cranham village magazine

1 Any views and opinions expressed in the Cranham Magazine are attributable only to individual contributors Advertisements in this magazine do not imply recommendation Cranham Village Magazine With Cranham Parish and Benefice News and Information MARCH 2019 Inside this Month: Wed 6th - Ash Wednesday Service Wed 13th - Village Hall Meeting Fri 15th - ‘Instant Wit’ Thurs 21st - ‘A Wreckers Tale’ Sun 31st - Mothering Sunday Service

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Page 1: Cranham Village Magazine


Any views and opinions expressed in the Cranham Magazine are

attributable only to individual contributors

Advertisements in this magazine do not imply recommendation

Cranham Village Magazine

With Cranham Parish and Benefice News and Information

MARCH 2019

Inside this Month:

Wed 6th - Ash Wednesday Service

Wed 13th - Village Hall Meeting

Fri 15th - ‘Instant Wit’

Thurs 21st - ‘A Wreckers Tale’

Sun 31st - Mothering Sunday Service

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Church & Benefice

Vicar: Vacant

Associate Priest and

Benefice Administrator: Revd. Andrew Leach 07564 448692

Church Wardens: Mrs. Nicole Wotherspoon

[email protected]

01452 812387

Mr. Keith Ardron

[email protected]

01452 617648

Organist: Mrs. Beryl Berry,

Four Chimneys, Cranham

01452 813200

Hon Treasurer: Mrs. Helen Daltry, Broadridge House,

Cranham, Gloucester. GL4 8HF

01452 863011

PCC Secretary: Nicki Clapton

Bakers Piece, Cranham

[email protected]

07824 812384

Benefice Office: Lychgate Rooms, Painswick

[email protected]

01452 814795

Cranham Church of England Primary School


Rebecca Slater

[email protected]

01452 812660

Magazine & General

Magazine editors: Sue & Ian Shaw

[email protected]

01452 814839

Church articles: Sue & Ian Shaw

[email protected]

01452 814839

Magazine layout: Tony Walker

[email protected]

07796 175622



Sue Stick

[email protected]

01452 813407

Village Hall


Nicki Clapton

[email protected]

07824 812384

Rural Environmental Crime Liaison Officer

PCSO9073 Deb Collicott

[email protected]

Tel: 101

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A Letter from The Clergy

Dear friends,

Pancakes are divisive!

Should they be light, thin, and delicious, often referred to as Crepes, or should they be the ones that are rather thick, doughy, and stodgy? You can probably tell that I don’t like the stodgy ones but much prefer the thinner pancakes, with just a bit of lemon and sugar. I’ve never quite got what is so appealing about American or Canadian pancakes. Whilst they may be served at any time of the day with a variety of toppings or fillings including jam, fruit, syrup, chocolate chips, peanut butter, or bacon, or ham, for many North Americans they represent the perfect breakfast. It would seem that pancakes are enjoyed world-wide, with each country having its own recipe both for making them, and what goes with them.

Historically, the Ancient Greeks made pancakes called “tagēnias”, meaning “frying pan”, and they can be traced back to some poetical writings in the 5th century BC. In Britain pancakes are associated with Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Day. Shrove Tuesday heralds the coming of Lent, which begins on the following day, Ash Wednesday. Cooking pancakes became a convenient means of using up all the perishable ingredients before the fasting period of Lent began.

Lent, of course, is an important season in the Church’s calendar, and is a time of reflection that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends approximately six weeks later, before Easter Sunday. During Lent, many Christians fast or give up certain things - such as smoking, watching TV, swearing, or food and drink, such as sweets, chocolate, or coffee - in order to replicate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ's journey into the desert for 40 days. Some Christians also add a Lenten spiritual discipline, such as reading a daily devotional, or praying through a Lenten calendar, to draw themselves nearer to God. The season of Lent culminates with Palm Sunday and Holy Week, marking the death, burial, and ultimately the joyful celebration on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Jesus (but probably more of that next month!).

As well as pancakes and Lent, March also brings with it the promise of Spring. Clocks will go forward giving us lighter and longer evenings, there will be, hopefully, spells of sunshine giving us hope that better weather is on its way, and the trees and shrubs will begin to show signs of bursting into life once again. All of which should make us feel good as we turn our backs on the Winter and welcome in the Spring.

So, enjoy your pancakes (or, if you have already had them, I hope you enjoyed your pancakes!), and whatever you choose to do during Lent, may you be richly blessed during this time of reflection and preparation as Spring, and more importantly Easter, beckon.

Mike Campbell

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Worship in Cranham - March 2019

Sunday 3rd 11am Family Communion Revd Chris

Sidesman Children & ?

Weds 6th 6.30pm Holy Communion Revd Andrew

Ash Wednesday for all the Benefice

Sidesman Ian Wotherspoon

Readers N Wotherspoon Joel 2;1,2, 12 -17

Ian Wotherspoon 2Cor.5;20b -6;10

Sunday 10th 11am Prayer & Praise PSALMS Team

6.30pm Benefice Evensong Bishop Robert

Sidesman Don Say

Readers Connie Evans Deut.26;1 -11

Phil Stick Luke 4;1 -13

Tuesday 12th 9am Morning Prayer John Watts

Sunday 17th 11am Parish Communion Canon Paul Nener

Sidesman John Watts

Readers Hazel Stacey Gen.15;1 -12,17-18

Mark Crowther Phil.3;17 -4;1

Sunday 24th 10am Benefice Communion Revd Andrew


Sunday 31st 11am Mothering Sunday Sue Hartley


Sides man Children & ?


April 7th 11am Family Communion

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Church Flowers

3rd March Di Blandford

LENT no flowers

Church Cleaning

2nd March Sue Stick

9th March Sarah Taylor

16th March Nicky Overs

23rd March Victoria Soutar

30th March Nicki Clapton

6th April Joan Charman

Coffee after the Service

3rd March Sylvia Ardron & Julie Berry

17th March Helen Daltry & Connie Evans

7th April Sue Stick & Sarah Taylor

Beacon Benefice Prayer Weekend 21st - 23rd June 2019

Exciting news!

Our Benefice will be hosting a prayer weekend in all six parishes i.e. Painswick, Sheepscombe, Cranham, Edge, Pitchcombe and Harescombe for churches of all denominations, on the weekend of the 21st - 23rd June 2019. It will be a special time giving everyone a chance to submit prayers, to give thanks for blessings received, or else prayers for family and friends needing healing or guidance. We hope to have special services, quiet times for reflection, children's activities etc.

Watch this space for more details on the different events.

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Sunday Services in the Benefice - March 2019

March 3rd Sunday next before Lent Edge 9.30am 3 Parish Communion Revd. Andrew

Speaker: Nathan Youlton Painswick 9.30am Parish Communion Canon Michael

Cranham 11.00am Family Communion Revd. Chris

Sheepscombe 11.00am Morning Worship Mike Campbell

Painswick 3.00pm Holy Baptism Revd. Andrew

March 6th Ash Wednesday

Cranham 6.30pm Holy Communion for the Beacon Family of Churches

Revd. Andrew

March 10th 1st Sunday of Lent Painswick 9.30am Holy Communion

- Sharing in One Bread

Revd. Andrew

Pitchcombe 9.30am 3 Parish Communion Revd. Chris

Cranham 11.00am PSALMS Prayer & Praise Lay led

Sheepscombe 11.00am Parish Communion Canon Michael

Cranham 6.30pm Benefice Evening Worship Bishop Robert

March 17th 2nd Sunday of Lent

Painswick 9.30am Parish Communion Revd. Andrew

Harescombe 9.30am 3 Parish Communion Revd. Chris

Cranham 11.00am Parish Communion Canon Paul Nener

Sheepscombe 11.00am Morning Worship Lay led Speaker:

Margaret Sheather

March 24th 3rd Sunday of Lent Sheepscombe 10.00am Benefice Communion Revd. Andrew

March 31st Mothering Sunday

Painswick 9.30am Painswick Praise Mike Campbell /

Nathan Youlton Pitchcombe 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) Canon Michael

Cranham 11.00am Mothering Sunday Service Sue Hartley

Sheepscombe 11.00am Mothering Sunday Service Margaret Todd

Edge with Harescombe

3.00pm Family Praise for

Mothering Sunday

Mike Campbell

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in Cranham Church on

31st March

at 11.00am

All the family welcome

Stay to the end for refreshments


Village Hall Meeting

Wednesday 13th March 7.30pm

All Welcome!

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All church articles for the magazine should be sent to

[email protected]

Catch up on all of the news of the 6 parishes at

Churches Together around Painswick

Lent Groups 2019 Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 6th

All welcome from any denomination or none

PLEASE phone the number quoted to register your interest in joining a group

Day & Time Leader Venue Contact


Monday. 5 sessions am or evening Starting 11th March

Liz Burge Time flexible to suit the majority “Poetry is the language of faith”

Yew Tree House, Painswick,

Liz Burge 01452 813177

[email protected]


Tuesday 6 sessions 2.30 – 4.30pm Starting 26th February

Leaders: Anthea Glibbery Lindsay Gardiner “Aspects of Jesus’ Character”

No. 8 Gyde House, Painswick

Anthea & John Glibbery 810702 Lindsay 814282

[email protected]


Wednesday 5 sessions 2.00 – 3.30pm Starting 13th March

Terry Parker "The Mystery of God"

Merrills Friday Street, Painswick

Terry Parker 01452 812191

[email protected]

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Extracts from The Messenger – March 2019

Faith: Finding a new shape for your life

Through the five weeks of Lent, the Diocese of Gloucester is inviting everyone to explore how faith influences what we do every day. Each week will have a different theme - relating, praying, working, playing and growing and the aim is to help us get our lives back in balance.

There are resources for people who want to look at deepening their faith with their church. There are fun activities, reflections and prayers for every week for families and for our schools. Bishop Rachel has made a series of videos about each week to help guide you through the themes.

The first week’s focus is on how we relate to others and talks about welcome and hospitality. “Where would you go if you needed help? If you needed somewhere to stay or a hot dinner? Back in medieval times everyone knew that if they ran into problems and had nowhere to stay or nothing to eat, they could go to the monks at the monastery who would always give them food and shelter for a day and night. It was part of the shape of their life that they wouldn’t turn anyone away and said, ‘Let everyone be welcomed as Christ’. They would bow their heads to people as a sign that they recognised the presence of God in them. How would you like to be welcomed, especially somewhere new? How do you welcome people to your home, school, Beavers, Rainbows, Brownies or Cubs group? Are there ways you can think of helping people who need somewhere to stay or some food, to feel welcome?”

Downloadable resources for each week are available on the diocesan website - look at to download your free pack.

Continued on page 12

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From page 11

Your Voice events

Christian? Aged between 11 – 18? Do you talk about your faith with your friends? What could help your confidence in talking about those things that really matter?

Saturday 27th April, 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Revive at Kingfisher, Moor Street, Gloucester. Contact Andy

Macauly, [email protected] for more information.

Saturday 12th May, 7pm to 8.30pm at St Lawrence Church, Stroud, contact Barrie Voyce, [email protected]

Wednesday 12th June, (time TBC) at St James Church, Chipping Campden, contact Amy Todd, [email protected]

Fairtrade Fortnight, 25 years of Fairtrade in the UK

Monday 25th February to Sunday 10th March

The Fairtrade Foundation works with 1.6 million farmers and workers across 74 developing countries, ensuring them a living income, protected from changing market prices. This year, the She Deserves a Living Income campaign is focussing on the women who grow the cocoa for our chocolate treats. Without a living income, basic human rights like decent food, accommodation and schooling will not be achievable. To find out more about events happening across the country visit Facebook and click the Interested button on Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 #She Deserves. Details of Cinderford St Stephen’s Big Brew and Bake Off can be found on the events pages of the Messenger.

Continued on page 13

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From page 13


Big brew and Bake Off as part of Fairtrade Fortnight

Saturday 2 March, 10am to 2pm at St Stephen’s Church, Cinderford

Free samples light lunches, Fairtrade hot drinks, large Fairtrade shop and lots of information about Fairtrade and producers.

A Rock and a Hard Place

Sunday 3rd March, 4pm at Chantry Centre, Dursley and Friday 8th March, 7.30pm at Sundial Theatre, Cirencester

A new play from the Journeymen Theatre Company, based on the true life stories of survivors of domestic abuse. Tickets £7.50, concessions £5, students free. In aid of Stroud Women’s Refuge. Contact Liz Willis on 01453 836898 or [email protected]

Wild + Fit exercise class

Saturday 9th March, 10am to 12.30pm in Gloucester Cathedral

Zumba, pilates, body weight fitness session in the Cathedral for the whole family. Fund raised will go to Gloucester City Mission to support their work with people affected by homelessness in Gloucestershire.

Tickets £10 adults, £5 children, £7 teens and concessions, £25 family ticket.

Stroud Sacred Comedy Festival 2019

Saturday 16th March at St Laurence’s Church, Stroud

A full day of laughs from a deeper place. Includes improv. comedy, kids comedy show, a multi-dimensional chat show and a sacred stand up night. Includes Tony Vino, Jo Enright, Stephen Cookson and Mark Palmer. Free entry to all shows, with suggested donations to cover costs. www. for full details.

Continued on page 15

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From page 14

It takes two: building a lasting marriage

Wednesday 20th March, £7 at Cheltenham Elim Church (Churches Together in Gloucestershire event)

Sometimes how we spend our time doesn’t reflect what matters most to us. While we’re quick to fix the boiler, MOT the car (hopefully) and carve out countless hours for the latest Netflix movie, we often don’t take time to invest in our marriages. This is a chance to take a night out, set aside distractions and focus on the two of you as a couple.

Have your say

Visit Facebook Diocese.of.Gloucester, email Katherine at [email protected], follow us on Twitter @glosdioc, view videos on YouTube Diocese of Gloucester or visit our website

These extracts are from The Messenger, a monthly communication produced by diocesan communications office at Church House, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY. The full ‘Messenger’ is available on and can be emailed to all parish and church representatives who request it. The extracts printed here are provided by Church House and published without alteration and therefore do not necessarily reflect the views of the Cranham magazine editorial team.

Churches Together around Painswick

World Day of Prayer

A Women led, Global, Ecumenical Movement

Come – Everything is Ready

Prepared by Christian Women of Slovenia

You are welcome to a service at the church of

Our Lady and St. Therese, Friday Street, Painswick

Friday 1st March 2019 at 11.00am

Light refreshments

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Calling all Tennis or sports enthusiasts! PSALMS ‘Dropshots’ is a new tennis session for KS2 (ages 7-11­) for all the kids from Cranham, Sheepscombe and Croft schools.

Every Friday from the 1st March, PSALMS will be partnering with the Painswick Tennis Club to use the Tennis Courts in Painswick Recreation ground to offer fun filled tennis session, where will be learning values through sport and having a chance to question and explore faith. The first session is free, but after that it is £2 a session.

It will run from 3:30 - 4:30pm by Emily Twigg, a qualified ‘She Rallies’ Tennis Coach, and so either turn up on the day, or if you can let [email protected] know if you intend to come’.

Many thanks

Nathan Youlton

Sports Minister

Mobile: 07875 681130

A Quiet Day for Lent

A Spirituality Network for Gloucestershire event Our Spiritual Journey: insights from poetry and story.

A Quiet Day for Lent led by Revd. Dilwyn Edwards (former minister of Christ Church, Nailsworth) at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Thornbury on Saturday 16th March at 10.00am – 3.00pm.

Cost £10. To reserve a place, please contact Alison Evans at [email protected]

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Cranham Local History Society

2019 Outing

Local Treasures!Local Treasures!

Join us to visit Gloucester CityJoin us to visit Gloucester City’’s s amazing history with guided walks amazing history with guided walks

and lunch at the Docksand lunch at the Docks

Sunday 2nd June 2019

11.00am Guided walk around Llanthony Priory

12.30pm Lunch at Gloucester Docks

2.30pm Guided walk around Gloucester

Cost: £10 pp (excluding lunch) - members

£11 pp (excluding lunch) - non members

Travel - Shared transport where possible.

If interested, please contact Norma Kay

Tel: 077200 46802(phone or text) or [email protected]

(Monies to be paid on the day to venues/guides)

All welcome!

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The Children’s Society

The Children’s Society Box Collection time is coming round again. All

Children’s Society Box holders in Cranham, Painswick and Sheepscombe

are warmly invited to a coffee morning on Thursday 14th March at

Surmang, Cranham 9.30 – 11.30am, for those of you who would like to

bring your box in and have a coffee and chat while your money is being

counted, I would be very pleased to see you.

If you can’t make the coffee morning, don’t worry. If you can drop it into me

that’ll be great, or give me a call and I’ll come and collect it. It would be

really helpful to have all boxes by the 14th March.

The Children’s Society

• Who are we? The Children's Society is a leading children's charity

committed to making childhood better for all children in the UK

• What do we do? We take action to prevent, rescue and support

children facing life trapped in a vicious circle of fear and harm.

• We defend, safeguard and protect the childhood of all children

• How do we do it? A national network of projects, pioneering research,

influential campaigning, the UK’s first independent national inquiry into

childhood...and more.

Many Thanks to all our box holders. If you’re interested in becoming a box

holder or would like to make a donation - please give me a call.

Victoria Soutar - 813543

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Church Flowers 2019 – 2020

Thank you for all the lovely flower arrangements dur-ing the past year. Your help is much appreciated.

Here is the new rota. Please note your new date and change by mutual consent if the date doesn’t suit you. You are only responsi­ble for providing flowers at the altar. Please ensure that your ar­

rangement is watered during the week.

Additional flower arrangers are always most welcome.

Thank you. Nicole Wotherspoon

2019 April 21 Easter Jean Evans & Kathy Bonney 813330

28 Jean Evans & Kathy Bonney - do - May 5 Wendy Stuart 813895

12 Wendy Stuart - do - 19 Sue Stick 813407 26 Sue Stick 813407

June 2 Isabel Morgan 812123 9 Isabel Morgan - do - 16 Deb Carrington-Stait 813060 23 Deb Carrington-Stait - do -

30 Victoria Soutar 813543 July 7 Victoria Soutar - do -

14 Jenipher Pritchard 812637 21 Wedding 28 Hazel Roberts 812661

August 4 Hazel Roberts 812661 11 Feast Janet Whitton 812417 18 Janet Whitton 812417 25 Di Blandford 07988


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Sept 1 Wedding 8 Marcia Lynall 814864 15 Liz Cattle 810859 22 Liz Cattle - do - 29 Wedding

Oct 6 Harvest Nicole Wotherspoon & Helpers 812387 13 Nicole Wotherspoon - do -

20 Deb Wallace 812484 27 Deb Wallace - do -

Nov 3 Jean Garratt 812977 10 Remembrance Ann Green 813728 17 Ann Green 813728 24 Helen Shields 810884

Dec 1 Advent - No Flowers 8 - do - 15 - do - 22 - do - 25 Christmas Day and 29th December

Nicole & Ann Green 812387

813728 2020

Jan 5 Gillian Smith 813532 12 Gillian Smith - do - 19 Sarah Taylor 812262 26 Sarah Taylor - do -

Feb 2 Gill Hopkins & Philippa Crowther 812485 9 Gill Hopkins & Philippa Crowther - do - 16 Helen Shields 810884 23 Helen Shields - do -

March Lent No Flowers

Church Flowers 2019 – 2020

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A Woman’s Life

Laura Kinnear, curator of the Gustav Holst museum, who worked very closely

with the Players on their last production, has requested that the following be

promoted: Jean Skinner

The Holst Museum proudly presents “A Woman’s Life” – a new play by BAFTA-nominated playwright Carolyn S Jones. Directed by Marianne Gaston and featuring Emma Wilkes and Emmeline Braefield. Kindly sponsored by INVESTEC. Clara von Holst and Isabella Beeton emerge from the shadows to reveal their secret lives. When: Saturday 23rd March at 7.30pm Where: Christ Church Harwood Hall, Malvern Road, Cheltenham GL50 2JH Tickets: £15 (adult), £13 (Holst Birthplace Trust Members), £6 (student/child). Available from the Holst Birthplace Museum, 4 Clarence Road, Cheltenham GL52 2AY or from The Wilson TIC, Clarence Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3JT Or buy your tickets ONLINE at (A small extra charge applies to online bookings).

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Cranham Common News

By the time you read this we will have completed our scrub clearance for the winter. We held 4 work parties which were well attended, with around 25 people per work party. Most of our work this winter was removing the huge number of small scrub oaks and other trees and shrubs that spread over the grassland, as well as some more clearance of woodland edges near the Trout Farm and on Knowle Bank, plus ongoing bramble clearance. We celebrated the end of the scrub bashing season on 17th February with a camp fire lunch, enjoyed by all who attended.

The winter clearance has been possible due to the hard work of many villagers who turned out time after time to help, both on the official work parties as well as some individual authorised clearance. Natural England and Cotswold Wardens have cleared some of the very dense areas of scrub.

A huge thank you to everyone who has helped to keep our beautiful common in prime condition. The remaining areas of brambles, hawthorn, blackthorn etc are a really important habitat for all sorts of birds and invertebrates so keep an eye out as you walk past them to see what you can spot as we move into spring.

Cows and invisible fencing

Sadly two of our old Welsh Blacks had to be euthanased in February due to arthritis, so we now have 8 cows. More will be added to the herd by NT when they are available.

We are still working away at the invisible fencing project, coming up with new solutions to the problem of not being able to obtain a generator powerful enough to cover the length of our cable, and we remain optimistic of getting the open grazing system working at some point!

Undergrounding of High Voltage Cables on the common

Cranham was successful in securing funding for this project back in October 2018, and we have continued to work with Western Power, Cotswolds AONB, CCT, NE and local stakeholders to agree the details of the installation of the new underground system.

We will be sharing the detail of the scheme with the village in the next few weeks, and will hold an open evening in the Village Hall so that you can see the detail and ask any questions. We hope that the village will be supportive to the scheme.

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Holding in ones arms a little babe just born,

who can describe in mere words the very thrilling joy?

A sensation beyond compare from gentle girl or boy,

and in this world so wonderful the memory's never gone.

Encounters with ones early loves seldom ever last.

Yet in the young beholder's gaze the beauty is supreme,

blue eyes admiring those of brown in a very wondrous dream.

Brief years' experience still lives on beyond the happy past

As one looks upon the glorious red of twilight from top of

Cranham Hill,

who can not be thankful to be so richly blessed,

to have a dwelling in a plot of Paradise possessed?

Years go by as Spring and Summer flowers flourish to their fill

Our too short journey along Creation's splendid way,

beauteous scenes around us, and quite freely given,

which serves to bestow a pride to be in this world living

How grateful mankind should feel for each and every day.

Beauty reigns more calmly in our serenely later days.

aiding one another in ailments of body and of mind.

Hand in hand in companionship with Nature in wonder of one kind.

Now loving memories abound in cherishing arrays.

Ken Morgan

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Cranham Local History Society

A Wreckers Tale

Ship Breakers of the River Severn

A fascinating glimpse into Gloucestershire’s long gone maritime past. Paul Barnett returns to Cranham to chart the waxing of the region’s shipping fortunes & its demise at the hands of determined wreckers along the Severn foreshore at Sharpness.

Do come and join us:

Cranham Village Hall

Thursday 21st March 2019, 7.45pm

Members Free

Membership due if you haven’t already paid

Visitors : £3.50 Refreshments included

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Air in G


The quick fire comedy improvisation show


An Evening of Songs, Gags and

General Silliness!

Cranham Village Hall

Friday 15th March

7.30pm (Doors open 7pm)

Tickets £15, includes Supper

Pay Bar

Call Jane on 814873

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All general articles for the magazine should be sent to

[email protected]

A reminder that …

Well-rotted Horse Manure is always available!

Please help yourselves.

Plenty of bags available for you to fill!!

For those who don't know where it is please telephone Sue 813407

Brimpsfield & Mid-Cotswold Garden Society

March weather is notoriously fickle, so the wise gardener keeps an eye on the forecast and plans jobs accordingly. A mild spell can still be followed by a freezing blast, so don’t be too quick to start off seedlings that you can’t protect if necessary, but – especially towards the end of the month when spring should be in sight – you can get sowing and growing hardy plants if the outlook seems favourable. If not, and if you have a bed where you’re planning to grow plants from seed or plugs, consider covering it with polythene so that it warms up and is then ready to give your plants a head start!

If your gardening plans include ‘growing your own’ this year, our coffee morning meeting on Saturday 2nd March may be just what you need, as our speaker, Mr Baldwin, will talk on Vegetable Gardening. Come along and find out how to grow just a little of your own food! We meet in Brimpsfield Village Hall from 10.30am for tea, coffee, and home-made cake, with the talk starting around 11.00am.

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Village Lunch

The next Village Lunch will be on:

Monday 18th March

we hope you will join us when we will be meeting at:

12:15 for 12.30pm

in the

Scouts HQ

Menu on that day will be as follows:


Fruit Juice Sausage Casserole

Mashed Potato Cabbage & Carrots

Followed by:

Jam Sponge & Custard or Stewed Fruit

Tea or Coffee

Please ring and let me know if you are would like to come

and haven’t already booked. Thank You

Nicky (Tel: 07720 046802 or 812429)

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All articles or enquiries with regards to the Cranham Magazine should

be emailed to:

All general articles: [email protected]

All church articles: [email protected]

Advertising enquiries: [email protected]

Distribution enquiries : [email protected]

Back from the Brink Wildlife Surveys

As part of the Back from the Brink project ‘Limestone’s Living Legacies’ based here in the Cotswolds, volunteers are being sought to help with species surveys.

Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and People’s Postcode Lottery, Back from the Brink is one of the largest and most complex conservation schemes ever attempted. Bringing together seven species conservation organisations including Butterfly Conservation, Plantlife and Bat Conservation Trust, alongside Natural England, it aims to save some of England’s rarest and most threatened species.

As the name suggests, Limestone’s Living Legacies is focussing on the special limestone grassland habitat here in the Cotswolds which has undergone a dramatic decline since the 1930s. Working with local partner organisations, the aim is to restore and connect a network of limestone grassland sites and in turn help the conservation prospects of species such as the Duke of Burgundy butterfly, Pasqueflower, Greater Horseshoe Bat and Rugged Oil Beetle.

To do this the project needs your help and is providing free training workshops on how to identify and survey for these species. To find out more and get involved, please contact Jennifer Gilbert at [email protected] or 07483 039321.

For more information on Back from the Brink visit

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Confused about energy tariffs? Unsure about broadband?

For free, non-obligational advice from local experts, call

Sue 07814 433890 or Simon 07808 539586

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No time to collect or chop your own kindling?..

Two budding young village entrepreneurs, Will and Harry can deliver quality kindling to your door for just £5 per large bag.

Please text or call 07736 720701 to order or visit their facebook page ‘Force & Ford Kindling’


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Unit 30 Wayside Farm, The Camp, Stroud, Glos. GL6 7EW (Only 5 minutes from Cranham)


• Car Servicing & Mechanical Repairs • Fault-Finding & Diagnostics • Arrangement of MOT’s, preparation & repair work • Air-Conditioning Servicing

Free local collection and delivery available

Please call Steve Berry 01285 821193 / 07585 553559 E-mail: [email protected]

VW Specialist, however all makes & types of vehicle are catered for


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ANIMAL PORTRAITS painted on commission by

ANNE FREE An accurate representation of your animal, painted in gouache, a water based paint.

Whenever possible the Artist prefers to see the animal and take photographs, but can work from photos supplied subject to quality. Perfect for surprise presents throughout the year!

Visit the website to view examples and obtain prices or contact the Artist.

email: [email protected] Mobile: 07769702254

Woodleigh, Jacks Green, Sheepscombe, Stroud.GL6 7RD

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Jasper Drake Forestry & Land Maintenance

Grounds and Woodland Maintenance

Professional Tree Work

Fire Wood

Wellfield, Mill Lane, Painswick, Gloucester. GL6 6TX

Office 01452 813697 Mobile 07795597901


Page 42: Cranham Village Magazine


REGULAR EVENTS Club Pulse Mondays 6.00 - 7.30pm - Painswick Youth Centre

(Nathan Youlton 07875 681130)

Scouts Mondays 7.30 to 9.00pm (10 to 14 yrs) - Scout Centre

Orchestra Mondays 8.00pm - V Hall (Beryl Berry 813200)

Post Office Tuesdays 10.00am - 12noon - V Hall

Coffee Morning Tuesdays 10.30 - 11.30am - V Hall

Cranham Art Group Tuesdays 7.00 - 9.00pm - School (Lyn Barker 813025)

Choir Tuesdays 7.30pm - V Hall (Ian Wotherspoon 812387)

Beavers & Cubs Wednesdays - Scout Centre - times as follows:

Beaver Scouts (6 to 8 yrs) 4.45 to 5.45pm

Cub Scouts (8 to 10 yrs) 5.50 to 7.10pm

Table Tennis Club Wednesdays 7.15 - 9.30pm - V Hall

(Clive Hayden 07833 635762 [email protected])

Handbell Ringers Thursdays 9.30am - Tocknells Court (Annie Lade 812847)

Cranham Ramblers Alternate Thursdays 9.30am – Village Hall (Joan Charman 812708)

Retriever Training Thursdays 10.30am - Scout HQ

(Please phone - Mary Valentine 01684 592673 for info.)

S’Combe Bridge Club 2nd and 4th Thursdays 7.00pm - Sheepscombe V Hall

(Contact Joy Edwards 812588)

Parent and Toddler Fridays 9.15 - 10.45am - V Hall (Chloe McCarthy 07859 880641)

Church Bell Ringers Alternate Saturdays 9.30am - Church (Rob Garratt 07703 503547)

Garden Club Brimpsfield, phone Frances Ellery 01452 862412 for further info.

Cranham People

A warm welcome to Pip and Ben Saunders who have moved into Knowle House with their labradoodle Molly. Ben says having come from Richmond, Surrey, they are happy to be away from London, and are excited to be in their first home as a married couple.

If we have missed anyone, please accept our apologies!

Please make yourself known and we will include you next time.

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All articles for the forthcoming month should be forwarded to the editors by email to

[email protected] (preferred option).

Articles should be forwarded as either a WORD or WORKS document and preferably in Ariel or Calibri font size 10 on A5 size paper settings. Articles may also be sent manually typed or hand written.

Please refrain from using ADOBE EDITOR as all articles have to be edited prior to inserting into the magazine.

All hard copies should be forward to Baggend (at the Knoll).

All items to be included within next months magazine will need to be in the hands of the editors by the following dates:


(hand-written articles also by Wednesday 20th March)

Magazines will be available for distribution:

on Sunday 31st March or thereabouts.

The date will be confirmed to the distributors by email

Sue & Ian Shaw


[email protected]

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Forthcoming events:

March 2019

1 Fri World Day of Prayer Painswick 11.00am

‘Dropshots’ Starts Painswick Tennis 3.30 - 4.30pm

2 Sat Garden Society Meeting B’field V.Hall 10.30 for 11.00am

3 Sun Family Communion Church 11.00am

5 Tues Recycling/Food Waste

6 Wed Ash Wednesday Service Church 6.30pm

9 Sat Wild & Fit Cathedral 10.00am - 12.30pm

10 Sun Prayer & Praise Church 11.00am

12 Tues Rubbish/Food Waste

‘Flicks in the Sticks’ Bisley V. Hall 7.30 for 8.00pm

13 Wed Village Hall Meeting Village Hall 7.30pm

14 Thurs Society Box Coffee am ‘Surmang’ 9.30 - 11.30am

Ramble Village Hall 9.45am

Messy Church St. Mary ’s 3.30 - 5.00pm

15 Fri ‘Instant Wit ’ Village Hall 7.00 for 7.30pm

18 Mon Village Lunch Scout Centre 12.15 for 12.30pm

19 Tues Recycling/Food Waste

20 Wed ** Magazine Contributions Due **

21 Thurs Mobile Library School 9.30 - 11.30am

‘A Wreckers Tale’ Village Hall 7.45pm

23 Sat ‘A Women’s Life’ Cheltenham 7.30pm

24 Sun Benefice Communion Sheepscombe 10.00am

26 Tues Rubbish/Food Waste

28 Thurs Ramble Village Hall 9.45am

31 Sun Mothering Sunday Service Church 11.00am

April 2019

7 Sun Family Communion Church 11.00am

11 & 25 Thurs Rambles Village Hall 9.45am

18 Thurs Mobile Library School 9.30 - 11.30am

For regular Events: Please see page 42