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  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx


    Corporate Social Responsibility


    FMCG Industry

    Submitted To: Submitted By:

    Ms. Shilki Bhatia Mohit Vats

    (Faculty, I!S" (##$#%&'&$#&"

    Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies

    !n ISO 9001:2008 e!tified Institution

    lot )o.*, Sector+ %, Rohini, elhi+##''-

    !ffiliated to GGSI ni/ersity 0 appro/ed by !IC12, elhi

  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx


    I"  S# Initiatives

    1"  $I%D&STA% &%I'()(# 'I*IT(D

    3industan nile/er 4i5ited (34" is an Indian consu5er 6oods co5pany based in Mu5bai,

    Maharashtra. It is o7ned by !n6lo+utch co5pany nile/er  7hich o7ns a *89 controllin6

    share in 34. 34:s products include foods, be/era6es, cleanin6 a6entsand  personal care


    34 7as established in #$&& as 4e/er Brothers and, in #$*, beca5e kno7n as 3industan 4e/er 

    4i5ited, as a result of a 5er6er bet7een  Lever Brothers, 3industan Vanaspati Mf6. Co. 4td.

    and nited 1raders 4td. It is head;uartered in Mumbai, India and e5ploys o/er #*,''

    7orkers,7hilst also indirectly helpin6 to facilitate the e5ploy5ent of o/er *,''' people. 1heco5pany 7as rena5ed in

  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx


    6eneratin6 opportunities, health and hy6iene education throu6h the Shakti Vani pro6ra55e, and

    creatin6 access to rele/ant infor5ation throu6h the iShakti co55unity portal.

    In 6eneral, rural 7o5en in India are underpri/ile6ed and need a sustainable source of inco5e.

     )Gs, 6o/ern5ental bodies and other institutions ha/e been 7orkin6 to i5pro/e the status of 

    rural 7o5en. Shakti is a pioneerin6 effort in creatin6 li/elihoods for rural 7o5en, or6anised in Self+3elp Groups (S3Gs", and i5pro/in6 li/in6 standards in rural India. Shakti pro/ides critically

    needed additional inco5e to these 7o5en and their fa5ilies, by e;uippin6 and trainin6 the5 to

     beco5e an etended ar5 of the co5pany:s operation.


    $ealth / $y,iene (ducation 

    4ifebuoy S7astya Chetna (4BSC" is a rural health and hy6iene initiati/e 7hich 7as started in

    %''%. 4BSC 7as initiated in 5edia dark /illa6es (in , M, Bihar, >est Ben6al, Maharashtra,

    rissa" 7ith the ob?ecti/e of spreadin6 a7areness about the i5portance of 7ashin6 hands 7ith

    soap.1he need for a pro6ra5 of this nature arose fro5 the fact that diarrhoeal diseases are a 5a?or 

    cause of death in the 7orld today. It is esti5ated that diarrhoea clai5s the life of a child e/ery #'

    seconds and one third of these deaths are in India. !ccordin6 to a study done by the 4ondon

    School of 3y6iene and 1ropical Medicine, the si5ple practice of 7ashin6 hands 7ith soap and

    7ater can reduce diarrhoea by as 5uch as D89. 3o7e/er, i6norance of such basic hy6iene

     practices leads to hi6h 5ortality rates in rural India.

    (conomic (moe!ment of omen 

    1he Fair 0 4o/ely Foundation is 34:s initiati/e 7hich ai5s at econo5ic e5po7er5ent of 

    7o5en across India. It ai5s to achie/e this throu6h pro/idin6 infor5ation, resources, inputs and

    support in the areas of education, career and enterprise. It specifically tar6ets 7o5en fro5 lo7+

    inco5e 6roups in rural as 7ell as urban India. Fair 0 4o/ely, as a brand, stands on the econo5ic

    e5po7er5ent platfor5 and the Foundation is an etension of this pro5ise. 1he Foundation has

    reno7ned Indian 7o5en, fro5 /arious 7alks of life, as its ad/isors. !5on6 the5 are

    educationists, )G acti/ists, physicians. 1he Foundation is i5ple5entin6 its acti/ities in

    association 7ith state 6o/ern5ents.


    Secial (ducation / #ehabilitation 

    nder the 3appy 3o5es initiati/e, 34 supports special education and rehabilitation of children

    7ith challen6es.

      Asha Daan@ 1he initiati/e be6an in #$8*, 7hen 34 supported Mother 1eresa and the

    Missionaries of Charity to set up !sha aan, a ho5e in Mu5bai for abandoned, challen6ed

    children, and the destitute.

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     Ankur @ In #$$&, 34:s oo5 oo5a lantation i/ision set up !nkur, a centre for special

    education of challen6ed children. 1he centre takes care of children 7ith challen6es, a6ed

     bet7een and # years. !nkur pro/ides educational, /ocational and recreational acti/ities to

    o/er & children 7ith a ran6e of challen6es, includin6 si6ht or hearin6 i5pair5ent, polio related

    disabilities, cerebral palsy and se/ere learnin6 difficulties. Kappagam@ 2ncoura6ed by !nkur:s success, Eappa6a5 (=shelter=", the second centre for special

    education of challen6ed children, 7as set up in #$$- on 34 lantations in South India. It has

    #8 children. 1he focus of Eappa6a5 is the sa5e as that of !nkur.

     Anbagam@ et another day care center, !nba6a5 (=shelter of lo/e=", has been started in %''&

    also in the South India lantations. It takes care of ## children. Besides 5edical care and 5eals,

    they too are bein6 tau6ht skills such that they can beco5e self+reliant and ele5entary studies.

    2"  IT 'td"I1C 4i5ited or I1C is an Indian con6lo5erate head;uartered in Eolkata, >est Ben6al. Its

    di/ersified business includes fi/e se65ents@ Fast Mo/in6 Consu5er Goods (FMCG", 3otels,

    aperboards 0 acka6in6, !6ri Business 0 Infor5ation 1echnolo6y.

    2stablished in #$#' as the I5perial 1obacco Co5pany of India 4i5ited, the co5pany 7as

    rena5ed as the Indian 1obacco Co5pany 4i5ited in #$8' and further to I.1.C. 4i5ited in #$8D.

    1he periods in the na5e 7ere re5o/ed in Septe5ber %''# for the co5pany to be rena5ed as

    I1C 4td. 1he co5pany co5pleted #'' years in %'#' and as of %'#%+#&, had an annual turno/er 

    of S-. billion and a 5arket capitalisation of SD billion. It e5ploys o/er %,'''

     peopleH* at 5ore than *' locations across India and is part of Forbes %''' list.

    S# Activities :


    • I1C has been JCarbon ositi/eK three years in a ro7 (se;uesterin6Lstorin6 t7ice the

    a5ount of C% than the Co5pany e5its".

    • J>ater ositi/eK si years in a ro7 (creatin6 three ti5es 5ore Rain7ater 3ar/estin6

     potential than I1C:s net consu5ption". Close to #''9 solid 7aste recyclin6.

    • !ll 2n/iron5ent, 3ealth and Safety Mana6e5ent Syste5s in I1C confor5 to the best

    international standards.



    • I1C:s businesses 6enerate li/elihoods for o/er 5illion people.

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    • I1C:s 6lobally reco6nised e+Choupal initiati/e is the 7orld:s lar6est rural di6ital

    infrastructure benefitin6 o/er D 5illion far5in6 fa5ilies.

    • I1C:s Social and Far5 Forestry initiati/e has 6reened o/er -',''' hectares creatin6 an

    esti5ated & 5illion person days of e5ploy5ent a5on6 the disad/anta6ed.

    I1C:s >atershed e/elop5ent Initiati/e brin6s precious 7ater to nearly &,''' hectaresof drylands and 5oisture+stressed areas.

    • I1C:s Sustainable Co55unity e/elop5ent initiati/es include 7o5en e5po7er5ent,

    supple5entary education, inte6rated ani5al husbandry pro6ra55es.

    3!ese!vin, %ational $e!ita,e

    !s a socially responsible corporate citien, I1C endea/ours to create /alue for the Indian society

    in 5ultiple 7ays, one of the5 bein6 preser/ation of India:s rich cultural herita6e. I1C has 5ade

    si6nificant contribution to the pro5otion of Indian classical 5usic, theatre, art and cuisine.


    I1CKs !6ri Business i/ision, one of IndiaKs lar6est eporters of a6ricultural co55odities, has

    concei/ed e+Choupal as a 5ore efficient supply chain ai5ed at deli/erin6 /alue to its custo5ers

    around the 7orld on a sustainable basis.

    1he e+Choupal 5odel has been specifically desi6ned to tackle the challen6es posed by the uni;ue

    features of Indian a6riculture, characterised by fra65ented far5s, 7eak infrastructure and the

    in/ol/e5ent of nu5erous inter5ediaries, a5on6 others

    Je+ChoupalK also unshackles the potential of Indian far5er 7ho has been trapped in a /icious

    cycle of lo7 risk takin6 ability N lo7 in/est5ent N lo7 producti/ity N 7eak 5arket orientation N

    lo7 /alue addition N lo7 5ar6in N lo7 risk takin6 ability. 1his 5ade hi5 and Indian

    a6ribusiness sector 6lobally unco5petiti/e, despite rich 0 abundant natural resources.

    Such a 5arket+led business 5odel can enhance the co5petiti/eness of Indian a6riculture and

    tri66er a /irtuous cycle of hi6her producti/ity, hi6her inco5es, enlar6ed capacity for far5er risk 

    5ana6e5ent, lar6er in/est5ents and hi6her ;uality and producti/ity.

    Further, a 6ro7th in rural inco5es 7ill also unleash the latent de5and for industrial 6oods so

    necessary for the continued 6ro7th of the Indian econo5y. 1his 7ill create another /irtuous

    cycle propellin6 the econo5y into a hi6her 6ro7th tra?ectory.



    2n/isionin6 a lar6er societal purpose has al7ays been a hall5ark of I1C. 1he co5pany sees no

    conflict bet7een the t7in 6oals of shareholder /alue enhance5ent and societal /alue creation.

    1he challen6e lies in fashionin6 a corporate strate6y that enables realisation of these 6oals in a

    5utually reinforcin6 and syner6istic 5anner.

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    !s a corporate citien 7ith endurin6 relationships in rural India, I1C has a history of 

    collaboration 7ith co55unities and 6o/ern5ent institutions to enhance far5 producti/ity and

    the rural resource base. I1CKs co55it5ents in a6ricultural R0 and kno7led6e sharin6 ha/e

    spanned /ital aspects of co5petiti/eness O efficient far5 practices, soil and 7ater 5ana6e5ent.

    In %''', harnessin6 the e5po7erin6 force of infor5ation technolo6y and its scalabilty, I1Claunched e+Choupal O a kno7led6e portal pro/idin6 far5ers 7ith a ran6e of infor5ation and

    ser/ices. esi6ned to enable the5 to bar6ain collecti/ely and enhance their transacti/e po7er, e+

    Choupal beca5e the 5uch needed and easily adoptable tool far5ers had been 7aitin6 for. 1oday

    e+Choupal is a /ibrant and rapidly 6ro7in6 one of business and interaction for o/er D 5illion


    I1C 5o/ed rapidly to apply the econo5ic 5o5entu5 of e+Choupal to sol/in6 ur6ent social and

    en/iron5ental tasks. I1C launched Mission Sunehra Eal, a rural capacity buildin6 pro6ra55e

    fosterin6 local initiati/es to de/elop 7ater and forest resources, open up ne7 non+far5

    li/elihoods, e5po7er 7o5en econo5ically and epand pri5ary education.1he Mission no7 e5braces a co55unity of thousands of /illa6es that are influential nuclei of 

    chan6e in rural localities spread o/er ## States. ! clearly focused self+help 5o/e5ent has 6ained

    6round in /illa6e after /illa6e in these areas, 7ith far5ers co+operatin6 to create 5uch needed

    econo5ic, en/iron5ental and social assets out of their o7n resources.

    By linkin6 kno7led6e and technolo6y transfer to the creation of econo5ic and social capacity,

    I1C has brou6ht a ne7 dyna5ic to rural de/elop5ent.

    I1C has consciously chosen the path less tra/elled. ! path that has led it to create sustainable

    li/elihoods for 5illion people. For I1C this is an epression of a co55it5ent beyond the

    5arket. f a con/iction that country 5ust co5e before corporation. f a true pride in bein6

    Citien First.

    4"  A*&'

    !5ul is an Indian dairy cooperati/e, based at !nand in the state of Gu?arat, India. 1he co+

    operati/e 7as initially referred to as !nand Milk Federation nion 4i5ited hence the na5e


    For5ed in #$D*, it is a brand 5ana6ed by a cooperati/e body, the Gu?arat Co+operati/e Milk 

    Marketin6 Federation 4td. (GCMMF", 7hich today is ?ointly o7ned by & 5illion 5ilk producersin Gu?arat.

    !5ul spurred India:s >hite Re/olution, 7hich 5ade the country the 7orld:s lar6est producer of 

    5ilk and 5ilk products. In the process !5ul beca5e the lar6est food brand in India and has

    /entured into 5arkets o/erseas.

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    r Ver6hese Eurien, founder+chair5an of the GCMMF for 5ore than &' years (#$8&O%''*", is

    credited 7ith the success of !5ul.

    S# Activities :

    T!ibhuvandas 5oundation

    1ribhu/andas Foundation is an Inte6rated Rural 3ealth 0 e/elop5ent ro6ra55e of !5ul.

    Inspired by the 6reat success of round the clock health care ser/ices to the li/estock of dairy

    far5ers of Eaira, Shri 1ribhu/andas atel, the Founder Chair5an of !5ul felt the need of such a

    ser/ice to the rural populace too as he could learn and eperience the afflictions brou6ht to the5

     by absence of 5edical ser/ices in rural /illa6es of Eaira. 3e donated the prie 5oney of his

    Ra5on Ma6saysay !7ard and the fund he recei/ed fro5 kaira far5ers on his retire5ent, for his

    life ti5e ser/ice to the5, to set up this Foundation. r V. Eurien also played an acti/e role in this

    set up. It 7as re6istered as a Charitable 1rust under the ublic 1rust !ct #$', on

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    It also pro/ides continuous trainin6 and retrainin6 to Villa6e 3ealth >orkers 7ho are chosen

    fro5 /illa6es 7ith the help of the airy Co+operati/e Societies. 1his enables the Villa6e 3ealth

    >orkers to carry out health education and pri5ary health care fro5 door+to+door, in 6roups and

    at the airy Co+operati/e Societies Centres 7ith confidence. 1he trainin6 focuses on pri5ary

    health care, 7aterborne disease, kno7 your body, pre6nancy and the deli/ery period, ne7 born

    care and care of the 7eak child, 6ro7th 5onitorin6, breast feedin6, co55on disease of 

    childhood, 5alaria, tuberculosis. 1rainin6 is also i5parted on other topics as the need arises.

    1he Foundation has pioneered in lar6e scale i5ple5entation of the concept of JSafe eli/ery

    EitK in India ensurin6 a hy6ienic and safe deli/ery of pre6nant 5other. 1he Foundation in

     partnership 7ith Go/ern5ent of Gu?arat, has 5ade JSafe eli/ery EitsK accessible to inhabitants

    of re5ote rural interiors 7ho had been unable to access such ser/ices fro5 state or pri/ate

    a6encies. 1he Safe eli/ery Eit is supplied to /arious health centres of the 6o/ern5ent of 

    Gu?arat 1he success of the initiati/e has been 5anifested by drastic fall in neonatal tetanus, and

    5aternal, neonatal, and infant 5ortality.

    1he Foundation has achie/ed a drastic reduction in percenta6e of 4o7 Birth >ei6ht in !nand

    and Eheda districts O birth of babies 7ith belo7 %. k6 ?ust ##9 at the end of year %''-+'$ 7hile

    it is %+&'9 and e/en up to D'9 in parts of India and Gu?arat. 1he Foundation is recipient of 

    First rie for the Best 2ffort in Fa5ily >elfare in the Voluntary Sector fro5 the Ministry of 

    3ealth 0 Fa5ily >elfare, Go/ern5ent of India in #$$&. 1he achie/e5ent in creatin6 a popular 

    de5and for JBal7adiK across the rural co55unity led to the initiation and operation of 

    6o/ern5ent+run Jan6an7adisK. 1he Foundation has created a stron6 platfor5 for or6anied

    trainin6 of rural 7o5en on appli;uPLhandicrafts and sale of their 7orks to 6enerate additional


    In association 7ith Sankara 2ye 3ospital, the Foundation has helped in perfor5in6 %'''

    sur6eries free of cost for the /ision i5paired patients. 1he efforts on to or6anise ca5ps for 

    detection and i5pro/e5ent of /ision of the rural people. 1he Foundation has been identified by

    Go/ern5ent of Gu?arat pro/idin6 trainin6 inputs to 5e5bers of Villa6e 3ealth and Sanitation

    Co55ittees of Villa6e anchayats of all the /illa6es of 5reth, !nkla/ and !nand talukas of 

    !nand istrict and Balasinor and Virpur talukas of Eheda istrict for a period of one year fro5


    1ribhu/andas Foundation has beco5e one of !siaKs lar6est co55unity healthcare ser/ice

     pro/iders co/erin6 5ore than 8'' /illa6es. 1he Foundation still stri/es to etend its ser/ices toas 5uch /illa6es as possible.

    6"  DAB I%DIA 'I*IT(D

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    abur India:s CSR olicy is inspired by the 7ords of its founder r S E Bur5an 7ho said =>hat

    is that life 7orth 7hich cannot brin6 co5fort to others=. >hile pursuin6 our business strate6y of 

    introducin6 products that 6i/e our consu5ers health 0 7ellness, abur operates in a 5anner that

    not ?ust continues to 6enerate an attracti/e return for shareholders, but also 5ini5ies our i5pact

    on the en/iron5ent and helps in replenishin6 the planetA 7hile lendin6 a helpin6 hand to the


    S# Activities :

    o!o!ate iti7e!nshi

    >hen our Founder r. S. E. Bur5an first established abur, he had a /ision that sa7 beyond the

     profit 5oti/e. In his 7ords, Q>hat is that life 7orth 7hich cannot brin6 co5fort to others. 1his

    ideal of a hu5ane and e;uitable society led to initiati/es taken to 6i/e back so5e part of 7hat

    abur has 6ained fro5 the co55unity.


    Ou! mao! initiatives in the Social secto! include:

    • 2stablish5ent of the Sustainable e/elop5ent Society, or Sundesh, in #$$& + a non+profit

    or6anisation to pro5ote research and 7elfare acti/ities in rural areasA

    • ro5otin6 health and hy6iene a5on6st the underpri/iled6ed throu6h the Chunni 4al

    Medical 1rustA and

    • r6anisin6 the lant for 4ife pro6ra55e for schoolchildren + to create en/iron5ental

    a7areness a5on6st youn6 5inds.


    Sandesh is the resource centre that 7orks to7ards the de/elop5ent and uplift5ent if the rural

     populace. It offers a ran6e of facilities fro5 health posts to skill de/elop5ent for the rural

    co55unity. It also acts as an in house trainin6 and infor5ation centre for far5ers.

    Sundesh has se/eral pro6ra55es such as !dult literacy, dia6nostic and healthcare facilities,

    or6anisin6 health ca5ps, cuttin6 and tailorin6 , trainin6, bee keepin6 , ani5al husbandry and self 

    help 6roups for far5 de/elop5ent and reducin6 po/erty. ne of the key pro6ra55es is

     pro5otion of S3Gs throu6h )!B!R. 1he 5ission of this 6roup is to pro5ote sustainable and

    e;uitable a6riculture and rural prosperity throu6h effecti/e credit support , related ser/ices,

    institution de/elop5ent and other inno/ati/e initiati/es. nder this initiati/e finance is pro/ided

    for far5 acti/ities like 5inor irri6ation , ani5al husbandry, far5 5echaniation , land

    de/elop5ent , horticulture, plantation and 5edicinal crops. 2/en non far5 acti/ities like rural

    industries , artisans handicrafts, handloo5s , rural housin6 etc are financed under this


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    1oday there are $D acti/e 6roups 7ith S)2S3 under )!B!R, of 7hich D 6roups had

     been 6raded , 7hile D- 6roups are linked to the bank.

    ithout the fruits of nature, the /ision of 

    abur 7ould ne/er ha/e been fulfilled. !nd that is the reason for our unfailin6 co55it5ent

    to ecolo6ical conser/ation and re6eneration. >e 7ould like to follo7 the principles of our 

    ancient tets, 7hich say@


    Dehi me dadami te . you ,ive me and I ,ive you"


    Bac; to %atu!e

    Rare herbs and 5edicinal plants are our 5ost /aluable resource, fro5 7hich all our products

    are deri/ed. ue to o/ereploitation of these resources and unsustainable practices, these

     plants and herbs are fast reachin6 the point of etinction. In /ie7 of this critical situation,

    abur has initiated so5e si6nificant pro6ra55es for ecolo6ical re6eneration and protection

    of endan6ered plant species.

    3lants fo! 'ife

    >e ha/e set up the =lants for 4ife= pro?ect in the 5ountainous re6ions of the 3i5alayas.

    nder the pro?ect, a hi6h+tech 6reenhouse facility has been set up for de/elopin6 saplin6s of 

    rare and endan6ered 5edicinal plants. Fully co5puter+controlled and 5onitored, this

    6reenhouse 5aintains the hi6hly critical en/iron5ental para5eters re;uired for their sur/i/al.

    >e are also de/elopin6 ;uality saplin6s of 5ore than %' herbs, - of the5 endan6ered,

    throu6h 5icro propa6ation.

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    In addition, satellite nurseries spread across 5ountain /illa6es and contract culti/ation of 

    5edicinal herbs helps in 5aintainin6 the ecolo6ical balance. 1hese 5easures ha/e also

    helped pro/ide local culti/ators the scientific kno7led6e for har/estin6 herbs and a steady

    source of inco5e. So that they are not forced to eploit the en/iron5ent to earn a li/elihood.

    'ivin, a +!een $e!ita,e1hese are si6nificant steps that can contribute to a better 7orld for co5in6 6enerations. 1o 7ho5

    7e 7ould like to be;ueath a 7orld not bereft of nature. But full of flo7erin6 and fruit bearin6

    trees, ani5als, birds and hu5ans li/in6 in 6ood health and co5plete har5ony.

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    in this endea/our. 1he School be6an in #$ in a s5all 6rain store, as a Bal Mandir. 1he

    founders 7ent fro5 door to door in the Godre? 3ousin6 Colony, eplainin6 the benefits of 

    education, al5ost be66in6 e5ployees to send their children to the ne7ly opened school 7here

    they had to actually bathe and 6roo5 so5e of the children. 2/en today, indi/idual needs are

    catered to and nutritional supple5ents and 5edical ser/ices pro/ided.

    For the parents, years of constant eposure to cultural and educational pro6ra55es includin6

    lectures by e5inent personalities, helped lay the foundation for a holistic educational syste5.

    Gradually the school 6re7 into a & 5ediu5 (Gu?arati, Marathi and 2n6lish", &''' students stron6

    centre of pre+pri5ary, pri5ary and secondary learnin6.

    Currently, dayachal School, caters to children other than those of e5ployees. 1his chan6e 7as

     brou6ht in, 7hen the Chair5an and Mana6in6 irector of the Co5pany 6a/e in to repeated

    re;uests fro5 local residents 7ho also 7anted their children to 6et the ;uality education. 1his pro5otes interaction a5on6st children of different castes, reli6ions and socio+econo5ic 5ilieu.

    dayachal School is also an IS+#D''# certified institution, 7hich 6oes to sho7 that

    en/iron5ental issues are held dear here.

    n the technical side, sub?ects such as carpentry, fittin6, electronics, plu5bin6 and co5puter 

    skills are offered for boys and 6irls. 2/ery child is 5ade a7are of the en/iron5ent. 1his

    a7areness etends to the studentsK i55ediate en/iron5ent 7here they clean their classroo5s. n

    a s5all plot near the school, children are tau6ht ho7 to 6ro7 and take care of plants fro5 the

    so7in6 sta6e to a full+6ro7n plant.

    It is our constant endea/our to create a happy and fun+filled learnin6 en/iron5ent for children.

    1hrou6h eperiential learnin6, 7e ai5 to de/elop youn6 in;uirin6 5inds. Children are 6i/en

    freedo5 to disco/er, eplore, ;uestion and 5ake choices. 

    +od!e *emo!ial $osital . st!ivin, to st!i;e the !i,ht balance

    1he Godre? 3ospital (GM3" 7as set up by Godre? Me5orial 1rust. 1he ob?ecti/e of the hospital7as to create a balance bet7een the philanthropic hospital in the city and the pri/ate hospitals.

    For the sa5e purpose, an alternate business 5odel 7as created 7hich 7ould ha/e hi6h ;uality

    healthcare ser/ices at an affordable cost in a rational and ethical 5anner.

    1he hospital has in fact 5ana6ed to i5ple5ent this uni;ue business 5odel 7hich is inspired by

    the concept of Sustainable hilanthropy. 1his 5odel 7as adopted 7ith a belief that a 7holly

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     philanthropic 5odel 7ould not be sustainable and 7ould 6ro7 only in a /ery li5ited sense.

    1o 5ake healthcare a/ailable at affordable prices, the is di/ided into three types+ for 

     poor patients 7here the patients are char6ed only Rs #' per consultation, the concessional

    7here Rs #' is char6ed for 6eneral speciality and Rs %'' for superior speciality consultations.

    1he patient can see the doctor for the sa5e ail5ent free for another nine days after the first /isit

    and then ' percent as follo7 up char6es fro5 the #'th to the &'th day. 1he hospital also takes

     pride in bein6 one of the only hospitals in the city that does not insist on any ad/ance.

    1he hospital buildin6 is 7ell desi6ned, 7here the bed 5o/es 7ith the patient as re;uired. !ll

    5odern bio5edical e;uip5ent is a/ailable, such as C1 scans, ad/anced operatin6 5icroscopes,

    e;uip5ent for key+hole sur6eries, life support e;uip5ent as 7ell as ICs for adults and ne7

     born babies (neonates".

    1o help the needy patients, a net7ork of trusts and charitable institutions is put in place and isacti/ated readily if the need arises. 1he hospital pro/ides free e5er6ency 5edical ser/ice

    throu6h its cardiac a5bulance 7ith a 7ell+trained 5edical tea5. 1he phar5acy, dia6nostic and

    casualty ser/ices are a/ailable round the clock.

    1he hospital does free cleft sur6eries in association 7ith S5ile 1rain ro?ect and ha/e co5pleted

    o/er &'' sur6eries till date. 1he hospital also or6anises free 5edical ca5ps, especially on

    cataracts. For the con/enience of patients 7ho cannot 5ake it to the hospital, an out door 

    collection ser/ice has started in Vikhroli, o7ai, Ean?u5ar6 and Che5bur area.

    Godre? Me5orial 3ospital (GM3" has no7 been a7arded the )!B3 accreditation (accreditation

    assures Juality of Care 0 atient SafetyK in accredited 3ospitals", 7.e.f. #st hat is a5ain6 is that the

    defects due to 7ron6 packin6 7as obser/ed to be less then %''' M, 7hich is really a

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    co55endable perfor5ance by the people 7orkin6 on it.

    1he acti/ity has also helped us learn that 7hen a process is fool proofed and there is a le/el of 

    dedication to7ards it, the output can be ecellent.

    (nvi!onment !otection and co!o!ate !esonsibility

    1he /ast tract of uni;ue Man6ro/e forests conser/ed and protected by Godre? in Vikhroli

    de5onstrates ho7 industry and nature could 7ell eist in har5ony 7ith each other. 1he

    5an6ro/e flora of iro?shana6ar is 7ell di/ersified. 1here are #& species of 5an6ro/es and

    5an6ro/e associates. 1he faunal co5position in the area is also e;ually di/erse.

    Ma?or ob?ecti/es of SGM2C are conser/ation of the 5arine di/ersity (5an6ro/e ecosyste5"

    throu6h research, educationLa7areness buildin6 and re6ular 5onitorin6. Si5ultaneously, the

    centre is en6a6ed in the propa6ation of /arious species of 5an6ro/es, de/elopin6 the5e parks on

    5edicinal plants and rare ende5ic plant species, pal5s a5on6st others.

    The +!een Business ent!e $yde!abad

    1he Green Business Centre, technically assisted by S!I, is the first buildin6 in the 7orld torecei/e the latinu5 422 a7ard, 5akin6 it one of the 5ost en/iron5entally ad/anced buildin6s in the 7orld. ! Green Buildin6 keeps en/iron5ental concerns in focus in the follo7in6areas + a" selection of site for the buildin6 b" architectural features c" 7ater and ener6y efficiencyd" ener6y efficiency of e;uip5ents in the buildin6s e" selection and usa6e of 5aterials f" Indoor !ir uality 6" ccupant 1her5al Co5fort.

    ! Green buildin6 and a con/entional buildin6 7ould /isually not look /ery different, but thedifference really lies in the desi6n, the construction and operational aspects.

    onse!vin, fo! a b!i,hte! tomo!!o

    Godre? 0 Boyce, bein6 a li6ht en6ineerin6 co5pany, does not fall in the desi6nated industriescate6ory as per 2ner6y Conser/ation !ct.

    3o7e/er, at Godre?, /oluntary co5pliance of ener6y conser/ation syste5s is in place for the lastt7o decades. Inspired by the ada6e, Jne cannot 5ana6e 7hat one does not 5easureK, Godre? belie/es 5easure5entL5onitorin6 and /erification of past /Ls present data 6i/es an insi6ht and

     pa/es a road5ap for 2ner6y Conser/ation Measures (2CM" to be taken up.

    !t Godre?, 2ner6y audits are conducted at re6ular inter/als and all techno+econo5ically /iablesu66estions are i5ple5ented.

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    ?"  (*A*I 'TD

    25a5i 4i5ited is an Indian producer of fast 5o/in6 consu5er 6oods (FMCG", such as

    cos5etics and health and baby products. 1he co5pany is based in Eolkata.

    1he co5pany is 7ell kno7n in India for its fairness crea5 products for 5en. In %''- the

    co5pany announced that it intended to offer baby care products. 1he co5pany:s health products

    unit offers tonics for colds and cou6hs as 7ell as nutraceuticals.

    S# Activities :

    25a5iKs 5ission of Qcontributin6 7hole heartedly to7ards the en/iron5ent and societyK attainsa 5ore hu5ane for5 7ith its approach of addressin6 /arious social issues. !s a responsible

    corporate citien, 25a5i continues to in/est in socially 5eanin6ful pro?ects in>est Ben6al and

    ad?oinin6 states. !s a part of co5panyKs Corporate Social Responsibility 25a5i has de/ised

    /arious QSelf 25ploy5ent sche5es like Q25a5i Mobile 1raders and QS5all Villa6e Shops

    sche5es for the rural une5ploy5ent youth@


    $i,hli,hts of @Self (mloyment scheme


    (mami *obile T!ade!s

    • 1his sche5e co/ers s5all to lar6e /illa6es 7ith population ran6in6 fro5 #'' to '''.

    • 1he selected persons are in/ol/ed in door to door sellin6 of 25a5i products in interior 


    • ependin6 on the effort and 5oti/ation of the indi/idual, the 5onthly earnin6 /aries

     bet7een Rs '' to Rs

    • %''' per 5onth.

    • n an a/era6e they can earn #-9 on the sale /alue of the products.

    • 25a5i does not take any deposit fro5 the selected indi/iduals and takes back unsold

    stocks if re;uired

    • 25a5i 6uarantees a 5ini5u5 inco5e of Rs #''' per 5onth pro/ided a total sale of Rs

    D''' is achie/ed per 5onth

    • roper trainin6 of sales and 5arketin6 skills

    • Free product sa5ples 7ere supplied for personal use to 6i/e prospecti/e consu5ers a

    first+hand eperience.

    • nifor5, raincoats and pullo/ers and personal accident insurance co/er is pro/ided


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    • Cycles at '9 ratesL on install5ent pay5ent can be purchased


    (mami Small )illa,e Shos

    1his sche5e is bein6 pro5oted 5ostly for 7o5en in /illa6es 7here there are no per5anent shops.

    • 1he house7i/es put up the S5all Villa6e Shops at their o7n /illa6e residence

    • 1hey 5arket the 25a5i products fro5 their ho5e to the other /illa6ers

    • 1he house7i/es are encoura6ed to take up this challen6e 7ith the help of )Gs and

    /oluntary 7orkers 7orkin6 in /illa6es

    • 25a5i does not take any deposit fro5 the 7o5en and takes back the unsold products

    • 1he 5arketin6 trainin6 6i/en by 25a5i helps the person to find sellin6 opportunities for 

    other ite5s 5anufactured by 5icro enterprises as 7ell

     The #oll Out

    !n initial trial in >est Ben6al sho7ed encoura6in6 results leadin6 to financial independence of 

    7o5en and une5ployed youth. >e ha/e rolled out the sche5es to !ndhra radesh, Madhya

    radesh, rissa and Chattis6arh o/er last one year. >e also plan to consolidate the acti/ities in

    5ore states like rissa, Madhya radesh, !ndhra radesh and Chattis6arh.


    ommunity *edical Suo!t

    1he Co5pany sponsors subsidied treat5ent of the needy in best+in+class hospitals like !MRI

    and Shree Vishudhanand 3ospital and Research Institute in Eolkata. onations are 5ade in the

    for5 of free supplies of 5edicines, assistance for sur6eries and hospital char6es for the poor 

    throu6h trust. 25a5i established the J25a5i )ational Institute for Bone Marro7

    1ransplantationK in the )arayana 3rudayalaya Institute, Ban6alore, under the super/ision of r 

    e/i Shetty, the 7ell+kno7n cardiac sur6eon. 1his institute pro/ides treat5ent for bone 5arro7

    transplantation at free or affordable costs to the needy.

    "  +laCoSmith-line 3ha!ma 'td"GlaoS5ithEline plc (GSE" is a British 5ultinational phar5aceutical, biolo6ics, /accines and

    consu5er healthcare co5pany 7hich has its head;uarters in Brentford, 4ondon. !s of March

    %'#D, it 7as the 7orld:s sith+lar6est phar5aceutical co5pany after ellco5e (for5ed fro5 the ac;uisition of >ellco5e

     plc by Glao plc" and S5ithEline Beecha5 plc (for5ed fro5 the 5er6er of Beecha5 Group plc

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    and S5ithEline Beck5an Corporation, 7hich in turn 7as for5ed by co5binin6 the S5ith, Eline

    0 French and Beck5an co5panies".

    1he co5pany has a pri5ary listin6 on the 4ondon Stock 2chan6e and is a constituent of the

    F1S2 #'' Inde. !s of % May %'#D it had a 5arket capitalisation of T8$ billion, the fourth+

    lar6est of any co5pany listed on the 4ondon Stock 2chan6e. It has a secondary listin6 on the )e7 ork Stock 2chan6e. !ndre7 >itty has been the chief eecuti/e officer since May %''-.

    GSE 5anufactures dru6s and /accines for 5a?or disease areas such as asth5a, cancer, infections,

    diabetes, di6esti/e and 5ental health conditions, the bi66est sellin6 of 7hich 7ere !d/air,

    !/odart, Flo/ent, !u65entin, 4o/aa, and 4a5ictal in %'#&. Many 5edicines 7ere historically

    disco/ered or de/eloped at GSE and its predecessor co5panies and are no7 sold as 6enerics. Its

    dru6s and /accines earned T%#.& billion in %'#&. Its consu5er healthcare di/ision, 7hich earned

    T.% billion in %'#&, sells oral healthcare and nutritional products, drinks and o/er+the+counter 

    5edicines, includin6 Sensodyne, Boost and 3orlicks.

    S# Activities :

    o!o!ate Social #esonsibility

    >e are a research+based phar5aceutical co5pany. ur 5ission is to i5pro/e the ;uality of 

    hu5an life by enablin6 people to do 5ore, feel better and li/e lon6er.

    >e belie/e that throu6h our business 7e 5ake a /aluable contribution to society by de/elopin6

    and 5arketin6 5edicines 7hich i5pro/e peopleKs li/es. ur philosophy is to tar6et support to

    selected pro6ra5s that are inno/ati/e, sustainable and 7hich produce tan6ible results.


    S# in India

    >e follo7 the rationale that 7e are linked closely to the co55unities in 7hich 7e operate+

    locally, nationally or 6lobally. >e cannot eist in isolation. !ll our actions are focused around

    this feelin6 of bein6 centered.

    ur stated 5ission state5ent is Q1o lend a helpin6 hand to the less fortunate in our society

    throu6h the support of 7o5en, children and the a6ed in the areas of health and education.

    I5ple5entin6 this philosophy in spirit, 7e 5ake a positi/e contribution to the co55unities in

    7hich 7e operate, and in/est in health and education pro6ra5s and partnerships that ai5 to brin6

    sustainable i5pro/e5ents to under+ser/ed people.


    Ou! co!e value e ca!e

    Bein6 a pre5ier phar5aceutical co5pany in the country, GSEKs core /alue is to be a 6ood

    corporate citien. It is co55itted to the co55unities in 7hich it 7orks. Support to the

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    co55unity throu6h charitable initiati/es is the 7ay throu6h 7hich it in/ests in society. 1his is

    done by @

    • Bein6 proacti/e in i5pro/in6 the en/iron5ent

    • articipatin6 and contributin6 acti/ely for 1ribal >elfare

     ur initiati/es are pri5arily focused to7ards 7o5en 0 children and are directed in the areas of 

    3ealth and 2ducation. >e belie/e that these areas are related and of direct concern to GSE. If 

    there is proper education, one 7ill e/entually learn to be hy6ienic, and if one is hy6ienic, 7ill

    one re5ain healthy. 1he or6aniation facilitates in educatin6 5asses on 6ood practices of healthy


    !t GlaoS5ithEline India, the acti/ities to7ards co55unity de/elop5ent are attached to the

    Corporate Co55unications epart5ent. Since #$8', the Co5pany has been i5ple5entin6

    /arious social responsibility acti/ities apart fro5 statutory ones. 1he follo7in6 Co55unity

    e/elop5ent acti/ities are carried out throu6h the co5panyKs social 7ork unit situated at its3ead ffice in Mu5bai.


    hat e do

    >e pro/ide 5oney, 5edicines, ti5e and e;uip5ent to non+profit or6aniations to help i5pro/e

    health and education in under+ser/ed co55unities. >e focus on pro6ra5s that are Jinno/ati/e,

    sustainable and brin6 real benefits to those 5ost in needK.


    5ield action !oects unde!ta;en:

    #u!al !oects:


    #. GSE India undertakes a nu5ber of Rural e/elop5ent initiati/es throu6h GR!MI)

    !!RG! VIE!S S!)S13! (G!VS", a Rural 3ealth e/elop5ent r6aniation. G!VS is a

    re6istered public trust pro5oted by the herita6e co5pany Glao India in !pril #$$8.

    %. India is a country 7ith 5ore than one billion people 7here an esti5ated &' 5illion

     people li/e in absolute po/erty. 1ribal people constitute rou6hly -9 of IndiaKs population.

    1ribals are socio+econo5ically disad/anta6ed and 5ar6inalied 6roups. Most tribes are

    concentrated in hea/ily forested areas that co5bine inaccessibility 7ith li5ited political or 

    econo5ic si6nificance.

    &. 1ribals ha/e been accorded special status in the constitution and there are se/eral

    sche5es desi6ned for their uplift5ent. 3o7e/er, a nu5ber of these sche5es are poorly

    i5ple5ented and there has not been 5uch i5pro/e5ent in their status. 2/en today, the tribal

     population la6s substantially behind in ter5s of education and health.

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    D. G!VS 7orks in # predo5inantly 1ribal /illa6es in eth 1aluka, )ashik istrict. !s a

     part of its Rural 1ribal e/elop5ent 5ission, GSE collected pri5ary data fro5 $% /illa6es

    around )ashik in the year %'', to identify the 5ost under ser/ed /illa6e co55unities 7hich

    needs support.

    . eth is the s5allest 1ehsil L Block in the districtA it occupies &.*&9 of the district. 1hetribal population in )ashik falls a5on6st the #'9 of the total 1ribal population (8.D 5illion" in

    the state of Maharashtra. 1hese 6roups re5ain isolated, li/in6 in re5ote forest and hilly areas. !

    5a?ority of the5 ha/e poor health status and are i6norant about health issues. Inaccessibility, lo7

    literacy le/el, absence of any )G and paucity of basic healthcare facilities characterie these

    /illa6es. 1hat is 7hy 7e selected this cluster of /illa6es for pro/idin6 support.

    *. 1he 1rustsK Mobile Clinic co/ers a distance of #*' k5s each day and /isits a cluster of 

    fi/e /illa6es in rotation, co/erin6 all # /illa6es. ! ;ualified 5edical practitioner alon6 7ith t7o

    healthcare 7orkers /isits the /illa6es fi/e days a 7eek. Social 7orkers and &' 3ealthcare

    >orkers fro5 the local /illa6es render help in this acti/ity. /er %'''' 1ribal people are benefited by this healthcare initiati/e.

    8. 1he /illa6ers often suffer fro5 skin proble5s, 1B, !sth5a, 7ater+borne diseases and

    Respiratory 1ract Infections. I6norance, po/erty and difficult terrain 5ake it near i5possible for 

    these inhabitants to a/ail of ti5ely 5edical ser/ices. 1his results in a66ra/ation of the diseases to

    etre5e conditions, often leadin6 to fatalities.



    G!VS also operates a Bal7adi (pre+school" for under fi/e a6e 6roup children of ra6+pickersK

    co55unity in a slu5 pocket called !5rapali in )ashik. Besides inculcatin6 6ood ci/ic nor5s,

    these techni;ues train and educate their 5inds 7ith i5pact.

    G!VS field action pro6ra5s include@

    • Medical check+ up and treat5ent offered at 1rustKs Mobile Van

    • n6oin6 3ealth ca5ps and 3ealth a7areness pro6ra5s

    • Vocational 1rainin6 acti/ities for e5ploy5ent 6eneration at the local le/el

    • >o5en e5po7er5ent acti/ities throu6h S24F 324 GRS

    • Inno/ati/e pro6ra5s that accurately address a current issue or 3ealth related need


    &!ban !oects :

    $I)EAIDS $elline *umbai

    GSE launched a %D+hour 3elpline in ctober %''', as a uni;ue and inno/ati/e initiati/e for 

    counselin6 and disse5ination of infor5ation on 3IVL!IS.

    1he uni;ue features of this 3elpline are@

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    • Co5plete acceptance of the caller 

    •  )o sti65a attached

    • Confidentiality 5aintained

    • rofessionally 5ana6ed by hi6hly ;ualified Counselors.

    1he 3elpline pro/ides not only infor5ation on the disease but also e5otional support to callers.peratin6 bet7een $.'' a.5. and *.'' p.5. the calls are ans7ered by professional counselors.

    1he callerKs 5isconceptions and inhibitions on 3IVL!IS are cleared 7hich helps the5 to

    i5pro/e their ;uality of life.


    Othe! !oects

    Suo!t fo! the ,i!l child

    GSE supports 6irl students in orli )aka. 

    Donations fo! humanita!ian !elief effo!ts

    GSE donates essential products for hu5anitarian relief efforts. Such donations are 5ade at the

    re;uest of 6o/ern5ent and charitable or6aniations.


    Suo!tin, %+Os

    GSE also supports or6aniations like !akanksha by 7ay of donatin6 space for runnin6 a learnin6

    centre for around #'' less pri/ile6ed children fro5 slu5s in around >orli.

    GSE supports ISEC) FoundationKs Mid+ay Meal pro?ect in Mu5bai for less pri/ile6ed

    children by 7ay of Cash onation

     1o su55arie, 7e belie/e that 7e as an or6aniation ha/e a si6nificant role to play in the

     better5ent of our en/iron5ent and the 7orld around us. >e belie/e that 7e ha/e a duty in 6i/in6

     back to society so5e part of our success and stri/e to do this throu6h our support of the under 

     pri/ile6ed sections of our society.

    1he Jresponsible business practiceK is one of the 5ost dyna5ic and challen6in6 sub?ects

    corporate leaders face today and 7e are 6eared to take on this challen6e.

  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx


    II" The #eo!tin, +uideline adoted by the omanies

    S" %o O*3A%F %A*( #(3O#TI%+ +&ID('I%( ADO3T(D

    2011.12 2012.14 2014.16

    # 3industan nile/er 4td. Global Reportin6


    (GRI" 6uidelines

    Global Reportin6


    (GRI" 6uidelines

    Global Reportin6


    (GRI" 6uidelines

    % I1C 4td. GRI Sustainability



    GRI Sustainability



    GRI Sustainabilit

    y Reporting


    & !M4 GRI

    G&.# Guidelines


    G&.# Guidelines

    GRI G&.# Guidelines

    D abur Global Reportin6


    (GRI" 6uidelines

    Global Reportin6


    (GRI" 6uidelines

    Global Reportin6


    (GRI" 6uidelines Godre? Industries 4td. GD 6uidelines GD 6uidelines GD 6uidelines

    * 25a5i 4td. GD 6uidelines GD 6uidelines GD 6uidelines

    8 GlaoS5ithEline har5a



    G&.# Sustainability




    G&.# Sustainability




    G&.# Sustainability

    Reportin6 Guidelines

  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx


    III" S# (Cenditu!e



    O*3A%F %A*( 3#O5ITS

    G3!ofit Befo!e TaCH




    !e G2 of 

    Av %3 of 

    last th!ee


    Actual S# 


    in 2014.16


    2010.11 2011.12 2012.14 2014.16

    # 3industan nile/er 

    4td. 8,8#*.$' ,8&'.'' ,'$*.&'

    #%&.*% -#.$# #D.D%

    % I1C 4td.%%,D.$




    DD.%8 ##.*8 &'.DD

    & !M4

    &$,&D *#,$8* #*,8-#

    8--.* D%.* #'.%&

    D abur 

    +#D-8 +&8-* +8&$

    +D'.'- &.D .D%

    Godre? Industries


    DD#' %-&.%& #'# **.88 *-.# #8.'-

    * 25a5i 4td.

    #,%#$.%D #,D8D.* %,*#.#

    %&.* %D.8$ #%.#D

    8 GlaoS5ithEline

    har5a 4td.#%$.'$ #,#-'.DD #,%-.D-

    #.* .&& #'.%8

  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx


    I)" o!o!ate +ove!nance #eo!t

    1"  IT 'TD


    /er the years, I1C has e/ol/ed fro5 a sin6le product co5pany to a 5ulti+business corporation.

    Its businesses are spread o/er a 7ide spectru5, ran6in6 fro5 ci6arettes and tobacco to hotels,

     packa6in6, paper and paperboards and international co55odities tradin6. 2ach of these

     businesses is /astly different fro5 the others in its type, the state of its e/olution and the basic

    nature of its acti/ity, all of 7hich influence the choice of the for5 of 6o/ernance. 1he challen6e

    of 6o/ernance for I1C therefore lies in fashionin6 a 5odel that addresses the uni;ueness of each

    of its businesses and yet stren6thens the unity of purpose of the Co5pany as a 7hole.

    Since the co55ence5ent of the liberalisation process, India:s econo5ic scenario has be6un to

    alter radically. Globalisation 7ill not only si6nificantly hei6hten business risks, but 7ill also

    co5pel Indian co5panies to adopt international nor5s of transparency and 6ood 6o/ernance.

    2;ually, in the resultant co5petiti/e contet, freedo5 of eecuti/e 5ana6e5ent and its ability to

    respond to the dyna5ics of a fast chan6in6 business en/iron5ent 7ill be the ne7 success factors.

    I1C:s 6o/ernance policy reco6nises the challen6e of this ne7 business reality in India.

    Definition and 3u!ose

    I1C defines Corporate Go/ernance as a syste5ic process by 7hich co5panies are directed andcontrolled to enhance their 7ealth 6eneratin6 capacity. Since lar6e corporations e5ploy /ast

    ;uantu5 of societal resources, 7e belie/e that the 6o/ernance process should ensure that these

    co5panies are 5ana6ed in a 5anner that 5eets stakeholders aspirations and societal


    o!e 3!inciles

    I1C:s Corporate Go/ernance initiati/e is based on t7o core principles. 1hese are @

    Mana6e5ent 5ust ha/e the eecuti/e freedo5 to dri/e the enterprise for7ard 7ithout undue

    restraintsA and this freedo5 of 5ana6e5ent should be eercised 7ithin a fra5e7ork of effecti/eaccountability.

    I1C belie/es that any 5eanin6ful policy on Corporate Go/ernance 5ust pro/ide e5po7er5ent

    to the eecuti/e 5ana6e5ent of the Co5pany, and si5ultaneously create a 5echanis5 of checks

    and balances 7hich ensures that the decision 5akin6 po7ers /ested in the eecuti/e

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    5ana6e5ent is not only not 5isused, but is used 7ith care and responsibility to 5eet stakeholder 

    aspirations and societal epectations.


    Fro5 the abo/e definition and core principles of Corporate Go/ernance e5er6e the cornerstonesof I1C:s 6o/ernance philosophy, na5ely trusteeship, transparency, e5po7er5ent and

    accountability, control and ethical corporate citienship. I1C belie/es that the practice of each of 

    these leads to the creation of the ri6ht corporate culture in 7hich the co5pany is 5ana6ed in a

    5anner that fulfils the purpose of Corporate Go/ernance.

    Trusteeship@ I1C belie/es that lar6e corporations like itself ha/e both a social and econo5ic

     purpose. 1hey represent a coalition of interests, na5ely those of the shareholders, other pro/iders

    of capital, business associates and e5ployees. 1his belief therefore casts a responsibility of 

    trusteeship on the Co5pany:s Board of irectors. 1hey are to act as trustees to protect and

    enhance shareholder /alue, as 7ell as to ensure that the Co5pany fulfils its obli6ations andresponsibilities to its other stakeholders. Inherent in the concept of trusteeship is the

    responsibility to ensure e;uity, na5ely, that the ri6hts of all shareholders, lar6e or s5all, are


    Transparency : I1C belie/es that transparency 5eans eplainin6 Co5pany:s policies and actions

    to those to 7ho5 it has responsibilities. 1herefore transparency 5ust lead to 5ai5u5

    appropriate disclosures 7ithout ?eopardisin6 the Co5pany:s strate6ic interests. Internally,

    transparency 5eans openness in Co5pany:s relationship 7ith its e5ployees, as 7ell as the

    conduct of its business in a 5anner that 7ill bear scrutiny. >e belie/e transparency enhances


     Empowerment and Accountability: 25po7er5ent is an essential conco5itant of I1C:s first core

     principle of 6o/ernance that 5ana6e5ent 5ust ha/e the freedo5 to dri/e the enterprise for7ard.

    I1C belie/es that e5po7er5ent is a process of actualisin6 the potential of its e5ployees.

    25po7er5ent unleashes creati/ity and inno/ation throu6hout the or6anisation by truly /estin6

    decision+5akin6 po7ers at the 5ost appropriate le/els in the or6anisational hierarchy.

    I1C belie/es that the Board of irectors are accountable to the shareholders, and the

    5ana6e5ent is accountable to the Board of irectors. >e belie/e that e5po7er5ent, co5bined

    7ith accountability, pro/ides an i5petus to perfor5ance and i5pro/es effecti/eness, thereby

    enhancin6 shareholder /alue.

    Control: I1C belie/es that control is a necessary conco5itant of its second core principle of 

    6o/ernance that the freedo5 of 5ana6e5ent should be eercised 7ithin a fra5e7ork of 

    appropriate checks and balances. Control should pre/ent 5isuse of po7er, facilitate ti5ely

    5ana6e5ent response to chan6e, and ensure that business risks are pre+e5pti/ely and effecti/ely


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     Ethical Corporate Citizenship: I1C belie/es that corporations like itself ha/e a responsibility to

    set ee5plary standards of ethical beha/iour, both internally 7ithin the or6anisation, as 7ell as

    in their eternal relationships. >e belie/e that unethical beha/iour corrupts or6anisational culture

    and under5ines stakeholder /alue.

    The +ove!nance St!uctu!e

    Flo7in6 fro5 the philosophy and core principles, Corporate Go/ernance in I1C shall take placeat three interlinked le/els, na5ely +

    • Strate6ic super/ision by the Board of irectors

    • Strate6ic 5ana6e5ent by the Corporate Mana6e5ent Co55ittee

    • 2ecuti/e 5ana6e5ent by the i/isional Chief 2ecuti/e assisted by the i/isional

    Mana6e5ent Co55ittee

    It is I1C:s belief that the ri6ht balance bet7een freedo5 of 5ana6e5ent and accountability toshareholders can be achie/ed by se6re6atin6 strate6ic super/ision fro5 strate6ic and eecuti/e5ana6e5ent. 1he Board of irectors (Board" as trustees of the shareholders 7ill eercisestrate6ic super/ision throu6h strate6ic direction and control, and seek accountability for effecti/estrate6ic 5ana6e5ent fro5 the Corporate Mana6e5ent Co55ittee (CMC". 1he CMC 7ill ha/ethe freedo5, 7ithin Board appro/ed direction and fra5e7ork, to focus its attention and ener6ieson the strate6ic 5ana6e5ent of the Co5pany. 1he i/isional Chief 2ecuti/e, assisted by thei/isional Mana6e5ent Co55ittee, 7ill ha/e the freedo5 to focus on the eecuti/e5ana6e5ent of the di/isional business.

    The 4.tie! ,ove!nance st!uctu!e thus ensu!es that:

    • Strate6ic super/ision (on behalf of the shareholders", bein6 free fro5 in/ol/e5ent in the

    task of strate6ic 5ana6e5ent of the Co5pany, can be conducted by the Board 7ithob?ecti/ity, thereby sharpenin6 accountability of 5ana6e5ent.

    • Strate6ic 5ana6e5ent of the Co5pany, uncluttered by the day+to+day tasks of eecuti/e

    5ana6e5ent, re5ains focused and ener6isedA and

    • 2ecuti/e 5ana6e5ent of the di/isional business, free fro5 collecti/e strate6ic

    responsibilities for I1C as a 7hole, 6ets focused on enhancin6 the ;uality, efficiency andeffecti/eness of its business.


    1he core roles of the /arious entities at the three le/els of Corporate Go/ernance 7ill be asfollo7s@

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    Boa!d of Di!ecto!s GBoa!dH:

    1he pri5ary role of the Board of irectors is that of trusteeship to protect and enhanceshareholder /alue throu6h strate6ic super/ision of I1C, its 7holly o7ned subsidiaries and their 7holly o7ned subsidiaries. !s trustees they 7ill ensure that the Co5pany has clear 6oals relatin6

    to shareholder /alue and its 6ro7th. 1hey should set strate6ic 6oals and seek accountability for their fulfill5ent. 1hey 7ill pro/ide direction, and eercise appropriate control to ensure that theCo5pany is 5ana6ed in a 5anner that fulfills stakeholder aspirations and societal epectations.1he Board 5ust periodically re/ie7 its o7n functionin6 to ensure that it is fulfillin6 its role.

    1he I1C Board 7ill be a balanced Board, consistin6 of 2ecuti/e and )on+2ecuti/e irectors,the latter includin6 independent professionals. 2ecuti/e directors, includin6 the 2ecuti/eChair5an, shall not 6enerally eceed #L&rd of the total stren6th of the Board. 1he )on+2ecuti/eirectors shall co5prise e5inent professionals, dra7n fro5 a5on6st persons 7ith eperience in business L finance L la7 L public enterprises. irectors shall be appointed L re+appointed for a period of three to fi/e years, and in the case of 2ecuti/e irectors up to the date of their 

    retire5ent, 7hiche/er is earlier. 1he Board shall deter5ine fro5 ti5e to ti5e the retire5ent a6efor both 2ecuti/e and )on+2ecuti/e irectors. 1he Board shall specify the 5ai5u5 nu5ber of co5pany irectorships 7hich can be held by 5e5bers of the I1C Board.

     )on+2ecuti/e irectors are epected to play a critical role in i5partin6 balance to the Board processes by brin6in6 an independent ?ud6e5ent to bear on issues of strate6y, perfor5ance,resources, standards of Co5pany conduct, etc.

    1he Board shall 5eet at least si ti5es a year and as far as possible 5eetin6s 7ill be held once int7o 5onths. 1he annual calendar of 5eetin6s shall be a6reed upon at the be6innin6 of each year.!s laid do7n in the !rticles of !ssociation of the Co5pany, the ;uoru5 for 5eetin6s shall be

    one third of 5e5bers and decisions shall be taken by si5ple 5a?ority, unless statutorily re;uiredother7ise. Meetin6s shall be 6o/erned by a structured a6enda. !ll 5a?or issues included in thea6enda shall be backed by co5prehensi/e back6round infor5ation to enable the Board to takeinfor5ed decisions. !6enda papers, as far as practicable, shall be circulated at least three7orkin6 days prior to the 5eetin6. )or5ally ite5s for the Board !6enda, ecept thosee5anatin6 fro5 Board Co55ittees, shall ha/e been ea5ined by the CMC. Minutes shall becirculated 7ithin # 7orkin6 days of the 5eetin6 and confir5ed at the net 5eetin6. Boarddecisions shall record the related lo6ic as far as practicable.

    1he Board shall ha/e the follo7in6 Co55ittees 7hose ter5s of reference shall be deter5ined bythe Board fro5 ti5e to ti5e@

    Audit ommittee: 1o pro/ide assurance to the Board on the ade;uacy of internal controlsyste5s and financial disclosures. 1he 3ead of Internal !udit 7ill act as co+ordinator to the!udit Co55ittee, but 7ill be ad5inistrati/ely under the control of the irector accountable tothe Board for the Finance function.

    Secu!ityholde!s #elationshi ommittee: 1o o/ersee redressal of shareholder and in/estor 6rie/ances, and, inter alia, appro/esub+di/ision L consolidation L issue of duplicate share

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    certificates, trans5ission of shares and issue 0 allot5ent of shares upon eercise of ptionsunder the Co5pany:s 25ployee Stock ption Sche5es.

    %omination / omensation ommittee :1o reco55end to the Board inter alia(i"no5inations for 5e5bership of the CMC and the Board, and o/ersee succession for the

    senior5ost le/el of 5ana6e5ent belo7 the 2ecuti/e irectors and (ii" co5pensation ter5s for 2ecuti/e irectors and the senior 5ost le/el of 5ana6e5ent belo7 the 2ecuti/e irectors.

    S# and Sustainability ommittee: 1o re/ie7, 5onitor and pro/ide strate6ic direction to theCo5pany:s CSR and sustainability practices to7ards fulfillin6 its triple botto5 line ob?ecti/es.1er5s of Reference of the Board Co55ittees shall include@

    • b?ecti/es, Role, Responsibilities

    • !uthority L o7ers

    • Me5bership 0 uoru5

    • Chair5anship

    • 1enure

    • Fre;uency of Meetin6s

    1he co5position of these Co55ittees 7ill be as follo7s@+

    ommittee *embe!s hai!man

    !udit Co55ittee

     )on+2ecuti/e irectors of the Co5pany, as5ay be decided by the Board

    1he irector responsible for the Financefunction, 3ead of Internal !udit andrepresentati/e of Statutory !uditors shall beIn/itees 7ith the Co5pany Secretary as theSecretary.

    ne of the Independentirectors, to bedeter5ined by theCo55ittee


    irectors of the Co5pany, as 5ay be decided by the Board, 7ith the Co5pany Secretary asthe Secretary.

    ne of the )on+2ecuti/e irectors, to be deter5ined by theBoard.

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     )o5ination 0Co5pensationCo55ittee

    irectors of the Co5pany, as 5ay be decided by the Board.

    ne of the )on+2ecuti/e irectors, to be deter5ined by theBoard.

    CSR andSustainabilityCo55ittee

    1he 2ecuti/e Chair5an and )on+2ecuti/eirectors of the Co5pany, 7ith the Co5panySecretary as the Secretary.

    2ecuti/e Chair5an.

     )or5ally 5eetin6s of the Board Co55ittees shall be con/ened by their respecti/e Chair5en.

    3o7e/er, any 5e5ber of the Co55ittee 5ay, 7ith the consent of the concerned Chair5an,con/ene a 5eetin6 of the Co55ittee.

    1he Chair5anship of Board Co55ittees shall be for t7o years at a ti5e.

    Si6ned 5inutes of Board Co55ittee 5eetin6s shall be tabled for the Board:s infor5ation as soonas possible. 3o7e/er, issues re;uirin6 Board:s attention L appro/al should be tabled in the for5of a note to the Board fro5 the Co55ittee Chair5an. In the e/ent there are no issues to be brou6ht before the Board by the !udit Co55ittee, the Co55ittee Chair5an shall sub5it a :)I4:report to the Board.

    (Cecutive hai!man of IT:

    1he 2ecuti/e Chair5an of I1C shall operate as the Chief 2ecuti/e for I1C as a 7hole. 3eshall be the Chair5an of the Board and the CMC. 3is pri5ary role is to pro/ide leadership to theBoard and CMC for realisin6 Co5pany 6oals in accordance 7ith the charter appro/ed by theBoard. 3e shall be responsible for the 7orkin6 of the Board, for its balance of 5e5bership(sub?ect to Board and Shareholder appro/als", for ensurin6 that all rele/ant issues are on thea6enda, for ensurin6 that all directors are enabled and encoura6ed to play a full part in theacti/ities of the Board. 3e shall keep the Board infor5ed on all 5atters of i5portance. 3e shall preside o/er the General Meetin6s of shareholders. !s Chair5an of the CMC he 7ill beresponsible for its 7orkin6, for ensurin6 that all rele/ant issues are on the a6enda, for ensurin6

    that all CMC 5e5bers are enabled and encoura6ed to play a full part in its acti/ities.

    (Cecutive Di!ecto!:

    • !s a 5e5ber of the CMC, contribute to the strate6ic 5ana6e5ent of the Co5pany:s

     businesses 7ithin Board appro/ed direction L fra5e7ork.

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    • !s irector accountable to the Board for a business L function (4ine irector", assu5e

    o/erall responsibility for the strate6ic 5ana6e5ent includin6 6o/ernance processes andtop 5ana6e5ent effecti/eness for businesses L functions reportin6 to hi5.

    It is clarified that in the contet of the 5ulti+business character of the Co5pany, an

    2ecuti/e irector is in the nature of a Mana6in6 irector for those businesses andfunctions reportin6 to hi5.

    • !s irector accountable to the Board for a 7holly o7ned subsidiary, or its 7holly o7ned

    subsidiary (4ine irector", act as the custodian of I1C:s interest and be responsible for their 6o/ernance in accordance 7ith the charter appro/ed by the Board.

    • !s irector accountable to the Board for a particular corporate function (4ine irector",

    assu5e o/erall strate6ic responsibility for its perfor5ance.

    Divisional *ana,ement ommittee GD*H:

    2ecuti/e 5ana6e5ent of the di/isional business to realise tactical and strate6ic ob?ecti/es inaccordance 7ith CMC L Board appro/ed plan. Co5position of the MC shall be deter5ined bythe 4ine irector 7ith the appro/al of the CMC. 1he i/isional C2 shall con/ene and chair theMC 5eetin6s. If the i/isional C2, for any reason, is not in a position to con/ene a re;uiredMC 5eetin6, he shall in 7ritin6 dele6ate the po7er to con/ene and chair the re;uired 5eetin6to one of the MC 5e5bers identified by na5e. Such dele6ation should be either for a specific5eetin6 or for 5eetin6s to be held durin6 a specific period of ti5e. It cannot be a 6eneral, open+ended dele6ation. 1he key functions of the i/ision shall be represented on the MC. )or5ally

    the i/isional Financial Controller, in addition to bein6 a 5e5ber, shall act as the Secretary tothe MC and 7ill be responsible for circulation and custody of a6enda notes and 5inutes. 1heMC shall 6enerally 5eet at least once a 5onth to re/ie7 i/isional perfor5ance and relatedissues. uoru5 for 5eetin6s shall be '9 of the 5e5bers sub?ect to a 5ini5u5 of three5e5bers. ecisions 7ill be taken by si5ple 5a?ority. Minutes of 5eetin6s shall be tabled beforethe CMC for its infor5ation. !6enda ite5s shall be backed by co5prehensi/e notes fro5 therele/ant 5e5ber L in/itee. !6enda papers, as far as practicable, shall be circulated at least threedays prior to the 5eetin6.

    Divisional (O: 1he i/isional C2 shall function as the Chief peratin6 fficer 7itheecuti/e responsibility for day+to+day operation of the i/isional business, and shall pro/ide

    leadership to the i/isional Mana6e5ent Co55ittee in its task of eecuti/e 5ana6e5ent of thei/isional business.

    Boa!d ommittees

    Audit ommittee

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    Mr. S. B. Mathur Chair5an

    Mr. !. Bai?al Me5ber  

    Mr. . B. Ra5anu?a5 Me5ber  

    Mr. E. Vaidyanath Me5ber  Mr. !. u66al Me5ber  

    Mr. E.). Grant In/itee

    Mr. R. 1andon In/itee

    Mr. R. arasura5 (3ead of Internal !udit" In/itee

    Representati/e of Statutory !uditors In/itee

    Mr. B. B. Chatter?ee Secretary to the Co55ittee


    S# / Sustainability ommittee

    Mr. . C. e/esh7ar Chair5an

    Mr. !. V. Giri?a Eu5ar Me5ber  

    Mr. R. 2. 4er7ill Me5ber  

    Mr. S. B. Mainak Me5ber  

    Ms. M. Shankar Me5ber  

    Mr. B. B. Chatter?ee Secretary to the Co55ittee


    %omination / omensation ommittee

    Mr. S. 3. Ehan Chair5an

    Mr. S. Baner?ee Me5ber  

    Mr. . C. e/esh7ar Me5ber  

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    Mr. S. S. 3. Reh5an Me5ber  

    Ms. M. Shankar Me5ber  

    Mr. E. Vaidyanath Me5ber  


    Secu!ityholde!s #elationshi ommittee

    Mr. !. V. Giri?a Eu5ar Chair5an

    Mr. E. ). Grant Me5ber  

    Mr. .V. hobale Me5ber  

    Mr. E. Vaidyanath Me5ber  

    Mr. B. B. Chatter?ee Secretary to the Co55ittee


    Indeendent Di!ecto!s ommittee

    Mr. !. Bai?al Me5ber  

    Mr. S. Baner?ee Me5ber  

    Mr. !. u66al Me5ber  

    Mr. S. 3. Ehan Me5ber  

    Mr. S. B. Mathur Me5ber  

    Mr. . B. Ra5anu?a5 Me5ber  

    Mr. S. S. 3. Reh5an Me5ber  

    Ms. M. Shankar Me5ber  

    2"  (*A*I 'TD"

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    !t 25a5i 4i5ited, it is co55it5ent and continuous endea/or of the Board of irectors and all

    the e5ployees to attain 6ood corporate 6o/ernance, ensurin6 truth and transparency,

    accountability in all its dealin6 7ith e5ployees, stakeholders, consu5ers and co55unity at


    1he Mana6e5ent belie/es that this or6aniation has been entrusted by /arious stakeholders and

    they are the =trustees= of these stakeholders. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that the

    or6aniation should be 5ana6ed in a 5anner that protects and secures the interests of its

    stakeholders. >e (the Board of the irectors and all senior le/el e5ployees" reco6nie society as

    an i5portant stakeholder in this enterprise in addition to the pro5oters and other shareholdersA

    therefore, it is part of our responsibility to practice 6ood corporate citienship.

    It is also our belief that in order to ser/e the interests of our stakeholders in perpetuity, 7e 5ust

     build this or6aniation into an institution 7hose dyna5is5 and /itality are anchored in its core/alues.


    1his code is applicable to the Board Me5bers, 5e5bers of the Mana6e5ent Co55ittees and all

    e5ployees upto the le/el of functional heads (3s" (hereinafter collecti/ely referred to as


    !ll concerned 5ust read, understand and ensure to abide by it in their day to day acti/ities. 1hey

    5ay contact 3ead+ 3R or Mr. ! E

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    3onesty is the basic input of 1rusteeship. >e shall act in accordance 7ith the hi6hest standards

    of personal and professional inte6rity and honesty. Such acts are not only on the Co5panys

     pre5ises and offsite but also at co5pany sponsored business, social e/ents as 7ell as other 

     places. ur act and conduct shall be free fro5 fraud and deception. 7e shall confor5 to the best+

    accepted professional standards of conduct.

    Inte!.e!sonal #elationshis:

    In our relationship 7ith collea6ues + 7e reco6nie their respect and di6nity and in the sa5e 7ay,

    7e oursel/es 7ould epect the sa5e fro5 the5.

    $onou! onfidentiality:

    >e shall 5aintain the confidentiality of all 5aterial non+ public infor5ation about 25a5iKs

     business until and unless dischar6ed fro5 such obli6ations under re;uire5ent of any la7 or any

     pro/isions of this Code .

    5ai! Dealin,:

    ur dealin6 shall be fair 7ith custo5ers, suppliers, co5petitors, and e5ployees of 6roup

    co5panies and not take unfair ad/anta6e throu6h 5anipulation, conceal5ent, abuse of 

    confidential, proprietary or trade secret infor5ation, 5isrepresentation of 5aterial facts, or any

    other unfair dealin6+practices.

    onflict of Inte!est:

    It is epected on part of the e5ployees to 5ake business decisions takin6 into account best

    interest of the Co5pany as a 7hole, 7ithout bein6 influenced by personal relationships or  benefits. 1hey are epected to apply their proper 5ind in arri/in6 at sound decision 7ithout any

    conflict of interest, 7hich 5ay ad/ersely affect the co5panyKs business.

    Conflict of interest 5ay occur directly 7ith e5ployees, directors or throu6h their relati/e or 

    fa5ily connection. It 5ay arise 7hen an e5ployee or director or a 5e5ber of hisLher fa5ily 6ets

    any undue personal benefits or interests due to hisLher position 7ith the Co5pany. nder such

    situation, heLshe is epected to disclose to the epart5ental 3eadL the Board about the sa5e. 1he

    follo7in6 ea5ples are 6i/en as 6uidelines for deter5inin6 situations 7here such conflict of 

    interest 5ay arise, but such ea5ples are not intended to co/er all possible e/ents.

    o!o!ate Business Oo!tunities@ It is duty of the 25ployees and irectors to7ards the

    Co5pany to enhance its le6iti5ate business interest 7hene/er and 7here/er such opportunities

    so arise. 1hey are prohibited fro5 takin6 benefit of such opportunities for 

    the5sel/es or throu6h third party. More so, e5ployees and directors are not to use corporate

     property, infor5ation or position for personal 6ain or in co5petition 7ith the co5pany.

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    So5eti5es, it is difficult to dra7 a line bet7een the benefit to an e5ployee or a director and the

     benefit to the co5pany and under such situation it is prudent on part of the said e5ployee or 

    director to 6et appro/al in this respect fro5 hi6her 5ana6e5ent beforehand.

    Im!oe! Influences +ifts and (nte!tainment@ )o e5ployee or director 5ust offer, 5ake,

    solicit or recei/e any bribe, kickback, ille6al contribution or other i5proper pay5ent. Suchacti/ity is not condonable. Further, no e5ployee or director should accept any 6ift or 6ratuity of 

    5aterial /alue or ecessi/e entertain5ent fro5 any or6aniation or indi/idual that is ha/in6

     business relationship 7ith the co5pany. In order to a/oid such situation, the e5ployees and

    directors 5ust use co55on sense and 6ood ?ud6e5ent in case of such circu5stances.

    T!ansactions ith Affiliates:  !s re6ards selection of /endors, they should be selected on

    co5petiti/e and 5erit basis, 7ithout bein6 influenced 7ith fa/ouritis5. nder this policy, the

    e5ployees do not en6a6e in any acti/ities that 5i6ht affect independence of ?ud6e5ent in such

    selection and any de/iation of such policy re;uires to be brou6ht to kno7led6e of the


    onfidential Info!mationE3ublicity:  25ployees are not allo7ed to disclose or use any

    confidential infor5ation obtained or 6ained in course of hisLher e5ploy5ent for hisLher personal

    6ain or profit or to any other person or party. Further they are not allo7ed to pro/ide any

    infor5ation either for5ally or infor5ally to the press or to any publicity 5edia 7ithout


    'e,al omliance

    25ployees are responsible for the i5ple5entation of this Code ensurin6 co5pliance under this

    Code as 7ell as under all applicable la7s, re6ulations and corporate policies since such non+

    co5pliance is unethical and sub?ect the co5pany 7ith un7anted fine or penalties. 1herefore, to

    deter such occurrence, ne6li6ence or 7illful default 7ould call for disciplinary action upto and

    includin6 repri5and, suspension or ter5ination dependin6 upon the seriousness of the offence

    andLor the e5ployeeKs o/erall record.

    1o ensure necessary co5pliance 7ith /arious statutes and la7s applicable to the co5pany, the

    Board has assi6ned such responsibility on epart5ental 3eads that they 7ill pro/ide such

    co5pliance reports to resident +CF for placin6 the sa5e in consolidated for5 to the Board.

    Secu!ities T!ansactions and onfidential Info!mation@

    !ll e5ployees and their i55ediate fa5ily 5e5bers shall not deri/e any benefit or assist others

    to deri/e any benefit fro5 the access to and possession of infor5ation about the Co5pany or the

    Group 7hich is not in the public do5ain.

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     )o e5ployee shall use or proliferate infor5ation 7hich is not a/ailable to the in/estin6 public as

    it 7ould constitute insider infor5ation for 5akin6 or 6i/in6 ad/ice on in/est5ent decisions on

    the securities of the Co5pany.

    Such insider infor5ation 5i6ht include the follo7in6@

    • ac;uisition and di/ersification of businesses

    • financial infor5ation such as profits, earnin6s and di/idends

    • announce5ent of ne7 product introductions or de/elop5ents

    •  asset re/aluation

    • in/est5ent decisions Lplans

    • restructurin6 plans

    • 5a?or supply and deli/ery a6ree5ents

    • raisin6 finances

    #eo!tin, once!ns:

    !ll e5ployees shall report pro5ptly to the 5ana6e5ent any actual or possible /iolation of the

    Code or any e/ent 7hich could affect the business or reputation of the Co5pany.

    3!oe! use of omanyJs assets and cost consciousness:

    >e are trustees of the co5panyKs properties, funds and other assets and as such it is our 

    responsibility for protectin6 the sa5e a6ainst any 5isappropriation, loss, da5a6e, theft etc, by

    e/ol/in6 proper internal control syste5 and procedures. )o e5ployee shall use the co5panyKs

    facilities for personal use. 2/en for use of co5panyKs purpose, e5ployees are epected to take

    ut5ost care for a/oidance of 7asta6e so that cost to the co5pany beco5es reasonable.

    (nvi!onment 3!otection Social #esonsibility / #is; *ana,ement:

    (nvi!onment 3!otection:

    1he Co5pany places hi6hest corporate priority in ensurin6 and adherin6 to best procedures

    relatin6 to en/iron5ent protection.

    Social #esonsibility:

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    ommunity Develoment:

    1he Co5pany continues to contribute to the co55unities in 7hich 7e operate and address social

    issues responsibly. ur products are safe to 5ake and use. >e conser/e natural resources and

    continue to in/est in a better en/iron5ent.

    >e are co55itted to be dri/en by our conscience and re6ulatory standards, to deli/er /alue to

    our shareholders, co55ensurate 7ith our 5ana6e5ent and financial stren6th.

    Safety $ealth and f!iendly o!; lace fo! the (mloyee:

    1he Mana6e5ent reco6nies hu5an resources as the pri5e 5achinery of an or6aniationA

    therefore they al7ays 6i/e first priority to pro/ide all safety 5easure for 6ood health of the

    e5ployees. 1he Co5pany epects that all e5ployees of the 25a5i possess 6ood habit and lea/e

     bad habit, if any, because fair and fresh en/iron5ent helps e5ployees to realie their full


    (mami 5amily ultu!e:

    1he Mana6e5ent has fostered a culture of feelin6 of bein6 to6etherness and attach5ent a5on6st

    25a5i e5ployees throu6h participati/e 5ana6e5ent practices, open interaction and 5utual

    respect. !ll e5ployees are epected etend this Q25a5i Fa5ily culture further.

    #is; *ana,ement:

    1he Co5pany belie/es in e/ol/in6 a co5prehensi/e risk 5ana6e5ent fra5e7ork by a process

    of de/elopin6 strate6y to not only 5ana6e but also 5ini5ie the risk. 1his is process of 

    identifyin6, assessin6 and 5easurin6 the possible risk, 7hich 5ay be faced by the co5pany, andthen for5ulatin6 plans to co/er and 5ana6e the sa5e.

    >e are ai5in6 at an ideal risk 5ana6e5ent syste5 7here 7e ha/e /isions to 5ake this co5pany

    a ero accident co5pany 7ith focus on safety and en/iron5ent. >e like to 5arket consu5er 

    friendly products of 6lobal best ;uality and ensure safety and security of all stakeholders of the


    )iolation of this ode:

    In case it is found that any of the e5ployees does not follo7 this Code by en6a6in6 5isconduct,

    the 5atter 7ould be re/ie7ed by the Board 7hose decision shall be final and the Co5pany

    reser/es the ri6ht to take appropriate action a6ainst the 6uilty e5ployee.

    ontinual udation of ode:

    1his Code is sub?ect to continuous re/ie7 and updation in line 7ith any chan6e in la7, the

    Co5panys policy, /ision 0 plans or other7ise the Board 5ay dee5 as necessary.

  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx



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  • 8/20/2019 CSR- Mohit Vats (11912303913).docx


    " htt:EE"itco!tal"comEabout.itcEoliciesEco!o!ate.social.!esonsibility.


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