bpp_reprint payment advices

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  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices


    2 8 0 0 S t u r g i s R d , O x n a r d , C A 9 3 0 3 0 .

    2013December, 17

    Re-Print Payment

    AdvicesChecks and ACH/WIRESMuhammad Shokat

    Haas Automation, Inc.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    Facts about Re-printing payment advices.

    We can reprint any check, Wire/ACH related payment advices from 07/03/2007topresent.

    Same advice/s can be printed multiple times with no implications. Reprinted advices will NOT be emailed automatically, you need to save it as a pdf and

    send a separate mail via your outlook to your vendor.



    We will cover both Wires/Ach and Check re-printing payment advices in the following sections of this


    1. Re-print Payment Advice - ACH/Wires

    Scenario: You want to reprint ACH/Wires Payment Advices and save it aspdf.

    SAP Easy Menu Path:

    Haas ToolsHaas Custom - Finance / ControllingFinancial AccountingAccounts Payable

    Vendor Payment Advices - Email FunctionalityZFI021 - Reprint Payment Advices - ACH/Wires

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    Procedure: Please following below instructions to be able to reprint ACH/Wires related payment


    1. Go to transaction code ZFI021 and enter your selection options. If you want to print whole runadvices, leave the Payment document number field blank, if you have to reprint a specific

    advice, you need to know your payment document number. You can go to FBL1N and filter on

    document type ZP to use a document number here.

    2. Once you have entered all the details, hit the execute button. Next screen will show you thedetails of spool.

    3. Each payment method (W) or (D) will have a separate line above. Now go to spool display SP02to see the advices. You will find the advice in SP02. Click on button to see details.

    4. If you want to save this to pdf, check the spool no, and click on printer icon.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    5. Your printer screen will pop up, select doPDF and hit OK.

    6. A new screen will pop up asking you the location where you want to save this pdf. Click onBrowse to change the location.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    7. A new window will pop up, give the location and name where you want to save this pdf.

    8. Again it will bring the doPDF screen, hit ok.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    9. Open the pdf file where you saved and check details.

    10. If all is ok, you can attach this and email to the vendor using your outlook email function.Important Note:If you have reprinted advices in one run which include both payment method W and

    D, you will see two different spool numbers in SP02 for eachpayment method type.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    2. Reprint Payment Advice - Checks

    Scenario:You want to reprint payment advices for payments made viaChecks.

    SAP Easy Menu Path:

    Haas ToolsHaas Custom - Finance / ControllingFinancial AccountingAccounts Payable

    Vendor Payment Advices - Email FunctionalityZFI025- Reprint Payment AdvicesChecks.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    Procedure: Please following below instructions to be able to reprint check related payment advices.

    1. Go to transaction code ZFI025 and enter your selection screen options.a. Leave payment document no. field blank, if you want to reprint for the whole run. If

    you want to print a specific advice, you need to go to FBL1N and get the ZP type

    document number and enter it here.

    b. You MUST enter House Bank and Account ID to be able to proceedcorrectly. If youwant to print advice from 07/03/2007 to 05/23/2008, you need to use House Bank

    MELLO and Account ID MGBS as shown below. If you want to print check advices

    from 03/19/2008 to present, you need to use house bank BOAUS and Account

    IDCONUS in ZFI025 selection screen.

    Date From Date To Payment Method House Bank Account ID

    07/03/2007 05/23/2008 C MELLO MGBS

    03/19/2008 Present C BOAUS CONUS

    2. Once you have entered all details, hit execute button. Next screen will tell you the spoolnumber under which you can find this advice in SP02.

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    3. Now go to SP02 and view this spool no. select your spool number and hit the Printer icon

    4. Your printer screen will pop up, select doPDF and hit OK.

    5. A new screen will pop up asking you the location where you want to save this pdf. Click onBrowse to change the location.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    6. A new window will pop up, give the location and name where you want to save this pdf.

    7. Again it will bring the doPDF screen, hit ok.

  • 8/13/2019 BPP_Reprint Payment Advices



    8. Open the pdf file where you saved and check details.

    9. If all is ok, you can attach this and email to the vendor using your outlook email function.
