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MIG Carrefour Belgium S.A. Avenue des Olympiades, 20 1140 Bruxelles Message Implementation Guide INVOIC D.96A

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Page 1: CRFBE MIG V04 14-10-2010 - · MIG Carrefour Belgium S.A. Avenue des Olympiades, 20 1140 Bruxelles Message Implementation


Carrefour Belgium S.A. Avenue des Olympiades, 20 1140 Bruxelles





Page 2: CRFBE MIG V04 14-10-2010 - · MIG Carrefour Belgium S.A. Avenue des Olympiades, 20 1140 Bruxelles Message Implementation

Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS I. General MIG – for all suppliers

a. Segments layout.............................................................................................................03

b. Heading Section .............................................................................................................04

o UNA ............................................................................................................................04 o UNB ............................................................................................................................05 o UNH............................................................................................................................06 o BGM............................................................................................................................07 o DTM............................................................................................................................08 o FTX .............................................................................................................................09 o SG1 – RFF .................................................................................................................10 o SG1 – DTM.................................................................................................................11 o SG2 – NAD.................................................................................................................12 o SG2 – FII ....................................................................................................................13 o SG3 – RFF .................................................................................................................14 o SG7 – CUX.................................................................................................................15 o SG8 – PAT .................................................................................................................16 o SG8 – DTM.................................................................................................................17 o SG8 – PCD.................................................................................................................18

c. Detail Section..................................................................................................................19

o SG25 – LIN.................................................................................................................19 o SG25 – IMD................................................................................................................20 o SG25 – QTY ...............................................................................................................21 o SG26 – MOA ..............................................................................................................22 o SG28 – PRI ................................................................................................................23 o SG33 – TAX ...............................................................................................................24 o SG38 – ALC ...............................................................................................................25 o SG41 – MOA ..............................................................................................................26

d. Summary Section ...........................................................................................................27

o UNS ............................................................................................................................27 o CNT ............................................................................................................................28 o SG48 – MOA ..............................................................................................................29 o SG50 – TAX ...............................................................................................................30 o SG50 – MOA ..............................................................................................................31 o SG51 – ALC ...............................................................................................................32 o SG51 – MOA ..............................................................................................................33 o UNT ............................................................................................................................34 o UNZ ............................................................................................................................35

e. Credit Notes Rules .........................................................................................................36

II. French suppliers specifics ..........................................................................................37

o FTX .............................................................................................................................38 o SG2 – NAD.................................................................................................................39 o SG3 – RFF .................................................................................................................40 o SG8 – PAT .................................................................................................................41

III. Examples .............................................................................................................................42

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 3 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Segments Layout This section describes each segment used in the EANCOM Invoice message. The original EDIFACT segment layout is listed. The appropriate comments relevant to the EANCOM subset are indicated. Notes: 1. The segments are presented in the sequence in which they appear in the message. The

segment or segment group tag is followed by the (M)andatory / (C)onditional indicator, the maximum number of occurrences and the segment description.

2. Reading from left to right, in column one, the data element tags and descriptions are shown,

followed by in the second column the EDIFACT status (M or C), the field format, and the picture of the data elements. These first pieces of information constitute the original EDIFACT segment layout.

Following the EDIFACT information, EANCOM specific information is provided in the third,

fourth, and fifth columns. In the third column a status indicator for the use of (C)onditional EDIFACT data elements (see 2.1 through 2.3 below), in the fourth column the restricted indicator (see point 3 on the following page), and in the fifth column notes and code values used for specific data elements in the message.

2.1 (M)andatory data elements in EDIFACT segments retain their status in EANCOM. 2.2 Additionally, there are five types of status for data elements with a (C)onditional EDIFACT

status, whether for simple, component or composite data elements. These are listed below and can be identified when relevant by the following abbreviations:

-REQUIRED R Indicates that the entity is required and must be sent. -ADVISED A Indicates that the entity is advised or recommended. -DEPENDENT D Indicates that the entity must be sent in certain conditions, as

defined by the relevant explanatory note. -OPTIONAL O Indicates that the entity is optional and may be sent at the

discretion of the user. -NOT USED N Indicates that the entity is not used and should be omitted. 2.3 If a composite is flagged as N, NOT USED, all data elements within that composite will have

blank status indicators assigned to them. 3. List of all valid characters in the message: � A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z � / + - = < > , * . : ; ? ( ) ! “ % & space � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 4 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0000 1 UNA C 1 0 Service string advice

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


UNA1 Component data element separator

M an1 M an1

UNA2 Data element separator M an1 M an1

UNA3 Decimal notation M an1 M an1

UNA4 Release indicator M an1 M an1

UNA5 Reserved for future use M an1 M an1

UNA6 Segment terminator M an1 M an1



UNA:+.? '

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 5 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0000 2 UNB M 1 0 Interchange header

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark



0001 Syntax identifier M a4 M a4


0002 Syntax version number M n1 M n1

3 Version 3


0004 Sender identification M an..35 M n..13

0007 Partner identification code qualifier

C an..4 R an..4

14 EAN International

0008 Address for reverse routing C an..14 N Not used


0010 Recipient identification M an..35 M n..13

0007 Partner identification code qualifier

C an..4 R an..4

14 EAN International

0014 Routing address C an..14 N Not used


0017 Date of preparation M n6 M n6

0019 Time of preparation M n4 M n4

0020 Interchange control reference M an..14 M an..14 Must be unique within one year



0022 Recipient's reference/password M an..14 N Not used

0025 Recipient's reference/password qualifier

C an2 N Not used

0026 Application reference C an..14 A an..14 SUP : specify the trading partner type (valid value is SUP or LSP) -- length 3 bytes BELG : specify the country (valid value for Belgium is BELG) -- length 4 bytes IN : specify the message type (valid value for INVOICE is IN) -- length 2 bytes V04 : specify the version , release of the MIG (valid value is V04) -- length 3 bytes

0029 Processing priority code C a1 N Not used

0031 Acknowledgement request C n1 N Not used

0032 Communications agreement ID C an..35 O

0035 Test indicator C n1 C n1

1 Interchange is a test


Use exclusively Uppercase characters without accent ( see UNOA) Example:


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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 6 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0010 3 UNH M 1 0 Message header

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


0062 Message reference number M an..14 M an..14 Must be unique inside the interchange


0065 Message type identifier M an..6 M an..6

INVOIC Invoice message

0052 Message type version number M an..3 M an..3

D Draft directory

0054 Message type release number M an..3 M an..3

96A Version 96A

0051 Controlling agency M an..2 M an..2

UN UN/ECE/TRADE/WP.4, United Nations Standard Messages (UNSM)

0057 Association assigned code C an..6 R an..6


0068 Common access reference C an..35 N Not used


0070 Sequence message transfer number

M n..2 N Not used

0073 First/last sequence message transfer indication

C a1 N Not used




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 7 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0020 4 BGM M 1 0 Beginning of message

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C002 Document/message name C C

1001 Document/message name, coded C an..3 R an..3 See remark below

380 Commercial invoice 381 Credit note - goods and services 383 Debit note - goods and services

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

1000 Document/message name C an..35 O an..35

1004 Document/message number C an..35 R an..20 Invoice Number assigned by sender MAX LENGTH is 20

1225 Message function, coded C an..3 R an..3 See remark below

9 Original 4343 Response type, coded C an..3 N

Not used


Carrefour Belgium covers only the documents related to GOODS, NOT to SERVICES Tag 1001 : Use 380 to designate a commercial invoice (Valid for all kind of invoices) Use 381 to designate a credit note (Valid for all kind of credit note). Be careful : the linked invoice must exist and had to be send before the credit note Use 383 to designate a Debit Note (Valid for all kind of debit note). Be careful : the linked invoice must exist and had to be send before the debit note



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 8 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0030 5 DTM M 3 1 Date/time/period

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C507 Date/time/period M M

2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 M an..3

137 Document/message date 35 Delivery date, actual 3 Invoice date

2380 Date/time/period C an..35 R n..8 This must be a valid date

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier C an..3 R an..3



DTM 3 is Required. It's used to indicate the date of the invoice, credit note or debit note DTM 35 has to be mentioned whenever it is possible and is used to specify the Date supply of goods (according to the law.) Date specified in DE2380 must be a valid date using format from DE2379. Be careful : 0000000 is not valid date and will reject the message


DTM+3:20050115:102' DTM+35:20070220:102'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 9 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0070 6 FTX C 10 1 Free text

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


4451 Text subject qualifier M an..3 M an..3

TXD Tax declaration ZZZ Mutually defined

4453 Text function, coded C an..3 N Not used

C107 Text reference C N

4441 Free text, coded M an..3 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

C108 Text literal C R

4440 Free text M an..70 R an..70

4440 Free text C an..70 O an..70

4440 Free text C an..70 N Not used

4440 Free text C an..70 N Not used

4440 Free text C an..70 N Not used

3453 Language, coded C an..3 N Not used


This segment is required to assume legal mentions on a document. Tag 4451 : TXD Specify all legal mentions that the supplier must include in his document referring to specific articles Tag 4451 : ZZZ Specify all other mentions agreed between Carrefour Belgium and his supplier



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 10 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0080 SG1 R 99 1 RFF-DTM

0090 7 RFF M 1 1 Reference

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C506 Reference M M

1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 M an..3 See Remark below

ON Order number (buyer) IV Invoice number AAJ Delivery order number

1154 Reference number C an..35 R an..35 When DE1153 is ON -> format is 10 numeric bytes without spaces

1156 Line number C an..6 N Not used

4000 Reference version number C an..35 N Not used


1. When document refers to a Central Delivery (NAD+DP represents a warehouse) RFF+ON is mandatory. 2. When refers to a Store Delivery (NAD+DP represents a store) RFF+AAJ is mandatory. 3. When document - CREDIT NOTE BGM+381 or DEBIT NOTE BGM+383 - RFF+IV is mandatory and DE1154 must specify the linked invoice number already sent or 0 when not known


RFF+ON:4647153269' RFF+AAJ:0207821911' RFF+IV:06VF018120' RFF+IV:0'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 11 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0080 SG1 R 99 1 RFF-DTM

0100 8 DTM A 5 2 Date/time/period

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C507 Date/time/period M M

2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 M an..3

171 Reference date/time

2380 Date/time/period C an..35 R N..8 Must be a valid Date

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier C an..3 R an..3



Date of the reference given in the RFF segment above. Date specified in DE2380 must be a valid date using format from DE2379. Be careful : 0000000 is not valid date and will reject the message



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 12 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0110 SG2 R 99 1 NAD-FII-SG3

0120 9 NAD M 1 1 Name and address

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


3035 Party qualifier M an..3 M an..3 SU represents the subdivision of the supplier if any, if not present SU = SCO All Specified code must be present

IV Invoicee DP Delivery party SCO Supplier's corporate office (EAN Code) SU Supplier BY Buyer

C082 Party identification details C R

3039 Party id. identification M an..35 M n..13 Must be a GLN (8/11/13 digits)

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 R 9 EAN (International Article Numbering


C058 Name and address C N

3124 Name and address line M an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

C080 Party name C R

3036 Party name M an..35 M an..35

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3045 Party name format, coded C an..3 N Not used

C059 Street C R

3042 Street and number/p.o. box M an..35 M an..35

3042 Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 N Not used

3042 Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 N Not used

3042 Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 N Not used

3164 City name C an..35 R an..35

3229 Country sub-entity identification C an..9 N Not used

3251 Postcode identification C an..9 R an..9

3207 Country, coded C an..3 R a..2


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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 13 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0110 SG2 R 99 1 NAD-FII-SG3

0140 10 FII C 5 2 Financial institution information

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


3035 Party qualifier M an..3 M an..3

RB Receiving financial institution

C078 Account identification C R

3194 Account holder number C an..35 R an..35

3192 Account holder name C an..35 N Not used

3192 Account holder name C an..35 N Not used

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 N Not used

C088 Institution identification C R

3433 Institution name identification C an..11 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 R an..3

25 Bank identification

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 R an..3

5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

17 S.W.I.F.T.

3434 Institution branch number C an..17 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

3432 Institution name C an..70 N Not used

3436 Institution branch place C an..70 N Not used

3207 Country, coded C an..3 N Not used


FII segment is only used following NAD+SU


FII+RB+BE62510007547061+:25:5' FII+RB+BANKAABB+:25:17'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 14 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0150 SG3 D 3 2 RFF

0160 11 RFF M 1 2 Reference

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C506 Reference M M

1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 M an..3 RFF+XA may be used after NAD+SU

VA VAT registration number ARA New Company Id (only valid for Belgian

Company) XA Company/place registration number

1154 Reference number C an..35 R an ..20

1156 Line number C an..6 N Not used

4000 Reference version number C an..35 N Not used


RFF+VA is mandatory following NAD+SCO RFF+VA is mandatory following NAD+SU RFF+VA is mandatory following NAD+IV


RFF+VA:BE0448826918' RFF+ARA:BE0448826918’

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 15 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0280 SG7 R 5 1 CUX

0290 12 CUX M 1 1 Currencies

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C504 Currency details C R

6347 Currency details qualifier M an..3 M an..3

2 Reference currency

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 R an..3

EUR European Euro

6343 Currency qualifier C an..3 R an..3

4 Invoicing currency

6348 Currency rate base C n..4 N Not used

C504 Currency details C N

6347 Currency details qualifier M an..3 N Not used

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 N Not used

6343 Currency qualifier C an..3 N Not used

6348 Currency rate base C n..4 N Not used

5402 Rate of exchange C n..12 N Not used

6341 Currency market exchange, coded

C an..3 N Not used




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 16 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0310 SG8 C 10 1 PAT-DTM-PCD

0320 13 PAT M 1 1 Payment terms basis

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


4279 Payment terms type qualifier M an..3 M an..3

22 Discount 3 Fixed date

C110 Payment terms C C

4277 Terms of payment identification M an..17 M an..17

6 No drafts

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

4276 Terms of payment C an..35 C an..35

4276 Terms of payment C an..35 N Not used

C112 Terms/time information C C

2475 Payment time reference, coded M an..3 M an..3

5 Date of invoice

2009 Time relation, coded C an..3 O an..3

3 After reference 6 End of month containing the reference date 7 End of the month following the month of reference date

2151 Type of period, coded C an..3 O an..3

D Day

2152 Number of periods C n..3 O n..3



PAT+22+6:::30 DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE+5:3:D:30' PAT+3’

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 17 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0310 SG8 C 10 1 PAT-DTM-PCD

0330 14 DTM C 5 2 Date/time/period

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C507 Date/time/period M M

2005 Date/time/period qualifier M an..3 R an..3

12 Terms discount due date/time 13 Terms net due date

2380 Date/time/period C an..35 R n..8

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier C an..3 R an..3





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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 18 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0310 SG8 C 10 1 PAT-DTM-PCD

0340 15 PCD C 1 2 Percentage details

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C501 Percentage details M M

5245 Percentage qualifier M an..3 M an..3 DE5245 value 1 is not managed in this version 12 Discount

5482 Percentage C n..10 R n..6 Field formatting is nn.dd ( max 2 digits and at least 1 digit before decimal point and 2 digit after the decimal point). Can't be void.

5249 Percentage basis, coded C an..3 R an..3

13 Invoice value

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 19 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0890 SG25 R 9999999 1 LIN-IMD-QTY-SG26-SG28-SG33-SG38 Must exist at least once (Document without any detailed line is not VALID)

0900 16 LIN R 1 1 Line item

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


1082 Line item number C n..6 R n..6 Sequential numbering starting from 1

1229 Action request/notification, coded

C an..3 N Not used

C212 Item number identification C R

7140 Item number C an..35 R an..35

7143 Item number type, coded C an..3 R an..3 If DE7140 is a GTIN then specify EN a Supplier ref then specify SA a C4BE ref then specify IN

EN International Article Numbering Association (EAN)

SA Supplier's article number IN Buyer's item number

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

C829 Sub-line information C N

5495 Sub-line indicator, coded C an..3 N Not used

1082 Line item number C n..6 N Not used

1222 Configuration level C n..2 N Not used

7083 Configuration, coded C an..3 N Not used


Priority in DE7143 : Use EN as first preferences. If unavailable then use IN and finally use SA



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 20 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0890 SG25 R 9999999 1 LIN-IMD-QTY-SG26-SG28-SG33-SG38 Must exist at least once (Document without any detailed line is not VALID)

0920 17 IMD R 1 2 Item description

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


7077 Item description type, coded C an..3 R an..3

F Free-form

7081 Item characteristic, coded C an..3 N Not used

C273 Item description C R

7009 Item description identification C an..17 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

7008 Item description C an..35 R an..35 Supplier Product Designation

7008 Item description C an..35 O an..35

3453 Language, coded C an..3 O an..3

EN English FR French NL Dutch

7383 Surface/layer indicator, coded C an..3 N Not used


Do not use characters with Accent and Use only capital letters for product designation REMINDER: List of all valid characters in the description: � A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z � / + - = < > , * . : ; ? ( ) ! “ % & space � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 21 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0890 SG25 R 9999999 1 LIN-IMD-QTY-SG26-SG28-SG33-SG38 Must exist at least once (Document without any detailed line is not VALID)

0940 18 QTY R 1 2 Quantity

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C186 Quantity details M M

6063 Quantity qualifier M an..3 M an..3

47 Invoiced quantity

6060 Quantity M n..15 M n..15 At least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point. Can't be void.

6411 Measure unit qualifier C an..3 O LTR Liter

KGM Kilogram MTR Meter PCE Piece


Valid value example : 2.1 or 0.5 or 4 Invalid value example : .5



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 22 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1030 SG26 R 5 2 MOA

1040 19 MOA M 1 2 Monetary amount

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C516 Monetary amount M M

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier M an..3 M an..3

203 Line item amount

5004 Monetary amount C n..18 R n..18 Amount = Net Unit Price * quantity, can't be void. At least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point.

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 N Not used

6343 Currency qualifier C an..3 N Not used

4405 Status, coded C an..3 N Not used




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 23 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1110 SG28 R 2 2 PRI

1120 20 PRI R 1 2 Price details

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C509 Price information C C

5125 Price qualifier M an..3 R an..3 AAA -> Included allowances/ charges AAB -> Excluded allowances/ charges

AAA Calculation net AAB Calculation gross

5118 Price C n..15 R n..15 At least 1 digit before decimal point and max 4 digits after the decimal point. Can't be void.

5375 Price type, coded C an..3 N Not used

5387 Price type qualifier C an..3 N Not used

5284 Unit price basis C n..9 O

6411 Measure unit qualifier C an..3 O LTR Liter

KGM Kilogram MTR Meter PCE Piece

5213 Sub-line price change, coded C an..3 N Not used


PRI+AAA and PRI+AAB are both mandatory.


PRI+AAA:4.5' PRI+AAB:5.5'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 24 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1310 SG33 R 99 2 TAX

1320 21 TAX M 1 2 Duty/tax/fee details

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


5283 Duty/tax/fee function qualifier M an..3 M an..3

7 Tax

C241 Duty/tax/fee type C C

5153 Duty/tax/fee type, coded C an..3 R an..3

VAT Value added tax

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5152 Duty/tax/fee type C an..35 N Not used

C533 Duty/tax/fee account detail C N

5289 Duty/tax/fee account identification M an..6 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5286 Duty/tax/fee assessment basis C an..15 N Not used

C243 Duty/tax/fee detail C R

5279 Duty/tax/fee rate identification C an..7 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5278 Duty/tax/fee rate C an..17 R n..6 Field formatting is nn.dd (max 2 digits and at least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point). Can't be void.

5273 Duty/tax/fee rate basis identification

C an..12 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5305 Duty/tax/fee category, coded C an..3 R an..3

E Exempt from tax S Standard rate

3446 Party tax identification number C an..20 N Not used



TAX+7+VAT+++:::6.00+S' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+S' <--- This is not valid

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 25 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1470 SG38 C 15 2 ALC-SG41

1480 22 ALC M 1 2 Allowance or charge

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


5463 Allowance or charge qualifier M an..3 M an..3

C Charge A Allowance

C552 Allowance/charge information C N

1230 Allowance or charge number C an..35 N Not used

5189 Charge/allowance description, coded

C an..3 N Not used

4471 Settlement, coded C an..3 N Not used

1227 Calculation sequence indicator, coded

C an..3 N Not used

C214 Special services identification C R

7161 Special services, coded C an..3 R an..3 When we have ALC+C this is required to specify which kind of charge we have

001 Excise duty

003 Collection and recycling services 004 Copyright fee collection service 013 RECUPEL 014 BEBAT 020 Auvibel 021 Reprobel 022 Valofrit ACY Returnable Deposit Amount ADR Other services (allowance or charge)

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

7160 Special service C an..35 O an..35

7160 Special service C an..35 N Not used


When there are empties or returnable goods (empty bottles, EPS containers…), segment ALC+C++++ACY' must be present.



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 26 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1570 SG41 R 1 3 MOA

1580 23 MOA R 1 3 Monetary amount

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C516 Monetary amount M M

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier M an..3 R an..3

23 Charge amount 204 Allowance amount

5004 Monetary amount C n..18 R n..18 At least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point. Can't be void.

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 N Not used

6343 Currency qualifier C an..3 N Not used

4405 Status, coded C an..3 N Not used


This segment is used to specify the special charge or allowance amount for the line item being invoiced.


MOA+23:4.542' MOA+204:5.542'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 27 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1790 24 UNS M 1 0 Section control

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


0081 Section identification M a1 M a1

S Detail/summary section separation




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 28 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1800 25 CNT C 2 1 Control total

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C270 Control M M

6069 Control qualifier M an..3 M an..3

1 Total value of the quantity segments at line level in a message

2 Number of line items in message

6066 Control value M n..18 M n..18

6411 Measure unit qualifier C an..3 N Not used




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 29 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1810 SG48 M 4 1 MOA

1820 26 MOA M 1 1 Monetary amount

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C516 Monetary amount M M

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier M an..3 M an..3 MOA+79 = Sum (MOA+203 at LIN level) MOA+21 is mandatory when PAT+22 exists

21 Cash discount amount 79 Total line items amount 86 Message total monetary amount 176 Message total duty/tax/fee amount

5004 Monetary amount C n..18 R n..18 At least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point. Can't be void.

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 N Not used

6343 Currency qualifier C an..3 N Not used

4405 Status, coded C an..3 N Not used



MOA+21:9' MOA+79:959.24' MOA+176:100.24' MOA+86:1059.48'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 30 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1860 SG50 R 10 1 TAX-MOA

1870 27 TAX M 1 1 Duty/tax/fee details

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


5283 Duty/tax/fee function qualifier M an..3 M an..3

7 Tax

C241 Duty/tax/fee type C R

5153 Duty/tax/fee type, coded C an..3 R an..3

VAT Value added tax

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5152 Duty/tax/fee type C an..35 N Not used

C533 Duty/tax/fee account detail C N

5289 Duty/tax/fee account identification M an..6 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5286 Duty/tax/fee assessment basis C an..15 N Not used

C243 Duty/tax/fee detail C R

5279 Duty/tax/fee rate identification C an..7 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5278 Duty/tax/fee rate C an..17 R n..6 Field formatting is nn.dd (max 2 digits and at least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point). Can't be void.

5273 Duty/tax/fee rate basis identification

C an..12 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

5305 Duty/tax/fee category, coded C an..3 R an..3

E Exempt from tax S Standard rate

3446 Party tax identification number C an..20 N Not used


All Tax rates found in LIN must appear in this trailer group


TAX+7+VAT+++:::6.00+S' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+S' <--- This is not valid

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 31 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1860 SG50 R 10 1 TAX-MOA

1880 28 MOA R 2 2 Monetary amount

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C516 Monetary amount M M

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier M an..3 M an..3

124 Tax amount 125 Taxable amount

5004 Monetary amount C n..18 R n..18 At least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point. Can't be void.

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 N Not used

6343 Currency qualifier C an..3 N Not used

4405 Status, coded C an..3 N Not used




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 32 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1890 SG51 C 15 1 ALC-MOA

1900 29 ALC M 1 1 Allowance or charge

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


5463 Allowance or charge qualifier M an..3 R an..3

C Charge

C552 Allowance/charge information C N

1230 Allowance or charge number C an..35 N Not used

5189 Charge/allowance description, coded

C an..3 N Not used

4471 Settlement, coded C an..3 N Not used

1227 Calculation sequence indicator, coded

C an..3 N Not used

C214 Special services identification C R

7161 Special services, coded C an..3 R an..3

001 Excise duty 003 Collection and recycling services 004 Copyright fee collection service 013 RECUPEL 014 BEBAT 020 Auvibel 021 Reprobel 022 Valofrit ADR Other services (allowance or charge)

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

7160 Special service C an..35 O an..35

7160 Special service C an..35 N Not used


Recap of all Charges



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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 33 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1890 SG51 C 15 1 ALC-MOA

1920 30 MOA R 1 2 Monetary amount

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C516 Monetary amount M M

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier M an..3 M an..3 23 Charge amount

5004 Monetary amount C n..18 R n..18 At least 1 digit before decimal point and max 2 digits after the decimal point. Can't be void.

6345 Currency, coded C an..3 N Not used

6343 Currency qualifier C an..3 N Not used

4405 Status, coded C an..3 N Not used




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 34 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

1930 31 UNT M 1 0 Message trailer

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


0074 Number of segments in a message

M n..6 M n..6

0062 Message reference number M an..14 M an..14




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 35 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter No Tag St MaxOcc Level Name

0000 32 UNZ M 1 0 Interchange trailer

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


0036 Interchange control count M n..6 M n..6

0020 Interchange control reference M an..14 M an..14




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 36 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Validation and payment process at Carrefour: In order to validate and pay an invoice, Carrefour Belgium needs to link and to compare your invoice to the corresponding goods receipt. - For goods delivered in Stores, our Good Receipt is linked with your Dispatch Advice number. - For goods delivered in Warehouses, our Good Receipt is linked with our Purchase Order number. When you have a correction (1) to do, we need the same information in your corrective message (debit & credit notes) in order to link it to the same Good Receipt. However, there are some cases where you won't be able to give this information: - Return of goods (2) - Price protection (3) - After Sales Service (goods that have to be repaired) (4) - After Receiving a Debit note from Carrefour Belgium (5) How to fill in your credit or debit notes according to the different cases? 1- Price correction, Quantity correction & Invoice cancellation : The Credit Note must refer to:

• The first invoice it corrects • The Purchase Order on the first invoice (mandatory if central delivery) • The Dispatch Advice on the first invoice (mandatory if direct delivery)

In technical terms: RFF+IV:' Invoice number to correct' RFF+AAJ:' Dispatch advice in the invoice here over' RFF+ON:' PO in the invoice here over' 2- Return of goods : The Credit Note must refer to:

• The Return number in 10 digits (number indicated in the return voucher given by Carrefour + as many '0' needed in front of it in order to extend this number to 10 digits)

In technical terms: RFF+AAJ:' return number' RFF+ON:' return number' RFF+IV:0' For returns from Franchisee stores, it's possible you don't have the return number. In this case, you can replace it by the Credit Note number. In technical terms: RFF+AAJ:' credit note number' RFF+ON:' credit note number' RFF+IV:0' 3- Price protection: The Credit Note must follow the rules:

• Credit note number begins with the letter 'P' (in order to recognize price protection document) • "Despatch advice number area" = Credit note # without 'P' • Delivery address = Fictive store 699 (GLN = 5400102606998)

In technical terms: BGM+381+Pxxxxxxxxxx' RFF+AAJ:'credit note # without P' RFF+ON:'credit note # without P' RFF+IV:0' NAD+DP+ 5400102606998::9++CARREFOUR PRICE PROTECTION+OLYMPIADENLAAN 20+BRUSSEL++1140+BE'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 37 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

4- After Sales Service: The Credit Note must follow the rules:

• "Despatch advice number area" = After Sales/Repairing document number (without any alphabetic characters) • Delivery address = Fictive store 923 (GLN = 5400102909235)

In technical terms: BGM+381+xxxxxxxxxx' RFF+AAJ:’After Sales/Repairing document number ‘ RFF+ON: ’After Sales/Repairing document number' RFF+IV:0' NAD+DP+5400102909235::9++CARREFOUR SAV+OLYMPIADENLAAN 20+BRUSSEL++1140+BE' 5- After Receiving a Debit note from Carrefour Belg ium: The Credit Note must follow the rules:

• "Despatch advice number area" = Carrefour's Debit Note number without the leading ' 02 ' In technical terms: RFF+IV:0' RFF+AAJ:’Carrefour's Debit Note number‘ RFF+ON: ’ Carrefour's Debit Note number‘

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 38 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®


French suppliers must indicate more information in their invoices because there are more rules in their Commercial law. All the segments of this part replace the ones in the general MIG for French suppliers. (the changes are in italic purple letters below.) FTX � page 37 replace page 09 SG2 – NAD � page 12 replaced by page 38 SG3 – RFF � page 14 replaced by page 39 SG8 – PAT � page 16 replaced by page 40

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Invoice – French suppliers


Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 39 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter NoTag St MaxOcc Level Name

0070 6 FTX C 10 1 Free text

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


4451 Text subject qualifier M an..3 M an..3

TXD Tax declaration ZZZ Mutually defined PMD Payment detail/remittance information REG Regulatory information

4453 Text function, coded C an..3 N Not used

C107 Text reference C N

4441 Free text, coded M an..3 N Not used

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

C108 Text literal C R

4440 Free text M an..70 R an..70

4440 Free text C an..70 O an..70

4440 Free text C an..70 N Not used

4440 Free text C an..70 N Not used

4440 Free text C an..70 N Not used

3453 Language, coded C an..3 N Not used


This segment is required to assume legal mentions on a document. Tag 4451 : TXD Specify all legal mentions that the supplier must include in his document referring to specific articles Tag 4451 : ZZZ Specify all other mentions agreed between Carrefour Belgium and his supplier



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Invoice – French suppliers


Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 40 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter NoTag St MaxOcc Level Name

0110 SG2 R 99 1 NAD-FII-SG3

0120 9 NAD M 11 Name and address

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


3035 Party qualifier M an..3 M an..3 SU represents the subdivision of the supplier if any, if not present SU = SCO

IV Invoicee DP Delivery party SCO Supplier's corporate office SU Supplier BY Buyer SE Seller RE Party to receive commercial invoice

remittance C082 Party identification details C


3039 Party id. identification M an..35 R n..13 Must be a GLN

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

C058 Name and address C N

3124 Name and address line M an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

3124 Name and address line C an..35 N Not used

C080 Party name C R

3036 Party name M an..35 R an..35

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3036 Party name C an..35 N Not used

3045 Party name format, coded C an..3 N Not used

C059 Street C R

3042 Street and number/p.o. box M an..35 R an..35

3042 Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 N Not used

3042 Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 N Not used

3042 Street and number/p.o. box C an..35 N Not used

3164 City name C an..35 R an..35

3229 Country sub-entity identification C an..9 N Not used

3251 Postcode identification C an..9 R an..9

3207 Country, coded C an..3 R an..3

Remark: NAD+SE & NAD+RE are mandatory according to GS1 France.



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Invoice – French suppliers


Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 41 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter NoTag St MaxOcc Level Name

0150 SG3 D 32 RFF

0160 11 RFF M 12 Reference

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


C506 Reference M M

1153 Reference qualifier M an..3 M an..3 XA & GN may be used after NAD+SE

VA VAT registration number XA Company/place registration number GN Government reference number

1154 Reference number C an..35 R an ..20

1156 Line number C an..6 N Not used

4000 Reference version number C an..35 N Not used


RFF+VA is mandatory following NAD+SCO / NAD+SU / NAD+IV / NAD+SE RFF+XA is mandatory following NAD+SCO / NAD+SE RFF+GN is mandatory following NAD+SCO / NAD+SE


RFF+VA:FR07123456789' RFF+XA:NANTES 123456789' RFF+GN:123456789'

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Invoice – French suppliers


Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 42 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Counter NoTag St MaxOcc Level Name

0310 SG8 C 10 1 PAT-DTM-PCD

0320 13 PAT M 11 Payment terms basis

Standard Implementation

Tag Name St Format St Format Usage / Remark


4279 Payment terms type qualifier M an..3 M an..3

22 Discount 20 Penalty terms 3 Fixed date

C110 Payment terms C C

4277 Terms of payment identification M an..17 M an..17

1131 Code list qualifier C an..3 N Not used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

C an..3 N Not used

4276 Terms of payment C an..35 C an..35

4276 Terms of payment C an..35 N Not used

C112 Terms/time information C C

2475 Payment time reference, coded M an..3 M an..3

2009 Time relation, coded C an..3 O an..3

2151 Type of period, coded C an..3 O an..3

2152 Number of periods C n..3 O n..3




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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 43 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®


Example 1: Standard Invoice – Store delivery – VAT = 21% ................................ p43

Example 2: Standard Invoice – Warehouse delivery – VAT = 21%....................... p44

Example 3: Invoice with ECOTAX ........................................................................ p45

Example 4: Invoice with EXCISE.......................................................................... p46

Example 5: Invoice with CASH DISCOUNT 2% ................................................... p47

Example 6: Invoice with COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT and EMPTY GOODS ......... p48

Example 7: Standard Credit Note......................................................................... p50

Example 8: Invoice – Warehouse delivery – Dutch supplier ................................. p51

Example 9: Invoice – Warehouse delivery – French supplier................................ p52

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 44 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 1: Standard Invoice – Store delivery – VAT = 21% UNB+UNOA:3+5400000000000:14+5400102000086:14+050718:1704+40013++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201+9' DTM+137:20050718:102' DTM+3:20050718:102' DTM+35:20050718:102' RFF+AAJ:10400000' DTM+171:20050711:102' NAD+DP+5400102601092::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+ BE ' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+ BE' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' NAD+SU+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+ BE ' FII+RB+BANK-999-9999999-99+:25:5' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' RFF+ARA:BE0123456789' RFF+XA:RPR/RPM CITY' CUX+2:EUR:4' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' LIN+2++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::AGAIN TEST::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' CNT+1:110' MOA+79:30965' MOA+176:6502.65' MOA+86:37467.65' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' MOA+125:30965' MOA+124:6502.65' UNT+42+1' UNZ+1+40013'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 45 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 2: Standard Invoice – Warehouse delivery – VAT = 21% UNB+UNOA:3+5400000000000:14+5400102000086:14+050718:1704+40013++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201+9' DTM+137:20050718:102' DTM+3:20050718:102' DTM+35:20050718:102' RFF+ON:4500000000' DTM+171:20050711:102' NAD+DP+5400102000055::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' NAD+SU+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' FII+RB+BANK-999-9999999-99+:25:5' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' RFF+ARA:BE0123456789' RFF+XA:RPR/RPM CITY' CUX+2:EUR:4' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' LIN+2++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::AGAIN TEST::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' CNT+1:110' MOA+79:30965' MOA+176:6502.65' MOA+86:37467.65' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' MOA+125:30965' MOA+124:6502.65' UNT+42+1' UNZ+1+40013'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 46 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 3: Invoice with ECOTAX UNB+UNOA:3+5400000000000:14+5400102000086:14+050718:1704+40033++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201+9' DTM+137:20050718:102' DTM+3:20050718:102' DTM+35:20050718:102' RFF+ON:1234567890' DTM+171:20050711:102' RFF+AAJ:4401000000' DTM+171:20050711:102' NAD+DP+5400102601092::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' NAD+SU+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' FII+RB+BANK-999-9999999-99+:25:5' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' RFF+ARA:BE0123456789' RFF+XA:RPR/RPM CITY' CUX+2:EUR:4' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:278.525' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' ALC+C++++003:::ECOTAX' MOA+23:119' LIN+2++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::AGAIN TEST::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:280.366' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' ALC+C++++003:::ECOTAX' MOA+23:79.38' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' CNT+1:110' MOA+79:30965' MOA+176:6502.65' MOA+86:37467.65' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' MOA+125:30965' MOA+124:6502.65' ALC+C++++003:::ECOTAX' MOA+23:198.38' UNT+50+1' UNZ+1+40033'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 47 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 4: Invoice with EXCISE UNB+UNOA:3+5400000000000:14+5400102000086:14+050718:1704+00001++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201+9' DTM+137:20050718:102' DTM+3:20050718:102' DTM+35:20050718:102' RFF+ON:1234567890' DTM+171:20050711:102' RFF+AAJ:4401000000' DTM+171:20050711:102' NAD+DP+5400102601092::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' NAD+SU+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' FII+RB+BANK-999-9999999-99+:25:5' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' RFF+ARA:BE0123456789' RFF+XA:RPR/RPM CITY' CUX+2:EUR:4' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:280.25' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' ALC+C++++001:::EXCISE' MOA+23:50' LIN+2++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::AGAIN TEST::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:280.785' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' ALC+C++++001:::EXCISE' MOA+23:50.05' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' CNT+1:110' MOA+79:30965' MOA+176:6502.65' MOA+86:37467.65' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' MOA+125:30965' MOA+124:6502.65' ALC+C++++001:::EXCISE' MOA+23:100.05' UNT+50+1' UNZ+1+00001'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 48 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 5: Invoice with CASH DISCOUNT 2% UNB+UNOA:3+5400000000000:14+5400102000086:14+070319:1704+125841++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+ABC0123+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201FAC+9' DTM+137:20070319:102' DTM+3:20070318:102' DTM+35:20070318:102' RFF+AAJ:44010012' DTM+171:20070318:102' NAD+DP+5400102601092::9++SUPER GB MOL+STATIESTRAAT 53A+MOL++2400+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++CARREFOUR BELGIUM+BELPAIRESTRAAT 20 - PB2046+BERCHEM++2600+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' NAD+SU+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' FII+RB+BANK-999-9999999-99+:25:5' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' RFF+ARA:BE0123456789' RFF+XA:RPR/RPM CITY' CUX+2:EUR:4' PAT+22' DTM+12:20070430:102' PCD+12:2:13' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST ITEM::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' LIN+2++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::OTHER TEST ITEM::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' CNT+1:110' MOA+79:30965' MOA+176:6372.6' MOA+86:37337.6' MOA+21:619.3' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' MOA+125:30345.7' MOA+124:6372.6' UNT+46+ABC0123' UNZ+1+125841'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 49 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 6: Invoice with COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT and EMPTY GOODS UNB+UNOA:3+5400000000000:14+5400102000086:14+050718:1704+00001++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201+9' DTM+137:20050718:102' DTM+3:20050718:102' DTM+35:20050718:102' RFF+ON:1234567890' DTM+171:20050711:102' RFF+AAJ:4401000000' DTM+171:20050711:102' NAD+DP+5400102601092::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' NAD+SU+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' FII+RB+BANK-999-9999999-99+:25:5' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' RFF+ARA:BE0123456789' RFF+XA:RPR/RPM CITY' CUX+2:EUR:4' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:291.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' ALC+A++++ADR:::DISCOUNT' MOA+204:400' LIN+2++1234(code Carrefour):IN' IMD+F++:::EMPTY GOOD1::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:180' PRI+AAA:4.50' PRI+AAB:4.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' ALC+C++++ACY' MOA+23:180' LIN+3++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::Again TEST::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:291.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' ALC+A++++ADR:::DISCOUNT' MOA+204:700' LIN+4++1234(code Carrefour):IN' IMD+F++:::EMPTY GOOD2::EN ' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:245' PRI+AAA:3.50' PRI+AAB:3.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' ALC+C++++ACY' MOA+23:245' UNS+S' CNT+2:4' CNT+1:220'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 50 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

MOA+79:31390' MOA+176:6502.65' MOA+86:37892.65' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' MOA+125:30965' MOA+124:6502.65' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' MOA+125:425' MOA+124:0.0' UNT+70+1' UNZ+1+4853'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 51 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 7: Standard Credit Note UNB+UNOA:3+5400000000000:14+5400102000086:14+050719:1104+4003++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+381+201201+9' DTM+137:20050718:102' DTM+3:20050718:102' DTM+35:20050718:102' RFF+IV:200600000' DTM+171:20050711:102' RFF+ON:1234567890' DTM+171:20050711:102' RFF+AAJ:4401000000' DTM+171:20050711:102' NAD+DP+5400102601092::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' NAD+SU+5400000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' FII+RB+BANK-999-9999999-99+:25:5' RFF+VA:BE0123456789' RFF+ARA:BE0123456789' RFF+XA:RPR/RPM CITY' CUX+2:EUR:4' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:10' MOA+203:2815' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' UNS+S' CNT+2:1' CNT+1:10' MOA+79:2815' MOA+176:591.15' MOA+86:3406.15' TAX+7+VAT+++:::21.00+S' MOA+125:2815' MOA+124:591.15' UNT+39+1' UNZ+1+4003'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 52 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 8: Standard Invoice – Warehouse delivery – Dutch supplier UNB+UNOA:3+8700000000000:14+5400102000086:14+060421:1104+40002++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201+9' DTM+137:20060421:102' DTM+3:20060419:102' DTM+35:20060419:102' FTX+TXD+++BTW VRIJSTELLING:INTRACOMMUNAUTAIRE LEVER ING' RFF+ON:4521500000' DTM+171:20060418:102' NAD+DP+5400102001830::9++CARREFOUR BELGIUM+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++CARREFOUR BELGIUM+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+8700000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+NL' RFF+VA:NL123456789B01' NAD+SU+8700000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+NL' RFF+VA:NL123456789B01' CUX+2:EUR:4' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' LIN+2++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::AGAIN TEST::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' CNT+1:110' MOA+79:30965' MOA+176:0' MOA+86:30965' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' MOA+125:30965' MOA+124:0' UNT+41+1' UNZ+1+40002'

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Invoice; C4BE; V04_Demat INVOIC / EANCOM D.96A Issue Date : 07/05/2007 Author : Callewaert Pierre Page : 53 Generated by GEFEG EDIFIX®

Example 9: Standard Invoice – Warehouse delivery – French supplier UNB+UNOA:3+3000000000000:14+5400102000086:14+060421:1104+40002++SUPBELGINV04++++1' UNH+1+INVOIC:D:96A:UN:EAN008' BGM+380+201201+9' DTM+137:20060419:102' DTM+3:20060419:102' DTM+35:20060419:102' FTX+TXD+++EXONERATION DE TVA ARTICLE 262 TER-I DU C GI' FTX+REG+++COMPANY:TYPE OF COMPANY:SOCIAL CAPITAL' FTX+PMD+++PENALITES DE RETARD AU TAUX DE 3,17% ANNU EL' RFF+ON:4521500000' DTM+171:20060418:102' NAD+DP+5400102001830::9++CARREFOUR BELGIUM+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' NAD+IV+5400102000086::9++CARREFOUR BELGIUM+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+BE' RFF+VA:BE0448826918' NAD+SCO+3000000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+FR' RFF+VA:FR99999999999' NAD+CO+3000000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POST CODE+FR' RFF+VA:FR99999999999' RFF+GN:999999999' RFF+XA:RCS CITY 999999999' NAD+SE+3000000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POST CODE+FR' RFF+VA:FR99999999999' NAD+RE+3000000000000::9' NAD+SU+3000000000000::9++COMPANY+ADDRESS+CITY++POSTCODE+FR' RFF+VA:FR99999999999' CUX+2:EUR:4' PAT+3' DTM+13:20060530:102' PAT+22' PCD+12:0:13' PAT+20' LIN+1++1111111111111:EN' IMD+F++:::TEST::EN' QTY+47:40' MOA+203:11260' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' LIN+2++2222222222222:EN' IMD+F++:::AGAIN TEST::EN' QTY+47:70' MOA+203:19705' PRI+AAA:281.50' PRI+AAB:281.50' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' UNS+S' CNT+2:2' CNT+1:110' MOA+79:30965' MOA+176:0' MOA+21:0' MOA+86:30965' TAX+7+VAT+++:::0.00+E' MOA+125:30965' MOA+124:0' UNT+50+1' UNZ+1+40002'