ingresso, multa T - prova NEIGHBOREST (neibr) vizinho(a)


    V TO PREFER / PREFERRD ( prefr) preferir I prefer beans and rice. I prefer your office.

    TO LIVE / LIVD (lv) morar I live with them. I like to live here.

    TO OPEN / OPEND - abrir I need to open

    (open the)

    the door. Please open the book.

    TO CLOSE / CLOSD fechar I dont want to c

    (close the)

    lose the window.

    TO TAKE / TOOK (tik) - pegar, to, from) tomar, levar. ( They want to take the boy to the school. Take it!

  • 49

    QUALIFIERS 11 le e ven 30 - thiry 12 twelve 40 - forty 13 thirteen 50 - fifty 1 ourtee4 f n 60 - sixty 15 fifteen 70 - seventy 16 sixteen 80 - eighty 1 eventee7 s n 90 - ninety 18 eighteen 100 - one hundred (hndrd) 1 inetee9 n n 200 - two hundred 2 wen0 - t ty (twentii) 1000 - one thousand

    ALREADY (alrdi) j USUALLY (iujoli) geralmente

    n UNTIWhe L ( ntl) at (I work until two oclock.)

    BY at (You need to come home by nine oclock.)

    THEN depois, da, ento Palavras de COLA and,but,then,because..

    VERBOS CAN poder (....)


    1) I can read books in English. 2) He can go with us. 3) We cant open the store tonight. 4) I cant sleep! 5) Can I go with you?

  • 50

    **IMPORTANTE DOMINAR USO DE QUANTIDADES*** NO - nenhum, nenhuma, nada - negativa SOME algum, alguma, [alguns, algumas ] afirmativo

    How much ANY algum, alguma (s) interrogativo

    How many nenhum, nenhumas - negativo

    vrias SEVERAL MORE mais LESS menos

    MUCH muito (adj.) quantidades MANY muitos, vrios (adj.) numero plural

    A LOT muito, um monte A LOT F O (a Lara) muito (de) ... quantidades, e numeros

    FEW poucos numeros A LITTLE um pouco (de) quantidade






    VERY muito super adj. obj. usar apenas com adjetivos.


    VERY BIG VERY FEW very, so, pretty, too



  • 51

    EXPRESSIONS NOON NOON ao meio dia meio dia AT NIGHT noite AT NIGHT noite

    T UP levantar-se

    to GE

    WHAT TIME IS IT? Que horas so? ! - vamo ( ets LETS GO s L work, study, eat)

    I DONT KNOW! Sei l!

    TAKE YOUR TIME. Toma o tempo que precisar. Para levar TAKE OUT

    BY TOMORROW at amanh BY 10:00 at s 10:00 BY THE TIME I GO. at a hora que eu for

    AT HOME em casa T S OL na escola A CHOAT CHURCH na igreja em paz AT PEACEAT WORK no trabalho T W em guerra A AR 1:00 ITS ONE OCLOCK 2:00 ITS TWO OCLOCK 3:00 ITS OCLO K THREE C 4:15 ITS FOUR FIFTEEN 5:30 ITS FIVE THIRTY 6:50 ITS TEN TO SEVEN/ ITS SIX FIFTY A.M. 0:00 ... 12:00 P.M 12:00 ... 24:00


    G At what time? que hora? I work at 8:00. trabalho s 8:00 I sleep at 12:00. durmo s 12:00

  • 52


    1. I PREFER salad. 2 . Do you LIVE here?

    I ________beans. Do you ________downtown?

    I ________the country. Do you ________ with Jim?

    I ________fruit. Do you ________by yourself?

    3. They want to OPEN the d 4. I CLOSE the office at 6:oor. 00.

    They want to _______the wind I ________the store at 6:ow. 00.

    They want to _______the store. I ________the book at 6:00.

    They want to _______the book. I ________the door at 6:00.

    . Do you want to TAKE the tickets? 6. I want to TAKE the test.

    the boys? .


    car? .


    Do you want to _______ You got to ______medicine

    Do you want to _______the app They want to _______a taxi.

    Do you want to _______the We want to ________a bath

    7. I have ELEVEN books. 8. I see FORTY FIVE bananas.

    I have _______children. I see _________ap ples.

    I have _______pears. I see _________dogs.

    I have _______eggs. I see _________cats.

    9. She needs TWO HUNDRED FIFTEEN tickets. 10. I ALREADY speak English.

    She needs ________numbers. I _______ know your name.

    She needs ________dollars. I ________know how to write.

    She needs ________verbs. Its ________ten oclock.

  • 53

    1 I USUALLY work until 8: 1 I work UNTIL 3:00. 1. 00. 2.

    I ________sleep until 8:00. I sleep ______3:00.

    I ________ play until 8:00. I play ______3:00.

    I ________study until 8 I study _____3:00. :00.

    13. We need the book B 1 He studies, THEN he worksY noon. 4. .

    We need the book _______this afternoon. He studies, ______ he plays.

    We need the book _______ He studies, ______hthe time I go. e sleeps.

    We need the book _____ He studies, ______he __tomorrow. reads.

    15. She CAN work with us. 1 You CANT study here. 6.

    She _______study with us. You ______ work here.

    She _______play You ______ live here. with us.

    She _______live w You ______sleep here. ith us.

    17. I want SOME windows. 18. Do you want ANY letters?

    I need _______ new windows. Do you need ______apples?

    I like ______ city window Ds. o you have ______ time?

    I have ______small win Ddows. o you see _______girls?

    19. I dont want ANY letters. 20. I have NO friends.

    I dont need _______apples. They eat ______apples.

    I dont have _______ time. You can see _____ birds.

    21. I have LESS children. 22. I need MORE time.

    He reads _____books. He sells _______books.

    We need ______money. She studies_____in the morning.

  • 54

    (quantidades) (numeros)

    23. He drinks MUCH coffee. 24. I have MANY friends.

    He eats _____rice. They eat ______apples.

    She sells _____ meat. You can see _____ birds.


    They take ______time. We know ___

    25. ooks. He drinks A LOT OF coffee. 26. I read FEW b

    ______letters. He eats _____apples. He writes

    ve______chickens. She sells _____ meat. We ha

    The windows.

    y see _____ birds. It needs ______

    27. p until NOON. He drinks A LITTLE beer. 28. I slee

    He works until _____. We want _______juice.

    _____. I need ______ time. We get up at _

    ve lunch at _____.

    They have ______rice. They ha

    29. GET UP. I work AT NIGHT. 30. I need to

    __. He studies ________. They cant ____ ___

    ______. They play ______. I sleep, then I _____

    I cant see ______. Its time to ___ ____!

    31. ITS 7:15 here.

    ______ at that country.

    ______ in the morning.

    ______ now.

  • 55



    1. Do you want to work with me today? Sorry, I dont have time. 2. liI ke to speak English with my friends. We study on the weekend. 3. Do you want to buy my car? No thanks, I already have a car. 4. I dont know where you work. I want to go there tomorrow. 5. I need to study for my test tomorrow. What time is it? 6. Do you want to go to the church with me tomorrow? I dont know. 7. I need to speak with the manager of the bank about the money. 8. What do you know about this city? I dont know a lot. 9. Where do you want to live? I prefer to live here. 10. I already read magazines in english, but I need to study more. 11. Do you want to buy my house? I already have a house. 12. What time do you like to have breakfast? Usually at 7:00. 13. I dont know how to close the window. Can you help me? 14. I have some books to read tonight. She needs to write many letters. 15. How many books do you want to read this week? Only, about three.

  • 56

    L E S S O N T E N

    As pessoas que no usam o que sabem no aprendem a falar. Mesmo os


    alunos com dificuldades que usam o que sabem, e continuam tentando, quase sempre

    aprendem a falar o idioma.

    SOUND STUDY Grupos Consonantais de SO A HO

    existentes, criam outros

    Os sufixos derivacionais, acrescidos a palavras j

    grupos consonantais:

    health sixth

    width thousandth

    tenth twelfth

    fifth length

    eighth (tth) warmth (rmpth)


    O idioma tem que ser automtico ou intil. Uma pessoa que sempre tem que

    ue estar na ponta da


    tatear pelas palavras, no aprendeu o idioma. Expresses tem q


  • 57

    SOUND EXERCISES /z/ /th/

    n then

    lies (laiz) lithe



    Do you want to CLOSE it? [fechar]

    Do you want to CLOTHE it? [ vestir]

    tama ho] you see it RISE? [ levantar]

    That is my SCYTHE. [ foice] Can you see it WRITHE?[contorser]



    reed breathe

    ead (rid) wreathe

    seed (sid) seethe

    fodder father

    1) You need to READ it. [ler] You need to WREATHE it. [ entrelaar em guirlanda]


    tease (tiiz) teethe

    close (cluz) clothe

    boys b

    breeze breathe

    seize seethe

    rise (raiz) writhe

    size (saiz) s

    1) Do you want to study ZEN? [Zen] 3) Do you want to study, THEN? [ento]

    2) That is my SIZE. [ n 4) Can

    /d/ /th/

    dough (dou) though

    den then

    doze (do those

    dare (d there

    broader brother



    2) The animals BREED here. [ reproduzir-se]

    The animals BREATHE here. [ respira]

    3) My FODDER is old. [rao para animais] My FATHER is old. [ pai]

  • 58

    PRON N ow = au ou = au ow = ou clown our nosso snow neve

    down pa ch! ai!, ui! low baixo

    town (t un ra row remar

    tower to se casa show mostrar

    power p e camundongo window janela

    cow (cu) vaca found achado

    now (nu)


    how como

    wow (uu

    o = oa = ou rope orda boat (bout) barco road (roud) estrada

    note float (flt) boiar

    hope esperana go oath juramento

    joke (dhik soup roast assar

    lone - solitrio boast ostentar load carga




    (clun) palhao

    ra baixo ou

    ) vila out fo

    rre hou

    oder mous

    agora round redondo

    (brun) marrom pound libra

    couch (cut) sof

    ) oba! shout (shut) gritar

    ou c

    nota coat (cout) casaco

    goat ( ut) cabra

    ) piada soap ( ) sabo



  • 59

    R E V I E W

    do estamos falando 1) O verbo to KNOW tem que ter HOW adicionado quanem saber [ como] fazer algo:

    I KNOW HOW to read.

    W to speak English.

    nt KNOW HOW to write.

    I want to TAKE the train.

    AKE the bus.

    They KNOW HO

    I do

    2) Temos o verbo TAKE:

    She prefers to T

    I want to TAKE you there.

    They need to TAKE a bath.

    ) quecer:

    3 A palavra THEN, muito til e fcil de es

    Palavras de COLA (but, and, because, then, so..)

    We study our homework, THEN we have dinner.

    He works until 6:00, THEN he goes home.

    4 O e u C) v rbo a xiliar AN:

    afirmativo I know it CAN live here.

    He CAN study with you.

    negativo She CANT speak English.

    They CANT go with us.

    interrogativo CAN I play with John?

    wn? CAN you take the bus downto

  • 60

    5) NO - nenhum, nenhuma SOME algum, alguma [alguns, algumas] afirmativo ANY algum, alguma [ alguns, algumas] interrogativo nenhum, nenhuma negativo MORE mais LESS menos MUCH muito (adj.) quantidades MANY muitos, vrios (adj.) numeros

    A LOT muito A LOT OF muito (de) quantidades ou numeros

    FEW poucos numeros A LITTLE m pouco [de] quantidades u

    ) Qu ndo s trata

    6 a e de horas ou tempo, usamos a preposio AT como , s: I go work AT 7:30 A.M.

    He usually sleeps AT 10:00.

    AT what time do you want to study?

    AT what time can you study with me?

  • 61

    L E S S O N E L E V E N

    SUNDAY domingo ON no, na SATURDAY sbado MONDAY segunda-feira FRIDAY sexta-feira TUESDAY tera-feira THURSDAY quinta-feira WEDNESDAY quarta-feira




    BEACH RELATIVES parentes (KIN)

    SAND THING coisa

    SEA [affirm.] SOMETHING alguma coisa alguma coisa?


    [int?] ANYTHING [neg.] ANYTHING coisa alguma [nada] nada

  • 62

    VERBS TO START / STARTED comear When can you start? Lets start the meeting.

    TO COME / CAME - vir Please, come here. What time do they come?

    TO SAY / SAID dizer I need to say something. Do you want to say anything?

    Y / STAYD ficar TO STA Please, can you stay here with me ? It doesnt want to stay.

    QUALIFIERS P TY linda, bonito RET BEAUTIFUL linda, bonito HANDSOME bonito, charmoso [s para homens] GOO D bom BAD mau OLD velho NEW novo, nova qualidade YOUNG novo, jovem (idade) SMALL pequeno BIG grande HAPPY feliz SAD triste LONG comprido SHORT curto

    HOW como em [dentro especificamente IN - ] STILL - ainda [inico ou meio de H no, na [dentro do, dentro da frase] IN T E ] YET ainda [final de frase] T prximo (em ordem) NEX

  • 63

    EXPRESSIONS BY BUS - de nibus

    BY CAR de carro e avio


    a p

    MAYBE talvez (Thank G

    ME F


    T. G. I. F. od Its Friday) WHAT IS THE NA O THAT? Qual o nome daquilo?

    ANYTHING ELSE? Alguma coisa mais? ANYTHING NEW? - Alguma novidade?

    ANYWAY... Seja o que for... ANYHOW De qualquer modo., Como quer que seja. ANYWHERE Qualquer lugar.







    . YOU ALL O






  • 64



    1 I go to church on SUNDAY. 2 I go work on MONDAY. . . I see my family on _______. I work from ______to Friday.

    I dont work on _______. The children go to school on _______.

    3. I sell a lot on TUESDAY. 4. I go the movies on FRIDAY. They dont have lunch on _______. He studies Spanish on _______.

    He buys cheese only on _______. We like to eat fish on ________.

    5 They go to club on SAT 6 Do you want to START the meetin. URDAY. . g? I like to eat feijoada on _ Do you want to _______the clas_______. s?

    He plays soccer on ______ Can you please _______the car? __.

    . ith us. .

    7 They need to COME w 8 What do you want to SAY? He wants to _____ to the me Do you want to _____ anythingeting. ?

    My sister likes to ______h Why do you want to _____ere. _that?

    Can you _______ with me? He doesnt know what to ______.

    9 I have to STAY at my work 1 I can see the PRETTY girls. . 0. . I prefer to ______ at my home. I can see the _____tree.

    We like to ______ there. I can see the _____beach.

    She doesnt like to ______with them. I can see the _____bird.

    11. She is BEAUTIFUL. You have a HANDSOME father. 12. My sister is _______. You have a ______brother.

    Your swimming pool is _______. You have a ______son.

    The sand here is ________. You have a ______husband.

  • 65

    13. He likes OLD cars. 14. We have a NEW magazine. I buy _____books. We have a ____ swimming pool.

    They sell _____ things. We have a ___ manager.

    We have many _____ magazines. We have a ___ office.

    15. He has a YOUNG wife. 16. I want to buy a SMALL car. I see the _______ boy. She says she has a ______ apartment

    We have a _______boss. Those boys prefer _____ girls.

    They like _______dogs. We want that ______ cat.

    the NEXT bus.

    ________do you like your fish? We want to see the _______show.

    17. HOW do you study? 18. You need to take

    ________do you say that? I have to go on the ______train.

    _city? ________does the baby sleep? Do you know the ______

    19. I need to study YET. 20. I STILL need to study. We have to work _____. We _____have to work.

    Can you drink _____? Do you ______ drink wine?

    Do they have time _____? Do the children ______have time?

    21. She studies IN THE car. 22. I know a VERY old man. I work ___ ____office. They have a _______young son.

    He lives ___ ____house. He reads _______good books.

    They play ___ _____sea. We prefer ________happy children.

    23. I have VERY MANY friends. 24.We dont need VERY MUCH time. I read _______books. You dont eat _______rice.

    She has _______relatives. I dont have ________money.

    We give _______things. They want _______meat.

    25. MAYBE he can stay with us. 26.They go to church BY CAR. ________it needs to eat. We come home BY BUS.

    ________she has to go home. I go to Miami BY PLANE.

    ________we can buy the car next week. She goes to her parents BY TRAIN.

  • 66


    1. I want to go to the States next week. I need alot of money.

    2. I dont understand what you say. Can you speak Spanish?

    3. Do you want to help the teacher? I dont know what book he wants.

    4. I like to go there with my neighbor, because she knows German.

    5. I need to understand what you want, because I want to help you.

    6. How do you go to school? I like to go by car, but I dont have a car.

    7. The children sleep until 7:00 everyday because of school.

    8. Where do you have to go tonight? I gotta go to the office.

    9. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Three brothers only.

    10. He doesnt want to stay here. He wants to go to the movies.

    11. I go to the movies on the weekend, then I usually go home.

    12. Do you understand me? I dont know where you want to go.

    13. I still dont have the money to buy his bicycle. Do you have?

    14. What magazines do you like to buy? I usually dont buy magazines.

    15. I need to help my wife in the kitchen. What time is it?

    16. I like to have breakfast at 7:30. She has breakfast with me.

    17. We usually buy the newspaper everyday but Monday. Do you understand?

    18. Do you know how to play soccer? I only know how to play tennis.

    19. Do you know how to read and write in English?

    20. Sorry, I dont have time to help you today. Maybe tomorrow.

  • 67

    L E S S O N T W E L V E

    ominando Sons Estrangeiros

    s do acento agudo no ingls, mesmo assim temos que emorizar qual slaba tem batida. Este sistema arbitrria sobre a colocao da slaba

    aprendendo ler e escrever o ingls.


    D Apesar de no usarmomtnica torna-se muito difcil para quem est Substanti Verbo rebel to rebel impact to impact insult to insult insert to insert contest to contest protest to protest

    co nvert to convert project to project


    pessoa singular do presente, em ingls, to cria vrios grupos consonantais. O s ou es tem o som /s/, /z/, ou /ez/ quando

    ema surdo, sonoro, ou s,z,sh,ch,dge,

    oughs melts bursts films thinks robs resolves asks begs disturbs

    fts lisps falls boards acts toasts comes curls

    tempts lives harms works rings burns warps hold starves

    S Grupos consona

    Adicionando o sufixo [s, es] da terceira isadicionado s palavras que terminam com um fonrespectivamente. chopes fits lireengulfsmilks helps s Falar um idioma e tocar o piano so habilidades, e como qualquer percia necessitam de treinamento, sabendo que a pessoa vai cometer erros. Em fato errar e depois corrigir os erros a parte integral do processo de aprender.

  • 68


    OUND EXERCISES Sons Semelhantes

    /sh/ /ch/ cheap


    sheep sheet chea ship chip COMPARE OS SONS

    shoe chew shop chop

    chair hin chin

    cash ash lwish

    . [carneiros]

    share s catch l atch witch 1) These are SHEEP These are CHEAP. [barato] 2) Do you want my SH Do you want my CH

    ARE? [parte] AIR? [cadeira]

    nela da perna] T o]

    /dj jeer

    Joyce chest jest

    choke joke chin gin

    char jar chunk junk choose jews

    rich ridge

    ) The children CHEER. [aplaudir, torcer] The children JEER. [zombar, escarnecer]

    3) This is my SHIN. [ca his is my CHIN. [queix /ch/

    cheer choice 1 2) We dont ha here. [ve a CHOICE escolha] We dont have a JO here. [Joyce] YCE 3) She doesnt CHOKE. like it when I [engasgar] She OKE . [fazer doesnt like it when I J brincadeira]

  • 69

    /shj/ (Joo) /dj/

    ion virgin

    sion legion

    this VERSION . [verso] I dont know this VIRGIN. [virgem]

    to have PLEASURES. [prazeres] We need to have PLEDGERS. [promissrias]

    vers pleasure pledger le 1) I dont know 2) We need

    PARA PENSAR Toda lngua segue suas rprias leis. pEstamos estudando o que o idioma faz, no o por qu. PRONUNCIATION EXERCISES

    g= dj j = dj magician mgico Jack Jack

    pigeon pombo Joseph Jos bridge ponte jam gelia large grande Japan Japo gentle pacfico jar pote

    general general jail priso G z jazz

    jeans job emprego

    range extenso just s, apenas

    erman alemo jaz engine mquina jeans engineer engenheiro

  • 70

    i= e i = ai i = ur like gostar bird big

    o sick dirty brick tijolo

    light luz, leve, clara birth nascimentright certo mind mente first fish five firm firme dish prato

    milk child criana, filho sir senhor b le third icyc English

    th It give

    bike skirt saia wiblind cego shirt side lado flirt coquetear, kind bondoso flertar live pilot this mile milha fine bem ripe maduro


    ite pipa

    C k

  • 71

    WR E V I E

    ) Os dias da semana tem que ser memorizados. 1



    eposio ON para no, *** usamos a pr na.

    ) O erbo She CANT read English.

    2 v auxiliar CAN: I CAN go with you. He CAN study in the evening. CAN my sister have a glass of water?

    3) Quantidade: SOME algum, alguma [s] afirmativo

    a negativo

    ANY - algum, alguma [s] interrogativo - nenhum, nenhum

    NO - nenhum, nenhuma negativo MORE mais

    LESS menos MUCH - muito [adj.] quantidade MANY muitos, vrios [adj.] numeros

    A LOT - muito, um monte A LOT OF - muito [de] quantidade e numeros

    os FEW - poucos - numer A LITTLE um pouco [de] quantidade any more a lot more many less some more a little more a little less re a few more much less much mo many more any less a few less

    lot less

  • 72

    4) A palavra SOMETHING usado apenas em frases afirmativas: I want to eat SOMETHING. She needs SOMETHING. 5) A palavra ANYTHING usado em frases interrogativas: Do you want ANYTHING ? Does it need ANYTHING ?

    e tambm em frases negativas:

    I dont want ANYTHING.

    6) YET sempre vem no final de frases: I need to eat YET.

    We need to say something YET.

    7) STILL pode ser usado no incio ou no meio de frases: I STILL want to read your letter.

    She knows Portuguese and she STILL speaks English.

    8) Qualidade: GOOD


    STRONG forte

    WEAK (wik) fraco



    PRETTY (prti)

    CHEAP (tchip)


    9) VERY + qualidade = TURBO QUALIDADE


    VERY BAD E V RY EXPENSIVE (ekspnsev)






  • 73

    L E S S O N T H I R T E E N




    JOB (diab) BRIDGE




    I have to visit my family. She likes to visit us.

    TO DO / DID fazer [excutar]

    I want to do my homework. What do you do there?

  • 74


    My mother cooks very well. Can you cook beans?

    TO FINISH / FINISHED (fnesh) terminar

    They want to finish the meeting. I can finish this.

    TO MAKE / MADE (meik) fazer[construir, confeccionar]

    We know how to make a house. I cant make lunch today.

    QUALIFIERS ALWAYS (aluis) - sempre NEVER - nunca

    When DURING - durante SOMETIMES - vs ezes ONE TIME - uma e v z

  • 75

    BEFORE antes de AFTER (ftr) depois de Where NEAR perto de FAR (fr) - longe FAR FROM longe de (procedencia) VERY WELL muito bem WHICH qual, quais SO por isso, ento, to so cheap to barato (so that) para que so good to bom TURBO so many tantos so much tanto so old to velho so far to longe EXPRESSIONS TIME tempo, h ra, vez o MANY TIMES- muitas vezes MUCH TIME muito tempo ON TIME pontualmente, na hora certa MIDNIGHT meia noite DAY AFTER TOMORROW depois de amanh

    to DO TH

    HE o

    E DISHES lavar a loua

    HOW IS mo ele est? C HE IS FIN est bem. E - Ele HE IS MORE OR LESS Ele est mais ou menos. HE IS NOT Ele no est bem.


    ARS - choranIN LOVE - apaixonado

    IN BED- na cama PERSON - pes

    IN TE do IN soalmente IN TIME IN TRO ol) em apuros

    tempo UBLE (trb

  • 76







    I AM NOT. AM I...................? YOU ARE NOT. ARE YOU..........? HE IS NOT. IS HE.................? SHE IS NOT. IS SHE.................? IT IS NOT. IS IT...................? WE ARE NOT. ARE WE............? YOU ARE NOT. ARE YOU..........? THEY ARE NOT. ARE THEY........?

  • 77

    A M E S F R

    1 We want to VISIT you tomorrow. 2. I DO my hom. ework everyday. cant_______the job. Can________your parents? He says he

    They need to________their friends. They dont have anything to______.

    He likes to_________Brazil. We dont want to_____this anymore.

    3 he can COOK very well. . S 4. We need to FINISH the job by this afternoon. They usually_______the meat. They want to_______the meeting now.

    I like to_______many things. I have to_______this book by Friday.

    He wants to_______for you. Can you________this for me?

    5. How do you MAKE the bread? 6. You need to go AFTER the girl. Where do they________cheese? The bridge is ______the city.

    I like to_______many things. My house is_______the pharmacy.

    I need water to________the rice. Thursday comes______Wednesday.

    7. The church is NEAR the store. 8. Maybe you are BEFORE me. The car is ________the pharmacy. Usually they start________us.

    My window is_______the door. I have to go home______9:00.

    The fruit is_______the salad. I cook the meat_______the chicken.

    9. ork.. I live FAR FROM here. 10. I ALWAYS do my homew to cook. She works_____ _____her house. She_______likes

    y. Take this_____ ______the city. We______need mone

    prefer ham.

    The bus is_____ ______the school. I dont______

  • 78

    11. RING the week. They NEVER finish the book. 12. You have to come DU the meeting. She________ goes to school on time I have to speak________

    ___the vacation. I ________ cook with wine. We have work ____

    They _______study. She needs to study______the class.

    13. I SOMETIMES like to go to the movies. 14. WHICH book do you want? We _______go to the beach. _______ door do I close?

    She _______buys pears for us. I dont know________window to open.

    __________they visit their relatives. ________fruit is more expensive?

    15. I work a lot, SO I dont go to school. He needs to study, ________he doesnt play in the evening.

    They dont work, _________they dont have much money.

    We prefer the beach, _______we go there on Sunday.

    16. He knows SO many people. This house is _______ beautiful.

    They work ________much.

    The car is ________cheap.

  • 79


    1. I have many things to do today. I need to finish this now. 2. Do you want to stay at my apartment this weekend? I dont know yet. 3. I want to visit my parents this week. They live near the church. 4. My father wants to sell his old car. He needs money for a vacation. 5. haI ve to do my homework before I go to the party tonight. 6. They dont know how to cook very well. She wants to help them. 7. Do you know where Janet has a stor r stoe? He re is near downtown. 8. I have to take a test tomorrow, so I want to study a lot tonight. 9. Do you have time this weekend to go to the swimming pool with me? 10. She wants to finish the job before midnight, but I want go. 11. I usually go to Rio on my vacation. I always need a lot of money. 12. She cooks very well but she doesnt know how to read nor write. 13. Do they want to sell their house? I dont know anything about this. 14. I live with their brother. He works with my father at the bridge. 15. He doesnt live downtown, so he has to go to work by train. 16. I dont know how to do this. Do you want to help me after dinner? 17. Where does your neighbor usually have lunch? Sorry, I dont know. 18. Do you know her parents? Her mother always makes good pizza. 19. How many magazines do you have with you? Do you want any more? 20. I need to sell my car because I want to buy a ticket to the States.

  • 80

    L E F E NS S O N O U R T E

    is de SONS E SOUND STUDY Grupos Consononta STRANHOS

    a io de s ou formar o plural realiza-se igual a do morfema da terceira A d es para pessoa do singular que vimos antes: muffs (mfs) nymphs [mfs] strengths cats tenths surfs wreaths banks (bnks) barks widths scripts chirps lifts masks bags fifths wasps bells facts fists (fsts) beams gulfs eighths [tths] wives [vz] bulks texts [ s kingskst ] gulps sixths [ksths] bulbs eltsb twelfths folds ealthsw attempts (atmts) elms

    OUND EXERCISES - Sons Semelhantes


    /h/ / / heel (hiil) eel heat (hit)