coupon i sale 6f suits 5oo - library of congress...a sale of mens summer suits that establishes a...

THE WASHINGTON TUrns WEDNESDAY JULY 13 1910 10 5 = 3c Invisible Wire Hair Hairpins box 25c Bathing Caps black and colors 19c Childs Patent Leather Belts all colors 25c Hair Rolls net covered 24inches ISc 15c Bottles of Sewing Machine Oil lSc Ic 7C lOc Sweetheart Soap 2 6c This Coupon and 9c tor two regu- lar 5c cakes of sweetheart Soap for toilet wad bath 25c Cold Cream lOc ThIs Coupon and lOc for 2So size Jar of famous Cream Massage Cream Orangewood Sticks 6 for 5c This Coupon and 5c for six Sticks hoop shaped sold regu- larly at 3c each lOc Talcum 5c This Coupon and 6c for regular lc size box of Royal Talcum Powder a highgrade delicately per fumed talcum for women and chfl dren lOc Sea Salt 6c This Coupon and Sc for regular Ute bags of genuine West India Sea Salt Shoulders 13c lb Cudahay Packing fa- mous Rex brand Picnic Shoulders at 13c a pound tomorrow if this coupon fa presented at our grocery deprtment Babbitts Soap 2 for 6c This Coupon and fc for TWO regu lar 5c size cakes of Babbitts Bat Laundry Soap 5c Blueing 2 for 6c This Coupon and Ie for TWO regu lar Sc bottles of Liquid Blueing lOc Cocoa 2 for 13c This Coupon and jtte for Cocoa lOc Macaroni 6c This Coupon and fie for regnlai Me package of best quality Macaroni IQc Tomatoes 2 for lie This Coupon and lie for TWO regu- lar laic cans of Tomatoes large red ripe sound quality 4th Floor Bargains 150 RUGS 330 genuine Creac Matting Rugs size 3Rx in red and green finished with fringed ends and tape bound sides sanitary and durable JL50 value at 1 PELLOWSfiO pairs of large size Bed Pillows oorcfed heavy- weight art ticking filled with sani tary turkey feathers p n made odorless by a new process SLOv value at 16c case of yardwide Burlap extra heavy weight close basket weave in general shades of green red blue tan and f brown suitable for wall and W floor coverings 35c value at Coupon Sales I for Violet tar lOe size cans weak REX inch 3 c u C BURLAPA 2 C 1 regular Orange- wood TW s fast ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = Crystal glass Jelly Glasses i with tin tops each at 72G Hardwood Extension Window Screens with steel centers 24 in Men open to W in tL- 2ff Sbeet Metal Ovens for oil or gas stoves Double lined 6 Steel Garden Spades strongly made ODl u C 149 C i ± > N sco OU Stores good size frame with two wicks OL- JlSS nickel plated steel frame Gaa with two burners Mascot Re frigerators with removable waste Pipe castors galvanized iron lining nm toe capacity S4OI h 89c CM u The ¬ 2 Long Kimonos Womens long Kimonos of in back and plaited front with plain borders AU sizes Worth 2 98c Ba- tiste fig- ured designs Trimmed Give your patronage to the store that deals on liberal lines This is the only store in the neihborhood that doses at 6 p m Saturdays during summer Close other days at 5 p m I I at I Seventh and K 0 prog- ressive the It Playa to Deal Go1denberg 0 The Dependefile store Thursday Bargain Sale Prices Urge Your Here Tomorrow Presence iBERSiSA A Sale of Mens Summer Suits that establishes a new low price record You have never known the equal of these val- ues and the man who wants a cool com fortable suit for vacation wear should lose no time in choosing from this lot of stylish light weight garments We bought a clothing manufacturers surplus stock consisting of about 500 mens light weight summer suits of wor sted materials in a variety of neat pat terns including dark mixtures stripes grays olive and fancy effects Cool and stylish twopiece suits half lined with alpaca and serge Trousers with cuffs or plain bottom Sizes 32 to 42 in the lot Choice of values worth 750 to 1250 at FIVE DOLLARS Sale of Mens Suits Choice of Values Worth 7e50 to 1250 at I I 0 5OO l- ffidrii f L 1 l 1 7 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Heres another of those wonderful white goods bargains such svs we have offered several times this sea- son An importers surplus stock of dainty white Persian fine sheer quality that mates the coolest and handsomest summer dresses and waists imaginable One glance will revel its superior texture and No other white fabric will give such safisfaciioe Be here tomorrow and secure enough of it to mate several summer frocks Note the unusual is full 47 inches wide That and the astonishingly low price wequote for tomorrows sale Persian Lawn 93 C Regular 19c Quality Offered at Lawna beauty widthit fa tore should bring a great crowd of bu yer5 47in White ¬ ISc PEHCALE 36inch White superior close woven grade with the same appearance as alllinen suiting washes perfectly mud always holds Its Mnea Jiofeh worth lie yard 12c DIMITY 15 pieces of White Check Dimity in all size checks one of the daintiest and coolest white fabrics for summer waists and dresses lUc vlaue Percale 9 3 C 4 II 3 8 4 C Tomorrow at We obtained a lot of two hundred of these Fashionable Natural Tan Linen Suits from a New York maker at a big sacrifice Muse he sought a quick outlet for his surplus stock on hand They are made of excellent quality Hofeod tan linen smartly tailored models m the correct length coat with tail- ored lapels and sleeves Skirts are made into full plaits with the new hip lines and have wide flare finished with nice deep hem around the bottom All sizes Cutprice Housefurnlshines Linen Suits 398 I lomens850 29c ENGLISH REP White English Rep a superior woven grade that washes perfectly and wears better than f H 1 T any other white material you can buy for the same price a general favorite for separate skirts and suits 20c value lOc INDIA LINON 26 pieces of 30inch White India Linon excellent sheer Quality for making cool waists and dresses worth lOc a yard eke 7 3 C 4 inch > + For Choice of Values Worth Up to 125 Choice of Cambric Nainsook and Muslin Gowns Skirts Comoiaa tion Garments Drawers Corset Covers and Skirt Chemise Trimmed in a number of styles with fine quality laces embroideries- and ribbons Some are a little mussed Values worth UD to Sample Undermuslins 69c at Long SL2ii 69c 31 US WEAR Choice Womans Cambric and Xainsook Covers full blouse front trimmed with lace and also Cambric and Muslin Drawers and Short Skirts f g with ruffle and embroidery trimming at DRAWERS Womens Extra Size Muslin Drawers with wide umbrella ruffle trimmed L I X of C Oc 39 with torchon lace tucks and hems Worth SOc C Corset embroid- ery ¬ Toe GOV35 Womens Bxtrasize Night Gowns of good quality mus- lin with yoke of cluster tucks Vshape mashed wtth earn 5 F brit hemstitched ruffle sizes M IS and 39 Worth 75c 1 rnrxcBSS SLIPS Nain sook and Ix ns loth Princess Slips with ruffles and tucks on bottom too trimmed with lace f f C c 8 and ribbons All sizes Worth C me- dallions 5150 ¬ ¬ > + Strictly All Pure Linen fashionable Rough Effect Every woman who follows the street requirements of the season knows just how fashionable these Natural Dress Linens are In fact every woman must have at least one tan linen suit to be in style Every thread all pure linen flax superior heavy the fashionable demirough finish which is the correct weave for making coat suits onepiece dresses and separate skirts full 36 inches wide 15c CLOTH Colored Cannon Cloth with the new heavy Ramie linen finish Choice of light blue Alice Copenhagen navy lavender old rose reseda russet also I black and white Worth tic a yard v 35c TAN LINEN At 19c grade with O ZtSOX 0 1 Y 2C- s 1 l 100 Longcloth Teeyard of Kaclisb cloth cL finish for making summer garments 96 wide Worth Lt a piece 79c soft Values worth 10 1250 and 14 Offered Tomorrow at Values that will cause wonder and delight among Washington women who know what to expect when this store sets oat to do its best i he matter of bargains in womens apparel The lot of womens handsome summer Wash Dresses we offer tomorrow at 398 represents a manufacturers balance of stock which we bought at a fractioe of regular cost The advantages of our fortunate buying are all yours They are pretty Tub Dresses trimmed with braiding others in smart tailored styles wed effects Also lace yoke styles and many with the fashionable overskirts Choice of lavender light blue tan lilac bluet gray rose and pink Handsome Summer Dresses 3 98 s pro- viding emb- roidered ¬ Juvenile Wear GIRLS 5 DRESSES Fine white Nainsook Persian Lawn Swiss Dresses made with ruffles and tucks both skirt and waist handsomely trimmed with embroidery lace tucks and ribbons High or Dutch neck Sixes C to 1 years Worth 300 StJ TUB DRESSES Girls Washable Dresses of linene per cale gingham and chain bray in plain colors and neat stripes Made in Dutch jumper and highneck styles or short sleeves Neatly trimmed Sizes to 14 years Worth 1S It O 3f ER S Little childrens gingham chambray Rompers in dark and tan also neat stripes Buttoned IXPAHTS S c long and short white Slips of nain sook and cambric with cambric hemstitched ruffles and f j embroidery yoke Worth 39c T5c MIDDY Girls Middy Blouses of cannon cloth with deep sailor collar tie and cuffs of navy blue sateen a S Sizes to 14 years Worth The 20yd Rolls of Mattings 345 50 sample rolls of flue quality Mfr warp Japanese In large and small carpet designs colorings of red green and blue close woven smooth finish long straw grade with machine finish edge sold at a yard Rolls of 9 yards at 9335 Dotted 1 98 i 98 c P 25 C SLIPSInfants u C 11 LOU SE u C special 3k f qual- ity o C band down the back Sixes up to years ¬ ¬ ¬ 25c and 29c Twoclasp Lisle Gloves 10c Japonet Handkerchiefs silk initials fresh Water Pearl Buttons three cards for 5c 12 c Mens 5c 7Sc and 1 Washable lace Veils 1i yards 49c 39c Lawn Dressing Sacques in pretty effects 25c a Usual 50c and 69c Kinds at- A special underprice purchase of 100 dozen pUn oC Boys Khaki Wash Pants at 39c a pair In bloomer and KnJctertocfeer shapes choice of tan olive and government shades SIzes 5 to years All with belt straps patent brttOM taped seams and cut extra full Regular 50c and 69c values at 39c a pair Worth 25c and 39c a Bolt at Another lot of those twelveyard bolts of Frcad Yaieadeaaes Laces- on sale tomorrow at the same low price which created seth a stir last week Ide a bolt instead of 25c and 39e Just the styles wanted for trimming swaawr Tessa wad under- wear Large assortment of patterns m matched sets 3Oc KLOtnvciXGS Swims Embroidery 18 Inches wide in a variety of pleasing for cvmnier me Worth Sc a yard I 1m- I Boys Khaki Pants 39c Pair It 16 I 11 19c complete J1oaae1 25 II c i Bolts VAL LACES T2Yd 25c and USe Ba 4s Point Venice Lace Bands in white butter and Arabe color Good of desirable patterns a g for waists Worth 25c and c yard 1 c assort- ment 10c Dress Gingham- sat 6f c yd Two cases of Dress Ginghams in stripes checks broken plaids and plain colors of light blue brown green oxblood and pink War ranted fast colors Makes the most serviceable summer garments for women and children age Xa nM 20 pieces of 86 Inch woven Madras white grounds with figures dots and stripes A close woven quality for making womens wash MS waists f mens neglige shirts Worth yd JLU2C- 3e O a rf A case of yard wide soft finish Cambric free from dressing Close woven grade pecially desirable for mak trig womens summer an Worth lOc yd i 4 V- S h efo dozen SlxSw Bleached Sheets full double had size Heavy round thread quality with a welded seam in the center which makes it f f tae C tt 25 pieces of 5quar Bleached Cotton suitable for making bad sheets or pil- low cases A heavy close woven quality that sells regularly at lie a yard Household Linens 25e SeariH 50 dozen Fringed blue centers Size 16x50 inches Excellent for summer i f 1 use save your fine linen t scarfs Worth 25c each JL Sm- t4S DttBMueli Sdinch Satin Mercerized Table Damask with handsome mercerized finish that is guaranteed perfect of six patterns Worth 45c yard t TOWKLS 100 dozen Hemmed Huck Towels with fast color red border Soft and absorbent r 7 quality Size 14x28 inches Worth 7c each 4e IRISH ITXKX 10 pieces of SCinch white Irish the de- sirable round thread medium weight grade for making coot summer dresses waists and sep arate skirts Warranted C p all pure linen Worth 40c a yard Linen dept Gloves and Fans Oc GLOVES Womens 16button length silk finish IJsle Gloves f white and black perfect kid fitting worth 69c pair We FANS Imported Japanese Fold ing Fans in rich gold and silver tinsel effects all color combi- nations sold regularly at lOc each eV 39c Dutch Collars- At 25c Each Special lot of Womens Imported Point Venice Lace Collars In round and square shapes large vari- ety of attractive patterns 1 Iso 3 5 t c ter 3 4 C Damask Bureau Scarfs In C e 8C C i I in C Dutrh e strong as iron Worth S5c each s red and Table ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ SI Fine quality Swiss Embroidery full 27 in In a large variety of new designs finest hand P A loom goods sold regularly- at 1 a yard c anein A >

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Page 1: Coupon I Sale 6f Suits 5OO - Library of Congress...A Sale of Mens Summer Suits that establishes a new low price record You have never known the equal of these val-ues and the man who



3c Invisible Wire Hair Hairpins box

25c Bathing Caps black and colors

19c Childs Patent Leather Belts all colors

25c Hair Rolls net covered 24inches

ISc15c Bottles of Sewing Machine Oil





Sweetheart Soap2 6c

This Coupon and 9c tor two regu-lar 5c cakes of sweetheart Soap fortoilet wad bath

25c Cold Cream lOcThIs Coupon and lOc for 2So

size Jar of famousCream Massage Cream

Orangewood Sticks6 for 5c

This Coupon and 5c for sixSticks hoop shaped sold regu-

larly at 3c each

lOc Talcum 5cThis Coupon and 6c for regular lcsize box of Royal Talcum

Powder a highgrade delicately perfumed talcum for women and chfldren

lOc Sea Salt 6cThis Coupon and Sc for regular Utebags of genuine West India Sea Salt

Shoulders 13c lbCudahay Packing fa-

mous Rex brand Picnic Shouldersat 13c a pound tomorrow if thiscoupon fa presented at our grocerydeprtment

Babbitts Soap 2 for 6cThis Coupon and fc for TWO regu

lar 5c size cakes of Babbitts BatLaundry Soap

5c Blueing 2 for 6cThis Coupon and Ie for TWO regu

lar Sc bottles ofLiquid Blueing

lOc Cocoa 2 for 13cThis Coupon and jtte for


lOc Macaroni 6cThis Coupon and fie for regnlai Me

package of best quality Macaroni

IQc Tomatoes 2 for lieThis Coupon and lie for TWO regu-

lar laic cans of Tomatoes large redripe sound quality

4th Floor Bargains150 RUGS 330 genuine

Creac Matting Rugs size 3Rxin red and green finished withfringed ends and tape boundsides sanitary and durableJL50 value at

1 PELLOWSfiO pairs of large sizeBed Pillows oorcfed heavy-weight art ticking filled with sanitary turkey feathers p nmade odorless by a newprocess SLOv value at

16c case of yardwideBurlap extra heavy weight closebasket weave in general shades ofgreen red blue tan and fbrown suitable for wall and Wfloor coverings 35c value at

Coupon Sales I



tar lOe size cans weak

REXinch 3



2 C














Crystal glass Jelly Glasses iwith tin tops each at 72G

Hardwood Extension WindowScreens with steel centers24 in Men open to W in tL-

2ff Sbeet Metal Ovens for oilor gas stoves Doublelined

6 Steel Garden Spadesstrongly made ODl








N sco OU Storesgood size frame with twowicks OL-JlSS nickel plated steelframe Gaa with twoburners

Mascot Refrigerators with removable wastePipe castors galvanizediron lining nm toecapacity S4OI

h 89cCM




2 LongKimonos

Womens longKimonos of


back and plaitedfrontwith plain bordersAU sizes Worth 2


Ba-tiste fig-ured designs


Give your patronage to the store that deals on liberallines This is the only store in the neihborhood that doses

at 6 p m Saturdays during summerClose other days at 5 p m



Seventh and K 0



It Playa to Deal Go1denberg


The Dependefile store

Thursday Bargain Sale Prices Urge Your Here TomorrowPresence


A Sale of Mens Summer Suits thatestablishes a new low price record Youhave never known the equal of these val-

ues and the man who wants a cool comfortable suit for vacation wear shouldlose no time in choosing from this lot ofstylish light weight garments

We bought a clothing manufacturerssurplus stock consisting of about 500mens light weight summer suits of worsted materials in a variety of neat patterns including dark mixtures stripesgrays olive and fancy effects

Cool and stylish twopiece suits halflined with alpaca and serge Trouserswith cuffs or plain bottom

Sizes 32 to 42 in the lotChoice of values worth 750 to


Sale of

Mens SuitsChoice of Values Worth 7e50

to 1250 at













Heres another of those wonderful white goods bargains such svs we have offered several times this sea-son An importers surplus stock of dainty white Persian fine sheer quality that mates the coolest andhandsomest summer dresses and waists imaginable

One glance will revel its superior texture and No other white fabric will give such safisfaciioe Be here tomorrowand secure enough of it to mate several summer frocks

Note the unusual is full 47 inches wide That and the astonishingly low price wequote for tomorrows sale

Persian Lawn 93CRegular 19c Quality Offered atLawna


widthit fa toreshould bring a great crowd of bu yer5

47in White¬

ISc PEHCALE 36inch White superior closewoven grade with the same appearance as alllinen suitingwashes perfectly mud always holds Its Mnea Jiofeh worth lieyard

12c DIMITY 15 pieces of White Check Dimity in allsize checks one of the daintiest and coolest white fabrics forsummer waists and dresses lUc vlaue


9 3 C4

II 384C

Tomorrow atWe obtained a lot of two hundred of these Fashionable

Natural Tan Linen Suits from a New York maker at a bigsacrifice Muse he sought a quick outlet for his surplusstock on hand

They are made of excellent quality Hofeod tan linensmartly tailored models m the correct length coat with tail-ored lapels and sleeves

Skirts are made into full plaits with the new hip linesand have wide flare finished with nice deep hem around thebottom All sizes

Cutprice Housefurnlshines

Linen Suits




29c ENGLISH REP White English Rep a superiorwoven grade that washes perfectly and wears better than f H 1 Tany other white material you can buy for the same pricea general favorite for separate skirts and suits 20c value

lOc INDIA LINON 26 pieces of 30inch White IndiaLinon excellent sheer Quality for making cool waists anddresses worth lOc a yard


7 3 C4




For Choice of ValuesWorth Up to 125

Choice of Cambric Nainsook and Muslin Gowns Skirts Comoiaation Garments Drawers Corset Covers and Skirt Chemise

Trimmed in a number of styles with fine quality laces embroideries-and ribbons Some are a little mussed

Values worth UD to

Sample Undermuslins69c



SL2ii 69c31 U S WEAR Choice

Womans Cambric and XainsookCovers full blouse fronttrimmed with lace and

also Cambric and MuslinDrawers and Short Skirts f gwith ruffle and embroiderytrimming at

DRAWERS Womens ExtraSize Muslin Drawers with wideumbrella ruffle trimmed

L I X of


39with torchon lace tucksand hems Worth SOc C

Corsetembroid-ery ¬

Toe GOV35 Womens BxtrasizeNight Gowns of good quality mus-lin with yoke of cluster tucksVshape mashed wtth earn 5 Fbrit hemstitched rufflesizes M IS and 39 Worth 75c

1 rnrxcBSS SLIPS Nainsook and Ix ns loth Princess Slipswith ruffles and tucks on bottomtoo trimmed with lace f f



and ribbons Allsizes Worth C






Strictly All Pure Linen fashionableRough Effect

Every woman who follows the street requirements of the seasonknows just how fashionable these Natural Dress Linens are In factevery woman must have at least one tan linen suit to be in styleEvery thread all pure linen flax superior heavy thefashionable demirough finish which is the correct weave for makingcoat suits onepiece dresses and separate skirts full 36 inches wide

15c CLOTH Colored Cannon Cloth with the new heavyRamie linen finish Choice of light blue Alice Copenhagennavy lavender old rose reseda russet also Iblack and white Worth tic a yard v

35c TAN LINENAt 19c

grade with


0 1Y






of Kaclisbcloth cLfinish for makingsummer garments96 wideWorth Lt a piece



Values worth 10 1250and 14 Offered Tomorrow at

Values that will cause wonder and delight among Washington women whoknow what to expect when this store sets oat to do its best i he matter of

bargains in womens apparelThe lot of womens handsome summer Wash Dresses we offer tomorrow at

398 represents a manufacturers balance of stock which we bought at a fractioe ofregular cost The advantages of our fortunate buying are all yours

They are pretty Tub Dresses trimmed with braiding others in smart tailored styles wedeffects Also lace yoke styles and many with the fashionable overskirts

Choice of lavender light blue tan lilac bluet gray rose and pink

Handsome Summer Dresses3 98s




Juvenile WearGIRLS 5 DRESSES Fine

white Nainsook Persian LawnSwiss Dresses made

with ruffles and tucks both skirtand waist handsomely trimmedwith embroidery lace tucks andribbons High or Dutchneck Sixes C to 1years Worth 300

StJ TUB DRESSES GirlsWashable Dresses of linene percale gingham and chain bray inplain colors and neat stripes Madein Dutch jumper and highneckstyles or shortsleeves Neatly trimmedSizes to 14 years Worth1SIt O 3f E R S Little childrensgingham chambray Rompers

in dark and tan alsoneat stripes Buttoned

IXPAHTS S clong and short white Slips of nainsook and cambric with cambrichemstitched ruffles and f jembroidery yoke Worth39c

T5c MIDDY GirlsMiddy Blouses of cannon clothwith deep sailor collar tie andcuffs of navy blue sateen a SSizes to 14 years WorthThe

20yd Rolls ofMattings 34550 sample rolls of flue quality Mfr

warp Japanese In largeand small carpet designs coloringsof red green and blue close wovensmooth finish long straw grade with

machine finish edge sold ata yard Rolls of 9 yards at 9335


1 98i


25 CSLIPSInfants

u C11 LOU S E

u C







down the back Sixes up toyears




25c and 29c Twoclasp Lisle Gloves

10c Japonet Handkerchiefs silk initials

fresh Water Pearl Buttons three cards for 5c12 c

Mens 5c7Sc and 1 Washable lace Veils 1i yards 49c39c Lawn Dressing Sacques in pretty effects 25c


Usual 50c and69c Kinds at-

A special underprice purchase of 100 dozen pUn oC BoysKhaki Wash Pants at 39c a pair In bloomer and KnJctertocfeershapes choice of tan olive and government shades

SIzes 5 to years All with belt straps patent brttOM tapedseams and cut extra full

Regular 50c and 69c values at 39c a pair

Worth 25c and 39c a Bolt atAnother lot of those twelveyard bolts of Frcad Yaieadeaaes Laces-

on sale tomorrow at the same low price which created seth a stir lastweek Ide a bolt instead of 25c and 39e

Just the styles wanted for trimming swaawr Tessa wad under-wear Large assortment of patterns m matched sets

3Oc KLOtnvciXGS Swims Embroidery 18 Incheswide in a variety of pleasing for cvmnier me WorthSc a yard

I 1m-

I Boys Khaki Pants39c Pair






25 IIc



25c and USe Ba 4s Point VeniceLace Bands in white butter andArabe color Good

of desirable patterns a gfor waists Worth 25c and

c yard 1 cassort-


10c Dress Gingham-sat 6fc yd

Two cases of Dress Ginghams instripes checks broken plaids andplain colors of light blue browngreen oxblood and pink Warranted fast colors Makes the mostserviceable summer garments forwomen and children

age Xa nM 20 pieces of 86Inch woven Madras white groundswith figures dots andstripes A close wovenquality for making womens washMS waists fmens neglige

shirts Worth yd JLU2C-3e O a rf A case of yard

wide soft finish Cambric free fromdressing Close woven gradepecially desirable for maktrig womens summer anWorth lOc yd i 4 V-

S h efo dozen SlxSwBleached Sheets full double hadsize Heavy round thread qualitywith a welded seam in thecenter which makes it f f

tae C tt 25 pieces of 5quarBleached Cotton suitable formaking bad sheets or pil-

low cases A heavy closewoven quality that sellsregularly at lie a yard

Household Linens25e SeariH 50 dozen Fringed

blue centers Size 16x50 inchesExcellent for summer i f 1use save your fine linen tscarfs Worth 25c each JL Sm-t4S DttBMueli Sdinch SatinMercerized Table Damask withhandsome mercerized finish thatis guaranteed perfectof six patterns

Worth 45c yard tTOWKLS 100 dozen HemmedHuck Towels with fast color redborder Soft and absorbent r 7quality Size 14x28 inches

Worth 7c each4 e IRISH ITXKX 10 pieces ofSCinch white Irish the de-

sirable round thread mediumweight grade for making cootsummer dresses waists and separate skirts Warranted C pall pure linen Worth 40ca yard

Linen dept

Gloves and FansOc GLOVES Womens 16buttonlength silk finish IJsle Gloves fwhite and black perfect

kid fitting worth 69c pairWe FANS Imported Japanese Folding Fans in rich gold and silvertinsel effects all color combi-

nations sold regularly at lOceach eV

39c Dutch Collars-At 25c Each

Special lot of Womens ImportedPoint Venice Lace Collars Inround and square shapes large vari-ety of attractive patterns



5 t


34 C

Damask Bureau Scarfs In






in C



strong as iron Worth S5ceach s

red and










SI Fine quality SwissEmbroidery full 27 inIn a large variety of newdesigns finest hand P Aloom goods sold regularly-at 1 a yard c


