creating a winning b2b pr strategy


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Post on 02-Dec-2014




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Building trust between partners and stakeholders is the base of successful PR. We have 6 simple steps to building your B2B PR Strategy.



2. In this age of online PR, the game haschanged. However, fundamental bestPR practices remain the same. Allgreat PR is based on reciprocity ofexchange - both sides in arelationship need to benefit from theexchange, and a building of trustbetween partners and stakeholders(your audience) is a 3 way trianglethat creates winning PR.With that in mind, we offer you thesesteps to building a successful PRstrategy. 3. 1. Identify andcategorize keymedia contactsand relationships. 4. A good first step is to breakdown your network of contactsinto categories and ratings.Determine who is the best partner forthe current PR need. Certain partnersare more relevant for certain plans for example, targeting retail writerswhen pitching a story angle about ashopping mall. 5. Every PR professional has his/her ownmethods, but one of our favorites is a simplespreadsheet to outline press outlets, reporters,beats, etc.However, professional CRM systems (such asSalesforce and Sugar) can also let you trackyour relationships in this manner. 6. 2. Identify formsof content thatmake sense forprint, radio andTV. 7. This is where having a good contentwriting staff comes in. You canleverage your staffs expertise intocreating content that spreads thegood word about them.Most press outlets arehungry for written, audioand video content. 8. Blogger outreach is the quintessentialform of this kind of content, and manyprofessionals who run websites simplydont have the time to create their ownoriginal content.Pod casts, interviews and other premiumelements can be winners if used in a co-promotionalset-up. 9. 3. Devise pressoutreach tactics:network, e-mail,social media,personal outreach. 10. Reaching out toinfluencers on varioussocial media platformscan reap huge rewards.Get with your digital marketing experts onyour staff.Weve found that personal outreach and asoft approach work best when recruitinginfluencers into your personal black book. 11. 4. Keep an eyeout to formrelationships withup-and-comers. 12. Be aware of new platforms andchannels, both traditional anddigital.Stay on the pulse of new spaces,organizations, venues, andplatforms, in both the live anddigital spaces.Stay aware of what'sbrand new in theindustry. 13. 5. Dont forgetyour missionstatement andbrand promise. 14. Be authentic, and don'tlose your brandidentity!Not-for-profits have mission statements andbusinesses make brand promises.Sometimes, when making a specific statement orpromoting a specific product, this can be forgotten.But, going back to the brand voice can provideinspiration and authenticity in messaging. 15. 6. Execute,measure, andcontinue. 16. Measure and reportyour success!You can subscribe to services like Vocus or Cisionto easily deliver wins to the client. Settingup Google Analytics is also extremely helpful formeasuring direct response from the media to aclient's website.The various social analytics and SEO softwarepackages also offer easy reporting. 17. About UsHLD is a one-of-a-kind marketing firmwhere creatives and techies speak thesame language and share a single-mindedfocus.This is The New Marketing that linksleft- and right-brain thinking, creativitywith technology and traditional withdigital.hldcommunications.Learn more at comor follow us on social media: