creating your own operating system

 CREATING YOUR OWN LINUX OPERATI NG SYSTEM USING SUSESTUDIO.COM  ABSTRACT: Every one in this world are ve ry curious to know How operating system(os) is build.For those people this article will guides you to build you own operating system.  SUSE Studio Onsite® is a Web based user interface for building and testing appliance in a web browser . It supports creation of virtual appliances and live systems based on SUSE Linux operating systems. SUSE Studio Onsite is the SUSE Studio release intended for installation on a server machine behind the firewall.  A software appliance is a pre-configured combination of an application for example, a Web server and its configuration, for example, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. All 3 parts are integrated into a single image and can be deployed on industry hardware or in a virtual environment .The publicly hosted version is available at . STEP 1: GETTING STARTED To build your own operating system follow these steps: 1: Login into suse studio using one of your email accounts like facebook,novell,goog le,yahoo

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ABSTRACT: Every one in this world are very curious to know How operating system(os) is build.For those people this

article will guides you to build you own operating system.  SUSE Studio Onsite® is a Web based user interface for building and testingappliance in a web browser. It supports creation of virtual appliances and live

systems based on SUSE Linux operating systems. SUSE Studio Onsite is the

SUSE Studio release intended for installation on a server machine behind thefirewall. A software appliance is a pre-configured combination of an applicationfor example, a Web server and its configuration, for example, SUSE Linux

Enterprise Server. All 3 parts are integrated into a single image and can bedeployed on industry hardware or in a virtual environment.The publicly hosted

version is available at 


To build your own operating system follow these steps:

1: Login into suse studio using one of your email accounts like facebook,novell,google,yahoo

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Twitter or create an novell account. 2:After pressing sign in or create an account you will get user interface like this for 

log in process.

3.Select the option create new appliance and choose one template.The template determines

the operating system where your appliance is based upon. This can be any SUSE

Linux Enterprise Desktop, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, or Kde4 desktop

VMware-based flavours for 32- or 64-bit processor architecture depending on theserver configuration. Use can choose either opensuse which means open source nor suse linux enterprise which means a paid version.After choosing the type name

your I given below

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STEP 2: Adding Software

Optionally extend the chosen base template with additional software from either your standard source or from an openSUSE repository. Here you need to chooseyour packages for development of your operating system.You can add whatever 

you want such as games, multimedia, desktop, tools in the form of packages. Hereyou can search your software’s which you want to include.

From External Repositories Add additional repositories from the Open Build

Server (OBS) or any other URL providing a software collection which is

compatible with SUSE Studio and its template. Any Compatible RPMs Upload

any compatible RPMpackage from your hard disk or from the Web to

SUSESTUDIOMake sure it is built for your base template and its architecture is the same as your appliance.SUSE Studio notifies you, if any dependencies cannot be fully resolved.

Adding External Repositories: To add an external repository from Open Build

Server to SUSE Studio,follow these steps: 

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1. Switch to Software and click  Add Repositories. Screen shot of the page looks

like this:

2. Enter a search word to reduce the list of shown repositories. Whenever user adds

an repository, the repository will be available for all users. Click Add to

Choose the proper repository and you are done.

3. If your repository is not visible in the list, click Import 

 New Repository.To Add your own repository through uploading.

4. Choose from a local or a remote source.

Searching for softwares in a search option showing image below:

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STEP 3: Configure Your Appliance

Personalize the look nothing but personalization, locale, network, logo,

 background and other settings of your appliance.

General: Changing your default locale and timezone, configuring your   Network, enable your firewall, and adding users and groups.

Personalize: Adding a new logo’s and background for your appliance.

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Start-Up: Define your default run level and any end user licence Agreement. Usually this field is empty, but if you choose it,The user must agree

to your licences the first time when he Uses your appliance.

Server: Set up a PostgreSQL or MySQL for database configuration.

Desktop: Configure automatic login for users and any program which isautomatically started during login.

Appliance: Set up advanced configuration for your appliance like disk, memory

and others.Scripts: Run custom scripts at the end of you’re appliance build. Usually for  

Experts .

STEP 4 : Uploading RPMs

SUSE Studio allows you to upload individual packages as in the format of RPM.

If you have a couple of RPM packages, it is easier to make an archive {tar,

.tar.gz,.tgz,.tar.bz2, .tbz, or .zip} and upload this your collection of your package toSUSE Studio.

SUSE Studio can extract your collection of your packages and add the individualRPM files to your software collection.

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In this uploading of rpm you can use your own package in option called (uploadrpm) or you can paste the web url of the package in the option called add web url

Uploading and pasting of web url page looks like this

STEP 5:Building Your Appliance

Build your appliance in different formats like :  

Amazon EC2 image

DASD (.raw)

Live CD/DVD (.iso)

OVF Virtual machine

Preload ISO (.iso)

PXE/Net boot

USB stick/hard disk image

VMware / VirtualBox / KVM (.vmdk)

Xen guest

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zFCP (.raw)

After downloading of your desired format test the appliance


APPLICANCEThis sharing option will providing you to share your appliance for others to

download What you have to do is give the summary of your appliance like what isspecial in your appliance and provide a username to share in gallery of suse


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STEP 7: Testing Your Appliances

SUSE Studio's provides you test drive which allows testing your appliance

without downloading it. After having built your appliance,Choose from these methods:

1. Use the browser.

2. Use a VNC session.

3. Log in with SSH. 

Click the Build will build you all your packages into your desire format.

After building of your appliance suse studio will provide you two options calleddownload media and test drive if you don’t have VMware of is good

to select option called Test drive from your built appliance.A new window opens in your browser. Your appliance automatically boots and

displays your login screen.


You can install your applicance in your own computer for usage or to test theappliance.


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Currently Pursuing 2nd year integrated M.Ssoftware engineering in VIT university

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