create a paper text in photoshop

Create A Paper Text In Photoshop psddude Tutorials Text Effects 38857 Views September 10th, 2012 Learn how to create an interesting paper text effect in Photoshop using custom shapes, andpaper textures and patterns. You can easily reshape the paper text using the Photoshop vector tools like the Pen Tool, Convert Point Tool and so on. This is not a tutorial for beginners, you have to know how to work with vector shapes in Photoshop, to create and edit a custom shape. I hope you will enjoy reading this text tutorial and I really curious to see your paper text effects, so upload your result on our comments section. 1.- In this tutorial we will create a paper text effect in Photoshop using torn paper shapesand paper textures. This paper text will look like a notebook with leather cover. The final result will be a vector shape so you can resize it to any size without losing the quality.

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Create a Paper Text in Photoshop


Create A Paper Text In Photoshop

Create A Paper Text In PhotoshoppsddudeTutorialsText Effects38857 ViewsSeptember 10th, 2012Learn how to create an interestingpaper text effectin Photoshop usingcustom shapes, andpapertexturesand patterns. You can easily reshape thepaper textusing thePhotoshop vector toolslike thePen Tool,Convert Point Tooland so on. This is not a tutorial for beginners, you have to know how to work withvector shapesin Photoshop, to create and edit acustom shape. I hope you will enjoy reading thistext tutorialand I really curious to see yourpaper text effects, so upload your result on our comments section.

1.- In this tutorial we will create apaper text effectin Photoshop usingtorn paper shapesandpaper textures. Thispaper textwill look like anotebookwith leather cover. The final result will be avector shapeso you can resize it to any size without losing the quality.

2.- Let's start with a simple text, fontImpact, the size is not important depends on how big is your canvas size. The color for the text is #d0d0d0

3.- Call this first layerText Paper 1and duplicate it; call the second layerText Paper 2. Open the layer style window of theText Paper 1and add a simpleDrop Shadow. Be careful when you make the settings, especially theAngle.

4.- Hide theText Paper 1for now and let's work with theText Paper 2. Right click on the layer toconvert the text in shape; or you can use the Photoshop menu as shown in the image. If you don't know how to do it read this quick tut on how to turntext in shapein Photoshop.

5.- This step is really important! Pick thePath Selection Tooland select all the letters from the paper text, and press theCombinebutton.

6.- Method 1:Now let's create thetorn paper effect; for that you need to download thesetorn paper shapes. In a new layer add sometorn paper shapes; use theAdd to shape areato add all the shapes in a single layer. Make sure that thetorn papercovers thepaper textexcept the bottom area like shown in the image.

7.- Select thepaper textusing thePath Selection Tool; pressCTRL+Cto copy the shape. Go to the torn paper shape created in the previous step, and pressCTRL+Vto paste thetext shape.

8.- Press theIntersect Shape Areasfrom thePath Selection Toolmenu. The result is atorn paper text. Press theCombinebutton to combine the two shapes.

9.- Method 2:If you are not familiar withvector shapes drawingyou can simply rasterize the text layer and use theLasso Toolto create the torn paper selection by hand. Use the selection and delete it from the rasterized text layer.

10.- Rename the new shape layerText Paper Shape 1and delete the oldText Paper 2. Add aGradient Overlayfor theText Paper Shape 1; use a combination of light gray and white for the gradient.

11.- Add also aDrop Shadoweffect like shown in the image.

12.-In a similar way create anothertorn paper text. Duplicate it and call the original shapeShadowand the copy layer name itText Paper Shape 2. Add aGradient Overlayto theShadowlayer.

14.- Rasterize the layer style effect of theShadowlayer and apply aGaussian Blurfilter like shown in the image.

15.- For theText Paper Shape 2layer add aGradient Overlaysimilar to the one used for theText Paper Shape 1. Also use theEdit>Transform Path>Warp Toollike shown in the image.

16.- Duplicate theText Paper Shape 2and change the oldGradient Overlaywith this new one presented in the image below. The idea is to add some color to the letters. Use whatever colors you want but be careful when you place the color locations.

17.- To make thepaper text effectmore realistic I have duplicated theText Paper Shape 2two times and I used theFreeform Pen Toolto create thetorn paper effect; make sure you check theIntersect Shape Areasbutton before you begin.

18.- As you can see onepaper pageis colored and one is white; I did that to obtain a nice looking effect and contrast. This is how thepaper textlooks after adding the two littletorn paperlayers.

19.- Let's create anotebook coverfor ourpaper text. To create the notebook cover first duplicate one of thetext paper layersand use theRectangle Toolto substract the rectangle from the paper text area like shown in the image.

20.- I will uyse aleather texturefor this cover; because I want to use aleather patternaspattern OverlayI will choose thisseamless leather.

21.- Open the layer styles window and add the followingPhotoshop styles:Drop Shadow,Bevel and Emboss,Color OverlayandPattern Overlay. All the settings can be changed and adjusted to match with yourtext effectandbackground color.

INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET 22.- You can of course choose anotherleather texturefor the cover; this is how your result should look so far:

23.- For the final touches you can add anotebook patternfor each letter or you can even find a nicenotebook texture.

24.- I have also added thesescotch shapesto the paper text. I have usedvector shapesinstead of the usualscotch tape brushesbecause our text is avectorbased shape, so it is better to make all the items vector.

25.- Use the color #f5efe4 for thescotch tapesand the opacity of the layer around 50%.

26.- To make the scotch tape look more realistic I have added aPattern Overlayand also alayer maskusingFilter>Render>Cloudsfilter with black/white as foreground/background colors. If you don't know how to addPhotoshop maskyou can read thisLayer Mask Guide for Beginners.

27.- You can make the text lookvintage and oldif you add somestain vector shapes, blend modeOverlay; you can add again alayer maskto obtain opacity variations. And in the end add anold paper texture. So here is the final result for thepaper textcreated in Photoshop using onlyvector shapes.