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Course Econometrics I 2. Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues Martin Halla Johannes Kepler University of Linz Department of Economics Last update: April 1, 2014 Martin Halla CS Econometrics I – 2 1/41

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Course Econometrics I

2. Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues

Martin Halla

Johannes Kepler University of LinzDepartment of Economics

Last update: April 1, 2014

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Page 2: Course Econometrics I - Department Home · Course Econometrics I 2. Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues Martin Halla Johannes Kepler University of Linz Department of Economics

Effects of data scaling on OLS Statistics

Data scaling is changing the units of measurement of thedependent and the independent variables.

I Due to scaling the estimated coefficients (∂y/∂x), standarderrors, test-statistics, etc. change in a way that all measuredeffects and testing outcomes are preserved.

I Linear transformation do not change the fit of the regression

I Data scaling is done for cosmetic purposes.

I To improve interpretability

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Effects of data scaling on OLS Statistics – An example I

Let’s study the effects of data scaling based on an example:

ˆbwght = β0 + β1cigs+ β2faminc (1)

bwght . . . child birth weight in ouncescigs . . . no. of cigarettes smoked by the mother per dayfaminc . . . annual family income in USD 1.000

Results are displayed in column (1) on the next slide.

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Effects of data scaling on OLS statistics – An example II

>> see do-file <<

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Effects of data scaling on OLS Statistics – An example III

Now suppose that we decide to measure birth weight in pounds,rather than in ounces:

ˆbwght/16 = β0/16 +(β1/16



)faminc (2)

I New coefficients are the old coefficients divided by 16.

I New standard errors are the old ones divided by 16.

I t-statistics are unchanged.

I R-squared is unchanged.

I SSR has to be divided by 162; SER by 16.

Results are displayed in column (2) on the previous slide.

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Effects of data scaling on OLS Statistics – An example IV

Now suppose we change compared to (1) the measurement ofcigarettes to packs = cigs/20

ˆbwght = β0 +(


)(cigs/20) + β2faminc

= β0 +(


)packs+ β2


I β0 and β2 are unchanged.

I Coefficient and standard errors on packs are 20 times higherthan those on cigs.

I t-statistics, R-squared, SSR and SER are unchanged.

Results are displayed in column (3) on the penultimate slide.

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Effects of data scaling on OLS Statistics – Log. forms

I If the LHS var appears in log, changing unit has no impact onslope coeffs.

I This follows from the fact that log(c1 · yi) = log(c1) + log(yi)for any c1 > 0.

I The new intercept will be log(c1) + β0.

I The same holds for RHS vars.

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Scaling in the birth weight model


Variable | bwght bwghtlbs bwght log(bwght) log(bwghtlbs)


cigs | -0.4634 -0.0290 -0.0040 -0.0040

| 0.0916 0.0057 0.0009 0.0009

faminc | 0.0928 0.0058 0.0928 0.0008 0.0008

| 0.0292 0.0018 0.0292 0.0003 0.0003

packs | -9.2682

| 1.8315

_cons | 116.9741 7.3109 116.9741 4.7440 1.9714

| 1.0490 0.0656 1.0490 0.0098 0.0098


r2 | 0.0298 0.0298 0.0298 0.0265 0.0265

rss | 5.57e+05 2177.6778 5.57e+05 49.0862 49.0862

rmse | 20.0628 1.2539 20.0628 0.1883 0.1883


legend: b/se

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Beta coefficients – I

A key var may be measured on a scale that is hard to interpret.

I Often in other disciplines; e.g., test scores, indices or responsesto attitudinal questions

I PISA test, trust, or political freedom

I Instead of asking by how much the LHS changes if the (test)score would be 10 points higher, we can ask what happens ifthe score is one standard deviation (sd) higher?

I The sample sd of all variables can easily be obtained.

I Therefore, we have to standardize variables (see Appendix C)

I Subtracting off its sample mean and dividing by its sample sdI Generates vars with a mean of zero and a sd of one.I These are called z-scores.

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Beta coefficients – II

We want to standardize all variables in the following original model:

yi = β0 + β1xi1 + β2xi2 + . . .+ βkxik + ui

(i) subtract means of all variables:

yi− y = β1(xi1− x1) + β2(xi2− x2) + . . .+ βk(xik − xk) + (ui− 0)

(ii) divide each variable by its sample sd (σy and σk)

(yi − y)




[(xi1 − x1)


]+. . .



[(xik − xk)





- Since we divide the LHS by σy → divide the coeffs. by σy.

- Since we divide the RHS by σk → multiply the coeffs. with σk.

- Constant is zero by construction

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Beta coefficients – III

The last equation (without i subscripts) can be re-written as follows:

zy = b1z1 + b2z2 + . . .+ bkzk + error (4)

where zy denotes the z-score of y, z1 the z-score of x1, and so on.The new coefficients are

bj =


)βj for j = 1, . . . , k. (5)

These bj are either called beta coefficients or standardized coeffs.

I Interpretat.: If x1 increases by one sd, then y changes by b1 sds.

I Since we measure all variables in sd, the scale is irrelevant.

I The most important RHS can easily be identified.

I See Example 6.1 and >> do-file <<.

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Calculation of beta coefficients in Stata

. reg price nox crime rooms dist stratio, beta

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 506

-------------+------------------------------ F( 5, 500) = 174.47

Model | 2.7223e+10 5 5.4445e+09 Prob > F = 0.0000

Residual | 1.5603e+10 500 31205611.6 R-squared = 0.6357

-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.6320

Total | 4.2826e+10 505 84803032 Root MSE = 5586.2


price | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| Beta


nox | -2706.433 354.0869 -7.64 0.000 -.340446

crime | -153.601 32.92883 -4.66 0.000 -.1432828

rooms | 6735.498 393.6037 17.11 0.000 .5138878

dist | -1026.806 188.1079 -5.46 0.000 -.2348385

stratio | -1149.204 127.4287 -9.02 0.000 -.2702799

_cons | 20871.13 5054.599 4.13 0.000 .


>> do-file <<

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More on using logarithmic functional forms – I

Summary of functional forms involving logarithms

Model Dependent Independent InterpretationVariable Variable of β1

Level-level y x 4y = β14xLevel-log y log(x) 4y = (β1/100)%4xLog-level log(y) x %4y = (100β1)4xLog-log log(y) log(x) %4y = β1%4x

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More on using logarithmic functional forms – II

Let’s consider the following equation

log(price) = β0 + β1 log(nox) + β2rooms+ u. (6)

I β1 is the elasticity of price with respect to nox (the NOx


I β2 is the change in log(price) when ∆rooms = 1.

I β2 is also called semi-elasticity.

I (100β2)∆x2 is the approx. percentage change in price.

I 100[exp(β2∆x2)− 1] is the exact percentage change in price.

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More on using logarithmic functional forms – III

When estimated using the data in HPRICE2, we obtain

ˆlog(price) = 9.23− 0.718 log(nox) + 0.306rooms

n = 506, R2 = 0.514

I When nox increases by 1%, price falls by 0.718%, holdingrooms fixed.

I When rooms increases by one, price increases by approximately100(0.306) = 30.6%.

I The exact percentage change in price is100[exp(0.306)− 1] = 35.8%.

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More on using logarithmic functional forms – IV

Why do so many econometric models utilize logs?

I Log models often more closely satisfy our assumptions

I Many econ vars are constrained to be positive

I Taking logs reduces extrema and curtails the effects of outliers

I Ratios are often left in levels

I Could be expressed in logs

I Something like an unemployment rate already has a nicepercentage interpretation.

I Be careful to distinguish between an 0.01 change and a one unitchange

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Models with quadratics – I

I The following model is linear in parameters

Y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x21 + β3x3 + . . .+ βkxk + ε. (7)

I However, the squared-term x21 allows more flexibility in themodeling of the relationship between x1 and y.

I β1 and β2 have to be interpreted jointly; if x1 is changing, x21changes too.

I The marginal effect of x1 on y is given by


∂x1= β1 + 2β2x1. (8)

I The effect of x1 on y depends, therefore, on the level of x1.

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Models with quadratics – II

Different combinations of β1 and β2 result in different functionalforms:

I β1 < 0, β2 > 0: u-shaped relationship

I β1 > 0, β2 < 0: inverted u-shaped relationship

I β1 > 0, β2 > 0: y increases quadratically in x1I β1 < 0, β2 < 0: y decreases quadratically in x1

The extremum/turning point of x1 with respect to y is given by:


∂x1= β1 + 2β2x1 = 0 ⇒ x1 = −β1/2β2. (9)

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Models with quadratics – An example

See equation (6.12).

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Models with quadratics – An further example

See Example 6.2.

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Models with higher order polynomials

Higher order polynomials:

y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x21 + β3x

31 + ε. (10)

The marginal effect of x1 on y is given by:


∂x1= β1 + 2β2x1 + 3β3x

21. (11)

Not as commonly found in empirical work

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Models with interaction termsInteraction terms are the product of two (or more) RHS variables:

I This technique allows for nonlinearities

I For instance, consider the determinants of housing prices

price = β0+β1sqrft+β2bdrms+β3sqrft·bdrms+β4bthrms+u,

where the partial effect of bdrms on price is given by


= β2 + β3 · sqrft.

I That means, if β3 > 0 that an additional bedroom yields ahigher increase in housing price for larger houses

I We must evaluate this effect at interesting values of sqrft

I Respective standard errors can easily be done byreparameterizing the model

I Same applies to partial effect of sqrft on price

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Interaction terms – Reparameterization (general case) ILet’s consider the following model including an interaction term:

y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x1x2 + u.

Here β2 gives the partial effect of x2 on y when x1 = 0.

Often, this is not of interest. Therefore, we reparamterize the model:

y = α0 + α1x1 + δ2x2 + β3(x1 − µ1)x2 + u,

where µ1 is the population mean of x1. After rearranging we get:

y = α0 + α1x1 + δ2x2 + β3x1x2 − β3x2µ1 + u.

We can check (see next slide) that δ2 is the partial effect of x2 on yat the mean value of x1:

δ2 = β2 + β3µ1.

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Interaction terms – Reparameterization (general case) IIOriginal model:

y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + β3x1x2 + u


∂x2= β2 + β3x1

Reparameterized model:

y = α0 + α1x1 + δ2x2 + β3(x1 − µ1)x2 + u

y = α0 + α1x1 + δ2x2 + β3x1x2 − β3x2µ1 + u


∂x2= δ2 + β3x1 − β3µ1

β2 + β3x1 = δ2 + β3x1 − β3µ1δ2 = β2 + β3µ1

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Interaction terms – Reparameterization (Example 6.3) Igen priGPA2 = priGPA^2

gen ACT2 = ACT^2

gen interaction = priGPA*atndrte

reg stndfnl atndrte priGPA ACT priGPA2 ACT2 interaction

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 680

-------------+------------------------------ F( 6, 673) = 33.25

Model | 152.001001 6 25.3335002 Prob > F = 0.0000

Residual | 512.76244 673 .761905557 R-squared = 0.2287

-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2218

Total | 664.763441 679 .97903305 Root MSE = .87287


stndfnl | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


atndrte | -.0067129 .0102321 -0.66 0.512 -.0268035 .0133777

priGPA | -1.62854 .4810025 -3.39 0.001 -2.572986 -.6840938

ACT | -.1280394 .098492 -1.30 0.194 -.3214279 .0653492

priGPA2 | .2959046 .1010495 2.93 0.004 .0974945 .4943147

ACT2 | .0045334 .0021764 2.08 0.038 .00026 .0088068

interaction | .0055859 .0043174 1.29 0.196 -.0028913 .0140631

_cons | 2.050293 1.360319 1.51 0.132 -.6206864 4.721272


test atndrte interaction

( 1) atndrte = 0

( 2) interaction = 0

F( 2, 673) = 4.32

Prob > F = 0.0137

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Interaction terms – Reparameterization (Example 6.3) II

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max


priGPA | 680 2.586775 .5447141 .857 3.93

display _b[atndrte] + _b[interaction]*2.59


* This is the estimated effect of atndrte on stndfnl at the mean of priGPA

* A 10 percentage point increase in atndrte increases stndfl by 0.078 s.d. from the mean final exam score.

* Is this effect statistically significant from zero?

gen priGPA_mean = priGPA-2.59

gen interaction2 = priGPA_mean* atndrte

reg stndfnl atndrte priGPA ACT priGPA2 ACT2 interaction2


stndfnl | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


atndrte | .0077546 .0026393 2.94 0.003 .0025723 .0129368

priGPA | -1.62854 .4810025 -3.39 0.001 -2.572986 -.6840938

ACT | -.1280394 .098492 -1.30 0.194 -.3214279 .0653492

priGPA2 | .2959046 .1010495 2.93 0.004 .0974945 .4943147

ACT2 | .0045334 .0021764 2.08 0.038 .00026 .0088068

interaction2 | .0055859 .0043174 1.29 0.196 -.0028913 .0140631

_cons | 2.050293 1.360319 1.51 0.132 -.6206863 4.721272


* Check the estimated coefficient (and standard errors) of atndrte.

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Adjusted R-squared

I R-squared cannot decrease when additional RHS vars are addedto the model; even if these have no significant effect on theLHS var.

I A richer model will always be preferred over a moreparsimonious one.

I The adjusted R-squared imposes a penalty for an additionalRHS var.:

R2 = 1− [SSR/ (n− k − 1)]

[SST/ (n− 1)](12)

I R2 increases iff the t statistic on the new var. is greater than|1|.

I R2 can be negative.

I Different formula: R2 = 1−(1−R2

)(n− 1) / (n− k − 1)

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Using R2 to choose between nonnested models

The R2 can help us to choose a model without redundant variables

I Models are nonnested if none is a special case of the other(s)

I For instance,

wage = β0 + β1educ+ β2female+ β3weight (13)

wage = β0 + β1educ+ β2female+ β3height (14)

I R2 may be used to make informal comparisons of non-nestedmodels, as long as they have the same dependent variable

I For the limitations of the R2, see Example 6.4

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Controlling for too many factors in regression analysis

I MLR.3 shows that we should worry about omitted vars.

I It is also possible to control for too many vars.

I Do not overemphasize goodness-of-fit

I Let’s assume we want to study the effect of state beer taxes ontraffic fatalities:

fatalities = β0 + β1tax+ β2perc male+ . . . (15)

fatalities = β0 + β1tax+ β2perc male+ β3beer cons+ . . . (16)

I Shall we control for beer consumption (beer cons)?

I Remember the ceteris paribus nature of multiple regressionI Beer is a so-called bad control var

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Adding regressors to reduce the error variance

Additional RHS vars:

1. exacerbate the multicolinearity problem.

2. reduce the error variance.

I Generally, we do not know which effect will dominate.

I However, always include RHS vars that affect the LHS var andare uncorrelated with all other RHS vars.

I Why? Because such RHS varsI will not cause multi-collinearity; andI reduce the error variance and the standard errors (s.e.).I The issue is not unbiasedness, but smaller sampling variance!I Think about a randomized controlled trial.

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Confidence intervals (CI) for predictions

I Predictions for a specific subpopulation

1. Sampling error in y0, because the βj are estimated.

I Predictions for a particular unit

1. Sampling error in y0, because the βj are estimated.

2. Variance of the error in the population σ2.

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CI for prediction for a specific subpopulation – I

Fitted values or predictions are subject to sampling variation:

I Suppose we have estimated y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + . . .+ βkxk.

I To obtain a prediction we plug in particular values c1, c2, . . . , ckfor each k RHS var.

I The parameter we would like to estimate is:

θ0 = β0 + β1c1 + β2c2 + . . .+ βkck (17)

θ0 = E (y|x1 = c1, x2 = c2, . . . , xk = ck)

I The estimator of θ0 is

θ0 = β0 + β1c1 + β2c2 + . . .+ βkck.

I To obtain a confidence interval (CI) for θ0, we need s.e. for θ0.

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CI for prediction for a specific subpopulation – II

I We re-write (17) as β0 = θ0 − β1c1 − . . .− βkck and plug thisinto

y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + . . .+ βkxk + u

to obtain

y = θ0 + β1 (x1 − c1) + β2 (x2 − c2) + . . .+ βk (xk − ck) + u

I In other words, we subtract the value cj from each observationson xj , and then run the regression of

yi on (xi1 − c1) , . . . , (xik − ck) , i = 1, 2, . . . , n.

I Predicted value and its s.e. are obtained from the intercept.

I Variance of the prediction is smallest at the mean values of xj .

I See Example 6.5 and >> see do-file <<

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CI for prediction for a specific subpopulation – III

gen sat0 = sat-1200

gen hsperc0 = hsperc-30

gen hsize0 = hsize-5

gen hsize20 = hsize2-25

reg colgpa sat0 hsperc0 hsize0 hsize20

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 4137

-------------+------------------------------ F( 4, 4132) = 398.02

Model | 499.030503 4 124.757626 Prob > F = 0.0000

Residual | 1295.16517 4132 .313447524 R-squared = 0.2781

-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2774

Total | 1794.19567 4136 .433799728 Root MSE = .55986


colgpa | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


sat0 | .0014925 .0000652 22.89 0.000 .0013646 .0016204

hsperc0 | -.0138558 .000561 -24.70 0.000 -.0149557 -.0127559

hsize0 | -.0608815 .0165012 -3.69 0.000 -.0932327 -.0285302

hsize20 | .0054603 .0022698 2.41 0.016 .0010102 .0099104

_cons | 2.700075 .0198778 135.83 0.000 2.661104 2.739047


I The 95% confidence interval for the expected college GPA is about2.66 to 2.74

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CI for prediction for a particular unit – I

I We have just derived the CI of the prediction for thesubpopulation with a given set of RHS vars.

I This is different from the CI for a particular unit (e. g.individual, firm, country.).

I Here, we must also account for the variance in theunobserved error.

I On average, that error is assumed to be zero; that is, E(u) = 0.

I For a specific value of y, there will be an error ui; we do notknow its magnitude.

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CI for prediction for a particular unit – V

I Let y0 denote the value for which we would like to construct anprediction interval.

I y0 could represent a unit not in our original sample.

I Let x01, . . . , x0k be the values of the RHS vars. we assume to

observe; and u0 be the unobserved error.

I Therefore, we have

y0 = β0 + β1x01 + β2x

02 + . . .+ βkx

0k + u0.

I As before our best prediction of y0 is

y0 = β0 + β1x01 + β2x

02 + . . .+ βkx


I The prediction error (with E(e0) = 0) is given by

e0 = y0 − y0 =(β0 + β1x

01 + . . .+ βkx


)+ u0︸ ︷︷ ︸



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CI for prediction for a particular unit – VI

I To find the variance of e0, note that u0 is uncorrelated witheach βj .

I Therefore, the variance of the prediction error is the sum ofthe variances:

V ar(e0) = V ar(y0) + V ar(u0) = V ar(y0) + σ2

where V ar(u0) is the error variance σ2. [See (B.31)]I There are two sources of variation in e0:

1. Sampling error in y0, because the βj are estimated.2. The variance of the error in the population σ2.

I The s.e. of e0 are given by se(e0) ={[se(y0)

]2+ σ2


I Due to the second term, CIs formed for specific values of y willalways be wider than those for predictions of the mean y.

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CI for prediction for a particular unit – VII

I Using the same reasoning for the t statistics of the βj , we findthat e0/se(e0) has a t distribution with n− (k + 1) degrees offreedom:

P[−t0.025 ≤ e0/se(e0) ≤ t0.025

]= 0.95,

where t0.025 is the 97.5th percentile in the tn−k−1 distribution.

I Plugging in e0 = y0 − y0 and rearranging gives a 95%prediction interval for y0

y0 : y0 ± t0.025 · se(e0).

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CI for prediction for a particular unit – VIII

See Example 6.6:

I y0 ± 1.96 · se(e0) ={

0.022 + 0.562}1/2


Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 4137

-------------+------------------------------ F( 4, 4132) = 398.02

Model | 499.030503 4 124.757626 Prob > F = 0.0000

Residual | 1295.16517 4132 .313447524 R-squared = 0.2781

-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2774

Total | 1794.19567 4136 .433799728 Root MSE = .55986


colgpa | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


sat0 | .0014925 .0000652 22.89 0.000 .0013646 .0016204

hsperc0 | -.0138558 .000561 -24.70 0.000 -.0149557 -.0127559

hsize0 | -.0608815 .0165012 -3.69 0.000 -.0932327 -.0285302

hsize20 | .0054603 .0022698 2.41 0.016 .0010102 .0099104

_cons | 2.700075 .0198778 135.83 0.000 2.661104 2.739047


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Residual analysis

OLS residuals are often calculated and analyzed after an estimation:

I Purely technical: residual may be used to test the validity ofthe several assumptions.

I Systematic behavior in the magnitude, or in their dispersion,would cast doubt on the OLS results.

I When plotted, do they appear systematic?I Does their dispersion appear to be constant, or is it larger for

some RHS var values than others?

I It can show whether particular units have predicted values thatare well above or well below the actual outcome.

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Predicting y when log(y) is the dependent variable

I y 6= exp[


I y = α0 exp[

ˆlog(yi)]; where α0 = exp(u)

1. Obtain the fitted values, ˆlog(yi), and residuals, ui, from theregression log(y) on x1, . . . , xk.

2. For each obs. i, create mi = exp[


3. Regress y on mi without a constant; the coefficient on mi isthe estimate of α0

4. For given values of x1, . . . , xk obtain ˆlog(yi)

5. Plug α0 and ˆlog(yi) into the eq. above

See Example 6.7

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