criminology society public relations campaign

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  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign




    BYU-Idaho Criminology Society

    Public Relations Campaign





  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign


    Te contents and ideas in this presentation are the intellectual property othe students who created it and Brigham Young University-Idaho. Te use oany o these ideas or concepts without the written permission o the students

    and x is strictly prohibited.

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign



    Situation Analysis 4Goals and Objectives 5arget Audience 6Positioning, Key Messages, Challenges 7Communication Vehicles 8

    Research Methods 9ime Chart, Budget 10Strategies and actics 11Evaluation Plan 12, 13Advertising Plan 14Events Plan 15Free Marketing Ideas 16


    -Shirt Designs 17Focus Group Checklist 18Pre-Campaign Survey 19

    Select Survey Results 20, 21Calendars 22, 23Photo Opp Poster 24Murder Mystery Poster 25Pricing 26Notes 27

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign



    Situation Analysis

    Situation Analysis

    Students at Brigham Young University-Idaho are largely unaware o the Criminology society on campus. Many

    have not heard about the society due to a lack o inormation or the belie that there is nothing that they can gain

    rom the society.

    SWO Analysis


    Te society already has a good logo implemented, making branding easier. Tey have good

    communication in their leadership, they respond to our communications in a very timely manner


    Tey lack solid material or advertising purposes; they only have one banner with their logo. Tere arent

    very many active members to reach out to gain more attendance.


    Tere are great opportunities to expand the amount o advertising and outreach. Tere is a lot o room to

    expand in areas that can help them grow.


    Complacency is a denite threat in the implementation o this campaign. Tere is also a threat that would

    come rom a lack o communication and rom a misinterpretation o communication.

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign



    Goals and Objective

    Goal: Achieve by:Create Mystery Posters September 16, 2013

    Increase Society Membership by 25 percent. April 1, 2014

    Achieve consistent attendance o 15 members ateach society meeting.

    April 1, 2014

    Improve campus awareness o the CriminologySociety

    January 1, 2014

    Build up societal image through service andcommunity outreach.

    April 1, 2014

    Improve membership quality and care throughteam-building exercises and a ocus on retention.

    January 1, 2014

    *Dates may be altered at any point to be eectively reached*

    Goals are an important part to obtaining the wants and needs o your society. In order to obtain the best results

    you need to set S.M.A.R. goals.

    Specifc: Goals need to be specic in order to pinpoint strategies and know exactly what area needs to be

    ocused on more.

    Measurable: Set goals that are realistic and can be accounted or with numbers. By setting measurable goals it is

    easier to analyze progress and have empirical data to share with group members.

    Attainable: Te importance o attainable goals is to see progression within the society. When goals are reached

    condence builds and new goals emerge. Tis allows a consistent trait that will help the society continue to grow.

    Relevant: Goals ought to have relevance and purpose that the society may progress in the vision o the society.

    imely: Goals need to be done in a timely manner with a specic plan. Goals cannot be drug-out or a long

    period o time because it causes discouragement and goals will ade in time not being accomplished.

    I this acronym is ollowed the Criminology Society will continue to progress and grow. All the activities planned

    will have a specic purpose and will have a better turnout, drawing new members into the society.

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign



    Target Audience

    Diversity is welcomed within the criminology society; thereore our target audience is the entire student popu-

    lation at Brigham Young University-Idaho. Te top priority, however, will be a ocus on students whose major is

    sociology, psychology, or social services. We are targeting the entire student population because the society has

    appeal that can be relevant to anyone with an interest in the criminal justice system.

    In order to attend to the needs o your audience you must rst learn about them. you need to understand their,

    opinions, desires, wants, thoughts, actions, and most importantly their needs.

    In your society you have ocers that can reach out to the advisors and send out specic emails or newsletters to

    those you are trying to invite. As a society it is important to reach out as oen as possible. Tis will allow you to

    get to know the public while advertising about your society through word-o-mouth.

    Random-Sampling surveys have been done (surveys can be ound in the appendix sections) in order to obtain

    inormation regarding society awareness on campus. Te top demographic or those interested in joining the

    criminology society are specializing in the major o sociology. o obtain the best and most dedicated society

    members, we recommend introspection on the ollowing questions:

    1. Are we reaching out to the public in a genuine manner?

    2. Are we actively inviting people to our society meetings and activities?

    3. Are we actively working on nding new members?

    4. Are we demonstrating how the society can benet anyone?

    5. Are we building the reputation o the criminology society through our actions?

    Trough active research we have ound that all majors are interested in joining the criminology society. Te main

    problem that has suraced is they dont know how. Te Ricks building and the Manwaring Center is where our

    data shows most people spend their time. Tese areas will deliver the most ruitul results in your nding eorts.

    We have put together a ew ideas on how to obtain the audience you are looking or.

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign



    Positioning, Key Messages, Challenge


    We will position the criminology society as the society or everyone. It will encompass anyone who is interested

    in criminology or criminal justice, with a sub-niche o sociology and criminal justice majors.

    Key Messages

    1. Te criminology society is not only or sociology majors.

    2. Te activities are benecial.

    3. Criminology is more than what you see on V

    4. Career opportunities are available

    5. A branch o the criminology society is recognized nationwide


    Challenges the criminology society might ace include: Underdeveloped advertising strategies

    Lack o awareness within student body

    Misconceptions about the societys purpose and demographic

    Retention o new and existing members

    Small budget or advertising and activities

    Te Criminology Society has a ew obstacles to overcome to reach their goals. A ew o these challenges

    include: lack o awareness in the school, misconceptions about the society, underdeveloped advertising strategies,

    retention o new and existing members, and having a small budget or the societys advertising and activities.

    Having a clear vision or the society and developing the advertising strategies would benet greatly. Layingdown guidelines and setting goals or publicity and advertising in the society will aide to create awareness and a

    solid plan to progress.

    Te challenge o lack o awareness in the school is pivotal in the societys growth and progression as a whole.

    Increasing awareness through diverse orms o advertising and social media will be the rst steps to take to

    achieve our goals. As students on campus gain awareness o the society, the desires and opportunities to attend

    the society will increase immediately.

    Increased publicity and advertising will help tackle another challenge the society has o misconceptions.

    Te societys misconceptions include who is allowed in the society, what goes on in the society and its purpose,

    and how it can benet them personally. Misconceptions about where the society meets or weekly meetings and

    when are not known to the general student population. Putting out controlled messages through advertising and

    publicity will help to inorm the public and create general understanding.

    Building a strong society comes with the challenge o retaining membership with old members and recruiting

    and sustaining new members. Membership attendance fuctuates week to week and having clear communication

    about the events and activities that go on week to week could be improved through public awareness.

    Weekly activities or the society are oen limited by the small budget. Lack o budget can restrain the

    fexibility o the events that could be planned by the society, but the resources are unavailable.

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    Communication Vehicles

    Social Media Outreach

    Te society does have a Facebook page, but it would be benecial to launch on more social networks. witter,

    Instagram, Google+ and others could be used to keep people up to date. Incentives to check the sites would needto be provided.

    Opening Social: Murder Mystery

    When: October 18, 2013What: Social, get to know each other, pizza or snack ood.Who: Current society members and others who are interested injoining

    PostersWhen: VaryingWhat: Advertise varying events or the society.

    Criminology Society BlogWhen: Weekly, Beginning September 16, 2013What: Blog to keep the community involved

    Criminology Society Youube VideoCreate a video that will interest the public through humor andacts.

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    Research Method

    Primary Research

    Primary research is new data not yet ound. You nd your primary research through dierent orms o surveys,

    ocus groups, activities, and the opinions o the people. When doing your primary research it is important toocus on direct but simple questions. Tis will allow you to obtain the results you are wanting and will allow you

    to branch out to the other areas o needs in your society.

    Secondary Research

    Secondary research is based on the data already ound by others. Tis can come rom other societies on campus

    or around the nation. Tis also is scholarly articles or inormative inormation you can nd that will help

    your society understand the general population. We know that data has been collected and ideas ormed, this

    permitting your society to use the activities already established and thought o by others.

    We intend to gather primary research data in the orm o surveys to be distributed in the Manwaring Center,

    both beore the campaign and aer the campaign.

    Secondary data will be obtained through census data and University records.

    In order to receive an accurate depiction o the student body, we have determined that a sampling o at least 300

    students will be necessary both in the pre-campaign and post-campaign surveys.

    Other types o data research available is:

    1. Focus Group roughly 10-15 people or 30-45 minutes

    2. Non-Random Survey sent out to all psychology, and sociology majors

    3. Inormative Polls

    Trough sound research and data analysis the society can nd dierent approaches to obtain new members and

    build their distinctive brand throughout campus. Research is the most important inormation available when

    constructing a well ormulated plan o action.

    Inormation on enrollment can be ound at:

    We have made a ew surveys, polls, and a ocus group checklist or your use. Available in the appendix section.

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    Time Chart


    Te total budget or the Criminology society is $305. Every semester the society receives about $50

    to their budget and typically only spend about $20 o it per semester. A lot o the money that goes into the

    budget comes rom the student members that contribute as they participate in activities. About once a year thesociety will do one big activity and they will spend the rest o their budget. Individual costs or activities are not

    accounted or specically, each activity is planned and accounted or depending on the desires and interests o

    the members o the society. Tere are no set activities in the society each semester, all activities are subject to


    Te best use or the societys unds would be to use the money or posters. Posters are a cheap, eective

    medium to get the word out about the society and to get people talking. Posters are a good visual and decent

    tactic to put an image in the students mind o the society and to provide helpul inormation. Sidewalk

    advertising is also another orm o publicity that would be benecial to the societys growth. Te placement o

    the advertisements along the sidewalk will increase the chances o viewing and catch peoples attention toward

    the society.As the society has an interest in t-shirts or the society, the budget or t-shirts is about $250. Purchasing

    about 25 t-shirts, each would cost about $10 a shirt. -shirts are a decent expenditure in the budget, as it meets

    the wants o the society members, helps with promotion to non-members, and gets the word out. Each member

    o the society with the Criminology t-shirt would be a walking billboard or the society.

    Money ought to be set aside or the opening social, the Mystery Dinner, which will take place September

    20th, 2013. Careul planning and preparations or the mystery dinner will allow a good use o the budget and to

    enable a successul event.

    ime is the most important thing we have in this world, and that is the same with a well planned campaign. We

    have set goals that should take place at a specic time. In order to complete these events we have comprised a

    calendar that will help you put the goals on paper and come up with a plan o action to accomplish the tasks at a


    Te calendar covers what to do in this public relations campaign. It covers everything rom when to make blog

    entries to when to start and stop advertisements.

    Dates are fexible and can be modied to meet the needs o the society.

    A calendar view is available in the appendix section.

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    Strategies and Tactic

    Strategy actics

    Criminology Society Blog

    - When: Blog to be launched at the beginning o the

    Fall 2013 Semester. September 16.- How: Free Blog Service such as Blogger or Word-Press- Who: Criminology Society Social Media Ocer orother appointed ocer.- What: o include meeting minutes and activityreports.

    Social Media Expansion- When: September 16, 2013- What: witter, Instagram, Google+- Who: Criminology Social Media Ocer

    Campus Sidewalk Advertising

    - When: September 16, 2013- How: Pricing is listed below.- What: Posters to attract the attention neededaround campus.- Who: Society Ocer

    Further Explanation

    Criminology Society Blog

    Social Media Expansion

    As noted in the table above, in order to get the Criminology society name out urther into the public, there will

    need to be increased eorts by the society as a whole. We propose the creation o a new ocer in the society, the

    social media ocer. Tis member will be in charge o the social media presence o the society. Trough things

    like blog postings, tweets and Facebook updates, we believe there will be an increase in both attendance and

    word o mouth advertising.

    Campus Sidewalk Advertising

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    I. Evaluation Framework

    A. What you are going to evaluate.

    1. Te initial program model (assumptions about target population, interventions, short-term outcomes,

    intermediate outcomes, and nal outcomes).2. Implementation objectives (stated in general and then measurable terms).

    a. What you plan to do, when, and how.

    b. Who will do it.

    c. Participant population and recruitment strategies.

    3. Outcome objectives (stated in general and then measurable terms).

    4. Context or the evaluation.

    B. Questions to be addressed in the evaluation.

    1. Are implementation objectives being attained? I not, why not (that is, what barriers or problems havebeen encountered)? What kinds o procedures acilitated implementation?

    2. Are outcome objectives being attained? I not, why not (that is, what barriers or problems have been

    encountered)? What kinds o procedures acilitated attainment o outcomes?

    a. Do outcomes vary as a unction o program eatures? Which aspects o the program

    contributed the most to achieving expected outcomes?

    b. Do outcomes vary as a unction o characteristics o the residents or sta?

    C. Te time rame or the evaluation.

    1. When data collection will begin and end.

    2. How and why time rame was selected.

    II. Evaluating Implementation Objectives---Procedures and Methods

    Question 1: Are Implementation Objectives Being Attained and, I Not, Why Not?

    A. Objective 1: [State objective in measurable terms. Example: Local police representative will attend

    most meetings.]

    What to include:

    1. ype o inormation needed to determine i objective 1 is being attained and to assess barriers

    and acilitators (that is, perormance indicators). Example: Number o meetings attended by local police


    2. Sources o inormation. Include in your plans procedures or maintaining condentiality o the

    inormation obtained during the evaluation.

    3. How sources o inormation were selected.

    4. ime rame or collecting inormation (dates when the data collection is planned to begin and end).

    5. Methods or collecting the inormation (that is, records reviews, interviews, paper and pencil

    questionnaires, and observations).


    Evaluation Plan

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    6. Methods or analyzing the inormation to determine whether the objective was attained (that is,

    tabulation o requencies and assessment o relationships between or among variables).

    B. Objective 2: [Repeat the same inormation as in 1-6 o objective 1 above.]C. Objective 3: [Repeat the same inormation as in 1-6 o objective 1 above.]

    III. Evaluating Outcome Objectives---Procedures and Methods

    Question 2: Are Outcome Objectives Being Attained and, I Not, Why Not?

    A. Objective 1: [State outcome objective in measurable terms. Example: Increase attendance at all meetings by


    What to include:

    1. ypes o inormation needed to determine i objective 1 is being attained (that is, what evidence will

    you use to demonstrate the change?). Example: Increase attendance at all meetings by 15%.2. Sources o inormation (that is, Attendance sheet, Reaching out to the members, contacting them

    when necessary, and calling each other by their name making them eel welcomed) and sampling plan, i


    3. How sources o inormation were selected.

    4. ime rame or collecting inormation (dates when the data collection is planned to begin and end).

    5. Methods o collecting that inormation (or example, questionnaires, observations, surveys, and

    interviews) and plans or pre-testing inormation collection methods.

    6. Methods or analyzing the inormation to determine whether the objective was attained (that is,

    tabulation o requencies and assessment o relationships between or among variables using statisticaltests).

    B. Objective 2: [Repeat the same inormation as in 1-6 o objective 1 above.]

    C. Objective 3: [Repeat the same inormation as in 1-6 o objective 1 above.]

    IV. Procedures or Managing and Monitoring the Evaluation

    What to include:

    1. Procedures or society ocers to collect evaluation-related inormation.

    2. Procedures or conducting quality-control checks o the inormation collection process.

    3. ime lines or collecting, analyzing, and reporting inormation, including procedures or providingevaluation related eedback to housing managers and sta.

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    Advertising Plan

    Aer surveying many students, we have determined that the most eective orm o advertising is word

    o mouth. We plan to get people to talk about the society. Advertisements are the most eective medium to

    implement this tactic. Te second most eective medium to spread inormation is through posters. We will

    design posters that engage the public, to get them talking, and that are designed to create a necessary awareness.

    Publicity by word o mouth is the main goal to improve public relations within the society and to increase

    reach and requency. Our rst activity planned or the society is the opening social Murder Mystery Dinner. We

    will dierentiate this Murder Mystery Dinner rom the one that is put on campus by having a live case study. Te

    purpose o the Mystery Dinner is to open the semester with a un activity to stir interest in the society and to get

    people talking about it.

    Te second, by visual posters and fyers, will ocus on the requency and the reach o those that see the

    posters. We will position these handouts in diverse locations where they will reach a diverse audience. Placing

    posters in the Hart, along the sidewalks throughout campus, etc. Updating the societys social media and keeping

    it current, such as their Facebook page, is a small but crucial step to improving communications with the

    public and the students on campus. Maintaining the societys image on their Facebook page, keeping in contact

    with their members and with other students at BYU-Idaho, ought to be a requent habit and the quality o

    inormation on the website ought to be accurate and prompt.

    An advertising plan is a document that denes the main objective o how your society can get students

    to notice a specic society or service you can provide. Te advertising plan document will requently include all

    components o a marketing campaign. Tese components oen include a description o the product, a detailed

    analysis o the marketplace or that product, a marketing budget or the plan, and the methods the marketers willuse to carry out the plan.

    Marketplace Analysis

    Te advertising plan will include an analysis o your societies target audience. Tis analysis will oen

    include a list o groups that would receive the highest benets rom the products use. Tese groups, known as

    target demographics or demos, are oen represented by age, gender, race or socio-economic background.

    For instance, the advertising plan or a product designed or college girls will be vastly dierent than one or a

    product whose primary customers are middle-aged college men.

    Advertising Channels

    Once the advertisers have decided on a message and an audience or that message, the next step is to

    choose the channel by which they will deliver that message. Te delivery method or the message can be as

    crucial to the success o an advertising plan as the message itsel. A plan that relies on terrestrial radio ads on

    campus, signs/poster will not reach the same audience as one that depends on CVN commercials, nor will a plan

    ocused on V commercials connect the same way as one whose primary means is website banners.


  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign


    Events Pla

    Events are a un way to keep your members interested. Tere are a ew steps to consider when creating an event.

    Tese steps are,(1) Communication beore your event, (2) Communication during your event, (3) Social Media,

    Newsletters, emails, word o mouth, and (4) Evaluating your communication.

    1. Communication beore your event

    It is important to consider how you will communicate with people in the lead-up to your event. Who you need to

    speak to will depend on the nature o your event but could include: people who will be aected by the event. Tis

    will include the non-event goer as well as those attending the event e.g. students, ocers, special agents, advisors.

    A website is an excellent way or people to nd out more about your event. It can also act as a simple call to

    action message on advertising material. A website is also the primary tool that can be used to create a database o

    people interested in attending your event.

    2. Communication during your event.

    It is very important to consider how you will communicate with people at your event. Tis is particularly so i

    your event is over a large area or moves rom one point to another (such as a parade). Everyone needs to be on

    the same page and be directed easily. I there is not a communication plan then things have the chance to go


    3. Social Media, Newsletters, emails, word o mouth

    Tere has been a move towards using social and digital media in event marketing and communications. Tey

    oer a dynamic and cost-eective way o engaging the target audience beore, during and aer the event. Your

    Audience (students) are changing just as quickly as technology and they are now creating, selecting, changing

    and interacting with social and digital media. So stay up-to-date with technology and communicate with it at all

    points o the event planning process.

    4. Evaluating your communication

    It is important to set measurable objectives or all communications activity in order to identiy the success or

    ailure o your eorts. In order to measure the success o your event you could use the ollowing:

    - attendance gures - number o telephone calls received regarding the event

    - website visits - eedback rom attendees

    I you do set up a website, ask your web agent to supply trac reports so you can ascertain when people viewed

    your site, what pages they visited and or how long they viewed them. Also receiving eedback is key when

    planning your next event. So we created an aer event survey to send out. I you use this you will be able to

    attain the best results and can plan or a more successul event next time.

    Event Ideas

    Day at the shooting range, Visit a detention center, Visit city hall, Attend a conerence or seminar, Do a ride-

    along with an ocer 15

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    Mascot Photo Opp

    Te creation o a simple mascot could be a great way to get the society name and image out to the public.

    Trough the societys social media outlets, they could advertise that the mascot would be on campus or a certain

    amount o time during a given day. I students take a picture with the mascot and tags the society on one o thesocial media sites, they will be entered in a drawing or a prize. A ew ideas or a mascot could be: a detective, a

    Sherlock Holmes-type character.

    A poster idea or this can be ound in the appendix.

    Service Oriented Activities

    Service is a great way to receive ree publicity. Te -Shirts you will purchase will be ree advertising around

    campus and during the service activities. Service will allow students to see what kind o people you are and will

    be more attracted to nd out more about who you are. Also this is a great way to get in the newspaper, or on the

    nightly news. Media loves a good service project. A ew examples o service activities are, cleaning the grounds,painting, helping the janitorial service, planting trees. Outside o campus activities, volunteering at the hospital

    or at the nursing center. You can pick-up trash on the side o the road and you can nd those in need to help

    restore their home. Many dierent opportunities are available to serve while promoting your society.

    Scavenger Hunt

    A scavenger hunt is a un way to get students involved around campus and get them amiliar with the student

    ocers. Tere can be a prize or this can be just a un way to get more students aware o the events happening

    later on in the semester.

    Free Marketing Ideas


    Tis is a proposed design o a sign to be used or thecriminology society. Prices vary according to desired



    Appendix: Sign Design

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    Appendix: T-Shirt Designs

    Tese are tentative shirt design ideas. We priced theshirts out with various companies and sources. Te

    price usually amounts to roughly $10.00/shirt.


  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign


    A ocus group is a small group o six to ten people led through an open discussion by a skilled moderator.

    Te group needs to be large enough to generate rich discussion but not so large that some participants are le


    Te ocus group moderator nurtures disclosure in an open and spontaneous ormat. Te moderators goal

    is to generate a maximum number o dierent ideas and opinions rom as many dierent people in the time


    Te ideal amount o time to set aside or a ocus group is anywhere rom 45 to 90 minutes. Beyond that most

    groups are not productive and it becomes an imposition on participant time.

    Focus groups are structured around a set o careully predetermined questions usually no more than 10 but the discussion is ree-fowing. Ideally, participant comments will stimulate and infuence the thinking and

    sharing o others. Some people even nd themselves changing their thoughts and opinions during the group.

    It takes more than one ocus group on any one topic to produce valid results usually three or our. Youll

    know youve conducted enough groups (with the same set o questions) when youre not hearing anything

    new anymore, i.e. youve reached a point o saturation.

    A ocus group is not:

    -A debate-Group therapy

    -A confict resolution session

    -A problem solving session

    -An opportunity to collaborate

    -A promotional opportunity

    -An educational session

    Example Questions:

    1. How do you as a student o BYU-Idaho perceive the Criminology Society?

    2. What events would attract you to attend the Criminology Societies meetings?

    3. Do you eel that the Criminology Society is or every student? Why or Why not?


    Appendix: Focus Group Checklist

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    Appendix: Pre-Campaign Surve

    1.Are you:a. Male b. Female

    2. What is your major? ____________________________

    3. What year in school are you?a. Freshman b. Sophomore c. Junior d. Senior

    4. What advertisements do you pay more attention to? (Mark only one)___ Posters/Banners ___ Word of Mouth___ CVN (television advertisements) ___ Flyers (other print media)___ Booths ___ Other _________________

    5. Which building do you spend most of your time in? (Check Top Two)___ Ricks Bldg. ___ Taylor Bldg. ___ Hincley Bldg.

    ___ Benson Bldg. ___ Austin Bldg. ___ Manwaring Center___ BYU-I Center ___ Smith Bldg. ___ McKay Library___ Clarke Bldg. ___ Romney Bldg. ___ Kirkham Bldg.___ Spori Bldg. ___ Snow Bldg. ___ Hart Bldg.

    6. Do you belong to a society on campus?a. Yes b. No

    7. If no, how interested are you in joining a society on campus?

    8. Did you know that BYU-Idaho has a criminology society?a. Yes b.No

    9. What is your interest in joining the criminology society?

    10. The criminology society is for everyone.

    11. Iwouldattendthecriminologysocietyifthereweresomebenettome.





























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    Where do you spendyour time?

    Our research also indicates

    that students spend most o

    their on-campus time in the

    Manwaring Center. We would

    like to pursue opportunities

    to push the public relations

    campaign more there. Te

    MC also acts as the center ocampus and a place where

    students congregate. Tis

    is an important thing to

    remember when choosing

    the location to hang your posters and hand-out fiers. Location is a key principle when grabbing your audiences

    attention. We have done the research now you can eectively use it to your societies advantage.

    Appendix: Select Survey Results

    !"#$%&'(%Yes, 24%


    Hart Building

    Snow Building

    Spori Building

    Kirkham Building

    Romney Building

    Clarke Building

    McKay Library

    Smith Building

    BYU-I Center

    Manwaring Center

    Austin Building

    Benson Building

    Hinckley Building

    Taylor Building

    Ricks Building
















    Did you know

    that BYU-I had aCriminology Society?


    1 2 3 4 5











    Te Criminology Society is or Everyone

    Te results o this question show that overall, people are

    impartial to the Criminology Society. Tey seem to have neither

    agreed or disagreed with the statement that the society was or

    everyone. Tis means that we need to step up awareness that the

    society is or everyone

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign


    What orm o advertising

    catches attention?

    Our primary research demonstrated

    that students on the BYU-Idaho

    Campus preer hearing about newevents and inormation through word

    o mouth. Teir second preerence

    is through posters or banners and

    tangible items that they can see while

    walking around on campus. Te

    society needs to implement these

    strategies into a combined eort. Te

    society needs to create a stir around5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%0%


    Word of Mouth







    2 3 4 5






    I would attend the criminologysociety if it benefited me.

    Interest level in joining theCriminology Society.











    1 2 3 4 5

    campus by creating talk through the creative posters and other tangible products. Tis will give you a dual eectwhen dealing with campus awareness.

    Our research shows that there is a ar larger percentage o people who are not interested in joining thecriminology society. In the charts above, 1 indicates very uninterested and 5 indicates very interested.

    Even though we see that there arent many people who are interested in joining the society, our results show thatpeople would be interested in participating with the society i there was a perceived benet, people would attend.

    We can conclude rom this that people simply need to know how the society will benet them. Tis is thepurpose o the entire public relations campaign.

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign




    1 2Begin Social Media


    3 4 5 6 7

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    15 16Launch Blog

    Launch Sidewalk

    Launch Soc. Media

    17 18 19 20Opening Social


    22 23Create Mystery

    Dinner Posters

    24Blog Post

    25 26 27 28

    29 30

    Sunday Monday uesday Wednesday Tursday Friday Saturday


    1Blog Post

    2 3Sherlock Holmes


    4 5

    6 7 8Blog Post

    9 10 11 12

    13 14 15Blog Post

    16 17 18 19

    20 21 22Blog Post

    23 24Sherlock Holmes


    25 26

    27 28 29Blog Post

    30 31

    Sunday Monday uesday Wednesday Tursday Friday Saturday


  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign



    1 2

    3 4 5Blog Post

    6 7 8 9

    10 11 12Blog Post

    13 14 15Sherlock Holmes



    17 18 19Blog Post

    20 21 22 23

    24 25 26Blog Post

    27Non-Teaching Day

    28No Classes


    29No Classes


    Sunday Monday uesday Wednesday Tursday Friday Saturday


    1 2 3Blog Post

    4 5 6 7

    8 9Sherlock Holmes


    10Blog Post

    11 12 13 14

    15 16 17Blog Post

    18 19 20 21Fall Semester Ends

    22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    29 30 31

    Sunday Monday uesday Wednesday Tursday Friday Saturday


  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign


    Appendix: Photo Opp Poster

    Criminology Society

    Can you find Sherlock Holmes?

    1. Find Sherlock on campus and take a picturewith him.

    2. Upload the picture to Facebook, Twitter, or

    Instagram and tag us. #BYUICS

    3. Be entered into our drawing for prizes!



  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign


    Appendix: Murder Mystery Poste


    Murder Myster DinnerWhen: September 20, 2013 7:00 p.m.Where: BYU-I Crossroads

    Who: Criminology SocietyCost: $15.00 per Couple

    Why: To Get to Know Us!

    Criminology Society #BYUICS

  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign


    Appendix: Pricing

    Poster (11x17, Color)

    1- $0.65 2- $1.30 10- $6.50 15- $9.75 25- $16.25 50- $32.50

    Flyers (8.5x11, B&W, 4/page)

    $0.04/page 100- $4.00 200- $8.00 300- $12.00 400- $16.00 500- $20.00

    Sidewalk Ads

    16x20, 1-Sided

    1- $15.00 2- $30.00 5- $75.00

    16x20, 2-Sided

    1- $25.00 2- $50.00 5- $125.00

    11x17, 2-Sided

    1- $7.50 2- $15.00 5- $37.50

    13x20, 2-Sided

    1- $8.50 2- $17.00 5- $42.50


    Roughly $10.00/shirt

    Criminology Society

    Can you find Sherlock Holmes?1. Find Sherlock on campus and take a picture

    with him.

    2. Upload the picture to Facebook, Twitter, or

    Instagram and tag us. #BYUICS

    3. Be entered into our drawing for prizes!



  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign




  • 7/28/2019 Criminology Society Public Relations Campaign
