creating and maintaining organizational culture...الوصفالثقافة الفرعية في...

Essentials of Organizational Behavior Fourteenth Edition, Global Edition Chapter 8/8 Creating and Maintaining Organizational Culture Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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Essentials of Organizational BehaviorFourteenth Edition, Global Edition

Chapter 8/8Creating and MaintainingOrganizational Culture

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After studying this chapter you should be ableto:

1. Describe the common characteristics of organizational culture.2. Compare the functional and dysfunctional effects of

organizational culture on people and the organization.3. Identify the factors that create and sustain an organization’s

culture.4. Show how culture is transmitted to employees.5. Describe the similarities and differences in creating an ethical

culture, a positive culture, and a spiritual culture.6. Show how national culture may affect the way organizational

culture is interpreted.

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Organizational Culture

• Organizational culture:A system of shared meaning held by members thatdistinguishes the organization from other organizations. This is a shared medium that consists of a set of sevenkey characteristics of the organization values.

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Characteristics of Organizational Culture1. Innovation and risk taking2. Attention to detail: are expected to exhibit precision,

analysis.3. Outcome orientation: management focuses on results or

outcomes rather than on the techniques and processes used toachieve those outcomes.

4. People orientation5. Team orientation6. Aggressiveness: people are aggressive and competitive

rather than easygoing.7. Stability: maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth.

الحفاظ على الوضع الراهن على عكس النمو.
The degree to which work activities are organized around teams rather than individuals.
The degree to which management decisions take into consid- eration the effect of outcomes on people within the organization.
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Culture Is a Descriptive Term

Culture• Organizational culture is

concerned with howemployees perceive anorganization’s culture, notwhether or not they like it

It is a descriptive term

Job Satisfaction• Measures affective

responses to the workenvironment: concernedwith how employees feelabout the organization

It is an evaluative term

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Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures?

• The dominant culture expresses the core values thatare shared by a majority of the organization’s members:a macro view that gives an organization its distinctpersonality.

• Subcultures tend to develop in large organizations toreflect common problems, situations, or experiences ofmembers

– Subcultures retains the core values of the dominant culturebut may add to or modify the core values

to reflect their own distinct situation.

• تعبر الثقافة السائدة عن القيم الأساسية التي تتقاسمها غالبية أعضاء المنظمة: عرض الماكرو الذي يمنح المنظمة شخصيتها المميزة.
تميل الثقافات الفرعية إلى التطور في المؤسسات الكبيرة لتعكس المشكلات أو المواقف أو تجارب الأعضاء المشتركةالوصفالثقافة الفرعية في علم الاجتماع والانثروبولوجيا، تشير الثقافة الثانوية، الفرعية أو الخاصة إلى مجموعة من الناس أو شريحة اجتماعية معينة تختلف في وجهة معينة عن ثقافة أكبر هي جزء منها, وقد يكون الاختلاف متعلق بنمط الحياة والمعتقدات أو التخصص في أحد مجالات المعرفة أو طريقة رؤية العالم
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Strong versus Weak Cultures

• In a strong culture, the organization’s core values areboth intensely held and widely shared

• Strong cultures will:– Have great influence on the behavior of members– Increase cohesiveness– Result in lower employee turnover

If most employees have the same opinions about the organization’s mission and values, the culture is strongif opinions vary widely, the culture is weak.
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Culture versus Formalization

• High formalization creates predictability, orderliness,and consistency

• A strong culture achieves the same end without the needfor written documentation

عالية رسمية يخلق القدرة على التنبؤ ، والانتظام ، والاتساق
الاثنين هذولا طريقين مخلفين لوجهه مشتركه يعني يهدفون لشيء نفسه
كلما كانت ثقافة المنظمة أقوى ، قل اهتمام الإدارة بتطوير قواعد ولوائح رسمية لتوجيه سلوك الموظف.
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The Functions of Culture

• Defines boundaries• Conveys a sense of identity• Generates commitment beyond oneself• Enhances social stability• Sense-making and control mechanism

ينقل الاحساس بالهويه
يلتزمون بشيء اكبر من المصلحه الذاتيه
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Culture Creates Climate

• Organizational climate:The shared perceptions organizational members haveabout their organization and work environment

– Positive climate is linked to higher customer satisfaction andfinancial performance

بغض النظر عن حجم عملك الريادي، من المهم أن تعلم أن كل شركة أنه يجب عليها المحافظة على علاقة جيدة مع العاملين لديها. هكذا يمكنك تقديم مناخ جذاب وبيئة رائعة تساهم في تطوير العمل، مما يزيد من إنتاجية فريق العمل. كلما كانت نظرة العامل إلى مناخ العمل أو المناخ التنظيمي في المؤسسة أفضل، كلما زادت النتائج المتحققة.
يتشاركون اعضاء المنظمه تصوراتهم عن طبيعه عمل المنظمه
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The Ethical Dimension

• Ethical work climate (EWC):Shared concept of right and wrong behavior in theworkplace that reflects the true values of theorganization and shapes the ethical decision making ofits members

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Culture and Sustainability

• Sustainability:Organization practices that can be sustained over a longperiod of time because the tools or structures thatsupport them are not damaged by the processes

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Culture and Innovation

• Culture and innovation:Innovative companies are characterized by their open,unconventional, collaborative, vision-driven, andaccelerating cultures

• Culture as an asset:Culture can contribute to an organization’s bottom line

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Culture as a Liability

• InstitutionalizationBehaviors and habits go unquestioned – can stifle innovation

• Barriers to changeCulture is slow to change – even in a dynamic environment

• Barriers to diversityCulture seeks to minimize diversityCan embed prevalent bias and prejudice

• Barriers to acquisitions and mergersCultural incompatibility can be a problem

Hiring new employees who differ from the majority in race, age, gender, disability, or other characteristics creates a paradox
إن توظيف موظفين جدد يختلفون عن الأغلبية في العرق أو العمر أو الجنس أو الإعاقة أو غير ذلك من الخصائص يخلق مفارقة
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How a Culture Begins

• Ultimate source of an organization’s culture is itsfounders

• Founders create culture in three ways1. Hiring and keeping those who think and feel the same way

they do2. Indoctrinating and socializing those employees to their

way of thinking and feeling3. Acting as a role model and encouraging employees to

identify with them

المصدر النهائي لثقافة المنظمة هو مؤسسيها
تلقين هؤلاء الموظفين وتعارفهم على طريقة تفكيرهم وشعورهم
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Keeping a Culture Alive

• Selection: seek out those who fit in• Top management: establish norms of behavior by their

actions• Socialization: help new employees adapt to the existing


الاختيار: البحث عن أولئك الذين يصلح
التنشئة الاجتماعية: مساعدة الموظفين الجدد على التكيف مع الثقافة الحالية
شلون اخلي الثقافه حيه ويطبقونها الموظفين وفعاله
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A Socialization Model

• Pre-arrival: initial knowledge about the organizationand own unique ideas

• Encounter: exposed to the organization• Metamorphosis: member changed to fit within the


قبل الوصول: معرفة أولية عن المنظمة وامتلاك أفكار فريدة من نوعها • لقاء: يتعرض للمنظمة • التحول: تغيير عضو لتناسب داخل المنظمة
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Entry Socialization Options

• Formal: new workersseparated for training

• Collective: group basis• Fixed: planned activities• Serial: role models used• Divestiture: strip away

characteristics to buildup new ones

• Informal: new workersimmediately put to work

• Individual: one-on-one• Variable: no timetables• Random: on your own• Investiture: accepts and

confirms existingcharacteristics

خيارات التنشئة الاجتماعية
تجريد: تجريد الخصائص لبناء خصائص جديدة
الاستثمار: يقبل ويؤكد الخصائص الحالية
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Summary: How Cultures Form

• Success in employee socialization depends onmanagement’s selection of socialization methods andthe closeness of new employees’ values to those of theorganization

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How Employees Learn Culture

• Culture is transmitted to employees through:– Stories: provide explanations– Rituals: reinforce key values– Material symbols: convey importance, degree of

egalitarianism desired, and appropriate behaviors– Language: identify and segregate members

الطقوس: تعزيز القيم الرئيسية - الرموز المادية: تنقل الأهمية ، ودرجة المساواة المطلوبة ، والسلوكيات المناسبة - اللغة: تحديد وفصل الأعضاء
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Creating an Ethical Organizational Culture

• A strong culture with high risk tolerance, low-to-moderate aggressiveness, and a focus on means as wellas outcomes is most likely to shape high ethicalstandards

– Managers must be visible role models– Communicate ethical expectations– Provide ethical training– Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones– Provide protective mechanisms

من المرجح أن تشكل ثقافة قوية ذات درجة عالية من التسامح ، وعدوانية منخفضة إلى معتدلة ، والتركيز على الوسائل والنتائج ، المعايير الأخلاقية العالية - يجب أن يكون المديرون قدوة واضحة للعيان - التواصل التوقعات الأخلاقية - توفير التدريب الأخلاقي - مكافأة الأفعال الأخلاقية بشكل واضح ومعاقبة الأفعال غير الأخلاقية - توفير آليات الحماية
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Creating a Positive Organizational Culture

• A positive organizational culture emphasizes:– Building on employee strengths– Rewarding more than punishing– Encouraging vitality and growth– Recognizing outside context

تؤكد الثقافة التنظيمية الإيجابية على: - بناء على نقاط القوة الموظف - مكافأة أكثر من معاقبة - تشجيع الحيوية والنمو - التعرف على السياق الخارجي
اخلي الموظفين يعرفون ايش نقاط القوه حقتهم
الثناء من المديرين يزيد من انتاجيه الموظف وغالبا المديرين مايعرفون تكلفه عدم الثناء على الموظفين praise
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A Spiritual Culture

• Workplace spirituality: recognizes that people have aninner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningfulwork that takes place in the context of community

• Characteristics of a spiritual organization:– Benevolence– Strong sense of purpose– Trust and respect– Openmindedness

الروحانية في مكان العمل: تدرك أن للناس حياة داخلية تتغذى وتتغذى من خلال العمل الهادف الذي يحدث في سياق المجتمع
• خصائص التنظيم الروحي: - الإحسان - إحساس قوي بالهدف - الثقة والاحترام - منفتح الذهن
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The Global Context

• Organizational culture can reflect national culture and itcan transcend national boundaries

– Managers need to be culturally sensitive:● Talk in a low tone● Speak slowly● Listen more● Avoid discussing religion and politics

• Ethical decision making can be culture-bound

Organizational culture is so powerful that it often transcends na- tional boundaries. But that doesn’t mean organizations should, or could, ignore national and local culture.
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Impact on Employee Performance andSatisfaction

Characteristics of Organizational Culture
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Implications for Managers

• Realize that an organization’s culture is relatively fixed in theshort term.

• Hire individuals whose values align with those of theorganization; these employees will tend to remain committed andsatisfied.

• Understand that employees’ performance and socializationdepend to a considerable degree on their knowing what to do andnot do.

• You can shape the culture of your work environment.• Understand the cultural relevance of your organization’s norms

before introducing new plans or initiatives overseas.