cpri – criepi interactive meetcpri.in/images/pdf/cpri-news-105.pdfcpri news apr - june 2008 3 the...

No. 105 APR -JUN 2008 website: http://cpri.in E-mail : [email protected] & [email protected] CPRI – CRIEPI INTERACTIVE MEET CPRI – CRIEPI INTERACTIVE MEET CPRI – CRIEPI INTERACTIVE MEET CPRI – CRIEPI INTERACTIVE MEET CPRI – CRIEPI INTERACTIVE MEET CPRI organised a One Day Interactive Meet with Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), a non- profit research organization for the electric utility industry in Japan for discussing R&D advances in the power sector and held discussions for identifying the areas of mutual cooperation in CPRI on 25 th June 2008. Sixteen delegates from CRIEPI attended the Meet. Detailed discussions were held between delegates from CRIEPI, Japan and CPRI Engineers. Value added interactive presentations were made by both the teams. Following areas have been provisionally identified for mutual cooperation: Information sharing – cooperation for High Power & High Voltage testing of power equipment and maintenance of laboratories Development of tools for asset management Power system planning and studies Evaluation of characteristics and qualification of equipment for seismic qualification of power equipment and structures Development of materials for power sector Remaining Life Assessment and condition monitoring and Energy Audit for thermal power plants Membership on IERE body for information exchange and effective interaction on power sector issues with the Asian, African and European utilities MoU between the two organizations is likely to be executed for taking up the assignments of mutual interest.

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  • No. 105 APR - JUN 2008

    website: http://cpri.in E-mail : [email protected] & [email protected]


    Research Institute of ElectricPower Industry (CRIEPI), a non-

    profit research organization for the

    electric utility industry in Japanfor discussing R&D advances in the

    power sector and held discussionsfor identifying the areas of mutual

    cooperation in CPRI on 25th June

    2008. Sixteen delegates fromCRIEPI attended the Meet.

    Detailed discussions were heldbetween delegates from CRIEPI,

    Japan and CPRI Engineers. Value

    added interactive

    presentations were made

    by both the teams.Following areas have

    been provisionallyidentified for mutual


    • Information sharing –

    cooperation for HighPower & High Voltage testing

    of power equipment and

    maintenance of laboratories

    • Development of tools for assetmanagement

    • Power systemplanning and studies

    • Evaluation ofcharacteristics and

    qualification ofequipment for seismic

    qualification of power

    equipment andstructures

    • Development of materials forpower sector

    • Remaining Life Assessmentand condition monitoring andEnergy Audit for thermalpower plants

    • Membership on IERE body forinformation exchange andeffective interaction onpower sector issues with theAsian, African and Europeanutilities

    • MoU between the twoorganizations is likely to beexecuted for taking up theassignments of mutualinterest.

  • 2CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008


    Shri A.K. TripathyDirector General

    g§nmXH$s` gbhmH$ma g{_{Vg§nmXH$s` gbhmH$ma g{_{Vg§nmXH$s` gbhmH$ma g{_{Vg§nmXH$s` gbhmH$ma g{_{Vg§nmXH$s` gbhmH$ma g{_{V

    lr. nr.Ho$. H$m oJZmobH$alr. nr.Ho$. H$m oJZmobH$alr. nr.Ho$. H$m oJZmobH$alr. nr.Ho$. H$m oJZmobH$alr. nr.Ho$. H$m oJZmobH$alr. Eg. lrYalr. Eg. lrYalr. Eg. lrYalr. Eg. lrYalr. Eg. lrYa


    Shri P. K. Kognolkar

    Shri S. Sridhar

    C O N T E N T S

    CPRI – CRIEPI Interactive Meet 1

    Additional Secretary, MOPVisits CPRI 2

    National Round Robin Exercisefor Analysis & Experiment onFull Scale Four-storeyed RCC Structure 3

    Development of an Economical VariableSpeed Constant Frequency (VSCF)Generation System Suitable for WindPower Generation 4

    Insulation Diagnosis by High VoltageDielectric Spectroscopy 8

    Establishment of Electromagnetic BasedStress Assessment to Benchmark theStructural Soundness in Turbine andOther Plant Components 10

    Certificate Course on testing andmaintenance of Electrical Equipment 11

    Investigation of Application of FACTSDevices in Indian Power System 12

    Study of Dynamic Performance ofProtective Relays Using Real TimeDigital Simulator 13Power Distribution Monitoring Systemwith Wireless Sensor Network 14

    Demonstration Facility using ScaledPhysical Models for training in PowerSystem Dynamics, HVDC and FACTS 16

    News at a Glance 17

    News in Hindi 18

    Shri A.K. Tripathy, retired from service consequent to hissuperannuation on 24 April 2008 after serving the Institute forabout four years as Director General. But for the leadership andvision of Shri. Tripathy, several facilities were upgraded for servingthe Indian Power Sector on par with the global leaders in PowerSector and initiatives taken up for joint research studies witheminent institutions in India and abroad. During his tenure theInstitute got an prestigious STL Membership.

    The Institute fraternity thanks Shri Tripathy, for his untiring servicesand wishes him and his family the best of health, happiness, prosperity and successin his life.

    Shri P K Kognolkar, Director has assumed the charge ofthe Office of Director General - CPRI with effect

    from the afternoon of 11th July 2008.The contact address and telephone numbers of

    Shri P K Kognolkarare as under :

    Central Power Research Institure,P. B. No. 8066, New B.E.L. Road,

    Bangalore - 560 080Telephone : Office : 2360 2457 Fax : 23601213 / 23602277

    E-mail :[email protected] [email protected]


    Shri Anil Kumar, Additional

    Secretary, MoP visited the Institute

    on 9th May 2008. A brief

    presentation of CPRI activities was

    made during the visit. Additional

    Secretary also visited the

    laboratories of the Institute and

    evinced keen interest in Testing,

    Research and Consultancy

    activities. Later he addressed the

    senior Officers of the Institute.

    Addressing the Senior Officers ofthe Institute

    Visit to High Power Laboratory

    Visit toPower system Division

  • 3CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    The greatest economic losses causedby earthquakes are typically inflictedupon structures, such as buildings,bridges, power plants and other lifesupport systems critical to a moderncivilization. These events have focusedthe attention of government agencies,the scientific community and the generalpublic on safety hazards and potentiallosses associated with structures thatperform poorly during earthquakes. Asa result, there is growing nationalemphasis on seismic risk assessment,seismic design requirement for newstructures, and seismic retrofit ofexisting structures. To make suchassessment, simplified linear-elasticmethods are not adequate and hencenew generation of design and seismicprocedures have been developed.

    The pushover analysis, the most widelyused procedure provides the inelasticlimit as well as lateral load capacity ofthe structure. This information can beused effectively to assess the damagevulnerability of buildings. The accuracyof the pushover analysis is largelydependant on the accuracy of pushovercurve. However, there is a lack ofexperimental data available in theliterature to evaluate different methods


    Dr.R.Ramesh BabuJoint Director

    recommended to develop the pushovercurve.With this back ground a collaborativeresearch project titled “Seismicpushover tests on prototype RCC framedStructure” was taken up jointly byBhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC), Mumbai and Central PowerResearch Institute (CPRI), Bangalore tocompare different analytical proceduresproposed by various researchers andrecommended by various codes. Thescope of the project is to construct afull-scale four storeyed RC framestructure and to conduct pushover testto evaluate the accuracy of differentmethods followed in developing pushovercurves by comparing the analyticalresults with that of experimentalinvestigation. In this connection, a roundrobin exercise was planned under thisresearch project.

    A reinforced concrete structure consistsof a single bay four storeyed frame wasconstructed. The structure is an as-it-is replica of a part of an existing officebuilding at BARC, Mumbai. The sizes,reinforcement details, layout and otherdesign details are replicated from thedesign of the original structure. Thestructure was constructed over a raftfoundation anchored to the bedrock.

    A national round robin exercise foranalysis and experiment on full scale

    four-storeyed RCC structure undermonotonically increasing lateral loadswas planned mainly to synergize theexpertise of various researchers workingin the field of pushover analysis and toidentify the effective analyticalmethodology that predicts the pushovercurve more closely under monotonicallyincreasing lateral loads. BARC hadinvited academic and research institutesto take part in this exercise.

    Many academic institutes like IndianInstitute(s) of Technology, ThaparInstitute of Technology, ThiagarajarCollege of Engineering, National Instituteof Technology Surathkal, ResearchInstitutes like Structural EngineeringResearch Centre and NPCIL participatedin this exercise along with BARC andCPRI. These institutes have presentedthe methodologies adopted by them andthe corresponding pushover curve beforeactual pushover test on the structure.

    The Round Robin exercise and push overtest on full scale structure at CentralPower research Institute wasinaugurated by Dr. Anil Kakodkar, theChairman, Atomic Energy commissionand Secretary Department of AtomicEnergy on 30.4.2008. Dr. S. Banerjeethe director, BARC had graced theOccasion. Push over test wassuccessfully carried out. This researchproject is sponsored by BARC.

    Dr. Anil Kakodkar, the Chairman,

    Atomic Energy commission and

    Secretary Department of Atomic

    Energy inaugurates the Round Robin

    exercise and push over test on full

    scale structure at Central Power

    research Institute. The structure

    under test is shown at Left.


  • 4CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    Development of an economical Variable Speed Constant Frequency(VSCF) generation system suitable for wind power generation.

    Dr. Debaprasad Kastha*, Dr. M. M. Babu Narayanan**


    With increasing global concern aboutenvironmental pollution and increasingfossil fuel cost, research initiatives for cleanand renewable energy sources have gainedmomentum. Wind power has emerged as themost attractive renewable option ineconomic terms in recent years. Due to rapidadvancement of aerodynamics andmechanical drive train design with theassociated breakthrough in powersemiconductor technology during last twodecades, the cost of energy generation fromwind has come down to the competitivelevel. Both types of induction generatorsnamely the squirrel cage (SQIM) [3-7] andthe wound rotor (WRIM) [8-12] find theirapplication in wind power generation.Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG)are widely used for this purpose in both gridconnected and isolated wind powergeneration systems for economic reasons.However, further investigation is necessaryto optimize the design and operation of suchsystems. Accordingly research initiative atIIT Kharagpur on wind energy generationhas been specifically directed towards (i)improving dynamic performance of suchsystems, (ii) maximizing system efficiencyand (iii) Finding an optimum (in the senseof minimum cost of energy generation)design procedure for such systems .With thisobjective a laboratory prototype of aemulated wind turbine driven DFIG basedstand alone

    This project was undertaken by theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, IITKharagpur with financial support from theMinistry of Power (MoP), govt. of India

    Abstract: This project was undertaken with the objective to develop a laboratory scale prototype of a wind turbine driven doubleoutput induction generator based stand alone VSCF system with excellent load voltage and frequency regulation under dynamicconditions. The generator was to be operated along maximum efficiency trajectory. This article briefly describes the set up developedand the experimental results obtained from it. Experimental results demonstrate that the project objectives have been achieved.

    under RSOP program. The project startedon 21st Jan 2004 and ended on 31st Dec.2008 with a total financial outlay of Rs.26.00 lakhs. Project administration andmonitoring was coordinated by the R &Dmanagement division of CPRI, Bangalore.

    A brief description of the prototype systemand discussion on the experimental resultsare presented in this article. Theexperimental results confirm the superiorityof the proposed design and controltechnique over existing methods [8-12].


    The block diagram of the prototype is shownin Fig. 1.

    It consists of two major subsystems, (i) thewind turbine emulator and (ii) the slip ringinduction machine based VSCF generator.These two subsystems are separatelydiscussed next.Real time emulator of a pitch controlledHorizontal axis wind turbin: In this part awind turbine is emulated by a choppercontrolled D.C machine. The turbinemodel along with its characteristic, drivetrain dynamics and pitch controller ismodeled in Simulink, and runs in real timeon a dSPACE DS1104 platform. The

    turbine model generates the currentcommand for the dc machine. The currentcontroller of the dc machine generates thenecessary armature voltage to establish thecommanded current, which is obtained bya two quadrant PWM dc chopper connectedto the armature of the dc machine.Theexperimental setup consists of a twoquadrant dc chopper made of IGBTs, thegate driver card, the sensor processing andprotection card, the sensor card, a separatelyexcited dc machine, the DS1104 DSP boardand associated interface circuitry. Since theturbine-drive traindynamics is simulated insoftware in real time this approach offersthe flexibility of emulating any turbine(even those in the conceptual phase) usingthe same hardware. Figure 2 shows the blockdiagram of the emulator while Fig. 3 is thepicture of the actual setup.

    * Principal Investigator, Associate Professor; Dep.. of Electrical Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, INDIA, PIN-72130Phone: 03222-283058, Fax:+91-3222-255303 Email: [email protected] Web: www.iitkgp.ac.in

    ** Additional Director, R & D Management Division Central Power Research Institute P.B. No. 8066; P.O. Sadashiva Nagar Phone:080-2360 5367Fax:91-80-2360 1213 Email: [email protected]; Web: www.cpri.in





    D RI VE






















    Figure 2. Wind turbine emulator


  • 5CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    Fig. 4: Laboratory prototype of the VSCF generator.


    Turbine torque-speed characteristicsobtained from the emulator setup duringfree acceleration is shown in Figure 5 andFigure 6.

    Figure 5: Turbine speed vs. turbine torque at 0.6 pu.wind velocity and variable pitch angle.

    Figure 6: Turbine speed vs. turbine torque fordifferent wind velocities and 0° pitch angle

    Slip ring Induction machine based VSCFgeneration system: The experimental set upconsisted of the slip ring induction machine,two IGBT based Voltage Source converters(one each on the stator and rotor sides) witha dc link capacitor and SPWM control,voltage and current sensors with signalprocessing circuit, a DSP based controllerboard (DS1104) implementing stator fluxoriented control for the DOIG and an RLload along with filter. The set up wasextensively tested over wide speed rangeboth in the sub-synchronous and super-synchronous region under widely varyingload conditions. The stator flux orientedcontrol algorithm developed for the systemensured that generator produces balancedthree phase voltage of constant magnitudeand frequency over the entire speed andload range. No undesired fluctuation in theload voltage was observed during either loador speed transients. Figure 4 shows thepicture of the experimental setup.

    This emulated turbine was used to drive a grid connected squirrel cage induction generator.Block diagram of the closed loop turbine controller is shown in Fig. 7. Some results showingthe performance of the turbine controller is given next.

    In the experiment the wind speed is changed from 0.6 p.u. to 0.8 p.u. and then again to 0.6p.u. with a ramp of 0.02 p.u/sec. The wind speed variation is shown in Figure 8. The speedcommand is kept constant at 10.5 p.u. during the entire period.

    Figure 7. Turbine controller block diagram


  • 6CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008


    Figure 9 shows the commanded and actualinduction machine speeds. At the instant ofwind speed variation the machine speedchanges but the speed controller brings itback to the commanded value. Figure 10shows the variation in the turbine speed withthe variation in the wind speed. The turbinespeed change is observed to be within limiti.e. 15 R.P.M. Figure 11 shows the variationin the pitch angle. The pitch angle increasesduring the higher wind speed in order toreduce the captured power from wind to

    make the machine speed follow the speedcommand. The output power of the SQIMis measured almost fixed at 530 Watts duringthe entire period. From the results it is clearlyseen that the speed controller performanceis stable under wind speed fluctuations.Turbine and machine speed fluctuations arealso negligible.

    Next some results pertaining to theperformance of the DOIG based VSCFgenerator operating in the stand alone mode

    is presented. The stator flux orientedcontroller as mentioned earlier wasimplemented in the DS1104 platform. Inthe beginning the generation system is inthe unexcited condition. Both the DC linkvoltage and the machine flux has to buildup before the system can start supplying load.The dc link voltage was build up at sub-synchronous and super-synchronous speeds.All the time the build up process wassuccessful and provided results as in thefollowing figures.

    Figure 12: System variables during dc linkvoltage build up. (A) dc link voltage andspeed at sub-synchronous build up (510rpm), (B) direct axis rotor current and statorcurrents, (C) quadrature axis rotor current,(D) stator flux linkage, (E) stator and rotorphase currents. (F) dc link voltage andspeed at super-synchronous build up (1050rpm).

    Dc link voltage build up in Fig. 12(A) and(F) are shown at different speeds and asexpected the voltage builds up faster withhigher prime mover speed. The rotorcurrents and stator flux linkage controllers

    are found to be working properly. Theresults of step load increase from 1.254 kW

    (22% of rated power) to 4.67 kW (83% ofrated power)are shown in Figures 13.

    Figure 13: Load voltage and different current waveforms during step increase in load power. (A) load currentand load voltage (B) machine current and inverter current

  • 7CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    The load voltage magnitude and frequencyremains constant with application of load.The machine current and inverter currentboth increase in this case along with loadcurrent. Some other system variables duringthe same transient are shown in Fig. 14.

    The impact of load increase causes atemporary drop in the dc link voltage whichis brought back to its reference value by theaction of the dc link voltage controller. Asexpected, load change affects only thequadrature axis components of the rotor andstator currents and not the direct axiscomponent or the stator flux linkage whichproves the effectiveness of the stator fluxoriented controller.

    Next, the performance of the system duringlarge and rapid variation in the prime moverspeed is tested. This type of speed variationcan occur due to sudden wind gust. Theload voltage magnitude and frequencyshould not change appreciably during thesetransients. Fig. 15(G) and (H) verifies this.Though the rate of increment is not constant,the speed of the prime mover is increased ata rate of 2000 rpm/sec maximum. Rate ofdecrement is less as it depends uponmachine’s mechanical time constant.

    For both the cases the load voltagewaveform is found to be stationary.

    The test results amply demonstrates theeffectiveness of the set up to run as a windturbine driven VSCF generator operatingover wide speed and load range. To the bestof our knowledge, internationally only oneother group [8-12] has reported similarstudies. However, in those studies the drivetrain dynamics of the turbine model has beenneglected.

    Also the performance of the field orientedcontroller for the DOIG was considerablyinferior resulting in voltage dips during loadtransients. The required DC link voltage wasalso considerably higher resulting in unnec-essary increase in the converter rating andcost.

    Figure 15: System variables during change in the prime mover speed. (A) speed and dc link voltage, (B) directaxis stator and rotor currents, (C) quadrature axis stator and rotor currents, (D) stator flux linkage and (E) statorand rotor line currents. (F) dc link voltage while speed is reducing, (G) load voltage and speed waveforms during

    speed increase (H) load voltage and speed waveforms during speed decrease.


    Figure 14: System variables during step increase in load power. (A) dc link voltage and speed, (B) d & q axisrotor current, (C) d & q axis stator currents, (D) stator flux linkage, (E) stator and rotor line currents ,

    (F) d & q axis inverter currents.

  • 8CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008


    In recent years, techniques involvingmeasurements in time & frequency domainare being adopted as effective diagnostictool to monitor the status of the conditionof the insulation systems of in-service HVequipment. One such measurement methodinvolves monitoring of various dielectricparameters in wide range of frequency.Identification, interpretation andcharacterising the changes in the dielectricresponse patterns in frequency domain toassess the condition of the insulation systemis a complex task.

    With this background, an Research projectfunded by Ministry of Power, Governmentof India was undertaken to characterise theextent of deterioration of differentdielectric systems in frequency domain andto adopt the technique as an effectivediagnostic tool for assessing the conditionof insulation systems in Power transformersand MV Power cable systems in-service.Currently the methodology is being adoptedsuccessfully as one of the effectivediagnostic tool to assess the condition of in-service Transformers and MV Power Cablessystems.

    The HV equipment of Power stations in thenetwork of Indian scenario is an ageing one.It’s performance has been a cause of concerndemanding enormous and expensive effortsto maintain continuity of power supply toconsumers. A solution that progressively andexpediously improves the performance ofthe network is the need of the hour. Anappropriate suggestion, in addition toreliability will also reduce the correctivemaintenance cost. Condition basedmonitoring of the equipment are ofparamount important to utilities to extendtheir service life.

    Condition monitoring of in-service HVequipment has been a continuous processand has seen many improvements over theyears. Although several diagnostic tests areavailable, interpretation of the data stillappears to be a challenging task. Thecorrelation and proper analysis of themonitored data from each test is of primeimportance to evaluate appropriately thestatus of the insulation.

    Measurement of dielectric properties atsingle fixed frequency may not givecomplete information on the condition ofinsulation system/s. In order to obtain more

    information on the system, measurement ofcapacitance, dielectric loss and power factoras a function of frequency is adopted toassess the ageing status of the insulationsystem of the in-service HV Powerequipment.

    During the project, apart from detailedlaboratory investigations, studies werecarried out on in - service Transformers &MV Power Cable systems, to identify andcharacterize the unique type of dielectricspectral responses in frequency domain inorder to evaluate the condition of theirinsulation system and also to categorise thetype of degradation, using State of artequipment, High Voltage DielectricSpectroscopy. The results of the laboratoryinvestigations were used as guidelines toevaluate and analyse the condition of theinsulation system/s of in-service PowerTransformers & MV Power Cables.

    A large number of Power Transformers ofvarious ratings were monitored employingthis technique to assess the condition of theirinsulation system. It is known that one ofthe degrading byproducts generated withinthe paper-oil insulation system is water. Thisfurther deteriorates the cellulose throughdepolymerisation, in addition to decreasein electrical breakdown strength of both inoil & paper. Literature survey indicate thatother research groups involved in similarareas of work have adopted criteria basedon Moisture content in cellulose and oil,Power Factor, oil conductivity, dispersionof capacitance to analyse the condition ofthe insulation system. Based on similarguidelines and knowledge gained from thestudies it was possible to identify andcharacterize unique dielectric spectralresponse patterns to evaluate the ageingcondition of the insulation system.

    As on today, there are no well laid diagnosticmethodologies available for reliableassessment of healthiness of Power Cables

    in-service. The common type of reportedfailures of Power cables are mainly due todegradation of the insulation, defectiveterminations or joints.

    A pilot project was undertaken at one ofthe Indian distribution network to evaluatethe performance of MV Power Cables at it’snetwork. From the findings of the laboratoryinvestigations, as well as field measurements,it was possible to categorise the dielectricresponses due to insulation degradation,influence of accessories and surfaceleakages, presence of water trees in theinsulation of the cable.MethodologyExperiments were carried out in thelaboratory on Model Transformers and onrepresentative Power cable samples of PILC,XLPE & Mixed Power Cable systems, bysubjecting them to accelerated electricalstress. At various interval of ageing,dielectric parameters were monitored withan aim to characterize the dielectric spectralbehaviour due to degradation in theinsulation system/s.Measurements in the laboratory as well asin the field, were performed in frequencyrange varying from 1000 Hz to 0.0001Hz atdifferent voltages employing HV DielectricSpectroscopy. The test voltage of 140V rmswas used for measurements on insulationsystems of Transformers. Measurements onMV Power Cables were carried out atdifferent sweep voltage levels of 1.5kV, 3.0kV, 4.5 kV, 6.0 kV, 4.5 kV and 3.0 kV, atdiscrete frequency for several frequencysweeps by the application of a sinusoidalvoltage across the insulation system.From the measured complex impedance,Dielectric loss, Power Factor, Capacitance& Permittivity are obtained as a function offrequency. The changes in these dielectricparameters with voltage as well as frequencyare evaluated to arrive at the extent ofdegradation of the insulation system. The


    Experimental set up in the laboratory


  • 9CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    investigation helped to characterise thesignature spectral patterns of variousdielectric parameters in frequency domainto evaluate the of extent of deteriorationand also to categorise the type ofdegradation with application to Powertransformer and Power Cable Systems,employing HV Dielectric Spectroscopy.The data obtained were used as guidelinesto evaluate the condition of in-servicePower apparatus and assess the extent ofdegradation of the insulation system.

    The major advantage of measurement atwide frequency range avoids interferencesdue to power frequency. The otheradvantage is the measurement using threeterminal electrode configuration excludesthe influence of leakage current.


    Some of the findings of the representativecase studies are presented below:

    Power Transformer Insulation System

    Fig. 1 depicts the variation of tan delta withfrequency of different Power Transformersof various ratings. These figures exhibittypical pattern of dielectric responses infrequency domain with different moisturecontent and conductivity of oil in thetransformer insulation.

    It is possible to distinguish the degradationdue to each dielectric medium (oil or paper)from a single measurement. From theanalysis of the data, moisture content in thecellulose as well as conductivity of the oilcan be estimated. This helps to suggestappropriate realistic remedial measures toimprove the condition of the Transformerto extend its service life.

    Power Cable System

    During the project, a large number of MVPower cable systems with different types ofjoints & terminations were monitored fortheir healthiness. From the analysis of the

    voluminous data obtained from thelaboratory studies as well as from fieldmeasurements, it was possible to estimatethe Moisture content in PILC Cables;identify the deterioration of XLPE Powercables due to presence of water tree; andalso identify the influence of accessories inthe cable system. The study also helped torank the Power Cables based on the extentof deterioration. The large data bankcreated during the investigation, helped insuggesting appropriate remedial measures tobe taken for maintenance & replacementstrategy based on the extent of degradationof the insulation system.

    The dielectric spectral pattern in frequencydomain of 11kV, PILC Power Cable asdepicted Fig. 2 exhibit high dielectric lossesand highly deteriorated condition of thecable insulation.

    Fig. 2. Variation of tan delta with frequency

    Fig. 3 shows typical patterns of dielectricresponses in frequency domain for variousin -service 11kV, XLPE Power Cables. Fromthe data obtained, the responses could bebroadly classified to various categoriesbased on the spectral behaviour of dielectricloss with voltage & Frequency.


    From the detailed investigation, it could beestablished that measurement of variousdielectric parameters in frequency domainusing is a sensitive diagnostic tool to assessthe condition of in-service PowerTransformers & MV Power Cable Systems.The suggestions made to the utilities afterthe analysis of the data has helped to takeappropriate remedial measures for themaintenance of Power Equipment. Thishas also helped in planning periodicmonitoring of the condition of the insulationsystems of HV Power Equipment forextending their service life.

    Further details contact address:

    Mrs. P.K. PoovammaEngineering Officer,

    Diagnostic, Cables & Capacitors DivisionCentral Power Research Institute

    Bangalore - 560 080Telefax : 91 80 2360 4435 , e mail: [email protected]

    Shri A. SudhindraJoint Director & Head of the Division

    Diagnostic, Cables & Capacitors DivisionCentral Power Research Institute

    Bangalore 560 080,Telefax : 91 80 2360 4435,e mail: [email protected],

    Mobile : 0091 9844012844


    The responses as depicted in Fig. 3(a) reveal healthy condition of the cable insulation. Fig.3 (b) characterize degradation of the insulation due to the presence of water trees. Fig. 3 (c)shows the responses from a considerably degraded cable insulation. The spectral patterns asshown in Fig. 3(d) characterize influence of accessories in the Power cable system.

  • 10CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008


    The influence of residual stress on thefailure of metallic components has beenwell recognized. While the tensile stressleads to failures such as fatigue, stresscorrosion and fracture, on the other handcompressive stress is beneficial as ittends to increase the fatigue life of thecomponent. Determination of residualstresses and control of the same isessential to ensure integrity, reliabilityand performance of the material inservice. Generally, the residual stressesare either ignored or overestimated, asthe methods of measurement involve highcost and technical difficulties. Powerplant components are susceptible tocreep, corrosion, fatigue etc., due tovaried loading and environmentalconditions. Even though the factor ofsafety provided to the component duringthe design stage is much higher than theacceptable limit/level, they are made tooperate some times beyond the ratedcapacity resulting in lowering of theservice life. Under these circumstances,the residual stress levels becomesignificant and the measurements usingadvanced NDT methods on criticalcomponents become a useful tool as apart of quality assurance programme. Inaddition, the measurements would helpto control the residual stress levels duringfabrication/processing so that minimumstress levels in the final product couldbe achieved.

    While sufficient efforts and progress havebeen made in respect of NDE methodsfor structural integrity and life assessmentstudy of plant components, theelectromagnetic technique seems to givenotable insight into the damagequantification affecting the residual stressand hence predict the performance of thecomponent. Further, the adoption ofmagnetic method of stress

    Establishment of electromagnetic based stress assessment to benchmark thestructural soundness in turbine and other plant components

    The RC project was taken up in April 2006 and ended in July 2007 with a project outlay of Rs. 45 lakhs. The project investigator wasMr. P.Sampathkumaran, Scientific Officer Grade V of Materials Technology Division, CPRI. The other co-investigators includeMr. M. Janardhana, Mr. R.K. Kumar and Dr. S. Seetharamu.

    measurements using MagneticBarkhausen Noise (MBN) technique ishighly useful for studying the in-servicecomponents behavior. Among the NDTmethods, X-ray method is the commonlyand widely used technique for residualstress analysis with reasonablyacceptable results. But this method hascertain limitations, such as bulkiness ofthe equipment; measurements arepossible only up to a depth of 20 µm andmeasurements become difficult ontextured and coarse grained material aswell as on complicated geometries.Hence, the MBN technique being aportable in nature, finds its usefulnessfor stress measurements of in-serviceplant components. Further, the study ofstructural soundness as part of qualityassurance measures would be beneficialfor identifying the extent of damage as apart of component structural integrityfollowed by remedial measures there of.


    During the interactions with various powerutilities such as NTPC, the power plantengineers have expressed interest tomeasure the residual stresses of in-service components especially in turbineand high temperature components.Keeping this in view, the following scopeand objectives have been defined.

    • Establishment of electro magneticmethod of stress measurement andanalysis known as MagneticBarkhausen Noise Measurement(MBN).

    • Optimization of the MBN parameterwith respect to the process variablessuch as heat treatment, welding,grinding, machining etc., affecting thestress levels in components.

    • Benchmarking of MBN parameterswith respect to the laboratory XRDstress data in respect of materialused in thermal power plantapplications.

    • MBN experiments involving in-servicecomponents (blades, shafts, pipesetc.,) to assess the structuralintegrity followed by data analysis andinterpretation.


    Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) isbased on Barkhausen effect andapplicable to ferromagnetic materials.The effect takes place when a magneticfield is swept in the material along ahysterisis loop. Magnetic BarkhausenNoise is due to irreversible change in themagnetic wall domain move

    ments during the hysterisis. The MBNsignals can be acquired by a sensor coilor hall type of probe and the signalsgenerated during magneto elasticinteraction (flux density changes) isdependent on the characteristic of thestress prevailed in a material. Thesesignals are strong functions of stresscondition and hence the stress levels canbe assessed. The stress measurementsare done up to a depth of 1.5 mm. TheMBN signals are quite sensitive to microstructural variations in the material. TheMBN measurement is independent ofmagnetic permeability variations.

    The test procedure consists of anelectrical signal emitted from a ferro-magnetic material getting magnetizedthrough an yoke which produces MBNsignals through a coil placed at themagnetized area. Small magneticregions called domains are formed dueto the application of the magnetic field.They get magnetized along a certaincrystallographic direction. They moveback and forth producing the magneticfield. The opposite side shrinks thusproducing an electric pulse which isproportional to the stress prevailed overthere. A typical MBN stress patternpertaining to tension and compressionis shown in Fig 1.


  • 11CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008


    • New Magnetic Barkhausen Noisefacility (Fig.2) has been created alongwith data acquisition system.

    • Optimization of the techniques hasbeen done with respect to processingi.e., shot peening, grinding, weldingetc. in iron and steel materials.

    • Damage assessment methodology ofboiler tubes (water wall, super heateretc.,) affected due to internalcorrosion, hydrogen embrittlement,erosion etc. has been evolved to findout the extent of damage using MBNtechnique. Benchmarking of MBNparameters with respect to stressmeasurements using XRD methodhas been done.

    • Structural integrity assessmentinvolving MBN (mp) and XRD (stress)measurements of damaged and in-service turbine blades of (5-20MWcapacity) has been carried out andcompared with the data on virgin andimported turbine blades forbenchmarking purposes.

    • Correlations between microstructuralfeatures with MBN parameters (mp,

    coercivity, stress) in iron and steelmaterials have been established.

    • A technical paper titled “Non-invasivetechnique to characterize the boilertubes subjected to erosion andcorrosion failures” authorized byK.Anbarasu, P.Sampathkumaran,M.Janardhana, S.Yogesh andS.Seetharamu was presented at theNational Conference on “ Recentadvances in Mechanical engineering”at Kovilpatti, K.R.Nagar, TN in Feb.2008.

    • Increase in revenue potential isanticipated through consultancybased activities including fieldassignments.

    For further information on this researchtopic, Mr. P.Sampathkumaran may becontacted through e- mail :[email protected] [email protected].

    Fig. 2 photograph of MBN equipment

    Fig. 1 Typical Stress patterns showing tension andcompression



    The 'Certificate for Collaborative and advanced Research (CCAR)' a new facility created at CPRI. This centre will

    address advanced research pertaining to power sector and be a hub for collaborative research activities involving utilities,

    academia, R & D Institutions and industries. It is intended to fuction as a centre of Excellence in collaborative & advanced

    research in the power sector.

    CCAR has formulating a certificate course for practising engineers on Testing and Maintenance of electrical equipment.

    The course is mainly designed for practicing engineers with a view to upgrade the practical skills. The National level

    certificate course will help in developing a cadre of competent engineers for Testing and Maintenance of

    electrical equipment having the requisite knowledge on the subject. The course covers theory and practical

    covering : (i) System Grounding (ii) Substation Maintenance and Operation (ii) Power System Relaying (iv) Switchgear

    (v) Transformers (vi) Cables and (vii) Transmission lines. The practical training shall be arranged in CPRI laboratories.

    Further details can be obtained from :

    Joint Director, CCAR. E-mail : [email protected]


  • 12CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    Power system Engineers are currently facingchallenges to increase the power transfercapability of the transmission line. Theproven technologies are HVDCtransmission & FACTS devices and the lateroffer an economical solution maintainingsteady state & transient stability margins.With the recent addition of FACTS devicesto Indian power system it is necessary toinvestigate the control interactions ofFACTS devices in the same electrical area.The frequency ranges of different controlinteractions have been classified as steadystate interactions(0Hz ), ElectromechanicalOscillations(0-3/5Hz), Control or smallsignal Oscillations(2-15Hz), SSRInteractions(10-50Hz) & High frequencyinteractions(>15 Hz).

    NREB system(Fig 1) in India is chosen toinvestigate the control interactions ofvarious FACTS devices as it comprises ofSVC at Kanpur, TCSC on Kanpur –Ballabgarh line and Rihand- Dadri HVDCline. Loadflow analysis is carried out inSIMPOW software for the reduced NREBsystem and base case is finalised so that thereare no steady state interactions. Eigen valueanalysis is carried out and different modesof oscillations are found for this multimachine system. Among the differentelectro mechanical modes most criticalmodes are found. Fig-2 shows one of thelocal mode -0.31453+j0.96765 whereUnchahar generator is oscillating againstRihand generator present in same area. Themachines in the same area are oscillatinglocally representing a local mode. Fig-3shows one of the inter area mode -1.46376+j0.273282 present in the systemwhere Rihand, Faridabad, Panki, Unchahar,Dadri-thermal and Dadri- gas generatorspresent in the entire area are oscillating.

    It is known that the Electromechanical andSmall signal Oscillations can be stabilizedby use of PSS, HVDC, SVC, TCSC and otherFACTS controllers. In this project TCSCdamping controller is designed in SIMPOWusing Dynamic Simulation Languagethrough small signal analysis to damp thecritical modes. Various input signals areconsidered for design of damping controller

    Investigation on application of FACTS devices in Indian power system

    Fig. 1 : Single line Diagram of Reduced NREBSystem

    Fig 2: Local mode

    Fig 3: Inter area mode

    as the choice of input signal is very criticalfor effective operation of TCSC andVoltage across transmission path is found tobe most suitable control signal for dampingthe power oscillations. Power flow acrossthe Kanpur- Ballabgarh line for 3PSG faultat Kanpur 400kV bus without damping

    controller and with damping controller isgiven Fig 4 and Fig 5.

    Control or small signal Oscillations areinvestigated by plotting the impedance plotsin frequency scanning method and foundthat there is no parallel resonance. Highfrequency interactions are studied byconsidering the 3 phase to ground faults atdifferent buses & found that the criticalinter-area mode is excited and oscillationsare damped out by TCSC dampingcontroller. It is also found throughsimulation that, SVC located at KANPURis not effective in damping poweroscillations compared to TCSC dampingcontroller. It is also observed that HVDC isvery good in damping inter-area oscillationsbut excites local modes.

    Fig 4: 3PSG fault at Kanpur 400kV bus with lineclearing - without damping controller

    Fig 5: 3PSG fault at Kanpur 400kV bus with lineclearing -

    with damping controller

    As critical modes identified and dampedwith the design of TCSC controller are notexcited with the presence of SVC & HVDCcontrols in NREB system it is concluded thatthere are no control interactions in NREBsystem.

    This Research Contingency (RC) projectwas taken up by the Power Systems Divisionwith Smt Sreedevi as the principalinvestigator under the Plan R&D fund. Thetotal outlay was Rs 22.00 lakhs. The projectstarted September 2004 and was completedin April 2007 with one extension.


  • 13CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    A Project Titled “Study of DynamicPerformance of Protective Relays using RealTime Digital Simulator ” was taken up underthe Research Contingency . The mainobjective was to establish a Test setup withRelays interfaced to the RTDS andsimulation modules developed using RTDSfor Various Power System Conditions

    Testing of Distance relays and evaluatingits dynamic performance for specificapplications need to be carried out beforea Relay is selected for protecting theTransmission lines with additional deviceslike series compensation installed to improvethe performance and also to arrive at asuitable setting for the Relay.

    A Set up as shown in Figure1 has beenestablished with RTDS consisting of 2 No.sof Distance relays and one no. of Transformerdifferential relay with associated Powersupply. Simulation studies were carried outon RTDS for specific Power systemnetworks like double circuit lines ,Seriescompensated lines and Shunt compensatedlines various fault conditions ofTransformer.

    Tests are also carried out on the distancerelays for few cases of CIGRE bench markand Series compensated lines.

    The set up can also be used for investigatingthe problems faced in Distance protectionschemes and in finding appropriate remedyfor the same and can also be utilized fortraining the utility personnel for variousaspects of protection which will give greaterinsight in to the working of the Distanceand Differential Relays under variousPower system conditions and hence its usagefor specific application.

    Figure2 shows Single Line diagram of a 400kV Single Circuit transmission line (Line


    Fig.1 Test Set up with Relays interfaced to RTDS

    length 235.7 km) with 40 % seriescompensation . The location of seriescompensation and distance relay are shownin the figure. The relay is P442 of Arevamake.

    In order to test the dynamic performance ofthe relay, the network was simulated onRTDS as the relay was interfaced with theRTDS through the voltage and currentamplifiers.

    Figure 3 shows the waveform of system volt-age and current as seen by the relay for a 3phase fault at 50 % of the line. Figure 4shows the same in the presence of a seriescapacitor. The effect of capacitor on therelay performance can be studied, wherevernecessary it can be varied hence the processhelps in arriving at the most suitable settingto be adopted under the given conditions .

    Fig.3.Typical Current and Voltage waveformsobtained for a 3phase fault on a Transmission line

    Fig.4. Typical Current and Voltage waveformsobtained for a 3phase fault on a Transmission linewith series Capacitance and MOV Protecting the

    series capacitor


  • 14CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    Power Distribution Monitoring System with Wireless Sensor NetworkP. K. Dutta

    Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur, India. Email: [email protected] Phone: +913222283054

    Abstract : This article reports developmentof a distribution monitoring module withwireless sensor network protocol. Typicalproperties of such sensor nodes are low costand integration of data acquisition andtransmission module. Multihop techniqueis used to transmit data from node to node.A simple but efficient method is used toestimate real and reactive power in the sensornode itself. Accuracy of power estimationis studied with respect to Magnitude,frequency of the voltage and varyingsampling time and sampling interval.

    1.1 Introduction- Power distributionmonitoring system

    To detect faults and fluctuations of powerin distribution network, one needsparameters like active power, reactivepower, phase difference between voltageand current, temperature etc. Distributedmonitoring system helps in preciselylocating the faults in the distribution system.It also helps to detect power pilferage in thepower.

    The monitoring system should have accessto maximum number of locations foroptimum monitoring i.e. the topology of themonitoring system is congruent with that ofthe distribution system. It should be able tohandle the highest data rate likely to berequired for any application.

    and the system should operate even if a partof the network were damaged.

    1.2 Distributed Sensor Networks (DSN)

    To realize this kind of monitoring system,the concept of wireless sensor networks isused. Distributed Sensor Networks (DSNs)are more specific forms of wireless sensornetworks. DSNs are ad-hoc mobile networksthat include sensor nodes with somecomputation and communicationcapabilities. Sensor nodes communicateusing one of a number of data transmission

    standards, which include ZigBee andBluetooth. The data transmission standardselected for a project depends on itsapplication. The ZigBee standard ispreferred over Bluetooth for distributedsensor networks, because they transmit datain small packet sizes and allow for relativelylarge networks, whereas Bluetooth transmitsin large packet sizes but only allows for smallnetworks.

    2.1 Tmote Sky Wireless Sensor Modules

    2.1.1 Key features

    Tmote Sky is an ultra low power wirelessmodule for use in sensor networks,monitoring applications, and rapidapplication prototyping. Tmote Sky [4]leverages industry standards like USB andIEEE 802.15.4 to interoperate seamlesslywith other devices. With TinyOS supportout-of-the-box, Tmote leverages emergingwireless protocols and the open sourcesoftware movement. Tmote Sky is part of aline of modules featuring on-board sensorsto increase robustness while decreasing costand package size.

    2.1.2 Application to calculate RMS valueof given signal

    In this case ,we need to use one of theexternal ADC ports of 10 pin expansionconnector. This application needs aconfiguration file, module file, make file andone header file. The sampling interval andthe number of samples for estimating theRMS voltage, current and power have beenchosen to meet the accuracy requirement.TinyOS and java environment need to beloaded to run the applications.

    Java Applications for integration:

    Java applications written for

    (1) Data transfer between two systems.

    (2) Internal communication.

    (3) Transferring the mote’s output toparticular port and retrieving it from anothersystem by networking.

    2.2 Data Acquisition

    In the module file,we have to define thesame interface ADC. We have to bind thesensorws with the actual port by usingADCControl interface. The sensor is calledseparately using their respective interfaces.This application code is built in thesendData( ) task. Using six ports of the ADCthree phase volage and currents are sampled.

    The internal antenna attained 25-meterrange indoors and 50 meter range outdoors.The 3dbi antenna attained about 170-meterrange and 7dbi antenna attained about 300-meter range.

    A hardware interfacing circuit is designedto measure the voltages and currents fromthe PTs and CTs of substation which isshown in the figure below.

    Hardware module


  • 15CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    2.3 Calibration results:In the previous part, we developed ahardware arrangement for highervoltage(110V) applications. Themicrocontroller outputs are inhexadecimal format which had beenconverted into decimal format by ajava interface.Now, we havecalibrated all the ADC ports signalsby use of scaling factors and adjustingthe potentiometers’positions.Aftercalibration we observed the %error forthe current and voltage signalsseparately.Corresponding graphs areshown below.

    Substation testing

    3. Burden of tmote and totalhardware module: In this part of our project we measuredthe VA rating of tmote and hardwaremodule .To accomplish this task wedisconnected the source module fromthe tmote, measured the currentdrawn by the mote i.e. 17.1mA andthe burden of tmote is 44.4mVA. Thecurrent drawn by total hardwaremodule is 6.06mA and the burdenof hardware module is 666.6mVA.Two AA Duracell MN1500 drive thetmote for 8days 11hours. The currentdrawn by the mote is measures as17.1mA while the voltage across thetmote 2.60V. The burden of the moteis computed as 44.4mVA. For the

    motes with external antenna, the timeestimated was 6days and 21hours.Therefore, a charging circuit is usedto charge the batteries. 220 V supplyis given to the charging circuit whichcharges the batteries. The chargingcircuit also gives supply to the mote.If there is any temporary powerfailure, the charged batteries will givethe power supply to the tmote.

    3.1 Testing in a substation environ-mentThe hardware module for interfacingwith the substation environment aretested in real time environment. Themeasurement interval was chosen1 sec.


  • 16CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    Experimental and simulation tools for thestudy of power systems have gainedimportance due to increased complexity andtheir controls, notably HVDC and FACTS.While simulation tools for analysis of a powersystem are widely used for education andhave greater flexibility, it was felt that anexperimentel facility with scaled physicalmodels will complement and enhanceunderstanding of concepts of power systemoperation and control. With this in mind, anexperimental facility for demonstration ofpower system operation and control,dynamics and FACTS/HVDC was conceivedand implemented at IIT Bombay. The Projectwas funded under the Research Scheme onpower, CPRI, Ministry of Power, Governmentof India. The total outlay for the project wasRs 23.33 Lakh. The Profect work commencedin november 2005 and was completed onmarch 31st 2008.The demonstration facility - see Fig. 2 - hasa test sysytem in which upto 4 interconnectedmachines can be synchronized to each othervia transmission lines along with scaledphysical models of components includingHVDC and FACTS (see Fig 1).

    Figure 1 : Power system Laboratory -Schematic of four setup

    Therefore, this labouratory can be used todemonstrate fundamental power systemconcepts as well as advanced control andpower electronics concepts.Some of the important and intrestingphenomena which can be shown to engineersusing this physical set-up are:

    Synchronization of four alternators toform a mini-power system

    Demonstration Facility using Scaled Physical Models for Training inPower system Dynamics, HVDC and FACTS

    Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076

    Visual indication of the changes inrotor angle using stroboscopes

    Closed loop voltage regulation usingstatic excitation

    Power Flow control / asynchronousconnection using a scaled HVDC linkVoltage control using Static VArCompensator -SVCLine current control using a StaticSynchronous Series Compensator(SSSC) which is a Voltage SourceConverter (VSC) based FACTSdevice. The schematic of this set-upwhich is integrated into the four-machine power system is shown in Fig.3.System frequency control and loadsharing among interconnectedgenerators depending on prime-mover(a dc motor) charecteristics.Signal processing, protective relayingand other numeral algorithms.

    In addition to the alternator controlpanels shown in Fig. 2, a main power systemcontrol panel is present to observe andcontrol the interconnected power system(see Fig.4). The digital controls for SSSC,HVDC and AVR are implemented usingthe Real Time Application Interface(RTAI) for Linux Operating System (OS).RTAI provides real-time capability toLinux General Purpose Operating System(GPOS) over and above the capabilities ofnon real-time Linux environment, e.g.,access to TCP/IP, graphical display andwindowing systems, file and data basesystems. To create a user friendly

    environment, Graphical User Interface(GUI) is developed in Linux OS in userspace (non real-time) using QT software.

    Figure 3 : Power Systems Laboratory -Schematic of SSSC Controler

    Figure 3 : Power Systems Laboratory -Schematic of SSSC Controler

    Figure 2: Power systems Labouratory -alternator Control panels

    For Further Details Contact :1. A.M. Kulkarni, Associate Professor,

    Department of Electrical Engineering, ITTBombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076.Email :[email protected] No: 02225767416, Fax: 02225723707

    2. M.M. Babunarayanan, Head of R&DManagement Division Central PowerResearch Institute, P B No.8066, SadashivaNagar (PO), Bangalore 560 080,Phone No: 08~2360 5367,Fax No: +91- 8~2360 1213E-mail: babul@cpri. in


  • 17CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008


    Master S. Viswas

    S/O. S.V. Sathyanarayana Setty

    Scored in II PUC 93.33%

    Kum. Sanjana

    D/O. V.S. Nandakumar

    Scored 98.83% in SSLC

    Master Vishak Hegde

    S/O. Prabhakar Hegde

    Scored in SSLC 98.08%

    Master S. Aejaz Ahmed

    S/O. Mrs. Nazeer Begum

    Scored in SSLC 95.68%

    Master M. Praveen Kumar

    S/O. B. Mohan Singh

    Scored 95.68% in SSLC

    Master Sudhir S. Bagalkotker

    S/O. Suhas S. BAgalkotkar

    Scored 93.20% in X Std. CBSE

    Kum. Vindhya J. Mandekar

    D/O. M.R. Jagadeesh

    Scored 92% in ICSE

    Master Nissar Ahmed

    S/O. Zahir Begum

    Scored 91.67% in SSLC

    Kum. N. Neetha

    D/O.Mrs. Gita N. Murthy

    Scored 91.20% in SSLC

    Master Gautam S. Rao

    S/O. K. Sripad Rao

    Scored 90.57% in SSLC.

    Master G. Bharathnayak

    S/O. M. Ganesh

    Scored 90% in SSLC


    The siblings of CPRI employees have been regularly performing well in all the board examinations

    and other competitive examinations.


  • 18CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    Q>a~mBZ VWm g§`§Ì KQ>H$m| _| g§aMZm gwÑT>Vm H$mo Vb{M{hZV H$aZo Ho$ {bEQ>a~mBZ VWm g§`§Ì KQ>H$m| _| g§aMZm gwÑT>Vm H$mo Vb{M{hZV H$aZo Ho$ {bEQ>a~mBZ VWm g§`§Ì KQ>H$m| _| g§aMZm gwÑT>Vm H$mo Vb{M{hZV H$aZo Ho$ {bEQ>a~mBZ VWm g§`§Ì KQ>H$m| _| g§aMZm gwÑT>Vm H$mo Vb{M{hZV H$aZo Ho$ {bEQ>a~mBZ VWm g§`§Ì KQ>H$m| _| g§aMZm gwÑT>Vm H$mo Vb{M{hZV H$aZo Ho$ {bE{dYwV Mw §å~H$s` à{V~b {ZYm©aU AmYm[aV ñWmnZm{dYwV Mw §å~H$s` à{V~b {ZYm©aU AmYm[aV ñWmnZm{dYwV Mw §å~H$s` à{V~b {ZYm©aU AmYm[aV ñWmnZm{dYwV Mw §å~H$s` à{V~b {ZYm©aU AmYm[aV ñWmnZm{dYwV Mw §å~H$s` à{V~b {ZYm©aU AmYm[aV ñWmnZm

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    YmpËdH$ KQ>H$m| H$s {d\$bVm na Ad{eï> à{V~bHo$ à^md H$mo _mÝ`Vm àmá h¡Ÿ& VZZ à{V~b go lm§{V,à{V~b g§jmaU VWm {d^OZ O¡gr {d\$bVmE± XoH$sOmVr h¡ dhr Xygar Amoa g§nrS>Z à{V~b bm^H$mar h¡Š`m|{H$ `h KQ>H$m| H$s lm§{V Am`w _| d¥{Õ H$aVm h¡ŸŸ&godmaV gmYZ H$s AI§ÊS>Vm, {dídgZr`Vm VWm {ZînmXZH$mo gw{ZpíMV H$aZo Ho$ {bE Ad{eï> à{V~b H$m {ZYm©aUVWm CgH$m {Z §̀ÌU Amdí`H$ h¡Ÿ& _mnZ nX²Y{V _| CƒbmJV VWm VH$ZrH$s _wpíH$bo em{_b hmoZo H$s dOh gogm_mÝ`V… Ad{eï> à{V~b H$m ̀ m Vmo Cnojm H$s OmVrh¡ AWdm A{Y_yë`m§H$Z {H$`m OmVm h¡Ÿ& {d{dY ^aUVWm n`m©daUr` AdñWmAm| Ho$ H$maU e{º$ g§̀ §Ì KQ>H$_§X {dê$nU, g§jmaU, lm§{V Am{X Ho$ {bE gwJ«mh` h¡Ÿ&BgHo$ n[aUm_ñdê$n godm Am ẁ H$mo {ZåZV_ H$a XoVm h¡Ÿ&Bg n[apñW{V _|, Adm©eï> à{V~b ñVa _hËdnyU© hmoOmVo h¡ VWm JwUVm AmídmgZ H$m`©H«$_ Ho$ ̂ mJ Ho$ ê$n_| H«$m§{VH$ KQ>H$m| na CÞV EZS>r>Q>r nÕ{V H$m à`moJH$a _mnZ EH$ Cn`moJr Qy>b ~Z OmVm h¡Ÿ& BgHo$ A{V[aº$_mnZ g§{daMZm/àH«$_U Ho$ Xmo¡amZ Ad{eï> à{V~b ñVam|H$m {Z §̀ÌU H$aZo _| _XX H$aoJm {Oggo A§{V_ CËnmX _|Ý ỳZV_ à{V~b ñVa H$mo àmá {H$`m Om gHo$Ÿ&

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    * KQ>H$m| _| à{V~b ñVam| H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo Cî_mCnMma, doëS>Z, MyU© _erZ Am[X O¡go àH«$_ MaHo$ g§~ÝY _| E_ ~r EZ àMb H$m Bï>V_rH$aU.

    * Vmn e{º$ g§̀ §Ì AZwnm`moJm| _| à ẁº$ gmYZ Ho${df` _| à`moJembm XRD à{V~b S>mQ>m Ho$ g§~§Y _|E_ ~r EZ àmMbm| H$m Vb{Mh²ZZ.

    * g§aMZmË_H$ AI§ÊS>Vm {ZYm©aU Ho$ {bE H$m §̀aÎmKQ>H$m| (ãboS>, emâQ>, Z{b`m| Am{X) H$mo em{_b

    H$aVo hþE E_ ~r EZ à`moJm| Ho$ níMmV S>mQ>m {díbofUVWm àXe©Z.

    3.0 E_ ~r EZ narjU à{H«$`m3.0 E_ ~r EZ narjU à{H«$`m3.0 E_ ~r EZ narjU à{H«$`m3.0 E_ ~r EZ narjU à{H«$`m3.0 E_ ~r EZ narjU à{H«$`m

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    {MÌ 1 _| VZZ VWm g§nrS>Z go g§~§{YV àê$nr E_~r EZ à{V~b à{Vê$n H$mo Xem©̀ m J`m h¡Ÿ&

    {MÌ 1 VZZ Ed§ g§nrS>Z H$mo Xem©Vm àê$nr à{V~bà{Vê$n


  • 19CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008 à_wI {deofVmE± / CnbpãY`m±à_wI {deofVmE± / CnbpãY`m±à_wI {deofVmE± / CnbpãY`m±à_wI {deofVmE± / CnbpãY`m±à_wI {deofVmE± / CnbpãY`m±

    * S>mQ>m ànU àUmbr g{hV ZB© Mw§~H$s` ~mH©$hmCOZI gw{dYm ({MÌ-2)H$m g¥OZ {H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ&

    * {MÌ 2 E_ ~r EZ CnñH$a H$m {MÌ

    * àH«$_U AWm©V bmoh VWm BñnmV gmYZm| _| Jw{bH$mnrZH$aU, AnKf©U, doëS>Z Am{X Ho$ g§~§Y _|VH$ZrH$m| H$m Bï>V_rH$aU

    * ~m¡`ba Q>çy~mo§ (Ob {^{Îm, A{V VmnH$ Am{X)Am§V[aH$ g§jmaU, hmBS>móOZ ̂ w§JwaU, CËgO©Z Am{XHo$ H$maU à^m{dV hmoVo h¡, Ho$ j{V {ZYm©aU {H« `mnÕ{V E_ ~r EZ VH$ZrH$ H$m n©̀ moJ H$aVo hþE j{VHo$ {dñVma H$m nVm bJmZo _| bJm hþAm h¡Ÿ& XRD

    nÕ{V H$m à`moJ H$aVo hþE à{V~b _mnZ Ho$ g§~§YZ_| E_ ~r EZ àmMbm| H$mo Vb{M{•V {H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ&

    * E_ ~r EZ (E_ nr)H$m o em{_b H$aVo hþEg§aMZmË_H$ AIÊS>Vm {ZYm©aU VWm j{V Ed§(5-20 _o dmo j_Vm)Ho$ godmaÎm Q>a~mBZ ãboS>m| H$mEŠg Ama S>r (à{V~b) _mnZ g§nÞ {H$`m J`m h¡VWm Vb{M{h²ZV H$aZo Ho$ CÚoí` Ho$ {bE Am{XVWm Am`m{VV Q>a~mBZ ãboS>m| na S>mQ>m Ho$ gmWVwbZm H$s JB© h¡Ÿ&

    * bmoh VWm BñnmV gmYZm| _| E_ ~r EZ àmMbm| (E_nr, {ZJ«{hV, à{V~b) Ho$ gmW gyú_ g§aMZmË_H${deofVmAm| Ho$ ~rM gh g§~§Y ñWm{nV {H$`m J`mh¡Ÿ&

    * Ho$. AZ~agw, nr. g§nVHw$_maZ² , E_. OZmY©Z, Eg.`moJoe VWm Eg. grVmam_w Ûmam “`m§{ÌH$ B§{O{Z`ar_| AÚVZ àJ{V`m± ’’ H$mo{dbn{Å>, Ho$.Ama. ZJa,V.ZmSw> _| \$adar 2008 _| am{ḯ>r` gå_obZ _| àgVwVCËgO©Z VWm g§jmaU {d\$bVm Ho$ g§~§Y _| ~m°̀ baQy>`~m| Ho$ A{^bjUZ Ho$ {bEŸ&

    * joÌ H$m`m] H$mo em{_b H$aVo hþE nam_e© AmYm[aV{H©$`mH$H$bmnm| Ûmam amOñd _| d¥{Õ àË`m{eV h¡Ÿ&

    * Bg AZwg§YmZ {df` na Am¡a OmZH$mar Ho$ {bE, lrnr. g§nVHw$_maZ go B©-_oBb [email protected]§ Psampathkumar [email protected] Ûmam g§nH©$ H$a|Ÿ&

    dmñV{dH$ H$mb A§H$s` AZwH$maH$ H$m à`moJ H$aVo hþE g§ajr [abo Ho$ J{VH$dmñV{dH$ H$mb A§H$s` AZwH$maH$ H$m à`moJ H$aVo hþE g§ajr [abo Ho$ J{VH$dmñV{dH$ H$mb A§H$s` AZwH$maH$ H$m à`moJ H$aVo hþE g§ajr [abo Ho$ J{VH$dmñV{dH$ H$mb A§H$s` AZwH$maH$ H$m à`moJ H$aVo hþE g§ajr [abo Ho$ J{VH$dmñV{dH$ H$mb A§H$s` AZwH$maH$ H$m à`moJ H$aVo hþE g§ajr [abo Ho$ J{VH${ZînmXZ H$m AÜ``Z{ZînmXZ H$m AÜ``Z{ZînmXZ H$m AÜ``Z{ZînmXZ H$m AÜ``Z{ZînmXZ H$m AÜ``Z

    "" dmñV{dH$ H$mb A§H$s` AZwH$maH$ H$mà`moJ H$aVo hþE g§ajr [abo Ho$ J{VH$ {ZînmXZH$m AÜ``Z"" er{f©V n[a`moOZm AZwg§YmZAmH$pñ_H$Vm Ho$ A§VJ©V {b`m J`m WmŸ& BgH$m_w»` CÔoí` {dr^Þ {dÚwV àUmbr pñW{V`m| Ho${bE Ama Q>r S>r Eg H$mo A§Van¥ð> [abo g{hVEH$ narjU ì`dñWmnZ H$s ñWmnZm H$aZm WmŸ&

    [abo Ho$ {bE Cn ẁº$ AdñWmnZ àmá H$aVohþE VWm {ZînmXZ _| gwYma bmZo Ho$ {bEA{Yð>m{nV loUr à{VH$aU O¡gr A{V[aº$`w{º$`m| g{hV g§MaU bmBZm| Ho$ g§ajU hoVw[abo Ho$ M`Z go nyd© Xyar [abo H$m narjU VWm{d{eï> AZwà`moJm| Ho$ {bE CgHo$ J{VH$ {ZînmXZH$m _yë`m§H$Z g§nÞ {H$`m OmZm Amdí`H$ h¡Ÿ&

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    AÜ``Z g§nÞ {H$E JE h¢Ÿ&{gJao Vb{M• VWm loUr à{VH$m[aV bmBZm|

    Ho$ Hw$N> _m_bm| Ho$ {bE Xyar [abo na ^r narjUg§nÞ {H$E JE h¡Ÿ&

    Bg ì`dñWmnZ H$m à`moJ Xyar g§ajU ̀ moOZm_| gm_Zm H$s OmZo dmbr g_ñ`mAm| H$s Om±M H$aZoVWm BgHo$ {bE C{MV CnMma/hb {ZH$mbZo _o{H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡Ÿ VWm `hr Zhr BgH$m à`moJg§ajU Ho$ {d{^Þ nhbwAm| Ho$ {bE Cn`mo{JVmH$m{_©H$m| Ho$ à{ejU Ho$ {bE ^r {H$`m OmgH$Vmh¡Ÿ {Oggo {d{^Þ {dÚwV àUmbr pñW{V`m| Ho$A§VJ©V Xyar VWm {d ôXr [abo Ho$ H$m ©̀ g§MmbZ Ed§{d{eï> AZwà`moJ Ho$ {bE _hËdnyU© OmZH$mar àmáhmoJrŸ&

    {MÌ 2 40% loUr à{VH$aU g{hV 400{H$ dmo EH$b nWZ g§MaU (bmBZ H$s b§~mB©235.7 {H$ _r) H$m EH$b bmBZ AmaoI Xem©Vmh¡ & {OZ _| loUr à{VH$maH$ VWm Xyar [abo H$spñW{V Xem© J`m h¡Ÿ& {Z{_©V p 422 h¡Ÿ&

    [abo H$o J{VH$ {ZînmXZ H$m narjU H$aZo Ho${bE ZoQ>dH©$ Ama Q>r S>r Eg na AZwH$m[aV {H$`m

    J`m Š`m|{H$ [abo dmoëQ>Vm VWm Ymam Eoåßbr\$m`am|Ho$ Ûmam Ama Q>r S>r Eg g{hV A§Va n¥{ï>>V WmŸ&

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    {MÌ (3) 50% Hr bmBZ _| {ÌH$br`Xmof Ho$ {bE [abo Ûmam {XImB JB Ymam VWmàUmbr dmoëQ>Vm H$m Va§J ê$n Xem©`m h¡Ÿ& {MÌ 4loUr g§Ym[aÌ H$s _m¡OyXJr _| Cgr H$mo Xlm©`mJ`m h¡Ÿ&[abo {ZînmXZ na g§Km[aÌ H$o à^md H$mAÜ``Z {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡, Ohm± H$hr Ano{jVh¡ Bgo n[ad{V©V {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ AV… `hàH«$_ {ZYm©[aV pñW[V Ho$ A§VJ©V AnZmZo H$aZo`mo½` g~go C{MV AdñWmnZ VH$ nhþ§MmZo _| _XXH$aVm h¡Ÿ&

    {MÌ 2 loUr à{VH$aU g{hV àmê$nr g§MaUàUmbr H$m EH$b bmBZ AmaoI

    {MÌ 3$ g§MaU bmBZ na {ÌH$br` XmofHo$ {bE àmê$nr Ymam VWm dmoëQ>Vm Va§J ê$n àmáh¡Ÿ& loUr Ym[aVm VWm loUr g§Ym{aV H$s g§ajmH$aVr hþB© E_ Amo ~r `wº$ .... na {OH${b`m... Ho$ {bE àmá àmê$nr Ymam VWm loUr g§Ym[aÌ


  • 20CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    dm`w e{º$ OZZ Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ {H$\$m`Vr J{V AMa Amd¥{Îm (dr Eg gr E\$) OZZdm`w e{º$ OZZ Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ {H$\$m`Vr J{V AMa Amd¥{Îm (dr Eg gr E\$) OZZdm`w e{º$ OZZ Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ {H$\$m`Vr J{V AMa Amd¥{Îm (dr Eg gr E\$) OZZdm`w e{º$ OZZ Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ {H$\$m`Vr J{V AMa Amd¥{Îm (dr Eg gr E\$) OZZdm`w e{º$ OZZ Ho$ {bE Cn`wº$ {H$\$m`Vr J{V AMa Amd¥{Îm (dr Eg gr E\$) OZZàUmbr H$m {dH$mgàUmbr H$m {dH$mgàUmbr H$m {dH$mgàUmbr H$m {dH$mgàUmbr H$m {dH$mg

    S>m °. XodàgmX H$mñWm, àYmZ AÝdofH$S>m °. XodàgmX H$mñWm, àYmZ AÝdofH$S>m °. XodàgmX H$mñWm, àYmZ AÝdofH$S>m °. XodàgmX H$mñWm, àYmZ AÝdofH$S>m °. XodàgmX H$mñWm, àYmZ AÝdofH$ S>m °. E_.E_. ~m~w Zmam`UZ², Ana {ZXoeH$S>m °. E_.E_. ~m~w Zmam`UZ², Ana {ZXoeH$S>m °. E_.E_. ~m~w Zmam`UZ², Ana {ZXoeH$S>m °. E_.E_. ~m~w Zmam`UZ², Ana {ZXoeH$S>m °. E_.E_. ~m~w Zmam`UZ², Ana {ZXoeH$gh-AmMm`©, {dÚwV B§Or. {d^mJ AZw. d {d,. à~§YZ à^mJB{US>`Z BpñQ>Q>çyQ> Am\$ Q>oŠZmbOr, IS>Jnwa, H|$Ðr` {dÚwV AZwg§YmZ g§ñWmZnpíM_ ~§Jmb, ^maV. {nZ : 721302 nmo. ~m. g§ 8066, QS>mH$ Ka, gXm{edZJa.\$moZ : 03222 - 283058, \¡$Šg : 91-3222-255303 \$moZ : 080-2360 5367, \¡$Šg : 91-80-2360 1213B_oBb : [email protected] B_oBb : [email protected] : www.iitkpg.ac.in Web : www.cpri.in

    gma :gma :gma :gma :gma : J{VH$ pñW{V`m| Ho$ AYrZ CËH¥$ï> ^ma dmoëQ>Vm VWm Amd¥{Îm {Z §̀ÌU ẁº$ dm ẁ Q>a~mBZ Mm{bV {Xd {ZJ©_ àoaU O{ZÌ na AmYm[aV EH$bñWm{nV dr Eg gr E\$ àUmbr Ho$ à`moJembm à_mn Ho$ àmê$nr H$mo {dH${gV H$aZo Ho$ CÚoí` go Bg n[a`moOZm H$m àdV©Z {H$`m J`mŸ& Bg boI _| {dH${gVgoQ> An VWm àmá àm`mo{JH$ n[aUm_m| H$m dU©Z h¡Ÿ& àm`mo{JH$ n[aUm_ Xe©Vm h¢ {H$ n[a`moOZm bú` àmá {H$E JE h¡Ÿ&


    n`m©daU àXyfU VWm òT>Vr Ordmí_ B§YZ bmJVHo$ ~mao _| ~T>Vr gmd©{ÌH$ qMVm Ho$ H$maU, ñdÀN> VWmnwZZ©drH$aUr` D$Om© lmoVm| Ho$ {bE emoY àdV©Z OmoanH$S> aho h¡§Ÿ& AÚVZ dfm] _| Am{W©H$ Ñ{ï> go dm ẁ e{º$AË §̀V AmH$f©H$ nwZZ©drH$aUr` {dH$ën Ho$ ê$n _| C^arh¡Ÿ& {nN>bo Xmo XeH$m| Ho$ Xm¡amZ dm ẁ J[V H$mo VWm ̀ m§{ÌH$MmbZ aob A{^H$ën _| àJ{V d g§~Õ e{º$ AY© MmbH$àm¡Úmo{JH$r _| AÚVZ {dH$mg Ho$ H$maU, dm ẁ go D$Om©OZZ H$s bmJV à{V`moJr ñVa na nhþ±M JB© h¡Ÿ& XmoZm|àH$ma Ho$ àoaU O{ZÌ, `Wm {Jbhar qnOam (Eg ŠæmwAmB© E_) (3-7) Amoa Hw$ÊS>{bV amoQ>a (S>ãbw Ama AmB©E_) (8-12) dm ẁ e{º$ OZZ _| AZwà`moJ nm aho h¢Ÿ&{_Vì`{`Vm Ho$ H$maUm| go XmoZm| {Jo«S> g§̀ mo{OV VWmn¥WH$sH¥$V dm ẁ e{º$ OZZ àUm{b`m| _| Bg CÔoe Ho${bE Xwhao g§̂ [aV àoaU (S>r E\$ AmB© Or) H$m ì`mnH$Cn`moJ hmoVm h¡Ÿ& VWm{n Egr àUm{b`m| Ho$ A{^H$ënVWm àMmbZ Ho$ Bï>V_rH$aU Ho$ {bE A{YH$ Om±MAmdí`H$ h¡Ÿ& VXZwgma dm ẁ D$Om© OZZ na AmB© AmB© Q>rIS>Jnwa _| emoY àdV©Z, {deofV`m g§~Õ h¡, (i) EogràUm{b`m| Ho$ J{VH$ {ZînmXZ H$mo gwYmaZo, (ii) àUmbrXjVm H$mo A{YH$V_ ~ZmZo VWm (iii) Eogr àUmb{`m|Ho$ {bE Bï>V_ (D$Om© OZZ H$s {ZåZV_ bmJV Ho$ Vm¡ana) A{^H$ën à{H«$`m H$m nVm bJmZmŸ& Bg CÔoí` Ho$gmW EH$ AZwH$m[aV dm ẁ Q>a~mBZ Mm{bV S>r E\$ AmBOr na AmYm[aV EH$b ñWm{nV dr Eg gr E\$à`moJembmË_H$ Am{X àê$n H$m {dÝ`mg V¡̀ ma H$aì`mnH$ ê$n go na[jU {H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ&

    Am{X àê$n àUmbr H$m g§{já {ddaU VWm àm`mo{JH$n[aUm_m| na MMm© Bg boI _| àñVwV H$s JB© h¡Ÿ& {dÚ_mZ{dN>mAm| na àñVm{dV A{^H$ën VWm {Z §̀ÌU VH$ZrH$H$s loð>Vm àm`mo{JH$ n[aUm_m| go {gÕ hmoVr h¡ (8-12)

    àUmbr {ddaUàUmbr {ddaUàUmbr {ddaUàUmbr {ddaUàUmbr {ddaU

    Am{X àê$n H$m IÊS> AmaoI {MÌ 1 _| {XIm`m J`mh¡Ÿ&

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    Bg_o Xmo àYmZ Cn àUm{b`m± h¡, (i) dm ẁ Q>a~mBZAZwH$maH$ Am¡a (ii) gn©U db` àoaU _erZ AmXm[aVdr Eg gr E\$ O{ZÌŸ& BZ XmoZmo Cn àUm{b`m| na AbJMMm© AmJo H$s Om ahr h¡Ÿ&

    {nM {Z §̀{ÌV {j{VO Aj dm ẁ Q>a~mBZ H$m dmñV{dH$H$mb AZwH$maH$ : Bg ^mJ _| dm ẁ Q>a~mBZ H$m AZwH$mag§H$Vu {Z §̀ÌU S>r gr _erZ Ûmam {H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ& Q>a~mBZ{ZXe© CgHo$ Cm-l A{^bjU, Mmb aob J{V H$s Am¡a{nM{Z §̀Ì Ho$ gmW, {gå ẁqbH$ _| A{^H$pënV h¡, Am¡adSPACE DS1104 _§M na dmñV{dH$ H$mb _| H$m_H$aVm h¡Ÿ& Q>a~mBZ {ZXe© dc _erZ Ho$ {bE Ymam AmXoeCËnÞ H$aVm h¡Ÿ& dc _erZ H$m Ymam {Z §̀ÌU AmXo{eV

    Ymam H$mo ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {bE , Omo dc _erZ Ho$ Am_}Mago g§̀ mo{OV Xmo d¥ÎmnmX nr Sãbw E_ S>r gr g§H$Vu Ûmamàmá {H$`m OmEJm, Amdí`H$ Am_}Ma dmoëQ>Vm H$mo CËnÞH$aVm h¡Ÿ& àm`mo{JH$ goQ> An _| em{_b h¡, d¥ÎmnmX S>rgr g§H$Vu Omo AmB© Or ~r Q>r go ~Zo h¢, àdoe MmbH$H$mS>©, g§doXH$ àH«$_ VWm g§ajm H$mS>©, g§doXH$ H$mT>©,n¥WH$ ê$n go CÎmo{OV S>r gr _erZ, DS1104 DSP~moS>© VWm g§~Õ A§Vamn¥ð> n[anWZŸ& My±{H$ Q>a~mBZ -MmbZ aob J{VH$s gmâQ>do`a _| dmñV{dH$ H$mb _|AZwH$m[aV h¡, Cgr hmS>©dò a H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo {H$gr ^rQ>a~mBZ (g§H$ënZmË_H$ àmdñWm dmbo ^r) Ho$ AZwH$maH$s g§̂ mì`Vm dh {dYm CnbãY H$amVr h¡Ÿ& {MÌ 2AZwH$maH$ H$m IÊS> AmaoI Xem©Vm h¡ O~H$o {MÌ 3dmìV{gH$ goQ> An H$s Vñdra h¡Ÿ&

    {MÌ 3 hmS>©dò a goQ> An

    Q>a~mBZ AZwH$ma gn©U db` àoaU _erZ na AmYm[aVdr Eg gr E\$ OZZ àUmbr : àm`mo{JH$ goQ> An _|em{_b h¡ gn©U db` àoaU _erZ, Xmo IGBT AmYm[aVdmoëQ>Vm òmoV n[adV©Z (ñQ>oQ>a Am¡a amoQ>a nmíd©§ na EH$oH$)gmW hr DC H$S>r g§Km[aÌ VWm SPWM {Z §̀ÌU, dmoëQ>VmVWm Ymam g§doXH$ Am¡a g§Ho$V àH«$_U n[anW, S>r Eg nr



    SI GN ALP RO CE SSO R( DS 11 04)






    G +









    DRIV E













    Figure 2.

    Wind turbine



  • 21CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    AmYm[aV {Z §̀ÌH$ ~moS>© (DS1104)Omo DOIG Ho$ {bEñQ>oQ>a âbŠg ̀ wº$ {Z §̀ÌU H$mo H$m`m©pÝdV H$aVm hmo VWm{Z §̀XH$ Ho$ gmW RL ^ma goQ> An H$m ì`mnH$ ê$n gon[adVu ̂ ma pñW{V`m| Ho$ AYrZ ì`mnH$ J{V XO} _| {H$`mJ`mŸ& àUmbr Ho$ {b ò {dH${gV ñQ>oQ>a âbŠg ẁº${Z §̀ÌU AëJ[W_ Zo gw{ZpíMV {H$`m {H$ nyU© J{V ̂ maloUr _| gVV Am`m_ Am¡a Amd¥{Îm H$s g§Vw{bV {ÌH$br`dmoëQ>Vm O{ZÌ Ûmam CËnÞ hmoVr h¡Ÿ& ^ma AWdm J{Vj{UH$m| Ho$ Xm¡amZ ̂ ma dmoëQ>Vm _| H$mB© Adm§{N>V CƒdOZXoIm Zhr J`mŸ& à`moJmË_H$ goQ> An H$s Vñdra {MÌ 4_| h¢Ÿ&

    {MÌ 4 dr Eg gr E\$ O{ZÌ H$m à`moJembmË_H$Am{X àê$n

    à`moJembmË_H$ n[aUm_à`moJembmË_H$ n[aUm_à`moJembmË_H$ n[aUm_à`moJembmË_H$ n[aUm_à`moJembmË_H$ n[aUm_

    _wº$ ËdaU Ho$ Xm¡amZ AZwH$maH$ goQ> An go àmáQ>a~mBZAmKyU©-J{V A{^bjU {MÌ 5 Am¡a {MÌ 6 _|Xem©E JE h¡Ÿ&

    {MÌ 5 :Q>a~mBZ J{V ~Zm_ Q>a~mBZ

    {MÌ 6 Q>a~mBZ J{V ~Zm_ Q>a~mBZ

    AmYyU©, 0.6pu. dm ẁ doJ Ed§ AmYyU©, {d{^Þdm ẁdoJm| Ed§ n[adVu {nM H$moU na 00 {nM H$moU Ho$ {bE{J«S> g§̀ mo{OV qnOam àoaU O{ZÌ Ho$ g§MmbZ Ho$ {bEAZwH$m[aV Q>a~mBZ H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m J`mŸ& g§d¥Îm nmeQ>a~mBZ {Z §̀ÌH$ H$m IÊS> AmaoI {MÌ 7 _| h¡Ÿ& Q>a~mBZ{Z §̀ÌU Ho$ {ZînmXZ H$mo Xe©{V Hw$N> n[aUm_ AmJo {X`mJ`m h¡Ÿ&

    {MÌ 7 : Q>a~mBZ {Z §̀ÌU IÊS> AmaoI

    à`moJ _| dm ẁ JVr H$mo 0.026p.u. go 0.8 p.u._| ~Xbm OmVm h¡ Am¡a VXZ§Va {\$a 0.6p.u. _| Ohm± naa¡ån 0.02p.u./sec. h¡Ÿ& dm ẁ J{V {dMaU {MÌ 8 _|Xem©̀ m J`m h¡Ÿ& nyar Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ J{V AmXoe H$mo10.5 p.u. _| An[adVu aIm OmEJmŸ&

    {MÌ 9 AmX{e VWm dmñV{dH$ àoaU _erZ J{V`m|H$mo Xem©Vm h¡Ÿ& dm ẁ J{V {dMaU na _erZ J{V ~XbVrh¡ qH$Vw J{V {Z §̀ÌU Cgo dmng AmXo{eV _yë` na bmVm

    h¡Ÿ& {MÌ 10 dm ẁ J{V _| {dMaU Ho$ gmW Q>a~mBZ J{V_| {dMaU H$mo Xe©Vm h¡Ÿ& XoIm J`m h¡ H$o Q>a~mBZ J{VA§Va gr_m, AWm©V² 15 R.P.M. Ho$ A§Xa h¡Ÿ& {MÌ 11{nM H$moU _| {dMaU H$mo Xem©Vm h¡Ÿ& CƒVa dm ẁ J{V Ho$Xm¡amZ {nM H$moU ~T>Vm h¡ Vm{H$ dm ẁ go A{^J«m{hV e{º$H$mo KQ>m`m Om gHo$ Am¡a J{V AmXoe H$m AZwdV©Z _erZJ{V H$a gHo$Ÿ& g_J« Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ SQIM H$mo {ZJ©_e{º$ H$m _mnZ H$ar~ 530 dmQ> na hr pñWa ahmŸ& n[aUm_m|go ñnï> h¡ {H$ J{V {Z §̀ÌH$ {ZînmXZ dm ẁ J{V CƒmdMZm|Ho$ AYrZ pñWa h¡Ÿ& Q>a~mBZ VWm _erZ J{V CƒmdMZ^r ZJÊ` h¡Ÿ&

    AmJo EH$b ñWmnZ {dYm _| àMmbZJV DOIGAmYm[aV dr Eg gr E\$ O{ZÌ Ho$ {ZînmXZ go g§~§{YVHw$N> n[aUm_ ne {H$E JE h¢Ÿ& nydm}º$mZwgma ñQ>oQ>a âbŠgẁº$ {Z §̀ÌH$ H$m {H«$`mÝd`Z DS1104 _§M na {H$`m

    J`mŸ& ewédmV _| OZZ àUmbr AZwÎmo{OV pñW{V _| hmoJrŸ&àUmbr Ho$ ^ma Amny[aV H$aZo go nhbo XmoZmo§ S>r gr H$S>rdmoëQ>Vm VWm _erZ âbŠg$ H$m {Z_m©U Amdí`H$ h¡Ÿ&S>r gr H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm Ad Vwë`H$mbZ VWm A{Y Vwë`H$mbZ J{V`m| na {Z{_©V H$s JB©Ÿ& nyao H$mb _| {Z_m©Uà{H«$`m g\$b ahr VWm {ZåZ {MÌm| Ho$ AZwgma n[aUm_CnbãX> hþEŸ&

    Fig. 4: Laboratory prototype of the VSCF generator.


  • 22CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    {MÌ 12 : S>r gr H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm {Z_m©U Ho$ Xm¡amZàUmbr n[adVu (E) Ad-Vwë`H$mbZ {Z_m©U (510 rpm)na dc H$S>r dmoëQVm VWm J{V, (~r) grYm Aj amoQ>aYmam VWm ñQ>oQ>a YmamE± (gr) g_H$mo{UH$ Aj amooQ>a Ymam,(S>r) ñQ>Q>a âbŠg gånH©$Z, (B©) ñQ>Q>a VWm amoQ>a àmdñVmYmamE± (E\$) A{Y Vwë`H$mbZ {Z_m©©U (1050 rpm) nadc H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm Amoa J{VŸ&

    {MÌ 12 (E) Am¡a (E\$) _| S>r gr H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm{Z_m©U {^Þ J{V`m| _| {XIm`m J`m h¡ Am¡a ̀ Wm àË ẁ{eVCƒVa àYmZ g§MmbH$ J{V Ho$ gmW dmoëQ>Vm Vrd« J{V go{Z{_©V hmoVr h¡Ÿ& amoQ>a YmamE± VWm ñQ>oQ>a âbŠg g§nH©$Z[Z`ÌH$m| H$m H$m ©̀ g_w{MV nm`m J`m h¡Ÿ& 1.254 kw

    ({ZYm©[aV e{º$ H$m 22%) go 4.67 kw ({ZYm©[aV e{º$H$m 83%) VH$ H$s gmonmZr ^ma d¥{Ô Ho$ n[aUm_ {MÌ13 _| Xem©̀ m J`m h¡Ÿ&

    {MÌ 13 ̂ ma e{º$ (E) ̂ ma Ymam VWm ̂ ma dmoëQ>Vm(~r) _erZ Ymam VWm àVrnH$ Ymam _|>§ gmonmZr d¥{Õ Ho$Xm¡amZ ̂ ma dmoëQ>Vm VWm {d{^Þ Ymam Va§J ê$nŸ&

    ^ma Ho$ AZwà`moJ Ho$ gmW ̂ ma dmoëQ>Vm n[aUm_ Am¡aAmd¥{Îm AMa ahVo h¢Ÿ& Bg _m_bo _| ^ma Ymam Ho$ gmW_erZ Ymam VWm àVrnH$ Ymam XmoZm|| ~T>Vo h¢Ÿ& Cgr j{UH$VmHo$ Xm¡amZ Hw$N> Am¡a àUmbr AMa ̂ r {MÌ 14 _| {XImEJE h¡§Ÿ&

    {MÌ 14 ̂ ma e{º$ _| gmonmZr d¥{Õ Ho$ Xm¡amZ àUmbr

    n[adVu (E) S>r gr H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm VWm J{V (~r) S>r Ed§Š ẁ Aj amoQ>a Ymam, (gr) S>r Ed§ Š ẁ Aj ñQ>oQ>a YmamE±,(S>r) ñQ>oQ>a âbŠg gånH©$Z (B©) ñQ>oQ>a Ed§ amoQ>a bmBZYmamE± , (E\$) S>r Ed§ Š ẁ Aj àVrnH$$ YmamE±Ÿ&

    ^ma d¥{Õ Ho$ Aga Ho$ H$maU S>r gr H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm _|AñWmB© nmV² hmoVm h¡, {Ogo CgHo$ g§X ©̂_mZ na S>r grH$S>r dmoëQ>Vm {Z §̀ÌH$ H$s {H«$`m go bm`m OmVm h¡ ̀ WmàË`m{eV, ̂ ma n[adV©Z H$m Aga Ho$db amoQ>a Am¡a ñQ>oQ>a

    YmamAm| Ho$ g_H$mo{UH$ Aj KQ>H$m| na hr nS>oJm,Z {H$ ñQ>oQ>a âbŠg g§nH©$Z AWdm grYm Aj KQ>H$ na,Omo ñQ>oQ>a âbŠg ̀ wº$ {Z §̀ÌU H$s à^mdmoËnmXH$Vm H$mogm{~V H$aVm h¡Ÿ&

    AmJo àUmbr Ho$ g§MmbH$ J{V _| ~¥hV² VWm Vrd«{dMaU Ho$ Xm¡amZ àUmbr Ho$ {ZînmXZ H$s Om±M H$s OmVrh¡Ÿ& Bg àH$ma H$m J{V {dMaU AmH$pñ_H$ dm ẁ àdmh Ho$H$maU hmo gH$Vm h¡Ÿ& BZ j{UH$m| Ho$ Xm¡amZ ^ma dmoëQ>Vmn[aUm_ VWm Amd¥{Îm H$m Á`mXm ~Xbmd Zhr h¡Ÿ& `h{MÌ 15 (Or) Am¡a (EM) go gm{~V hmoVm h¡Ÿ& `Ú{nd¥{Õ Xa An[adVu Zhr h¡, àYmZ g§MmbH$ H$s J{V H$mo2000 rmp/sec Ho$ A{YH$V_ Xa VH$ ~T>m`m OmVm h¡Ÿ&Anj` Xa H$_ h¡ Š |̀m {H$ dh _erZ Ho$ `m§{ÌH$ H$mbAMa na {Z ©̂a H$aVm hŸ¡& XmoZm| _m_bo _| ^ma dmoëQ>VmVa§J ê$n AMa nm`m J`mŸ&

    narjU n[aUm_m| Zo nyU©V` Xem©̀ m {H$ ì`mnH$ J{VAm¡a ^ma loUr na dm ẁ Q>a~mBZ Mm{bV dr Eg gr E\$


  • 23CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    O{ZÌ Ho$ Vm¡a na H$m_ H$aZo Ho$ {bE goQ> An _| j_Vm h¡ Ÿ& h_mar A{YH$V_ OmZH$mar Ho$ _wVm{~H$ , A§Vaamï´>r` Vm¡a na EH$ Am¡a S>r Jw«n (8-12) Zo g_Vwë` AÜ``Zm| H$sgyMZm Xr h¡ VWm{n, CZ AÜ`Zm| _| Q>a~mBZ _mS>b H$s MmbZ aob J{VH$s na Ü`mZ Zhr {X`m J`m h¡Ÿ& gmW hr DOIG Ho$ {bE joÌ A{^_wIr {MÌH$ {ZînmXZ H$m\$s K{Q>`m Wm,{Oggo ̂ ma j{UH$VmAm| Ho$ Xm¡amZ dmoëQ>Vm nmV² XoIo JEŸ& Ano{jV S>r gr H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm ̂ r H$m\$s CƒVa Wr {Oggo àË`md{V©Ì {ZYm©aU Am¡a bmJV _| AZmdí`H$ d¥{Õ XoIr JB©Ÿ&{MÌ 15 : àYmZ g§MmbH$ J{V _| n[adV©Z Ho$ Xm¡amZ àUmbr n[adVu (E) J{V Ed§ S>r gr H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm, (~r) grYm Aj ñQ>oQ>a VWm amoQ>a YmamE± (gr) g_H$mo{UH$ Aj ñQ>oQ>aYmamE±, (S>r) ñQ>oQ>a âbŠg gånH©$Z Am¡a (B©) ñQ>oQa VWm amoQ>a bmBZ YmamE±, (E\$) J{V Ho$ KQ>Vo dc H$S>r dmoëQ>Vm>, (Or)J{V d¥[Õ Ho$ Xm¡amZ ̂ ma dmoëQ>Vm Am¡a J{V Va§Jê$n (EM)J{V KQ>m¡{V Ho$ Xm¡amZ ̂ ma dmoëQ>Vm Am¡a J{V Va§J ê$nŸ&

    Figure 14: System variables during step increase in load power. (A) dc link

    voltage and speed, (B) d & q axis rotor current, (C) d & q axis stator currents, (D)

    stator flux linkage, (E) stator and rotor line currents ,

    (F) d & q axis inverter currents.

    {J«S> dm`w Q>a~mBZ AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m VWm S>r Or AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m H$s Om±M{J«S> dm`w Q>a~mBZ AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m VWm S>r Or AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m H$s Om±M{J«S> dm`w Q>a~mBZ AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m VWm S>r Or AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m H$s Om±M{J«S> dm`w Q>a~mBZ AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m VWm S>r Or AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m H$s Om±M{J«S> dm`w Q>a~mBZ AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m VWm S>r Or AÝ`moÝ`{H«$`m H$s Om±MH$b H$s Xw{Z`m H$mo geº$ ~ZmZo _| dm`w

    D$Om© H$s _hËdnyU© ^y{_H$m h¡Ÿ& O¡go hr Xoenma§nm[aH$ BªYZm| H$s KQ>Vr Amny{V© go g§ÌñV h¡,nwZZ©drH$aUr` - àYmZV`m dm`w, AmH$f©H${dH$ën Ho$ ê$n _| C^a ahm h¡Ÿ& àm¡Úmo{JH$s _|àJ{V, H$m`m©Ýd`Z nhbwE± VWm g§^mì` ñWbm|H$s ì`mnH$ Cnë~Y§Vm Zo dm`w e{º$ Ho$ H«$m§{VH$,ì`dhm ©̀ Ed§ gmd©{ÌH$ D$Om© òmoV ~Zm`m h¡Ÿ& dm ẁe{º$ Ho$ g\$b ~oYZ H$m àYmZ ¡̀{º$H$ VËdCgHo$ g§MaU {dVaU {J«S> _| XjVm Ho$ gmWEH$sH$aU _| h¡Ÿ& XjVmAm| Ho$ Ûmam {ZåZdmoëQ>Vm/V¥{Q> g§Mma H$s Amdí`H$VmAm| H$s ny{V©Ho$ {bE {Jo«S> H$moS> AZwnmbZ H$m _yë`m§H$Z,gåà{V CnbãY {d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ dm`w Q>a~mBZàmo¡Úmoo{J{H$`m| Ho$ g§X^© _| {J«oS> _| {dídgZr` VWmg\$b A§V…jonU Ho$ {ZH$f H$s ny{V© Ho$ {bE {H$`m

    OmZm h¡Ÿ&dm ẁ e{º$ _| {dMaU, dm ẁ joÌ Ho$ A§Xa

    Xmof, {J«S> _| Xmof/dmoëQ>Vm nmV² , A§Vag§̀ moOZ q~Xwna Vrd« VWm Aeº$ bKw nVZ ñVa Am{X O¡gr{d{^Þ AmnËH$mbrZ pñW{V`m| Ho$ AYrZ {d{^ÞàH$ma Ho$ dm ẁQ>a~mBZ O{ZÌm| Ho$ J{VH$ {ZînmXZH$s Om±M Ho$ CÔoí` go H§$ß ỳQ>a AmYm[aV AZwH$maAÜ``Z g§nÞ {H$E JE Ÿ& AZwH$ma _| n[adVuA§Vamb dm ẁ Q>a~mBZ Ûmam g§Mm{bV níM-níMn[adVu Amd¥{Îm n[adV©H$ Ûmam g§̂ [aV amoQ>a ẁº$gnu db` àoaU O{ZÌ `wº$ {X²d g§^[aV àoaUO{ZÌ, An[adVu J{V dm ẁ Q>a~mBZ na {dMma{H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ& {Zdoe dm ẁ e{º$ H$m Z_yZZ à»`mVg_rH$aU Ho$ à`moJ go {H$`m J`m h¡ {Og_| dm ẁQ>a~mBZ H$m {ZînmXZ JwUH$ (Cp),λ ZmoH$ J{VAZwnmV VWm A§Vamb H$moU -B {Z{hV h¡Ÿ& dmoëQ>Vm

    Pmob Ho$ {bE AMa J{V Q>a~©BZ H$s AZw{H«$`mHo$ {ZYm©aU Ho$ {bE AMa à{VH$aU Ed§ J{VH$à{VH$aU na {dMma {H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ& {X²d g§̂ [aVO{ZÌ Ho$ g§X ©̂ _| Q>a~mBZ Ho$ e{º$ {ZJ©_ H$moEH$ nyd© {ZYm©[aV Bï>V_ e{º$ J{V A{^bjUm|H$m AZwgaU H$aZm hmoJmŸ& {J«S> Q>{_©Zbm| nadmoëQ>Vm AWdm à{VKmVr e{º$ H$mo amoQ>a nj Ho$n[ad{V©Ì Ûmam CËnÞ `m Adeom{fV à{VKmVre{º$ {Z §̀{ÌV H$aVr h¡Ÿ& H$moB© A{V[aº$ g§Ym[aÌà{VH$aU, AMa AWdm J{VH$, na {dMma Zhr{H$`m J`m h¡Ÿ&

    àê$nr àUmbr Ho$ {bE gånÞ Om±M Xem©Vrh¡ {H$ {H$gr J{VH$ dma à{VH$aU Ho$ {~Zm {J«S>go grYm g§̀ mo{OV AMa J{V O{ZÌ , XjVm Ho$Ûmam dmoëQ>Vm MmbZ H$s Amdí`H$VmAm| H$s ny{V©Zhr H$a gH$VoŸ& g§`mo{OV ZoQ>dH©$ na dmoëQ>Vm


  • 24CPRI NEWS APR - JUNE 2008

    {dMaUm| Ho$ \$bñdê$n A§Vag§̀ moOZ H$s q~Xw na{deofV`m O~ ZoQ>dH©$ Aeº$ h¡ Vmo O{ZÌ A{YdoJ `m n¥W¸$aU CËnÞ hmo gH$Vo h¢Ÿ& ({MÌ 1(H$) 1 dm ẁ joÌ Ho$ {bE EH$ og Am6© Or Ho$ gmWñQ>¡Q>H$m_ O¡go J{VH$ à{VKmVr à{VH$aU `w{º$H$m à`moJ à{VKmVr e{º$ XjVmAm| H$mo ~T>mVmh¡Ÿ, {Oggo dm ẁjoÌ H$m XjVm Ûmam {ZåZ dmoëQ>VmMmbZ (LVRT) ~T> ahm h¡Ÿ& 1 ( {MÌ 1(I))XmoZmo CgHo$ amoQ>a n[anW _| E gr-S>r gr -Egrn[ad{V©Ì ̀ wº$ {X²d g§̂ [aV àoaU O{ZÌ VWm CgHo$ñQ>oQ>a n[anW _| E gr/S>r gr/E gr AdñWm Ho$Ûmam g§̂ [aV nr E_ Eg Or XjVmAm| Ûmam {ZåZdmoëQ>Vm MmbZ H$s ny{V© H$aVo h¢Ÿ& Eb dr AmaQ>r XjVmAm| H$s ny{V© Ho$ {bE H$moB© A{V[aº$à{VH$aU H$s Amdí`H$Vm Zhr h¡Ÿ& dh XmoZm| g{H«$`VWm à{VKmVr e{º$ H$m {Z §̀ÌU CnbãY H$amVmh¡Ÿ&

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