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  • 7/27/2019 Craton Sao Francisco


    Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    Archean and Paleoproterozoic crust of the So Francisco Craton,Bahia, Brazil: geodynamic features

    J.S.F. Barbosa a,, P. Sabat b,1a CPGGCentro de Pesquisa em Geofsica e Geologia/UFBA, Rua Caetano Moura, 123 Federao, 40210-340 Bahia, Brazil

    b IRDRepresentation in Brazil CP7091, Lago Sul, 71619-970 Brasilia, DF, Brazil

    Received 30 July 2002; accepted 9 March 2004


    Recent geological, geochronological and isotopic studies allow the identification of four important crustal segments in thebasement of the So Francisco Craton in Bahia. The oldest is the Gavio block in the WSW part of the studied area, andcomprises granitic, granodioritic and migmatitic continental crust including remnants of 3.4 Ga TTGs which are amongst theoldest rocks in South America, and are associated with Archean greenstone belts. The youngest segment is exposed in theItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt which extends from SE Bahia along the Atlantic coast to Salvador, then northwards into NEBahia. It is mainly composed of a low-K calc-alkaline plutonic suite, and also contains strips of intercalated metasedimentsand ocean floor/back-arc basin gabbro and basalt. In the SSW part of the area the Jequi block comprises granulitic migmatiteswith inclusions of supracrustal rocks, intruded by many charnockite plutons. In the NE, the Serrinha block is composed of

    orthogneisses and migmatites which form the basement for Paleoproterozoic greenstone belts. During the PaleoproterozoicTransamazonian Cycle, these four crustal segments collided, resulting in the formation of an important mountain belt. Theregional metamorphism, resulting from the crustal thickening associated with the collision, occurred at around 2.0 Ga. Majormineralizations were formed during the evolution of the four Archean blocks, and also during and after the Paleoproterozoiccollision. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Geochemical; Geocronological; Geotectonic models; Mineral deposits; Bahia; Brazil

    1. Introduction

    The essential features of the terrains which com-pose the So Francisco Craton are all found in Bahia,occupying the eastern part of the state which is en-circled by the river which lends its name to the

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +55-71-2038606;fax: +55-71-2038501.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.S.F. Barbosa),[email protected] (P. Sabate).

    1 Tel.: +55-61-2485378.

    craton. Here, the largest remains of Archean and

    Paleoproterozoic terrains of the Brazilian Shield arepreserved.In this paper we combine the abundant and precise

    data on this region which have been obtained dur-ing the last 10 years. These studies have shown thatthe older basement, mainly composed of medium tohigh-grade metamorphic rocks but with smaller areasof low-grade rocks of the greenstone belts, under-lies about 50% of the total area of the craton. Wepresent the mosaic of protocontinents or Archeancontinental fragments which form the Gavio,

    0301-9268/$ see front matter 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2004.03.001

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    2 J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    Jequi, ItabunaSalvadorCuraa and Serrinha blocks,and which participated in the collisions which gaverise to the Paleoproterozoic belts. These represent

    a well-preserved and well-studied example of anOrosinian (2.051.85 Ga) orogen, although the struc-tural and geochronological data on this orogen inBahia show that a succession of events occurred fromeast to west between 2.20 and 1.80 Ga.

    The approximate ages of rock formation and meta-morphism are summarized in tables which list themin decreasing order. Ample use is made of geochem-ical discrimination diagrams, and geological sectionsreferring to different phases of evolution of the craton,especially before and after the Paleoproterozoic col-lision, are also provided. Short descriptions of asso-ciated mineral deposits are given. Finally, we cite thecorrelations which exist between this Brazilian cratonand the Congo-Gabon Craton in Africa, both of whichare similar (REFS).

    2. Tectonic setting

    The So Francisco Craton (Almeida, 1977) is thebest exposed and most easily accessible unit of theSouth America Platform, and of the Precambrian

    Brazilian Shield (Fig. 1). Its geophysically definedboundaries (Ussami, 1993) and the location of thesurrounding Brasiliano/Pan-African fold belts showthat it occupies most of Bahia (Fig. 1). The cratonicblock, stable during the Brasiliano orogeny, has acover formed by mainly undeformed Mesoprotero-zoic, largely siliciclastic, and Neoproterozoic, largelycarbonate sediments. The ArcheanPaleoproterozoicbasement includes medium to high-grade metamor-phic rocks and remnants of low-grade greenstonebelts, all intruded by Paleoproterozoic granite, syenite

    and rare maficultramafic plutons.The following geotectonic units which form thebasement to the So Francisco Craton in Bahia arerecognized (Barbosa and Dominguez, 1996; Fig. 2)

    The Gavio block (Marinho, 1991; Martin et al.,1991; Santos Pinto, 1996; Cunha et al., 1996) ismainly composed of gneissamphibolite associa-tions and amphibolite facies tonalitegranodioriteorthogneisses dated at ca. 2.82.9Ga, as well asgreenstone belts. There is also an old nucleus of

    trondhjemitetonalitegranodiorite (TTG), whichincludes some of the oldest rocks in South America,with ages ranging from 3.4 to 3.2 Ga.

    The Serrinha block contains banded gneisses, am-phibolites and orthogneisses mainly of granodioritecomposition, with ages from about 2.9 to 3.5 Ga,all mainly in amphibolite facies (Padilha and Melo,1991).

    The Archean (3.22.9 Ga) greenstone belts ofContendasMirante, Umburanas, Riacho de San-tana, and Mundo Novo are in the Gavio block,and the Palaeoproterozoic (2.02.1 Ga) Capim andRio Itapicuru greenstone belts are located in theSerrinha block. Other, less well-known belts arealso present. They are in greenschist facies, andare composed of komatiites with spinifex texturesthat pass upwards to mafic and felsic lavas withintercalations of pyroclastic rocks, and siliciclasticand chemical sediments (Marinho, 1991; Cunhaand Fres, 1994; Mascarenhas and Alves da Silva,1994; Winge, 1984; Silva, 1992, 1996). Komatiitesare rare in the Palaeoproterozoic greenstones.

    The Jequi block (Cordani, 1973; Barbosa, 1986,1990; Barbosa and Sabat, 2000) is mainlyformed of enderbite and charnockite with ages of2.72.6 Ga, as well as migmatite and granulite. The

    prevailing metamorphic grade is in the granulitefacies.

    The ItabunaSalvadorCura belt, is in granulitefacies. The SalvadorCuraa segment is exposedin northeast Bahia, while the ItabunaSalvadorsegment occurs in the southeast. These seg-ments are mainly formed of tonalite, charnockitewith basicultrabasic enclaves, and less abundantsupracrustal rocks (Barbosa, 1986, 1990; Padilhaand Melo, 1991).

    In this article, previously proposed tectonic rela-tionships and tectono-stratigraphic subdivisions arere-evaluated in the light of new data obtained bySantos Pinto (1996), Bastos Leal (1998), Sato (1998),Correa Gomes (2000), Teixeira et al. (2000), Melloet al. (2000), Barbosa and Peucat (2004, in prepara-tion), Barbosa et al. (2004, in preparation), amongstother sources, in an attempt to improve the knowl-edge of the geotectonic evolution of the basementof the So Francsico craton. The subdivision of thebasement into the four major geological units, whose

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    J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127 3

    Fig. 1. Location of the cratons and Brazilian cycle fold belts (Almeida, 1977) in the studied area (Schobbenhaus et al., 1984).

    limits are usually defined by vertical shear zones(Fig. 3), was maintained.

    Each of these blocks has well-defined Nd TDMmodel ages (Fig. 3), and usually distinct fields in

    the Nd Sr diagram, with values calculated fort = 2.0 Ga (Fig. 4). TDM model ages are older inthe west and grow younger eastwards. This can beinterpreted in terms of a crustal growth sequence.In Fig. 4, the Gavio block is the oldest and theItabunaSalvadorCura belt, the youngest (Barbosaet al., 2000b). Not only do the isotopic data allowthe separation of the blocks, but also their individ-ual geologic features corroborate this separation.

    For example, the Gavio block hosts only Archeangreenstone belts, whereas the Serrinha block containsonly Paleoproterozoic greenstone belts (Barbosa andSabat, 2000).

    3. The Gavio block

    In the southern part of the Gavio block (Fig. 3) twogroups of tonalitetrondhjemitegranodiorite (TTG)plutonic rocks (Fig. 5) consitute an early continentalcrust in amphibolite grade (Marinho, 1991; Martinet al., 1991; Santos Pinto, 1996; Cunha et al., 1996;

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    4 J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    Fig. 2. Sketch map showing the boundaries and major structural units of the So Francisco Craton: (1) Archean/Paleoproterozoic basementwith greenstone belts (black); (2) Mesoproterozoic units; (3) Neoproterozoic units; (4) Phaneorzoic covers; (5) limits of the craton; (6)Brazilian cycle fold belts; GB, Gavio block; JB, Jequi e block; SB, Serrinha block; ISCb, ItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt. Adapted fromAlkmim et al. (1993). Rectangle shows the studied area.

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    J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127 5









































    Fig. 3. Distribution of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Nd TDM model ages in Bahia. Sources of data, see Tables 16.

    Bastos Leal, 1998). The older grey gneisses with con-ventional UPb zircon ages between 3.4 and 3.2 Ga(Table 1) are considered to have originated throughthe partial melting of tholeiitic basalts, with garnetamphibolite or eclogite as the residue. The younger3.23.1 Ga grey gneisses intruded the older rocksand were formed by partial melting of a pre-existingcrust similar to the older gneisses by hydrous melt-ing at a depth of approximately 3045km (Martinet al., 1997). In the southern part of the Gavio block,similar conditions were inferred for the formation

    of migmatites of TTG compostion. Preliminary sin-gle zircon PbPb age determinations for the Mairimigmatites yielded an age of 3034 6Ma (Peucatet al., 2002).

    Several greenschist to amphibolite facies green-stone belts of the Gavio block (the best known beingContendasMirante, Umburanas, Brumado and Gua-jeru in the South, and Mundo Novo in the North) wereprobably formed in intracratonic basins overlyingearly TTG crust (Marinho, 1991; Mascarenhas andAlves da Silva, 1994; Cunha et al., 1996; Bastos Leal,

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    +200 +300 +400 +500 +600 +700

    Sr (t=2,0)

    Nd (t=2,0)










    Fig. 4. Nd vs. Sr values modelled for t= 2.0 Ga, showing the distinct isotopic fields for each province. Values for the ISCB plot closestto DM (depleted mantle). Abbreviations as in Fig. 2.

    Table 1Gavio block

    Local RbSr (Ma) PbPbWR (Ma)

    PbPb singlezircon (Ma)

    UPb zircon(Ma)


    Sete Voltas TTG (Martin et al., 1991; Marinho,1991; Nutman and Cordani, 1993))

    3420 90 3394 5 3378 12 3.6

    Boa Vista/Mata Verde TTG (Martin et al., 1991;Marinho, 1991; Nutman et al., 1994)

    3550 67 3381 83 3384 5 3.5

    Bernarda tonalite (Santos Pinto, 1996) 3332 4 3.3Serra do Eixo granitoid (Santos Pinto, 1996) 3158 5 3.3Mariana granitoid (Santos Pinto, 1996) 3259 5 3.5Piripa gneisses (Bastos Leal, 1998) 3200 11 3.5Malhada de Pedra granite (Santos Pinto, 1996) 2840 34 3.3Pe de Serra granite (Marinho, 1991) 2560 110 3.1

    Ages of the main Archean plutonic and supracrustal rocks by different radiometric methods. The asterisk indicate SHRIMP data; WR:whole rock.

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    J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127 7


    To Gd



    OrLa Ce Nd Sm EuGd Dy Er Yb Lu






    (a) (b)

    Fig. 5. Gavio block: representative analyses of 3.43.3 and 3.23.1Ga TTGs in the AnAbOr diagram (Barker and Arth, 1976).Chondrite-normalized REE patterns typically have LREE enrichment and HREE depletion. See text for discussion. To, tonalite; Td,trondhjemite; Gd, granodiorite and Gr, granite.

    1998; Peucat et al., 2002). In the ContendasMirantebelt, for example, komatiites, pyroclastic rocks and ex-halative chemical sediments overly early continentaltholeiitic basalts with Nd TDM model ages of 3.3 Gaand a PbPb whole rock isochron age of about 3.0 Ga(Fig. 6; Table 2). Banded iron formation in the chem-

    ical sediment unit has a PbPb whole rock isochronage of 326521Ma and a 3.3Ga Nd TDM model age

    Fig. 6. Gavio block. Geological cross-section showing 3.13.0 Ga intracratonic basins which evolved to greenstone belts, some of whichcontain important manganese (Urandi-Licnio de Almeida greenstone belt) and magnesite deposits (Brumado greenstone belts).

    (Table 2). Pillowed tholeiitic basalts and sub-volcanicrocks have ages of 3011159 Ma (PbPb whole rockisochron), 3304 31Ma (UPb zircon) and 3.3Ga(Nd TDM model; Table 2). These basic volcanic rocksnark the occurrence of mantle-derived magmatismwhich followed the consolidation of the TTG con-

    tinental segment. In the northern part of the Gavioblock, similar volcanic rocks were found in the

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    8 J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    Table 2Gavio block

    Local RbSr(Ma)

    PbPb WR(Ma)

    PbPb singlezircon (Ma)

    UPb zircon(Ma)


    Contendas acid sub-volcanic (Marinho, 1991) 3011 159 3304 31 3.3Jurema-Travesso tholeiites (Marinho, 1991) 3010 160 3.3BIF (Marinho, 1991) 3265 21 3.3Calc-alkaline volcanic (Marinho, 1991) 2519 16 3.4Jacare sill (Marinho, 1991) 2474 72 3.3Umburanas detritic sediments (Bastos Leal, 1998) 3335 24

    3040 24

    Guajeru detritic sediments (Bastos Leal, 1998) 2861 32664 12

    Mundo Novo metadacite (Peucat et al., 2002) 3250 7 3305 9 3.3

    Ages of the main supracrustal rocks in the Archean greenstone belts, using the common dating methods. Ages with asterisk by SHRIMP.

    Mundo Novo greenstone belt. Here, metadacite hasbeen dated (Peucat et al., 2002) at 3250 7 Ma(PbPb single zircon), 3305 9 Ma (UPb zircon)and 3.38 Ga (Nd TDM model age).

    Detailed UPb zircon and PbPb single zircon agesfrom detrital rocks (Bastos Leal, 1998) demonstratethe presence of two zircon populations with ages of3.333.04 Ga in the Umburanas belt, and 2.82.6 Gain the Guajeru belt (Table 2). The wide age spectraobtained are compatible with the long crustal evolu-

    tion found for the Gavio block, and imply that thedetritial sequences were derived by erosion of distinctpre-existing continental rocks (Teixeira et al., 2000).

    The ores related to the Archean greenstone belts areimportant manganese and magnesite deposits, both ofvolcano-sedimentary origin (Fig. 7). The manganesedeposits of the Urandi-Licnio de Almeida belt (oneof the less well-known belts) consist of layers 0.53 mthick associated with jaspilite, banded iron formation,dolomite and basic rocks, interfolded by regionaldeformation. The ore consists of metamorphic oxide

    minerals with manganese in lower oxidation states,such as jacobsite and hausmanite, besides manganesecarbonate and silicate. It also contains supergene ox-ides with more oxidised manganese (Ribeiro Filho,1968; Machado, 1977). The huge magnesite depositsof the Brumado belt, regarded as the largest in SouthAmerica, are in the form of thick beds associated withmetadolomite, calc-silicate rocks, quartzite, bandediron formation, metabasites and metaultrabasites. Themagnesium source is believed to have been formedby volcano-exhalative processes in calm water en-

    vironments. The large talc reserves associated withthe magnesite deposits may have been formed duringensuing hydrothermal episodes involving silica-richfluids which transformed the magnesite into talc(Schobbenhaus and Coelho, 1986). In the MundoNovo greenstone belt, important indications of Cu, Pband Zn volcano-sedimentary sulfide mineralizationassociated to the 3.2Ga metadacites were recentlyfound.

    The amphibolite facies tonalitetrondhjemitegran-

    odiorite association in the central part of the Gavioblock was dated at 3.032.84 Ga by RbSr whole rock


    Na O+K O2 2 MgOMgO




    Fig. 7. Gavio block. AFM diagram for komatiitic, tholeiitic andcalc-alkaline volcanic rocks from the Umburanas greenstone belt.Division proposed by Irvine and Baragar (1971).

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    J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127 9

    isochron and PbPb single zircon grain methods, andwas shown to be the product of partial melting of theearlier TTG gneisses (Santos Pinto, 1996). In addition,

    high-K calc-alkaline (Bastos Leal et al., 1996) andperaluminous (Marinho, 1991; Marinho et al., 1994a)granites were emplaced at about 2.92.8 Ga. Clear ev-idence for petrogenesis by partial melting of earliercontinental crust was found, which implies that oro-genic processes operated during the Archean.

    Possibly Archean structures can be distinguishedin the 3.4Ga grey gneisses which occur as a giantmega-enclave in the younger grey gneisses, and whichpreserve a foliation distinct from that of the host rocks(Teixeira et al., 2000). The host rocks have planar andlinear magmatic preferred orientations, marked by un-deformed plagioclase phenocrysts and biotite grains,which were only slightly folded during the Paleopro-terozoic and/or Transamazonian shortening episodes.The flat preferred orientations resulted from the ac-tion of horizontal kinematics during the early em-placement of the younger grey gneisses. Close to theUmburanas greenstone belt, the 3.2 Ga grey gneissesdisplay a flat foliation with sheath folds attributed toArchean deformation (Sabat et al., 1988). In view ofthe great thickness of the 3.2 Ga Arcean crust (Martinet al., 1997), as well as the intense migmatization and

    the well-developed Archean foliation of the grey gne-

    Basalts and andesitic basalts

    Heterogenous migmatites

    S-type granites




    Sedimentary rocks

    Igneous rocks


    Na2O/Al 2O3

    K2O/Al 2O3

    Quartz-feldspathic bands

    Fig. 8. Jequie block: diagram after Garrels and Mackenzie (1971) showing the great variety of rocks in the older component of the block.

    sisses, this terrains are interpreted to be the productof crustal thickening (Teixeira et al., 2000), favouringthe idea that modern-style plate tectonics operated in

    the Gavio block during the Archean.

    4. The Jequi block

    The Jequi block is in tectonic contact with theGavio block (Fig. 2). It comprises rocks which werein the amphibolite facies prior to the Paleoproterozoiccollision: (i) heterogeneous migmatites with inclu-sions of supracrustal rocks, which correspond to theolder component of the block, dated at 2900 24Maby RbSr whole rock isochron, and with Nd TDMmodel ages of 2.9Ga in the migmatites, and 3.3Gain basic enclaves (Wilson, 1987; Marinho et al.,1994a); and (ii) the younger component of granodi-orite and granite intrusions with UPb zircon ages ofapproximately 2.82.6 Ga, and Nd TDM model agesof 3.0Ga (Wilson, 1987; Alibert and Barbosa, 1992).The supracrustal rocks are believed to be intracratonicbasin deposits, and are composed of basalt, andesiticbasalt, quartz-felspathic bands intercalated with chertor quartzite, kinzigite, graphitite, banded iron for-mation, and maficultramafic rocks (Fig. 8). Some

    graphitites and banded iron formations form small

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    La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Ho Er Yb Lu

    Fig. 9. Jequie block: chondrite normalized by Evensen et al. (1978).REE patterns which illustrate the variety of intrusive rocks in theyounger component.

    ecopnomic deposits, and nickel mineralizations havebeen identified in dunite and peridotite sills which

    are apparently concordant with the other supracrustalrock. The younger component (Fig. 9) is formedby multiple calc-alkaline intrusions including (i) thehigh-Ti Mutuipe granite (Fornari, 1992) with a UPbzircon age of 26891 Ma;(ii) the 28103 Ma, low-TiLaje granite (Fornari, 1992; Alibert and Barbosa,1992); (iii) the Valentim granite with a single zirconPbPb evaporation age of 2631 18 Ma; and (iv) theMaracs granite with a RbSr whole rock isochron

    Table 3Jequie block

    Local RbSr (Ma) PbPb WR (Ma) UPb zircon (Ma) TDM (Ga)

    Ubara basic Enclaves (Wilson, 1987; Marinho et al., 1994a,b) 3.3Ubara migmatites (Wilson, 1987; Marinho et al., 1994a,b) 2900 24 3.2Jequie migmatite (Wilson, 1987; Marinho et al., 1994a,b) 2.9Maracas granite (Alibert and Barbosa, 1992) 2800 12 2660 70 3.2Mutupe granodiorite (Alibert and Barbosa, 1992) 2810 3 3.0Laje granodiorite (Alibert and Barbosa, 1992) 2689 1 3.0

    Ages of the main Archean plutonic rocks according to different radiometric methods. Other references as in Table 1. The asterisk representSHRIMP data; WR: whole rock.

    age of 2800 12Ma and a 2660 70 Ma PbPbwhole rock isochron age (Table 3). These rocks some-times contain enclaves of the older supracrustal rocks

    (Fig. 8). So far, no geochemical signs of recycling ofolder TTG crust have been found in the Jequi block,and typical TTG suites are absent.

    The rocks of the Jequi block were intensely de-formed during the Paleoproterozoic TransamazonianCycle, discussed further on. Although the episodesduring this cycle clearly influenced the architecture ofthe block, the presence of older structures has beenpostulated (e.g., Barbosa, 1986; Marinho et al., 1994b;Ledru et al., 1994), although the existence of earliermetamorphism is a matter of debate.

    In the Jequi block, FeTiV mineralizations arehosted in small gabbro-anorthosite bodies, such asthat of Rio Piau. Based on field evidence, such asthe presence of chilled margins, these bodies are re-garded as having intruded the Jequi block plutonicrocks. Major elements and REE also suggest that theyare geochemically distinct from the other plutonicrocks, having a tholeiitic character (Barbosa, 1986;Barbosa and Fonteilles, 1989). Although more re-cent work indicates a Paleoproterozoic age for theserocks, in earlier literature they are treated as Archean(Cruz, 1989). These bodies penetrated deep-seated

    NNESSW trending shear zones (Cruz and Sabat,1995; Cruz et al., 1999), and are surrounded by airregular narrow zone enriched in FeTiV oxides(magnetite, ilmenite, maghemite and hematite). Ge-netically these FeTiV-rich rocks are regarded as theend product of fractional crystallization and magmaticaccumulation, settling from basic tholeiitic magmawhere changes in oxygen fugacity favoured theirontitanium concentration (Cruz and Lima, 1998).

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    Table 4Serrinha block

    Local RbSr(Ma)

    PbPbsinglezircon (Ma)



    Serrinha porphiriticorthogneiss (Rios,2002)

    3055.15 3.123078.98 3.172807.043095.94

    Rio Capim tonalite(Oliveira et al.,1999)

    3120 300029002650

    Ages of the main Archean plutonic rocks using different radio-metric methods; WR: whole rock.

    5. The Serrinha block

    This is an elongated NS crustal segment up to250 km long and 70 km at its widest part. It is limitedto the east by the MesozoicCenozoic rift basin andto the west and south by the ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt through tectonic contacts (Figs. 2 and 3). It doesnot possess any visible connection with either the Je-qui block or the Gavio block, although it has somelithologic similarities with the latter. It is composedof medium-grade gneiss-migmatitic rocks, with por-

    phyritic orthogneiss (28073095 Ma, by UPb on zir-con; Rios, 2002; Table 4) and tonalites (3120 and30002650 Ma, by RbSr and PbPb single zirconmethods, respectively, Oliveira et al., 1999; Table 4).Recent UPb determinations on zircon from tonaliticgneisses of the northern part of the Serrinha blockgave ages between 3.13 and 3.05Ga (Cordani et al.,1999). These rocks constitute the basement for theRio Itapicuru and Capim Paleoproterozoic greenstonebelts, described further on.

    6. The ItabunaSalvadorCura belt

    The ItabunaSalvadorCura belt constitutes awide, essentially magmatic belt that borders theArchean continental segment of the Jequi block atthe east and north. Metamorphic grade is in the gran-ulite facies under conditons of 57 kbar and 850 C(Barbosa, 1990).

    With the exception of Paleoproterozoic tonalites/trondhjemites (TT6), the southern part of the

    Table 5ItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt

    Local PbPb singlezircon (Ma)

    UPb zircon(Ma)


    Ipiau tonalite(Ledru et al., 1994)

    2634 7

    Caraba TTG(Silva et al., 1997)

    2695 12 3.4

    Caraba chanockite(Silva et al., 1997)

    2634 19 3.4

    Ipiau monzonite(Ledru et al., 1994)

    2450 1 2.4

    Ages of the main Archean plutonic rocks by different radiometricmethods. The Asterisk represent SHRIMP data; WR: whole rock.

    ItabunaSalvadorCura belt (Figs. 2 and 3) iscomposed of at least three tonalite/dacite or trond-hjemite/rhyolite groups with approximate single zir-con PbPb evaporation ages of 2.6Ga (TT1, TT2,TT5, Fig. 10; Barbosa et al., 2000c; Table 5). TheTT5 Ipiau tonalite with an age of 2634 7 Ma(Table 5) is an example. Analysis of their REE geo-chemistry shows that these tonalites/trondhjemites,with low-K calc-alkaline signatures, are interpretedto be the products of partial melting of tholeiiticoceanic crust (Fig. 11). Monzonite with shoshoniticaffinity (Fig. 12) dated at about 2.4 Ga (PbPb evap-

    oration on zircon; Ledru et al., 1994) and 2.4Ga(Sm/Nd, TDM; Table 5) occurs in this belt as expres-sive intrusive bodies. From east to west, therefore,arc tholeiitic rocks are succeeded by shoshonites.With the chemical characteristics and the interpretedtectonic setting, the southern part of this belt resem-bles modern volcanic arc or active continental marginmagmatic associations (Figueiredo, 1989; Barbosa,1990). Island arcs, back-arc basins and subductionzones were therefore the predominant environmentsduring the original construction of this belt (Barbosa,

    1997; Barbosa and Sabat, 2000, 2002; Fig. 13).Deposition of supracrustal rocks occurred in theseenvironments, probably during Archean time. Cherts,pelites, banded iron formation, calc-silicate rocks,manganesiferous sediments containing baryte, are allassociated with ocean floor basalts (Fig. 11). Thetwo latter types, which underwent deformation underhigh metamorphic grade, as discussed further on, arepresently the site for dozens of small mines which havebeen operated sporasdically (Toniatti and Barbosa,1973). In the manganese deposits, the primary beds are

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    An An An

    TT1 TT2 TT5 TT6


    To To To

    Gd Gd Gd Gd

    Td Td Td Td Gr





    La C e Nd S m Eu G d Dy Ho Er Yb Lu

    TT 1

    TT 2

    TT 5

    TT 6




    Fig. 10. Southern ItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt: (a) Barker and Arths (1976) diagram identifies the four families of granulitized TTGs, ofwhich TT1, TT2 and TT5 are Archean, and TT6 is Paleoproterozoic and (b) average representative REE patterns for the four TTG suites.


    K2O P2O5






    La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Ho E r Y b Lu

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 11. Southern ItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt: (a) triangular diagram after Pearce et al. (1975): field B = ocean floor basalts, O = otherbasalts and (b) REE patterns for gabbros and/or basalts associated with granulitized supracrustal rocks which occur as enclaves in the TTsuites.

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    J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127 13

    TiO2 ( %)

    50 6055 65




    SiO2 ( %)






    La Ce Nd SmEu Gd Dy Ho Er Yb Lu




    Fig. 12. Southern ItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt: (a) well-definedtrends for monzonites in the TiO2 vs. SiO2 diagram; and (b) REEpatterns indicating the shoshonitic affinities of the mozonites.

    composed of pyroxmangite, rhodonite, plagioclase,quartz, spessartite, allabandite and graphite whilethe supergenic ore consists of pyrolusite, psilome-lane, cryptomelane and lithiophorite (Valarelli et al.,

    1982). The type of barite deposit, its association withsupracrustal rocks, and isotopic analysis of baritecrystals all indicate an origin by volcano-sedimentaryprocesses (S and Barbosa, 1990).

    The northern part of the ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt (Figs. 2 and 3) consists of an elongated accre-tionary prism. This part comprises three main litho-logic units (Caraiba, So Jos do Jacuipe and Ipircomplexes), as well as several intrusions. The CaraibaComplex (Figueiredo, 1981) is made up of metaig-neous rocks (Teixeira and Melo, 1990). Trndhjemitic

    and calc-alkaline orthogneisses are present (Teixeira,1997). The former are essentially located in continu-ous bands bordering the belt, and they also occur in

    its north central part, where they form two parallel,narrow and discontinuous strips produced during thePaleoproterozoic collision discussed further on. Themore expressive calc-alkaline rocks occupy the centraland eastern part of the belt. Charnockites also crop outin this belt. The distribution of plutonic terrains con-fers a crude axial symmetry to the belt (Teixeira et al.,2000). The trondhjemitic/tonalitic rocks had a twostage juvenile origin (Martin, 1994; Teixeira, 1997).Silva et al. (1997) dated tonalite and charnockits fromthe Caraiba Complex by SHRIMP UPb analysis ofzircon and obtained magmatic crystallization ages of2695 12 Ma and 2634 19 Ma, respectively.

    The So Jos do Jacuipe Complex forms discretebands and lenses tectonically intercalated within theCaraiba Complex near its western border. It is com-posed of mafic and ultramafic rocks derived fromtholeiitic magma and contains a minor crustal con-tamination component, and represents remnants of oldoceanic crust similar to modern ocean floor (Teixeira,1997), although isotopic data are needed to supportthis interpretation. The Ipir Complex also formsnarrow strips intercalated within the Caraiba Com-

    plex, and consists mainly of garnet-bearing quartzites,AlMg gneisses with sapphirine, calc-silicate rocks,cherts, banded iron formation, as well as subordinatebands of basic rocks (Teixeira, 1997).

    7. The Paleoproterozoic deformations

    The convergence between Gavio and Jequiblocks is marked by the formation of Jacobinaand ContendasMirante basins. The latter was in-

    stalled over the Archean basement formed by theContendasMirante greenstone belt. Similar situa-tion occurred further north, where the Mundo Novogreenstone belt formed part of the substratum of theJacobina basin.

    According to this model, events preceding the col-lision correspond to: (i) younger calc-alkaline vol-canics (2519 16 Ma PbPb whole rock isochron,and 3.4 Ga TDM model ages; Table 2); (ii) granite in-trusions (P de Serra Granite, 2560 110 Ma RbSrwhole rock isochron, and 3.1 Ga TDM model ages;

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    14 J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    Fig. 13. Geotectonic model of the Southern ItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt with subductionm zones, island arcs and back-arc basins. Theprobable sites of deposition of volcano-sedimentary manganese and barite deposits are shown.

    Table 1) and (iii) mafic ultramafic intrusions (Brito,1984) (Rio Jacar Sill, 247472 Ma Pb/Pb whole rockisochron, and 3.3 Ga TDM model ages; Table 2). Phyl-lites and graywackes are also associated with theseArchean greenstone belts, and they are thought to rep-resent rocks laid down during the transition from theArchean to the Paleoproterozoic (Marinho, 1991).

    The calc-alkaline volcanic rocks are now composedof foliated metabasalts and metandesites tectonicallyintercalated in the ContendasMirante greenstonebelt metapelites, and also occur as a continuous layerflooring the Rio Jacar tectonic slice. The volcanicrocks therefore constitute the tectonic interface be-tween the slice and the host metasediments of theContendasMirante greenstone belt. As a conse-quence, the calc-alkaline rocks may represent thevolcanic component of magmatism which occurredat about 2.5 Ga near the margin of the Gavio block,proximal and contemporaneous with the deep-seatedemplacement of the Rio Jacar mafic pluton (Teixeiraet al., 2000).

    The P de Serra massif represents a NS elon-gated band (ca. 100km5 km) interfacing the Jequiblock and the supracrustal rocks of the northeast-ern ContendasMirante greenstone belt. It comprisesgranite with granoblastic textures and mineralogytypical of sub-alkaline rocks, as well as alkalinegranite and syenite. The sub-alkaline granite ap-pears strongly deformed and recrystallized by EW

    shortening responsible for the foliation and/or localbanding and also for tight centimetric to decimetricupright similar folds. The alkaline granite is clearlyless deformed and may have been emplaced afterthe sub-alkaline one. Geochemically, these plutonicrocks have high-K metaluminous compositions withstrong REE fractionation and moderate negative Eu

    anomalies (Teixeira et al., 2000).The Rio Jacar sill (Galvo et al., 1981; Fig. 16)is a layered maficultramafic body, with a lower zonecomposed of gabbro, and a stratified upper zone inwhich gabbro alternates with pyroxenite (Brito, 1984).FeTiV deposits are hosted by layered gabbro andpyroxenite. The roughly oval-shaped main body is400 m long and 150 m wide. Vanadiferous magnetitewith vanadium oxide content up to 6% occurs dissem-inated in pyroxenite or as massive ore layers up to12m thick (Galvo et al., 1981).

    Local extensional regimes in the ContendasMiranteand Jacobina basins favoured the emplacement of thecalc-alkaline volcanic rocks, the Pe de Serra massifand the Rio Jacar sill. The extension is believed tobe part of the early stages of continental subductionof the Gavio block underneath the Jequi block. Thisevent caused the build-up of the ContendasJacobinacollisional belt. Further stages involved the collisionof the various crustal segments (Figs. 2 and 14),and the consequent cratonic accretion during theTransamazonian Cycle (ca. 2.31.9 Ga) which proba-

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    J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127 15

    Fig. 14. Relative positions of the Archean blocks prior to the Pale-oproterozoic collision, showing the locations of the Paleoprotero-zoic Contendas and Jacobina basins (Barbosa and Sabate, 2000,2002).

    bly resulted in the formation of an important moun-tain range (Figs. 14 and 15). Presently, only remainsof the deep roots of these mountains are preserved(Barbosa and Sabat, 2000, 2002). Evidence for thiscollision is recorded not only in the structural featuresbut also by the pre-, syn- and post-tectonic Paleopro-terozoic rocks present mainly in the Gavio block,ItabunaSalvadorCura belt and Serrinha block(Table 6). Radiometric age-dating indicates they wereformed during the Paleoproterozoic TransamazonianCycle.

    Detrital sediments of the ContendasMirante andJacobina basins were deposited during Paleopro-terozoic times at the margin of the Gavio block.Besides the basal Archean greenstone unit, theContendasMirante belt (Fig. 16) contains a distinctPaleoproterozoic unit, composed of two membersmetamorphosed in greenschist to amphibolite facies:(i) the lower member with a thick flysch sequenceand metavolcanic rocks; and (ii) the upper clasticmember of graywackes, pelites and argillaceous rockswith conglomerate layers. Nd TDM crustal residence













    Figure 17

    Figure 16

    Fig. 15. Positions of the Archean blocks after the PaleoproterozoicTransamazonian Cycle.

    ages for the metasediments range between 2.39 and3.50Ga (Sato, 1998), showing the participaton ofdifferent sediment sources. UPb ages on three de-trital zircon populations from the ContendasMiranteupper member are 2.612.67 and 2.322.38Ga and2168 18Ma, the latter of which corresponds tothe maximum deposition age (Nutman and Cordani,1993; Nutman et al., 1994; Fig. 16; Table 6).

    The Jacobina Group detrital deposits (Leo et al.,1964) are similar to the clastic sediments ofContendasMirante belt. According to Mascarenhaset al. (1992) and Mascarenhas and Alves daSilva (1994), the Jacobina Group lies in a riftopened in tonalitictrondhjemiticgranodioritic andmigmatitegranitic rocks, over supracrustal rocksof the Mundo Novo greenstone belt, all of themArchean (Fig. 17). The depositional environments ofthe metamorphic rocks of this rift were fluvio-deltacand submarine for the upper rocks, and marine for

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    16 J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    Fig. 16. EW geotectonic reconstructions of SSESSW Bahia, showing the positions of Paleoproterozoic rock units. Upper diagram, earlierphase; lower diagram, present situation. See text for details. Schematic PTt paths are shown. The probable sites of deposition of mineralsdeposits are shown.

    Fig. 17. EW geotectonic reconstruction for NNE Bahia, with emphasis on the Paleoproterozoic units. Upper diagram, earlier phase; lowerdiagram, present situation. See text for details. Schematic PTt paths are shown. The probable sites of deposition of minerals depositsare shown.

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    Table 6Gavio, Jequie and Serrinha blocks and ItabunaSalvadorCuraa belt

    Local RbSr (Ma) PbPbWR (Ma)

    PbPb singlezircon (Ma)

    UPb zircon(Ma)

    TDM (Ga)

    Cacule granite (Santos Pinto, 1996) 2015 27 2.6Serra da Franga granite (Santos Pinto, 1996) 2039 11Umburanas granite (Santos Pinto, 1996) 2049 5 3.3Gameleira granite (Marinho, 1991) 1947 57 2.9Campo Formoso granite (Mougeot, 1996) 1969 29 2.6ContendasMirante detritic sediments

    (Nutman et al., 1994)2168 18

    Jacobina conglomerate (Mougeot, 1996) 3353 112086 43

    Itapicuru basic volcanic (Silva, 1992) 2209 60 2.2Itapicuru felsic volcanic (Silva, 1992) 2080 90 2109 80 2.1Ambrosio granite (Rios, 2002) 2000 2.1Barra do Rocha tonalite (Ledru et al., 1994) 2092 13

    Itabuna tonalite (Barbosa and Sabate, 2002) 2130 2.6Pau Brasil tonalite (Correa Gomes, 2000) 2089 4Caraba norite (Oliveira and Lafon, 1995) 2051 2.8Medrado gabbro (Oliveira and Lafon, 1995) 2059 2.9Brejes charnockite (Barbosa and Sabate, 2002) 2026 4

    Ages of the main Paleoproterozoic plutonic and supracrustal rocks by different radiometric methods. The Asterisk represent SHRIMP data;WR: whole rock.

    the lower rocks. The upper sub-group includes twodetrital formations: (i) the Serra do Corrego con-glomeratic and quartzitic formations cut by intrusionsof maficultramafic rocks; and (ii) the Rio do Ouro

    quartzitic formation with intercalations of conglom-erates and aluminous schists. The lower sub-groupconsists of (i) metapelites and quartzites of the Cruzdas Almas Formation and (ii) quartzites and phyl-lites of the Serra da Paciencia Formation. Severalinterpretations for the stratigraphic evolution havebeen proposed (Leo et al., 1964; Mascarenhas, 1969;Couto et al., 1978; Molinari, 1983; Scarpelli, 1991;Mascarenhas et al., 1992; Mascarenhas and Alves daSilva, 1994). Recently, a new evolution model for theJacobina Group as a foreland basin deposit has beenput forward, associating lithological, structural andmetamorphic data (Ledru et al., 1997). Accordingly,the lower member would probably be much olderthan the upper member. The sedimentation of the Ja-cobina conglomerates took place in Paleoproterozoictimes, as shown by the PbPb evaporation ages forthe detrital zircons (Mougeot, 1996). One populationhas an age of 2086 43 Ma, while a second popula-tion from the same conglomerates yielded an age of3353 11Ma (Table 6), indicating the participationof Archean sources, probably the grey gneisses of the

    Gavio block, in the formation of the basin deposits(Teixeira et al., 2000).

    In the Cruz das Almas Formation, which occursmainly on the eastern side of the Jacobina range,

    there are numerous manganese deposits associated tometapelites. The ore occurs as lenses and layers of pri-mary oxides, alternating and folded with metapelites,and also as soil crusts and float secondarily enrichedin manganese and iron minerals (pyrolusite, psilome-lane, limonite, goethite, hematite). The Cruz das Al-mas Formation also hosts an important barite depositnow being worked. Barite concentrations are associ-ated with quartzites and pelites. Although no detailedstudy either on the manganese ores or on the baritehas been undertaken. their probable origin is believedto be volcano-sedimentary exhalative (Fig. 17). Goldis extracted from the Jacobina gold mines, and comesfrom pyrite bearing quartz-pebble metaconglomeratesand quartzite beds of Serra do Crrego formation(Sims, 1977; Molinari, 1983; Gama, 1982; Molinariand Scarpelli, 1988; Horscroft et al., 1989; Fig. 17).Teixeira et al. (2001) confirm that the two previ-ously recognized mineralized layers of conglomerateare separated by a dominantly quartzite layer. Theconglomerate is oligomictic, dominated by rounded,polycrystalline quartz pebbles, with a coarse-grained

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    18 J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    fraction. The sandy matrix is mainly composed ofquartz grains, sericite, fuchsite, besides zircon andchromite grains. The quartzite shows granoblastic

    and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varyingfrom coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minormicrocrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and ironoxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon.The orebodies (56 g Au/t) generally occur at the con-tact with barren quartzite, accompanied by a networkof sulfide veinlets. The gold particles are fibrous oroval-shaped, always attached to pyrite crystals or as-sociated to quartz grains (Mougeot, 1996). Followingthe evidence of the tectonic study, Ledru et al. (1997)and Milesi et al. (2001) show that the gold mineraliza-tion is related to hydrothermal processes that accom-pany the successive tectonic phases of the collision.Teixeira et al. (2001) also consider that major goldmineralizations are due to hydrothermal processes,but suggest that they are related to Paleoproterozoicretrograde metamorphism (see later). In these cases,the gold mineralizations occur in shear zone-relatedquartz veins hosted in quartzite of the Rio do Ouroand Cruz das Almas formations (Teixeira et al., 2001).

    In the Serrinha block, the Rio Itapicuru and theRio Capim greenstone belts were formed in back-arcbasins (Silva, 1992, 1996; Winge, 1984). In the Rio

    Itapicuru (Fig. 17): (i) the lower Itapicuru Basic Vol-canic unit, dated by the PbPb whole rock isochronmethod at 220960 Ma and with a TDM model age of2.2Ga; Table 6) consists of tholeiitic basalts and mafictuffs, with associated banded iron formation, cherts,and graphitic phyllites; (ii) the intermediate ItapicuruFelsic Volcanic unit is formed mainly by felsic rockswith ages of 2080 90 Ma, 2109 80 Ma and 2.1Gaobtained by dated by RbSr and PbPb whole rockisochron, and SmNd methods, respectively; Table 6).The calc-alkaline rock compositions range from an-

    desite to dacite; and (iii) the upper unit, composed ofthick packages of psefites, psamites and pelites. In theRio Capim (Fig. 17) felsic volcanic rocks with an ageof 2153 79 Ma obtained by the PbPb whole-rockisochron method, also occur together with gabbro anddiorite, the latter dated at 2.1 Ga by the UPb methodon zircons (Oliveira et al., 1999). These Paleoprotero-zoic greenstone belts are essentially different from theArchean greenstone belts of the Gavio block not onlybecause of their age but mainly because they lack sig-nificant komatiitic volcanic rocks (Figs. 16 and 17).

    There are important active gold mines in the RioItapicuru greenstone belt. Gold occurs in quartz veins,with associated albite, carbonates and sulfides, and

    is restricted to crustal level greenschist facies shearzones. Mineralized zones are encased in basalt/gabbroand in andesitic lava-pyroclastic rocks, in the south-ern and central-northern parts of the greenstone belt,respectively. Fluid inclusions from mineralized quartzbelong to two major groups: water-carbonic inclusions(H2O+CO2) and entirely carbonic ones (CO2CH4N2) (Silva et al., 2001). These inclusions, as a rule,yield homogenization values of the order of 2 kb and350 C, compatible with geothermobarometric data,suggesting that devolatilization of the reactions, hasoccurred during the greenschist facies regional meta-morphism, providing fluids that greatly enhanced goldconcentration (Silva et al., 2001; Fig. 17).

    The Paleoproterozoic collision took place as thecrustal segments (Gavio, Jequi and Serrinha) movedalong a NWSE path, identified by the presence oflarge thrusts and dominantly left-lateral transcurrentzones, as suggested by the kinematics of the late duc-tile shear zones (Fig. 15).

    In northern part of the ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt, the closure of the Serrinha block against the Gav-io block promoted significant EW crustal shorten-

    ing along an axis identified by a centrifugal vergenceof the rock structures (Fig. 17). This shortening pro-duced a tectonic mlange with overlapping slicesof the Caraiba, So Jos do Jacuipe and Ipir com-plexes, along with NS stretching, compensated bycontinuous sinistral shear bands, contemporaneouswith the successive plutonic emplacements of gran-ites constituting the main framework of the belt. Therheological behaviour varied from viscous magmaticto ductile conditions in the granulitic facies. Thetwo-fold vergence of the resulting framework was

    evidenced as a positive flower tectonic arrangement(Padilha and Melo, 1991) and interpreted as a conse-quence of an oblique collision between the northernpart of the Gavio block and the Serrinha block.

    In southern Bahia, during the initial stages of thiscollision at about 2.4Ga (Ledru et al., 1994), frontramp tangential tectonics led to obduction of thesouthern ItabunaSalvadorCura belt over the Je-qui block, and of the latter over the Gavio block(Fig. 16). West-verging recumbent folds are some-times coaxially refolded in these high-grade metamor-

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    phic terrains, exhibiting isoclinal shapes, testifying tothe style of ductile deformations. The southern partof ItabunaSalvadorCura belt, as previously men-

    tioned, has been interpreted as an island-arc relatedto westward subduction of Archean/Paleoproterozoicoceanic crust, dipping underneath the Jequi block(Figueiredo, 1989; Barbosa, 1990). The model alsopostulates the presence of a back-arc basin betweenthe arc and the Jequi continental segment. The rocksformed here would be the supracrustal series nowoverthrust onto the Jequi block together with themajor part of the magmatic belt formed during a pos-sible arc/continent collision (Barbosa, 1990). Duringthe Transamazonian Cycle, strong penetrative gran-ulitic foliation and/or banding affected the countryrocks in the Jequi block. The available data lead tothe conclusion that the block was affected by at leasttwo episodes of ductile deformation (Barbosa, 1986;Barbosa et al., 1994). According to these authors, thefirst episode created recumbent folds with approxi-mately NS horizontal axis related to west-vergingshear ramps. The first foliation was tightly refoldedin an isoclinal style also with a subhorizontal axis butwith a subvertical axial plane, sometimes transposingthe earlier foliation. Fold interference patterns fromthese two deformational episodes may occur, at least

    in cartographic scale (Barbosa, 1986). The availabledata indicate a model of mega-blocks displaced indepth according to a system of frontal and lateraltectonic ramps (Gomes et al., 1991; Barbosa, 1992).

    According to Sabat and Barbosa in Teixeira et al.(2000), the present-day configuration and the struc-tural framework of Archean Gavio block are alsocontrolled by Transamazonian tectonic events. Thesetectonics developed in deep ductile, largely penetra-tive conditions. This is mirrored by the Sete VoltasTTG and Mundo Novo greenstone belt slices that are

    elongated and imbricated along with Paleoproterozoicsupracrustals in the ContendasMiranteJacobina lin-eament, as well as by the mosaic of outcrops of litho-tectonic units, their internal thrust faults and shearzones patterns. The ContendasMirante greenstonebelt appears as a large NS structure which branchesinto smaller belts at its northern and southern extrem-ities (Marinho and Sabat, 1982). Internally, the syn-form presents a succession of imbricated second orderantiforms complicated by thrust and shear surfaces.The most prominent feature is the interference of

    two main co-axial folding episodes related to coevalshear structures. In fact, the continuous deformationresulted from an EW shortening which pinches the

    belt between the underthrusted Gavio block and theoverthrusted Jequi block (Fig. 16).In different parts of the Gavio block, several gran-

    ite bodies were emplaced during the Paleoprotero-zoic deformation of the Transamazonian Cycle. Theypresent magmatic preferred orientations and super-posed ductile coaxial deformations. Some examplesare (Table 6): (i) the Cacul Granite (201527 Ma and2.6 Ga, dated by the PbPb single zircon evaporationand SmNd TDM methods, respectively); (ii) the Serrada Franga Granite (203911 Ma by the PbPb singlezircon evaporation method); (iii) the Umburanas Gran-ite (20495 Ma and 3.3 Ga dated by the PbPb singlezircon evaporation and SmNd TDM methods, respec-tively) and, (iv) the Gameleira Granite (1947 57Maand 2.9 Ga, dated by RbSr and SmNd TDM meth-ods, respectively).

    In the northern part of the ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt (Figs. 2 and 3), single zircon PbPb determina-tions on magmatic idiomorphic zircon nuclei fromthe Caraiba orthogneiss and their metamorphic over-growths yielded similar ages of approximately 2.1 Ga(Sabat et al., 1994) which may therefore correspond

    to the intrusion age of the rocks (Fig. 17). Also UPb(Silva et al., 1997) and PbPb evaporation analyses(Ledru et al., 1997) of ziron from monzonite andtonalitic orthogneisses, yielded 2126 19Ma and2074 9 Ma, respectively, which are also consideredto be syn-tectonic intrusion ages.

    In the southern part of the ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt (Figs. 2 and 3) the most important Paleoprotero-zoic rocks are the tonalites TT5 (Barbosa et al., 2000a;Fig. 16). They are dated at approximately 2.1 Ga. AtBarra do Rocha the age found by PbPb evaporation

    method on zircon was 2092

    13 Ma, and at Itabuna,the ages are 2130 Ma by PbPb whole rock method,and 2.6Ga by the Sm/Nd TDM model (Table 6). Theyare strongly foliated and sometimes banded with al-ternating dark green basic (pyroxene-rich) and lightgreen intermediate (plagioclase-rich) bands.

    During the Paleoproterozoic deformations, in thenorthern part of the ItabunaSalvadorCura belt, theCaraiba norite with an age of 2051 Ma dated by UPbon zircon method, and the Medrado gabbro with ageof 2059 Ma by the same method (Oliveira and Lafon,

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    20 J.S.F. Barbosa, P. Sabate / Precambrian Research 133 (2004) 127

    1995; Table 6), were emplaced. They contain copperand chromium deposits, respectively (Fig. 16). Ac-cording to Silva et al. (1996) the Caraiba orebody is

    sill-like. Chalcopyrite and bornite occur disseminatedas irregular masses or local veins, all hosted in hypers-thenites, melanorites and norites, part of the sequencewhich also contains gabbros, gabbronorites and mi-nor anorthosites. Chromium mineralizations occur assmall to medium sized maficultramafic bodies hostedin granulitic rocks. The most important is the Medradoorebody (Barbosa de Deus and Viana, 1982; Marinhoet al., 1986; Silva and Misi, 1998), hosted by a tholei-itic maficultramafic body, interpreted as a sill whichwas folded into a sinformal structure with a nearlyupright axial plane and axial plunge of 2030 to thesouth.

    8. Paleoproterozoic metamorphism and

    late-tectonic rocks

    The Transamazonian high-grade metamorphism oc-curred at average pressures of 7 kbar and tempera-turesaround 850 C. It is thought to result from thecrustal thickening related to the tectonic superpositionof the Archean blocks during the collision (Figs. 16

    and 17). The metamorphic peak occurred at about2.0Ga (Barbosa, 1990, 1997) as suggested by: (i) ra-diometric dating of the Jequi migmatites (2085 222Ma by RbSr isochron, and 1970 136Ma byPbPb whole rock method; Wilson, 1987); (ii) datingof monazites from AlMg granulites of Jequi block(19651931 Ma; Barbosa et al., 2000a); (iii) monazitesages of heterogeneous granulites from the Jequi block(2047 Ma by PbPb single zircon evaporation method;Barbosa et al., 2000b); (iv) monazite ages for a S typegranite of the Jequi block (2100 Ma and 20577 Ma

    by PbPb single zircon evaporation and ion micro-probe methods, respectively; Barbosa et al., 2000b);and (v) monazite ages for an AlMg granulite of theItabunaSalvadorCura belt (19961955 Ma by ionmicroprobe; Barbosa et al., 2000c). Further data re-lated to the age of metamorphism were obtained for: (i)in situ granitic mobilizates derived from partial melt-ing of metapelites in the ContendasMirante green-stone belt yield an RbSr isochron age of 2.0 Ga, fixingthe age of the anatexis produced by the Transamazonicorogeny (Teixeira et al., 2000); and (ii) 40Ar39Ar

    ages date the cooling after metamorphism in the Ja-cobina region between 1.98 and 1.93 Ga (Cheilletzet al., 1993).

    Along the northern part of ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt, the metamorphism reached the granulite grade.In the transition zones between this belt and theGavio and Serrinha blocks, new crustal environ-ments were established in granulite, amphibolite andgreenschist facies (Fig. 17). During the uplift phase,tectonic thrust ramps cut the metamorphic isograds,and megablocks of granulitic rocks were emplacedover rocks in amphibolite and greenschist facies(Fig. 17; Barbosa, 1997). At the western border ofthis belt, intercalated aluminous gneisses have anorthopyroxene + garnet + sapphirine mineral assem-blage (Leite et al., 2000) indicating that higher PTconditions were reached in some places.

    In SSE and SSW Bahia State structures in whichhigh-grade terrains are emplaced over those of lowergrade are also found (Fig. 16). In these areas, theobduction of the ItabunaSalvadorCura belt overthe Jequi block transformed the Jequi rocks fromamphibolite to granulite facies. Afterwards all thesehigh-grade rocks were thrust over the Gavio blockand the ContendasMirante greenstone belt (Fig. 16).

    During the retrometamorphism at the contact be-

    tween the Jequi block and the ContendasMirantegreenstone belt, the transformation of orthopyrox-ene to green hornblende occurred. The presence ofgarnetquartz or garnetcordierite reaction coronaeproducing orthopyroxeneplagioclase simplicities,observed in the high-grade gneisses in the SSE, SSW,and NE regions, has been interpreted as an indicationof pressure release. This fact reinforces the collisionhypothesis, as well as the proposal of large-scalethrusting to bring blocks of rocks from deep to shal-lower crustal levels. PTt diagrams elaborated for

    these metamorphic rocks show a clockwise meta-morphic trajectory, confirming the collision context(Barbosa, 1990, 1997; Figs. 16 and 17).

    Late charnockite and granite intrusions which cutall the crustal blocks are undeformed or rather weaklydeformed (Figs. 16 and 17). In the northern part of theGavio block important examples are: (i) the CampoFormoso Granite (1969 29Ma and 2.6Ga datedby RbSr and SmNd TDM methods, respectively;Table 6) and (ii) other peraluminous granites, some-times enriched in biotite, sometimes in muscovite. The

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    latter, whose compositions lie close to the ternary min-imum, and which have negative values ofNd(T) be-tween 13 and 5, support the hypothesis that they

    were produced exclusively by crustal melting (Sabatet al., 1990). In the southwestern part of the Gav-io block, the huge undeformed GuanambiUrandibatholith (Rosa et al., 1996) stands out. It was builtby multiple intrusions composed of monzonites, syen-ites and granites with high-potassic geochemical sig-nature. PbPb data on single zircon crystals give agesof 2.02.06Ga which correspond to the crystallizationage of the batholith, and which agrees within errorlimits with previous RbSr isochron data (Bastos Lealet al., 1996; Leahy et al., 1998).

    In the southern part of the ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt, the last transpression of the Paleoproterozoic de-formation governs the emplacement of the Palestinaand Mirabela layered maficultramafic intrusionscontaining dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite and gab-bro (Abram and Silva, 1992). They are undeformedand partly reequilibrated at granulite facies althoughigneous textures and mineral assemblages are recog-nized. The Mirabela body was dated by Silva et al.(1996) by the SmNd method at 2.2Ga but, as themagma which produced this body underwent crustalcontamination, this age must be considered as max-

    imum. In the Mirabela body, a FeNiCubearingseam with anomalous platinum group element val-ues is present at the peridotitepyroxenite transition(Fig. 15). Geothermometry studies show that mag-matic temperatures were above 1000C, and sub-solidus reequilibration occurred at 850 C (Barbosaand Spucaia, 1996).

    In the Jequi block, the dome structure of theBrejes charnockite was initially considered as a typ-ical domebasin interference pattern (Miranda et al.,1983; Barbosa, 1986, 1990). Mapping and satellite

    imagery of the Brejes-type bodies may be inter-preted in terms of a diapiric regime that conditionedthe emplacement into the supracrustal rocks at 2.7 Ga(Barbosa and Sabat, 2000, 2002; Fig. 15). However,the regionally penetrative Paleoproterozoic structuresdo not influence the shape of the body, and no imprintof this deformation is seen at the mesoscopic level.This suggests that the emplacement of the Brejesand neighbouring bodies may be contemporary with,or later than the Paleoproterozoic and/or Transama-zonian tectonics. If this is true, the 2026 4Ga age

    (Table 6) must correspond to the emplacement ofthe Brejes dome, whereas the 2.7Ga age may re-flect the presence of inherited zircon derived from a

    deep crustal source (Barbosa and Sabat, 2000, 2002;Barbosa et al., 2000b).The major concentration of granites is in the

    Serrinha block. The main ones are the granites/granodiorites of Poo Grande and Ambrsio. Theyhave, in general, ages of about 2.0 Ga (Table 6) andcan be assumed to have originated from melting ofhydrated rocks of amphibolite facies, tectonicallyplaced under rocks of granulite facies. These gran-ite/granodiorite diapirs of calc-alcaline affinity wereemplaced into the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt andits basement. They are elongated NS and have foli-ated margins, whereas their core are more isotropic(Matos and Davison, 1987).

    It is worth mentioning that the Archean supracrustalrocks, now kinzigites, are associated to anatecticcharnockites, with garnet, sillimanite, orthopyroxene,biotite, cordierite and spinel plus quartz, whoxs chem-ical compositions are peralkaline with Na2O/K2Oratios higher than 1, and which have been identifiedas S-type granite (Fig. 8). As they are undeformedand have ages close to 2100 Ma (PbPb in single zir-con) and 2057 7 Ma (monazite in electronic micro-

    probe), they may be assumed to have formed duringthe metamorphic peak, after ductil deformation hasceased (Barbosa et al., 2000a,b).

    Late deformations produced retrograde shear zonesin the Archean blocks, and alkaline syenitic bodieswere emplaced in them. The syenites intruded thegranulites after these rocks had reached amphibolitefacies (Fig. 17). The Itiba massif to the north ofthe belt corresponds to a large (180 km 15km)syenitic batholith, and its small equivalents to thesouth are the Santanpolis and So Felix bodies. To-

    gether, these intrusions form an elongated syeniteline up to 800km long near the eastern border ofthe ItabunaSalvadorCura belt, related to a litho-spheric scale shear discontinuity (Conceio et al.,1989; Conceio, 1993). They represent an alkalineto high-K saturated magmatism and are composedof monotonous mantle-derived cumulate syenites ormore diversified rock associations (Conceio, 1990;Conceio et al., 1999). The emplacement of theseintrusions took place between 2.14 and 2.06 Ga, assupported by the RbSr data from Itiba and San-

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    tanapolis bodies, respectively (Conceio, 1990), inagreement with a UPb zircon age (2.1 Ga) for thelatter (Conceio et al., 1999). A SmNd TDM model

    age for the Itiuba syenite yielded 2.6 Ga (Sato, 1998).

    9. Tectonic correlation with the Congo-Gabon

    Craton (Africa)

    In the paleotectonic scenario of western Gondwanapart of the So Francisco Craton exhibits remarkablegeological similarities with the formery contiguousCongo-Gabon craton, particularly for the Archean andPaleoproterozoic evolution.

    The oldest terranes of the Congo-Gabon cratoncomprise amphibolite and granulite grade rocks haveradiometric ages between 3.0 and 2.6 Ga. These rocksare partially overlain by supracrustal belts that includevolcanic and sedimentary components, folded andmetamorphosed during the Eburnian (Transamazo-nian) Orogeny. The scenario has led to comparisonsbetween the Congo-Gabon basement rocks with a partof the Jequi granulitic terrane and the Paleoprotero-zoic supracrustal belts of the So Francisco Craton(Figueiredo, 1989).

    In the Congo-Gabon craton, the Paleoproterozoic

    evolution of the West Central African Belt (Feybesseet al., 1998) conforms to an accretionary model from2.5 to 2.0Ga, which is similar in many aspects tothat presented here for part of the So Francisco Cra-ton. Lithological associations having approximatelythe same age are present in both cratons, indicatingsimilar geodynamic conditions. This suggests that themajor convergence of Archean continental segmentsand Paleoprotorozoic terranes took place at approx-imately 2.0 Ga. A rough symmetry of structure andand dynamics can be observed: the Congo-Gabon cra-

    ton presents an eastward vergence (Ledru et al., 1994;Feybesse et al., 1998) the general vergence of the ter-ranes of this part of the So Francisco Craton indicateswestward transport.

    The main axial zone of symmetry seems to bethe granulite domain of the ItabunaSalvadorCurabelt. The Archean Gavio (Brasil) and the Chaillu(Africa) blocks occupy symmetric and analogous po-sitions in the accretionary build-up, both acting asuplifted crustal segments. Therefore, they induced de-velopment of the JacobinaContendas and Francevil-

    lian basins also in symmetric positions. Moreover,subduction of the continental crust led to crustalthickening of both Paleoproterozoic units. The colli-

    sion tectonics developed from 2.17 to 1.90Ga in theSo Francisco Craton, and from 2.15 to 2.04 Ga inthe Congo-Gabon craton, with analogous progressiveevolution of deposits and concomitant tectonics in thebasins.

    10. Final remarks and tectonic synthesis

    To achieve a reasonable interpretation of the generalevolution of the plutonic and metamorphic terrains inconsideration, we now summarize results and corre-lations showing the independent evolution of each ofthe Archean blocks.

    The main evolution of the Gavio block took placebetween 3.5 and 3.0 Ga, and consists of successiveemplacements of plutonic series with a periodicity be-tween 100 and 200 Ma. Their conditions of generationsuggest that important crustal thickening, probably re-lated to thrust tectonics rather than horizontal shorten-ing, took place. Plutonic rocks are juvenile and theirgenesis follows a two-stage model but contribution ofolder crustal material (3.7Ga) in the sources are de-

    tected. The Archean tectonic history is mostly obliter-ated by the superimposed Transamazonian tectonics.Nevertheless, during the period 2.92.7 Ga, plutonicand volcanic markers indicate that the Gavio proto-continent was also affected by tectonetamorphic pro-cesses during the construction of the Jequi block.

    The Jequi block was built up in a different geo-tectonic environment. In contrast to the Gavio blockwhich is essentially composed of TTG suites, the rocksof the Jequi block have calc-alkaline signatures whichindicate the occurrence of a mantle contribution under

    hydrated conditions to generate this series. Accretedcontinental terrains passed through thermodynamicsconditions corresponding to the granulite facies. Thisimplies a important thickening which resulted from thesub-horizontal thrusting that occurred in the region.All structural and kinematic markers indicate that thethrusting was westwards. Roots of the correspondingterrains may be found in the area now occupied by theItabunaSalvadorCura belt. All these tectonic pro-cesses occur during the Transamazonian Cycle, andobliterate previous Archean tectonic structures.

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