
Technology Convergence

Upload: salimakamara

Post on 11-Aug-2015




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Technology Convergence

Page 2: Convergence

Technology Convergence


What media can I access on your device?



Social Networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.

Digital Technology such as Netflix, Watch Series, Megashare etc.

What media can you produce on your device?

On an iPhone, you can produce amazing films in High Definition due to the fact that the device has an in built High Definition camera. Because of this key feature, this would allow people to produce their own films and distribute them through networks such as YouTube based on the quality of their films.

Why is your device a positive thing for the media industry? (how can they make money from you?)

Why is your device a negative things for the media industry?

Because it links to Digital Technology, meaning that people would view films online. Because of this, companies would lose a lot of money since people are not buying DVD’s as much, but viewing films online.

Benefits of your device?

It allows people to obtain more knowledge on filming because the High Definition camera encourages people to produce their own films furthermore, making them learn more about the industry.

Drawbacks of your device?

A drawback of the iPhone is that it is very expensive.

Has the device benefited for the audience and made the world a better place?

The iP