
Formative Assessment and Quality Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms and Schools: A Community of Professionals Coquitlam Jan. 28, 2011 Presented by Faye Brownlie

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2nd in a K-12 series, Formative Assessment and Quality Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms and Schools: A Community of Professionals. This inter-district series includes work with the demonstration teachers from Burnaby, Coquitlam and Mission.


  • 1. Formative Assessment and QualityTeaching in Inclusive Classrooms and Schools: A Community ofProfessionals Coquitlam Jan. 28, 2011 Presented by Faye Brownlie

2. Learning Intentions I can explain why the principles of universal design for learning and backwards design are important in suppor;ng all learners. I can iden;fy and give specic examples of the six big AFL strategies. I have a plan to implement a strategy which is new to me. 3. FrameworksIts All about Thinking Brownlie & Schnellert, 2009 4. Universal Design for LearningMul;ple means: -to tap into background knowledge, to ac;vate prior knowledge, to increase engagement and mo;va;on -to acquire the informa;on and knowledge to process new ideas and informa;on -to express what they know. Rose & Meyer, 2002 5. Backwards Design What important ideas and enduring understandings do you want the students to know? What thinking strategies will students need to demonstrate these understandings? McTighe & Wiggins, 2001 6. Approaches Assessment for learning Open-ended strategies Gradual release of responsibility Coopera;ve learning Literature circles and informa;on circles Inquiry Its All about Thinking Brownlie & Schnellert, 2009 7. Assessment for LearningLearning inten*ons Criteria Descrip*ve feedback Ques;ons Self and peer assessment Ownership 8. ModelGuided practiceIndependent practiceIndependent application Pearson & Gallagher (1983) 9. Teaching Content to All Open-ended teaching adapted modied 10. Open-ended strategies: Connect-activateProcess-acquirePersonalize/transform- apply(Brownlie, Feniak & Schnellert, 2006; Buehl, 2001; Cook, 2005; Gear, 2006; Harvey & Goudvis, 2007; Kameenui & Carnine, 2002) 11. Choice 12. Erica Foote, Princess Margaret Secondary If students were given the opportunity (4 ;mes per semester) to show what they know in dierent ways, would it not only increase their interest and eort but also increase their understanding? 13. English 10 4 wri;ng assignments, 4 choice assignments PowerPoint presenta;ons, drawing, poetry, collages, crea;ng their own test with answer keys, presen;ng their informa;on orally or using drama to represent their thinking 6 students AFL strategies Ranked exemplars with the PS Analyzed the exemplars to co-create criteria Used the criteria for their work Ownership with choice 14. 2 wri;ng 2 choice assignments demonstrate your knowledge & understanding of various literature Not yet Approaching Mee*ng Exceeding %/# Wri;ng 16/2 41/5 25/3 16/2 (essay/paragraph) Choice 0/0 16/2 33/4 50/6 15. Ericas Reec;ons 100% of students reported they liked the choice and wanted to do have choices again in another semester 91% of students felt they did beeer with choice About 50% s;ll chose some form of wri;ng when given a choice, but liked the choice Fewer complained about the non-choice wri;ng assignments Fewer assignments were handed in late 16. Grade 11 Math Logic Problems Byrn Williams, RaeFigurskyThere are 3 boxes. One is labeled APPLES, one ORANGES and one APPLES AND ORANGES. All the boxes are labeled incorrectly. Pick one piece of fruit from one box and re-label all the labels correctly. 17. Grade 11 Math Logic Problems Byrn Williams, RaeFigurskyThere are 20 socks in the drawer, 10 are blue, 10 are brown. What is the minimum number of socks you can pull out to make a pair? 18. Ques;on: Givens: Unknowns: Work Space: Answer: Wrieen Answer: 19. +J.L4 P)sR::, ltaeL K(Ni^XF: LOGIC PROBLEMi$ss {^a- 9o: t, curulo.,,q! soek:Question:.-,SOLVINGyoc-rr.zAd to pcrt9J1 cr, po-rc cR eool.cs he, z-"^,- .rslsy.r a" i lLa 1 bt ,"2. Arrd lO 13rqrrr"GivensUnknowns1fi - QcoL,--,n scxtL-telx* c*ooon{ o{-socl"..1.- t"A o(,r +D S?,t apo.i c.!L[)- Btcre *:nV-.zwxct r^, blueWtQ$d*" b 3d soc.4*is a$or.uran+eealrhf/+cAAnswer: f,| Can -fake- vi*il 2- 3 - l ;ry,e"writtenAnswer:Tle tea51 nur br e f 5ar4r.!!d rema4-ue/)e .c".a{1u,rl 1;adrat+er 3 rfia*^ e rnjn r,,. 21. How can we work together to improve our students writing in the following ways: -finding a topic -ownership for and application of co- created criteria 22. Students need: Models and think-alouds Practice with applying criteria to the work of others practicing together Guided choice in topics To share their beginning before they leave the carpet Time to write Feedback while writing 23. Assessment for LearningLearning inten*ons Criteria Descrip*ve feedback Ques;ons Self and peer assessment Ownership 24. How can I move from a text-driven stance in a math curriculum that is new to me? 25. Essential Questions: What is a tessella;on? How do these shapes work together? 26. Learning Intentions: I can make a tessella;on. I know what polygons will tessellate. I know why some polygons will tessellate and some wont. 27. Criteria for a tessellation: Repeated congruent shape No gaps No overlaps Vertex of any tessella;ng angle is 360 28. We found out: Only 3 regular polygons will tessellate: Triangle Square Hexagon Assessment:Be prepared to explain why an octagon will not Im listening for kids who use the words -polygon, tessellate, vertex, line segments 29. Tessellationsoctagon polygon tessellate vertex Line seqment Bethany Dylan Luca Emma Sophia 30. Math Centres gr. 1/2 Michelle Hikada 4 groups 1 with Michelle, working on graphing (direct teaching, new material) 1 making paeerns with dierent materials (prac;ce) 1 making paeerns with s;ckers (prac;ce) 1 graphing in partners (prac;ce) 31. With your partner, choose a bucket of materials and make a bar graph. Ask (and answer) at least 3 ques;ons about your graph. Make another graph with a dierent material. 32. Assessment for LearningLearning inten*ons Criteria Descrip*ve feedback Ques;ons Self and peer assessment Ownership 33. Grade 9 Science Starleigh Grass & Mindy Casselman Electricity The Challenge: Many of the students are disengaged and dislike book learning. They acquire more knowledge, concept and skill when they are ac;ve, collabora;ve and reading in chunks. Starleigh and Mindy in Its All about Thinking (Math and Science) in press. 34. Essential Question If we understand how materials hold and transfer electric charge, can we store and move electric charge using common materials? 35. Individually, brainstorm what you can recall about the characteris;cs of an atom. Meet in groups of 3 to add to and revise your list. Compare this list to the master list. (word deriva;ons, label an atom) Exit slip: 2 characteris;cs you want to remember about atoms. 36. The Atom All maeer is made of atoms. Atoms have electrons, neutrons, and protons. Electrons move, protons and neutrons do not move. Atoms have nega;ve and posi;ve charges. Electrons have a nega;ve charge; protons have a posi;ve charge. Protons and neutrons are located at the centre of the atom, in the nucleus. Electrons orbit around the outside of the nucleus, in energy shells. An object can be nega;vely or posi;vely charged, depending on the ra;o of protons and neutrons. 37. Inquiry and Thematic Teaching Essen;al ques;on Gradual release of responsibility Open-ended ques;ons Co-crea;ng criteria for journals Journal selec;ons used for AoL Krista, Mehj & Leyton in Its All about Thinking (English, Social Studies, HumaniBes) Grade 8 English 38. Essential Question How are hope, knowledge, and friendship necessary for the survival of the human spirit? 39. Right There Think and Search Factual Ques*ons: Interpreta*ve Ques*ons: -can locate an answer by nding it -search for details, then put them together to directly in the textpoin*ng shape an answer Author and Me On My Own Personal Input Ques;ons: Evalua;ve or Apprecia;ve Ques;ons: -search for informa;on in the text -ongoing inquiry ques;ons that can be applied and ll in knowledge gaps with their to many situa;onssearch for outside sources personal background knowledge of informa;on to support your opinion 40. Right There Think and Search Factual Ques*ons: Interpreta*ve Ques*ons: -What are some ways that the guide -Is the guides knowledge unique or special uses his knowledge to help others? in some way? Author and Me On My Own Personal Input Ques;ons: Evalua;ve or Apprecia;ve Ques;ons: -In our society, or in your experience, do -Is knowledge the same as wisdom? you know of people who have knowledge like the guide? 41. Assessment of Learning - Journals Students choose 3 journal responses for their mark. Students may rework any of their responses. Self-regulated learning: deciding on and prac;cing what you feel is most important gives control. 42. Assessment for LearningLearning inten*ons Criteria Descrip*ve feedback Ques;ons Self and peer assessment Ownership