· cotton prices go up on heavy buying i liverpool's strength and...

COTTON PRICES GO UP ON HEAVY BUYING i Liverpool's Strength and Southern Spot Advices 'Help t lie Advance. OM) ItrLLS HACK AGAIN Market's Close Is Strong After Largest HuslnesB Day In , the Week. I,!vfrpo',l'1' strength nnil the wide- - y rprrlU liclICI in liic irauo mm cuuun , (ntltldl to n ndvanro after three ttrklirht days if depression brought ly heavy buying Into the New Tork cotton mnrket yeterdr. Conse-penll- y th tone was steady all day, prices showlnir nn upward tendency. The close wan stron, with net taint of M to 11 points recorded. The advance In Liverpool was att- ributed t" natural rally nfier a week ct drprMlont due to disturbed political conditions and unfnvnrnblo war news from the Tlunmntan front. The quotat- ion! from nhrond brought cheer to the bollUh element In New York and there vis heavy buying here at the opening. Amines wan more active than on Mon-4- r or'Tuefday. Advances of 1 to S2 Mint ere recorded, followed by farther upturns of 5 to 9 points at the ind of the flril ten minutes. Room trnders and Wall Hireet buyers were In the thick of the trade. Southern Interests and spot firms supplied the ijit Commission houses operated on Ut'h sides of the market. Liverpool was I purchsser of March, but sold the later est ions. The Inevitable sag occurred after the doie of the Liverpool Kxchange. when I Urge share of the bullish support was lUidrswn. There appeared to be too snch cotton to be readily absorbed at Be higher quotations. The price eased eft seme 10 to 12 points from the best , the morning, and the disposition to ,rn no. in view of tbo approaching lowrnment census reports, was much In Later there appeared fresh support ind most of the active months closed at th best of tho day. This buying was nported to be In sympathy with the grength of the stock market and to the suing of call loans to r.i per cent, (anthem spot news was bullish, too, and this led to the return of a number of , wh. had nnM nut earlier. Mem- - irsur,s " - - Jr of the Little Hock Cotton Exchange ere reported ns estimating i no .vrKannin crop at 1,013.(100 bales und the total nop at 11,215,000 bales, exclusive of Inters. Kxports for the day were 5,08 bales, miking :.5t;."30 bo far this season. Rnre ol prices: Ture- - Open. High. l.ow. Close, day. M" M1 l' IIW-M- !. Knu.rr.... M.U . M00 ! ' M. t K Mr.h",.. .l . .S M.IJJM w Annl... y sm . w.weo j"...V.V.. .... .. M5 Mr MM SOU MW m.raM r TwiVt ..... .. 11.,. is 0rtnt?r. 1. HM 1S.M 5M 7 Lofl trot market unlet ami 25 points ihrr l :.l5c. for mliklltnr upland: sales Southern inot markets and sales: Kilrernn firm, unchanged. Me.: I.MS Xes- Orleans steady, unchanged. UTS. i Mobile stei'lr. nnchsngeil. ls:c: Sj. t nominal, iinchanerd, S0I X). Oitrtesinii .lcalr. Vie. higher. IM,c. Wilmlnlim -- tejiiy, r. higher. H'ic. urMk .teailr. p. higher. lJj"e.: 1.051. Tullimorr nominal, inichsngol. Il.lic. Jiuu.ta stceilr. unchanged. lS.Mc.inM. Veranhls .teaity, tinchsnsetl. W.l 400. Llltlc Hock teily, SO p. loner, 50c. TOUT KECKUTS. W1nes- - Present itar Week. Tesr. Stock, .tltftlnn 15.M1 H.TI1 4I5.U1 ( ill 1MI7 VoVJe l.SIT il M.JSt Jirinnsh t.W .TV. .JI ttJ.tlX ChiTlfiton .... 772 1.U2 l.W "J tWIlminjton .... 1J7 7 Norloik J.tlT C.S8I 4. s:.fl Wtimore .sm Sew York 1M M 1 .! tenon 4.117 ." t 7.1 ftiisiiipbts .. mi :J .... l.i'J Ttrtoiu (Ml (.07: .... M.7CI Touii i.i:j i7.:i i,sm.u INTEKIOR nuCEIITS. t omits !.: i.mi 113.100 eachl 7.701 U,S 27I.MI Si. Louis 3.::.s 3 M.3 1 ?M 11 l - It- - 2M.M2 uTcrroni rautri; opoi in muarniB oriunii silei. 7.000 titles; speculation snd export. Wf. Imrrlcan, t.'0; xports. l.oun. none American: wtuuiing upi&tvi. it. via. nominBi. ruiurra estred quifl, 1 point lower to 1 poli.t higher: ened '1r. st net irtrtn of 2S1M4 points. Vuniiry.Februtry. 12.M: Msrch-Aprll- . 11U: 12 21: 12 74: October- - gneraber, tl 2. Msncbester: Ysrns quid M Bra; cloths quiet. Wstt Orleans Cotton Market. KKW ORLEANS, Dee. . A buying wave "lorel In the cotton market ilch tnwira ths end put the pries 2S to II point! up. A much higher Liverpool rktt thin expected snd more favorable RMMVft- - e.M. .k... . I ( -- id upmru irenu. ins msraei w "moisted by Improved spot account. The kit was rrsctlcslly st ths highest: Cloning jfuturss. High. Low. Hid. Ptccmktr is.ii 13.47 19.S3 ""ry 1 o.fiS m.Rl 1.4 ""eh IK, M 13. : 15.54 T 20.21 :0.0 20.1 J,u'r. 20.32 20.20 20.32 0t"fc" II.30 .11. 1 11.20 COFFEE MARKET, The ei)II-- market continued quiet yceter-nu- t lioxwl a generally teadr tone. Wfrlnji mere light, The market closed at n't aihaixv o( 3 to S points. Sales 20.. v" 'n. Sale of Santo 4s ere said to Jie been made In Ihe cnit freight msrkrt Jn Tuesday at .73. London credits, but Ihe me hlpnr, it Is esld. skel 9.M yenter-?1L- . R' fltiolcd nl S.7.". American crwlln. 'pot qiintstinna iliiclianired at Uc for H" m Vjc tor Santos 4i. "ne of nm-- ; Tucs-- - , Open High. Low. Clote. dr. ' a. (414 f i1"""" ... ilj-- n I.1J 'wury H. 22 SO I : 1 39 2 Airil I.II-4- (.37 .. t f .V) 1.43 H. .4S June. IC7-- I.U Jolr t ( get t'ii Mt.M im l.7 KM texfeiilier .4 I. 75.7 1.7 "oh.. I 7 S1 S.7t iNeirilr 1 ISO ciiifpa nl- - i . , ill,' ."'hsnge ltd . unrhsnged: receipts. Suti?". "In,,k' WW- Santos unchinged ; ,'r?1 for .No. 4; rerelnli. M.000: stock, ik. rniurei unchsnted. Receipts at , "flM against 7S,f00 last jesr snd 0 to yeara ago; Sso Psulo. H.0O9 'm f,nm Jundiahy. sgsinst tleue,! from Ssntos Tuesday, ths L"u lih nw for New York, snd from V'lona, th Dskntan snd the Kronberg with lor New Orleans. ORAIN "MARKET. kiH:IRT The market wss strnnr and i. nosing with net rains of 2 to ly. from Tuesilay'e ftnal. The advanc ,,'! Js largely to further esport buying "ni-e- s insi so rsr in wssa neu reunlrl-- . I .. v i..... , A to .0i).ooo bushels In the Unllsd It.' t;i"sd. Halts wsrs estimated Ors.l A "0.000 bushels.prlnclpslly ts ths l ""'"nnieni. rne raci mil ins rs. W.Aar.p decline hsd attrseted this scllvs i5r. I? Irnm Kurops Isd to the conclusion s4 .t msrket hsd dscllned far apouah m.1,1 WM ' shlftlag pf sentl .l high point prices were up ihi ,n ir frm Tussdas lew. and "V;'" ' lop loss ordirs were uncoy. I''1 II was evident Ibst sailers hsd be. I..)', oveneslous and that the tschnlsal lioori I '",n matstlally strsngthsned. :"Vi."'l'3nl ""I 'a 'vo' " thl. ". Hhlls advices from Kvreas were ,.:aI 'hsnge In ths plan of urrKM.aa I Xmerlca. Advices from Argentina wsrs gain bullish, ana It ts seM that a mini- mum price of ll.llt, H bushel hss been fixed on whest. Ths Prttt Current report for the wfAk was generally favorable, but complaints were heard of isek of molsturs in Kansas. In the locsl cash market No. 1 WH ouol'd at No. 2 hsrd. L. W, 1 Northern, Uuluth, 12. 0: Jortheta, Manitoba, 2.4t, all f. o. "0f- -. Ths msrket developed decided strength and prices st ths close were 2i n "ler. The strength In whest brought about active covsrlag, and a good casn demand csuisd firmness In December. Foreign markets were firm and exporters took about !,( bushels. Ths movement continues modersts and arrivals are being r.i',,iJl.rto' ..Th- - '' of car is ..'.. ,rPonlbls the modersts rs-,- n " local csah market No. t yel- - 'S'lf 11 "'"tt dsys ship msnt- - c. I, f. New Tera. The market sharsd ths strength ?L ern nd hs eloss wss IJ.," He. net higher, neeelpts wers 'n. moderate. Local csah market VsSl.,,Vl'll,l3uOU0f3 lHeIc.! No. iis7l"u,-,?,,H- e'! So- white. Wo 4 whits. HftllKci fancy '"JiS" M4c: clipped Ilotsc, all elevator. f,'K rket firm; No. : Western, 11.57 c f. New vork. IMKI.KV Market ateady; feeding, 11.01 r. o, b. Ns- - York. s.?F;ltW.,"TM"f,"t ulet Japanese. J.OSi good milling, IJ. 11.11 No, . lie; shipping. J.Ic. "JSaaa. 111 ti. Low. Close, day. I'nrnnir!,,!, 1SS lr ML IS 1SB isaU Joly eiar , a isit an s fi COrt- N- Msg Hecrmber u a 8 S5 j?,h Jiy.... OATg nemnber..... it kH it m July May : sit as & $ LAltU Jsnusry, ."4S 1,50 Msy.t 1I.2S 11.40 US) fi03 Iting Jssnsry 14.M 147 14.M 14.11 May.. 14.4 14.47 14.30 11.4) 14.33 lOHK-Jann- ary , (7.7S 27.10 S7.M 27. 17.13 May. 22 24 70 ssu 24,1$ INTERIOR BECKlPTrt. wheat. tVrn. Oats. Wednesday. 1.437,000 t.HI.OOO M.OOO Last week,! . l.SM.OOO 1.374.0M van MM Last year.. . :,ui,ooa sss.oM 1.I11.0O) Klour. Whest Cora. Wednesday. M.OtM !ast vvfvk.i ss nno I.IW.onO t,0M lst yesr.. M.000 42O,0u) 4,00 i UVE STOCK MARKET. BltrVKK Receipts, 2,100 head; 1 rsrs on sals. meers slow but steady: bulla "sdy, with light bulls dull; thin cos and choice fat stock firm to a shads higher; other grades unchanged. Yards Si'JH M'l1"- - t'oor o good steers sold at IS.SiejS.Si per in lbs., with no prime or choice off ere. I: bulls at lt.totft.7t; 1 fed bull at I7.5: cows st 11.(0 u (.73 : n few tallsndt st lower figures. Dressed beat low P'r lb. for city dressed nstlve sides. . r- "snders. SS Virginia steers. lbs. average. per 100 lbs.: IS t'ntucky. i,i7. it :s: io. i.oii. 1 fu.'J. ks cows. ls.75) -- ,0! 1.0IS. (; 7, I4.7J; 13. I7(. Mrl'hersnn Co.. 17 Virginia I'V.". V.K'KJl "" : 0,n- - .J5. L: 1 hull. 1,420. 17. SO; I, 1.313, II.H; I. 1,141. JV.J1, .,0", , SOi 10' " 'O: 11 cows, I. 101. II: l. I 101. 11.10; . I.07J, IS.7S mt'-!,it- - . ' ! Hi- - !!',n: ,:- - ' f 4: 'n- - "(: . ; 71.. 13.71; , S4I. 11.70; t. MS. 13.10. J, Phambera Son. 20 Kentucky , steers. Lit. 11.10; 20. 1.12$, 4I.J0. Kerns Com. mission Co.. I hull, 1. 010, l.l; 4 heifers. !'6j.!50: 7 cnv"- - !. fs: it. is7. i3.o; 2. 710, 13.11. Tobln A Shannon, t heifers, tl. II; : rows. io. is. 177. n.t: . IK, til 5. 7tl. H. Judd & Co.. I cows, various weights. IIV4.3S. J, a. Curtis Hon. 2 Vermont steers, 123 lbs., 17.13; . 1.SI0. tC.SS; 10 bulls. 121, IS.3S; 4, 7S. II. SO; 1 cow, 1.010. 7; . 2S, (; 2. 931. IS.S0; 3. IK, 15.23: 4. I7C. IS; 14. 1S7. I4.7S: 4, I3S. II. SO; 4. I0. 4; 21. 103, II. 75. Andrew Mullen, 2 bulls. H0, 11.60; 4. (II. 14.71; 1 cow, I. twO. 4. eo: t. 1,010. IJ:"3:3.J72.::ii!V0i ,:' ,M0! c- - CALVES llecelpts. l.lll hssd; 1,141 on sale. The market was stesdy, with fair. sTemsnd, and the pens were cleared. Com- mon to choice veals sold at 110414.50 per 100 lbs.; culls. Kfl: grssssrs. II j 5.50; fed snd mlied csltes, S.7S(i7.V: year-llng- e. IIU 4. 75; city dressed csls firm at 17Ulc, with a few etceedlng quotations; country dresaed, llttiyc. files J. tl. Curtis & Sons. 152 veils, 111 His. wverage. lit. So per 100 lbs.: 35, 142, 114. 25; 23, ill, 114; 13, I4, 113.73; 2, 151. 113.50; I. 140, 113; 2. 221. 112,23: 13. 127. 112: 2. II. 111.30, 2, IS. 110.50. S, 1H, lio; 4 culls. 113, li: 4. 132. I. so; 3. lie. Mi 24 fed cslves. 310. !7.t0. 5. 234, 10; 13 crussers. SIS, IS.SO. George t.. K. Dlllen-bac- II veals. 142, 114.10: 10, 140. 114.23; 4. 120. 14: S. 101. 113.75: 3. 100. 113.50; 4. 100, 111: 10. 100. 112.30; 2. 100. 12; 3. 110. III. SO; 3. 101. Ill: culls. 143, l: 4 fed csltes. 121, 15.75. W. It. Hume. 11 151. 111. SO; 2. II. 110. Andrew Mullen. I vsals. 140, 114; 11. Ill, 111; 2 culls. 12S. ti. If. If. Mollis. 22 veals, various weights, lltfitl.SO. H. Handera. 12 veals. 14S, 114. SO: 23. 12(. 114.25: II. 133. 114: 2. 110, 113; 21, IS. 110.50: 7, 137. 110; 2 culls, 12S. II; I fed calves. 301, 17: 4 graisers. 24S. IS. Kerns commission i:nmpsy, 51 teals. 141, 114.50: si. 133. 114: 37. IIS, I13.3Q; 37 runs, ill, si; 17 grasaera. IS. K. Jndd & Co.. 20 veals. 122, III. 26: 113. 12s, 113.8;',: t culls, lot. it: . in. II. SO: fed calves. 17S. 17; t. 24. IS.SO; 3. 110. It. Md'herson Co.. 12 vcnls. I3S. 114.50: 3, ISO. Ill; . 12e, 110.30. Tobln It Shannon, 11 vsals, 111. 114.50; 3. 141. 110: 15 yearlings, 459, I4.t. Newton Co. 34 Ohio calves. 345. II: cull vests. It, II; 1 fed cslves. 201, 16.25. KHKKI AND UMBU Receipts. 4.4SO hesd; I0ti cars on aale. Hheep were steady: beat lamba hold to steady prices; the under grades wers slow, with nn easier, feeling: 1 csr unsold. Common tn prime sheep (owral sold st 1591 per 100 lbs.; culls at I3.50O 4.75: nrdlnsry to prims lambs at tll.SOtf 13.25; culls at IKfJIO. Dressed mutton stesdy st 111 14r. Dressed lambs firmer st 170 lc. A few hog dressed exceeded quotations. Country dressed hothouss Ismbs unchsngsd at llOtf 11 per carcass. Hates Kerns Commission Company: ! Stats lambs, I lbs. average. I13.2S per 100 lbs.; II, It. til: 11. 17, 112.10: 27 culls, 41, 110; 3 sheep. 130. II; 4. DS, 17. 22. !. I: 2 culls, 9$. 13. Newton A Co.: 1(3 Ohio lambs, CI, 13; 3 Pennsylvania. f,S. 1 2.7.".: I culls. 45, 21. 31, II; I yaarllnge. o. ItO: 37 sheep. 13, 17.25; 4, 102, II; IS culls, IS, 14.73. Tobln Shannon: 13 Pennsyl- vania lambs, (1. 111.15; 2 sheep, 100, IS. Mrrherson ft Co.: 10 Rtale lambs, 9, III. 25; 3 yearlings. 103, !; 10 aheep, 1(0. 17.50: 4 culls, 17, II. H. Judd A Co.; 141 Pennsylvania lsmba. 71. 113.35: 72. 74. 113: 4 sheep, 17, IS. H. Handera: to Mate lamba, 14. 113.25: 79. 19. 113; 313 Ohio, (9, 112.50: 222. 14, 112.25; 125 Pennsylvania, 0, 112.50: I sheep, 91, 15.50; 4 culls, 75, 13.30. J. a. Curtis A Hon: 135 Stale lsmba, 75. til.2ti 17, 70. Ill: 7, 10, 112.50: s. si, 112.23: 13 culls. 43, 19; 21 sheep. 101, 17; 2.- - 90, IS.SO: 2, 140, IC 71, 13: I culls. 85, 14.50. George tr ! H. Dlllenliack: SS State lambs. 7. 111.21: 7. 74. I13.12H; 21, 72, 113: 2, 90. 112.75; 41, 10. 112.30; 19, 41, 111.30; 3 cull aheep, 7P. 11.50. 1KMIH Receipts. 7,330 head: shout n rnr on sale. Prices were firm to a fraction higher. Light to medium weights sold nt I9.50ftl0.10 per 100 lbs.: pigs at 9ffl.S0: toughs at 11.73; country dressed lioga steady at 12U14HC.; roasting pigs at ISM lie Hales ft. Panders, 32 .Slate bogs. 141 lbs. average, at 110.10 per 100 lbs.; 4 I'enn. aylvsnla pigs, 100 Ins., 19 50: 22 Htate, It, 19; roughs, 100, 11.75. S. .ludd Sr Co., 20 Pennsylvania hogs, KIT. 10.50; Tobln Shannon, O Pennsylvania hogs, 104, 110. Other Cities1 Live Block Markets, CHICAOf), Dec. I. Hogs Receipts. 0; weak at 15c. above yesterday's aver- age. Bulk, Ii.il0io.l6s light. 19010.10; mixed, I9.I0IT1O.3; heavy, I9.I5O10.30; rough,; pigs, 1761.15. Cattle Rscstpts, 1I,00 strong. Native beef stsers, I7j 12.76; Western ateers, 17 1 10.10; atockera and feeders, l,IOe7.IS: cows and heifers, tl.liO10.2t; calves, 19.50 Oil. St. Hheep Receipts. 23,000: strong. Weth- ers. II.S06I.2S; swes, 1101.73: Ismbs, 110 013.11. ST. LOCI. Dee. . Hogs Rscelpts. 0: 10c. higher. Lights. I9.I0OJ0.I0; pigs. I7.1I09: mlxsd and butchers, ir.ltOlo.lO; good heavy, lll.201.ll) bulk, l.70l 10.25. Cattle Receipts. ,00) strong, native beef steers. IT.SOfJ 11.75; yearling stenri ind helfsri. M.JO 0 1 eows. B 30 g; stockers and feeders. IS,IOOT.M; Texas qusrsntlns steers II.S0OI; prims Southern beef steers. g.tO0D beef eows and heifers, ll.JSrt7.lsi prims vsarltng sleets and heifers.' gT.UOOBl native calves. lOOll.M). Sheep Hecstpte, 4,100; lower. Lambs, ILnrisg 18.63; wj, ti. 73 8T.0O; yearlings. M.O0. KANSAS! CITY, Dec. A. Hogs Rs. eelpts. 14.000; higher! balk, I0.T0UI0.1S; heavy, IOt 10.30; packers and butchers, go.itio,ini Ugkt. te.&owio.oJ: pits. itu. Cattlsenscslpts, 4,000; Including tlOO Southern: strong to IOC. hlgheri prims fed steers. 10 Mas Jt dressed beef steers. T.ftO OI0.2A: ttoutnern steers,; cows. heifers, '; slackers .and 2irgriOt I&OT.7I) , hulls, 5,aaiO.70 calves, Hheep Rsoelpt,. S.OOO: 'steady t lambs, nnaailUL Deo, -- Cattle steady; b. MNeouaar 1 wethers, ll.t6tyl.7Sf culls and common, 11.101) lambs, lltp 13.11! tssI calves, $13 11.10. Hogs Higher: receipts, IS double decks. Prime hesvles, 110.10: mediums Bl henvy yorkers. W 10. 2S; light yorkers. 19.10 J.7ti pigs, lt.2Si roughs, lltsi.71, CINCINNATI, Dec. . I log llecelpts, 7,41 slow, packers and butchsrs. It. IS 01.2i enmmon to choice, I7.IOOI.40; pigs and lights. l(.7SO.3. Cattle llecelpts, 700; steady. Cslves stsady. Hheep Itecelpls. 400: strong. Lsmba strong, ll.SOtl 12.25. KAHT 'ncrr'ALO, Dee. I. Csttle lle- celpts, St,' active and firm. Vsals-Itecelp- 128; active; I4.50 $13.10. Hogs Receipts, ,00S: sctlvs. Heavy, Il0.40 0 mixed, t10.SOl.40: York- ers, IIO.13ulO.30s light do., l.2Slo: (iV'l "',l5! rauh- - stsgs, tthcep and Lambs Receipts, 2,400; se- ll ve. Lambs, tlffis: yearlings. f.Ss wethers, ll.2S08.7l; ewes, 14(71; inixeu sneep, DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON. Dec. -St element of re- ceipts snd disbursements of the Treasury: This month. blsnsl vear. I Receipts ttl.US.SSS iU3.004.3M ( Disbursemsnt l3.30S.llSj 433.111,707 DeRcIt 1144.070 1109,111.331 Custom receipts. 1719.105; Internal revenue, ordinary. T,ia.7: income tax, IW.m: I4U.WJ; national bsnk notes re- ceived for redemption. 1793.227. Statement ol United Btalee Treasurer for December I: I OINBRAL fDND. Arsllsble gold tlM,M7.MI Available sliver 17.t03.711 17. 8. nous , 6,131.310 National bank note and Federal Reserve note I Certified checks on banks 17.123 Subsldisry silver, minor coin and silver bullion 12.CSJ.M5 Unclssslned (unsortrd currency)... 1.213.4M Deposits in banks and Philippine Treasury ( Arsllsble currency In Treasury and bank t227.4S9.U2 Deduct current liabilities 9S.170.OM Net balance In general fund II31.M.2M RESERVE FUND. Cold coin and bullion 1152.979.023 TRUST FUND. To redeem outstanding rertinratrs i:.2M.:3l.3 urami loiai casn assets in Tresaury 2 wo.171.11 2 RAILWAY EQUIPMENT BONDS. (Quoted ea a percentage ha Is.) Maturity. Hate Hid. Asked. Raltlninre Ohio 191 24 4 414 M 4.20 Buff, Itoch A Pitta,. .1111 30 4U 5 4.5.1 4.30 Cinsdlan I'srlflc UlS-t- t 4, 4.13 4 3 tbesaprske A Ohio, ..1911 3S 4s 4 SO 4 V I'bl A Northwestern.. 1SK 23 4V. 4 l 4.OT (LI. R I A Psclnc...19l 27 4V.5 SOD 4 10 Chi. HI L A N t) 1J1S-5- I t 4 40 4 20 i lere, (', 1' A gt L. .1I1S-- 5 4 4 40 Delawsre A Hudson.,1922 4U. 4 31 4.10 Erie Rstlrosd 11(M 4U-- 4.t" 4 10 ilrand Trunk 19K-2- I 4S 4 4.V1 Illinois Cratrsl 1I1S-2- 41,-- 5 4.51 1 ,;. loulsrlllc A Nsihrllle.1911-2- 5 4 23 4.10 Micblrsn Central HIS 3 4 41 4.2S . Mo. Ksnsss A Texss.,1111 21 t 5M too1 Mlseourl PsrlnV 19123 5 i SO tooi Mxhlle A Ohio. ... Iiis :i 41, 5 4 70 4M1 N Y Central Uses. ,.1111 21 l'i 5 4 to 4 23 .Norfolk & Western. ll 24 4V, 4 30 4.10 N Y, N It A H.s ..1114 (HI 4 K 4 X'. I'enn lien Freight ,.lsl-2- 4 4, 4 30 4 0) Rt U Iron Mt A Ho.. 1911.24 S 4.71 Healvsrd Air l.lne.,.lfl( IK & 4 40 Southern Perl lie 1911.2 4LJ 4.33 4 20 Southern Ilsllwsy..,.191l 24 (HI 4. 50 4.25 SECURITIES AT AUCTION. (0 shares O, M. Thurnauer Company, Inc., preferred. II.4U0 lot. I lharea (I. M. Thurnauer Company, Inc., common, f 100 lot. 11,000 Chlcouttml Pulp Company first mortgage 30 year sinking fund gold bonds, due July. 1143. Interest Janu- ary and July. 150 shsres Tuarnlcosa Mills of Cottondsle. Alsbams. 12 lot. I shsres Htandsrd Oil Compsny of New York. 27t'. I shsres Cumberland ripe Line Company, itm. 20 aharts Crescent Pipe Line Companr. 113.50 per shsre. 11 snares pouin vv esi Pennsylvania ripe Lines. 1121,. 13 shsres Due keys Pipe Line Compsny, 10. 13 shares Htsndard Oil Company of Cali- fornia, 370. I shares Htandsrd Oil Company of Indi- ana. 1421.. 13 shsres I'rslrln Pipe Line Company, 334'.. 5 shsres first mortgage Guaranty Company, 9. IIKPORTOKTIIK CONKITION OK THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY at the close of business on Ihe 29tb day of November, 1910 RKSOllHCKS. Rtnrk and bond investments, M.i Ipufillc securities (book value. 23,3tH).04A.W): market value I22.4i0.337. umirium nun value, IITlveie Dili; marketvaluu 2.5,77.1, Ml, Real rstatuowntil. , , .1,OI.VOM Mnrlgaitvs owurd 1,818,1.1(1. Loans and discounts secured by bond and mortgage, deeil. or other resl cMste cullstcral . 31.S00. lAm snd discounts secured by olbrrcnllstersl... 41,028,194. 13 Loans, discount", snd hills pur- - chsanl not secured by cul- lstcral 43.nno.477. Overdrafts 387. Ovrnlrafts, secured 030,Aon, Adranm to trusts, secured. ... lS&.U.It, Due from an-- pnl rcserto deMltarles. leis amount of nff- - aets.. II2.679.4S0.M Due from trust compsnles.banks. and hankers not Included In pre- ceding Item, . 17.244..M3.AI 20.024.OO3 Hpecte.. .... 12,632.002. United .States r nntet snd notes of nstlonsl bsnks. 474. Msl federal Reer e notes . , 87,000 Ltsbllltles of customers rnr sr-- ceptancm ise liabilities, per rontrs) . , , S.097,041 93 Other ssssu. vl Accrued lnlenvt entered on hooka at close of huslneewi on alHiiedste, .. .nl,4l ill TOTAL, 8192,387,228.43 LIA1IIL1TIK.S. Capltsl stock $1,000,000.00 Surnlus on msrket valors' Surplus fur.d .... 8200,000.00 CndUldcd proflta S.428,126.44 8,028,120.44 Cndlvkled prnflts and surplus no lnok values, 18, Deposits ; Prcfernsl. as follows: Pue New York State eatings banks. .. $4,053,326.00 Other dcpmlla due as executor, administrator, guardlau, rc- - , reiver, trustee. committee, or depialtary. .. 7,190,411.78 Not as follows: Deposits suhjn't tnchnck 132,360,037.11 Time deposit. certificates snd other drposlls. tho pasment of which cannot liwsllv he re- - (Mitred within thirty daya, ,. . 17,013,139.87 Demand certlfl rate of deposit. 378.500.00 Other rertUcatcaj of deposit 3,2.1I,.M.IH) Certified checks.. V24.008.37 Unpaid dh Mends 79.25 liue trust com- panies, banks, and bankers ... 6,74 1 .830.33 Total deposits 173.013,173.23 Domestic ami foreign accept- ances, 8,097,941.03 Other liabilities, viz.: Unserves for taxes and dividends... $9S,066.6I Accrued Interest . entered on hooks ' at close of bust-- , ness on above , date Ileserve . for un earned interest. , sar.irjvjur 3.637,086.84 TOTAL I82,a87,28.l3 Pennsylvania Gasoline Company Commliiton ordrrt promptly exe- cuted in thii lecurity. Yeiterdiy'i doting mtkett-ii- 6 bid, lvt-3- Circular on Rtquttt William J. Gerety S3 BrtMtl Strasst Nerw York 'ITtoos 8897 4-- 0 Broad-- j THE SUN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, .1916. REIKIRT OF THK CONDtTON OF Til R GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, N. Y., at the close of business on tbe Stub day of November, 1B18: RRSOURCES , Stock and bond Investments. ls.: Public securities (book value, 3,ie.1,l74.l3), market value 32,S4S.7e.31 Private securities (book value, at 1.833.4 17.31), market value. .llt.470.8 Real estate owned a.Aoo.OOO.OO Mortgaces owned l.Kaa.OOO.QO Loans and discounts secured by bond snd mortgasre. deed or .other resl estate collateral..... 34S.87S.87 Loans and discounts secured by .other collateral 201,tM,l0.3 Loans, discounts, and bill pur- chased not secured by collateral, 30.708,932.13 Acceptances purchased 62.0S5.447.0.S Overdrafts 9,03,. M Due from spprov- - rd resertedeposl- - tarles.less amount of onsets Sia.S87,78l.lO Due from trust companies, banks snd lianki-r- s not Included In pre- ceding Item 7, 14.74 24,08. 3IO.S4 ?Declc 27,033,030.37 Unllol Htates legal tendir notes and notes of national iianks, , . . 8,801 .JSO.OO I'edersl rrnerte notes,,.,. A .. . 400,113.00 lAsh Items, vis.: Ktchangas and checks for nett day's riearlngst34,184,870..1 Other cash Items 2.080.78 24.187,031.08 Customers', liability on aeospt- - ancea (see liabilities, per contra) 4LU3.798.44 Other svsets. vis.: Accrued Interest entered on bonks at close of business on above date. I.07I.IM.II Accounts receivable 1,176.477.78 Forelsn hills or eichangs and fflrelin ancnunts 71.828.784.10 Sundry foreign accounts Total .1477,1 63,092.90 LIABILITIES. Capita! stock. 120.000,000.00 Surplus on market values! Surplus fund ... . Undivided profit 88,099,808.11 Surplus on book values I2J.937.2S7.49 Depoeita: iTeferred, as fol- lows: Due New York State savings hanks. ... Id. S21. 723.07 Other deposits due ss executor, administrator. gusnllsn. re- ceiver, trustee, committee or de- - twsltsry ..... 1B.S37.M0.M Deposits by Ihe Slate of New ' .York 4S.000.00 Deposits by ths Superintendent of Hanks of State i.f New York 8.000.00 Ot her deposits se- cured by a liledyeiifsssets. 843.187.81 Drnolta other- - , se preferred, if sny, due as cars'utor, ad- - m I n I s t ra t o r, guardian, etc., time deposits .. 9,891,000.00 Not preferred. aa folios s. Deposits subject tnrheck. . . .29S.9.1S,S.4S Time depoeita, certificates and other deposlla. the payment of which cannot legally be re- quired within thirty daya. . . . 18.2S1.838.48 Demand certifi- cates of depmlt 4.843.881.83 other certlflcatea nfdepnell . . 10.230.3S9.10 Cashiers checks outstanding. In- cluding similar checks of other onicers .. 8.729.781. IS Certified clicks. 2.240.013.(17 Unpaid dividends 2,048 00 Due trust rimi- - psnles. banks and bankers. . . . B 1.442.82 1 .03 Extend total deposits 407,823,703.24 Acceptances of draft payable st a futuru dste or authorised by commercial let ten of credit. ... 41,193.798.44 Other liabilities, vli.; rnrrian acceptances 10.849,443.37 Accrued dividend 8686.840.87 Unserves for taxes, eipenscs, etc 338.431. 88 Accrued Interest rntcied on books st close tf busl- - neat on abe date . . S.336.S94.9S Estimated un- earned discounts a6.A28.86 3.496.241.74 Tutsi 8S77,163.O0:.0O IIKPOItT OK THE CONDITION OF THE of BANKERS' TRUST COMPANY, st the close of buslneu on the 29th dsy of No- vember. 11)16: KKSOl'ltCEfl. Stork snd bond Investments, via.: Public securities ihonk vslue. 8ID.U4 1.82M.79) : msrket value $1 1,201,806 00 l'riste securities (hook value. 837.11)0.004.71)1 : market vslue. 39,921 063.77 Itesl eslstc owned: Kealcstate. . .. $4,36.634.07 lsv sinking fund 24S.047..VJ 4,14I.S8K.S3 Mnrtgasea owned 1,701,000.00 Losns and discounts secured by bond snd mortgsse deeil, or other real estate collateral ... 294.OSS.00 and discounts secured by olber collateral 124.391,90.1.02 Loans, discounts, and bills pur- chased not secured by collateral. I0,62S.2.M 6., Oimlrafu A.302.1A uue irom spprov-e- .l -- 4 reHcrrvMlepnsl. isrim.iessamouni omrtseis. . .$10,244,118.80 Due from trust coiupaulcs.banka, and bankers not Included In pre- - cedlng Item . 13.9S7.67t.SI 23 231.790.83 Specie . . 17,244,132.13 inueu sistcs ieffai-tna- nores snd notes of national hanks. 117.463 no Federal Kcserve notes. , , ... 00.600 00 Cashllema, vl.: Kxchsnges and chivks for next day's clearings.. 810.086.843.81 10,960,843,84 Customers' liability on accent ant es (see liabilities, per contra) lO.S;o,10.V2l Other assets. li. : Accrued Interest, entered on books at of busi- ness ou a rune ilslo . $1,426,718.86 Accounts ri"ccl-abl- e. I.3S3.I3I.99 2,KOl),H,V).rt3 Total .... f , $287,237,780.74 LIAIIILITIKS. , Capital stock . . . .$10,000,000.00 Surplus on market vslues: Surplus fund .. llo.iHXi.noo.oo Undivldnlproflls 7.UI6.A62.4U 17,016 M2.9 Surplus on book vslui .. .$13,804,871.02 Drpixlts. , lrefrrrcd, s follows; Due Now York State savings ' hanks, . . $7,307,499.46 Other deposits due ns esecu. tor. adminis- trator, Ruar-clla- reci'hcr, trustee, coin mlttce. or I0.().',9.9NS.87 Deposits by Ihe SuiHTlntendeiit. or iianks of State of New York 1,170.83 Other deposits secured ly a filrdsnnfsAsets 1,308,913.06 preferred, iraiiy 31,803.67 Not preferred, as follows: Deposits subject to check 120.820,203.03 Tlnui deposits. ccTtlflcstiw.snd other deposits. the payment of which cannot legally be re- quired within thirty days... 17,084,888.26 Demand crrtlfl- - catesofdeposit 1,670,444.83 oi Othercertlncates of deposit. ... 3,134,080.43 Cashier's checks nutstsndlnir.ln- - eluding similar checks of other officers. , 4, Ml, 106.24 Certified chscks 1, 1(11, 0.15.45 Due trut com- - panlea, banks, und bankers. 44.249,170.60 Extend total deposits 218,330.901.73 Accepts r.res of ilrsftv psyshle at a future dale or authorised by commercial letters liferent, ,, 10,55(1,405. 'J Other llshlllties. via.; Hniervi'srorlBxes, rxpenkrs.rtc .. $137,241.33 Accrued, Interest entered on hooks at close of busi- ness on above date 1,181.940.99 Accounts payable 14,673 00 l,S,Sjf,JJ to Totaij , W37,M7,769.7 be ReiriinizitiiR or TN Wabisk PittshiKfh Tirmml Railway CiiHpiiy NOTICE Is hereby given that bstdsrs ef Certificates of Deposit Issued under or sub- ject to the Plan and Agresmsnt of dated June 21, 1111, as amended, besrlng notation showing payment at the rate of 1100 In respect of each 11,111 of bond represented thereby, upon presenta- tion of their CertlAcstes of Dsposlt to CENTRAL TnUKT COMPANY Of NEW YOriK, Depositary, at Its office, 14 Wall Street, New York City, for sppropflste stamping will be entitled to receive (hereinafter termed Certificates of Interest) In bearer form, specifying the amount of stock of Ths Wheeling and Lake Erie Itallroad Compsny deliverable, In re- aped of ths Certificates of Deposit so stamped, under said Iteorgsnliatlon Plan and Agreement ss amsndsd. If and when consummsted, Haiders of Certlflcatea ef Deposit so stamped waive- - their right te re- ceive under said Flaa and Agree ia)hi! a amended stock ef tbe' lYheeltag Cswapany r trust cert 18 rales representative thereof i aad all sock right pass te Ihe bsldsrs ef ''erllflrate ef Iatereet Issaed la rsspect thereof. Holders ef Csrtlflcatss of IntsrssL pur- suant to arrangement mads by the under- signed nsorganlxatlon Commutes with the Mansgers of ths Syndicate mentioned In the Plan and Agreement for the Ileorgan-liatlo- n of Ths Wheeling and Lake Erie Ttallrosd .Company dated September 10, 1111, are glvs,n the opportunity to purchass from the said syndicate Mansgers stock of the nsw Compsny referred to In said last mentioned Iteorgsnltstlon Dan and Agree- ment to ths extent, at ths prlrs, and sub- ject to the terms snd conditions set forth In a clrculsr letter of ths Iteorgsnliatlon Committee dated November 21, 1111, coplea of which may be nbtslned from Centrsl Trust Company of New York, Depoiltsry, or from the Secretary of ths Committee. This privilege to acquire sneh stock of the new Wheeling Company expires DECEM- BER 8, 1916, and the Reorganisation Com- mittee has no authority te postpone that date. Dated. November 27, 1111. J. N. WALLACE. Chalrmaa. CORDON ABBOTT. HARRY BRONNER. JAMES C. CHAn.IN. HALEY FISKE. CLARENCE L. HARPER. WILLIAM R. NICHOLSON. RICHARD SLTHO. , MEM It. WHAPLE8. AHA S. W IMJ. Reorganisation Committee. AltTHUR M. WICKWIRE, Secretsry, 11 Broadway. Nsw Tork City. Pere Marquette Railroad Company Coniolklatetj Mortgage Four Per Cent. Fifty-Y- er Gold Bonds, Due 1951. Up lo the closeof business thla dsy there have been deposited with Ths Ksrmera' Loan und Trust Compsny, ss depositary under agreement dnted June 3, 1U12. IS,. 213.000 par value, of a total outatandlna of ll.JSJ.OOO of the Consolidated Mortsag" Kour Per Cent. Klftv-Ye- tlold Bonds of the Pere Marquette ttallrosd Company. Issued under Consolidated Mortgage of Jsnusry 2. 1101. It Is the desire of ths Committee that opportunity l afforded tn the holders of all undepoaltsd Consolidated Mortises bonds to denoslt tliein uniter aaM ir. 'inent of June 2. 112. so that they may. I'arucip-it- e in tne privileges and benents outlined In th 1'lan snd Asreement of Be. organliatlon nt the jvre Muniuette lull-roa- d Compsny dated October 30, laiit. To this end. up lo is rid Including the 14th day of Decern! er. IMS. The Formers" Imii und Truet Company, as deiosltury under s.vld nsreement of June S, 1912, lll receive, Hltheut Yieiially, lint suliiect tn sal.l Plan slid Aurretnent of lleomnnlrstlon. deposits said rotisolldated MortKsae Tour Per 'ent. nitv-Vea- r Hold Bonds of the 1'ere Marquette Itallrottd Company, with coupons maturing July 1, lilt, and all subsequent coupons. WILLI AM W. CRAPO, CHARLES W. COX, A. K. KI'HF.K. C. MlNOT WELD. TlltlMAH N. McCARTER, BEKKMAN WINTIIRor. KDB IN S. MAKNTIIN, Chalrmaa, COMMITTEE. AUGUSTUS V. IIEELY. Secretary. Dsted, New tork, December I, lltl. CARWEN STEEL TOOL CO. Plant In Philadelphia A Subsidiary hss received large orders from U, It. Government Bethlehem Sleet Co., Baldwin Locomotive Works, Sun Shipbuilding Co., Mldtsie Htrel Co., etc. listed and artlvely traded In on New York Curb Market. l)f$ertpttt Circular on rrctirif. Fanning, Buck & Co. 67 Exchsnge Plsce, New York. Tcts Hector We Spttiallze In Transue & Williams Steel Forgings Circular on request R0BT. E. KEMERER &C0. 59 BROAD ST., N. Y. TeL 1824 Bread DIVIDENDS. AND INTKBEHT. oi rici: or American Public Utilities Company Grand Rapids, Michigan The Hoard of Dlrrrturs of the American Public Utilities Company has declared tho recular nu.irierly dividend ot O.NB AND ONR.HAl.K I'KIl CENT, tilt's) on thu Preferred Htoclt, paynlde Jan, 1st, 1117, to stockholders of record nt the close of busl. ness December lOlli, 1114, Transfer Hooks .will not close. KELSEY, BREWER & CO. OPERATORS Dee, I, 111. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. I, 1911. nr.SOI.VKD, That ths lioard of Directors Arizona, umiru ..iiiiiiiar compsny no hereby dsclnre tho rerular quarterly divi- dend of one per cent. (1) to be paid nn January 1st, 1917, upon the stock of thla I'Amnnnr ,ta llt asms Ihe eloeo of business on Decsinhor 16th, 191; stock trunster books to be closed from December 15th, UK, until Jsnusry 1st, 1917. I'. I)KII.I..KI COMPANY. New York, December 8th, 191. Dividends of 14, per tent, on the Pre. ferred Cluck snd 3 per cent, on the Common Mo, k of I'. Lrlllnrd Coinpjny have been derliired. pmsbls Jnnuiiry 2nd. 1917, lo stockholders n( record St the close of busl. ni'i, Dei ember IStll. 111. Cheeks will bs lllulle,!, iv .n, it. nut. i r, iressurer. TIIK AMERICAN TOnC COMPANY, 111 I'lflh Avenue. New York. December I, 1H. A dividend of 1H has been doclsrsd upon Ihe preferred stock ot Ths American Tobarcii Compsny, psyshls Jsnusry 2, un, stockholders of record at ths close of business December II, nil. Checks will nslsd. J.,M,V.,HlClfU1.Tr4iirr,- - BONDS CALLS D. NEW YORK 8HIPBU11.U1NQ COMPANY FIRST MOHTC1AQK TWENTY TEAlt UOLD BONDS. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEBN1 Nstlco Is hereby given that pursusnt to the provisions contslnsd In Article 111. of the mortgsgs dsted July 1st, 1101, given by the New York Chlpbulldlng Compsny to Ths Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Trustee, to secure an isaus of l,0,000.v0. the following bonds will bs redeemed and rstlrsd on January 1st, 1117, to wit: 1 S 14 1 7 I I 1 It II It 14 1 II 17 II II 20 21 12 33 24 21 II 27 21 II 18 II II 81 II 15 II 17 II SI 40 41 42 41 II II 4 47 41 41 10 II II 81 14 II II 17 II II 40 II 12 II II I I 17 II II 70 71 72 71 74 71 71 77 71 71 10 1 12 It 14 II II 17 II II I II It IS 91 IS II 7 II II 108 101 102 101 101 11 101 107 101 101 110 111 111 118 114 111 111 117 111 111 II 121 121 111 III 121 11 127 121 ill 110 lit III III 111 111 II 117 111 111 110 III 142 IIS 141 141 141 147 141 149 110 111 111 111 114 111 111 117 111 II 110 111 12 111 114 113 1 17 111 111 170 171 172 171 174 171 171 177 171 17 110 111 lit 112 111 114 IIS 111 117 191 111 200 202 201 204 205 101 207 201 201 210 211 213 211 IIS 21 217 211 21 241 247 248 211 2f.0 211 252 211 314 III 21! 217 2M 219 210 211 112 211 2111 2S 2(11 2(17 III 21 170 271 171 171 274 27S 27 177 271 17 21 lit 112 211 211 211 111 217 111 III II 111 lit 211 214 2IS 211 217 211 III SOO SOI 11 301 3()l 101 101 107 IO! 10 tl 111 112 111 111 111 111 117 III St 320 121 121 121 324 III 121 127 121 i: II lit 122 III 111 IIS 111 317 111. Ill 110 141 341 341 344 14S S4S 147 341 141 II 111 SSI SSI 111 111 1SI SI7 III III ! lit 111 113 14 HI IS 117 311 311 170 371 S7S 171 374 171 371 177 371 171 SIO 111 111 111 111 113 3I 117 111 111 110 111 113 11 III III 311 117 111 111 400 41 402 401 404 417 411 411 421 421 422 421 424 421 12 427 421 421 410 411 433 411 414 417 42S 411 440 441 442 111 441 44S 444 447 441 441 4(0 111 412 411 4.14 4IS 416 417 411 451 41 411 42 411 414 441 44 4C? 41 411 470 471 472 473 474 47S 474 477 471 471 410 411 412 4S3 414 115 II 137 111 II 140 141 142 141 144 141 Sl 147 141 I4 ISO IS1 152 Sit 154 SL." 15 117 SSI IS9 IIA tl 112 13 r.l SC,5 Ml 117 f Ml 170 C7I 172 S71 574 175 17? 177 11 112 13 SI4 III It 117 III 111 MO r.S I 112 S!) I94 SIS J. S"t f,!" II S99 COO sol I 02 403 104 05 son in; rot SO I0 111 412 113 I4 CIS U SI7 ll 111 420 121 422 S23 2I CI 111 117 C2I CIS S30 C3l 432 31 1( 115 14 127 4 39 I0 111 42 4 3 144 143 444 447 444 SIS t0 SSI S52 4S1 S4 H 54 S57 SI 714 71.". 71 717 7M 722 723 724 721 724 727 721 72' 710 711 7.12 731 711 740 0 J07 JOt SOU MO Jit M2 I3 114 ft". Ml 17 III St!) 120 121 !:i 2.1 121 921 2 27 2 2 S10 !3I 932 11 134 MS 1 !37 Ml MS 910 141 142 943 944 145 914 947 941 949 9S0 9.H I5S 940 9S1 92 9r-- 944 95 94 97 94 9(9 970 971 972 971 2 911 94 95 94 917 III 919 990 991 992 991 914 9'.'1 99 997 991 999 1000 101)1 1002 100 1004 100S 1004 1007 104 100 into 1011 1012 101 1014 10IS 1014 1I7 1011 1013 102S 102 1017 1021 1021 1010 1011 1015 1031 1014 IMS 1014 1017 1031 1019 1010 1041 1042 1043 1044 104S 1014 1047 101 1049 10SO 1051 1052 1053 1034 inf.'. 10t4 10S7 10SI I0S9 1040 1041 1042 101 1044 1045 1044 1047 1 0 1041 1070 1071 1072 173 1074 1075 1074 1077 107 107 1010 1011 102 103 1014 101.1 1101 110' 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 IMS IIU 11IJ nn 1119 1120 1121 1122 1121 1t24 1125 1124 1127 112 1129 1130 1131 1112 1131 1114 1138 lltl 1117 till 1139 1140 1141 1112 1141 1141 1145 1144 1147 114 1149 JISJ 1151 11S2 1133 1151 11S1 1154 11S7 1139 110 1141 1112 11C3 1104 1143 114 1 47 114 1l 1170 1171 1172 1171 174 1175 117 1177 1171 1179 ltJJ 1111 11J3 1111 1114 1143 111 lt7 11M 119 191 1192 1193 1194 1193 1114 1197 119J 1199 1200 1201 1202 1201 1204 120". 1207 120 1209 uin wii isij ijij jj 1215 1214 1217 121 I21 1220 1221 122 121 1224 1225 124 1227 122 1229 1230 111! 212 1211 1224 1215 1214 1237 1211 1214 1240 1241 1242 1241 1244 1241 1244 1247 124 1249 1250 1251 1253 12SJ 1256 12.14 1J7 12.14 12.1' 1240 1241 J"" 1341 124 lftS 12(4 1247 1241 1249 1272 1S73 1274 1275 1274 J277 127 .'r.i , ., hi 144 27 111 12 120 1291 1111 IS" 1294 1215 12 1297 129 1299 1100 1301 1102 111 130 U0i uos uui i;u 1111 1112 1111 1314 111J JJ14 1317 HI 1119 1320 1121 1122 1123 1S24 1325 132 1327 1.12 1129 1330 1331 1333 1111 13SI is-- -. 1 a ss 1114 1311 1310 1.111 1312 1141 1314 1315 134 tJ7 134 119 1160 1151 1352 1151 133 115'. 1.154 1357 113S 1359 llso 13M 1342 111 111 125 tSUI 11S7 134 1349 1.170 1171 1372 137.1 1371 1375 I3TK 1377 1374 1279 13S0 1341 I32 1.11.1 IS 1313 1.114 13S7 ll4 131 I190 1311 1192 1113 l72 I473 l7l H75 17 177 1471 1471 1410 1S1 13 13 14(4 HS Ml ls7 14S U4J H10 K.91 l92 143 13 !' 1'4 197 1494 1411 1700 1701 1702 1153 1111 15-- 13 117 H HSJ 1140 1861 ! 172. 1473 H7I 171 2022 2021 2021 2023 2024 2027 2021 2025 20.10 2011 2013 2013 201 2015 2034 203, 203 .2019 20,'.2 2033 205 2013 20iii 2057 2034 2051 2040 2041 20C2 2043 204 2043 20(1 207 2"1 2009 2070 2071 2072 2071 2074 2075 2074 2077 2074 2079 2040 01 201 2013 20tl 2041 2014 2047 2014 204 2091 2091 20i2 20M 2031 2013 2094 2497 2094 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2101 2M4 2107 2104 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2111 2113 211 2117 211 2119 2120 2121 2123 2121 2124 2125 2124 2127 2124 2121 2130 2111 2112 2131 2131 21.13 2134 2117 211 2139 2140 211 212 213 2144 215 2144 217 211 2149 2150 21S1 2153 2153 2151 2155 2154 3157 2151 2151 2U0 2141 212 2141 2lt 215 214 2147 21 2S 217') 2171 2172 2173 217 2175 2174 2177 2171 2179 2110 2H1 2112 2181 2I!I SMS 215 2117 211 219 2H0 2191 2192 It'll 214 2191 2194 2197 219S 2199 2200 2S0I 3202 2201 220 205 2204 2J07 2201 2201 2210 2211 2212 2213 2211 2213 2214 2317 2211 2211 2220 2221 2222 22:.1 2221 222". 2224 2227 2221 S2J9 2230 2211 2232 23.1 2231 22.11 2214 2217 2211 2:19 2210 2311 2242 2243 2244 224.1 224 2217 224 2JH 2230 2231 2252 2253 2251 2:j 2254 2217 2251 2239 22'l 221 2212 22M 221 25 224 227 224 29 2270 2271 2272 2.7.1 2271 2275 2274 2277 227 The lioldirs of Ihe slrtue number. I j bonds should present and surrender the some lo The Cnlon Trust company ot ' rit ie mi rc n. Trustee, nt S3, rourtn avenue, l'lttsburali, Pennsylvania, on .Inuuarv 1st,' 1917, when they will receo In cash lli far. .imount of th bonds, plus two and one. half (2'j'H pr cent, premium jnd scrrued Inlereat to .Imunry 1st, 1 1 1 7. Bonds must carry toutoiis due January 1st, 1917. and subsequent thereto und l4 areompsnled by the usual Income lax cer- tificate. Interest on "aid bonds illl crass on Jsnusry 1st, 1917 NEW YOBK fllll'HCIl.niNd COMPANY Tty K. M KNOX', President J, T WICKEllrtHAM. becrotary sn.l Treasurer. Camden, New Jersey, December 1, 191. DIVIDENDS AND INTKIIK8T. Inlerborouth 4'onsiilhlAted t'lirporiitlon NOTICE OK PAYMENT Ol' DIVIDEND Tho Hoard of Directors of th Inierbnr ouih Consolidated Corpnratt'in Hi h miel Ins- - lirlti to.diiy, declared from surplus h dividend of l'nA un the preferro.l sto. k, vauh!o st tho ottlce of the Corporation, Nu 143 llro.idway. New York Cl, un Jiinuorv 2nd, 1917, to tile etorkholders uf rtioril nt the closo ot builness December lltli, 1910 II. M KISIIEIt, Herretury. New York, Dec, Mil. 1914. Distillers Securities Corporation. Tho Honrd of Directors has this dny de- clared n quarterly dividend of one nnd one half per rent, Ills') upon the oiiisiundltiK cnpltiil atoi, pnsble JamiHry l.Mli, 1917. lo stix kholders of record nt the coo of business December I S tit. 1911, The tmnsfer books win not be cloeed, TIIOX. A. CI.AUK, Asslstnnt Trensurer. Dated December 0, 1914. tiKOHOE W. IIKI.MK 4 DMI'ANV. Ill Ktfth Avenue, New York. Dec. 4, 1914, Dividends of One snd Three.nuurters Per Cent, on the Preferred Mock und Two und One-hal- f Per Cent, and un ealra Kour Per Cent, on the Common rMock uf tleorKo W. llelme Company were this day (lectured, payable Jsnunry 2, 1917, to stockholder ot record nt the close of business December 14, 19U, Checks will be mailed K. D. CIIIUSTIAN, tfer.'y A- - Tress. AMERICAN CAN COMPANY. A quarterly dividend of one nnd three, qtmrtsra per cent, has been declared upon ths Preferred Stock of this Company, pay- able January Snd, 1917, lo Stockholders of record st the rloee of business December llth, 11. Trsnsfer lloolii will remain open. Checks mulled. U. II, IHMON, Secretary Treasurer. THE DELAWARE HUDSON COMPANY. New York, November 27, 191. A ousrterly dividend of TWO AND ONE. QUAHTEIl i:tr,; pEll CENT on ths rapltsl stork of thla Company will be paid st the nfnee of the Company. 31 S'.iieau Htrett. In this city, on nnd after Wednes. dsy, Dsc. 20, 111, lo Ciockholdsrt of rec- ord at clots of business to. dsy. Dy order of ths Hoard of Managers. CHARLES A, WALKER, Tresturtr. AMERICAN KNUIT-- ' COMPANY. Memphis, Tenn., December s, 111, Dividends of I't'e n ths Preferred stock stjd 1'.'- - nn ths Common ani4c of American Hnuft Compsny wers y declsred, pay. hie Jsnusry 3, 1917. tn stoijcholdera of record nt ths clots of business Decsmbsr II. III. Chscks will be msllsd. Trsnsfer hooks will remain open, M. B. Yl.NCU. TriMUtM. 11 Josevig Kennecott Copper Company Reprinted by courtesy of "MARKETS," an independent financial weekly. Issue of December 1, 1916. One ' the newor copper stocks slated for early listinar on tho New York Curb is Josevig-Kenneco- tt. This company owns 22 claims in one continuous group, totaling 440 acres in the Chitina Copper Belt, Alaska, made famous by the Bonanza and Jumbo mines of Kennecott. The property ia opposite the Bonanza and about seven miles from Kennecott, the terminus of the Copper River & Northwestern Railway. The copper wealth of this particular region as typified by the mines of Kennecott is too well-kno- to MARKETS' readers to call for extended comment. The Josevig-Kenneco- tt property has been examined by a number of prominent engi- neers and the geological formation has been pro- nounced identical with that of tho company's famous neighbor. The Josevig-Kenneco- tt Com- pany is not an abstract prospect, as the property is partially developed, copper has been produced and about 800 tons of high-grad- e ore are said to be ready for shipment at the present time. Trial shipments of this same grade of ore have shown it to run 42.6 copper and $19.20 silver to the ton. These assays show that the ore is similar to that of Kcnnecott's Bonanza mine, which admittedly has one of the most remarkable high-grad- e ore-bodi- es in the world. President D. K. McDonald, bf the Josevig-Kenneco- tt Company, has just returned from tho property and in a personal letter to some inter- ested parties in New York, among other things, says: "There ia no doubt in my mind thai thin is one of the biggest propositions in Alaska, or in America for that matter. Every one itho looks at it says it has the best showing of any in the Copper River country except the Bqianza. Pres- ent showing is much better than Kennecott Jumbo and that claim is regarded as a wonder. Tunnel No. 2 is on. claim No. 1 and you will find ore exposed on the surface all the way through into No. 3. It is certainly the finest surface showing I have ever seen and if it doesn't make a big mine, I don't know what will. The more I think about it the more I am satisfied that it is the chance of a lifetime to get into such a property. You understand that the Kennecott Company's properties are only scratched and turning out about $3,000,000 a month, so just imagine what can be done when fully developed." 141 HAT is considered a favorable factor, is the company's low capitalization. The company is capitalized for $2,500,000, par value of shares $1, and there in no mortgage indebtedness or bonds of any description outstanding. This compares with the original capitalization of 1,120,000 shares of the Kennecott Copper Corporation, which were first sold at $25 a share. In addition lo which the Kennecott Copper Corporation was burdened with a $10,000,000 bond issue. The Josevig-Kenneco- tt properties are of about the same acreage as those of Kennecott Corporation, and at the present state of development those who have examined both, be- lieve that the showings are similar. Charles C. Jones, president of the Los Angeles Mining Engineers Association, goes so far as to say that tho Josevig claims have the best showing of copper mineral in tho whole Kennecott district. V. Bertram Hancock, formerly engineer for the Kennecott Corporation, says that the present showing on the Josevig properties is better than the initial showing on the Erie and Jumbo, two of Kennecott's greatest producers. Mr. Angus Mc- Donald, formerly superintendent of Kennecott, is well acquainted with the Josevig properties ami says he believes that on development it will prove as .valuable as Kennecott. The foregoing are only a few of the favorable opinions that have been expressed relative to the merits of the Josevig properties. At this time it appears that the stock will have a considerable market in New York, and if further development demonstrates that the property is even partially as good as it is thought to be, those who buy around initial prices and are willing to hold the stock for a short time, will probably be able to realize substantial market profits a little later on. Subscriptions at $1 per Share are being received at the offices of the undersigned. Orders may be telegraphed a our expense. HARVEY A. WILLIS & CO. (IMslill.lird 1001. Stocks and Bonds 32 Broadway, New York. Telephones 127-8-- 9, 147-- 8 Hroml. Announcement A new tinrterwritlnn ts tn bo listed on the New Yoik furl) ami liter un tlia New Vork Mock Kichanse. I'crsonnel of company consists of reprcaentstlvs business men of Hie country. loin by tho undcrlitne!. Information on requett. H. L. MANDEVILLE no llrosdHsi, N. Y. let. 7.V1H Hector. DIVIDENDS AND IN TtltKST. WKsMAN-llltl'TO- I'OMPANV, SO t'nliin Miusre North. .....I. t a mi, DUMellits 'It l,e, on I be I'referi'il Mink Hint 3 un the Cuinmnn block, .nul un eslrs illvMenil of e, on the Common Mmk of Wsyiiisii.llrnlnn I'mnpniiy weie this ilny ileiUieil, naHbis Jsnusry :. 1017. tn stork holders ( recurn si ine close in nutinesi December in, 1KI. Checks will bs infilled 1. U KLL10.'1 ec'y snd'Trest. ELI EDMUNDSON, JR. (IMilldl.lieil IIIO.I.) Stocks and Bonds 709-1- 0 Arrott Building Pittsburgh, Pa. '. it- - A. i'lumr. !MS .Wlll. Hell I'lnme 2851 Court, Tommy Burns Gold Mining Co. Participating Preferred Stock Uitrd on Curb Mttkrti ol NEW YORK BOSTON TORONTO Orders Executed at Ihe Market F. K. SMART Specialist SO Brosd Si., N. Y. Than 2969 Brcid

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Page 1: · COTTON PRICES GO UP ON HEAVY BUYING i Liverpool's Strength and Southern Spot Advices 'Help t lie Advance. OM) ItrLLS HACK AGAIN Market's Close Is Strong




Liverpool's Strength andSouthern Spot Advices

'Help t lie Advance.


Market's Close Is Strong AfterLargest HuslnesB Day In

, the Week.

I,!vfrpo',l'1' strength nnil the wide- -y

rprrlU liclICI in liic irauo mm cuuun, (ntltldl to n ndvanro after three

ttrklirht days if depression brought ly

heavy buying Into the NewTork cotton mnrket yeterdr. Conse-penll- y

th tone was steady all day,prices showlnir nn upward tendency.The close wan stron, with net taint ofM to 11 points recorded.

The advance In Liverpool was att-

ributed t" natural rally nfier a weekct drprMlont due to disturbed politicalconditions and unfnvnrnblo war newsfrom the Tlunmntan front. The quotat-

ion! from nhrond brought cheer to thebollUh element In New York and therevis heavy buying here at the opening.Amines wan more active than on Mon-4- r

or'Tuefday. Advances of 1 to S2

Mint ere recorded, followed byfarther upturns of 5 to 9 points at theind of the flril ten minutes.

Room trnders and Wall Hireet buyerswere In the thick of the trade. SouthernInterests and spot firms supplied theijit Commission houses operated onUt'h sides of the market. Liverpool wasI purchsser of March, but sold the laterest ions.

The Inevitable sag occurred after thedoie of the Liverpool Kxchange. when

I Urge share of the bullish support waslUidrswn. There appeared to be too

snch cotton to be readily absorbed atBe higher quotations. The price easedeft seme 10 to 12 points from the best, the morning, and the disposition to,rn no. in view of tbo approachinglowrnment census reports, was much In

Later there appeared fresh supportind most of the active months closed atth best of tho day. This buying wasnported to be In sympathy with thegrength of the stock market and to thesuing of call loans to r.i per cent,(anthem spot news was bullish, too, andthis led to the return of a number of, wh. had nnM nut earlier. Mem- -irsur,s " - -

Jr of the Little Hock Cotton Exchangeere reported ns estimating i no .vrKannin

crop at 1,013.(100 bales und the totalnop at 11,215,000 bales, exclusive ofInters.

Kxports for the day were 5,08 bales,miking :.5t;."30 bo far this season.

Rnre ol prices: Ture- -

Open. High. l.ow. Close, day.M" M1 l' IIW-M- !.

Knu.rr.... M.U . M00 ! 'M. t K

Mr.h",.. .l . .S M.IJJM wAnnl... y sm . w.weoj"...V.V.. .... .. M5Mr MM SOU MW m.raM r

TwiVt ....... 11.,. is

0rtnt?r. 1. HM 1S.M 5M 7

Lofl trot market unlet ami 25 pointsihrr l :.l5c. for mliklltnr upland: sales

Southern inot markets and sales:Kilrernn firm, unchanged. Me.: I.MSXes- Orleans steady, unchanged.

UTS. iMobile stei'lr. nnchsngeil. ls:c: Sj. tnominal, iinchanerd, S0I X).

Oitrtesinii .lcalr. Vie. higher. IM,c.Wilmlnlim -- tejiiy, r. higher. H'ic.

urMk .teailr. p. higher. lJj"e.: 1.051.Tullimorr nominal, inichsngol. Il.lic.Jiuu.ta stceilr. unchanged. lS.Mc.inM.Veranhls .teaity, tinchsnsetl. W.l 400.

Llltlc Hock teily, SO p. loner, 50c.TOUT KECKUTS.W1nes-- Present

itar Week. Tesr. Stock,.tltftlnn 15.M1 H.TI1 4I5.U1

( ill 1MI7VoVJe l.SIT il M.JStJirinnsh t.W .TV. .JI ttJ.tlXChiTlfiton .... 772 1.U2 l.W "JtWIlminjton .... 1J7 7

Norloik J.tlT C.S8I 4. s:.flWtimore .smSew York 1M M 1 .!tenon 4.117 ." t 7.1ftiisiiipbts .. mi :J .... l.i'JTtrtoiu (Ml (.07: .... M.7CI

Touii i.i:j i7.:i i,sm.uINTEKIOR nuCEIITS.

tomits !.: i.mi 113.100eachl 7.701 U,S 27I.MI

Si. Louis 3.::.s 3 M.31 ?M 11 l - It-- 2M.M2

uTcrroni rautri; opoi in muarniB oriuniisilei. 7.000 titles; speculation snd export. Wf.Imrrlcan, t.'0; xports. l.oun. none American:wtuuiing upi&tvi. it. via. nominBi. ruiurraestred quifl, 1 point lower to 1 poli.t higher:ened '1r. st net irtrtn of 2S1M4 points.

Vuniiry.Februtry. 12.M: Msrch-Aprll- . 11U:12 21: 12 74: October- -

gneraber, tl 2. Msncbester: Ysrns quidM Bra; cloths quiet.

Wstt Orleans Cotton Market.KKW ORLEANS, Dee. . A buying wave"lorel In the cotton marketilch tnwira ths end put the pries 2S to

II point! up. A much higher Liverpoolrktt thin expected snd more favorableRMMVft- - e.M. .k... . I ( --

id upmru irenu. ins msraei w"moisted by Improved spot account. Thekit was rrsctlcslly st ths highest:

Cloningjfuturss. High. Low. Hid.Ptccmktr is.ii 13.47 19.S3""ry 1 o.fiS m.Rl 1.4""eh IK, M 13. : 15.54

T 20.21 :0.0 20.1J,u'r. 20.32 20.20 20.320t"fc" II.30 .11. 1 11.20


The ei)II-- market continued quiet yceter-nu- tlioxwl a generally teadr tone.Wfrlnji mere light, The market closed at

n't aihaixv o( 3 to S points. Sales 20..v" 'n. Sale of Santo 4s ere said toJie been made In Ihe cnit freight msrkrtJn Tuesday at .73. London credits, but Ihe

me hlpnr, it Is esld. skel 9.M yenter-?1L- .R' fltiolcd nl S.7.". American crwlln.'pot qiintstinna iliiclianired at Uc forH" m Vjc tor Santos 4i.

"ne of nm-- ; Tucs-- -

, Open High. Low. Clote. dr.' a. (414 f

i1"""" ... ilj-- n I.1J'wury H. 22SO I : 1 39 2

Airil I.II-4- (.37.. t f .V) 1.43 H. .4S

June. IC7-- I.UJolr t ( get t'ii Mt.M iml.7 KMtexfeiilier .4 I. 75.7 1.7"oh.. I 7 S1 S.7tiNeirilr 1 ISO

ciiifpa nl- - i . ,ill,' ."'hsnge ltd . unrhsnged: receipts.Suti?". "In,,k' WW- Santos unchinged; ,'r?1 for .No. 4; rerelnli. M.000: stock,ik. rniurei unchsnted. Receipts at, "flM against 7S,f00 last jesr snd

0 to yeara ago; Sso Psulo. H.0O9'm f,nm Jundiahy. sgsinst

tleue,! from Ssntos Tuesday, thsL"u lih nw for New York, snd fromV'lona, th Dskntan snd the Kronberg with

lor New Orleans.


kiH:IRT The market wss strnnr andi. nosing with net rains of 2 toly. from Tuesilay'e ftnal. The advanc

,,'! Js largely to further esport buying"ni-e- s insi so rsr in wssa neu

reunlrl-- . I .. v i..... , A

to .0i).ooo bushels In the UnllsdIt.' t;i"sd. Halts wsrs estimated

Ors.l A "0.000 bushels.prlnclpslly ts thsl""'"nnieni. rne raci mil ins rs.

W.Aar.p decline hsd attrseted this scllvsi5r. I? Irnm Kurops Isd to the conclusions4 .t msrket hsd dscllned far apouahm.1,1 WM ' shlftlag pf sentl

.l high point prices were upihi ,n ir frm Tussdas lew. and"V;'" ' lop loss ordirs were uncoy.I''1 II was evident Ibst sailers hsd be.I..)', oveneslous and that the tschnlsallioori I '",n matstlally strsngthsned.

:"Vi."'l'3nl ""I 'a 'vo' "thl.". Hhlls advices from Kvreas were,.:aI 'hsnge In ths plan of urrKM.aa


Xmerlca. Advices from Argentina wsrsgain bullish, ana It ts seM that a mini-mum price of ll.llt, H bushel hss beenfixed on whest. Ths Prttt Current reportfor the wfAk was generally favorable, butcomplaints were heard of isek of molstursin Kansas. In the locsl cash market No. 1

WH ouol'd at No. 2 hsrd.L. W, 1 Northern, Uuluth, 12. 0:Jortheta, Manitoba, 2.4t, all f. o.

"0f--. Ths msrket developed decidedstrength and prices st ths close were 2in "ler. The strength In whestbrought about active covsrlag, and a goodcasn demand csuisd firmness In December.Foreign markets were firm and exporterstook about !,( bushels. Ths movementcontinues modersts and arrivals are beingr.i',,iJl.rto' ..Th- - '' of car is..'.. ,rPonlbls the modersts rs-,- n

" local csah market No. t yel- -

'S'lf 11 "'"tt dsys shipmsnt-- c. I, f. New Tera.The market sharsd ths strength

?L ern nd hs eloss wssIJ.," He. net higher, neeelpts wers'n. moderate. Local csah market

VsSl.,,Vl'll,l3uOU0f3 lHeIc.! No.iis7l"u,-,?,,H-

e'!So- white. Wo

4 whits. HftllKci fancy'"JiS" M4c: clippedIlotsc, all elevator.

f,'K rket firm; No. : Western, 11.57c f. New vork.IMKI.KV Market ateady; feeding, 11.01r. o, b. Ns- - York.

s.?F;ltW.,"TM"f,"t ulet Japanese.J.OSi good milling, IJ.

11.11 No, . lie; shipping. J.Ic."JSaaa.

111 ti. Low. Close, day.I'nrnnir!,,!, 1SS lrML IS 1SB isaU

Jolyeiar , a isit an s fi

COrt- N-

MsgHecrmber u a 8 S5 j?,hJiy....

OATgnemnber..... it kH it mJulyMay :

sit as & $LAltU

Jsnusry, ."4S 1,50Msy.t 1I.2S 11.40 US) fi03Iting

Jssnsry 14.M 147 14.M 14.11May.. 14.4 14.47 14.30 11.4) 14.33lOHK-Jann- ary

, (7.7S 27.10 S7.M 27. 17.13May. 22 24 70 ssu 24,1$

INTERIOR BECKlPTrt.wheat. tVrn. Oats.Wednesday. 1.437,000 t.HI.OOO M.OOOLast week,! . l.SM.OOO 1.374.0M van MM

Last year.. . :,ui,ooa sss.oM 1.I11.0O)Klour. Whest Cora.Wednesday. M.OtM!ast vvfvk.i ss nno I.IW.onO t,0Mlst yesr.. M.000 42O,0u) 4,00


BltrVKK Receipts, 2,100 head; 1 rsrson sals. meers slow but steady: bulla"sdy, with light bulls dull; thin cosand choice fat stock firm to a shadshigher; other grades unchanged. YardsSi'JH M'l1"- - t'oor o good steers sold atIS.SiejS.Si per in lbs., with no prime orchoice offere. I: bulls at lt.totft.7t; 1 fedbull at I7.5: cows st 11.(0 u (.73 : n fewtallsndt st lower figures. Dressed beatlow P'r lb. for city dressednstlve sides.. r- "snders. SS Virginia steers.

lbs. average. per 100 lbs.: ISt'ntucky. i,i7. it :s: io. i.oii. 1

fu.'J. ks --,0!1.0IS. (; 7, I4.7J; 13.I7(. Mrl'hersnn Co.. 17 Virginia

I'V.". V.K'KJl "" : 0,n- - .J5. L: 1

hull. 1,420. 17. SO; I, 1.313, II.H; I. 1,141.JV.J1, .,0", , SOi 10' " 'O: 11 cows,I. 101. II: l. I 101. 11.10; . I.07J, IS.7S

mt'-!,it- - . '! Hi- - !!',n: ,:- - ' f 4:'n- - "(: . ;71.. 13.71; , S4I. 11.70; t. MS. 13.10. J,Phambera Son. 20 Kentucky , steers.Lit. 11.10; 20. 1.12$, 4I.J0. Kerns Com.mission Co.. I hull, 1. 010, l.l; 4 heifers.!'6j.!50: 7 cnv"- - !. fs: it. is7. i3.o;2. 710, 13.11. Tobln A Shannon, t heifers,tl. II; : rows. io. is. 177. n.t:. IK, til 5. 7tl. H. Judd & Co.. Icows, various weights. IIV4.3S. J, a.Curtis Hon. 2 Vermont steers, 123 lbs.,17.13; . 1.SI0. tC.SS; 10 bulls. 121, IS.3S;4, 7S. II. SO; 1 cow, 1.010. 7; . 2S, (;2. 931. IS.S0; 3. IK, 15.23: 4. I7C. IS; 14.1S7. I4.7S: 4, I3S. II. SO; 4. I0. 4; 21. 103,II. 75. Andrew Mullen, 2 bulls. H0, 11.60;4. (II. 14.71; 1 cow, I. twO. 4. eo: t. 1,010.IJ:"3:3.J72.::ii!V0i ,:' ,M0! c- -

CALVES llecelpts. l.lll hssd; 1,141 onsale. The market was stesdy, with fair.sTemsnd, and the pens were cleared. Com-mon to choice veals sold at 110414.50 per100 lbs.; culls. Kfl: grssssrs. II j 5.50;fed snd mlied csltes, S.7S(i7.V: year-llng- e.

IIU 4. 75; city dressed csls firm at17Ulc, with a few etceedlng quotations;country dresaed, llttiyc.files J. tl. Curtis & Sons. 152 veils,

111 His. wverage. lit. So per 100 lbs.: 35,142, 114. 25; 23, ill, 114; 13, I4, 113.73; 2,151. 113.50; I. 140, 113; 2. 221. 112,23: 13.127. 112: 2. II. 111.30, 2, IS. 110.50. S, 1H,lio; 4 culls. 113, li: 4. 132. I. so; 3. lie.Mi 24 fed cslves. 310. !7.t0. 5. 234, 10; 13crussers. SIS, IS.SO. George t.. K. Dlllen-bac-

II veals. 142, 114.10: 10, 140. 114.23;4. 120. 14: S. 101. 113.75: 3. 100. 113.50; 4.100, 111: 10. 100. 112.30; 2. 100. 12; 3. 110.III. SO; 3. 101. Ill: culls. 143, l: 4 fedcsltes. 121, 15.75. W. It. Hume. 11 111. SO; 2. II. 110. Andrew Mullen. I

vsals. 140, 114; 11. Ill, 111; 2 culls. 12S.ti. If. If. Mollis. 22 veals, various weights,lltfitl.SO. H. Handera. 12 veals. 14S,114. SO: 23. 12(. 114.25: II. 133. 114: 2. 110,113; 21, IS. 110.50: 7, 137. 110; 2 culls,12S. II; I fed calves. 301, 17: 4 graisers.24S. IS. Kerns commission i:nmpsy, 51teals. 141, 114.50: si. 133. 114: 37. IIS,I13.3Q; 37 runs, ill, si; 17 grasaera.IS. K. Jndd & Co.. 20 veals. 122, III. 26:113. 12s, 113.8;',: t culls, lot. it: . in.II. SO: fed calves. 17S. 17; t. 24. IS.SO;3. 110. It. Md'herson Co.. 12 vcnls. I3S.114.50: 3, ISO. Ill; . 12e, 110.30. Tobln ItShannon, 11 vsals, 111. 114.50; 3. 141. 110:15 yearlings, 459, I4.t. Newton Co. 34Ohio calves. 345. II: cull vests. It, II; 1

fed cslves. 201, 16.25.KHKKI AND UMBU Receipts. 4.4SO

hesd; I0ti cars on aale. Hheep weresteady: beat lamba hold to steady prices;the under grades wers slow, with nn easier,feeling: 1 csr unsold. Common tn primesheep (owral sold st 1591 per 100 lbs.;culls at I3.50O 4.75: nrdlnsry to primslambs at tll.SOtf 13.25; culls at IKfJIO.Dressed mutton stesdy st 111 14r.Dressed lambs firmer st 170 lc. A fewhog dressed exceeded quotations. Countrydressed hothouss Ismbs unchsngsd at llOtf11 per carcass.

Hates Kerns Commission Company: !

Stats lambs, I lbs. average. I13.2S per 100lbs.; II, It. til: 11. 17, 112.10: 27 culls, 41,110; 3 sheep. 130. II; 4. DS, 17. 22. !. I:2 culls, 9$. 13. Newton A Co.: 1(3 Ohiolambs, CI, 13; 3 Pennsylvania. f,S. 1 2.7.".:I culls. 45, 21. 31, II; I yaarllnge. o.ItO: 37 sheep. 13, 17.25; 4, 102, II; IS culls,IS, 14.73. Tobln Shannon: 13 Pennsyl-vania lambs, (1. 111.15; 2 sheep, 100, IS.Mrrherson ft Co.: 10 Rtale lambs, 9,III. 25; 3 yearlings. 103, !; 10 aheep, 1(0.17.50: 4 culls, 17, II. H. Judd A Co.; 141Pennsylvania lsmba. 71. 113.35: 72. 74. 113:4 sheep, 17, IS. H. Handera: to Matelamba, 14. 113.25: 79. 19. 113; 313 Ohio, (9,112.50: 222. 14, 112.25; 125 Pennsylvania,

0, 112.50: I sheep, 91, 15.50; 4 culls, 75,13.30. J. a. Curtis A Hon: 135 Stale lsmba,75. til.2ti 17, 70. Ill: 7, 10, 112.50: s. si,112.23: 13 culls. 43, 19; 21 sheep. 101, 17;2.-- 90, IS.SO: 2, 140, IC 71, 13: I culls. 85,14.50. George tr ! H. Dlllenliack: SS Statelambs. 7. 111.21: 7. 74. I13.12H; 21, 72,113: 2, 90. 112.75; 41, 10. 112.30; 19, 41,111.30; 3 cull aheep, 7P. 11.50.

1KMIH Receipts. 7,330 head: shout n rnron sale. Prices were firm to a fractionhigher. Light to medium weights sold ntI9.50ftl0.10 per 100 lbs.: pigs at 9ffl.S0:toughs at 11.73; country dressed liogasteady at 12U14HC.; roasting pigs at ISMlieHales ft. Panders, 32 .Slate bogs. 141 lbs.average, at 110.10 per 100 lbs.; 4 I'enn.aylvsnla pigs, 100 Ins., 19 50: 22 Htate, It,19; roughs, 100, 11.75. S. .ludd Sr Co., 20Pennsylvania hogs, KIT. 10.50; ToblnShannon, O Pennsylvania hogs, 104, 110.

Other Cities1 Live Block Markets,CHICAOf), Dec. I. Hogs Receipts. 0;

weak at 15c. above yesterday's aver-age. Bulk, Ii.il0io.l6s light. 19010.10;mixed, I9.I0IT1O.3; heavy, I9.I5O10.30;rough,; pigs, 1761.15.

Cattle Rscstpts, 1I,00 strong. Nativebeef stsers, I7j 12.76; Western ateers, 17 1

10.10; atockera and feeders, l,IOe7.IS:cows and heifers, tl.liO10.2t; calves, 19.50Oil. St.

Hheep Receipts. 23,000: strong. Weth-ers. II.S06I.2S; swes, 1101.73: Ismbs, 110013.11.

ST. LOCI. Dee. . Hogs Rscelpts. 0:

10c. higher. Lights. I9.I0OJ0.I0; pigs.I7.1I09: mlxsd and butchers, ir.ltOlo.lO;good heavy, lll.201.ll) bulk, l.70l10.25.

Cattle Receipts. ,00) strong, nativebeef steers. IT.SOfJ 11.75; yearling stenriind helfsri. M.JO 0 1 eows. B 30g; stockers and feeders. IS,IOOT.M; Texasqusrsntlns steers II.S0OI; prims Southernbeef steers. g.tO0D beef eows and heifers,ll.JSrt7.lsi prims vsarltng sleets andheifers.' gT.UOOBl native calves. lOOll.M).

Sheep Hecstpte, 4,100; lower. Lambs,ILnrisg 18.63; wj, ti. 73 8T.0O; yearlings.M.O0.

KANSAS! CITY, Dec. A. Hogs Rs.eelpts. 14.000; higher! balk, I0.T0UI0.1S;heavy, IOt 10.30; packers and butchers,go.itio,ini Ugkt. te.&owio.oJ: pits. itu.Cattlsenscslpts, 4,000; Including tlOO

Southern: strong to IOC. hlgheri prims fedsteers. 10 Mas Jt dressed beef steers. T.ftOOI0.2A: ttoutnern steers,; cows.

heifers, '; slackers .and2irgriOtI&OT.7I)

,hulls, 5,aaiO.70 calves,

Hheep Rsoelpt,. S.OOO: 'steady t lambs,

nnaailUL Deo, -- Cattle steady;

b. MNeouaar 1

wethers, ll.t6tyl.7Sf culls and common,11.101) lambs, lltp 13.11! tssI calves, $13

11.10.Hogs Higher: receipts, IS double decks.

Prime hesvles, 110.10: mediums Bl henvyyorkers. W 10. 2S; light yorkers. 19.10J.7ti pigs, lt.2Si roughs, lltsi.71,

CINCINNATI, Dec. . I log llecelpts,7,41 slow, packers and butchsrs. It. IS01.2i enmmon to choice, I7.IOOI.40;pigs and lights. l(.7SO.3.

Cattle llecelpts, 700; steady. Cslvesstsady.

Hheep Itecelpls. 400: strong. Lsmbastrong, ll.SOtl 12.25.

KAHT 'ncrr'ALO, Dee. I. Csttle lle-celpts, St,' active and firm.

Vsals-Itecelp- 128; active; I4.50$13.10.

Hogs Receipts, ,00S: sctlvs. Heavy,Il0.40 0 mixed, t10.SOl.40: York-ers, IIO.13ulO.30s light do., l.2Slo:(iV'l "',l5! rauh- - stsgs,

tthcep and Lambs Receipts, 2,400; se-ll ve. Lambs, tlffis: yearlings. wethers, ll.2S08.7l; ewes, 14(71;inixeu sneep,


WASHINGTON. Dec. -St element of re-ceipts snd disbursements of the Treasury:

This month. blsnsl vear.I Receipts ttl.US.SSS iU3.004.3M( Disbursemsnt l3.30S.llSj 433.111,707

DeRcIt 1144.070 1109,111.331

Custom receipts. 1719.105; Internal revenue,ordinary. T,ia.7: income tax, IW.m:

I4U.WJ; national bsnk notes re-ceived for redemption. 1793.227.

Statement ol United Btalee Treasurer forDecember I:

I OINBRAL fDND.Arsllsble gold tlM,M7.MIAvailable sliver 17.t03.71117. 8. nous , 6,131.310National bank note and Federal

Reserve note I

Certified checks on banks 17.123Subsldisry silver, minor coin and

silver bullion 12.CSJ.M5Unclssslned (unsortrd currency)... 1.213.4MDeposits in banks and Philippine

Treasury (

Arsllsble currency In Treasuryand bank t227.4S9.U2

Deduct current liabilities 9S.170.OM

Net balance In general fund II31.M.2MRESERVE FUND.

Cold coin and bullion 1152.979.023

TRUST FUND.To redeem outstanding rertinratrs i:.2M.:3l.3urami loiai casn assets in Tresaury 2 wo.171.11 2


(Quoted ea a percentage ha Is.)Maturity. Hate Hid. Asked.

Raltlninre Ohio 191 24 4 414 M 4.20Buff, Itoch A Pitta,. .1111 30 4U 5 4.5.1 4.30Cinsdlan I'srlflc UlS-t- t 4, 4.13 4 3tbesaprske A Ohio, ..1911 3S 4s 4 SO 4 VI'bl A Northwestern.. 1SK 23 4V. 4 l 4.OT(LI. R I A Psclnc...19l 27 4V.5 SOD 4 10Chi. HI L A N t) 1J1S-5- I t 4 40 4 20i lere, (', 1' A gt L. .1I1S-- 5 4 4 40Delawsre A Hudson.,1922 4U. 4 31 4.10Erie Rstlrosd 11(M 4U-- 4.t" 4 10ilrand Trunk 19K-2- I 4S 4 4.V1Illinois Cratrsl 1I1S-2- 41,-- 5 4.51 1 ,;.loulsrlllc A Nsihrllle.1911-2- 5 4 23 4.10Micblrsn Central HIS 3 4 41 4.2S .Mo. Ksnsss A Texss.,1111 21 t 5 M too1Mlseourl PsrlnV 19123 5 i SO tooiMxhlle A Ohio. ... Iiis :i 41, 5 4 70 4M1N Y Central Uses. ,.1111 21 l'i 5 4 to 4 23.Norfolk & Western. ll 24 4V, 4 30 4.10N Y, N It A H.s ..1114 (HI 4 K 4 X'.

I'enn lien Freight ,.lsl-2- 4 4, 4 30 4 0)Rt U Iron Mt A Ho.. 1911.24 S 4.71Healvsrd Air l.lne.,.lfl( IK & 4 40Southern Perl lie 1911.2 4LJ 4.33 4 20Southern Ilsllwsy..,.191l 24 (HI 4. 50 4.25


(0 shares O, M. Thurnauer Company, Inc.,preferred. II.4U0 lot.

I lharea (I. M. Thurnauer Company, Inc.,common, f 100 lot.

11,000 Chlcouttml Pulp Company firstmortgage 30 year sinking fund goldbonds, due July. 1143. Interest Janu-ary and July.

150 shsres Tuarnlcosa Mills of Cottondsle.Alsbams. 12 lot.

I shsres Htandsrd Oil Compsny of NewYork. 27t'.

I shsres Cumberland ripe Line Company,itm.

20 aharts Crescent Pipe Line Companr.113.50 per shsre.

11 snares pouin vv esi Pennsylvania ripeLines. 1121,.

13 shsres Due keys Pipe Line Compsny,10.

13 shares Htsndard Oil Company of Cali-fornia, 370.

I shares Htandsrd Oil Company of Indi-ana. 1421..

13 shsres I'rslrln Pipe Line Company,334'..

5 shsres first mortgage Guaranty Company,9.



at the close of business on Ihe 29tb day ofNovember, 1910

RKSOllHCKS.Rtnrk and bond investments,

M.iIpufillc securities (book value.23,3tH).04A.W): market value I22.4i0.337.

umirium nun value,IITlveie Dili; marketvaluu 2.5,77.1, Ml,Real rstatuowntil. , , .1,OI.VOMMnrlgaitvs owurd 1,818,1.1(1.Loans and discounts secured by

bond and mortgage, deeil. orother resl cMste cullstcral . 31.S00.

lAm snd discounts secured byolbrrcnllstersl... 41,028,194. 13

Loans, discount", snd hills pur- -chsanl not secured by cul-lstcral 43.nno.477.

Overdrafts 387.Ovrnlrafts, secured 030,Aon,Adranm to trusts, secured. ... lS&.U.It,Due from an--pnl rcsertodeMltarles. leisamount of nff- -aets.. II2.679.4S0.M

Due from trustcompsnles.banks.and hankers notIncluded In pre-ceding Item, . 17.244..M3.AI

20.024.OO3Hpecte.. .... 12,632.002.United .States r nntetsnd notes of nstlonsl bsnks. 474. Msl

federal Reer e notes . , 87,000Ltsbllltles of customers rnr sr--ceptancm ise liabilities, perrontrs) . , , S.097,041 93

Other ssssu. vlAccrued lnlenvt entered on

hooka at close of huslneewi onalHiiedste, .. .nl,4l ill

TOTAL, 8192,387,228.43LIA1IIL1TIK.S.

Capltsl stock $1,000,000.00Surnlus on msrket valors'

Surplus fur.d .... 8200,000.00CndUldcd proflta S.428,126.44

8,028,120.44Cndlvkled prnflts and surplusno lnok values, 18,

Deposits ;

Prcfernsl. as follows:Pue New YorkState eatingsbanks. .. $4,053,326.00

Other dcpmlladue as executor,administrator,guardlau, rc- - ,reiver, trustee.committee, ordepialtary. .. 7,190,411.78Notas follows:

Deposits suhjn'ttnchnck 132,360,037.11

Time deposit.certificates sndother drposlls.tho pasment ofwhich cannotliwsllv he re--(Mitred withinthirty daya, ,. . 17,013,139.87

Demand certlflrate of deposit. 378.500.00

Other rertUcatcajof deposit 3,2.1I,.M.IH)

Certified checks.. V24.008.37Unpaid dh Mends 79.25liue trust com-panies, banks,and bankers ... 6,74 1 .830.33

Total deposits 173.013,173.23Domestic ami foreign accept-

ances, 8,097,941.03Other liabilities, viz.:

Unserves for taxesand dividends... $9S,066.6I

Accrued Interest .entered on hooks 'at close of bust-- ,ness on above ,date

Ileserve . for unearned interest. , sar.irjvjur


TOTAL I82,a87,28.l3

Pennsylvania GasolineCompany

Commliiton ordrrt promptly exe-cuted in thii lecurity. Yeiterdiy'idoting mtkett-ii- 6 bid, lvt-3-

Circular on Rtquttt

William J. GeretyS3 BrtMtl Strasst Nerw York

'ITtoos 8897 4--0 Broad-- j



at the close of business on tbe Stub day ofNovember, 1B18:

RRSOURCES ,Stock and bond Investments. ls.:

Public securities (book value,3,ie.1,l74.l3), market value 32,S4S.7e.31

Private securities (book value,at 1.833.4 17.31), market value. .llt.470.8

Real estate owned a.Aoo.OOO.OOMortgaces owned l.Kaa.OOO.QOLoans and discounts secured by

bond snd mortgasre. deed or.other resl estate collateral..... 34S.87S.87Loans and discounts secured by.other collateral 201,tM,l0.3Loans, discounts, and bill pur-chased not secured by collateral, 30.708,932.13

Acceptances purchased 62.0S5.447.0.SOverdrafts 9,03,. MDue from spprov- -rd resertedeposl- -tarles.less amountof onsets Sia.S87,78l.lO

Due from trustcompanies, bankssnd lianki-r- s notIncluded In pre-ceding Item 7, 14.74

24,08. 3IO.S4?Declc 27,033,030.37Unllol Htates legal tendir notesand notes of national iianks, , . . 8,801 .JSO.OO

I'edersl rrnerte notes,,.,. A .. . 400,113.00lAsh Items, vis.:

Ktchangas andchecks for nettday's riearlngst34,184,870..1

Other cash Items 2.080.7824.187,031.08

Customers', liability on aeospt- -ancea (see liabilities, per contra) 4LU3.798.44

Other svsets. vis.:Accrued Interest entered on

bonks at close of business onabove date. I.07I.IM.II

Accounts receivable 1,176.477.78Forelsn hills or eichangs andfflrelin ancnunts 71.828.784.10

Sundry foreign accounts .1477,1 63,092.90

LIABILITIES.Capita! stock. 120.000,000.00Surplus on market values!Surplus fund ... . profit

88,099,808.11Surplus on book

values I2J.937.2S7.49Depoeita:

iTeferred, as fol-lows:

Due New YorkState savingshanks. ... Id. S21. 723.07

Other depositsdue ss executor,administrator.gusnllsn. re-ceiver, trustee,committee or de- -twsltsry ..... 1B.S37.M0.M

Deposits by IheSlate of New '

.York 4S.000.00Deposits by thsSuperintendentof Hanks of Statei.f New York 8.000.00

Ot her deposits se-cured by aliledyeiifsssets. 843.187.81

Drnolta other- - ,se preferred,

if sny, due ascars'utor, ad- -m I n I s t r a t o r,guardian, etc.,time deposits .. 9,891,000.00

Not preferred.aa folios s.

Deposits subjecttnrheck. . . .29S.9.1S,S.4S

Time depoeita,certificates andother deposlla.the payment ofwhich cannotlegally be re-quired withinthirty daya. . . . 18.2S1.838.48

Demand certifi-cates of depmlt 4.843.881.83

other certlflcateanfdepnell . . 10.230.3S9.10

Cashiers checksoutstanding. In-

cluding similarchecks of otheronicers .. 8.729.781. IS

Certified clicks. 2.240.013.(17Unpaid dividends 2,048 00Due trust rimi- -psnles. banksand bankers. . . . B 1.442.82 1 .03

Extend total deposits 407,823,703.24Acceptances of draft payable sta futuru dste or authorised bycommercial let ten of credit. . . . 41,193.798.44

Other liabilities, vli.;rnrrian acceptances 10.849,443.37Accrued dividend 8686.840.87Unserves fortaxes, eipenscs,etc 338.431. 88

Accrued Interestrntcied on booksst close tf busl- -neat on abedate . . S.336.S94.9S

Estimated un-earned discounts a6.A28.86


Tutsi 8S77,163.O0:.0O


st the close of buslneu on the 29th dsy of No-vember. 11)16:

KKSOl'ltCEfl.Stork snd bond Investments, via.:

Public securities ihonk vslue.8ID.U4 1.82M.79) : msrket value $1 1,201,806 00

l'riste securities (hook value.837.11)0.004.71)1 : market vslue. 39,921 063.77Itesl eslstc owned:

Kealcstate. . .. $4,36.634.07lsv sinking fund 24S.047..VJ

4,14I.S8K.S3Mnrtgasea owned 1,701,000.00Losns and discounts secured bybond snd mortgsse deeil, orother real estate collateral ... 294.OSS.00 and discounts secured byolber collateral 124.391,90.1.02

Loans, discounts, and bills pur-chased not secured by collateral. I0,62S.2.M 6.,

Oimlrafu A.302.1Auue irom spprov-e- .l --4reHcrrvMlepnsl.isrim.iessamouniomrtseis. . .$10,244,118.80

Due from trustcoiupaulcs.banka,and bankers notIncluded In pre- -cedlng Item . 13.9S7.67t.SI

23 231.790.83Specie . . 17,244,132.13inueu sistcs ieffai-tna- noressnd notes of national hanks. 117.463 no

Federal Kcserve notes. , , ... 00.600 00Cashllema, vl.:

Kxchsnges andchivks for nextday's clearings.. 810.086.843.81

10,960,843,84Customers' liability on accent

ant es (see liabilities, per contra) lO.S;o,10.V2lOther assets. li. :

Accrued Interest,entered on booksat of busi-ness ou a runeilslo . $1,426,718.86

Accounts ri"ccl-abl- e.


Total .... f , $287,237,780.74

LIAIIILITIKS. ,Capital stock . . . .$10,000,000.00Surplus on market vslues:Surplus fund .. llo.iHXi.noo.ooUndivldnlproflls 7.UI6.A62.4U

17,016 M2.9Surplus on bookvslui .. .$13,804,871.02

Drpixlts. ,lrefrrrcd, s follows;

Due Now YorkState savings 'hanks, . . $7,307,499.46

Other depositsdue ns esecu.tor. adminis-trator, Ruar-clla-

reci'hcr,trustee, coinmlttce. or

I0.().',9.9NS.87Deposits by IheSuiHTlntendeiit.or iianks ofState of NewYork 1,170.83

Other depositssecured ly afilrdsnnfsAsets 1,308,913.06

preferred,iraiiy 31,803.67

Not preferred, asfollows:

Deposits subjectto check 120.820,203.03

Tlnui deposits.ccTtlflcstiw.sndother deposits.the payment ofwhich cannotlegally be re-quired withinthirty days... 17,084,888.26

Demand crrtlfl- -catesofdeposit 1,670,444.83 oi

Othercertlncatesof deposit. ... 3,134,080.43

Cashier's checksnutstsndlnir.ln- -eluding similarchecks of otherofficers. , 4, Ml, 106.24

Certified chscks 1, 1(11, 0.15.45Due trut com- -panlea, banks,und bankers. 44.249,170.60

Extend total deposits 218,330.901.73Accepts r.res of ilrsftv psyshle ata future dale or authorised bycommercial letters liferent, ,, 10,55(1,405. 'J

Other llshlllties. via.;Hniervi'srorlBxes,rxpenkrs.rtc .. $137,241.33

Accrued, Interestentered on hooksat close of busi-ness on abovedate 1,181.940.99

Accounts payable 14,673 00l,S,Sjf,JJ to

Totaij , W37,M7,769.7 be


TN Wabisk PittshiKfh Tirmml

Railway CiiHpiiy

NOTICE Is hereby given that bstdsrs efCertificates of Deposit Issued under or sub-ject to the Plan and Agresmsnt of

dated June 21, 1111, as amended,besrlng notation showing payment at therate of 1100 In respect of each 11,111 ofbond represented thereby, upon presenta-tion of their CertlAcstes of Dsposlt toCENTRAL TnUKT COMPANY Of NEWYOriK, Depositary, at Its office, 14 WallStreet, New York City, for sppropflstestamping will be entitled to receive

(hereinafter termed Certificates ofInterest) In bearer form, specifying theamount of stock of Ths Wheeling and LakeErie Itallroad Compsny deliverable, In re-

aped of ths Certificates of Deposit sostamped, under said Iteorgsnliatlon Planand Agreement ss amsndsd. If and whenconsummsted, Haiders of Certlflcatea efDeposit so stamped waive- - their right te re-

ceive under said Flaa and Agree ia)hi! aamended stock ef tbe' lYheeltag Cswapanyr trust cert 18 rales representative thereof i

aad all sock right pass te Ihe bsldsrs ef''erllflrate ef Iatereet Issaed la rsspectthereof.

Holders ef Csrtlflcatss of IntsrssL pur-suant to arrangement mads by the under-signed nsorganlxatlon Commutes with theMansgers of ths Syndicate mentioned Inthe Plan and Agreement for the Ileorgan-liatlo- n

of Ths Wheeling and Lake ErieTtallrosd .Company dated September 10,1111, are glvs,n the opportunity to purchassfrom the said syndicate Mansgers stock ofthe nsw Compsny referred to In said lastmentioned Iteorgsnltstlon Dan and Agree-ment to ths extent, at ths prlrs, and sub-ject to the terms snd conditions set forthIn a clrculsr letter of ths IteorgsnliatlonCommittee dated November 21, 1111, copleaof which may be nbtslned from CentrslTrust Company of New York, Depoiltsry,or from the Secretary of ths Committee.This privilege to acquire sneh stock of thenew Wheeling Company expires DECEM-BER 8, 1916, and the Reorganisation Com-mittee has no authority te postpone thatdate.

Dated. November 27, 1111.


Reorganisation Committee.

AltTHUR M. WICKWIRE,Secretsry,

11 Broadway. Nsw Tork City.

Pere MarquetteRailroad CompanyConiolklatetj Mortgage Four Per Cent.

Fifty-Y- er Gold Bonds, Due 1951.

Up lo the closeof business thla dsy therehave been deposited with Ths Ksrmera'Loan und Trust Compsny, ss depositaryunder agreement dnted June 3, 1U12. IS,.213.000 par value, of a total outatandlna ofll.JSJ.OOO of the Consolidated Mortsag"Kour Per Cent. Klftv-Ye- tlold Bonds ofthe Pere Marquette ttallrosd Company.Issued under Consolidated Mortgage ofJsnusry 2. 1101.

It Is the desire of ths Committee thatopportunity l afforded tn the holders ofall undepoaltsd Consolidated Mortisesbonds to denoslt tliein uniter aaM ir.'inent of June 2. 112. so that they may.I'arucip-it- e in tne privileges and benentsoutlined In th 1'lan snd Asreement of Be.organliatlon nt the jvre Muniuette lull-roa- d

Compsny dated October 30, laiit. Tothis end. up lo is rid Including the 14th dayof Decern! er. IMS. The Formers" Imii undTruet Company, as deiosltury under s.vldnsreement of June S, 1912, lll receive,Hltheut Yieiially, lint suliiect tn sal.l Planslid Aurretnent of lleomnnlrstlon. deposits

said rotisolldated MortKsae Tour Per'ent. nitv-Vea- r Hold Bonds of the 1'ere

Marquette Itallrottd Company, with couponsmaturing July 1, lilt, and all subsequentcoupons.



Secretary.Dsted, New tork, December I, lltl.


Plant In PhiladelphiaA Subsidiary hss received large ordersfrom U, It. Government BethlehemSleet Co., Baldwin LocomotiveWorks, Sun Shipbuilding Co.,Mldtsie Htrel Co., etc.

listed and artlvely traded Inon New York Curb Market.l)f$ertpttt Circular on rrctirif.

Fanning, Buck & Co.67 Exchsnge Plsce, New York.

Tcts Hector

We Spttiallze In

Transue & Williams

Steel ForgingsCircular on request

R0BT. E. KEMERER &C0.59 BROAD ST., N. Y. TeL 1824 Bread


oi rici: orAmerican Public Utilities

CompanyGrand Rapids, Michigan

The Hoard of Dlrrrturs of the AmericanPublic Utilities Company has declared thorecular nu.irierly dividend ot O.NB ANDONR.HAl.K I'KIl CENT, tilt's) on thuPreferred Htoclt, paynlde Jan, 1st, 1117, tostockholders of record nt the close of busl.ness December lOlli, 1114, Transfer Hooks.will not close.


Dee, I, 111.

Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. I,, That ths lioard of Directors

Arizona, umiru ..iiiiiiiar compsny nohereby dsclnre tho rerular quarterly divi-dend of one per cent. (1) to be paid nnJanuary 1st, 1917, upon the stock of thlaI'Amnnnr ,ta llt asms eloeo of business on Decsinhor 16th,191; stock trunster books to be closedfrom December 15th, UK, until Jsnusry1st, 1917.

I'. I)KII.I..KI COMPANY.New York, December 8th, 191.

Dividends of 14, per tent, on the Pre.ferred Cluck snd 3 per cent, on the CommonMo, k of I'. Lrlllnrd Coinpjny have beenderliired. pmsbls Jnnuiiry 2nd. 1917, lostockholders n( record St the close of'i, Dei ember IStll. 111. Cheeks will bslllulle,!, iv .n, it. nut. i r, iressurer.TIIK AMERICAN TOnC COMPANY,

111 I'lflh Avenue.New York. December I, 1H.

A dividend of 1H has been doclsrsdupon Ihe preferred stock ot Ths AmericanTobarcii Compsny, psyshls Jsnusry 2, un,

stockholders of record at ths close ofbusiness December II, nil. Checks willnslsd. J.,M,V.,HlClfU1.Tr4iirr,- -



TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEBN1Nstlco Is hereby given that pursusnt

to the provisions contslnsd In Article 111.of the mortgsgs dsted July 1st, 1101, givenby the New York Chlpbulldlng Compsny toThs Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh,Trustee, to secure an isaus of l,0,000.v0.the following bonds will bs redeemed andrstlrsd on January 1st, 1117, to wit:

1 S 14 1 7 II 1 It II It 14 1 II

17 II II 20 21 12 33 2421 II 27 21 II 18 II II81 II 15 II 17 II SI 4041 42 41 II II 4 47 4141 10 II II 81 14 II II17 II II 40 II 12 II II

I I 17 II II 70 71 7271 74 71 71 77 71 71 10

1 12 It 14 II II 17 IIII I II It IS 91 IS II

7 II II 108 101 102 101 10111 101 107 101 101 110 111 111118 114 111 111 117 111 111 II121 121 111 III 121 11 127 121ill 110 lit III III 111 111 II117 111 111 110 III 142 IIS 141141 141 147 141 149 110 111 111111 114 111 111 117 111 II 110111 12 111 114 113 1 17 111111 170 171 172 171 174 171 171177 171 17 110 111 lit 112 111114 IIS 111 117 191 111 200 202201 204 205 101 207 201 201 210211 213 211 IIS 21 217 211 21241 247 248 211 2f.0 211 252 211314 III 21! 217 2M 219 210 211112 211 2111 2S 2(11 2(17 III 21170 271 171 171 274 27S 27 177271 17 21 lit 112 211 211 211111 217 111 III II 111 lit 211214 2IS 211 217 211 III SOO SOI11 301 3()l 101 101 107 IO! 10tl 111 112 111 111 111 111 117III St 320 121 121 121 324 III121 127 121 i: II lit 122 III111 IIS 111 317 111. Ill 110 141341 341 344 14S S4S 147 341 141II 111 SSI SSI 111 111 1SI SI7III III ! lit 111 113 14 HIIS 117 311 311 170 371 S7S 171374 171 371 177 371 171 SIO 111111 111 111 113 3I 117 111 111110 111 113 11 III III 311 117111 111 400 41 402 401 404 417411 411 421 421 422 421 424 42112 427 421 421 410 411 433 411414 417 42S 411 440 441 442 111441 44S 444 447 441 441 4(0 111412 411 4.14 4IS 416 417 411 45141 411 42 411 414 441 44 4C?41 411 470 471 472 473 474 47S474 477 471 471 410 411 412 4S3414 115 II 137 111 II 140 141142 141 144 141 Sl 147 141 I4ISO IS1 152 Sit 154 SL." 15 117SSI IS9 IIA tl 112 13 r.l SC,5

Ml 117 f Ml 170 C7I 172 S71574 175 17? 177 11 112 13 SI4III It 117 III 111 MO r.S I 112S!) I94 SIS J. S"t f,!" II S99 COO

sol I 02 403 104 05 son in; rotSO I0 111 412 113 I4 CIS USI7 ll 111 420 121 422 S23 2ICI 111 117 C2I CIS S30 C3l 432

31 1( 115 14 127 4 39 I0111 42 4 3 144 143 444 447 444SIS t0 SSI S52 4S1 S4 H 54S57 SI 714 71.". 71 717 7M 722723 724 721 724 727 721 72' 710711 7.12 731 711 740 0 J07 JOtSOU MO Jit M2 I3 114 ft". Ml

17 III St!) 120 121 !:i 2.1 121921 2 27 2 2 S10 !3I 932

11 134 MS 1 !37 Ml MS 910141 142 943 944 145 914 947 941949 9S0 9.H I5S 940 9S1 92 9r--

944 95 94 97 94 9(9 970 971972 971 2 911 94 95 94 917III 919 990 991 992 991 914 9'.'199 997 991 999 1000 101)1 1002 100

1004 100S 1004 1007 104 100 into 10111012 101 1014 10IS 1014 1I7 1011 1013102S 102 1017 1021 1021 1010 1011 10151031 1014 IMS 1014 1017 1031 1019 10101041 1042 1043 1044 104S 1014 1047 1011049 10SO 1051 1052 1053 1034 inf.'. 10t410S7 10SI I0S9 1040 1041 1042 101 10441045 1044 1047 1 0 1041 1070 1071 1072173 1074 1075 1074 1077 107 107 10101011 102 103 1014 101.1 1101 110' 11101111 1112 1113 1114 IMS IIU 11IJ nn1119 1120 1121 1122 1121 1t24 1125 11241127 112 1129 1130 1131 1112 1131 11141138 lltl 1117 till 1139 1140 1141 11121141 1141 1145 1144 1147 114 1149 JISJ1151 11S2 1133 1151 11S1 1154 11S71139 110 1141 1112 11C3 1104 1143 1141 47 114 1l 1170 1171 1172 1171 174

1175 117 1177 1171 1179 ltJJ 1111 11J31111 1114 1143 111 lt7 11M 119

191 1192 1193 1194 1193 1114 1197 119J1199 1200 1201 1202 1201 1204 120".1207 120 1209 uin wii isij ijij jj

1215 1214 1217 121 I21 1220 1221 122121 1224 1225 124 1227 122 1229 1230111! 212 1211 1224 1215 1214 1237 12111214 1240 1241 1242 1241 1244 1241 12441247 124 1249 1250 1251 1253 12SJ1256 12.14 1J7 12.14 12.1' 1240 1241 J""1341 124 lftS 12(4 1247 1241 1249

1272 1S73 1274 1275 1274 J277 127.'r.i , ., hi 14427 111 12 120 1291 1111 IS" 1294

1215 12 1297 129 1299 1100 1301 1102

111 130 U0i uos uui i;u1111 1112 1111 1314 111J JJ14 1317 HI1119 1320 1121 1122 1123 1S24 1325 1321327 1.12 1129 1330 1331 1333 1111 13SIis-- -. 1 a ss 1114 1311 1310 1.111 13121141 1314 1315 134 tJ7 134 119 11601151 1352 1151 133 115'. 1.154 1357 113S1359 llso 13M 1342 111 111 125 tSUI11S7 134 1349 1.170 1171 1372 137.1 13711375 I3TK 1377 1374 1279 13S0 1341 I321.11.1 IS 1313 1.114 13S7 ll4 131 I1901311 1192 1113 l72 I473 l7l H75 17177 1471 1471 1410 1S1 13 13 14(4

HS Ml ls7 14S U4J H10 K.91 l92143 13 !' 1'4 197 1494 1411 17001701 1702 1153 1111 15-- 13 117 HHSJ 1140 1861 ! 172. 1473 H7I 1712022 2021 2021 2023 2024 2027 2021 202520.10 2011 2013 2013 201 2015 2034 203,203 .2019 20,'.2 2033 205 2013 20iii 20572034 2051 2040 2041 20C2 2043 204 204320(1 207 2"1 2009 2070 2071 2072 20712074 2075 2074 2077 2074 2079 2040 01201 2013 20tl 2041 2014 2047 2014 2042091 2091 20i2 20M 2031 2013 2094 24972094 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 21012M4 2107 2104 2109 2110 2111 2112 21132111 2113 211 2117 211 2119 2120 21212123 2121 2124 2125 2124 2127 2124 21212130 2111 2112 2131 2131 21.13 2134 2117211 2139 2140 211 212 213 2144 2152144 217 211 2149 2150 21S1 2153 21532151 2155 2154 3157 2151 2151 2U0 2141212 2141 2lt 215 214 2147 21 2S217') 2171 2172 2173 217 2175 2174 21772171 2179 2110 2H1 2112 2181 2I!I SMS215 2117 211 219 2H0 2191 2192 It'll214 2191 2194 2197 219S 2199 2200 2S0I3202 2201 220 205 2204 2J07 2201 22012210 2211 2212 2213 2211 2213 2214 23172211 2211 2220 2221 2222 22:.1 2221 222".2224 2227 2221 S2J9 2230 2211 2232 23.12231 22.11 2214 2217 2211 2:19 2210 23112242 2243 2244 224.1 224 2217 224 2JH2230 2231 2252 2253 2251 2:j 2254 22172251 2239 22'l 221 2212 22M 221 25224 227 224 29 2270 2271 2272 2.7.12271 2275 2274 2277 227

The lioldirs of Ihe slrtue number. Ij bonds should present and surrender the

some lo The Cnlon Trust company ot '

rit i e mi rc n. Trustee, nt S3, rourtn avenue,l'lttsburali, Pennsylvania, on .Inuuarv 1st,'1917, when they will receo In cash llifar. .imount of th bonds, plus two andone. half (2'j'H pr cent, premium jndscrrued Inlereat to .Imunry 1st, 1 1 1 7.

Bonds must carry toutoiis due January1st, 1917. and subsequent thereto und l4areompsnled by the usual Income lax cer-tificate.

Interest on "aid bonds illl crass onJsnusry 1st, 1917NEW YOBK fllll'HCIl.niNd COMPANY

Tty K. M KNOX', PresidentJ, T WICKEllrtHAM. becrotary sn.l

Treasurer.Camden, New Jersey, December 1, 191.


Inlerborouth 4'onsiilhlAted t'lirporiitlonNOTICE OK PAYMENT Ol' DIVIDENDTho Hoard of Directors of th Inierbnr

ouih Consolidated Corpnratt'in Hi h mielIns- - lirlti to.diiy, declared from surplus hdividend of l'nA un the preferro.l sto. k,vauh!o st tho ottlce of the Corporation, Nu143 llro.idway. New York Cl, un Jiinuorv2nd, 1917, to tile etorkholders uf rtioril ntthe closo ot builness December lltli, 1910

II. M KISIIEIt, Herretury.New York, Dec, Mil. 1914.

Distillers Securities Corporation.Tho Honrd of Directors has this dny de-

clared n quarterly dividend of one nnd onehalf per rent, Ills') upon the oiiisiundltiKcnpltiil atoi, pnsble JamiHry l.Mli, 1917.lo stix kholders of record nt the coo ofbusiness December I S tit. 1911,

The tmnsfer books win not be cloeed,TIIOX. A. CI.AUK, Asslstnnt Trensurer.

Dated December 0, 1914.

tiKOHOE W. IIKI.MK 4 DMI'ANV.Ill Ktfth Avenue, New York. Dec. 4, 1914,Dividends of One snd Three.nuurters

Per Cent, on the Preferred Mock und Twound One-hal- f Per Cent, and un ealra KourPer Cent, on the Common rMock uf tleorKoW. llelme Company were this day (lectured,payable Jsnunry 2, 1917, to stockholder otrecord nt the close of business December 14,19U, Checks will be mailed

K. D. CIIIUSTIAN, tfer.'y A-- Tress.

AMERICAN CAN COMPANY.A quarterly dividend of one nnd three,

qtmrtsra per cent, has been declared uponths Preferred Stock of this Company, pay-able January Snd, 1917, lo Stockholders ofrecord st the rloee of business Decemberllth, 11. Trsnsfer lloolii will remainopen. Checks mulled.

U. II, IHMON,Secretary Treasurer.

THE DELAWARE HUDSON COMPANY.New York, November 27, 191.

A ousrterly dividend of TWO AND ONE.QUAHTEIl i:tr,; pEll CENT on thsrapltsl stork of thla Company will be paidst the nfnee of the Company. 31 S'.iieauHtrett. In this city, on nnd after Wednes.dsy, Dsc. 20, 111, lo Ciockholdsrt of rec-ord at clots of business to.dsy.

Dy order of ths Hoard of Managers.CHARLES A, WALKER, Tresturtr.

AMERICAN KNUIT-- ' COMPANY.Memphis, Tenn., December s, 111,

Dividends of I't'e n ths Preferred stockstjd 1'.'-- nn ths Common ani4c of AmericanHnuft Compsny wers y declsred, pay.

hie Jsnusry 3, 1917. tn stoijcholdera ofrecord nt ths clots of business DecsmbsrII. III. Chscks will be msllsd.

Trsnsfer hooks will remain open,M. B. Yl.NCU. TriMUtM.


Josevig Kennecott

Copper CompanyReprinted by courtesy of "MARKETS,"

an independent financial weekly.Issue of December 1, 1916.

One ' the newor copper stocks slated for earlylistinar on tho New York Curb is Josevig-Kenneco- tt.

This company owns 22 claims in onecontinuous group, totaling 440 acres in the ChitinaCopper Belt, Alaska, made famous by the Bonanzaand Jumbo mines of Kennecott. The property iaopposite the Bonanza and about seven miles fromKennecott, the terminus of the Copper River &Northwestern Railway.

The copper wealth of this particular region astypified by the mines of Kennecott is too well-kno-

to MARKETS' readers to call for extendedcomment. The Josevig-Kenneco- tt property hasbeen examined by a number of prominent engi-neers and the geological formation has been pro-nounced identical with that of tho company'sfamous neighbor. The Josevig-Kenneco- tt Com-pany is not an abstract prospect, as the propertyis partially developed, copper has been producedand about 800 tons of high-grad- e ore are said tobe ready for shipment at the present time. Trialshipments of this same grade of ore have shown itto run 42.6 copper and $19.20 silver to the ton.These assays show that the ore is similar to thatof Kcnnecott's Bonanza mine, which admittedlyhas one of the most remarkable high-grad- e ore-bodi- es

in the world.

President D. K. McDonald, bf the Josevig-Kenneco- tt

Company, has just returned from thoproperty and in a personal letter to some inter-ested parties in New York, among other things,says:

"There ia no doubt in my mind thai thin isone of the biggest propositions in Alaska, or inAmerica for that matter. Every one itho looksat it says it has the best showing of any in theCopper River country except the Bqianza. Pres-ent showing is much better than KennecottJumbo and that claim is regarded as a wonder.Tunnel No. 2 is on. claim No. 1 and you will findore exposed on the surface all the way throughinto No. 3. It is certainly the finest surfaceshowing I have ever seen and if it doesn't makea big mine, I don't know what will. The moreI think about it the more I am satisfied that itis the chance of a lifetime to get into such aproperty. You understand that the KennecottCompany's properties are only scratched andturning out about $3,000,000 a month, so justimagine what can be done when fully developed."

141 HAT is considered a favorable factor, is thecompany's low capitalization. The company

is capitalized for $2,500,000, par value of shares$1, and there in no mortgage indebtedness or bondsof any description outstanding. This compareswith the original capitalization of 1,120,000 sharesof the Kennecott Copper Corporation, which werefirst sold at $25 a share. In addition lo which theKennecott Copper Corporation was burdened witha $10,000,000 bond issue. The Josevig-Kenneco- tt

properties are of about the same acreage as thoseof Kennecott Corporation, and at the present stateof development those who have examined both, be-

lieve that the showings are similar.

Charles C. Jones, president of the Los AngelesMining Engineers Association, goes so far as tosay that tho Josevig claims have the best showingof copper mineral in tho whole Kennecott district.V. Bertram Hancock, formerly engineer for the

Kennecott Corporation, says that the presentshowing on the Josevig properties is better thanthe initial showing on the Erie and Jumbo, two ofKennecott's greatest producers. Mr. Angus Mc-

Donald, formerly superintendent of Kennecott, iswell acquainted with the Josevig properties amisays he believes that on development it will proveas .valuable as Kennecott.

The foregoing are only a few of the favorableopinions that have been expressed relative to themerits of the Josevig properties. At this time itappears that the stock will have a considerablemarket in New York, and if further developmentdemonstrates that the property is even partiallyas good as it is thought to be, those who buyaround initial prices and are willing to hold thestock for a short time, will probably be able torealize substantial market profits a little later on.

Subscriptions at $1 per Share are beingreceived at the offices of the undersigned.Orders may be telegraphed a our expense.

HARVEY A. WILLIS & CO.(IMslill.lird 1001.

Stocks and Bonds

32 Broadway, New York.

Telephones 127-8-- 9, 147-- 8 Hroml.

AnnouncementA new tinrterwritlnn ts tn bo listed onthe New Yoik furl) ami liter un tliaNew Vork Mock Kichanse. I'crsonnelof company consists of reprcaentstlvsbusiness men of Hie country.

loin by tho undcrlitne!.Information on requett.

H. L. MANDEVILLEno llrosdHsi, N. Y. let. 7.V1H Hector.


WKsMAN-llltl'TO- I'OMPANV,SO t'nliin Miusre North.

.....I. t a mi,DUMellits 'It l,e, on I be I'referi'il Mink

Hint 3 un the Cuinmnn block, .nul un eslrsillvMenil of e, on the Common Mmk ofWsyiiisii.llrnlnn I'mnpniiy weie this ilnyileiUieil, naHbis Jsnusry :. 1017. tn storkholders ( recurn si ine close in nutinesiDecember in, 1KI. Checks will bs infilled

1. U KLL10.'1 ec'y snd'Trest.


Stocks and Bonds709-1- 0 Arrott Building

Pittsburgh, Pa.'. it-- A. i'lumr. !MS .Wlll.

Hell I'lnme 2851 Court,

Tommy BurnsGold Mining Co.

Participating Preferred Stock

Uitrd on Curb Mttkrti olNEW YORK BOSTON TORONTO

Orders Executed at Ihe Market

F. K. SMARTSpecialist

SO Brosd Si., N. Y. Than 2969 Brcid