crotched mountain · 2017-06-20 · their future and how we can prepare them to transition back to...


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Crotched Mountain board chair Jim Varnum and president and CEO Mike Coughlin take puzzle-making instruction from student Julian.

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care managers oversee the services that ensure clients

enjoy quality of life in the comfort of familiar surround-

ings. Whether clients require home safety evaluations,

modifications and equipment, or require more support

through health aides and meal services, they and their

families can enjoy peace of mind knowing their needs

are met along a comprehensive continuum of care.

This year, we celebrated a combined 30+ years of

service from Don Shumway, former president and CEO,

and Dr. W. Carl Cooley, former chief medical officer.

We stand on the shoulders of those who came before

us and offer our enduring gratitude to both Don and

Carl for their vision, passion, and commitment to our

mission. Their initiatives laid the foundation for the

successes we celebrate in these pages, as well as new

pathways that will best serve the changing needs of our

students, clients, and their families.

With expanded community connections and excit-

ing innovations in teaching and communication, we look

back with gratitude for all that you—a valued member

of our community of ambassadors and philanthropists—

have helped us accomplish, while we look ahead with

optimism. Simply said, today’s celebrations and tomor-

row’s dreams are possible because of your intellectual

and financial support.

Along with your support, we ask for your ideas.

Join our dedicated staff in the drafting of new directions

to meet the changing needs of our students and clients

by sending your comments to info@cro tchedmountain.o rg.


F ROM THE MOMENT we welcome a new

student or client, we are thinking about

their future and how we can prepare them

to transition back to their homes and

communities. We believe the best education and care

plans are focused on both now and later, so that we

are always working toward the next successful transition

on the road to maximum independence—from today to

tomorrow, school to work, and rehabilitation to home.

When our students graduate, some move on to

extended learning or job training; others transition to

new communities of living appropriate to their age and

interests. Clients who desire to live independently in

their own homes work with care managers to determine

which services they’ll need to ensure their optimal

happiness, health and safety. These transitions are a

natural flow for everyone we serve; they represent

pathways to growth, learning and healing—milestones

we celebrate with them.

Our Cedar’s Point program, for example, is a

residential model that works with adolescents needing

to acquire important skills like managing difficult

emotions, problem solving, and following through on

expectations. With one-to-one teaching and staff

support, these teens learn skills that are the building

blocks of healthy, successful, and independent lives.

Transitioning to a system of services that support

health and safety at home can feel daunting. Fortunately,

Crotched Mountain Community Care’s professional

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Darren Discenzo at his day job.

His other work is “sitdown” comedy at venues in

New England and New York, including

Dangerfield’s in Manhattan.

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fell out of my chair, and I’m telling you guys right

now that Enterprise Car Rental is full of it,

because I called them and they will not come and

pick you up. They just laugh at you!”

That’s just one of the bits from the gently self-

deprecating comedy act Darren Discenzo performs at

venues throughout New England and New York. His

“chair” is a power wheelchair that he’s been using since

his car collided with a moose when he was 26, injuring

the C5 vertebra on his spinal cord. “I came around the

corner and there was a 1,000 pound moose straddling the

yellow line,” he remembers. “I took out the moose’s back

legs, it dropped on the roof, and all the impact was on

my neck. I could still feel my hands on the wheel, but as

hard as I tried, I couldn’t move anything.”

He was taken to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital in

Lebanon, NH, and after his condition stabilized, Dis-

cenzo spent three months at HealthSouth Rehabilitation

Center in Concord. Because his spinal cord was not com-

pletely severed, doctors couldn’t tell him exactly what to

expect. He was paralyzed from the neck down, but every

day he worked hard with his therapists, and every night

he lay in bed, willing himself to move, certain he could

feel his muscles starting to fire.

“Because I had that feeling, I just had to prove

everyone wrong,” he says. “Some people call it determi-

nation, others call it stubbornness, but if someone tells

me I can’t do something, it just makes me work that

much harder.”

Right before he was released from rehab, Discenzo

was able to get his legs to twitch, and when he returned

home to his parents’ house, Crotched Mountain

Community Care (CMCC) equipped him with the tools

to maintain his fierce independence. Through the Harry

Gregg Foundation, a foundation supported by Crotched

Mountain, CMCC secured a grant to install a wheelchair

ramp at the entrance to the Discenzos’ home and

arranged for an aide from Granite State Independent

Living to help Darren shower, shave and dress.

“Darren is one of the most optimistic gentlemen I’ve

ever met,” says his care manager Debra Ryder. “His posi-

tive attitude, bubbly personality and contagious smile

just brighten up a room.”

“When he first came home, CMCC made all the

difference because my husband was still working full time

and I was the main caregiver,” says Darren’s mother,

Graceanne Discenzo. “They put us in touch with so

many resources that we just weren’t aware of—from visit-

ing nurses and therapists to adaptive appliances and

even special eating utensils.”

Discenzo continued to make progress in outpatient

therapy and by 2009 he was able to lift himself out of his

wheelchair and use a walker for short periods. He moved

into his own house, where a spare bedroom was con-

verted into an accessible bathroom. CMCC helped him

get and learn to use a Hoyer lift so he could have full

and independent access in his home.

“This was really the goal Darren had been working

toward. He has a strong work ethic and kind heart, which

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truly make him an inspiration to all those around him.

We were thrilled for him when he was able to truly regain

his independence,” notes Debra.

The determined Discenzo also made mental adapta-

tions that enhanced his independence. When he eventually

returned to work at his family’s hardware store, which

they recently sold to the Aubuchon chain, he couldn’t

assist customers as easily as he once did, so “he developed

almost a photographic memory,” says Grace Discenzo.

“He can sit behind the cash register and tell you exactly

in which aisle and where on the shelf any item is.”

Aubuchon’s management was so impressed with

his skills and work ethic that they dedicated their new

Lancaster, New Hampshire, store to him.

Sometimes his self-reliant streak has landed him in

trouble, like when he got stuck for twelve hours after

falling from his chair and ended up in the hospital with

severe kidney damage. “Yeah, I didn’t think I needed a

medical alert system because I always had my phone,”

he says, with an easygoing laugh. After that, CMCC

connected him with Life Line, and he now wears a life-

saving medical alert pendant around his neck.

An aide still comes to Discenzo’s home to help him

with cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, food prep and

exercising, and whenever his wheelchair needs repairs,

“CMCC is always there to help expedite things,” he says.

“When you rely on something every day and it’s out of

commission, it can be a huge pain.”

In addition to CMCC, Discenzo’s sense of humor

has been instrumental in his journey toward independ-

ence. Even when he was still in the hospital, he was the

one cheering everyone else up, and when one of his

outpatient physical therapists took him to a local open-

mic comedy night, he won a $50 prize. His next stop was

Mohegan Sun Resort, where he placed third in a comedy

contest. He still performs regularly, drawing huge laughs

as he pokes fun at the absurdity of his situation.

Service with a smile—Darren combines knowledge and humor forexceptional customer service.

“Laughter can absolutely heal. It’s very therapeutic.”—DARREN DISCENZO

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Jeremiah Aquino

could be on a poster

of the quintessential

six-year-old: energetic,

with a dark brown buzz cut,

dancing eyes, and an infectious

jack-o-lantern grin.

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snuggles into his mother, Jessica. She asks him a

few questions about his day and smiles as she

deciphers his answer.

“One of the things we’re working on is having a

conversation,” says Jessica. “The only time he talks to me

now is when he wants something. I want to teach him to

have a back-and-forth exchange.”

The Aquino family moved to New Hampshire from

Queens, New York when Jeremiah was only a year old.

Jessica had noticed some differences between Jeremiah

and her older daughters at the same age, “but I thought,

maybe he’s just ignoring me. Maybe that’s how boys are,”

she explains. When Jeremiah was seventeen months old,

she experienced a shock of recognition while answering a

developmental questionnaire at a routine check-up. From

lack of eye contact to toe walking to “stimming” (repeti-

tive body movements), Jeremiah exhibited many of the

symptoms of autism.

“My heart sank. I was devastated, and I felt like it

was my fault because I worked so many hours,” says

Jessica. “But after I got past that, I thought, ‘What can I

do to be the best mom I can be by being his advocate?’”

But finding services for Jeremiah proved to be a

challenge. Jessica was struck by the contrast with New

York, where, she says, programs through schools, hospitals,

and private organizations were more plentiful and publi-

cized. The family considered returning to New York—

Jessica’s job as the chief operations officer for a large

nonprofit was still based there—but decided that they

were committed to raising their children in the “less crazy”

environment of the Granite State.

Looking beyond the public school system where

Jeremiah was receiving services, the Aquinos found

Crotched Mountain’s Ready, Set, Connect! (RSC) treatment

program through Jeremiah’s speech pathologist. Jessica

was impressed with RSC’s thorough evaluation of her

son. “I was pleased because their evaluation revealed new

focus areas that weren’t being addressed,” she recalls.

“We use an assessment tool that analyzes typical

language and learning milestones to help us identify bar-

riers,” explains Tina Chait, Lead Therapist. “This informs

Jeremiah and ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapist Lindsey Konkol use flash cards to practice labeling skills.

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our treatment plan and enables us to zero in on very

specific areas such as listening, requesting, labeling and

play and social behaviors.”

Since August 2016, Jeremiah has been attending

RSC in Manchester every day from 9:00 to 3:00, and

even in a few short months the change has been dramatic.

Before RSC, he was using two-to-three word sentences,

and it was a challenge to get him to engage. Now, says,

Jessica, not only is his vocabulary expanding, but, “He’s

making connections he’s never made before, initiating

imaginative play and actually saying things like, ‘I love

rice and beans!’ The other day he built a little mushroom

house out of play dough, brought his little Smurf over

and said, ‘Look, I made a house for a Smurf!’”

“Jeremiah has reached a majority of milestones in

his current treatment plan. He can name many items and

request things he needs such as a spoon for his yogurt,”

Chait points out. “And his fine motor skills continue to


Jessica credits RSC’s Applied Behavioral Analysis

(ABA) model, which gives Jeremiah intensive one-on-one

training in skills such as making eye contact, listening,

and imitating. The small-group interactions with other

children have also been enormously beneficial. “Jeremiah

used to keep to himself at the public school, and it’s

been so cool to watch him go up to other kids with a toy

and say, ‘Let’s play,’” Jessica says.

Regular communication with the RSC staff is some-

thing else the Aquinos appreciate. In addition to

exchanging daily written reports, they meet with teachers

once a month to discuss Jeremiah’s progress, challenges,

and goals they’re working toward. “There’s not one

question or concern I’ve had that the team hasn’t tackled

immediately,” she says. “And if they don’t have the

answer, they always point me in the right direction. That’s

the kind of support parents need when a child has autism.”

“We strive for collaboration and consistency with

family, other educators and therapists who are also work-

ing with the children at Ready, Set, Connect!,” says Chait.

“We do whatever it takes for kids like Jeremiah to reach

their full potential.” Jeremiah will return to public school

next year, and Jessica feels he will have a good founda-

tion for first grade. The RSC team will work with her to

create an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for

him, so his teachers next year can help continue his

trajectory of success.

In the meantime, Jeremiah will continue to delight

in the activities of a six-year-old—exploring the outdoors

for ladybugs and butterflies, singing, and playing pranks

on his family. “I can never fully be a part of his world,”

says Jessica. “But seeing him become more present and

engaged in ours has been amazing.”

“Seeing him become more present and engaged has been amazing.”—JESSICA AQUINO

Software tracks Jeremiah's progress in specific learning areas.

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an episode of the Emmy-winning series Windows to the Wild,

produced by New Hampshire Public Television. The 30-minute

show, Hiking for All, which premiered January 2016 on NHPTV PRIME,

featured host WILL LANGE and hikers as they followed accessible hard-

pack pathways, boardwalks, moderate grades, switchbacks and rest stops

along the Gregg and Dutton Brook Trails. The program highlighted

how the trails give people of all abilities the opportunity to experience

the outdoors—from panoramic views of sky and mountains to the scents

and sounds of deep woods and wetlands.

Hiking For All

Golfing for GoodThe 14th Annual Crotched MountainGolf Classic raised $55,000 for theprograms and services of CrotchedMountain. Thirty-six teams gatheredfor 18 holes of golf followed by areception featuring remarks by ELIZAFACTOR, parent of Crotched Moun-tain School student FELIX. A raffle,auction and prizes rounded out a funand successful event. Thank you toall our sponsors, players and volunteers!

Crotched Mountain Foundation joinedwith the New Hampshire Associationfor the Blind to co-host a specialscreening of two, half-hour episodesof Windows to the Wild—Birding by Earand Hiking for All, produced by NewHampshire Public Television (NHPTV)in May at ConVal High School inPeterborough, NH. The screening wasfollowed by a discussion on makingoutdoor experiences accessible toeveryone moderated by PHIL VAUGHNof NHPTV and producer of Windowsto the Wild and featuring panelistsGEOFF GARFINKLE, Crotched Moun-tain director of therapeutic recreation;PETER JENSEN, accessible trail devel-oper; MICHAEL LANG, adaptive sports

facilitator; New Hampshire Associationfor the Blind; FRANCIE VON MERTENS,birding expert and nature columnist;and LAURA CLARK, co-founder andprogram coordinator, WheelchairHealth in Motion (WHIM).

Hockey Heroes Play for CMLong time CM partners, the BOSTONBRUINS ALUMNI, faced off againstthe CROTCHED MOUNTAIN WILD toraise funds and awareness forCrotched Mountain Accessible Recre-ation and Sports program (CMARS).Five hundred fans attended the SixthAnnual Bruins Alumni Classic atSaint Anselm College in Manchester,raising $41,560 to benefit the manycommunity-based programs offeredby CMARS including adaptive skiing,kayaking, cycling and more.


Accessible Nature—Who, What, When, Where and How

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Awards and HonorsCongratulations to the following staff.

OLUWASEUN ALABI, CRISIS RESPONSE STAFFCertified Mandt System Trainer The Mandt System, Inc.

KRISTOPHER D. AMBROZEWICZ, RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR III Bachelor of Science Education (BSE), FamilyCommunity Mental Health Work CertificateBecker College, Worcester MA

CINDY BLUESTEIN, CONTINUING EDUCATIONTRAINING COORDINATORCertified Mandt System TrainerCertified Basic Life Support (BLS) InstructorAmerican Heart Association

DEBORAH COLE, LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALISTLibrary Media Specialist Certification Plymouth State University

JEAN DICKA, RESIDENTIAL RC IIIMaster of Science, AccountingSouthern New Hampshire University

STEPHANIE DRAPEAU, RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR I Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate Severe Behavior in Youth Placement Certificate Granite State University


Certified Case ManagerCommission for Case Manager Certification

VERNON GRAY III, RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORCertified Basic Life Support (BLS) InstructorAmerican Heart Association

SARAH G. HAYNES, PARAEDUATOR IIDual B.S., Criminal Justice and Psychology Granite State College Paraeducator II Certificate New Hampshire Board of Education



STEVEN R.A. JOHNSONPromoted to Classroom Lead


CINDY MEDEIROS,TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATORM.S.Ed., Educational Studies /Tech. IntegrationSouthern New Hampshire University

HEATHER PLANTE, PARAEDUCATOR IIBachelor of Science, Health Care ManagementGranite State College

MICHAEL REDMOND, SENIOR V.P., COOLean Six Sigma Black Belt CertificateVillanova University

DARLENE SAMPAIO, ASPII BUILDING SERVICES/PARAPROFESSIONALCourse Completion 12th Annual New Hampshire EmergencyPreparedness Conference

PATRICK WRIGHTPromoted to Paraeducator

New Ways to SeeCrotched Mountain School studentphotography was featured in an exhibitat the Monadnock Center for Historyand Culture in Peterborough, NH,during October and November 2015.New Views from the Mountain featuredstudents’ work with artist-in-residence,COURTNEY BENT, an award-winningphotographer based in Durham, NH.Their work focused on new ways ofseeing and included photos of everydayitems with an emphasis on unusualangles, textures, shadows and light.

Ready, Set, Connect! in ManchesterCrotched Mountain Foundationmarked the official opening of theManchester, NH, location for itsReady, Set, Connect! Applied BehaviorAnalysis (ABA) program with a ribboncutting ceremony in March. DENNISBRADLEY, BCBA and executive direc-tor of Ready, Set, Connect! welcomedguests, and SENATOR LOU D’ALLE-SANDRO offered brief remarks on theimportance of bringing ABA therapyto the Manchester area. “When some-one in your life has a diagnosis suchas autism, you understand the signifi-cance when positive outcomes happenas a result of good services,” he said.“Early treatment is fundamental toimproving the emotional and physicalwell-being of children with autism—itmakes a significant difference in allaspects of their and their family’s lives.”


Vocalist and musician CHRISTOPHERDUFFLEY serenaded and inspired audi-ence members at Crotched Mountainas part of the Hilliard Lecture Series.A native of Manchester, NH, Duffleyis a 14-year-old multi-instrumentalistand singer who is also blind and hasautism. He is well-known for per-forming the national anthem for audiences at Fenway Park, NewHampshire International Speedway,Delta Dental Stadium, and at confer-ences and events nationwide. Duffleyalso sang the national anthem atCrotched Mountain’s Bruins AlumniClassic benefit hockey game. In addi-tion to live performances, Duffley pro-duces a weekly podcast called Mission

Possible, and has also released twoalbums of inspirational music. Hisperformances have received millionsof views on YouTube and GodTube.In 2013, Autism Speaks named himone of 10 Amazing Individuals WithAutism Who Shined.

Perfect Pitch

Sen. D’Allesandro cuts the ribbon.Photo by Becky

Photo by Krista

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Your Gift MatteredPhilanthropy and Financial Report, 2016

WHEN DARREN’S LIFE was irrevocably changed

through a nasty collision with a moose, or

when Jeremiah’s family changed course to

meet an unexpected diagnosis of autism, they relied upon

expertise provided by Crotched Mountain to successfully

navigate new pathways of living. And while you may have

met Darren and Jeremiah for the first time while reading

this report, you have been a part of their lives for much

longer. As a benefactor, you’re an equal partner in the

delivery of every service we provide.

And that’s what philanthropy is all about: playing an

active role in the wellbeing of neighbors and friends and

people you may never meet. Philanthropy is the act of

manifesting your caring and concern for others in tangible

and meaningful ways—acts that enrich both benefactor

and beneficiary.

Even though caring and compassion are free, the

services to support the people we serve are not. Your invest-

ment enables us to continue to improve our methods of

teaching, provide cutting edge communication technology,

invest in breakthrough therapeutic models, and so much

more. And it all culminates in meeting the real life needs

of Darren, who now lives independently in his home com-

munity, and Jeremiah, who learns key skills to help him

succeed at school and with his peers.

It is on their behalf, and the thousands more we serve

each year, that we thank you for believing and investing in

the work we do each day. Ours is a partnership that we do

not take for granted, one worth our deepest thanks.


























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WE ARE deeply grateful to allthose who choose

to be a part of our commitmentto children and adults withdisabilities through their contributions to CrotchedMountain.



FOUNDER’S CIRCLE40+ YEARSElizabeth and David* DickeyLinda M. GrucelJames VarrillDorothy and Richard VerneyBarbara and Peter Wells

CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE30+ YEARSAnonymous (6)Gloria and Joseph AllisCaptain F. K. Bajowski, Jr.Robert H. BaldiCharles H. BaldwinSuellen and Richard BeemanMary and Ralph BennettCynthia and Alfred BentonElinor BettencourtJacqueline and John BlandLinda and Carl BlickerJanet BollandRosemarie and Donald BoudrotEdith BowenRichard W. BridgeoHelen and Richard BrockelmanMary and Kenneth BrownMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. BuckleyHope W. BurnettJudith and Peter CaliriRita M. CalkinsHenry R. CaronMarguerite and Robert CaronJosephine and Frank CarraraArthur A. Carter, Jr.Nancy and Richard CarvillMr. Arnold R. CernotaG. Steve Chirigotis, Col. USAF (Ret.)Sharon L. ColbrothRon and Sharon ColeRobert E. CollinsAnn and Richard CondonAnn Marie and Thomas Connors

Martha and William CooperMartha CorsonGeoffrey CroftsChristo DadasisEugene M. Darling, Jr.Ralph A. D'EliaVirginia and George DeludeRev. Robert J. DensmoreMarilyn and Robert DerricksonRobert J. Devaney, Jr.Richard and Jean DeVincentisLorraine DionMary Louise DonovanIrene C. DuboisJoel L. EkstromBernadette EvansMary and Dr. Elwin FalkenhamDr. Charles S. Faulkner, IILorraine and Donald FlandersAnn and Stephen FosterPhilip F. FrazierFaye E. GardnerAurelia and Italo GavazziCaroline and Robert GayCarol and Benjamin GaymanElizabeth and Mark GelarderesThelma and Kenneth GibbsPriscilla and Richard GoffEthlyne GolubMaryann and George Hall, Jr.James HallerGail and Joseph Harrington, Jr.Leona HerbertPhilip B. HerrEleanor HillPeter G. HindleLouise M. HoudeCarol and John HubbardMarilyn B. and John H. HutchinsonDiane and William JaquithMarilyn P. JewettCarolyn and John JulianDonald B. KeefeDiana C. KelleyM. Kathleen and Edward KingsburyDorothy and Walter Kirsch

Marguerite and Kenneth KnightJean and Vernon KnowltonJudi KoladaGerard A. LachanceJacquiline and Albert LangDr. Robert LiscioMary A. MaccaroneLura and William MachellMaryann and Peter MagounJanet R. MallardSusan and Nicholas MandravelisMary Ann and Frank MastroNancy and Roger MathesRosemary and John MazzoneMr. William E. McCabeIrene and Thomas McManusKathleen and James MelitusMartha and Andrew MichaudRichard J. MitropoulosRichard K. MurphyDavid D. NortonGeraldine and Thomas O'BrienJulia and Arthur Olson, Jr.Dr. Charles O'NeilAnne and Thomas O'ReillyBarbara and Ernest PantosMarie A. PaquetteRachel and Gerard PaquetteRose and William PerryLouis F. PetroniKaren PickMr. and Mrs. Donald F. PortMaureen PorterRev. John PostMr. and Mrs. Bernard PrindivillePeter R. RaymondPeggy RepassSylvia and H. James RomeAlan L. RosenmanSue RoundyEleanor C. RussellRondi and Tony SaporettiLois and Lawrence ScammonNorma and Joseph SchultsNancy B. ShapiroFrancesca and Clinton SpringerMarjorie and Philip StruhsackerAndrew R. SuppleeJean and David SweeneyNancy and Fred ThurlowMary TorrisiClementina TriglioneMartin VasmanisMarguerite and Earle WalkerAlice D. WelcherLinda and John WesleyHannah Lacy WestSandra and Howard WestonMrs. Ruth B. WhippleFrederick E. WhitcherEleanor and Allen Winecour

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE20+ YEARSAnonymous (3)Nancy T. AugustTom BadgleyBonnie B. BennettMary Ellin CameronAudrey CarvalhoCotton M. ClevelandMerrill C. CraginArthur DyerShirley and William FranchiCheryl and Stanley FryAnne and Ed GarfinkleGeoffrey GarfinkleJoyce and Cyrus GreggJane and Edward HagerKevin A. HarteSusan and Jerry HunterHelen C. KingsleyMary Frances and Don LawlerDede and Charlie MacVeagh, Jr.Louise and W. David Malcolm, Jr.Hwasoon and Michael MullaneyCynthia NielsenBarbara and Allan PeskinDorothy D. PetersonYvette and Stan PlodzikMargaret and Francesco SiegaCatherine and John SommersDr. Janis H. StoklosaElizabeth B. SullivanMaria and Dr. Kimball TempleTheresa and Michael TerrianBeverly and Thomas WestheimerMajor W. WheelockCynthia and Bill Yuknewicz

MEMBER’S CIRCLE10+ YEARSAnonymous (19)John H. AdamsBetty and Gary Adams

Crotched Mountain Honor RollContributors, July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016

The photos you see onthese pages were takenby students who partici-pated in New Views Fromthe Mountain, a specialopportunity with artist-in-residence and award-winning photographerCourtney Bent. Weinvite you to join in celebration of their artistic expressions.

Photo by True

*Deceased 2015-2016

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Dorothy M. AdamsSherry and David AhearnMary W. AllenPeg Alzmann and Paul KoningElizabeth and Brewster Ames, Jr.Helen and Gerald AntippasLouise and Jacques AquillonMarion ArkellMary and Mark ArmstrongJohn AslinErnestina and James AubryRobert E. BagshawDavid H. BarnesDoris M. BaronLillian and J. Leo BarrySharon and Robert Batchelder, Sr.Sharon and Martin BeaverPatricia and David Beffa-NegriniAmedine and Igor* BellaPaul R. BelyeaJonna and Lorenzo Benet, Jr.Marilyn and Robert BergevinRobert R. BezubkaMadeline BlidbergDoris BodetteFlorence and Wallace BordeauAmelia Borman and John SmitkaHenry M. BouletteSandra and Francis BourqueJoe Boutin, Jr.Robert BoydRobin E. Boyd and Tim MaguireElizabeth BrauerMimi D. BravarChristine and Robert BrewsterDavid G. BrillRita E.W. BrittonCarol and Ronald BrodeurLorraine M. BrooksRobert A. BrownThomas A. Bulcroft, Jr.Edward D. BureauCatherine and Donald BurgesonKevin J. BurkeRich BurnsChristopher ByrnesPatricia and Robert CabralDavid J. CadoretteEsther and Phillip CainRoger CampbellMarilyn K. CampbellMary E. CampopianoPam and Brian CantyClifford D. CaseleyJames CatudalElizabeth Gillan Caulo and

Peter CauloThe Caveney FamilyEva M. CharlesJanine and Henry ChiampaJoyce Khederian Chiulli and

David Chiulli Susan CholletRuth W. CilleyDeirdre and Grenville Clark, IIILauraette H. ClarkThomas F. ClearyBarbara CliffordRuth and Wesley CobbDr. Arthur CohenTamera Z. Colgate

Martha B. CollinsJulie ColmanWendie and Garnet ColpittsAdrienne and Wayne ColsiaDavid P. ConleyRita and Roger ConstantDanelle and Robert CookJeanette I. CookWilma and Rupert CorriganJoan and Bill CossaboonJoyce CourseyLance E. CramerVelna and David CraneMary and Brian CrathernPatricia and Richard CravediRosalie M. CroteauEsther M. CrowleyNancy CrystalAnn CurtisPatricia A. CuttingPaul L. DadakEdna A. DancyFrank A. DavisNancy and Dr. Henry DawesAlice M. De LuciaJames E. De VitoPaula and Thomas DeAngelisDeborah H. DeCiccoJean G. DemorestJudith DenhamGary R. DennisonCharles E. Des RuisseauxRita DescoteauxNancy A. DesjardinsCynthia and Dennis DesmondJanet and George DeVitoJeanine E. DexterSalvatore Diberardinis, Jr.Lynn and Neal DiniAntonia and John DinkelPhyllis E. DiPrizioRachel DohanianKinni DohertyDiane and John DonovanThomas DormanLorraine and Normand DoucetAlan G. Dow, Jr.Kathleen and Richard DoyleLinda W. DresserJanet P. DriscollJean DrummondSandra and Fred DubeGloria K. DublinPauline A. DubuqueDonna V. Dunlop and Andrew SpahrJoan and William DunnDoris DupuisDr. Sylvio DupuisDorothy and Robert DurfeeLuther P. DurginGail and Rodney DyerPaul R. EastmanJane and Frank EckertLorraine and Richard EdmundsLeo ElinianDonna Elliott and Ronald IndorfSteven J. EmanuelliMichelle and Jon EriquezzoRobert E. EsdonDr. Donald M. EttelsonCaroline and Tom EwingJane Cooper FallEleanor B. Fallon

Foster M. Fargo, Jr.Dr. Edward J. FarmlettBrian FaughnanAnthony G. FavaleSusan M. Fennelly and

Edward TaylorHenry H. Ferrell, IIIGladys E. FerrisLeona S. FickingerCarlene and David FieldHollis E. Field, Jr.Sylvia and George FindellColleen P. FineganPatrick J. FitzgeraldPatricia R. FleurieChristine and Woodbury FoggThe Reverend Leonard R. FoisyDaniel S. FoleyLisa and George FooteBarbara J. ForanHolle and Allen ForbesJane and Allen ForbesDiana and Kenneth ForrenceDiane and Thorstein FossnesJeffrey A. FosterSusan W. FoxRev. Leo L. FrechetteDr. Gilbert FuldGeorge A. Fuller, Jr.John W. FurlongColleen and Norman GagneRosemary GagneBerthe GagnonRuth and Howard GaskillGretchen and Tom GaulThomas W. GeganDeborah and Christian GenthnerAnna and Daniel GiacopelliTerry and Charles GiacopelliMary GilbertLinda C. GillRobert R. GiordanoLinda and Zaven GiragosianAmy and Andrew GloverCynthia J. GloverDarrell C. GobelEleanor and Walter GoddardNorma M. GodinCarl L. GoldknopfWalter H. GoodnowWillard W. GoodwinShirley and Wayne GouldG. June C. GoulsonBeth and Kenneth Graf

Jane and David GrahamHelen and Clarence GrantPatricia and David GreggRoger GregoireClara M. GregoryLeopold J. GrenonMargaret A. GroetzMargaret H. GrossFran Habib and Steven PetlockShirley S. HaddockAnn and William HallahanBeverly and Myron HalpinClaire L. HamelJacqueline P. HamiltonNancy and Robert HammondJean HammondsElfriede G. HanleyLisa and Jeffrey HargreavesCaroline Rose HarlowJoanne L. HarpelKristin D. HarrisThe Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Donald P. HartDoug and Judy HatfieldMichael HaveyHarry B. HaymesAlma A. HealeyJeanne E. HeathMarilynne and Dr. David HedstromMelanie M. HeinisMuriel and Edmund HenaultKathleen M. HennessyMax HermannRobert A. HerronTed Heslam, Jr.Lucy Hodder, Esq. and

Dr. Robert D. ThomsonF. and G. HoggKatharyn HokSusan N. HollisCaroline and G. Clay HollisterElinor and Thomas HookerRonald D. HorneMr. and Mrs. Stephen F. HortonElsie J. HowardNancy and Ray HowellPam and Dean HoytRussell O. HughesIrina and Stanley HultinLouise W. HuntoonRay P. HutchinsonRichard IsaksonTibor IvanyiAnn and Carl JacobsNancye J. JenkinsMarilyn Priscilla JohnsonJoanna E. JonesKaren JonesLois and William JonesNatalie O. JonesCharles F. Kane, M.D.Ruth and Dr. Lawrence KanePamela and H. James KazeniacPaul W. KearneyHoward and Janet KeeganCarol and Ronald KeenholdMarcia and Rick KellerFredrick KennettLeslie and Dr. Robin KenneyElizabeth A. KerwinMartha and William KiatosJohn KiernanMary and Dr. William Kiernan


Photo by Jaclyn

*Deceased 2015-2016

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Elizabeth and Dennis KilduffPatritia K. KileyLawrence P. KimballMary and Bruce P. KingJames H. KirschJane and David KittredgeJacqueline B. KloseSandra KnappSusan R. and Mark T. KnightsDavid G. KraftKristina and Dr. Gregory KriebelBetty A. La GrassaKaren and Dany LacroixCarol LaflammeJeanne and Ovide LaMontagneKatherine and Robert LaMontagneHannah P. LandsmanGail LandyMark V. LaPorteLiz LaRose and Mike DionneNathalie J. LatulippeGerd LaudienAnita and Michael LawlerErna and Kent LawrenceJoanne M. LazinskyMary Leadbeater and Michael StrackDavid T. LeeJames R. LeightonBarbara and Robert LemayJean and Richard LeopoldCaroline and George LewisCristina and David LewisJane LiamosMrs. T.C. LockhartJeanne A. LombardiLinda and Anthony LoProtoKris and Harold D. Losey, Jr.Anneleen J. LoughlinFrances M. LovejoyShirley and Warren LundinMarion and Alan MalkasianKatherine and Richard MandevilleDonna L. MangoldDonald A. MarbleJosephine A. MarinoConstance MarrionLorraine T. MartinPatricia A. MartinMr. and Mrs. Joseph MassaJoan MathurinRoger J. MatthewsMr. and Mrs. David MattoonJudith A. MaulePhilip B. MaysAngie and Spyros MazarakisDr. Maureen E. McCanty and

Dr. Dennis J. CardEugene A. McCarthyCharles N. McCormack and

Alice RennieBill G. McCrillisFrank McDougallJeanne and Peter McGillenJames G. McGuire, M.D.Paul McGuirkMary and John McMahonPatricia D. McMahonJohn F. MelitaNancy and Eugene MellishMichael MeninnoEllen and Charles MercerJohn P. Merrill

Robin and Lucas MerrowElizabeth MiesfeldtEdward P. Milan, Sr.Agnes and Edward MinerMarilyn and Ralph MinichielloJohn and Gail MintkenMarguerite and Donald MoffettCarol and Charles MonacoJosephine A. MonbouquetteJudith E. MoskevichSandra and Richard MoynahanDianne MrakJohn J. MurphySusan and Jeffrey NewcomerJeannette NiederPauline and Stephen NobleRita and Robert NoranderCarol and Dale OberSusan and Thomas O'ConnorLisa O'GradyChristina and P.J. O'RourkePaul OuelletBernard L. OuelletteSusan OxmanWilliam J. PananosJohn P. PaquetteNoelle D. Collins ParadisBarbara PardusBarbara and Dr. Barrie PasterCarolyn and Rodney PatenaudeUte M. PeasleeJanet I. PendleburyIvan M. PerronNancy Jo and William PerryWalter PerryAnne D. PetersonDaniel PetriniAugusta and Joseph* PetroneGeorge Phelps

Anita B. PhillipsJane A. PinneyLynette and James PlumbJean and Raynold PoolSally G. PoreNancy and R. Duke PowellDr. Norma PowellMary and Gordon PrescottHeidi and John ProvencalThe Ken and Rona Purdy

Family FundJoyce PyneGloria and Donald QuigleyJulianne and Richard RainBob, Cindy, Joe, and Katie Ramsay

Jacqueline J. RaySuzanne and Peter ReadLaura and Michael RedmondRose M. ReedVienna and Edwin ReiniVirginia and Joseph ReisertMary J. RibeiroCol. Anne Richards, Ret.Karolyn and Bruce RickerCarol and Vincent RielElaine and Donald RobarPeter RobartThe Rev. Alice RobertsKaren E. RobertsLinda and Terry RobinsonMarsha E. RobinsonBeth and Dr. Carey RoddRebecca and William RolkePatricia C. RoodyBarbara A. RoseMarc RosenbaumMarilyn and Edwards RossBeatrice RossiBertha and Edmond RousseauGeorge Rowe, Jr.Ms. Vangie H. RuskowskiJacqueline and Thomas RzasaPaul R. SahlerMuriel and William SakellsonMary A. SalterSusan and Michael SassanoDr. Seddon Savage and

Dr. Carl CooleyMrs. Elizabeth J. ScarchilliJanet U. SchaeferRuth and John SchmidLouise T. SchmidtSally and Brian SchofieldAnn Schwartzwalder and

Jody BlouchDiane and Mark ScottErnestine and Karl ScottElizabeth M. SealesRachel SeamansRaymond F. SeboldKathleen and Donald SeveranceCaroline A. SevierLois and Leslie ShawWilliam M. ShawJohn F. ShepardBetty and Alfred ShipleyHerbert M. ShumwayMiriam and Donald ShumwayJudith A. ShuterGeorge F. SichelstielRoberta R. SilberbergCarroll B. SimpsonMichael H. SisitskyShirley R. SmallAlfreda A. SmithGeorge Christopher SmithDonna and Jeffrey SmithRoberta C. SmithSharon L. SmithShawn M. SmithMary Jane and Robert SolomonHarold W. SolomonMarilyn and Bruce SoperRita and R. David SpringsDr. James W. Squires Janet and Robert St. JeanCecilia Stanin

Linda and William StaraceMary and James StarkePauline and Gus StathisMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. StepenuckBrad StevensJane StieglitzStanley StoneJohn StromLaura R. StudenJeannette SturrockJeanne M. SullivanBeverly W. SutherlandJulia A. SweeneyLourdes and Bruce TangaroneDixie and Cameron TeasePeter D. Ten BroeckSharon and Les ThagardSylvia L. Thayer and Philip ZaederLianne and Robert TherrienLynn T. ThibodeauPatricia A. ThomasAnnmarie and Thomas TierneySara R. TimmonsMarietta and Theodore TocciAudrey S. TorreyHelene and Joseph TraceyConstance C. TremblayPaul E. TroxellJeanne and Philip TulleyMarylee and E. Philip TurcotteHelen and Stephen UlicnyDorothy and Bruce UllrichDoris and Jerome UnderwoodErnest R. UnderwoodLinda and Frank UnderwoodEileen and Edward ValliereJames C. Van DongenJanet and George D. Van DykeKathleen and Bruce VarneyLucinda and James VarnumVirginia S. VidaverRoland P. VigneaultRuth I. ViolaNancy and Irwin WakcherSheila and Raymond WalkerGeorge E. WallElla May WeaverKaren Weinberg-KaninMaita A. WhippleMarilyn WhiteJames W. WhitneyPatricia C. WhitneySandra and Kevin WhitneyPamela A. Wiggin and

Carol A. BarkerBarbara and Gerald WilkinsSMSGT Ryan Willey and FamilyThomas E. WilliamsWilliam F. Wilmoth, Jr.Ruth B. WilsonSharon and Richard WilsonFrieda WinterLinda and Peter WirthMarie WithamThomas F. WolfKay M. WoodsPatricia WoolsonSusan U. WrightJohn YoungJoyce and Gary Young

Photo by Brendan

*Deceased 2015-2016

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SUPPORTER’S CIRCLE5+ YEARSAnonymous (6)Michael AndersonDeborah and Thomas AtkinsonHilde BaertLorriane and Richard BaldassariPaul F. BastardiDiane and Michel BatiSusan J. Beeman-Hollins and

Robert J. HollinsBeverly L. BenoitRaymond BenoitSiang Beswick and Paul BeswickDale F. BloemenJames F. BoguePeter BowmanCarl P. BrigadaJudy and Fred BriggsLawrence A. BrownConstance M. BureauDavid BurgessRichard A. CanslerSanford K. CarlisleMarcia and Scott CaswellJeff CharronPatricia Clancey and

Richard IannaconeJeanne and Eric ClapperWilliam E. Cohane, Jr.Ann and Christopher ConwayElizabeth Coolidge and Jeffrey StolzPatricia Ann CoolidgeMr. and Mrs. Mark Correa

and FamilyCarol and Bradford CoxHolly and John CratsleyKim and Chris CurranBrianne and Billy DacierJames DalyClara A. DanisNancy and Roy DavisPhilip DeCarolisJeannine and Roger DenoncourtNanette and Brian DonovanPhyllis and Frank DonovanJeannette and Norbert DumontDorothy and Donald DunbarDavid EffronCarol and William EvaChristine and Neil FalconeChristine and Eric FalkenhamJean and Carmelo P. FallaceJohn T. FallaceIrene and John FanarasDuncan C. FarmerJanet C. FioriBertha and Dennis FowlerKate and Anthony GamboliLouise T. Gath and Jayne L. BeckerKathleen H. GiacoponelloPamela and L. Taylor GoodeWendy and Mitch HankinEdith and David HarrisSusan and Daniel HeinSandra HendersonSandra M. HeringLuz M. HernandezJoseph W. HoganSusan A. HoodPatricia and Theodore HopkinsDeanna S. Howard

Debra and David HuffmanJeanne JaskolkaDouglas M. JenkinsJeanne I. KaczynskiMary KarlinNancy J. KatinThomas J. KeaveneyCheryl A. KeeganKate and Steven KellyLouise E. KenneyKarin and Kenneth KeyserHelen E. KoehlerNorm Lafond, Sr.Jennifer and Kyle LamerandEdouard W. LeClercBette and Jack LessardPaul G. LessardBarbara and Peter LetvinchukHon. Stephen LimonAnn and Peter LindsayEileen and Ralph LombardiTimothy J. LordBarbara MackieJanet and Howard MaletonCarole MapesPatricia and Gary MarcusTimothy C. MayJennifer McIntoshMary Pat and John McMahonPat and David McMahonBruce MillerJohn MokasDarla and Merric MonbouquetteDavi Lyn Morse and Gregory BubnashKathleen and John MoyerElizabeth R. MoynihanHarold F. MurphyWilliam N. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Carl and Valerie

NarsasianDiane and Andrew NewtonJohn D. O'ConnellDenise M. OliverJoan Jakubiak PattersonBrian B. PiercePatricia and James PietFrederick L. PrattElaine and Daniel PriestleyRalph K. PutnamGordon E. ReedSusan Reeves, Ed.D., R.N.Kathryn RenziRene P. RichardJames W. Rowse, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael RudisJohn B. SchultePeter ScomisElaine and Vincent SheaFrederick Smith, Jr.John J. Spanks, Jr.Elizabeth and Werner SplettstoesserDaniel H. StearnsElizabeth SteeleMs. Randi SteinElise and David SumnerRuth SwainClaire TrudelMichelle Vander Heyden and

Gunnar BlixNancy J. VanVranken, M.D.Susie and Alexander VogelMary B. Waldo

Lisa and Alexander J. Walker, Jr.Raymond Patrick WestK. and R. WheelerGretchen A. WoloszMary and Richard WoodThomas Zubricki

NEW FRIEND’S CIRCLE1-5 YEARSAnonymous (7)Colleen AbarDonald AbarJim AbarPenny and Richard AbarThomas AbarAmy and Timothy AbramsCourtney AhearnKrystle AikensDave AndersonMarie AndersonMarie and Jose AquijeMichael and Candid Arcidy

Family FundMaureen and Daniel BachMichael BaileyCathyrn and Paul Baird

Robert BaldwinAndrew BariloneRebecca R. BarrettNicole BarrettSusan BarrowChristine and Peter BartlettChester BatchelderMary C. BeaucheminCarolyn and Walter Beaulieu of

Hampton, NHNancy and Denny BeckleyJan BevacquaKenneth P. BinderAmy BinetteBrian BishoffDavid BixlerSandra and James BlanchetteJodi D. BonewaldDeborah BowdenEllen BowenJane BoydJoanne and Daniel BrewerKathleen Cragin Brittan and

David BrittanBobbi Lynn Broe

Benjamin BrownTimothy BrownJacqueline BrownellLea and Dr. Frederick Bruch, Jr.Jennie BuckleyLinda and Arnold BurdickCraig BurgonBonnie Lou BurnettCandace Hope BurnettNicole and Jeffrey BurnettLynn and David ButlerEllen and Robert CagninaJessica CameronKaren CantilloAndrew T. Card, Jr.Anne CargileElizabeth and George CaronJulie and Peter CarpenterRosemary and Paul CarpenterSusan K. CarpenterJulie and Steve CarterJohn CaryOlivia CasaMary K. CaseyJefferson S. CaverlyTori ChamberlainElizabeth ChapmanRonald CharretteLibby and David ChavezChristina CheneyMarie CheneyRichard A. ChevrefilsHenry J. Ciborowski*Laura ClarkRichard G. Clark Jr.Tina and Robert ClarkDonna CloudJanice B. CoatesJeffrey CobbAlison and Richard CohenDeb ColantonRaquel ColbyDeborah ColeMr. and Mrs. Forrest F. CollierMelissa CollinsAnne ComerDiana C. ConineTheresa and Mark CorlissBarbara M. CostaAngela CostelloMichael Coughlin and Zuzka SladekBarbara J. Craig-SchnieppLisa A. CrambBarbara and Richard CrockerEdmund F. Cyr, Jr.Julie and Mark CyrLoretta and Duane DahlmanMelody and Richard DaiglePatricia and Sen. Louis D’AllesandroSheryl A. DamonRoxanne and Timoteo Dar JuanMelissa DarkSandra and Richard DarlingArmando DecarolisDavid DeCarolisSandra Dee and John LeahyPatricia Delaney and Irwin BlauMiriam and Francisco DeLeonCarol DeLeonAmy DohenyLucy M. Dominguez

Photo by Zack

*Deceased 2015-2016

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Cathy DonnellDiep and Gregory DonovanJack DonovanRobert E. DrakeRosa DraperKathryn DriscollStephen DriscollDiana DuffyJoanne and Paul DuffyThe Dumas FamilyJosee Dupont and Patrick TerryStephen M. DupreyAllison and Marvin EdwardsLouise C. EllisEliza and Jason FactorJames “Papa” FarnsworthJoyce C. FearnsideJoan Kenney Fitzgerald and

Daniel FitzgeraldPhoebe and Peter FlewellingBrian FontaineSusan M. FooteJanice ForestMiles FormaDanny FotterJane and David FrancisJames FransenKerry and Jeremy FreitasStephanie FultonMargaret GalvezFelix Tapawan GarciaGerald A. GarrityChristopher GassettRay GiardRobert GibbsBarbara and Richard GilmanYvonne P. Goldsberry, Ph.D.Cindy and Philip GoldsteinMs. Sam GoodallBarbara and John GorhamCarol GouldJeffrey GrahamKim and Jim GrahamSarah GrahamToby GreimAmparo GuerreroAbigail GundersonEdyta HaggardSusan HaightAndra HallDavid D. HallMark HallShari and Paul HandNicholas HandyAnnie and Hogie HansenSherri HardJean HardingTom HaydockDaniel HeaneyAllisen and Jeffrey HeathElizabeth C. HendersonKathleen M. HendersonWakenda and Clayton HenkeMarilyn and Michael HickeyElizabeth K. HigginsCristine HillRita T. HolbyKate and Sean HoodTamara HuntIngrid and Richard Jacobs

Eva JakubekHarold JanewayPeter JensenKathleen JohnsonGeoffrey JonesPete KaczynskiNancy KaneJune KaplanRobert M. KaplanLori Keehl-MarkowitzEdmond KellyJennifer KellyLinda C. KenersonMarlin KeshishianSharon and Kevin KilduffBeth KileyRobert H. KimballNicole KofidisStacey KolkElaine R. KrolDavid KrumenackerRichard KulchJohn KuneliusWilliam R. KuneliusLisa Z. KustasDiane LafoeJennifer L. LailFlore A. LambertDiana LaMontagneMelissa L. LamoureauxMary C. LamsteinDan LandersElaine and Lyn LandryJoshua LathamDonald LauerNancy LavoieChristine A. LeBrunBarry LeClairCindy and George LeducEthel M. LegaultTodd LeoMartha Tulley Leone and

Peter LeoneElizabeth LichtMichelle LincolnCarol and George LittleKevin LonerganSteven P. LosKampThomas LyonsJudy MacDonaldJohn D. MacIntosh, P.C.Cynthia and John MaddenSusan MalatestaLisa and Richard MannRobert L. MarescaDavid MarshPeter MarshallDr. J. Christopher McCartieMaureen McDonaldJodi McDonoughDeirdre and John McElhattonAllen McKayAshley MckayKathy and Ron McKaySusan McMenemyBonnie and Doug McNuttPatricia and Anthony MetroTerry and Wayne MillsLisa MinerJames R. MitchellBrandon Mitton

Margaret A. MonbouquetteJose T. Montero and Jessica SternElizabeth MooreMary and Russell MooreBrett MorinElizabeth and Andrew MorisonGloria and Mike MorisonNancy MorrisWilliam S. MosakowskiTeresa MulletStephen MurphyJohn A. MyersJoanne NaughtonKevin NemsickLisa and Jeff NevilleDina NicholsJan A. Nisbet and John MoeschlerTorrie NoharaDeborah Nurse and Leonardo TopaRon O'ClairSusan O'KeefeCarol O'LearyNancy and Ronald OlsonKatie E. OrazioKathleen and The Reverend

Daniel F. OsgoodNicholas PaquettePaul A. PaquetteBob ParenteJames A. ParisonKarin and Dan ParkerDeborah and Robert PaskiewiczBrent PattersonJulie and Bradley PearceLois and Dr. Robert A. PerainoJody and David PerejdaCarlyn H. PerrigoJason PerryCeleste PetersonLaura and Michael PierceTeresa PineJohn PintoMarco PiscinaDawn and Michael PoitrasMeg and Roger PoorRenee and Mark PortuBarbara PostAllura PoulinMarjery and Greg PrazarMargaret M. PritchardRichard ProulxThomas Quarles, Jr.Helen and Richard Quinlan

Ellen QuinnKate RafalskiEric RaicheJoan and Rick RaicheJenna RavanisSamantha ReadsmithMichael ReaganLori and William RealMr. Barry D. Reed and

Mrs. Jane M. Baldwin-ReedGary and Louise RemillardNorma and Walter RichardsonTyler RichardsonJoy RiddellBill RiderClaire and Norman RobergeSandra RodgersElaine and Douglas RogersScott RogersNancy RollinsKim RooneyBarbara RossMoana RowlandJohn SabolevskiDarlene SampaioMaryanne and John SarroMary SawichDonna SawyerDolores ScadovaCarol SchapiraDeborah and Michael ScheetzMelody and Paul ScheuringMelinda SchwabAlla and Leo SedovDennis SergioSen. Kathleen SgambatiAshley SheehanPatricia C. ShermanPatricia and Keith ShuteCalvin SiaLaura and Judson SiebertMary and Richard SiebertBethany SilverChristiane and Dan SimoneauLorene and Don SimoneauSherry and Leon SimoneauJosh SmithDr. Theresa C. Smith and

Dr. Bruce Auerbach Carol SobelsonGary SobelsonRobert SomogyiLouise E. St. AmourLaura Standish

Photo by Joseph

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Deb and Ken StanleyRodney StedmanJames and Nita StewartMaria and Bruce StormBarbara J. StowePatricia SturtevantRobert C. Sturtevant, Jr.Melanie and John SullivanTina and SullivanJudy SurdamMartha and Stephen SweeneyMatthew SweeneyKim and Jack TannerDixie TeaseLandon ThorneJesseca and Dr. Robert TimmonsV.M. TimmonsCynthia TravinoStephanie TurekDebra A. TurgeonLaura and Jason UrbanMary Vallier-KaplanSusie and Alex VogelEugenia A. WalkerJohn D. WallaceMichael J. WallsEthel and Anthony WatermanGeary WatkinsLeon WatkinsPeter J. WeberKristin J. WegeRose WeidlichAllston E. WellerRandy WheelerYolanda and David WheelerDana White and Jon DashLynn and Josh WhitneyFrancis WhitneyDebra WilcoxJennifer M. WilcoxDiane and Gene WilmotRichard WinantChristine YoungMartha and John YoungPamela and Oglesby YoungSherilyn YoungValerie YoungJanet A. ZellerKrystal ZweighaftSusan Zweighaft and Richard Reed



CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE30+ YEARSBelletetes, Inc.Bethesda Lodge #30 I.O.O.F.Franklin-Worcester Pomona Grange #4Halestown Grange #287Jolly Roger Village Assoc.Kearsarge Lodge #23 I.O.O.F.Knights of Columbus Council #6902Laconia Emblem Club #80Lebanon Emblem Club #358The MacMillin Co., Inc.

Monroe United Methodist WomenNashua Emblem Club #170Rocky’s RangersSanel Auto PartsStory Land

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE20+ YEARSAnthem Blue Cross Blue ShieldBaldwin and ClarkeF.H. Hamblet, Inc.The Melanson Company, Inc.Monadnock Community HospitalMonadnock Paper Mills, Inc.Savings Bank of Walpole

MEMBER’S CIRCLE10+ YEARSAlexander, Aronson & Finning CPAsAmerican Legion Aux. Post #23AMVETS Post No. 147Antrim Lumber Co., Inc.F.K. Bassett & Sons Plumbing &

Heating, LLCJoe Boutin, Jr. & Son LoggingCatholic Medical CenterCommunity House Calls, Inc.Crotched Mountain Ski & RideDartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterDevine MillimetDole & Bailey, Inc.Frontier Capital Management

Company, LLCHillsboro FordIncome Research & ManagementLiberty MutualMetzger/McGuireThe Mountain Corp.NEPC, LLCNew Hampshire Association of

Fire ChiefsNew Hampshire Hospital Assoc.

and AffiliatesNortheast Delta DentalPearl Restaurant and Oyster BarPublic Consulting GroupSeabrook Fireman’s Assoc., Inc.Sullivan Lodge #12 I.O.O.F.Sun Life FinancialTodd Land Use Consultants, LLCUnderwood Engineers, Inc.USI New EnglandGary Varnese Building, Inc.Vanderbilt UniversityWestfield Capital Management

SUPPORTER’S CIRCLE5+ YEARSAll Metals Industries, Inc.Bank of New HampshireBattaglia FoundationsBerry DunnBrady’s American Grill, Inc.C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc.Carbones Window & Awning, LLCGarnet F. Colpitts Plumbing,

Heating & ElectricalCorrections Corporation of AmericaGive with LibertyHolloway Motor Cars of Manchester

IBM Employee Services CenterThe Frank Massin Agency, Inc.Mosse & Mosse Associates, Inc.Neponset Valley Royal Arch ChapterNew England Golf GuidePhiladelphia Insurance CompanyRBC Wealth ManagementResidential CADD Design Services, LLCSK Management, Inc.Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc.TD BankUnited Methodist Women

NEW FRIEND’S CIRCLE1-5 YEARSAIM Mutual Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Financial Services, Inc.Antioch University New EnglandBalanced Healthcare ReceivablesBantam GrillBond Auto PartsG.W. Brooks & Sons, Inc.Catch Neighborhood HousingCGI Employee Benefits GroupCMC Consulting Boston, IncCommunity CrossroadsCommunity PartnersCommunity Support Network, Inc.Concord HospitalConcord Music SchoolCraft Financial SolutionsRobert J. Devereaux Corp.The Dupont GroupEvergreens for AutismEvolution Chiropractic, LLCFenton Family DealershipsFord of LondonderryGateways Community ServicesGEB, Inc.Granite State Independent LivingGreen Home SolutionsGreen Mountain Furniture, Inc.Law Offices of David M. GroffD.H. Hardwick & Sons. Inc.Hoertdoerfer Dentistry, PLLCI.O.O.F. Chocorua Lodge #51Independent Services Network, Inc.The Insurance Source, Inc.Peter S. Jensen & Associates, LLCKeane & Beane, P.C.Kelley Bros.Lakes Region Community ServicesLeon’s Auto Center and

J&L Auto BodyMarsh & McLennan AgencyMassMutual Financial GroupB.K. Miller Company, Inc.Montagne CommunicationsNAMI New HampshireNative Construction, LLCNew Boston PizzaNew Hampshire Assoc. of Special

Education Administors, Inc.New Hampshire Healthy FamiliesNorth Pack Electrical Services, LLCOlea SalonThe Arthur W. Perdue Foundation, Inc.Patsy’s Inc.Phil’s Tree ServicePine State Elevator CompanyPSNH Women’s Committee

Quilted FinishesRiverbend Community Mental

HealthRTM Communications, Inc.Sanel Auto PartsSt. James Thrift ShopTexas RoadhouseUNH Institute on DisabilityVFW Auxiliary Post #799Dr. Robert Wyman, OptometryWell Sense Health PlanWerner Mazda


FOUNDER’S CIRCLE40+ YEARSThe Bean Family Foundation

CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE30+ YEARSThe Paul and Edith Babson FoundationNew Hampshire Charitable FoundationRowland Foundation

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE20+ YEARSJames and Christine Chandler

FoundationAlbert E. and Clara F. Chorley FundAnn DeNicola TrustThe Blanche Hyslop Fund at The

Boston Foundation

MEMBER’S CIRCLE10+ YEARSJohn A. and Carol A. Hubbard

Charitable FoundationNH State Council on the ArtsRoger R. and Theresa S. Thompson

Endowment Fund

SUPPORTER’S CIRCLE5+ YEARSBoston Bruins FoundationEndowment for HealthJames F. Kelly and Fernande Kelly

Charitable TrustPool Family FundTD Charitable Foundation

NEW FRIEND’S CIRCLE1-5 YEARSRhoda Shaw Clark and

Ellen Fabian-Barry FundCollier Family Fund of the

Community FoundationMichael and Annie Falk FoundationMary and Charles Howe Family Fund

of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

Leola Stacy Hubbard FundParker Nelson FoundationConstance O. Putnam Foundation



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Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.BAE Systems Employee Community

Fund, Inc.Bristol-Myers Squibb FoundationGE FoundationGive with LibertyJohnson & Johnson Family of

CompaniesLMEPAC Charity Match ProgramThe Main Street America GroupMarsh & McLennan Companies

Matching Gift ProgramMicrosoft CorporationRaytheon CompanySun Life Financial


Jon AdairKathleen AlgerBrent AlveyAmigos Mexican CantinaErnest AmyotElizabeth and Stephen AndersonRobert AndersonAngus Lea Golf CourseAva Marie Handmade ChocolatesPaula BaileyBantam GrillValerie BarnesBartis Law Offices, P.L.L.C.Christine and Peter BartlettJudy BartonDenise BeanRosanne BeaurivageLai Ming BenoitKaren BensleyBetty’s DreamSusan BirdAndre and Celia BlackmanJames BlombachBluegreen CorporationBob’s Discount Furniture Charitable

Foundation, Inc.Suzanne BoisclairDonna and Roger BonnierSteve BorrusoBoston Bruins Alumni Assoc., Inc.Boston Red SoxStephanie BradleyBrady’s American Grill, Inc.Kathleen Cragin Brittan and

David BrittanBromley Vermont’s Summer

Adventure ParkLea and Dr. Frederick Bruch, Jr.John BunzalikThomas M. BurkeMarie BurnsBurton SnowboardsCastle in the CloudsCelebrities for Charity Foundation,

Inc.CGI Employee BenefitsDan ChabotThe Cheesecake FactoryJane Cheeseman

The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire

Chuckster’sClark’s Trading PostBetty CloutierLorrie CohenDeborah ColeThe Common ManCommunity BridgesConcord Regional VNAConway Scenic RailroadDebra White CooperMartha CopelandMark CoteCowabunga’sCranmore Mountain ResortCrotched Mountain Ski & RideCurrier Museum of ArtTimothy DaisyRoxanne and Timoteo Dar JuanDatronDavis Farmland & Mega MazeElizabeth DelaneyNancy DemouraPaul DeschenesDevine MillimetDisability Rights Center - NHDisney Worldwide OutreachKate DockhamPatricia DonahueNoreen DriscollBrad DuchaineDunkin’ DonutsEastern Mountain Sports, Inc.Eastman Community Assoc.Ellen EdgerlyMichelle and Jon EriquezzoSusan FassKarin FauconFiesta ShowsTina FletcherDebra and David FosterWilliam D. FrenchEllen FriesFuddrucker’sCharlene FulcherFunspotMelinda GallagherMatt GatzkeBob GaudreauGentlemen’s ChoiceTerry and Charles GiacopelliThelma and John GilbertGiorgio’s RistoranteSusan E. GoldenJoanna GoodeGovernor’s Commission on DisabilityDr. & Mrs. Robert M. GrassiGreat NH Restaurants, Inc.Melisa GylfpheEstate of David HaleJan HalleyWendy and Mitch HankinThe Happy ButchersLinda HardingAmber HargraveJohn HathawayHaywards Trading PostSusan HeppenstallHillsboro House of PizzaHilltop Fun CenterHome Depot

Homemaker Health ServicesHuberts of Peterborough, Inc.Ronald HuotInnovations The Salon and SpaInns at Mills FallsRalph JacksonHazel JohnsonRichard W. JonesRobert M. KaplanKeene Country ClubEllen KennedyLeslie and Dr. Robin KenneyKimball FarmKimi Nichols CenterDouglas A. KingThe Knitting Connection, Inc.Colleen LalumiereLa Mia CasaDavid LapoliceLaunch Trampoline ParkDon and Mary Frances LawlerKent and Erna LawrenceRaisa Lawrence WestLegends Golf & Family RecreationElizabeth LichtDavid LittleDiane LockwoodAnn LofgrenLoon MountainLost River Gorge and Boulder CavesTimothy G. MackenzieGordon MacMillanManchester MonarchsRobert MaranhasHarold MartinMandy MartinMatt MasonDeirdre and John McElhattonBrenda McKinnonCharles McMahonMary Pat and John McMahonMel’s Funway ParkBob MembrinoSandra MerkwanSally and John MillerGeorge E. MivilleMonadnock Paper Mills, Inc.Monadnock Quilters’ GuildJoanne MorinMount Sunapee ResortMount Washington Railway CompanyThe Mountain Corp.Mountain View Grand Resort and SpaElaine MurphyAlla A. MurrayMichael NeedlemanNew Bedford Whaling MuseumNew England Wood PelletNew Hampshire Fisher CatsNinety Nine RestaurantEno OgoMargaret OlivaMaureen O’ReillyLinda OtteryPats Peak, IncPeterborough Basket CompanyPoint Sebago ResortRobert PeverlyPhenix MutualJohn Pickering, IIIPizza Peddler and Mini Mart, LLC

Carolyn and David PoissonPhillip PorterMelody PrincePromise KeepersSue ProvencalAnne PullenMargaret RebolledoLinda L. RegoDottie RichardsRiverMead Lifecare CommunityRochester Opera HouseKim RooneyJoanne RossLee RubinEstate of Evelyn RubnerJana RuizLuciante and Dominic SalceHelen SanbornSanel Auto PartsSanta’s VillageFloyd SargentVirginia S. SchartnerHeather SchollPaul ScottAlla and Leo SedovSEE Science CenterTommy SellewService Credit Union - KeeneHiedi SevignyVernon E. SeyboldSky Zone Trampoline ParkLinda SmithSteve SoucyRichard SpearSports AuthoritySquam Lake Natural Science CenterSandra SquiresGeorge StewartStoneham TheatreStory LandJacquelyn and Ronald SullivanTanger Outlet CenterTD BankElizabeth ThomasKaren ThorpeTimberlane High SchoolToadstool BookshopNelson TownsendJohn TreatDotty TreisnerJeanne and Philip TulleySusan TurcotteTwinkle Town Miniature GolfGloria UnderhillBob VachonValley Bible ChapelJane VarnumWendy VigueDiane WallWal-Mart Rindge, NHWaukewan Golf ClubWellness Works LLCGregory WengerSteve WhitneyNathan WinslowSarah A. WittJoan WoodWoodmans FloristHeidi YoungKaren YoutMorfia ZahosMary Zweighaft

Page 22: CROTCHED MOUNTAIN · 2017-06-20 · their future and how we can prepare them to transition back to their homes and ... laundry, grocery shopping, food prep and exercising, and whenever



GIFTS OF ESTATE celebratethe legacy of cherishedfriends of Crotched

Mountain while providing forthe future well-being of ourunique programs and services.Gifts are also made by friendsof Crotched Mountain who wishto remember someone special.We are pleased to recognize thefollowing individuals whose liveswe celebrated over the past year.

BEQUESTS & TRUSTSFrank W. Bartlett Trust

Christine L. Beck Trust

Charles A. and Jessie M. Brooks


Frances Clowes Irrevocable Trust

Sarah Cogswell Irrevocable Trust

Estate of Jill Collier

Estate of Marion F. Cullen

Beatrice J. Ellison Trust

Claire M. Gagnon Revocable Trust

Edith Vogl Garrett Trust

Ernest O. Guertin Trust

Estate of David Hale

Alan B. Heald Estate

Fred D. Hemenway Trust

Jameson Rev. Trust Agreement

David W. Kiley, Jr. Revocable Trust

Florence B. Mudgett Trust

Roger Nash II Irrevocable Trust

Harry K. and Frances D. Noyes

Memorial Fund

Mildred W. and Charles P. Page


Georgiana Pearson Revocable Trust

Estate of Elizabeth H. Potter

Estate of Evelyn Rubner

Hilda D. Shea Charitable Remainder


Elizabeth H. Whittemore Charitable



John H. Adams

Arthur Adler

Janet and Dr. Thomas Bolland

Edith Bowen

Lorraine and Alan Cleland

Jill Collier

Stanley D. Coombs

Joey Czernicki

Elizabeth and David Dickey

Priscilla and Richard Goff

Janet Green

Robert W. Hall

Louise W. Huntoon

Susan B. Isbell

Brian Jervis

Marilyn P. Johnson

Mary and William Kiernan

Robert Kingston

Carole and Albert Loening

Josephine Macek*

Paul McGuirk

Mary and John McMahon

David Miller

John Mintken

William C. Monbouquette*

Donald R. Mullen

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Port

Ronald M. Ramsey

Rev. Alice Roberts

Roberta C. Smith

Donna and Jeffrey Smith

Marilyn and Bruce Soper

Pauline M. Stathis

Dr. Carol and Howard Stoner

Ruth B. Whipple

Patricia C. Whitney


Sam Arnold

Carroll B. Simpson

John Bacon

Patricia Ann Coolidge

Jack Barnes

Sandra Henderson

Richard and Suellen Beeman

Susan J. Beeman Hollins and

Robert J. Hollins

Kathleen Brittan

Barbara and Richard Gilman

Bernard Campbell

Rev. Robert J. Densmore

Eric Charron

Jeff Charron

JD Curran

Kim and Chris Curran

Gordon E. Reed

Maria Drescher

Virginia and Joseph Reisert

Arthur H. Dyer

Elaine and Vincent Shea

Harris W. Forbes

Jane and Allen Forbes

Christopher Giacopelli

Anna and Daniel Giacopelli

Margaret Glover

Don and Mary Frances Lawler

Sherri Hard

Patricia A. Thomas

Jeanne I. Kaczynski

Mary C. Beauchemin

Elizabeth Chapman

Flore A. Lambert

Paul A. Paquette

Leah Keller

Rick and Marcia Keller

Joseph Klucinec


Mr. and Mrs. Mark Correa

and Family

Jean and Carmelo P. Fallace

Janet and Howard Maleton

Christopher Limon

Holly and John Cratsley

Barbara Lyons

Diana C. Conine

Ricky M.

Maita A. Whipple

Elliot Mattheson

Green Mountain Furniture, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Horton

Pamela A. Wiggin and

Carol A. Barker

Ryan McDonough

Jeanine E. Dexter

Mary Beth McMahon

Pat and David McMahon

Mary P. McMahon

Joanne L. Harpel

Josephine A. Monbouquette

Darla and Merric Monbouquette

Deborah R. Moreshead

Mary Frances and Don Lawler

Fern Onallis

Harold F. Murphy

James C. Piet

Doris Dupuis

Regina Ritscher

Rick and Marcia Keller

The Sassano Family

Michael and Annie Falk Foundation

Donald L. Shumway

Patricia A. Cutting

Clara A. Danis

Janet and George DeVito

Holle and Allen Forbes

Laura and Judson Siebert

Alfreda A. Smith

Richard Siebert

Susan Malatesta

Laura and Judson Siebert

Mary and Richard Siebert

Joseph Spaulding

Constance Marrion

Crotched Mountain Staff

Elizabeth Coolidge and Jeffrey Stolz

Christina Stathis

Joanne Naughton

Patricia C. Whitney

Allisen and Jeffrey Heath

Workers at Crotched Mountain

Barbara Pardus

Nancy B. Shapiro

A Celebration of Life and Love

*Deceased 2015-2016

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J U L Y 2 0 1 5 - J U N E 2 0 1 6


Ryan Adams

Dorothy M. Adams

Nancy Kosinksi

Kathleen Alger

Laurie Allan


Judith Baril

The Caveney Family

Mary D. Bastardi

Paul F. Bastardi

Igor V. Bella

Amedine Bella

Peter Benn

John Cary

Barbara S. Bernard

Merrill C. Cragin

Ralph F. Bodette

Doris Bodette

Suzanne Bowman

Peter Bowman

Clint Burt

Nancy and Roy Davis

Alan Buxton

Marcia and Scott Caswell

Norman Call

Velna and David Crane

Henry J. Ciborowski

Carolyn and Walter Beaulieu

Amy Binette

Catch Neighborhood Housing

Stephen M. Duprey

Phoebe and Peter Flewelling

Joy Riddell

Patricia C. Sherman

Janet Clark

Martha Corson

Ruth Cohen

Dr. Arthur Cohen

Helen Colbroth

Sharon L. Colbroth

Preston W. Colbroth

Sharon L. Colbroth

Jill Collier

Richard G. Clark, Jr.

Collier Family Fund of the

Community Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest F. Collier

Sheryl A. Damon

Lucy M. Dominguez

Louise C. Ellis

Beverly and Myron Halpin

Annie and Hogie Hansen

Rita T. Holby

Linda C. Kenerson

Deborah and Robert Paskiewicz

Dawn and Michael Poitras

Bethany Silver

Paul Cote

The Caveney Family

Phyllis and Herman T. Cramer

Lance E. Cramer

Helen G. Crathern

Mary and Brian Crathern

Myrna Crewe

Ruth and Wesley Cobb

William G. Dadak


James Daniels

Rosemary Gagne

Rocco DeCarolis

Joanne and Paul Duffy

Brian R. Dickey

Elizabeth Dickey

David V. Dickey

Rebecca R. Barrett

Anne Comer

Barbara J. Craig Schniepp

Loretta and Duane Dahlman

Elizabeth Dickey

Elaine and Lyn Landry

Melody and Paul Scheuring

Arthur Dion

Lorraine Dion

Sissy Dyer

David Burgess

Rosemary M. Farnsworth

James “Papa” Farnsworth

Thomas W. Fitzgerald


Carroll M. Fogg

Bette and Jack Lessard

Shirley E. Fogg

Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury P. Fogg

Bette and Jack Lessard

Karan Follen

Robert H. Baldi

Brenda Jean Fontaine

Brian Fontaine

Nancy Kane

Diane and Gene Wilmot

Chris Fowler

Bertha and Dennis Fowler

Ann Friedel

Dorothy and Donald Dunbar

Michaela Fulcher

Nancy and Ronald Olson

Edith T. Gath

Louise T. Gath and Jayne L. Becker

Thomas Gaudette

Jameson Rev. Trust Agreement

Sharon and Kevin Kilduff

Ron O'Clair

John S. Gikas

John Mokas

Carl and Louise Hansen

Carlyn H. Perrigo

Jean E. Heath

Jeanne E. Heath

Lillian I. Hogan and her husband

Joseph W. Hogan

Endla and William Jackowski

Paul McGuirk

Richard D. Jowders

The Caveney Family

Charlene Kamitian

Diane and Michel Bati

Ruth Kamitian

Diane and Michel Bati

Grace Keshishian

Marlin Keshishian

Evelyn O. Kiernan

John Kiernan

Paul F. Lamontagne

Diana LaMontagne

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Stepenuck

Mary P. Lawrence

Erna and Kent Lawrence

Richard W. Lawrence

Erna and Kent Lawrence

Diane and Andrew Newton

Basil S. Liamos

Jane Liamos

Joseph A. Lombardi

Jeanne A Lombardi

B. E. LosKamp

Susan Haight

Jill Matsumoto

Hon. Stephen Limon

Jeannette E. McCabe

Mr. William E. McCabe

Timothy M. McCarthy

Don and Mary Frances Lawler

Jerry McDonough

Sherry and David Ahearn

Marie Anderson

Sandra and James Blanchette

Ellen and Robert Cagnina

Julie and Peter Carpenter

Rosemary and Paul Carpenter

Susan K. Carpenter

Elizabeth K. Higgins

Kevin Lonergan

Shirley and Warren Lundin

Barbara Ross

Eleanor and James McGuirk

McGuirk Children

Jennifer McIntosh

Pamela and L. Taylor Goode

Patricia A. Martin

Patricia O. Messler

Carol and Dale Ober

Brandon Mills

Ethel M. Legault

Terry and Wayne Mills

Photo by Corey

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Molly Mintken


Christine and Peter Bartlett

Jodi D. Bonewald

Kathleen Cragin Brittan and

David Brittan

Jessica Cameron

Mary Ellin Cameron

Barbara M. Costa

Tom Haydock

Louise E. Kenney

Christine A. LeBrun

Cindy and George Leduc

John and Gail Mintken

Joyce Pyne

Quilted Finishes

Pauline and Gus Stathis

Debra A. Turgeon

Michael J. Walls

Ethel and Anthony Waterman

Yolanda and David Wheeler

Pamela and Oglesby Young

William C. Monbouquette

Josephine A. Monbouquette

Margaret A. Monbouquette

Marilyn L. Moore

Janice B. Coates

Theresa and Mark Corliss

Jane and David Francis

Nancy and Robert Hammond

Patricia and Anthony Metro

Mary and Russell Moore

Mr. Barry D. Reed and

Mrs. Jane M. Baldwin Reed

Miriam and Donald Shumway

Donna and Jeffrey Smith

Barbara J. Stowe

Doris J. Zappala

Janet O'Connell

John D. O'Connell

Leslie C. Olmstead

Sue Roundy

Winnie O'Neil

Dr. Charles O'Neil

Robert A. Peaslee

Ute M. Peaslee

Ruth Plaisted

Eugene A. McCarthy

Howard E. Pratt

Mary Leadbeater and

Michael Strack

David and Cristina Lewis

Tara Richard

Rita E.W. Britton

Gloria K. Dublin

Melanie M. Heinis

Julia A. Sweeney

Matthew Sweeney

Martha and Stephen Sweeney

David B. Robar

Elaine and Donald Robar

Jeffrey A. Robinson

Marsha E. Robinson

Ruth Roundy


Sue Roundy

Lorette A. Rzasa

Jacqueline and Thomas Rzasa

Sinuon Saing

The Caveney Family

San Bernardino Victims

The Reverend Leonard R. Foisy

George Sarkes

Lorriane and Richard Baldassari

Edmund W. Shaw

Merrill C. Cragin

Richard Shea

Celeste Peterson

Janet Smith

Alfreda A. Smith

Steve Smith

Debra and David Huffman


Eleanor Hill

George Stone

Nancy and Denny Beckley

John G. Stowell

Sharon and Ron Cole

Jacqueline Streitburger


Beulah L. Thayer

Sylvia L. Thayer and

Philip Zaeder

George L. Thorng


Jules Trudel

Claire Trudel

Clayton Valli

Seabrook Fireman's Assoc., Inc.

Hendrika Van Dongen

James C. Van Dongen

Marilyn and David Varrill

James Varrill

Gloria P. Willey

SMSGT Ryan Willey and Family

Maureen Wischerth

The Caveney Family

Gertrud Z. Wolf

Thomas F. Wolf

Eleanor B. Wolosz

Gerald A. Garrity

Paul Wolosz

Dr. Janis H. Stoklosa

Raymond B. Woolson

Patricia Woolson

Zanga and Carrara Families

Josephine and Frank Carrara


EACH YEAR we areprivileged to receivethe gift of volunteer

time, energy and talent fromindividuals, businesses,groups and organizations.These volunteers play a bigrole in the lives of our studentsand clients in so many ways,and their service is aninspiration to us all. For theirgenerous commitment, wethank each and every personand applaud the businessesand organizations thatrecognize the invaluablecontributions of volunteers.


Adine Aldrich

Kurt Amidon

Olivia Ashburne

Emily Ashton

Charles Auth

Tom Bagley

Maggie Baker

Charles Baldwin

David Barnes

Raymond Benoit

Heather Bierschenk

John Boardman

Samantha Boyer

Gabriele Brambilla

Ashley Brock

Diane Brown

Keith Brown

Mick Brown

Laurie Bryan

Robin Bullock

Wrigley Bullock

Jared Burnett

Jenny Civitella

Lucy Civitella

Laura Clark

Kerry Close

Debbie Colpitts

Joanie Connelly

Rick Connor

W. Carl Cooley, M.D.

Meredith Cook, Esq.

Katherine Cousins

Lisa Cramb

Don Crooker

Joan Crooker

Michael Damery

Linda Davis

Marcia Davis

Paul Davis

Cindy Davenport

Jay Dinkel

Cody Douglas

Brian Donovan

Josee Dupont

Sabine Duran

Shenoa Duran

Noreen Driscoll

Mike Egan

Dale Estes

Bill Ferguson

Carol Ferguson

Sean Forbes

Dan Fotter

Gilbert Fuld

Anne Gable

Jessica Galiczewski

Gretchen Gaul

Thomas Gaul

Benjamin Gayman

Cindy Gendron

Charles Giacopelli

Terry Giacopelli

Rob Gillis

Philip Grisafi

Nicole Guevin

Bruce Harrington

Al Harvey

Marilyn Henault

Aubrey Herr

Dr. Bryan Hoertdoerfer

Ezra Hodgson

Tim Hogue

Dan Horne

Bob Kaplan

Svetlana Kats

Leslie Kenney

Bruce King

Marianne Kristiansen

Angela Kustas

Marley LaBerge

Gail Landy

Jenny Langreck

Tim Langreck

Meg Lanphear

Tim Leach

Mark Leger

Isabelle Leo

Mark Leo

Jared Lewis

Lorraine Lindenberg

Lucille Lomazzo

Harold Losey

Ruth McBain

Deirdre McElhatton

Janet McEwen

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J U L Y 2 0 1 5 - J U N E 2 0 1 6

Frank McDougall

Leo McGinnis

Jan McGonagle, M.D.

James McGuire, M.D.

Courtney McKay

Tim McMahon

Lisa Mann

Tina Mappus

Dan Martin

Luke Martin

Scott Masters

Gail Mintken

John Mintken

Elizabeth Morison

Dan Nelson

Kyle Nutter

Joe Orazio

Anne O’Reilly

Thomas O’Reilly

Aude Ouensanga

Shivani Pandya

Debra P. Page

Brent Patterson

James C. Piet

Melissa Prest

Dr. Michael Przydzielski

Kit Rautio

Susan Reeves, Ed.D., R.N.

Will Redmond

Carson Richi

Pamela Richi

Kathleen Russell

Darlene Sampaio

Joe Sewell

Carol Schapira

Kin Schilling

John Schlunk

Connor Scott

Michael Shay

Donald Shumway

Diane Siegart

Joshua Sipe

Marilyn Soper

Dan Sousa

Lou Springer

Tork Springer

John Smitka

Frank Stewart

Peggy Stokes

Jo Ellen Switzer

Jesseca Timmons

Dr. Robert Timmons

Scott Tracy

Scott Tucker

Jeanne Tulley

Nancy VanVranken, M.D.

James W. Varnum

Suzie Vogel

Alexander Walker

Ckristopher Wallenstein

Leon Watkins

Katie Welch

Marie-Claire Wheeler

Parker Wheeler

Jennifer Wilcox

Megan Wolf

Dennis Wright

Lindsay Wright

Cynthia Yuknewicz

Alexander Zaurov

Tom Zubricki


Barbara Harris Center

Church of Jesus Christ of the

Latter Day Saints

Conval Boys Hockey Team

Conval Girls Hockey Team

The Knitting Connection, Inc.

Manchester Central High School

Key Club

Monadnock Quilters Guild

St. Anselm Women’s Hockey


St. Anselm Men’s Hockey Team

Serve with Liberty (Liberty


Charles Auth

Blaine Ball

Andrew Baird

Arthur Brockelman

Stephanie (Penny) Chase

Bonnie Corliss

Kelly Fuller

Daniel Geddes

Jonathan Gibson

Jaclyn Hastings

Thomas Heslop

Chad Jolin

Lee Kennedy

Christopher Larsen

Jeffery Locke

Nancy Lockhart

Katie Longchamp

James Mitchell

Rosemarie Nelson

Stanley Newsham

Forrest Oberst

Scott Pratt

Michael Richer

Eric Rinehimer

Joshua Shakun

Renee Thompson

Peter Weber

Vicki Wyman


Daniel Abbott

Diane Carey

Eileen Carr

Laurette Delpech

Joseph Desmond

Christopher Giles

Heidi Gregory

Paula Harrington

Kelly Hines

Melissa Maheu

Katy Makris

Brandon McCabe

Christine McLaughlin

Caryn Newhall

Bill Olsen

Brian Perkins

Mark Ricardelli

Karrie Ruckser

Debbie Watkins

Ben Wheeler

Chris Wood

Vanderbilt University

Ryan Bunney

Lan Chen

Nicholas Crowther

Natalie Hawken

Abhishek Jaddu

Aaron Molotsky

Lindsay Moschler

Alyze Rabideau

Pooja Santapurem

Marisa Stieber

Jasmine Saros

Ashley Yao



is able to make our

exceptional services

and programs available to the

thousands of children and

adults we serve with the help

of philanthropic support. If

you would like to make a gift

to help individuals with

disabilities achieve their goals,

we would be most grateful.

Many companies will match

the generosity of employees

who give to charitable

organizations. If your company

maintains a Matching Gift

Program, your donation to

Crotched Mountain could be

doubled or even tripled. If you

are interested, please see your

human resources office for

further information.

Help us help you. For more

information about various ways

to make a gift, including a

personal illustration of the

many favorable charitable tax

advantages, please contact:






Great care has been taken to

ensure the accuracy of this

report of donations made to

Crotched Mountain during

the fiscal year July 2015

through June 2016. Please

report any errors or omissions

to us at 800.394.3311, as we

would like the opportunity to

apologize and correct our


Page 26: CROTCHED MOUNTAIN · 2017-06-20 · their future and how we can prepare them to transition back to their homes and ... laundry, grocery shopping, food prep and exercising, and whenever


Financial StatementsJULY 1, 2015 - JUNE 30, 2016

Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (in thousands)

Fiscal Year Ending June 30 2016 2015

Cash and Other Current Assets $5,787 $4,336

Net Accounts Receivable 11,522 9,437

Property, Plant and Equipment 32,025 33,447

Unrestricted Investments

at Fair Market Value 11,273 15,524

Donor Restricted Assets

Investments at Fair Market Value:

By Donors, Specific Purposes 18,111 24,404

By Donors, Permanent Endowment 8,411 8,311

Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust 9,465 9,665

Total Assets $96,593 $105,124

Current Liabilities 7,318 6,919

Long-Term Liabilities 28,279 29,273

Other Long-Term Obligations:

Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap 1,641 1,242

Charitable Gift Annuity Liability 14 14

Capital Advance Notes Due HUD 4,729 4,729

Total Liabilities $41,982 $42,176

Net Assets

Unrestricted Net Assets 17,259 19,084

Donor Restricted Funds:

Temporarily Restricted 19,476 25,888

Permanently Restricted 17,876 17,976

Total Net Assets $54,610 $62,948

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $96,593 $105,124

Complete audited financial statements are available upon request.

Consolidated Statements of Operations—Unrestricted(in thousands)

Fiscal Year Ending June 30 2016 2015

Room and Board, Tuition,

Special Services, Net $44,762 $42,869

Care Management/Program Service 6,144 6,379

Rental Income, Net 1,166 1,146

Other Operating Revenue 2,037 2,143

Net Assets Released Due to

Satisfaction of Donor Restrictions 5,383 3,085

Total Revenue, Gains, Other Support $59,492 $55,622

Salaries and Benefits 45,188 41,234

Contracted Services 4,205 4,025

Supplies and Other 8,428 8,699

Depreciation and Interest 4,250 4,289

Total Expenses $62,071 $58,247

Loss From Operations ( $2,578) ( $2,625)

Non-Operating Income/Expenses

Contributions and Bequests 1,700 1,195

Development Expenses (608) ( 703)

Income from Outside Trusts 182 226

Investment Income 173 224

Net Realized Gains on Investments (603) 302

Change in Fair Value of Interest Rate Swap (400) 59

Other Non-Operating Income/Expense 32 133

Total Non-Operating Income/Expenses $475 $1,436

Excess of Revenues Over Expenses ( $2,103) ( $1,189)

Change in Net Unrealized Gains or Losses

on Investments (133) (555)

Net Assets Released for Operations 410 438

Decrease in Unrestricted Net Assets ( $1,826) ( $1,305)

Guide to Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Net Assets: Unrestricted net assets represent sources that are currentlyavailable for support of the operations of the Foundation and affiliates. Temporarily restricted net assets represent resources that may be expendedby the Foundation based upon donor restrictions. Permanently restricted net assets represent funds restricted by the donor to be maintained by theFoundation in perpetuity.

The Foundation is the beneficiary of several irrevocable charitable perpetualtrusts administered by others. In accordance with Statement of FinancialAccounting Standards No. 116, Accounting for Contributions Received andContributions Made, the Foundation has recorded as an asset the fair market value of its interest in the trusts as of June 30, 2016, of $9.5 millionand $9.7 million as of June 30, 2015.

Note: In addition to the unrestricted amounts above, the Foundation received and expended restricted funds as listed below.

Restricted Fund Activity (in thousands) 2016 2015Contributions and Bequests $840 $1,345Investment Income 43 108Net Realized Gains on Investments (320) 596Change in Net Unrealized Gains or Losses on Investments (1,282) (1,093)

Net Assets Released for Operations (5,383) ( 3,085)Net Assets Released for Capital Expenditures (410) ( 438)

Excess of Revenues Over Expenses (Restricted) ( $6,512) ( $2,567)

Page 27: CROTCHED MOUNTAIN · 2017-06-20 · their future and how we can prepare them to transition back to their homes and ... laundry, grocery shopping, food prep and exercising, and whenever

Crotched Mountain

BOARD OF DIRECTORSAs of June 30, 2016

CHARLES H. BALDWIN Bedford, New Hampshire


TreasurerManchester, New Hampshire

DEBORAH DECICCO Assistant SecretaryJaffrey, New Hampshire

BENJAMIN F. GAYMAN, ESQ. SecretaryManchester, New Hampshire

DEANNA S. HOWARDLebanon, New Hampshire

LESLIE KENNEYPeterborough, New Hampshire

BRUCE KINGNew London, New Hampshire


Concord, New Hampshire

SUSAN A. REEVES, RN, ED.D. New London, New Hampshire

DONALD L. SHUMWAY Hopkinton, New Hampshire

NANCY VANVRANKEN, M.D.Concord, New Hampshire

JAMES W. VARNUMChairmanEtna, New Hampshire

ALEXANDER J. WALKERManchester, New Hampshire


Amherst, New Hampshire

BOARD OF TRUSTEESAs of June 30, 2016

BONNIE B. BENNETT Jaffrey, New Hampshire

RAYMOND BENOIT Bedford, New Hampshire

FREDERICK BRUCH, JR., M.D., FACP, CPEChief Medical Officer (appointed February 2016)Keene, New Hampshire

LAURA CLARKAntrim, New Hampshire

W. CARL COOLEY, M.D. Chief Medical Officer (retired January 2016)Concord, New Hampshire

MICHAEL COUGHLINPresident and CEO (appointed March 2016)Greenfield, New Hampshire

JENNIFER CROWELL Antrim, New Hampshire

JAY DINKEL Amherst, New Hampshire


Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

GILBERT L. FULD, M.D. Keene, New Hampshire


Amherst, New Hampshire


Manchester, New Hampshire

JANET GREEN Cambridge, Massachusetts

RT. REV. DONALD P. HART Peterborough, New Hampshire

DAVID HEDSTROM, D.D.S. Greenfield, New Hampshire

DEANNA S. HOWARDEtna, New Hampshire

HAROLD D. LOSEY, JR. Concord, New Hampshire


West Newbury, Massachusetts

JAMES G. MCGUIRE, M.D. New London, New Hampshire

LUCAS M. MERROW Rollinsford, New Hampshire

JOSEPHINE MONBOUQUETTE Gloucester, Massachusetts

CAROL SCHAPIRA Contoocook, New Hampshire

DONALD L. SHUMWAY President and CEO(retired January 2016)Hopkinton, New Hampshire

MARILYN GOODWIN SOPER New London, New Hampshire

RICHARD G. VERNEY Bennington, New Hampshire

ALEXANDER J. WALKER, JR.Manchester, New Hampshire

SENIOR STAFFAs of June 30, 2016

DENNIS BRADLEY Executive Director, ATECH

KATHLEEN CRAGIN BRITTAN Vice President, Advancement

FREDERICK R. BRUCH, JR., MD, FACP, CPE Chief Medical Officer (appointed February 2016)Medical Director, CM Specialty Hospital

W. CARL COOLEY, M.D. Chief Medical Officer (retired January 2016)

MICHAEL COUGHLINPresident and CEO (appointed March 2016)

JON ERIQUEZZO Executive Director of Residential Services

ANDRA HALL, ED.D. Director of Education

JERRY HUNTERVice President of Information Services

LINDA MURPHYDirector of Rehabilitation Services

LISA PERALES Vice President of NursingProgram Director for Crotched Mountain Community Care

MICHAEL REDMOND Senior Vice President and COO

LORRIE RUDIS Vice President of Human Resources

MICHAEL TERRIAN NHA, Senior Vice President of Administration

THOMAS A. ZUBRICKIVice President and Chief Financial Officer

* Parent, Crotched Mountain School

** Alumni Parent, Crotched Mountain School§ Alumni

Page 28: CROTCHED MOUNTAIN · 2017-06-20 · their future and how we can prepare them to transition back to their homes and ... laundry, grocery shopping, food prep and exercising, and whenever









On the Front CoverABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapist Lindsey Konkol and Jeremiah both enjoy a good book.Story on page 6.

Feature Stories ByKara Peters

Photography in This Issue By Joan Crooker, Michael Havey, Liz LaRose, and students Becky, Brendan, Corey, Jack, Jaclyn, Joseph, Krista, Michael, Steven, True, and Zack.

Printed On Monadnock Astrolite, generously donated by Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc ., Bennington, NH

New views from the Mountain through the eyes of our students.


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