curriculum management audit dr. doris mcewen walker superintendent clover park school district

Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

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Page 1: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Curriculum Management Audit

Dr. Doris McEwen Walker


Clover Park School District

Page 2: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District


• Familiarize Cabinet members with the curriculum management audit process.

• Explain how the audit process can provide information to align the district so that we can appropriately manage the district’s mission of teaching and learning.

Page 3: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Curriculum Management Audit

Page 4: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

The Management Audit

“…an independent examination of objective evidence, performed by trained personnel, to determine whether integrated management systems, which are required to fulfill the contractual and legal obligations…are being effectively implemented.”

Allan J. Sayle (1981)

Management Audits

Page 5: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Curriculum Management Audit

P ersonnel

P rogram

R esources

S tandard O neC on trol

W ork P lans

C urricu lumG u ides

D es ign & D elivery

S tandard Tw oD irection

R ationalE qu ity

In ternalC onsis tency

S tandard Th reeC onnectivity/E qu ity

A ssessm en tIn form ation

S tandard F ou rF eedback

C on trols&

D irectsR esources

S tandard F iveP roductivity

A udit S tandards

Page 6: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Two Fundamental Questions• Does the system have a properly managed instructional

programs (curriculum) that is planned, executed, and assessed in accordance with generally accepted appropriate principles and standards.

• Does the system conform to the standards of quality in instructional organization which includes the following:– Adequacy, specificity, and scope of board policies and planning?

– Sufficient quality in direction for teaching and learning?

– Consistency and equity in schools and program implementation?

– Effectiveness of program and process monitoring and assessment?

– Use and allocations of budget and resources for productivity and quality improvement?

Page 7: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District


• CONTROL: School district is able to demonstrate control of resources, programs, and personnel.

• DIRECTION: School district has established clear and valid objectives for students and clientele.

• CONNECTIVITY AND EQUITY: School district demonstrates internal consistency and rational equity in its program development and implementation.

• ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK: School district uses the results of district- designed or adopted assessment to adjust, improve or terminate ineffective practices or programs.

• PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY: School district has improved productivity and efficiency, particularly in the use of resources.

Page 8: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Standard One: Control

• Curriculum adoption by board• Policies Operational framework

State requirements and local goalsUse of data

• Administrative structureFunctional Line of authority

• Organizational development• Planning• Change framework

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Standard Two: Direction

• Goals and objectives

• Operations to carry out goals and objectives

• Curriculum trends

• Written curriculum for all programs

• Contextual responsiveness

• Program cohesiveness

• Direction for superintendent and staff

• Curriculum planning

• Curricular change

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Standard Three: Consistency and Equity

• Internal connections• Predictable consistency• Equity of access• Resource allocation• Clearly explained curriculum• Professional development• Monitoring• Responsiveness to policies

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Standard Four: Feedback

• Assessment linked to policy

• Assessment trends

• Diverse assessment strategies

• Achievement trends

• Feedback loop for instructional program

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Standard Four: Feedback (con’t)

• Data base to:Determine program

effectiveness Engage in equity analysis Modify or terminate ineffective programs

• Cost-benefit analysis

• Continual improvement of system

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Standard Five: Productivity

• Congruence: objectives, results, costs• Systemic support systems• School climate• Means to improve• Planned interventions• Financial network• Facilities

Page 14: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

The Curriculum Audit

The Principle/Practice of

TRIANGULATIONThe use of multiple methods of data gathering in order to verify findings in the audit.

In order to appear in the audit a fact must be verified from at least two, hopefully more than two sources.

Page 15: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Curriculum Alignment

Two Kinds of Alignment• CONTENT = does the test item and its

skills and knowledge base appear in the curriculum or curriculum surrogate (the textbook)?

• CONTEXT = does the test item format appear in the curriculum or curriculum surrogate (identical elements or situation)?

Page 16: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Today’s Situation

• Effective leadership is the key.

• Clover Park has various a sundry Comprehensive School Reform models and initiatives. An external evaluation of the models, teaching practices, and other programs interventions are important for us to move forward.

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Direction of the curriculum...

• Do curriculum guides, teaching guides, or classroom guides, or other teacher work plans exist?

• Are there clear and valid objectives?• Are the objectives in their current format

adequate to provide direction for implementing the curriculum?

• Are the guides used?

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Connectivity & Equity - curriculum is...

• centrally defined and adopted by the board

• clearly explained to principals and teachers

• accompanied by specific training programs to enhance implementation

• monitored by central office staff and principals

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Connectivity & Equity - curriculum is...

• concepts of fairness, justice, and equity• “All school clients, regardless of ethnic

group, race, religion, national origin, sex, or handicap should have equal opportunity to master the best of what educational institutions have to offer.”

W.K. Poston

• “What the best persons in our society hope for their children, society should want for all of its children.” John Dewey

Page 20: Curriculum Management Audit Dr. Doris McEwen Walker Superintendent Clover Park School District

Connectivity & Equity - curriculum is...

• No excuses!

• “How are the children?”

Masai Tribe

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Curriculum is connected...

• to mission, policies, strategic plans.• “…if a school board has defined

policies properly and direction has been established for teachers and learners, then it would be consistent to find administrators monitoring the implementation of such policy and direction.” Poston, W.K.

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Today’s Situation

• How am I suppose to do one more thing?

• Why should I care if my curriculum is aligned?

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Not Just A Review of Curriculum...

• Because a curriculum management audit is a systems analysis, ALL schools, departments and support personnel are included in the analysis.

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So how much does it cost?

• The proposed cost of the audit is $75,000.

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Logistics• Training for key personnel• Document collection• District “point” person - Chief Worrier• Host Site Visit Team• Exit Report• Audit Document and


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It’s the Principal of the Thing…Again!

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• Standard One– 1.1 Board Policies are inadequate in scope and

quality and are not used sufficiently in guiding district operations.

– 1.2 District planning is inadequate in design and ineffective in delivery.

– 1.3 The organizational structure does not meet audit criteria for effective organizational action.

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FINDINGS• Standard One (Con’t)

– 1.4 Job descriptions for sound curriculum management are adequate in scope and inadequate in quality.

• Standard Two– 2.1 Scope of curriculum is adequate at Grade K-

8, inadequate at Grades 9-12.– 2.2 Curriculum guide quality is inadequate for

effective teaching.

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FINDINGS• Standard Two (Con’t)

– 2.3 Curriculum guides are not effectively used.– 2.4 Classroom activities show little congruence

with district expectations for robust and challenging classroom methods and activities.

• Standard Three– 3.1 Staff development is inadequate in design and

not linked to district goals– 3.2 Articulation and coordination are weak

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• Standard Three (Con’t)– 3.3 Board policies and standards for

curriculum monitoring are inadequate for improving instruction

– 3.4 Special Education design and delivery are inconsistent.

– 3.5 Students are not provided differentiated support in accordance with needs and are not experiencing success equally.

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FINDINGS• Standard Four

– 4.1 The scope of the assessment is inadequate to monitor the full curriculum.

– 4.2 Student achievement is below national and state averages. Some students are not achieving according to district expectations.

– 4.3 The assessment plan is inadequate to provide direction, and assessment data are ineffectively used for curriculum management and decision-making.

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• Standard Five– 5.1 Budget procedures and processes are

neither performance-based nor connected to diagnosed differentiated needs of students.

– 5.2 Facilities and educational environments are adequate, but some problems require attention.

– 5.3 Site-based management processes in the system are fragments ands ineffective.

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• Standard Five– 5.4 Program interventions are extensive but

reflect lack of policy direction and non-congruence with audit criteria.

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RECOMMENDATIONS• Develop a comprehensive set of board

policies that defines and focuses organizational actions, directs and implements innovation, clarifies and connects district planning, and directs curriculum and instruction for integrity with organizational purposes and excellence in all programs and services

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RECOMMENDATIONS• Design and implement a quality

curriculum management system• Redesign and implement a comprehensive

and aligned curriculum and program management system to provide for consistency and continuity, meaningful data for decision-making in student learning and staff development, district operations, and improvement of teaching.

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RECOMMENDATIONS• Correct inequities in educational

programs and services, and focus policy and procedures on assuring success for all learners.

• Restructure administrative roles and responsibilities in curriculum management for greater strength in curriculum design and delivery.

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RECOMMENDATIONS• Adopt a four-year plan for implementation

of a program-based budget and allocations based upon diagnosed needs of clientele.

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Final Report: Lead Auditor’s Comments to Board

• Exceptions Audit.• Heart of the audit is quality control.• Brings Teaching-Taught-Tested into congruence.• Knowing difference between learning and

achievement.– do less/deeper increases achievement

• For every $10K of income - SAT scores go up 30 pts.

• Not teaching to test - teaching what the test measures.

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Final Report: Lead Auditor’s Comments to Board

• High need for attention to data• Accountability is on the system, not the students

– (Mission statement of the district is good because of its action orientation).

• District focus is not addressed across the schools (p. 22)

• 20% of Board Policies are effective• Curriculum guides are missing resources,

assessment, prerequisites, and teaching strategies.• Monitoring is the principal’s job; avoid distractive


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Final Report: Lead Auditor’s Comments to Board

• Drop-out rate at high school is a major concern and no one at the high schools seem to see it as a major problem.

• Worksheets are prevalent and they are the least effective teaching strategy.

• Need a policy on monitoring - job description should also include monitoring - principals need training.

• Articulation is weak.– Students are getting redundancy and overlap w/o an articulated


• Special Education needs to be centralized.

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Final Report: Lead Auditor’s Comments to Board

• Achievement gap is also SES• Program access is disparate - largely due to

independence of the principals (site-based management)

• Principals think they are doing well but really it is an issue of free/reduced lunch - (p. 89); there is a predictable score (have Bill send this to us)

• Supplanting - Title I• Tracking by ability

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Final Report: Lead Auditor’s Comments to Board

• Audit reveals we are doing students a disservice to have open AP w/o more attention to training teachers in effective practices and student expectations

• **School system vs. system of schools• Hard time getting data from business office -

could not get cost analysis data• Top three issues: Feedback, Curriculum, Policy

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Final Report: Checklist

• What needs to be done next?