cp him s candidate handbook

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  • 7/28/2019 Cp Him s Candidate Handbook


    Candidate Handbook

    and Application

    governed by

    Conducted by theCPHIMS Technical Committee

    MARCH 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Cp Him s Candidate Handbook


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    EXAMINATION CONTENT AND TIMING 3CPHIMS Examination Content Outline 3



    EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATION 6Computer Administration 6

    Holidays 6

    Special Arrangements for Candidates with Disabilities 6

    Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf 7

    APPLYING FOR EXAMINATION 7Adhering to Professional Standards of Conduct 7

    The Application Process 7

    Rescheduling or Canceling an Examination 8


    Reporting for Examination 8

    Security 9

    Personal Belongings 9

    Examination Restrictions


    Verifying Identity Use of Calculators

    Taking the Examination

    Candidate Comments

    Inclement Weather or Emergency

    Copyrighted Examination Questions

    Failing To Report for an Examination

    FOLLOWING THE EXAMINATION Scoring the Examination

    Passing the Examination

    Failing the Examination

    Scores Canceled by the CPHIMS Technical Committee


    Duplicate Score Report

    Name and Address Change



    APPEALS Check List




    *CPHIMS is a trademark of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

    Copyright 2013 by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society All rights reserved Any duplication or reproduction of all or any portion of thematerials without the express written permission of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society is prohibited


    For questions regarding certification, For questions regarding examinationcontact: application and administration, contact:

    CPHIMS* Technical Committee Applied Measurement Professionals, Incc/o HIMSS 18000 W 105th Street

    33 West Monroe Street, Suite 1700 Olathe, KS 66061-7543Chicago, IL 60603-5616 +1 888/519-9901Phone and Fax: +1 312/915-9216 Fax: +1 913/895-4650E-mail: certification@himssorg E-mail:info@goAMPcomwwwCPHIMSorg wwwgoAMPcom

    Rev 1/16/20

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    ABOUT HIMSSHIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusivelyfocused on providing global leadership for the optimal use ofinformation technology (IT) and management systems for thebetterment of healthcare Founded 51 years ago, HIMSS andits related organizations are headquartered in Chicago withadditional offices in the United States, Europe and Asia HIMSSrepresents more than 44,000 individual members, of which morethan two thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations HIMSS also includes over 570 corporatemembers and more than 170 not-for-profit organizations thatshare our mission of transforming healthcare through theeffective use of information technology and management systemsHIMSS frames and leads healthcare practices and public policythrough its content expertise, professional development, researchinitiatives, and media vehicles designed to promote informationand management systems contributions to improving the quality,safety, access, and cost-effectiveness of patient care To learnmore about HIMSS and to find out how to join us and ourmembers in advancing our cause, please visit our website atwwwhimssorg

    ABOUT THIS CANDIDATE HANDBOOKThis candidate handbook provides information that is needed toapply for the Certified Professional in Healthcare Informationand Management Systems (CPHIMS) examination Keep thishandbook until after the examination is completed

    Additional copies of this handbook may be obtained by:

    Downloading copy from wwwCPHIMSorg; or wwwgoAMPcom

    ContactingHIMSS at+1312/915-9216orcertification@himssorg; or

    ContactingAppliedMeasurementProfessionals,Inc.(AMP)at+1 888/519-9901

    CPHIMS CERTIFICATIONThe purpose of CPHIMS certification is to promote healthcareinformation and management systems professionals through thecertification of qualified individuals by:

    Recognizing formally those individuals who meet the eligibilityrequirements of the CPHIMS credential and pass the

    examination Encouraging continued personal and professional growth

    in the practice of healthcare information and managementsystems

    Providing an international standard of knowledge requiredfor certification; thereby assisting employers, the public andmembers of the health professions in the assessment of ahealthcare information and management systems professional

    TESTING AGENCYHIMSS contracted with Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc(AMP) to assist in the development, administration, scoring, score

    reporting and analysis of its CPHIMS examination

    STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATIONThe CPHIMS Technical Committee does not discriminate amocandidates on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religionational origin, disability or marital status

    ABOUT THE CPHIMS EXAMINATIONThe CPHIMS examination is designed to test the knowledgexperience and judgment of IT professionals in healthcainformatics practice Successful completion of the examinativerifies broad-based knowledge in healthcare information amanagement systems

    Content of the CPHIMS examination was defined by international role delineation study The study involved surveyipractitioners in the field to identify tasks that are performroutinely and considered important to competent practice Texamination is developed through a combined effort of qualifisubject-matter experts and testing professionals, who constru

    the examination in accordance with the CPHIMS examinaticontent outline

    An individual who meets eligibility requirements and passes texamination attains the Certified Professional in HealthcaInformation and Management Systems (CPHIMS) designation

    CPHIMS PRACTITIONER DEFINITIONHealthcare information and management systems professionafacilitate the improvement of business practices using technoloto support information management in and across healthcasettings, aligned with strategic objectives

    These professionals may participate: inplanning, operations, and optimization of resources a

    business processes

    in the analysis, design, development, selection, testinevaluation, improvement, and implementation of systems

    as in-house or external consultants for information amanagement systems topics

    in the development and administration of fiscal, technicregulatory, and human resources policies and procedurrelated to healthcare information and management system

    ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSTo be eligible for the CPHIMS examination, a candidate mufulfill one of the following requirements for education and woexperience

    Baccalaureate degree, or global equivalent, plus fiveyears of associated information and management systemexperience*, three (3) of those years in healthcare

    Graduatedegree,orglobalequivalent,plusthree(3)yearsassociated information and management systems experiencetwo (2) of those years in healthcare

    *Associa ted information and management systems exper ience includexperience in the following functional areas: administration/managemeclinical information systems, e-health, information systems, or managem


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    EXAMINATION CONTENT AND TIMINGThe examination is composed of 115 multiple-choice questionsA candidates score is based on 100 of these questions; 15 aretrial or pretest questions that are interspersed throughout theexamination A candidate is allowed 2 hours in which to completethe examination

    The examination is based on three major content areas Eachcontent area is described by the list of tasks that follows thecontent heading in the examination content outline In addition,the number of examination questions devoted to each major andminor content area is indicated

    Each question on the examination is also categorized by cognitive level that a candidate would likely use to responThese categories are:

    Recall: The ability to recall or recognize specific informtion;

    Application: The ability to comprehend, relate or appknowledge to new or changing situations; and

    Analysis: The ability to analyze and synthesize informtion, determine solutions and/or evaluate the usefulneof a solution

    1 General 22 6 0 28

    A Healthcare Environment 10 4 0 14

    1 Articulate characteristics and services of different types of healthcare organizations (eg, hospitals,

    clinics, ambulatory centers, community health organizations, healthcare payers, regulators,

    research and academic)

    2 Articulate characteristics of interrelationships within and across healthcare organizations (eg,

    health information exchange, public, private, continuity of care)

    3 Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of healthcare information and management systems

    professionals within the organizational structures in which they work

    4 Describe roles of governmental, regulatory, professional, and accreditation agencies related to

    healthcare and their impact on clinical outcomes and financial performance

    B Technology Environment 12 2 0 14

    1 Articulate characteristics of applications commonly used in healthcare (eg, clinical, administrative,

    financial, consumer, business intelligence)

    2 Articulate characteristics of technology infrastructure that support the healthcare environment (eg,

    network, communications, data integration, privacy and security)

    2 Systems 3 22 15 40

    A Analysis 2 10 4 16

    1 Define the problem or opportunities

    2 Conduct a needs analysis

    3 Define requirements

    4 Prioritize requirements

    5 Analyze current business and clinical processes (eg, process mapping, flow diagramming, gap


    6 Formulate alternate processes and potential solutions

    7 Evaluate if a proposed solution aligns with the organizations strategic and operational plans

    8 Perform cost-benefit analysis to evaluate impact on issues related to healthcare systems

    (eg, customer satisfaction, patient care quality, economics, access to care, business process


    9 Develop proposals that include recommended approaches and solutions, and plans for realizing


    10 Present interpretations and recommendations of data analyses to decision makers

    Cognitive LevelDetailed Content Outline RE AP AN Tota


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    Cognitive Levels

    CPHIMS Detailed Content Outline RE AP AN Tota11 Manage projects and/or resources, including:

    a assessing resource requirements (eg, space, personnel, environmental, communication,


    b utilizing project management skills and tools

    c conducting a risk assessmentd facilitating project status and business value assessments

    e facilitating change management

    f controlling scope, schedule, and budget of project

    g maintaining project materials and documentation

    h developing implementation strategies

    12 Promote and apply:

    a problem solving and quality improvement methodologies

    b analytical tools to optimize systems function

    c organizational change management techniques

    13 Understand the roles and responsibilities of health professionals and the associated workflow in

    the environments where they work

    14 Analyze future trends in healthcare and technology to anticipate how technology and IT servicesevolve to meet changing needs

    15 Perform gap analysis to evaluate where current systems can be enhanced

    B Design 0 3 3 6

    1 Identify system designs to accommodate business processes

    2 Develop requests for information and/or requests for proposals

    3 Ensure compatibility of software, hardware, network components, and medical devices

    4 Ensure compliance with applicable industry, regulatory, and organizational standards

    5 Ensure a process exists to incorporate industry, technology, infrastructure, legal and regulatory

    environment trends

    6 Design an information infrastructure that supports current and anticipated business needs (eg,

    business continuity, disaster recovery)

    7 Evaluate existing and emerging technologies to support organizations future growth and strategy8 Employ data management practices

    C Selection, Implementation, Support, and Maintenance 0 4 3 7

    1 Facilitate solution selection criteria

    2 Select and review team members

    3 Conduct solution selection activities (eg, demonstrations, site visits, reference checks)

    4 Employ organizational change management techniques in support of solution implementation

    5 Provide knowledge transfer through user and operational manuals and training

    6 Execute the implementation of solutions

    7 Integrate systems to support business requirements

    8 Manage healthcare information systems (eg, operate, upgrade)

    9 Analyze data for problems and trends (eg, error reports, help desk logs, surveys, performance

    metrics, network monitoring)10 Prioritize issues to ensure critical functions are repaired, maintained, or enhanced

    11 Incorporate solution into organizational disaster recovery and business continuity plans

    12 Develop system and personnel downtime procedures

    D Testing and Evaluation 0 2 3 5

    1 Design a formal testing methodology to demonstrate that solutions meet functional requirements

    (eg, unit test, integrated test, stress test, acceptance test)

    2 Implement internal controls to protect resources and ensure availability, confidentiality, and

    integrity during testing (eg, security audits, versioning control, change control)

    3 Validate implementations against contractual terms and design specifications

    4 Corroborate that expected benefits are achieved (eg, return on investment, benchmarks, user


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    E Privacy and Security 1 3 2 6

    1 Participate in defining organizational privacy and security requirements, policies and procedures

    2 Assess privacy and security risks

    3 Mitigate privacy and security vulnerabilities

    4 Ensure user access control according to established policies and procedures

    5 Ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data

    6 Define organizational roles (eg, information security, physical security, compliance)

    7 Develop data management controls (eg, data ownership, criticality, security levels, protection

    controls, retention and destruction requirements, access controls)

    8 Validate disaster recovery and business continuity plans

    9 Coordinate privacy and security audits

    10 Validate security features in the evaluation of existing and new systems

    3 Administration 5 18 9 32

    A Leadership 3 10 9 22

    1 Participate in organizational strategic planning (eg measure performance against organizational


    2 Assess the organizational environment (eg, corporate culture, values, and drivers)

    3 Forecast technical and information needs of an organization by linking resources to business


    4 Develop an IT strategic plan and departmental objectives that align and support organizational

    strategies and goals

    5 Evaluate performance (eg, goal/performance indicators, systems effectiveness)

    6 Evaluate effectiveness and user satisfaction of systems and services being provided

    7 Promote stakeholder understanding of information technology opportunities and constraints (eg,

    business and IT resources, budget, project prioritization)

    8 Develop policies and procedures for information and systems management

    9 Comply with legal and regulatory standards

    10 Adhere to ethical business principles

    11 Employ comparative analysis strategies (eg, indicators, benchmarks)

    12 Prepare and deliver business communications ( eg, presentations, reports, project plans)

    13 Facilitate group discussions and meetings (eg, consensus building, conflict resolution)

    14 Provide consultative services to the organization on IT matters

    15 Develop educational strategies regarding the information and management systems function

    16 Maintain organizational competencies on current IT technologies and trends

    17 Assure that risk management is embedded in internal and external management processes, and

    consistently applied (eg, risk assessment, risk mitigation)

    18 Ensure quality standards and practices are followed by monitoring internal and external


    B Management 2 8 0 10

    1 Define roles, responsibilities, and job descriptions for IT-related functions

    2 Assure staff competency in information and management systems skills

    3 Manage projects and port folios of projects (eg, initiate, plan, execute, control, close)

    4 Manage relationships with vendors (eg, contract cost, schedule, support, maintenance,


    5 Facilitate steering committee meetings and/or topics

    6 Assure adherence to industry best practices ( eg, change control, project management)

    7 Maintain system, operational, and department documentation

    8 Provide customer service (eg, service level management, request tracking, problem resolution)

    9 Manage budget and financial risks

    10 Manage customer relationships with business unit leaders

    Total 30 46 24 100

    Cognitive Levels

    CPHIMS Detailed Content Outline RE AP AN Tota

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    REVIEW REFERENCESThe CPHIMS Technical Committee recommends that review forthe CPHIMS examination focus on references and programs thatcover the information summarized in the CPHIMS examinationcontent outline It should not be inferred that questions in theexamination are selected from any single reference or set of

    references or that study from the references listed guarantees apassing score on the examination


    This online tool helps simulate the CPHIMS exam in format andcontent - plus it offers useful feedback to future test-takers Thetest offers a rationale for correct and incorrect responses andfeedback reports that identify your strengths and improvementareas Visit wwwCPHIMSorg to order the CPHIMS Self-Assessment Exam

    Preparing for Success in Healthcare Information andManagementSystems:TheCPHIMSReviewCD-Rom

    CPHIMS candidates can easily navigate the material in astructured yet self-paced multimedia format (New healthcareinformation and management systems professionals will also findthis series an invaluable ramp-up resource) The two-disk setutilizes a PowerPoint program with audio support and printablehandouts Sample multiple-choice questions are included at theend of each chapter to help monitor learning

    Preparing for Success in Healthcare Information andManagementSystems:TheCPHIMSReviewGuide

    Whether youre taking the CPHIMS exam or simply want the mostcurrent and comprehensive overview in healthcare informationand management systems today - this new publication has it all

    For those preparing for the CPHIMS exam, this textbook is theperfect study partner Candidates can challenge themselves withthe sample multiple-choice questions (different from the CD-Romseries) at the end of each chapter


    HIMSS eLearning Academy offers a CPHIMS review courseonline to provide you with more convenience and flexibility Thisis a great way to increase your preparedness for the exam


    EXAMINATION FEESA candidate must submit the appropriate fee with a completeexamination application Payment may be made by credit card(VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover), or companycheck, cashiers check or money order made payable toAMP Cash and personal checks are not acceptable Fees arenonrefundable The application may be transferred to a futureexamination date by requesting a rescheduling of testing

    Special administrations conducted by HIMSS are nonrefundableand non-transferable to another person or testing session

    HIMSS OrganizationalAffiliate Member $270 US dollars

    HIMSS National Member $300 US dollarsNonmember $375 US dollarsRescheduling Fee $75 US dollars

    Credit card transactions that are declined will be subject to a $

    (US dollars) handling fee A certified check or money order fthe amount due, including the handling fee, must be sent to AMto cover declined credit card transactions

    EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATIONCOMPUTER ADMINISTRATIONThe primary mode of delivery of the CPHIMS examination is computer at AMP Assessment Centers geographically distributthroughout the world Assessment Center locations, detailmaps and directions are available atwwwgoAMPcom

    For computer administrations, there are no application deadlineA candidate who meets eligibility requirements for the examinatimay submit an application and fee at any time Ninety (9days are allowed from confirmation of eligibility within whichcandidate must make an appointment for testing and take texamination

    The examination is administered by appointment only Mondthrough Saturday at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm Candidates ascheduled on a first-come, first-served basis

    HOLIDAYSThe examination is not offered on the following US holidays

    New Years DayMartin Luther King, Jr Day

    Presidents Day


    Memorial Day

    Independence Day (July 4)

    Labor Day

    Columbus Day

    Veterans Day

    Thanksgiving Day (and the following Friday)

    Christmas Eve Day

    Christmas Day

    New Years Eve Day

    SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR CANDIDATES WITHDISABILITIESThe CPHIMS Technical Committee complies with the Americawith Disabilities Act and strives to ensure that no individuwith a disability is deprived of the opportunity to take texamination solely by reason of that disability Through its agenthe Committee will provide reasonable accommodation for candidate with a disability who requests accommodation

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    Wheelchair access is available at all Assessment Centers Acandidate with a visual, sensory or physical disability that wouldprevent taking the examination under standard conditions mayrequest special accommodations and arrangements For eithera computer administration or a paper-and-pencil administration,complete the Request for Special Examination Accommodations

    form included in this handbook and submit it with an applicationand fee at least 45 days prior to the examination date desired

    TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICES FOR THE DEAFAMP is equipped with Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf(TDD) to assist deaf and hearing-impaired candidates TDDcalling is available 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (CST) Monday-Fridayat +1 913/895-4637 This TDD phone option is for individualsequipped with compatible TDD machinery


    ADHERING TO Professional standards ofConduCt

    HIMSS is responsible to its candidates, certificants, employers,the profession and the public for ensuring the integrity of allprocesses and products of the certification program As such,the CPHIMS Technical Committee, as the governing body forthe CPHIMS program, requires adherence to these ProfessionalStandards of Conduct by all who have achieved certification orrenewal of the certification through successful completion of theCPHIMS renewal requirements

    Professional Standards of Conduct:An individual awarded the

    Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and ManagementSystems (CPHIMS) credential agrees to conduct himself/herself inan ethical and professional manner This includes demonstratingbehavior that is indicative of professional integrity By acceptingcertification, the individual agrees to uphold the values and ethicsof the CPHIMS credential by:

    Conductingallpersonalandprofessionalactivitieswithhonesty,integrity, respect, fairness and good faith in a manner thatreflects well on those who hold this certification;

    Abidingbythe laws,rulesandregulationsofdulyauthorizedagencies regulating the profession;

    Maintaining competence and proficiency in the professionby undertaking a personal program of assessment andcontinuing professional education;



    Avoidingdiscriminationagainstanyindividualbasedonage,gender, race, color, religion, national origin, disability ormarital status;

    Enhancing the dignity and imageof theCPHIMScredentialthrough positive personal actions;

    Refrainingfromparticipationinanyactivitythatdemeansthecredibility and dignity of any professional peer;

    Beingtruthfulinall formsofprofessionalandorganizationalcommunications and avoiding information that is false,

    misleading, inflammatory and deceptive, or information thcreates unreasonable expectations; and

    Abiding by rules and regulations governing the CPHIMprogram

    Infraction of these Professional Standards of Conduct is miscondufor which granting of the CPHIMS or renewal of the CPHIMS m

    be delayed or denied, or for which certification may be revoked

    Reporting Violations: To protect the CPHIMS credential ato ensure responsible practice by its holders, the CPHIMTechnical Committee depends upon its candidates, professionaemployers, regulatory agencies and the public to report incidenthat may be in violation of these Professional Standards Conduct. A individual who has violated these Standards shouvoluntarily surrender his/her certification

    Written reports of infraction of these Standards may be seto CPHIMS Technical Committee, c/o HIMSS Manager Certification, 33 West Monroe Street, Suite 1700, ChicagIL 60603-5616 Only signed, written communication will


    The CPHIMS Technical Committee will become involved only matters that can be factually determined, and commits to handliany situation as fairly and expeditiously as possible Durinthe investigation and decision, the confidentiality of those whprovide information will be protected to every extent possible Tnamed individual will be afforded every opportunity to responin a professional and legally defensible manner, in accord wpolicies established by the CPHIMS Technical Committee

    A candidates signature on an application for examination attesto adherence to Professional Standards of Conduct

    THE APPLICATION PROCESSFor special administrations conducted by HIMSS, a differeapplication process may be implemented.

    There are two ways to apply for the CPHIMS examinatioDocumentation of eligibility does not need to be submitteprior to applying for the examination The CPHIMS TechnicCommittee reserves the right to verify information supplied by on behalf of a candidate If selected for an audit, the candidawill be asked to submit documentation supporting eligibility

    1 Online Application and Scheduling: Complete tapplication and scheduling process in one online session

    visitingwwwgoAMPcom and clicking on Candidates Tcomputer screens guide the candidate through the compleprocess After the application information and payment usina credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discovehave been submitted, eligibility is confirmed or denied athe candidate is prompted to schedule an examinatioappointment or supply additional eligibility information

    If special accommodations are being requested, pleacontact AMP at +1 888/519-9901


    2 Paper Application and Scheduling: Complete asubmit to AMP a paper application and appropriate f

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    (credit card, company check, cashiers check or moneyorder) The candidate may complete the paper applicationincluded in this handbook or obtained by contacting AMP at+1 888/519-9901

    An application is considered complete only if all informationrequested is complete, legible and accurate; if the candidate

    is eligible for the examination; and if the appropriate feeaccompanies the application A paper application that isincomplete will be returned, along with any fee submittedminus a $50 processing fee

    Required information includes:

    Personal Information;

    Selection of computer administration (Monday throughSaturday at secure Assessment Centers);

    Indication of Eligibility for Examination;

    Indication of Application Status;

    Indication of the applicable Examination Fee If requesting

    the member fee, enter the membership number; and


    If special accommodations are being requested, complete theRequest for Special Examination Accommodations form includedin this handbook and submit it to AMP at least 45 days prior tothe desired examination date

    AMP processes the paper application and within approximatelytwo weeks sends a confirmation notice including a toll-freetelephone number and website address to contact to schedule anexamination appointment Be prepared to confirm a location anda preferred date and time for testing If a confirmation notice is

    not received within 4 weeks, contact AMP at +1 888/519-9901

    Depending on availability,

    If AMP is contacted by 3:00 pm the examination may beUS Central Time on scheduled as early as

    Monday Wednesday

    Tuesday Thursday

    Wednesday Friday/Saturday

    Thursday Monday

    Friday Tuesday

    Make a note of the location, date and time of examination; anadmission letter is not provided

    For a computer administration, a candidates application isvalid for 90 days, during which the candidate must schedulean appointment to test on computer and take the examinationA candidate who fails to schedule an appointment within the90-day period forfeits the application and all fees paid to takethe examination A complete application and examination fee arerequired to reapply for examination

    A candidate is allowed to take only the examination for whichapplication is made and a confirmation notice is receivedUnscheduled candidates (walk-ins) are not tested

    RESCHEDULING OR CANCELING AN EXAMINATIONFees are nonrefundable A candidate who is unable to test scheduled may opt to reschedule Except in the case of specadministrations conducted by HIMSS

    A candidate may reschedule the examination once at

    charge by calling AMP at +1 888/519-9901 at leastbusiness days prior to a scheduled computer administratioFor a computer administration, the following schedule applie

    AMP must be called by 3:00 pm

    If the examination US Central Time to reschedule

    is scheduled on the examination by the previous

    Monday Wednesday

    Tuesday Thursday

    Wednesday Friday/Saturday

    Thursday Monday

    Friday/Saturday Tuesday

    A candidatewhowishes to reschedule a second time,wappears more than 15 minutes late for an examination acannot be seated, or who fails to report for the schedulexamination may reapply for examination by calling AMand paying the $75 rescheduling fee A new application not required The examination must be rescheduled with90 days of the date of the originally scheduled examinatisession

    Acandidatewhodoesnotrescheduleanexaminationwiththe 90-day period forfeits the application and all fees pato take the examination A new, complete application a

    examination fee are required to reapply for examination

    Acandidatewhocancelshis/herexaminationafterconfirmatiof eligibility is received forfeits the application and all fepaid to take the examination A new, complete applicatioand examination fee are required to reapply for examinatio

    ON THE DAY OF EXAMINATIONREPORTING FOR EXAMINATIONFor a computer administration, report to the Assessment Cenno later than the scheduled testing time After entering the testilocation, follow the signs indicating AMP Assessment CenCheck In

    For a special group administration hosted by HIMSS or a HIMsponsor, report to the testing room at the time indicated the confirmation notice The examination will begin after scheduled candidates are checked-in Follow the signs providin the test facility to locate the testing room

    A candidate who arrives more than 15 minutes after tscheduled testing time is not admitted

    Acandidatewhois notadmitteddue to latearrivalhasdays from the originally scheduled examination session to remthe $75 rescheduling fee and call AMP to schedule a ne

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    appointment for computer administered examination A newapplication is not required Except for special administrationsconducted by HIMSS, no refunds and no rescheduling areallowed

    Acandidatewhodoesnotrescheduleanexaminationwithinthe90-day period for feits the application and all fees paid to take

    the examination A complete application and examination feeare required to reapply for examination

    SECURITYThe CPHIMS Technical Committee and AMP administration andsecurity standards are designed to ensure all candidates areprovided the same opportunity to demonstrate their abilities TheAssessment Center is continuously monitored by audio and videosurveillance equipment for security purposes

    The following security procedures apply during the examination:

    Examinations are proprietary. No cameras, notes, tape

    recorders, PDAs, pagers or mobile phones are allowedin the testing room Possession of a cell/mobile phone orother electronic devices is strictly prohibited and will result indismissal from the examination

    Onlysilent,non-programmablecalculatorswithoutalphakeysor printing capabilities are allowed in the testing room

    No guests, visitors or family members are allowed in thetesting room or reception areas

    PERSONAL BELONGINGSNo personal items, valuables, or weapons should be broughtto the Assessment Center Only wallets and keys are permittedCoats must be left outside the testing room You will be provideda soft locker to store your wallet and/or keys with you in the test-ing room You will not have access to these items until after theexamination is completed Please note the following items will notbe allowed in the testing room except securely locked in the softlocker




    Once you have placed everything into the soft locker, you willbe asked to pull your pockets out to ensure they are empty If allpersonal items will not fit in the soft locker you will not be able totest The site will not store any personal belongings

    If any personal items are observed in the testing room after theexamination is started, the administration will be forfeited

    EXAMINATION RESTRICTIONS Pencilswillbeprovidedduringcheck-in.

    Youwillbeprovidedwithonepieceofscratchpaperatatimeto use during the examination, unless noted on the sign-inroster for a particular candidate You must return the scratchpaper to the supervisor at the completion of testing, or you willnot receive your score report

    NodocumentsornotesofanykindmayberemovedfromtAssessment Center

    Noquestionsconcerningthecontentoftheexaminationmbe asked during the examination

    Eating, drinking or smoking will not be permitted in tAssessment Center

    Youmaytakeabreakwheneveryouwish,butyouwillnotallowed additional time to make up for time lost during brea

    MISCONDUCTIf you engage in any of the following conduct during the examintion you may be dismissed, your scores will not be reported aexamination fees will not be refunded Examples of misconduare when you:


    displayand/oruseelectroniccommunicationsequipmentsuas pagers, cell/mobile phones, PDAs;

    talk or participate in conversation with other examinatcandidates;






    areobservedwithnotes,booksorotheraidswithoutitbeinoted on the roster

    VERIFYING IDENTITYTo gain admission to the Assessment Center or testing room, tcandidate needs to present two forms of identification, one wa current photograph Both forms of identification must be vaand include the candidates current name and signature Tcandidate is required to sign a roster for verification of identIt is advisable to bring the confirmation notice sent by AMP HIMSS

    Acceptable forms of photo identification include: a current drivelicense with photograph, a current state or other governmeissue identification card with photograph Employment ID cardstudent ID cards and temporary identification cards are NO

    acceptable as the primary form of identification, but may be usas secondary identification if they include the candidates namand signature A candidate without proper identificationnot permitted to test

    USE OF CALCULATORSSome examination questions may require calculations Use a silent, nonprogrammable, solar-powered calculator withopaper tape-printing capability or alphabetic keypad is permittduring testing Use of a computer or a PDA is not permitteCalculators will be checked for conformance with this regulatibefore candidates are allowed admission to the Assessme

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    Center or testing room Calculators that do not conform tothese specifications are not permitted in the AssessmentCenter or testing room


    After identity of the candidate has been verified and his/hercalculator has been checked, the candidate is directed to atesting carrel for a computer administration or an assignedseat for a paper-and-pencil administration Each candidate isprovided one sheet of scratch paper for calculations that must bereturned to the examination proctor at the completion of testing

    For a paper-and-pencil administration, the candidate isprovided oral and written instructions to guide the examinationprocess

    For a computer administration, the candidate is providedinstructions on screen First, the candidate is instructed toenter his/her AMP identification number Then, the candidates

    photograph is taken and remains on-screen throughout theexamination session Prior to attempting the examination, thecandidate is provided a short tutorial on using the softwareto take the examination Tutorial time is NOT counted aspart of the 2 hours allowed for the examination Only aftera candidate is comfortable with the software, does theexamination begin

    The following is a sample of what the computer screen willlook like when a candidate is attempting the examination




    Which of the following is a function of an electronic medical record?

    computerized ordering of prescriptions

    master patient index

    chronic disease management

    immunization registry'




    &RYHU +HOS $ !M 7LPH

    The computer monitors the time spent on the examinationThe examination terminates at the 2-hour mark Clicking onthe Time button in the lower right portion of the screen orselecting the TIME key reveals a digital clock that indicatesthe time remaining The time feature may also be turned offduring the examination

    Only one examination question is presented at a time Thequestion number appears in the lower right portion of thescreen The entire examination question appears on-screen(stem and four options labeled A, B, C and D) Select ananswer by either entering the letter of the option (A, B, C or

    D) or clicking on the option using the mouse The letter of tselected option appears in the window in the lower left portioof the screen To change an answer, enter a different optioby pressing the A, B, C or D key or by clicking on the optiousing the mouse An answer may be changed multiple time

    To move to the next question, click on the forward arrow (

    in the lower right-hand corner of the screen or select the NEkey This action allows the candidate to move forward throuthe examination question by question To review an questior questions, click the backward arrow (

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    11 Candidate Handboo

    examination session A description of the emergency andsupporting documentation are required Rescheduling withoutadditional fee will be considered on a case-by-case basis

    COPYRIGHTED EXAMINATION QUESTIONSAll examination questions are the copyrighted property of HIMSS

    It is forbidden under federal copyright law to copy, reproduce,record, distribute or display these examination questions by anymeans, in whole or in part Doing so may result in severe civiland criminal penalties

    FAILING TO REPORT FOR AN EXAMINATION Acandidatewhofailstoreportforanexamination(excluding

    special administrations conducted by HIMSS) has 90 daysfrom the originally scheduled testing session to remit the$75 rescheduling fee and contact AMP to schedule a newappointment for examination Candidates must submit awritten request including name, address, identification number

    and payment to AMP If paying by credit card, the requestmust also include the credit number and expiration dateAlternatively, candidates may submit the application formindicating payment of the rescheduling fee

    Acandidatewhodoesnotrescheduleanexaminationwithinthe 90-day period forfeits the application and all fees paid totake the examination A complete application and examinationfee are required to reapply for examination

    Special administrations conducted by HIMSS are non-refundable and non-transferable to another person or testingsession

    FOLLOWING THE EXAMINATIONAfter the examination is completed, the candidate is asked tocomplete a short evaluation of the testing experience

    Acandidatewho takestheexaminationinpaper-and-pencilformat receives his/her score report by mail

    Acandidatewhotakestheexaminationoncomputerreceiveshis/her score report before leaving the Assessment Center

    Internationalapplicantswillnotreceiveinstantscorereports.Results will be sent via US mail within two business days aftercompletion of the examination to the applicants address ofrecord

    Score reports are issued by AMP, on behalf of the CPHIMSTechnical Committee Recognition of certification and additionalinformation related to renewing the certification are issued fromthe CPHIMS Technical Committee within 6 weeks after testing

    SCORING THE EXAMINATIONScores are reported in written form only, in person or by postalmail Scores are not reported over the telephone, by electronicmail or by facsimile

    The score report indicates a Pass or Fail Raw score on thetotal examination determines Pass/Fail status Additional detail isprovided in the form of raw scores by major and minor categories

    of the examination content outline A raw score is the numbof questions answered correctly Even though the examinaticonsists of 115 questions, the score is based on 100 questioFifteen (15) questions are pretest questions and do not affect tcandidates score

    The methodology used to set the minimum passing scois equating A passing standard was established when tfirst examination form was developed However, this fowas replaced The equating method statistically compares t

    difficulty of each new form to the first form If the difference difficulty is strong enough, then the passing score for a new fomay increase or decrease Whether the passing score increasor decreases depends on whether a new form is more or ledifficult than the original Equating will produce an increaspassing score for an easier form and a lower passing score fa more difficult form By adjusting passing scores in this way, tpassing standard for the certification program remains constaStakeholders in the program can then be confident the credent

    expresses the same competence over time and over different teforms

    PASSING THE EXAMINATIONA candidate who passes the CPHIMS examination is awardthe Certified Professional in Healthcare Information aManagement Systems (CPHIMS) credential HIMSS reserves tright to recognize publicly any candidate who has successfucompleted the CPHIMS examination

    FAILING THE EXAMINATIONIf the examination is not passed, a shortened reapplication foris provided at the bottom of the score report

    To scheduleanother examination,acandidatemay reap

    by using the online application and scheduling feature wwwgoAMPcom or by submitting the reapplication foand the examination fee within 90 days following the failexamination

    A candidate who applies for re-examination after 90 da

    following the failed examination must submit the full applicatiand examination fee

    There is no limit to the number of times an individual may tathe CPHIMS examination

    SCORES CANCELED BY THE CPHIMS TECHNICALCOMMITTEEThe CPHIMS Technical Committee and its agents are responsibfor the integrity of the scores reported On occasion, occurrencesuch as computer malfunction or misconduct by a candidate, mcause a score to be suspect The CPHIMS Technical Committis committed to rectifying such discrepancies as expeditiously possible The Committee may void examination results if, upinvestigation, violation of CPHIMS regulations is discovered

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    12 Candidate Handboo

    CONFIDENTIALITYInformation about a candidate for testing or renewal ofcertification and examination results are considered confidential;however, the CPHIMS Technical Committee reserves the right touse information supplied by or on behalf of a candidate in theconduct of research Studies and reports concerning candidateswill contain no information identifiable with any candidate, unlessauthorized by the candidate

    Demographic information about a candidate will be sharedonly in cases where the candidate may benefit Scores arenever reported to anyone other than the candidate, unless thecandidate directs such a request in writing

    DUPLICATE SCORE REPORTA candidate may purchase additional copies of the score reportat a cost of $25 (US dollars) per copy The request must besubmitted to AMP, in writing, within 12 months after the

    examination; and must include the candidates name, AMPidentification number, mailing address, telephone number, dateof examination and examination taken Submit this informationwith the required fee payable to AMP The duplicate score reportwill be mailed within 5 business days after receipt of the request

    NAME AND ADDRESS CHANGEIf you move or change your name, please notify HIMSS [email protected] Please provide a valid email addressCommunication from HIMSS is primarily by email

    RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATIONAttaining certification is an indication of mastery of a well-defined body of knowledge at a point in time Periodic renewalof the certification is required to maintain certified status Initialcertification or renewal of certification is valid for 3 years

    CPHIMS may be renewed by:

    1 Successful re-examination; or

    2 Documentation of 45 contact hours of continuing professioneducation over the 3-year period, including 25 contact houof HIMSS provided or approved courses, and payment of trenewal fee For members of HIMSS, the renewal fee is $17

    and for nonmembers the fee is $250 (US dollars)

    A renewal application with provisions for renewing the CPHIMcredential may be obtained fromwwwCPHIMSorg

    FAILING TO RENEWAn individual who fails to renew his/her cer tification is no longconsidered certified and may not use the CPHIMS credential professional communications, such as on letterhead, stationebusiness cards, directory listings or signature

    APPEALSA candidate who believes he/she was unjustly denieligibility for examination, who challenges results of an examinatior who believes he/she was unjustly denied renewal of certificatimay request reconsideration of the decision by submittia written appeal to the CPHIMS Technical Committee Tcandidate for certification or renewal of certification must proviconvincing evidence that a severe disadvantage was afforded tcandidate during processing of an application for examination renewal of certification or prior to or during administration of examination The appeal must be made within 45 days of receof a score report or any other official correspondence related

    certification or renewal of certification from the CPHIMS TechnicCommittee The written appeal must also indicate the specirelief requested The appealing candidate is required to subma $100 (US dollars) fee with the written appeal The fee will refunded to the candidate if deemed justified through action the Appeal Board

    Additional regulations related to the appeal mechanism may obtained from HIMSS

    CHECK LIST Read the CPHIMS candidate handbook

    Apply for the examination and schedule an appointment by visitingwwwgoAMPcom and clicking on Candidates For specgroup administrations, contact HIMSS at certification@himssorg for registration instructions

    Appear for the examination on the date, time and location selected. Remember to bring identification as described in thandbook


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    CPHIMS Handbook, pa


    I am applying for a computer administration at anAMP Assessment Center

    ELIGIBILITY FOR EXAMINATIONTo be eligible for the CPHIMS examination, a candidate mustfulfill one of the following requirements for education and workexperience

    Baccalaureatedegree, or globalequivalent, plus five (5)years of associated information and management systemsexperience*, three (3) of those years in healthcare

    Graduate degree, or global equivalent, plus three (3)years of associated information and management systemsexperience*, two (2) of those years in healthcare

    *Associated information and management systems experience includesexperience in the following functional areas: administration/management,clinical information systems, e-health, information systems, or managementengineering.

    APPLICATION STATUS I am applying as a new candidate I am applying as a reapplicant I am applying for renewal of certification


    To be eligible for the reduced CPHIMS examination fee, acandidate must be a current member of HIMSS

    For information on joining HIMSS, visit the HIMSS websiteat wwwhimssorg Membership must be obtained beforeapplication for examination at the reduced fee can be

    honored If you have applied for membership, but have notyet received your membership number, enter NEW in the spaceprovided for membership number

    Enter your membership no: ____________________________

    Examination Fee

    Payment may be made by credit card, company check,cashiers check or money order made payable to AMP

    HIMSS Organizational

    Affiliate Member $270 (US dollars)

    HIMSS National Member $300 (US dollars)

    Non-member $375 (US dollars)

    Rescheduling Fee $75 (US dollars)

    If payment is made by credit card, complete the following:

    VISA MasterCard American Express


    Credit Card Number

    Expiration Date

    Your Name as it Appears on the Card



    EXAMINATION APPLICATIONThis form is to be used for exams given at established AMP Assessment Centers only

    To apply for the CPHIMS examination, complete this application and return it with the examination fee to:

    AppliedMeasurementProfessionals,Inc. CPHIMSExamination 18000W.105thStreet Olathe,KS66061-7543Fax: +1 913/895-4650


    HIMSS Member Number

    I am not a member of HIMSS (a unique identification number will be assigned)

    Name (Last or Family Name, First, Middle Initial, Former Name) (Please enter names as you wish them to appear on your certificate)

    Name of Company (if work address) Title

    Mailing Address (Street Address, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Country)

    Daytime Telephone Number with country code if outside of North America E-mail Address

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    CPHIMS Handbook, page 14


    Do you require special disability related accommodations during testing? No Yes

    If yes, please complete the Request for Special Examination Accommodations form included with this handbook and submit it withan application and fee at least 45 days prior to the desired testing date Specific information about special accommodations isprovided in the handbook


    I certify that I agree to abide by regulations of the CPHIMS program contained in this handbook I believe that I comply with alladmission policies for the CPHIMS examination I certify that the information I have submitted in this application is complete andcorrect to the best of my knowledge and belief I understand that, if the information I have submitted is found to be incompleteor inaccurate, my application may be rejected or my examination results may be delayed or voided

    Name (Please Pr int): _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________


    The following demographic information is requested

    1 How many years of experience do you have ininformation and management systems?

    3-5 years

    6-10 years

    11-15 years

    16-20 years

    More then 20

    2 How many years have you worked in healthcareinformation and management systems?

    2-5 years

    6-10 years

    11-15 years

    16-20 years

    More than 20

    3 What type of facility most accurately describes yourprimary information and management systems activities?


    Health Care System (corp office)


    Other Provider Payer

    Vendor Organization

    Health Care Consulting Firm


    Law/Investment Firm


    4 What is your level of responsibility?





    Director/Department Head

    Other Senior Management

    Senior Staff/Manager




    5 What is your principal work focus?


    Clinical Systems and/or Applications

    IT Infrastructure, Systems Implementation and


    Management Engineering







































  • 7/28/2019 Cp Him s Candidate Handbook


    CPHIMS Handbook, pa


    If you have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please complete this form and theDocumentation of Disability-Related Needs on the reverse side so your accommodations for testing can be processed efficientlyThe information you provide and any documentation regarding your disability and your need for accommodation in testing wilbe treated with strict confidentiality Please return this form to AMP within 45 days of the desired testing date


    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name (Last or Family Name, First, Middle Initial, Former Name)

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mailing Address


    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City State/Province Zip Code/Postal Code and Country

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Daytime Telephone Number with country code if outside of North America


    I request special accommodations for the __________________________________________________________ examination

    Please provide (check all that apply):

    ______ Reader

    ______ Extended examination time (time and a half)

    ______ Reduced distraction environment

    ______ Large print examination (paper and pencil administration only)

    ______ Circle answers in examination booklet (paper and pencil administration only)

    ______ Other special accommodations (Please specify)




    Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________




    I give my permission for my diagnosing professional to discuss with AMP staff my records and history as they relateto the requested accommodation

    Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________

    Return this form with your examination application and fee to:Examination Services Department, AMP, 18000 W 105th Street, Olathe, KS 66061-7543

    If you have questions, call the Examination Services Department at +1 913/895-4600

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    CPHIMS Handbook, page 16


    Please have this section completed by an appropriate professional (education professional, physician, psychologist, psychiatrist)to ensure that AMP is able to provide the required examination accommodations


    I have known __________________________________________________ since _____ /_____ /_____ in my capacity as aCandidate Name Date (month/date/year)

    __________________________________________________________ Professional Title

    The candidate discussed with me the nature of the examination to be administered It is my opinion that, because of this candidatesdisability described below, he/she should be accommodated by providing the special arrangements listed on the reverse side

    Description of Disability: _____________________________________________________________________________________





    Signed: _________________________________________________________________ Title:_____________________________

    Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Telephone Number: _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Date: _____________________________________________ License # (if applicable): _________________________________

    Return this form with your examination application and fee to:Examination Services Department, AMP, 18000 W 105th Street, Olathe, KS 66061-7543

    If you have questions, call the Examination Services Department at +1 913/895-4600