crisis user menu

Upload: ahmad-mawardi

Post on 27-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Crisis User Menu


    Instruction of Crisis Recovery

    For the 3rd

    Gen Classmate PC

  • 7/25/2019 Crisis User Menu


    How to Create Crisis Disk:

    1. Plug USB stick into your machine and then click the WINCRIS.EXE icon to eecute the !rogram in

    Windo"s #S. It "ill !o!u! one "indo" $or your o!tions.

    %. Select the USB stick you "ant to make it as Crisis &isk $rom the dri'er checklist in case you attach se'eral

    USB sticks.

    (. Under )&isk *ormat+ o!tion, select -Remo'ale/, and then !ress 0Start utton.

    2. Warming message $or doule con$irmation to erase all the data in USB stick and create crisis disk. Select

    -#3/ utton to !roceed.

    Note:!lease acku! your im!ortant data in the USB stick i$ any e$ore eecuting to create crisis


  • 7/25/2019 Crisis User Menu


    4. When *ormat &isk Com!lete dialog a!!ear, !ress 5#36.

    7. Press 5No6 to $inish the crisis disk creation.

  • 7/25/2019 Crisis User Menu


    How to Use Crisis Disk:

    1. 8ttached USB crisis disk on USB !ort.

    %. 9old on the key comination o$ 5*n6 and 5R6 on system and then !ress !o"er utton to !o"er on system.

    (. System "ill kee! on ee!ing and reoot automatically "hen $inishing u!date BI#S.

    Note: in some cases, a ee! code may im!ly error occurred. I$ in that case, you may doule check your crisis

    disk. Belo" lists ee! codes and the error scenarios accordingly:

    3-3-3-3 boot loader check fail

    3-2-3-2 store boot sector check error

    3-2-1-1 MiniDos check error

    1-2-3-3 Certificate file check fail

    3-3-1-2 phlash16 tool check fail

    1-2-1-2 BI! i"a#e ckeck fail