crossroads journal

Attendance: Sunday Worship: 240 Sunday School: 154 Win the lost, Disciple the saved, Empower to serve Servant’s Calendar December 7, 8:30 am Service Ushers Bill Reisman, Wilson Grider, Bill Taylor, Audio/Video Aaron Waggoner Acolyte Dalton Hill December 7, 10:50 am Service Ushers Harold Gaddy, Bill Scott Audio/Video Aaron Waggoner Acolytes Madeline Holder & Isabelle Kramer Wiggle Time Joe Nelson Hugger / Rocker Kathy Munsell Children’s Church Tara Barks December Rotation Sunday School Pre-School Leader Linda Kimble Pre-School Guide Bob Kimble Games / Activities Erin Holder Crafts / Cooking Tara Barks Video Barbie Grider Servants: Please be sure to find a replacement if you will be unable to be here at the time you have been scheduled. This is very important to the smooth and efficient functioning of Sunday Services. Needed each week for Budget: $12, 851.25 December 7th$17,301.00 Crossroads Journal December 10, 2014 Program Staff Christmas Bonus/Gifts It’s time to show our appreciation to our staff in the form of Christmas bonus/ gifts. As we have done in the past, a box has been prepared to collect your monetary gifts. It will be placed in the Foyer/Narthex through Sunday, December 14th. Online giving is available at The gifts will be distributed between the Full time and Program Staff members. If you have questions please refer them to a member of the Staff Parish Pastor Relations Committee (S/PPRC). God Bless, S/PPRC Committee Please join us in a special celebration. Habitat for Humanity is dedicating this home in Honor of Garman Kimmell to be held at 8901 SW 52nd, OKC., OK. For The Stowe Family Wednesday, December 17th at 2:00pm There will be a brief presentation by Habitat including a Blessing & Dedication of the Home by Pastor Larry Holder. Jesus Said….. 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Rest for the Weary……. Matthew 11:28-30 Reminder: Choir Practice and Bells are at 6:30pm We will break after Cantata for Christmas and begin again on Winter m&m’s Jan. 21st

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Sunday Worship: 240 Sunday School: 154

Win the lost,

Disciple the saved,

Empower to serve

Servant’s Calendar

December 7, 8:30 am Service Ushers Bill Reisman, Wilson Grider, Bill Taylor, Audio/Video Aaron Waggoner Acolyte Dalton Hill

December 7, 10:50 am Service Ushers Harold Gaddy, Bill Scott Audio/Video Aaron Waggoner Acolytes Madeline Holder & Isabelle Kramer Wiggle Time Joe Nelson Hugger / Rocker Kathy Munsell Children’s Church Tara Barks

December Rotation Sunday School Pre-School Leader Linda Kimble Pre-School Guide Bob Kimble Games / Activities Erin Holder Crafts / Cooking Tara Barks Video Barbie Grider

Servants: Please be sure to find a replacement if you will be unable to be here at the time you have been scheduled. This is very important to the smooth and efficient functioning of Sunday Services.

Needed each week for Budget:

$12, 851.25 December 7th– $17,301.00

Crossroads Journal

December 10, 2014

Program Staff Christmas Bonus/Gifts

It’s time to show our appreciation to our staff in the form of Christmas bonus/gifts.

As we have done in the past, a box has been prepared to collect your monetary gifts. It will be placed in the Foyer/Narthex through Sunday, December 14th. Online giving is available at

The gifts will be distributed between the Full time and Program Staff members.

If you have questions please refer them to a member of the Staff Parish Pastor Relations Committee (S/PPRC).

God Bless, S/PPRC Committee

Please join us in a special celebration. Habitat for Humanity is dedicating this home

in Honor of Garman Kimmell to be held at

8901 SW 52nd, OKC., OK. For

The Stowe Family Wednesday, December 17th at 2:00pm

There will be a brief presentation by Habitat including a Blessing & Dedication of the Home by Pastor Larry Holder.

Jesus Said…..

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my

burden is light.”

Rest for the Weary…….

Matthew 11:28-30

Reminder: Choir Practice and Bells are at 6:30pm

We will break after Cantata for Christmas and begin again on

Winter m&m’s Jan. 21st

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If you have a prayer request, update or praise report please contact the church office by email at [email protected] or call 376-3139.


Members and Regular Visitors: Larry Anderson; Karen Battles; Imogene Ellis; Charlene Halverson & family (hospice called for her dad); Betty Hill; Joyce Hill; Bob Howard; William Hoyle;Cara Nelson; Golda Robbins; Betty Scott; Dale Smith; Wilma Weber; Beverly Weld; Mary Ann Whittall; Ron Wilder; David Willingham; Doris Young.

Family & Friends: Rhonda Avants, Donnie Avants cousin (healing from liver disease); Bill, Donna Drakes brother (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease); Caleb, Bob & Mary Ann Whittall’s grandson (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease); Christie Crow, J.D. Peer’s niece (breast cancer); Jim Dimick, Beverly Weld’s uncle (cancer); Gary, Daryl Halverson’s brother (Stage 4 Esophageal cancer); Henrietta, Kirk Hesseltine, J.D. & Nancy Peer’s son in-law (cancer); W. Hulsey, Rhonda Hulsey’s dad (stage 3 lung cancer); David Inman, Joyce Hill’s son in-law (healing from surgery on heel); Aubree Isaacs, 12 yr. old niece of Kristin Grubbs, Lillian Thee’s daughter in-law (Blout’s Disease); Malory Johnson, Jessie Blevins grand-daughter (Type B Hodgkins Lymphoma); Jerry Jones, Joe Nelson’s brother in-law (cancer); Joann Lopez, sister of Carol Loomis (cancer); Sarah McGill, Nancy Peer’s sister (Alzheimer's); Janie Miller, Susan Willingham’s mom (bladder cancer); Mike Miller, Bruce & Robin Wilkerson’s friend (Melanoma); Gene Perdue, Charlene Halverson’s dad (hospice); Danny Reeves, friend of Mike Wells (cancer); Richard, Bob Jennings brother (healing after hip surgery); Sandy, dad of Amy, Mike & Paula Petersen’s daughter in-law (Leukemia); Ashley Townsend, friend of Kristi & Shane Watkins (breast cancer); Steve Ward, friend of Barbie & Wilson Grider (cancer); Helen Whitthall, Felicia Bumgarner’s mom (cancer).

Our Active Military: Charles An; Christopher Blevins; John Bloomberg; DJ Bradsher; Dalton Choate; Julio DeLeon; Kevin Dormer; Chad Dougherty; Mark Lehenbauer; Mitchell Melot; James Montgomery; Chad Smith; Ralph Tocco; John Wesley; Tyler Woodward

Other Concerns: The unsaved & suffering; Persecuted church; Israel; People of Middle East countries in turmoil; President & Military Leaders

Pastor Holder & Staff

Missionaries –Eisenbergs in Paraguay, Lupu family in Romania, Selina & Jared Travis in China .

The holiday season is upon us! Do you still have those last min-

ute gifts to get? Or like me are you just now making your shopping list?

If you are shopping on don't forget to go

through the church website, and click on the shopping cart icon at the

bottom right corner of the webpage.

When you make your purchases by signing on

through the website the church receives a donation from

Amazon (up to 10%

depending on your purchase).

This does not effect your purchase price in any way.

Happy Holy-days!

After much deliberation and discussion, it has been decided that for Christmas Eve this year we will gather in

One Worship Service to celebrate the birth of the

One Christ Child as

One Church Family join us on

Christmas Eve at 6:30 pm.

For information


Charlene Halverson



“Begin to weave

and God will give

you the thread.”




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Every year I say THANK YOU and every year I mean it more and more. The Christmas Bazaar

was a wonderful success. And the only way this can happen is when our church pulls together

which we do so well. Thank you to all the women who spent many hours at church and home doing

their part. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the silent auction, bake sale, children’s corner,

kitchen, monetarily, and by shopping. Thank you to the men who came up to help set up and take

down (you are greatly appreciated). Thank you to the outstanding youth who came up to help us and the vendors (you

were a wonderful addition). Thank you, church, for a wonderful facility to hold it in. Thank you, staff, for all your help and

cooperation (and having my back). We already have vendors lining up for next year. I am so excited that we will have so

much to share with all our mission projects and be able to add more.



Worship Ministry News:

Cantata for the Homeless

I've got good news for you. There is going to be a cantata this year! But the better news is that we are doing it for the less fortunate and for those who are unchurched and many who are unsaved.

"Win the lost, disciple the saved, and empower disciples to serve Jesus Christ" is our mission statement. But how do we accomplish this?

This year the worship ministry is taking the opportunity to bring the gospel to the inner city of OKC on Friday, December 19, as we look to not only fulfill our own mission but also the "Great Commission" of Christ! We are taking the choir, bells, and praise band to FUMC OKC to share the gospel not only through song and word, but most importantly with ourselves as vessels of Christ's love.

The Bible says we were all created in the image of God. Whether someone is a Christian, has financial means to give, or is of any benefit to us personally or to society doesn't take away from the fact that we are all made by Christ and in His image and therefore have intrinsic value as His creation. Many that we will be ministering to do not feel they even have that base level of self worth for many different reasons. When we go on Dec 19, our mission will be not only to tell them about Christ's love but to be Christ's love in human form through music, sitting with them during the meal, talking to them, treating them with respect, gifts, and with prayer. Sometimes we make ministry harder than it really is. Sometimes the simplest acts of kindness can have the greatest impact.

At our church, we believe that EVERYONE is a minister and this Christmas season I'm asking that we all pray for the lost not only in downtown OKC but also our own community here in Mustang. They are out there and we need to be looking for way to minister everywhere we go. It is because of that that we exist as a church. That's our purpose and the true meaning of this season. In Mark 2:17, Christ said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Our purpose as the church isn't to minister to ourselves, but rather to BE ministers to this world.

This Advent season, we celebrate Christ coming in human form as the final sacrifice for the sins of the world that we might have relationship with Him. Because of space restrictions we will only have enough room in the venue for the homeless. However, if you would like to join with us in ministry Shane Watkins and Belinda Bennett have graciously offered to put together goodie bags that will be given out after the performance. Throughout the season of Advent the choir will be performing all selections of the Cantata as Sunday specials in service so no one misses out!

If you're interested in helping out with these in anyway please contact me, Tom Green at: [email protected]

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Friday, December 19 for our annual

Christmas Party 7:15 pm...Gather in the Student Life Center.

7:30 pm...Depart for OKC First Church

8:00 pm...*Pizza, Games, Worship

9:30 pm-11:30 pm...Snow Tubing

*Bricktown Ballpark

The cost for Snow Tubing and pizza is $15 (also...guys bring chips/cookies, girls bring a 2 liter of soda!!)

We will be returning to the Church around 12:00a.m.

IN ORDER TO ATTEND you MUST bring back the permission slip

signed by a parent!!!!

________________________________________ has my permission to attend

The Christmas party on December 19, 2014

____________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian)

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Winter Retreat 2015

Tired of driving your snowmobile around all winter looking for

something to do? Bored from all those tired conversations with the

same old sNOw-men (or sNOw-women) who just don’t understand you?

Want to have fun even if it means freezing your booty off a little bit?

You’re not alone! Join us this January for Winter Retreat: 2015. There

will be lots of awesome stuff, like Christian discipleship, rocking

worship, and, oh yeah, the longest zip line in the solar system (that figure

may be slightly exaggerated.)

When: January 16th-18th, 2015 Where: Sky Ranch Camp in Quapaw,

Oklahoma Cost: $75 (Scholarships available.)





Amazing Testimonials: “Winter Retreat inspired me to be a writer.” -William Shakespeare “Even better than the last ‘winter retreat’ I was a part of.” -Napoleon Bonaparte

“The best winter

retreat you will attend

all January!”

- Your Youth Minister Featuring the Justin Lawrence Band leading worship and special guest

speaker Jon Cunningham.

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Ministers The Baptized Faithful

Senior Pastor Larry Holder

Program Minister Karen Reynolds

Youth Minister Gary Higgins

Assistant Youth Minister Stephen Bumgarner

Worship Minister Thomas Green

Assistant Worship Minister Rheuben Green

Children’s Minister Barbie Grider

Financial Secretary Becky King

Custodial Staff Rich Schompert Frank Matthews

Administrative Assistant Rhonda Hulsey

Office: Phone 405-376-3139 Mon –Thurs., 8 am - 5 pm

Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Thursday December 11

Pre-School Christmas Program, In Sanctuary & Happy Birthday Jesus Party after in FLC 11:00 am

Friday December 12 Pre-School, FLC Bldg. 9:00am-3:00pm

Sunday December 14 Worship 8:30am & 10:50am Communion 9:30am & 10:45am Sunday School 9:45am Youth 5:00pm

Monday December 15 Pre-School, FLC Bldg. 9:00am-3:00pm Bible Study, G.Y.M. Class, 1:00pm “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” Promise Keepers, Agape Class 7:00 pm

Tuesday December 16 Men’s Prayer, McDonalds 6:00am Pre-School, FLC Bldg. 9:00am-3:00pm Finance Meeting 7:00pm

Wednesday December 17 Up 4 Jesus 7:00 am Pre-School, FLC Bldg. 9:00am-3:00pm Keepers of the Home 10:00am Choir Practice 6:30pm

Thursday December 18 Pre-School, FLC Bldg. 9:00am-3:00pm “Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World– G.Y.M. 10:00am

Friday December 19 Pre-School, FLC Bldg. 9:00am-3:00pm Choir Cantata for Homeless, At First Church Downtown, OKC.6:30pm

Sunday December 21 Worship 8:30am & 10:50am Communion 9:30am & 10:45am Sunday School 9:45am Youth 5:00pm

Monday December 22 Pre-School Christmas Break, December 21– January 2nd

Bible Study, G.Y.M. Class, 1:00pm “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things”

Coming up December 6th through December

Messenger Sunday School Class will be having Lunch (Potluck) buffet style in their Classroom on December the 28th following the late service. Everyone is invited, we just ask that folks will RSVP to myself or Jerri by 12/27/2014, There will be games and the movie “The Christmas Shoes” following, there will be no gift exchange. In lieu of gift exchange we are setting up some gift boxes that people may donate to either Skyline Ministries, or Bishop Bennies New Hope School or UMCOR. Come break bread,

have fun & fellowship. Steve & Jerri Rose