convective heat transfer and aerodynamics in axial flow turbines

2001 International Gas Turbine Institute Gas Turbine Scholar Lecture Michael G. Dunn Gas Turbine Laboratory, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43235 Convective Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics in Axial Flow Turbines The primary focus of this paper is convective heat transfer in axial flow turbines. Re- search activity involving heat transfer generally separates into two related areas: predic- tions and measurements. The problems associated with predicting heat transfer are coupled with turbine aerodynamics because proper prediction of vane and blade surface- pressure distribution is essential for predicting the corresponding heat transfer distribu- tion. The experimental community has advanced to the point where time-averaged and time-resolved three-dimensional heat transfer data for the vanes and blades are obtained routinely by those operating full-stage rotating turbines. However, there are relatively few CFD codes capable of generating three-dimensional predictions of the heat transfer dis- tribution, and where these codes have been applied the results suggest that additional work is required. This paper outlines the progression of work done by the heat transfer community over the last several decades as both the measurements and the predictions have improved to current levels. To frame the problem properly, the paper reviews the influence of turbine aerodynamics on heat transfer predictions. This includes a discussion of time-resolved surface-pressure measurements with predictions and the data involved in forcing function measurements. The ability of existing two-dimensional and three- dimensional Navier Stokes codes to predict the proper trends of the time-averaged and unsteady pressure field for full-stage rotating turbines is demonstrated. Most of the codes do a reasonably good job of predicting the surface-pressure data at vane and blade midspan, but not as well near the hub or the tip region for the blade. In addition, the ability of the codes to predict surface-pressure distribution is significantly better than the corresponding heat transfer distributions. Heat transfer codes are validated against mea- surements of one type or another. Sometimes the measurements are performed using full rotating rigs, and other times a much simpler geometry is used. In either case, it is important to review the measurement techniques currently used. Heat transfer predictions for engine turbines are very difficult because the boundary conditions are not well known. The conditions at the exit of the combustor are generally not well known and a section of this paper discusses that problem. The majority of the discussion is devoted to external heat transfer with and without cooling, turbulence effects, and internal cooling. As the design community increases the thrust-to-weight ratio and the turbine inlet temperature, there remain many turbine-related heat transfer issues. Included are film cooling model- ing, definition of combustor exit conditions, understanding of blade tip distress, definition of hot streak migration, component fatigue, loss mechanisms in the low turbine, and many others. Several suggestions are given herein for research and development areas for which there is potentially high payoff to the industry with relatively small risk. @DOI: 10.1115/1.1397776# 1 Introduction This paper discusses the state of the art of turbomachinery heat transfer with an emphasis on propulsion, electric power genera- tion, and marine gas turbines. Heat transfer is an important design consideration for all parts of a modern gas turbine, but especially the combustor, turbine, and exhaust nozzle. However, this paper focuses primarily on the turbine with limited discussion of the combustor and no discussion of the nozzle. In the propulsion gas turbine arena, modern high-pressure turbines are coming on line with significantly increased turbine inlet temperatures and stage pressure ratios. It is well known that the maximum allowable turbine inlet temperature strongly affects the efficiency of gas tur- bine engines and substantial performance increases can be achieved via this parameter. The current industry trend is to push the turbine inlet temperature closer to the fuel stoichiometric tem- perature, especially for military engines. This author sees no rea- son why the tendency to push for increasing turbine inlet tempera- tures will subside in the near future. There are numerous ongoing research activities designed to improve calculations of the hot- section heat loads, ranging from the basic to applied orientations. In discussing the state-of-the-art hot-section heat transfer research, it is important to keep in mind that the turbine designer, the ulti- mate customer of all of this research, is constantly under extreme pressures of time, affordability, durability, and reliability. The re- sults of the research must not be so complicated and/or expensive that the designer elects to use the older, more familiar techniques and thus ignores the results of current research achievements. Describing the dynamic condition of the gas exiting the com- bustor and entering the high-pressure turbine ~HPT! nozzle is any- thing but simple. The flow field at the HPT inlet includes nonuni- form radial and circumferential temperature profiles ~hot streaks! and free-stream turbulence of some unknown intensity and scale. How these hot streaks progress through the high-pressure turbine Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 46th International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 4 –7, 2001. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Institute February 2001. Paper No. 2001-GT-506. Review Chair: R. Natole. Copyright © 2001 by ASME Journal of Turbomachinery OCTOBER 2001, Vol. 123 Õ 637 Downloaded From: on 01/17/2014 Terms of Use:

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Michael G. Dunn, 2001 International Gas Turbine Institute Gas Turbine Scholar Lecture


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2001 International Gas Turbine Institute Gas Turbine Scholar Lecture

Michael G. DunnGas Turbine Laboratory,

The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH 43235

Convective Heat Transferand Aerodynamics in AxialFlow TurbinesThe primary focus of this paper is convective heat transfer in axial flow activity involving heat transfer generally separates into two related areas: pretions and measurements. The problems associated with predicting heat transfecoupled with turbine aerodynamics because proper prediction of vane and blade supressure distribution is essential for predicting the corresponding heat transfer distrtion. The experimental community has advanced to the point where time-averagetime-resolved three-dimensional heat transfer data for the vanes and blades are obroutinely by those operating full-stage rotating turbines. However, there are relativelyCFD codes capable of generating three-dimensional predictions of the heat transfetribution, and where these codes have been applied the results suggest that addwork is required. This paper outlines the progression of work done by the heat tracommunity over the last several decades as both the measurements and the predhave improved to current levels. To frame the problem properly, the paper reviewinfluence of turbine aerodynamics on heat transfer predictions. This includes a discuof time-resolved surface-pressure measurements with predictions and the data involforcing function measurements. The ability of existing two-dimensional and thdimensional Navier–Stokes codes to predict the proper trends of the time-averagedunsteady pressure field for full-stage rotating turbines is demonstrated. Most of the cdo a reasonably good job of predicting the surface-pressure data at vane and bmidspan, but not as well near the hub or the tip region for the blade. In addition,ability of the codes to predict surface-pressure distribution is significantly better thancorresponding heat transfer distributions. Heat transfer codes are validated againstsurements of one type or another. Sometimes the measurements are performed usrotating rigs, and other times a much simpler geometry is used. In either case,important to review the measurement techniques currently used. Heat transfer predifor engine turbines are very difficult because the boundary conditions are not well knThe conditions at the exit of the combustor are generally not well known and a sectithis paper discusses that problem. The majority of the discussion is devoted to exheat transfer with and without cooling, turbulence effects, and internal cooling. Asdesign community increases the thrust-to-weight ratio and the turbine inlet temperathere remain many turbine-related heat transfer issues. Included are film cooling ming, definition of combustor exit conditions, understanding of blade tip distress, definof hot streak migration, component fatigue, loss mechanisms in the low turbine, andothers. Several suggestions are given herein for research and development arewhich there is potentially high payoff to the industry with relatively small risk.@DOI: 10.1115/1.1397776#












1 IntroductionThis paper discusses the state of the art of turbomachinery

transfer with an emphasis on propulsion, electric power gention, and marine gas turbines. Heat transfer is an important deconsideration for all parts of a modern gas turbine, but especthe combustor, turbine, and exhaust nozzle. However, this pfocuses primarily on the turbine with limited discussion of tcombustor and no discussion of the nozzle. In the propulsionturbine arena, modern high-pressure turbines are coming onwith significantly increased turbine inlet temperatures and stpressure ratios. It is well known that the maximum allowabturbine inlet temperature strongly affects the efficiency of gasbine engines and substantial performance increases canachieved via this parameter. The current industry trend is to p

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at theInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, New OrleLouisiana, June 4–7, 2001. Manuscript received by the International Gas TuInstitute February 2001. Paper No. 2001-GT-506. Review Chair: R. Natole.

Copyright © 2Journal of Turbomachinery

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the turbine inlet temperature closer to the fuel stoichiometric teperature, especially for military engines. This author sees noson why the tendency to push for increasing turbine inlet temptures will subside in the near future. There are numerous ongoresearch activities designed to improve calculations of the hsection heat loads, ranging from the basic to applied orientatiIn discussing the state-of-the-art hot-section heat transfer reseit is important to keep in mind that the turbine designer, the umate customer of all of this research, is constantly under extrepressures of time, affordability, durability, and reliability. The rsults of the research must not be so complicated and/or expenthat the designer elects to use the older, more familiar techniqand thus ignores the results of current research achievement

Describing the dynamic condition of the gas exiting the cobustor and entering the high-pressure turbine~HPT! nozzle is any-thing but simple. The flow field at the HPT inlet includes nonunform radial and circumferential temperature profiles~hot streaks!and free-stream turbulence of some unknown intensity and scHow these hot streaks progress through the high-pressure tu


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~HPT! and on to the low-pressure turbine~LPT! is the subject ofmuch current research activity. Several research efforts havetempted to measure turbulence intensity and scale of actual encombustors at the combustor exit, but have had limited succBecause of difficulties with measurements associated with opeing combustors, designers have speculated on what the apprate turbulence intensity and scale might be, based on limitedformation. Techniques to incorporate combustor-generaturbulence into heat transfer design systems have been undevelopment for many years, but with limited results. A significaportion of the experimental information used for this purposecome from programs utilizing flat plates as the test article. Tinvestigators assure the community that the turbulence intenvalues generated for these measurements are representattypical engine combustors. Seldom for these studies has tbeen an attempt to duplicate simultaneously the ‘‘thought toturbulence intensity and scale of the turbine free-stream inletbulence. In addition, a significant obstacle for the turbine htransfer design community has been that flat-plate flows havebeen demonstrated to be representative of the unsteady flowenvironment associated with a turbine stage. There are mcoupled phenomena associated with the unsteady turbine-sflow field, and recent experimental results discussed later sugthat the influence of free-stream turbulence, wakes, fluid injecor ejection, and shock interaction may not be individuaseparable.

Experimental facilities and analysis tools in use at a particutime may not reflect the current understanding of the communA time lag exists between the experimental facilities in use athe verified predictive codes, with the experimental facilities leing. The results used for CFD verification usually come fromcilities that may be as much as a decade old. The early flat-pand cascade research has been instrumental in the developmCFD prediction codes and the understanding of the underlyphysics associated with turbine flows. Many of these flat-plcodes are still in use within the industry design systems. Furtthese efforts have guided the development of the full-stage roing facilities that can now be used to verify the underlying asumptions of earlier designs. However, use of flat-plate andcade facilities as a tool for design code verification has bsupplanted by the full-stage rotating rigs for obtaining data mclosely representing the engine environment. These rotatingmay be long run time facilities~with run times on the order ohours! or short-duration rigs~with run times on the order of fractions of seconds!.

Because of advancements in experimental techniques andacquisition, the roles of the different facilities have shifted. Fuscale rotating rigs can provide point measurements such asearly flat-plate experiments did. Modern flat-plate and cascfacilities have the promise of providing full-coverage surfameasurements along with a detailed measurement of the incoflow albeit in a more simple flow environment. Techniques devoped in the flat-plate and cascade facilities often progress tofull-scale rotating rigs. Advances in the development of instmentation techniques have led to the short-duration facilitiescoming the primary source of internal flow data. The long rtime facilities have become the source of macro-aerodynamicformance data where entire machines as opposed to compoare used as the test article.

One of the more complicated flow environments associawith any practical machine occurs in the hot section of a turbiThe flow is always unsteady, it may be transonic, it is threemensional, and it is subjected to strong body forces. In the purof achieving higher efficiency, the turbine inlet temperature ctinues to be pushed to higher levels, requiring advances in cooschemes and improved materials. Due to the ingenuity and inligence of numerous dedicated design engineers, satisfactorysigns have been achieved over the past fifty years. The pasteral years have seen a refinement in understanding of

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underlying fluid and heat transfer mechanics that govern the bphysics occurring within the turbine. In addition, there have beseveral advances in materials and manufacturing processesthis same time. Most of this was accomplished due to refinemin approximations used by earlier designers. These approxitions maintained a level of detail sufficient to reveal importaphysical effects while still allowing solutions using availabanalytical/numerical methods. The major milestones in the deopment of these early methods included many different assutions and or methodologies. Among these are: (a) approximatingthe flow through each blade row to be steady in coordinates fito the blades, (b) assuming that three dimensionality canhandled by treating a series of two-dimensional flows in hub-shroud and blade-to-blade surfaces, (c) assuming that the effectof viscosity can be estimated by noninteracting boundary-lacalculations and by loss models to account for secondary fland (d) use of airfoil scaling to achieve periodicity and thus sinificantly reduce the computational time associated with a desphase calculation. Making simplifying assumptions can solvcurrent problem but create future ones. As recently shownClark et al.@1#, designers should be cautious when using airfscaling since this methodology can lead to problems involvunsteady forcing function issues also of interest to the design

Many analyses and numerical codes are now available, refinthe treatment of these flows past the levels of approximatidiscussed earlier. Because of the increased computationalrequired for the advanced codes they are generally used to prorefined estimates near a design point. Two areas where signifidevelopment has occurred over the past twelve to fifteen ythat resulted in both increased understanding of the flow andter designs deal with three-dimensional and unsteady flow effeThe computational tools resulting from these efforts provide uful design information for the pressure loading, at least forearly stages of a multistage turbine.

Proper aerodynamic description of the flow field, which prvides the boundary conditions for the heat transfer calculationessential if the predicted heat transfer distribution for the surfof a specific component is to be believed. Prediction of the staerodynamics is in itself a difficult problem that has receivedsignificant amount of attention over the past decade or mMany of the existing codes have been developed for twdimensional flow, even though it was well known that for modehighly curved airfoils a three-dimensional calculation is necessto account for the transverse pressure gradient and resultingondary flows. Examples will be given in this paper where seveof these two-dimensional codes have been used to predictpressure loading and, in some cases, the heat transfer loadinvanes and blades in the absence of film cooling flows. Howebecause most modern high-pressure turbines are cooled, an imtant step in the advancement of these codes is incorporatingcooling for the vanes, outer air seal, and blades. Whether onetwo-dimensional or three-dimensional aerodynamics as a stapoint for the heat transfer calculation, it is still necessary to incporate film cooling models into the codes. This aspect ofmodel development and subsequent incorporation into the pretion has been essentially ignored except for the work reportedAbhari @2#. The specific reference here is to the macro-modelfilm cooling as opposed to a micro-model that is associated wan isolated cooling hole. A wide variety of predictive techniquhave been developed ranging from simple flat-plate correlationlarge computer codes that are designed to solve the full thdimensional Navier–Stokes equations. These flat-plate corrtions lead to boundary layer calculations for which the boundconditions can be taken from the aerodynamic codes just noBetween these limits is a substantial body of analytical andmerical methods that account for most of the dominant physphenomena while still being sufficiently convenient for use bylarge fraction of turbine designers. A review of the state-of-the-

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heat transfer prediction techniques for the gas turbine engine pto 1993 can be found in Simoneau and Simon@3#.

This paper provides a discussion of several turbine aeronamic CFD codes that are in use within the industry to predicttime-averaged and time-resolved surface-pressure distributionsingle and multistage machines. The predictions of these codecompared with experimental data at different times duringcode development cycle as discussed in Section 2. It is criticaexamine these aerodynamic codes because their output prothe input conditions for boundary-layer heat transfer calculatias discussed in Section 3. If the pressure field is not correct,unlikely that the corresponding heat transfer calculations willcorrect. Section 3 also compares boundary layer correlation tniques, used for calculating component heat transfer distributwith experimental results. Included is a discussion of boundlayer transition as it relates to turbine heat transfer calculatiovane and blade film cooling and free-stream turbulence effeSection 4 discusses internal heat transfer in nonrotating and ring components, cavity flows, and predictive capabilities. The crent state of the art is briefly summarized in Section 5. Sectioprovides suggestions for future turbine aerodynamic and htransfer research and development needs.

Throughout the paper comparisons will be presented betwCFD predictions and experimental results for both surfapressure and heat transfer distributions on airfoils. The experimtal data presented will often be those that were obtained byauthors and his colleagues since the results are readily availbut portions of data from other sources are also included.predictions presented for comparison with experimental reswere generally obtained directly from the developer of the specCFD codes~or those who participated in development of tcodes!, instead of from third parties.

2 Current Technology: Turbine AerodynamicsMany different CFD codes are in current use within the turb

design community. These vary between two-dimensionalthree-dimensional, steady and time-accurate, Euler codesNavier–Stokes codes. The following brief discussion of turbaerodynamics is presented in this paper because of the importo heat transfer predictions, and is not intended to be a reviewCFD prediction techniques. The material described is limitedtime-accurate unsteady solutions; time-mean values are theaverage of the unsteady solutions. A convenient geometry tofor the purposes of this paper in comparing CFD predictions wexperimental results is the Allison vane/blade interaction~VBI !turbine. Experimental results generated using the VBI turbstage have been compared with the results of different CFD coby many organizations over the past twelve years. The specodes have evolved from time-accurate two-dimensional Euletime-accurate three-dimensional Navier–Stokes over this timeterval, all of which have been compared with this data set. Ducurrent interest in high-cycle fatigue, it is also important to couthe aerodynamic codes to structural damping as reviewed latthis section.

History shows that CFD codes progress through a natural elution that may be conveniently grouped into three stages. Ininitial stage, experimental results from a simplified geometryused and ‘‘knobs are twisted’’~such as changing the transitiopoint on an airfoil! to get a reasonable match between the callation and the data. In the second stage of the developmentcode is used in the design of a particular experiment to perfpredictions prior to performance of the measurement programthis stage of the development, there may be a necessity to rethe predictions in order to match the actual experimental inconditions but there should be limited ‘‘knob turning.’’ In the thirstage, the CFD code is applied to a much more complicatedometry and a more realistic flow field environment. The geomeof interest might be a full-stage or vaneless counterrotating thdimensional machine instead of a cascade airfoil and the flow fi

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might be compressible and transonic instead of incompressand subsonic. A code or algorithm that has progressed to sthree is often used as part of the design system, although thoearlier stages of development may be used under some circstances. The reason for selecting the VBI geometry for code cparison in this section is that the codes described have progrethrough the stages just noted. One limitation of the VBI geomeis that it was designed to be generally two-dimensional to aid wcode development in the late 1980s. This makes comparingoutput of the codes with three-dimensional machines more critas is done later in this section.

2.1 Brief Review of CFD Capabilities. Designers often useboundary layer based codes to calculate HP turbine stagetransfer loads in the absence of full Navier–Stokes solutioMany techniques used for performing these calculations have torigin in boundary layer models that are based on flat-plate dand correlations. It is common practice to utilize the output ofmore sophisticated aerodynamic calculations~along selectedstreamlines! to obtain local pressure distributions as the input coditions for the boundary-layer heat transfer calculations. This pcedure is often used rather than integrating the heat transfer arithms directly into the aerodynamic codes. One of the importreasons for this is that the heat transfer calculation requiresignificantly different calculation grid than does the surfacpressure calculation and until recently, it was not possible to csider running these concurrently. This topic will be addressedmore depth in Section 3.

The ability to calculate the time-resolved pressure loading fomultistage turbine has advanced significantly over the past tefifteen years. Descriptions of techniques used for this purposbeyond the scope of this paper but can be found in referen@4–23#. Understandably, very few of these CFD codes are genally available in the public domain. This is true whether they wedeveloped by government, university, or industry. In some cathe rights to use an executable version of the code can bechased from the developer along with a user manual, but selis the source code available~for understandable reasons!. Codesare categorized by their general structure and that sufficescomparing their performance.

2.2 Comparison of Time-Resolved Surface-Pressure Measurements With CFD Prediction for Full-Stage Rotating Tur-bines. In this section, several of the CFD code types notedSection 2.1 are compared with experimental data. Such compsons demonstrate how the codes perform and help identify wmore work is needed. It is important to briefly review sampcases of these calculated surface-pressure loadings, since theresent an important input parameter to the discussion of thetransfer calculations to follow. The literature contains many eamples of vane and/or blade surface-pressure measurementson full-stage rotating turbines of different geometries. VarioCFD codes representing a wide range of types as noted awere used to compare the data with predictions. Among themreferences@24–36#. Again, a discussion of the CFD codes beyowhat is necessary for the discussion of heat transfer predictand analysis is beyond the scope of this paper. Dring et al.@25#and Blair et al.@26# report time-averaged surface pressures onblade, which were obtained using a large-scale, low-speed rotarig with ambient inlet conditions. The surface-pressure resultsported in the other papers just noted were obtained in shduration facilities and the turbines were generally operated atsign corrected conditions. Some of these studies report osteady surface-pressure results versus time-accurate resulother studies.

The three papers~Busby et al.@30#, Venable et al.@31#, andBarter et al.@32#! allow the opportunity to compare the predictions of several different CFD codes with the same data setaddition, the data set for which the comparisons are made ecises the codes a bit, because data for vane/blade spacing o

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40, and 60 percent of vane axial chord are included. The Ccode~UNSFLO 2-D! used to perform the calculations reportedMoss et al.@29# was one of the codes used in the work describin Busby et al.@30#, Venable et al.@31#, and Kielb et al.@37#.Barter et al.@32# used completely different CFD codes for the

Fig. 1 Vane and blade time-mean pressure at 20 percent spac-ing †31‡

Fig. 2 Vane and blade time-mean pressure at 60 percent spac-ing †31‡

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predictions. The experimental data used for the comparisonssented in these three papers were obtained in a short-durfacility described in Venable et al.@31#. Geometric and aerodynamic information for the turbine stage are given in@31#. For thiscase, the vane was set for a transonic exit condition, but bosubsonic and transonic condition is possible in this rig. BothKulite pressure transducers. These transducers are flush-mou

Fig. 3 Vane and blade time-mean pressure at 20 percent spac-ing, three-dimensional calculation †31‡

Fig. 4 Predicted versus measured unsteady pressure enve-lope at 20 percent vane Õblade spacing †31‡

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to the surface and are built into the component. The naturalquency of the transducer is on the order of 400 kHz. A thin lavanes and blades of the turbine were instrumented with miniaof silastic is placed over the transducer for thermal protectiresulting in a frequency response of the installed transduceabout 100 kHz. The locations of the transducers on the vanesblades are also given in@31#. All of the pressure transducers acalibrated over the pressure range of applicability through therecording system by pressurizing that portion of the facility cotaining the instrumented turbine stage on a daily basis.

Venable et al.@31# and Busby et al.@30# both used the samefour CFD procedures to obtain the time-mean pressure distrtions, the envelopes of the unsteady pressure, and the unspressure histories at selected locations on the blade. Proced~Pratt and Whitney & UTRC! is a time-dependent, Reynoldsaveraged Navier–Stokes solution, the details of which arescribed in references@12#, @38#, @39#, and @19#. Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional solutions were obtainedProcedure 1 and the results are discussed in Venable et al.@31#.The two-dimensional solutions were obtained using three raplanes, with the first and third planes representing the boundsurfaces of the stream tube. The three-dimensional solutionscorporated the measured blade/shroud clearance. Procedu~Rolls Royce/Allison! is a two-dimensional Vane–Blade Interation ~VBI ! code that provides interactive solutions for a turbistage flow by solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stoequations. More detail of this procedure can be found in reences@40#, @13#, and@28#. Procedure 3~Rolls Royce and MIT! isa two-dimensional Reynolds-averaged, unsteady multi-bladecode, UNSFLO 2-D, developed by Giles@8#. The numerical codeUNSFLO 2-D is a coupled viscous/inviscid code. The thin shlayer Navier–Stokes equations are solved in a body-fitted bouary layer grid using an implicit algorithm, while the Euler equtions are solved on an outer inviscid grid using an explicit algrithm. The interface between the two regions is handled inconservative manner. Procedure 4~Pratt and Whitney and UTRC!is an extension of an approach initially developed by Rai@7#. Forthis procedure, the thin-layer or full Navier–Stokes equationssolved on both the O- and H-type grids. Additional informatiregarding this procedure can be found in Dorney and Davis@41#.For all four procedures, the turbulent viscosity is modeled usthe Baldwin–Lomax@42# algebraic turbulence model. Venabet al. @31# report the results of several grid refinement studconducted for each of the four procedures illustrating grid inpendence of the four solutions presented. Figures 1 and 2 precomparisons between the experimental results and the resultstwo-dimensional calculation using procedures 1–4 for the timmean pressure distribution for the vane and blade at 20 perand 60 percent axial chord spacing. Reference@31# also presentsresults for 40 percent spacing.

The largest difference among the predictions occurs on the vsuction surface near the throat location and on the uncoveredtion of the blade suction surface. All of the procedures predicweaker expansion along the suction surface of the vane thancated by the data for unknown reasons. It is suggested in the pthat a possible reason for the problem is that the streamthickness used in the two-dimensional calculations may be inror. Calculations were performed to demonstrate that by chanthe stream tube thickness the data could be matched. Howevethree-dimensional calculations shown in Fig. 3 would suggestthe stream tube thickness is not the source of the problemwould be expected because of the two-dimensional design ostage.

All of the codes do a reasonable job of predicting the chopoint for the vane suction surface. With the exception of thecovered portion of the blade suction surface, all of the codes dgood job of predicting the blade surface-pressure distributionall three spacings, at about 82 percent wetted distance~on thesuction surface!, the data fell above the predictions. It is argued

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Venable et al.@31# that this disagreement is most likely due todifference in back pressure between the CFD solutions andexperimental test conditions. A pressure increase is shownabout 75 percent wetted distance on the blade suction surcaused by an impinging vane trailing edge shock. The lower bapressure used in the prediction causes the shock to be inclinea shallower angle relative to the blade suction surface, resultinthe wave striking the blade closer to the trailing edge. Refere@31# presents a comparison of the measured and predicted supressure distribution for the three spacings. The influence of sing on the time-mean surface-pressure distribution is very smAs will be demonstrated later such is not the case for the unstepressure on the trailing edge of the vane suction surface.

The same four prediction techniques were used to calculateunsteady pressure envelopes for the same three spacings, buthe 20 percent, and the 60 percent spacing results are shownin Figs. 4 and 5.

The important concept demonstrated by Figs. 4 and 5 is thatmagnitude of the unsteadiness in pressure loading increases aaxial spacing decreases. The magnitude of the suction surfacesteadiness for the vane trailing edge is significantly larger atpercent spacing than for either 40 or 60 percent spacing.magnitude of the unsteadiness is nearly constant over the epressure surface of the blade. The unsteadiness on the bladetion surface is not constant, but is largest at wetted distancestween 0 percent and 30 percent and then falls off considerawith increasing wetted distance. The relative consistency ofunsteady pressure over the entire pressure surface is impofrom a film cooling perspective because this surface has the mmum back pressure margin and the largest number of film cooholes. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate that procedures 1–4 all dreasonably good job of predicting the unsteady pressure envelon both the vane and the blade.

Barter et al.@32# compared the results of APNASA and MSTURBO with the same data set as used by Venable et al.@31# andBusby et al.@30#. Neither of these codes is presently used to pform heat transfer predictions, but it is important for this capabity to be added. Mississippi State University~MSU! TURBO~Whitfield et al. @11#! is a three-dimensional, viscous, timeaccurate code that solves the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Sequations in Cartesian coordinates. APNASA is an Average Psage~Adamczyk@23#! steady-state analysis that has been appto turbomachinery problems~Turner et al.@43#!. Two analyticaltechniques~TURBO Stage and TURBO Wake-Blade! imple-mented in MSU TURBO were used to obtain a comparisontween the measured and predicted magnitude and phase ounsteady pressure at vane passing frequency and at twicepassing frequency. The difference between the two versions ocode is that Wake-Blade is a time-accurate analysis of a sinblade row and unsteadiness is introduced via the boundary cotions. Stage is a technique for which the time-dependent solutfor both vane and blade are calculated simultaneously. Sincestage analysis does not use the exact blade count, phasboundary conditions are used to help resolve wave interactwhile limiting the computational domain to a single passage. Tadvantage to TURBO Wake-Blade is that the cost of running tcode is about 25 percent the cost of running TURBO Stage.demonstrated in this paragraph, MSU TURBO does a good jopredicting the time-averaged and unsteady pressure loadingrepresentative transonic turbine stage. It also has the abilitpredict the three-dimensional flow field~demonstrated later in thissection! whereas many of the other codes are two-dimensionaquasi-three-dimensional. However, presently this CFD capabis of limited use to the turbine designer because it does notvide the ability to calculate surface heat transfer distributionsthe vanes and blades. The code does solve the energy equatioin principle, it should be a straightforward development taskincorporate the heat transfer calculation. Additional informati

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concerning the MSU TURBO formulations and the numericalpects of the solution can be found in Chen and Barter@44#.

Modeling of the turbine stage for computational purposesbe done in several ways, as has been illustrated above, andhas advantages and disadvantages. The turbine could be desto have three blades for every two vanes as was done forAllison VBI measurement/analysis program~Dunn et al.@45# andRao et al.@28#!. For calculations performed for a more practicmachine, one can use time tilting, as is done in UNSFLO 2-Dphase-lag boundary conditions as done in TURBO. As willdemonstrated throughout this paper, UNSFLO 2-D does a reaably good job of predicting both the surface-pressure distributi~both time-averaged and unsteady surface pressure and suheat transfer! using reasonable computing assets. One disadvtage of the time-tilting technique is that when the pitch ratio e

Fig. 5 Predicted versus measured unsteady pressure enve-lope at 60 percent vane Õblade spacing †31‡

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ceeds 1.6 to 2.0, then more passages need to be included icalculation. It is also demonstrated herein that TURBO, whuses phase-lag boundary conditions, produces satisfactory refor prediction of time-averaged and unsteady surface pressureing acceptable computer assets. One of the disadvantages o

Fig. 6 Predicted versus measured time-averaged surfacepressure for vane and blade at 20 percent vane Õblade spacing†32‡

Fig. 7 Magnitude and phase of unsteady surface pressure on blade at vane passing frequency †32‡

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Fig. 8 Magnitude and phase of unsteady surface pressure on blade at 2 Ã vane passing frequency †32‡










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technique is that it does require more iteration for convergencesome cases, authors will resort to scaling the blade count in oto reduce the computational time and complexity. Clark et al.@1#investigated the consequences of scaling the blade count onmagnitude of the unsteadiness at twice vane passing frequenchis work Clark achieved periodicity in the circumferential diretion while modeling 1/18 of the annulus and compared thesesults with the results of a 1/4 wheel modeled without the useairfoil scaling. Clark used experimental results obtained fostage and 1/2 turbine. The experiments were performed insame facility using the same experimental techniques as wused for the Allison VBI, Pratt/Whitney counterrotating turbinGE counterrotating turbine, and TFE 731-2 measurementgrams described at various locations in this paper. Clark foundtime-averaged pressure distributions and the unsteady enveto be nearly the same for both types of modeling, but significdifferences were observed in the results at twice vane pasfrequency. This result signals a warning to designers to be carwhen using the results from scaled calculations when attempto reduce unsteadiness on a particular blade row.

A comparison between the predicted and measured vaneblade time-averaged surface-pressure distributions for the 20cent spacing case~to be compared with Fig. 1! is given in Figs.6~a! and 6~b!. The comparisons presented in Barter et al.@32# aresimilar to the results of the four comparisons presented by Vable et al.@31#. For the three calculation techniques used by Bter et al.@32#, TURBO Stage appears to do a better job of preding the throat location on the vane suction surface than do eiTURBO Wake-Blade or APNASA. Vane and blade pressure sface predictions obtained from the three calculations agree,some differences are shown beyond the throat for the vane susurface and for the blade suction surface. The largest differeoccur at the 20 percent spacing.

The results reported by Barter et al.@32# for the amplitude andphase of the unsteady pressure at vane passing frequencytwice vane passing frequency for the 20 percent spacingshown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. Similar results are ashown for 60 percent spacing in@32#. TURBO Stage does a goojob of predicting both the amplitude and phase over the ensurface for the 20 percent spacing case at vane passing frequas illustrated in Fig. 7. The phase distribution predictedTURBO Wake-Blade is not in as good agreement with the dHowever, both codes do an equally good job of predicting bthe amplitude and phase at vane passing frequency at the 60cent spacing. TURBO Wake-Blade predicts the phase at twvane passing frequency for the 20 percent spacing case better

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does TURBO Stage, but for the 60 percent spacing casecodes produce about the same result as shown in Fig. 8.reasons for this are not presently clear.

Comparing the results of development CFD codes against mtiple data sets can reduce design uncertainty. In the example gabove, a comparison was presented for which eight CFD cowere compared to the same data set. There are two recent p~Haldeman et al.@34# and Weaver et al.@36#! reporting time-averaged and unsteady surface pressure measurements versudiction for two different transonic vaneless counterrotating tbines. These papers offer the opportunity to compare some osame CFD codes to significantly different data sets. The twobines used in the experiments were both vaneless counterrotmachines, but from different engine manufacturers. The expmental results used for both of these papers were performed insame facility using the same experimental techniques to measurface pressure on the vanes and blades.

Procedure 1 in Venable et al.@31# ~Ni and Bogoian@12#, Niet al. @46#, Sharma and Syed@47#, and Sharma et al.@48#! wasused in Haldeman et al.@34# to obtain vane/blade/blade surfacpressure predictions. It is important to note that the CFD respresented represent predictions obtained prior to the availabilitthe experimental results indicating the capabilities of the codedesign tool. Figure 9 presents a comparison of prediction vedata obtained for the midspan location of the high-pressurebine ~HPT! vane and blade.

The data for the blade suggest that the HPT is operatingslightly higher-pressure reaction than anticipated. This suggeswas confirmed by the stage static pressure measurements. Foturbine configuration, the impact of the HPT blade is to caumost of the unsteadiness to occur on the low-pressure tur~LPT! blade. The driver of the unsteadiness is the shock emaing from the HPT blade trailing edge and impacting the LPT blaand to a lesser extent the HPT wake. Figure 10 presents comsons between the predicted and measured unsteady pressurelopes at 75 percent span on the LPT. Reference@34# presents asimilar comparison for the 50 percent span location.

For both spanwise locations, the agreement between the msured and predicted unsteady envelopes is generally goodthe stagnation region to about 70 percent-wetted distance. Bey70 percent wetted distance, the agreement at the lower boungood, but the upper bound data is somewhat above the predicFigure 11 presents a comparison obtained at 21 percent wedistance on the suction surface of the LPT blade betweenpredicted and measured time-resolved pressure history.

One can see from this comparison that there are differen

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from passage to passage likely because of the physical constion of the hardware. However, the overall agreement betweentime-resolved prediction and the data is very good. Figurepresents the same data in the frequency domain. At HPT bpassing frequency, the CFD code is conservative and someoverpredicts the magnitude of the unsteadiness. Clark hasgested that the modeling technique described in@1# may improvethis comparison.

Fig. 9 Predicted versus measured time-averaged surfacepressure for HPT vane and blade at midspan †34‡

Fig. 10 Predicted versus measured unsteady surface pres-sure envelope at 75 percent span for LPT blade †34‡

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In the study reported by Weaver et al.@36# measurements wereperformed for three HPT blade exit Mach numbers, 1.05, 1.and 1.44, in order to ascertain the importance of the shock etation of the LPT blade. Surface-pressure predictions weretained using several different CFD codes for comparison withmeasurements. Included were: (a) a nonlinear steady, linearizeunsteady Euler solver~TACOMA, @21#!, (b) MSU TURBO usedin the previous study reported in@32# ~see@16# for description ofthe code!, (c) a three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solver, and (d)the VBI two-dimensional analysis~see procedure 2 of referenc@31# described earlier!. The measured and predicted time-averagpressure distribution obtained using the four codes for the 20,and 85 percent span on the LPT blade are given in@36#. Reason-able agreement between the predictions and the measuremeshown for all three locations. The authors also present a compson of the results of the various predictions to the measuredplitude of the unsteady pressure at blade passing frequency.predictions at midspan are in reasonably good agreement withmeasurements, but at the 85 percent span location, the codespredict the amplitude of the unsteady pressure consistentHaldeman et al.@34#.

The results presented in Section 2.2 demonstrate that presdistributions are predicted reasonably well by state-of-the-art Ccodes. The comparisons presented were for the vane and bmidspan region for subsonic high-pressure turbines, trans

Fig. 11 Predicted versus measured unsteady surface pressurehistory at 50 percent span and 21 percent wetted distance onsuction surface †34‡

Fig. 12 Predicted versus measured unsteady surface pres-sure on LPT blade at 50 percent span and 21 percent wetteddistance on suction surface †34‡

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high-pressure turbines, and vaneless counterrotating turbinesrently of interest to the industry. However, near the hub andthe agreement between the predictions and the experimentasults are not nearly as good, and the codes are in need of sigcant improvements. It is important to be able to predict the surfheat transfer as well as the surface pressure. Effort needs toceed to initiate incorporation of the algorithms and modeling nessary to calculate heat transfer distributions for the vaneblade rows into the three-dimensional unsteady codes. It isknown that this step will require significantly denser grids nearsurface of the components for which the heat transfer predictare desired. The increased computing time and other difficuassociated with incorporating the ability to calculate heat tranrepresent a challenge to the code developers, but much is tgained by initiation of the effort.

2.3 Simultaneous Measurement of Forcing Function andDamping. At the elevated temperatures associated with thebine blade, fluctuating loads may result in large resonant streeventually causing high-cycle fatigue of the component. Measment programs described in@30,34#, and @36# provided informa-tion helpful in understanding the source of the forcing functioChiang and Kielb@49# give an approach for predicting the vibratory response of a blade for a given configuration. Kielb@50#presented a series of six lectures at the von Karman InstituteFluid Dynamics on the subject of aeroelastic design of turbomchinery blades. One of these lectures also describes experimtechniques used to determine aeroelastic behavior for full-sengines. However, predicting the component high-cycle fatilife requires experimental data relevant to the forcing funct~amplitude and phase of the unsteady pressure loading!. Thesedata calibrate the models being used for predicting the structand aerodynamic damping of the system. Examples of forcfunction measurements~a portion of the desired experimental information! for transonic turbines were cited earlier in this papand additional information for low-speed subsonic turbines canfound in @51# and @52#. Verdon and Casper@53# and Whitehead@54# have proposed linearized models for the numerical analyof forced response and aerodamping. More recently,@55# and@56#described an Euler code formulation for this purpose and@57#described a Navier–Stokes code.

The obvious next step is to obtain simultaneously detasurface-pressure and structural response and damping informwithin the same experimental program. This experimental efmust be accompanied by an analytical effort designed to cothe structural response with the aerodynamic forcing functionformation in order to be useful to the industry. Experimentallyis a straightforward extension of the measurement techniquescribed in@34# and @36# to place strain gages at predeterminlocations on the component to obtain strain, damping, and psure loading simultaneously. The short-duration facility usedthese authors offers the opportunity, in the same experimenseparate the aerodynamic damping from the mechanical damThe supporting analytical portion of the task is underway at seral institutions.

Aerodynamic damping measurements for transonic compsors using short-duration facilities were pioneered by Craw@58# and Crawley and deLuis@59#. The data necessary to separamechanical damping from aerodynamic damping is obtainedembedding piezoelectric crystals in selected blades~which haveboth strain gage and pressure instrumentation!. Activating the pi-ezoelectric crystals while the rotor is spinning~at the proper de-sign corrected speed! in a vacuum immediately prior to initiationof airflow determines the mechanical damping. Many previoresearchers have embedded piezoelectric crystals in airfoilsused them for various purposes, e.g.,@60# and @61#.

Abhari @62# was among the first to demonstrate successfuthat piezoelectric actuators could be embedded in rotating blaand used to deduce structural damping for a rotating turbine blHis experiments were performed in the same short-duration fa

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ity for which several of the aerodynamic and heat transfer msurement programs described herein were performed. In the wdescribed by Abhari and his students, the rotor airfoils werestrumented with strain gages and pressure transducers in addto the piezoelectric actuator. This initial work reported in Abha@62# was followed by the work of Jeffers et al.@63#, which de-scribed the technique reported by@62# in much more detail. Sub-sequently, Kielb@64#, Kielb et al.@37# and Kielb and Abhari@65#demonstrated the application of this technique by obtaining a dset at turbine design corrected conditions for the HPT stageGarrett TFE-731-2 engine. The data set includes simultanemeasurement of the unsteady pressure and vibratory responseturbine stage used by Kielb@64# has a subsonic vane exit Macnumber~on the order of 0.8! so that the blade excitation is provided by vane wakes. The influence of aerodynamic loadingthe airfoils is shown to provide a significant increase in todamping. Kielb used the CFD code UNSFLO 2-D~procedure 3 ofVenable et al.@31# discussed earlier! to predict both the aerodynamic and structural response of the HPT blade for comparisohis experimental results. This code should not be expected togood job of predicting the pressure loading away from the mspan location if the airfoil flow field is three-dimensional. Figu13 compares the measurement and prediction of blade surfpressure distribution at midspan taken from Kielb@64#. This figureshows good agreement between experiment and the UNSFLOprediction for the midspan location. The author also presendata for the 85 percent span location, but the agreement was ngood.

Reference@64# also presented a comparison of the measuversus the predicted amplitude and phase of the first harmonthe midspan time-averaged surface pressure. This comparisolustrates good agreement for the amplitude of the harmonicblade passing frequency. The phase of the harmonic of the surpressure appears to be a more difficult quantity to predict thancorresponding amplitude. The comparison between the prediand measured phase of the unsteady pressure presented by@64# is similar to that presented by Barter et al.@32#. Barter et al.@32# utilized a different turbine operating under different aerodnamic conditions~the Allison VBI turbine! and they used differenprediction techniques~TURBO Wake-Blade and TURBO Stagesee Fig. 7!. The results of these works suggest that perhaps ational work is needed in this area to improve prediction capabifor blade locations away from midspan. Prior to initiating thexperimental phase of the program, a finite element analysisundertaken to predict the mode shapes and the resonant freqcies anticipated for the target experimental conditions. The m4-second bending crossing predicted to occur at about 20,000~for 41 vanes this would be a frequency on the order of 14,0

Fig. 13 Predicted versus measured surface pressure for bladeat 50 percent span, TFE-731 †64‡

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Hz! is shown on the Campbell diagram presented in Kielb@64#.Reference@64# presents strain gage time histories for the blastrain gages. The data presented in the time domain illustraresonant bloom during the test period. The same data presentthe frequency domain illustrates the mode 4-second bencrossing at the blade passing frequency of about 14,000 Hz.authors were able to separate aerodynamic damping fromchanical damping in this experiment by using piezoelectric crtals to excite the blades in a vacuum just prior to initiation of tairflow. Aerodynamic damping was a significant component oftotal damping for this particular turbine. Data are reported for tvalues of vane/blade axial spacing, and it is shown that the smspacing results in large increases in the pressure harmonic atude, especially near the tip and on the suction surface. The reobtained by Kielb@64# provides a much needed data set that cbe used to refine the models used in structural responsecodes.

3 Description of the Heat Transfer ProblemEfforts focused on understanding turbine airfoil heat trans

have traditionally been overshadowed by the work done onassociated aerodynamics. This was not due to a lack of apprtion for heat transfer problems, but rather the difficulty of tproblem that became more prominent as turbine inlet temperaincreased. Early designers did not need a computer code tothem that components had heat transfer problems. Partmelted, totally destroyed, or missing pieces provided all the edence they needed.

Most conceptual models for heat transfer to a modern thdimensional airfoil require significantly more information thanrequired for aerodynamic calculations. As for the aerodynacalculation, defined inlet and exit flow field parameters mustprescribed. Also required are the free-stream turbulence andbulence scale. A second boundary condition for the heat tranproblem is that the pressure distribution on the airfoil is knowwhich is the output of the CFD code development describedSection 2. Further, the computational grid required for the htransfer calculation is much finer than required for the correspoing aerodynamic calculation. This is because the temperaturedient at the airfoil wall drives the heat-flux calculation and tgrid resolution in the boundary layer must be significantly finThe boundary layer approximation assumes a constant presthrough the boundary layer, but the temperature throughboundary layer is not constant. Thus heat transfer calculatwere in difficulty until these airfoil surface-pressure predictiobecame, at least to a first-order approximation, relatively reliaThis was not really accomplished until recently~as discussed insection 2!. Of course, the design problems were always presand the different techniques used to provide predictions givenlimited knowledge available are discussed in this section. Tcodes progressed from boundary-layer codes that have their oin correlations of early flat-plate data, through the twdimensional or quasi-three-dimensional steady codes to thethree-dimensional unsteady Navier–Stokes codes.

Over the past twenty-five years, turbine heat transfer calctions and experimental data have been reported in the open liture by numerous industry, government, and university authThe detail reported for a particular calculation technique generdepends upon the ‘‘competition sensitive’’ nature of the compson. Government and university-authored papers usually provibit more detail about the calculation technique~but generally for ageometry that is relatively uninteresting to the industry! than pro-vided in industrial based papers. Understandably, the compdesign codes distinguish the manufacturers and detail about tcodes will be kept proprietary.

3.1 Heat Transfer Measurement Techniques. So much ofthe early heat transfer predictions were based on purely empirelationships that it was common to report heat transfer resultNusselt or Stanton numbers. Authors argue about which form

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nondimensional number is most appropriate for presenting tdata. It is the opinion of the author that both are useful, wsometimes one taking the precedence over the other based ocalculations performed and/or data presented. It is importanrealize that experimental and computational communities arrivthese numbers differently. This is because in the computatioregime all the parameters are available~since they are all calcu-lated!, but in the experimental regime only a few parametersmeasured. Thus, it is worthwhile to review these differences.

The Nusselt number (NuL) can be interpreted as the ratio of thconvective to conductive heat transfer is a slab of fluid of thicnessL, and is generally written in its most basic form as:



whereh5heat transfer coefficient,L5a reference length, andkf5thermal conductivity of fluid.

Computer codes often derive the Nusselt number from an innal calculation of the heat transfer coefficient. Standard expmental techniques do not measure the heat transfer coefficdirectly, rather they deriveq8 ~the local heat flux per unit area! asdescribed below based on the time history of the surface tempture and some knowledge of the surface properties. For ourposes,q8 then becomes the measured quantity and is relatedhin the following manner.

q85h~Tref2Tf ! (2)

where q85heat flux/unit area,Tref5reference temperature, anTf5surface film temperature.

Equation~2! can be substituted into Eq.~1! to yield the rela-tionship for Nusselt number most often used by experimentain presenting their results.

NuL@ t#5q8@ t#L

kf@Tf@ t##~Tref2Tf@ t# !(3)

The functional dependence on time and film temperature is shin the square brackets for a time-accurate measurement.

A similar argument can be made for the Stanton number. Moften the Stanton number, a normalized heat transfer coefficieneither directly calculated or in older codes is the result of empcal relationships relating other nondimensional parameters.base definition is usually given as one of two forms:





ReL5Reynolds number based onL.This contains many terms not directly measured in experime

The mass flow usually is known andh is related to the Nusselnumber as shown above, which results in a definition used byexperimentalists since it relates the Stanton number to measquantities:

St@ t#5q8@ t#


A~Tref@ t#cpref2Tf@ t#cpfilm!

5q8@ t#


A~H ref@ t#2H f@ t# !


m5mass flowrate;A5reference area. Prior to initiating a discusion of heat transfer measurements and comparison with pretion, it is appropriate to review briefly the techniques usedvarious groups to obtain these measurements.

There are many different techniques used to perform heat trfer measurements relevant to gas turbine engines, but spacenot permit an exhaustive discussion of those techniques of Giel et al.@66# utilized a liquid crystal technique. Professor Terry Jones has pioneered@67,68,69# application of this tech-nique to problems of interest to the gas turbine communityOxford University and the interested reader is referred to his wfor additional detail. The discussion herein will be confined to t

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general type of heat-flux gage used by various groups that isone form or another, a metal thin-film gage. Thin-film heat-flgage development work was initiated in the early 1950’s to pvide a heat-flux measuring capability for the emerging experimtal devices used to create high Mach number flows. The poWorld War II political environment focused on national defeninterests involving vehicle velocities that were much greater tthe speed of sound. Thus, the search for experimental facilwith the capability for producing representative fluid dynamconditions was an active research area. Development of diagninstrumentation~of which the thin-film gage is but one elemen!proceeded along with facility development.

The thin-film gage is a device consisting of a thin metal ement having a very small heat capacity bonded to the surfacan insulator. As will be demonstrated later in this discussion,insulator may have a thin-film gage placed on one side or on bsides. When subjected to a change in the temperature fieproperly calibrated metal film can be used to determine the tperature history of the insulator surface. By employing existtheory for transient heat conduction in a nonhomogeneous band making some assumptions about the physical properties oinsulator, the heat flux to the insulator surface can be calculatea straightforward manner. The assumptions about the insuproperties and behavior range from simple one-dimensionalconduction to more complicated transient conditions, dependupon the actual experiment. Early research relating to thin-fitechnology was performed at the California Institute of Technogy @70#, Lehigh University@71#, Cornell Aeronautical Labora-tory @72,73,74#, and Avco Everett Research Laboratories@75#. Theinitial users of this device were interested in using it to meassurface temperature. Vidal@72# was among the first to develop ththin-film gage for measurement of heat flux in short-durationcilities. Schultz and Jones@76# provide a comprehensive review othe 1973 state of the art for measurement of heat transfer in sduration facilities.

The specific type of thin-film gage used at the various reseainstitutions varies because demands of the instrumentation areferent. The available test times and the flow environments assated with the individual facilities differ and researchers are attaing different problems. The available test time determinessubstrate thickness onto which the gage is painted. The subsis designed to be sufficiently thick so that the thermal wave dnot penetrate to the backside of the substrate during the testor that a second sensor is placed on the backside to monitortemperature.

Test times on the order of 100 to 125 milliseconds are typicashort-duration facilities such as the shock-tube driven reflecshock tunnel used at Calspan and now at The Ohio State Unsity. Thus, the single-sided thin-film gage bonded to an insulasubstrate is used unless the experiment involves film cooling msurements. Test times are on the order of 300 to 400 millisecofor the intermediate short-duration facility~e.g., the free pistontype facility used at Oxford University,@77#! and the small blow-down facility ~e.g., MIT, @78#!. Different types of gages have beedeveloped for use in these facilities. The test time is on the oof 2 seconds for the large blowdown facility~e.g., the TurbineResearch Facility~TRF! at Wright Laboratory!. In this case, it isnecessary to use thick single-sided gages, the MIT-type dousided Kapton gage, or the Oxford vitreous enamel-coated mgage.

For their earlier work, the research group at Oxford Univershas used a machinable ceramic~Macor! with platinum thin-filmgages either painted or vacuum deposited at selected locationthe surface. If the component to be investigated is one for whthe stress levels are relatively low, e.g., a vane, then the comnent shape can be machined from a Macor block and therpenetration depth is not a problem. However, Macor does not hsufficient strength to be used for rotating components anddifficult to construct a complex component that would allow fil

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cooling. Thus, an alternate gage consisting of thin-film gagesposited on a vitreous enamel-coated metal was developedDoorly and Oldfield@79,80# and Doorly@81#.

The design, construction, calibration, and application ofMIT double-sided heat-flux gage that consists of a pair of methin-film gages on opposite sides of a polyamide~Kapton! insu-lating substrate is given in Epstein et al.@82#. This specific gageused a 25mm ~0.001 in.! thick polyamide insulator with electrolytic nickel deposition for the metal thin films on both is doing film cooling research, this particular type of gagevery attractive device for measuring heat transfer, since onfreed from the more restrictive assumption about one-dimensiosemi-infinite behavior of the substrate.

Hager et al.@83# describe the initial design, construction, ancalibration of a heat-flux microsensor consisting of a thin thermresistance layer sandwiched between many thermocoupleforming a differential thermopile. The gages have a physical sof about 3 mm~0.12 in.! by 4 mm~0.16 in.! and are about 2mm~0.00008 in.! thick. The gage can be placed on either glasssilicon substrates. Later Holmberg and Diller@84# report the re-sults of a study conducted in a short-duration environment inder to characterize the response time and the calibration ofheat-flux sensor described in Hager et al.@83#. More recentlyPopp et al.@85#, Smith et al.@86#, and Popp et al.@87# have re-ported results of measurement programs that were performedtransonic cascade wind tunnel utilizing these heat-flux sensThe intent of the measurement programs was to determine theeffectiveness and heat transfer coefficient for the suction surof a turbine blade.

Heat flux can be deduced from the measured voltage vetime history of the metal element for the different heat-flux gagdescribed above. This is done using either an analytical or americal solution to the heat conduction equation with the apppriate boundary conditions. The data reduction process requthat specific calibration data~differing depending upon the specific gage! be available in order to proceed. A description of tsolution for the different gage configurations can be foundWeaver et al.@88#.

Heat-flux measurements have been in use since the 1950’sdata using these techniques has been validated repeatedly acontrolled experiments and flight tests. However, the care requin taking these measurements, the calibrations needed, andcomplexity of making the sensors themselves has led to the sefor other types of sensors. Many of these techniques do not hthe frequency response to be used in rotating experiments, ais unlikely that in the immediate future standard heat-flux gawill be replaced. Typical accuracy for these types of measuments is on the order of65 percent of the reading~when allerrors are accounted for!. This has not been a problem since prdictive techniques have not been near this level of accuracythe codes develop, there will be an effort to improve the accurof heat transfer instrumentation. This process also occurredpressure instrumentation in the 1980’s and 1990’s that dramcally increased the accuracy of those measurements. We arefar from heat-flux measurements on the order of61 percentaccuracy.

3.2 Combustor Exit Flow. Heat transfer in turbines is theresult of high-pressure, high-temperature gases leaving the cbustor and entering the HPT, where extraction of the power nessary to operate the HPC is extracted from the flow. Upon leing the HPT, the flow path gas is then directed into the LPT, whadditional power is extracted to operate the fan stages of thechine. The combustor is the initial hot-section component anresponsible for all of the subsequent heat transfer difficultiesperienced by the machine. In addition, as noted previously, it gerates the inlet conditions that are needed in the computatiThus, it is worthwhile to discuss how the combustor is normatreated, especially with respect to the turbulence intensityscale of the gas leaving the combustor.

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Many heat transfer–related papers begin by making the astion that the flow leaving the combustor and entering the turbhas very high turbulence intensity with numbers cited rangfrom 6 to 20 percent. Seldom do these publications cite an avable reference with a measurement of turbulence intensity orbulence length scale for an operating combustor~by operating it ismeant at pressure and temperature!. Within the confines of someengine companies, there may be results of measurement progsubstantiating these numbers~such as Goebel et al.@89#!. Whilethis paper represents a thorough experimental study, the comtor configuration used was representative of that used for ationary power plant gas turbine. While propulsion and power plgas turbine combustors differ, the absence of other experimeresults makes this paper valuable. The turbulence intensitylength-scale numbers used in a particular calculation are mlikely selected based upon previous experience. That is, bymuch the analysts had to ‘‘turn the knobs on the local compucode’’ in order to match predictions for sparse engine data. Oone of these ‘‘knobs’’ is the value for the free-stream turbulenrequired by the code, but often unknown to the designers. Mand Oldfield@90# performed pressure measurements~and then us-ing the pressure spectrum deduced the velocity spectrum! using aroom temperature combustor at atmospheric pressure. Theyran the combustor at atmospheric temperature and atmosppressure and concluded that the deduced velocity spectrumsimilar in both cases and argued that the combustion didn’t inence the turbulence spectrum. Missing from this argument isinfluence of combustor geometry, significantly elevated pressand further elevated temperature, combustion, plus the influeof the chemical kinetics, all of which may significantly influencthe turbulence levels.

Goebel et al.@89# presents some of the most detailed measuments of turbulence intensity at the exit plane of the combufound in the literature. These authors used a natural gas firedcombustor and report measurements made with the combustoerating at either 6.8 or 4.8 atm pressure and either room tempture ~300 K, unfired! or at 1356 K~fired!. Axial and swirl velocityand turbulence profiles are measured using a Laser-Dopplerlocimeter system. Temperature profiles in the exit plane wmeasured using thermocouples mounted on a traverse systemauthors independently measure the effect of combustor geomoperating conditions~mass flow and pressure!, and combustion onthe measured turbulence intensity. They do not attempt to meathe associated turbulence scale. Swirl is demonstrated to hamajor influence on the turbulence intensity distribution. The msured turbulence intensity in the center portion of the exit flwas on the order of 7 to 12 percent. The peak turbulence intenwas outboard of center and reached a maximum of about 20cent depending upon the particular operational mode. The autdemonstrate that combustion has a significant influence onmagnitude of swirl and thus on the turbulence intensity. Figu14~a–c! are taken from the results presented by Goebel et al.@89#.Figure 14~a! illustrates the effect of combustion on the exit-plaaxial turbulence intensity for a low-swirl geometry. Figure 14~b!is a similar result for a high-swirl combustor. Figure 14~c! pre-sents the influence of combuster geometry and temperature oradial turbulence intensity for the same conditions as usedFigure 14~b!.

Figure 14~a! shows that the main effects due to speed and teperature occur at radial distances greater than 0.4. In additionrelative intensity is greater for the low-speed flows, but the ablute variation is greater for the high-speed flows. The low-swgeometry has a significant variation of axial turbulence intenas a function of radial position, values range from 7 to 20 percFor the high-swirl geometry~Fig. 14~b!!, the main result is thatuniformity is preserved over a larger portion of the combusexit. Figure 14~c! illustrates that the exit plane radial~swirl! tur-bulence intensity is similar to the axial turbulence intensity. Itnot surprising that often the input ‘‘knobs’’ corresponding to fre

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stream turbulence on the codes are changed within the rangvalues just noted to make predictions align with data.

The most severe thermal conditions associated the gas turengine are experienced in the combustor. A requirement of sfactory operation is that the liner walls of this componentcooled and temperature gradients within the material be controin order to maintain structural integrity. Cooling the combustoraccomplished by bleeding air from the HPC and injectingbleed air into the combustor via cooling jets, louvers, air-blnozzles, etc. This cooling process along with the combustion pcess contributes to the combustor exit plane turbulence intenlength scale, and hot streaks. There is a significant body of litture describing various cooling design techniques for combuliners. The work of Mularz and Schultz@91# provides combustorturbulence intensity information in the liner at a pressure of absix atmospheres, but does not address combustor exit plane tu

Fig. 14 „a… Influence of combustion on exit plane turbulenceintensity for low-swirl geometry †89‡; „b … Influence of combus-tion on exit plane turbulence intensity for high-swirl geometry†89‡; „c … Exit plane radial turbulence intensity for high-swirl ge-ometry †89‡

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lence intensity and scale. Many years ago Marek and Tacina@92#were concerned with film cooling effectiveness for combustorers. The turbulence intensity for this research was not producean engine combustor. Rather various blockage plates were usproduce turbulence intensity for a rectangular combustor opeing at one atmosphere pressure and with air at an inlet temperof 580 K to create four values of intensity ranging from 7 topercent. The result of their studies was that film effectivenessflat plate placed downstream of the hot gas source was reduceas much as 50 percent as the turbulence intensity was increfrom 7 to 35 percent. The authors compared their data withturbulent mixing correlation of Juhasz and Marek@93#, but foundvery poor agreement. Juhasz and Marek@93# used a turbulentmixing equation to correlate film cooling effectiveness data thad been obtained in a sector combustor. They found little agment between the mixing coefficient and the turbulence inten~which were postulated to be equal! derived from combustor dataresulting from low-turbulence wind tunnels. Their explanatiwas that the large differences were the result of the higher tulence intensity associated with the combustor. However, Muand Schultz@91# used a full-scale annular gas turbine combusoperating at six atmospheres pressure with combustor inletperatures at approximately 900 K to make film cooling and turlence measurements. They found that the turbulent mixing cocient was only 10 percent of the turbulence intensity as opposebeing equal to the turbulence intensity. The combustor exit teperature for the measurements reported by Mularz and Schwas on the order of 1400 K. Mularz and Schultz used a singlewire probe to measure turbulence intensity~assumed to be isotropic! in the combustor liner region~not at the combustor exiplane! and then only under nonburning conditions. They cocluded that near the wall the turbulence intensity was on the oof 35 percent. Marek and Tacina@92# argue that there are difficulties associated with making measurements in engine combubecause of the well-known pattern factor and thus questionresults of Mularz and Schultz@91#. Marek and Tacina@92# notethat testing their turbulent mixing correlation using an actual cobustor is inaccurate because the associated large temperaturvelocity gradients make it difficult to define a single value of hgas velocity and temperature. It is true that these difficulties exbut such are the facts of life when working with the real worldengine combustors. A great deal has been added to the combliterature since the work of Mularz and Schultz@91#, but measure-ments of the turbulence intensity and scale for an operatiocombustor are still missing. The more recent gas turbine literaincludes a description of the design procedure for the cooscheme~Kumar et al.@94#! and a description of a technique tcalculate the radiative contribution~Kumar et al.@95#!. Validationof the turbulence model is presented in Kumar and Mongia@96#,and a discussion of film cooling effectiveness for a modern cobustor liner is given in Kumar et al.@97#.

Mayle et al.@98# conclude in their paper ‘‘The Turbulence ThMatters’’ that the effects of turbulence can be explained whenfull spectrum of turbulence is known. It is acknowledged, hoever, to be nearly impossible to obtain this information for the gturbine application. In the absence of relevant experimental dengineering approximations are made to permit predictions,papers treating cooling jets and film effectiveness in combuenvironments have appeared in the literature. As emphasizedlier in this paper, designers are able to make reasonable appmations as evidenced by the infrequency of in-flight engine sdown.

4 Turbine Airfoil Heat TransferTurbine airfoil heat transfer is a broad research area and s

several decades of work. Most research activities focus only osmall aspect of the problem at any one time, which makes reviing the literature a complicated process. To help organize this tthis section is split into four areas that tend to follow the ma

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research efforts in this field chronologically. Section 4.1 dewith external heat transfer~heat transfer to the metal surfaceexposed to the main core flow! in the absence of cooling. This ia large area, since it has seen the majority of the research eand is broken down further into a review of heat transfer to dferent parts of the turbine stage. Section 4.2 looks at the sphysical process~external heat transfer! but with the addition offilm cooling. Section 4.3 presents a discussion of the influencefree-stream turbulence and boundary layer transition on airheat transfer. Finally, internal heat transfer with cooling~heattransfer inside passages! is discussed in Section 4.4. Internal prdiction techniques are heavily dependent upon empirical lumparameter models and a review of the data upon which the moare based is included. The information used to derive these mocomes from both nonrotating and rotating measurement progra

4.1 External Heat Transfer Without Film Cooling. Thedemand for operation of propulsion gas turbines at ever-increaturbine inlet temperatures has put increasing emphasis on imping the calculation of heat loads for the machine. These increatemperatures can be tolerated because the combustor and tucomponents are film cooled, but a discussion of film cooling wbe deferred until Section 4.2. There is a wealth of experimeand computational information available for the uncooled turband it is appropriate to discuss this work because it representsfoundation upon which the current prediction techniques hbeen built and verified.

The geometry and flow field of specific interest to the desighas progressed from the midspan region of an uncooled tdimensional flow airfoil to the hub, tip, and midspan regions othree-dimensional airfoil with significant film cooling coveragProgress in calculation techniques has made possible numetwo-dimensional Navier–Stokes codes and more recently, thdimensional Navier–Stokes codes. The older method of usintwo-dimensional calculation to obtain the surface-pressure loadalong selected streamlines and then applying a modified flat-pheat transfer code to estimate the local heat transfer coefficiestill used under some circumstances. However, as demonstratSection 2, the ability to calculate the surface-pressure distribufor three-dimensional airfoils has made some significant advanin the past ten years. The heat transfer community must nowup the challenge and advance the state of the art to be abperform heat transfer calculations for three-dimensional airfoilsa manner acceptable to the design community.

4.1.1 Development of Prediction Techniques.Common prac-tice in the 1975 to late 1980’s time period was to generatelocal pressure or velocity field information for the airfoil usintwo-dimensional inviscid flow codes, MERIDL~Katsanis and Mc-Nally @99#! and TSONIC~Katsanis@100#!. Then the user wouldemploy either flat-plate correlations~Eckert and Drake@101#! or atwo-dimensional parabolic boundary layer code, STAN5~Craw-ford and Kays@102#!, which uses the finite difference schemePatankar and Spalding@103# to generate the heat transfer preditions. Examples of this technique being used to compare pretion with experiment for a full-stage rotating turbine can be fouin Dunn et al.@104# and Dunn and Chupp@105#. The heat transfercoefficients calculated using flat-plate correlations were obviouof limited use for gas turbine purposes~Graham@106#!, but theseflat-plate correlations are still used today to obtain ‘‘sanity checestimates as will be demonstrated later. An example of the simflat-plate prediction compared to full-stage rotating turbine dcan be seen in Dunn et al.@107#. Improvements in the transoniflow field region were added by Wood@108# and the MERIDL andTSONIC codes were coupled and made more user friendlyBoyle et al.@109#. As an input condition, the boundary layer codSTAN5 requires a description of the surface streamlines andgas-stream velocity distribution. The code STAN5 was attractto many users because of its general availability to those inested. The eddy-diffusivity turbulence model was included in

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early version of STAN5 that worked with success in rather simflow environments. Significant changes were required ofSTAN5 code to make it applicable to the turbine flow field. SinSTAN5 was released in 1976 as a flat-plate prediction, a metfor including free-stream turbulence, leading edge curvature,pressure gradient was needed. The STAN5 code formed theof later codes, such as the KEP code still in use today by GenElectric and described by Zerkle and Lounsbury@110#. The KEPcode is based on a 1985 version of STAN5 that was modifiedRodi and Scheuerer@111#, to include the Lam and Bremhors@112#, low-Reynolds-number version of thek–« turbulent flowmodel. This modification also included the capability of providias an input parameter the desired value of free-stream turbuleThe way by which the free-stream turbulence influences boundlayer transition on the airfoil and a discussion of whether ortransition is an important consideration for a modern HPT stagdiscussed later. Several modifications made by NASA Lewissearch Center to STAN5~Crawford and Kays@102#! to make thecomputational code more applicable to gas turbine geometriesdescribed in Gaugler@113#. These modifications included incoporation of a cylindrical leading edge calculation, incorporationa boundary layer transition model, and incorporation of a mrealistic gas properties model. Also included in the paper idiscussion of some of the NASA experiences realized by runnthe code. Goldman and Gaugler@114#, describe their experienceusing a more recent version of STAN5~Crawford et al.@115,116#!that is used to model full-coverage airfoil film cooling. Thversion of STAN5 was verified by flat-plate cooling floexperiments.

Crawford has continued development of a boundary layer cused for prediction of heat transfer coefficients for gas turbairfoils. He has made significant progress since the initial versof STAN5 was released. His more recent work is found in a vsion of the code known as TEXSTAN. Incorporated into this coare three levels of mean field closure, including mixing-lengmodels, a one-equation turbulence kinetic energy (k) model, anda large variety of two-equationk–« models. Research versions othis code have extended closure to include full Reynolds stmodels, turbulent heat-flux models, and multiple-time-scalek–«models. How large-scale free-stream turbulence affects transis handled most successfully in TEXSTAN by the two-equatmodels. The start and end evolve from thek–« dynamics in eithera natural way~no modifications to the models! or in a controlledway ~Schmidt and Patankar@117#!. The performance of these varous models is described in Harasgama et al.@118# for a highlyloaded transonic turbine guide vane~Arts et al.@119#!. They dis-covered the models to be generally adequate for the laminarfully turbulent portions of the vane surfaces over the varioMach and Reynolds numbers and free-stream turbulence levethe experiments. However, the predictions indicate a somewinconsistent model performance for a given model in the startend of transition region, especially at lower Reynolds numbersaddition, film cooling and surface roughness have been incorated into TEXSTAN~discussed later!.

Researchers began to utilize more sophisticated~two- andthree-dimensional Euler and Navier–Stokes! codes to calculatethe pressure and velocity fields for gas turbine vanes and bladthe late 1980’s. These results were then used in conjunctionan appropriate two-dimensional or three-dimensional boundlayer code to calculate heat transfer coefficients. An excellentample of this technique can be found in Sharma et al.@120#. State-of-the-art two-dimensional and three-dimensional codes wused to obtain estimates of the surface pressure distributiomidspan for the vane and blade of a highly loaded turbine stSharma et al.@120# calculate the streamlines and pressure loadat the midspan locations of the vane and blade and on the endsurfaces using the three-dimensional Euler code described b@121# and the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes code describeRhie @122#. The results of the calculation are compared with t

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experimentally determined surface pressure and heat transferreported in Dunn et al.@107#. The measurements were obtainefor a Garrett Low Aspect Ratio Turbine~LART! stage. The resultsof both the three-dimensional Euler code and the thrdimensional Navier–Stokes code showed excellent agreemwith the measured surface-pressure distribution for the vane mspan. Surface-pressure measurements were not available at alocations other than vane midspan for this particular turbine stabut the three-dimensional Euler calculation suggested significthree-dimensional effects. The three-dimensional Euler codethe three-dimensional Navier–Stokes code were used to calcthe blade midspan surface-pressure loading. Significant difences between the results of the two calculations are shfor the suction surface, but measurements were not availablecomparison.

The predicted surface-pressure distributions obtained usingthree-dimensional Euler code were then used to calculate thespan Stanton number for the vane and the blade as well asvane endwall. The calculated pressure loading was input toextensively modified version of the STAN5 two-dimensionboundary layer code noted above to calculate the vane and bmidspan heat transfer loading. The heat transfer calculationtained in this manner underestimated the measurements forthe pressure and suction surfaces of the vane, suggesting thatwo-dimensional boundary layer calculation does not do wellthree-dimensional airfoils. The three-dimensional boundary lacode developed by Vatsa@123# was also used to predict the vanmidspan Stanton number history. This code was developedcifically for estimating heat loads to the endwall region of thredimensional airfoils with application to cascade experiments. Tcomparison between the results of the three-dimensional bounlayer code and the data was about the same as described earlithe two-dimensional boundary layer code comparison. Thethors suggest that the disagreement between the prediction andata for the vane indicate that some aspect of the airfoil geomcauses significant amplification of the heat transfer coefficient.contrast to the vane, the midspan Stanton numbers for bothfaces of the blade were predicted reasonably well by the tdimensional boundary layer code. The three-dimensional bouary layer code of Vatsa@123# was not used to obtain a predictiofor the blade.

The vane endwall heat transfer loading was predicted usingabove-noted three-dimensional boundary layer code developeVatsa@123#. The surface-pressure distribution obtained usingthree-dimensional Euler code described in the preceding pgraphs provided the input condition for the boundary layer callation. The predicted Stanton number history for the vane hendwall near the suction surface was shown to be in good agment with the measurements as was the prediction for theendwall at mid pitch. However, the prediction for the vane hendwall near the pressure surface significantly under estimatedmeasurements. Similar comparisons are presented in Sharma@120# for the tip endwall and the results are consistent with thodescribed for the hub endwall. That is, the agreement betweenprediction and the measurement is good for the endwall nearsuction surface and at midpitch, but the prediction is belowdata on the endwall near the pressure surface. The authortribute the disagreement between prediction and measuremethe endwalls near the pressure surface to poor assumptions reing initial conditions at the endwall intersection.

Dunn et al.@27# presents a comparison of heat transfer datathe vanes and blades of a full two-stage turbine with predictiobtained using the modified version of STAN5~described inGaugler@113#! and different Navier–Stokes codes. This studycorporated the transition model of Mayle@124# and the intermit-tency model of Mayle and Dullenkopf@125,126#. The results ofthis comparison will be described in more detail later in the pap

Also in the 1980’s and into the 1990’s papers treating the sject of vane/blade interaction, transonic turbines with the ass

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ated shock waves, and the resulting unsteady heat transfer inbine flows appeared in the literature. Among the early works tused subsonic turbines were Dring et al.@127#, Dring and Joslyn@24#, Dring et al. @25#. The studies reported by Dring and hco-workers were performed using a large scale~approximatelyfive times engine scale!, low-speed rotating rig operating at ambient temperature inlet conditions. Later, papers began to apin the literature reporting blade heat transfer measurementsfull-stage rotating turbines operating at design corrected cotions. Among these papers are references@128#, @129#, @130#,@131#, @132#, @133#, @134#, and@28#. The paper of Guenette et a@130# reports time-averaged heat transfer measurements~no sur-face pressure measurements for the rotating blade are repo!for the blade alone. The paper of Abhari et al.@134# reports time-averaged and time-resolved surface heat transfer measuremfor the blade. Rao et al.@28# report both time-averaged and timeresolved surface-pressure and heat transfer measurements fothe vane and the blade. Kingcomb et al.@132# reported time-averaged heat transfer measurements on the vane~and comparisonwith prediction! and time-averaged surface-pressure measments on the blade along with comparison with predictions. Ain the middle 1980’s, Hodson@135,136,137# used several differenrotating rigs to obtain measurements of wake-generated unstness, boundary-layer transition, and flow separation in rotor psages. In Hodson@136#, detailed measurements of the unsteaness contained in the rotor inflow are presented that illustratechange in incidence angle and turbulence associated with thewakes. Hodson does not present heat transfer data, but it is lthat both the change in incidence angle and the increased tulence will influence the magnitude of local heat transfer. Bindet al. @138# investigated the influence of vane wakes on thesteady rotor flow using a laser velocimeter system. They illustvery high turbulence levels associated with the vane wakes.authors do not address the potential influence of this high tulence level on the local heat flux for the blade. The results ofinteresting experiment designed to study the effects of shwaves and wakes shed by the vane row on the blade surfacetransfer are reported by Doorly et al.@139# and Doorly and Old-field @140#. These experiments utilized a short-duration faciland a system of rotating bars. In Doorly and Oldfield@140#, theauthors present Schlieren photographs illustrating the structurthe bar wake and its subsequent passage through the cascadetechnique is an inexpensive way of providing an environmenwhich detailed understanding of the flow phenomena associwith wake interaction can be studied. An interesting outcomethe rotating bar technique is the description of the unsteadytransfer experienced on the blade as a result of compressioning in the boundary layer because of the moving shock givenRigby et al.@141#. In 1985, this study was of interest becausethe detail that could be learned from the results. It remains todemonstrated that the magnitude and phase of the pressure dbance produced by the rotating bars is consistent with that erienced by a blade as it rotates through the vane wake anshock. The closest published attempt at doing this is the htransfer study reported by Hilditch and Ainsworth@142#. Figure25 of that paper compares the mean heat transfer rate measurthe surface of a rotating turbine blade with the correspondvalues deduced from Doorly’s results with bars and different ggenerated free-stream turbulence levels. There is little agreebetween the turbine stage blade heat transfer data and the robar heat transfer data suggesting that the flow fields may bedifferent. If one were to pursue use of the rotating bar technifor generating wakes and shocks for turbine applications, thewould be important to demonstrate experimentally that the geating system reproduces the flow field experienced by the rotablade. For additional information on designing such an expment, the reader is referred to Pfeil and Eifler@143#, Schulte@144#and Banieghbal et al.@145#.

Since some of the papers mentioned above began to incorp

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more sophisticated time-averaged heat transfer calculationscomparison with the measurements, it is worthwhile to discsome of them in a bit more detail. One of these papers is thaGuenette et al.@130#, who report the results of a heat transfmeasurement program for the blade of a single-stage uncotransonic turbine. The authors demonstrate good comparisontween the measured time-averaged and calculated~two-dimensional Navier–Stokes! blade Nusselt number distribution. Ithis work, the authors modeled the turbulence using an additioturbulence viscosity~Cebeci–Smith model, Cebeci@146#!. Guen-ette et al.@130# do not present any measurements or predictiofor the vane of the turbine stage. However, they do preseninteresting comparison between cascade and full-stage data.of the intentions of this paper was to demonstrate the influence~orlack thereof! of upstream vanes and rotation on the blade htransfer results. This was accomplished by making a comparbetween the measurements obtained in the MIT rotating rigthe same blade run in the Oxford cascade~Ashworth et al.@147#!.The comparison between the cascade data obtained for thesure surface of the blade with both a rotating bar and turbulegrid and rig results are reasonably good. However, if the turlence grid was not used for the cascade, the agreement is notgood. For the suction surface, the presence or absence of thebulence grid made little difference in the cascade results. Forcases compared, the agreement between cascade and rotatidata on the second half of the suction surface is not nearly as gas shown for the pressure surface.

Kingcombe et al.@132# reports the results of a rotating turbinmeasurement program conducted at RAE Pyestock for whichblade pressure distribution and the vane Nusselt Number distrtions were measured. The local pressure distributions on the vvane endwall, and blade surfaces were calculated using De@148# and Dawes@149#. The vane heat transfer distribution wacalculated using STAN5~Crawford and Kays@102#!. The heattransfer comparisons for the vane illustrated that the boundlayer code significantly overpredicted the experimental results

Abhari et al. @134# presented a comparison between timaveraged and time-resolved blade heat transfer measurementpredictions for an uncooled turbine stage operating at transconditions. The calculation technique used for this compariwas the two-dimensional, multiblade row code UNSFLO 2-D dveloped by Giles@8# and Giles and Haimes@15#. UNSFLO 2-D isa coupled inviscid/viscous code in which an implicit algorithmused to solve the thin shear layer Navier–Stokes equationsbody-fitted boundary layer grid. The Euler equations are solvedan outer inviscid grid using an explicit algorithm, and the inteface between the two regions is treated in a conservative manThe version of the predictive code used by Abhari et al.@134#used an algebraic Baldwin–Lomax turbulence model. The coparison presented for the time-averaged heat transfer showsprediction to be below the data for the initial 30 percent of tsuction surface, but in reasonable agreement from about 30cent on to near the trailing edge. The prediction on the presssurface was below the data to a lesser extent over the initiapercent and then in good agreement to near the trailing edge.authors devote a significant portion of their paper to a compariof the measured and calculated time-resolved heat transferselected positions on the blade. In performing this comparisthey do an excellent job of carefully examining the possible dciencies in the flow modeling that may be causing the differenbetween the measurements and predictions for both the presand suction surfaces of the blade. The results of this analysisexcellent and suggest that the UNSFLO 2-D code captureprimary flow physics and shock wave structure. Possible multshock wave reflections and the way in which the turbulence frthe wakes and the free stream are handled may be the sourdisagreement between the predictions and the data.

Rao and Delaney@13# describe a two-dimensional NavierStokes code that uses an overlapping O–H grid system to inc

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Fig. 15 Predicted versus measured Stanton number distribution for blade †66‡
















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all of the viscous terms in the Navier–Stokes equations. Rao e@28# performed modifications to this code in order to obtaincomparison of predicted to measured midspan surface pressuthe vane and blade of a full-stage uncooled transonic turbineerating at design corrected conditions. The scheme usedsecond-order accurate in time and space. The Baldwin–Lomodel was employed to model turbulence. Rao et al.@150# de-scribe the results obtained using this code to predict the tiaveraged Stanton number distribution for the vane and for bthe time-averaged and the time-resolved~unsteady! Stanton num-ber distributions for the blade. Phase-resolved Stanton numhistories for selected locations on the blade are also presentthe paper. More detail regarding the results presented in Rao e@150# will be presented later in the paper.

Although most of the investigations mentioned above utilizfull-stage rotating turbine rigs as an essential ingredient ofexperimental effort, there are many that have been performeding various kinds of cascade facilities. Lokay and Trushin@151#,Scholz@152#, and Sharma et al.@14# investigated the losses assciated with specific rig environments~cascade versus rotating rig!as reflected by the unsteady flow associated with wakes and wcutting and concluded that these losses are significant. De@153# presented a detailed discussion of loss mechanisms inbomachines with emphasis on the understanding of the menisms, which may be more valuable than a quantitative predictCascade measurements have been, and still are, an importagredient in the understanding of turbine flows and thus areevant to this discussion. Although space does not permit a cplete review of the numerous cascade studies that havereported in the literature, it is appropriate to discuss a select nber of them that have direct relevance. Graziani et al.@154# reportthe results of an investigation that dealt with the endwall regionwell as the midspan portion of the airfoil for a large-scale turbblade cascade. In addition to the heat transfer measurementauthors also report on simultaneously obtained flow visualizaand surface-pressure measurements. The authors used STAcalculate the airfoil midspan Stanton number distribution for coparison with the measurements. The calculation for the pressurface was below the data, but in better agreement with thethan for the suction surface for which the calculation was wabove the data. The prediction was dependent upon the incoboundary layer thickness. The authors concluded that the passecondary flows significantly influence not only the end wall htransfer, but also the airfoil suction surface heat transfer at mspan.

Consigny and Richards@155# present the results of a transon

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cascade program for which heat transfer measurements wereformed at the midspan of a transonic airfoil and the influencefree-stream turbulence on the heat transfer distribution was msured. The experimental results were compared with predictobtained using a two-equation closure model and the basic forlation presented by Jones and Launder@156#. Several differentprediction techniques are described for predicting the influencfree-stream turbulence on the leading edge heat transfer, anresults of these predictions are compared with data.

The results of a recent full annular cascade measurementgram are reported in Joe et al.@157# for which heat transfer andsurface-pressure measurements were made at midspan usinvane of a modern high-pressure turbine. The measured vanesure distribution was shown to compare favorably with a predtion obtained using the formulation of Ni and Bogoian@12#. Theauthors compare the results of their heat transfer measuremwith predictions obtained using the STAN5 formulation as mo

Fig. 16 Predicted versus measured Nusselt number distribu-tion for blade, various Reynolds numbers †161‡

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fied by Sharma@158# and with classical flat-plate boundary laycorrelations. The STAN5 prediction significantly underpredithe data over the initial 60 percent of the suction surface andthe three locations on the pressure surface for which measments were available. This result is qualitatively consistent wthat reported by Sharma et al.@120# ~discussed earlier in this section! using essentially the same STAN5 formulation, but applyit to a different turbine stage. The authors illustrate that the csical laminar and turbulent flat-plate boundary layer correlatibound the experimental results.

A more recent cascade experiment designed to obtain bemark quality data for three-dimensional CFD code and moverification and to test the state-of-the-art CFD for heat trananalysis is reported by Giel et al.@66#. This effort does not utilizeSTAN5 or a boundary layer analysis for heat transfer predictioThe paper is one of the more complete recent demonstrationthe capabilities of CFD to calculate vane heat transfer loadingthus is of interest here. The experimental rig used for this wwas the NASA Glenn Research Center Transonic Turbine BlCascade, which is a large-scale linear cascade having a hthree-dimensional flow field resulting from thick inlet boundalayers. In order to quantify regions for which improvements in tCFD analysis are needed, the authors used as their baselineanalysis the NASA Glenn three-dimensional Navier–Stokes cRVC3D ~see Chima and Yokota@159# and Chima@160#!. Theauthors report measurements obtained with and without a tulence grid for two Mach numbers, 0.98 and 1.32, at the exittwo Reynolds numbers 0.53106 and 13106. The heat transfermeasurements are obtained using a liquid crystal technique sothey can achieve good spatial resolution of the measuremalong the blade surface. The blade spanwise Stanton numberparisons given in Figs. 15~a–d! for the case of Reynolds numbeequal to 13106 were obtained by Giel et al.@66# at 10, 25, and 50percent span.

These results given in@66# for the low-Reynolds-number caseboth with the grid in place and with the grid removed, illustrathat the midspan prediction generally underpredicts the datathe pressure surface. The midspan data are reasonably predfrom the stagnation region to abouts/span50.6 on the suctionsurface in the absence of the grid. Beyond 0.6 the shape opredicted result and the measurement are quite different. Folow-Reynolds-number case with the grid, the midspan predicfor both exit Mach numbers is in reasonable agreement withdata from the stagnation point untils/span50.5, but underpredictsthe data beyond that location. The agreement between the 1025 percent span predictions and data for the low-Reynonumber case is good in some regions and not so good in othResults for the higher Reynolds number case are shown in F15~a–d!. With the grid in place, the calculation underpredicts tdata significantly on both the suction and pressure surfaces, bin better agreement with the pressure surface data when the gremoved. With the grid removed, the agreement on the sucsurface is good in some locations and not so good in others,pending upon specific location. The intent of the authors wachieved in this paper in that they demonstrate regions ofairfoil where improvements in prediction capability are neede

Giel et al.@161# report the results of an investigation similarthe one described in the previous paragraph, but with a GE pogeneration turbine rotor blade. The same NASA Glenn ReseCenter transonic cascade facility noted above was used to perthe measurements. The experiments were performed for fourReynolds numbers, i.e., design point,620 percent, and140 percent. Measurements were obtained for three exit presratios corresponding to the design point and610 percent and athe design incidence angle and62 percent of design incidencePredictions performed for the purpose of comparison withexperimental results were obtained using the same CFD codedescribed in Giel et al.@66#. The results of the comparison be

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tween prediction and data at 15, 25, and 50 percent span for Rnolds numbers of 0.633106 and 0.883106 are illustrated in Figs.16~a, b!.

These results are reproduced from Figs. 5 and 8 of Giel e@161# for the design pressure ratio with the airfoil at 0 deg indence and the design Reynolds number and140 percent design.With the exception of the lowest Reynolds number case, thediction overestimates the data in the pressure surface stagnregion, is in reasonable agreement between 0.3 and 0.7 bspan, and overpredicts the data beyond 0.7 blade span. Thediction falls well above the data~by about a factor of two from 0.1to about 0.7 of the blade span for all three span locations onsuction surface at the design Reynolds number~Fig. 16~a!!. Thesame holds true at120 percent Reynolds number, and140 percent Reynolds number~Fig. 16~b!!, but the 50 percentspan prediction then falls below the data from 1.0 blade spathe end of the airfoil. The best agreement between predictionexperiment was achieved at220 percent design Reynolds number. The results of this paper are similar to those shown in Get al. @66# and were successful in helping to define areas whadditional effort is required with the CFD development.

Several methods for predicting turbine airfoil heat transfer dtributions have been described above. Several of the examcited have used one form or another of the two-dimensioboundary layer code STAN5 with mixed results. For those cafor which STAN5 was used to predict the vane and blade htransfer for a full-stage rotating machine, better agreementtween data and prediction was generally achieved for the blaTwo cascade airfoil heat transfer data sets were used to tesNASA Glenn three-dimensional Navier–Stokes code. The resof this comparison illustrated some cases of good agreementother cases of not so good agreement. Heat transfer predicobtained with the UNSFLO 2-D code and the VBI code were bcompared with measurements and found to produce good refor both the vane and the blade.

Space does not permit a more in-depth discussion of the onumerous cascade and full-stage turbine studies relevant todevelopment of heat transfer prediction techniques. Among thare the work of Kirsten et al.@162#, Bunker@163#, Johnson et al.@164#, and Sato and Takeishi@165#. However, additional cascadwork will be described in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 during the discsion of external heat transfer with film cooling and the influenof boundary layer transition on airfoil heat transfer.

4.1.2 Vane Endwall Heat Transfer.Numerous studies havebeen reported in the literature dealing with heat transfer toendwall region of the vane. Among these are referen@120,154,166–174#. Sharma et al.@120# compare the results of athree-dimensional boundary-layer calculation with experimenresults near the hub and tip endwalls for a low-aspect-ratio turbvane. Good agreement is demonstrated with the measuremenboth endwalls near the suction surface and at midpitch, but tunderpredict the data near the pressure surface for both cHowever, the version of STAN5 modified by Gaugler@113#, Ku-mar et al.@168# was able to demonstrate good correlation with tdata on the vane endwall near the suction surface, at midpitch,near the pressure surface. Ha@169# compares the results of hiprediction with the data of Graziani@154# and demonstrates goocomparison with the experimental results. In the same paper@169# presents a comparison of his predictions with the airfoil dof Blair @175#, and demonstrates good agreement. Kumar et@168# describe a correlation derived from the endwall heat transdata reported by York et al.@167#. Boyle and Jackson@172# com-pare the results of two different three-dimensional Navier–Stocodes to experimental results for a vane endwall obtained inIsentropic Light Piston Facility at Pyestock. The two codes usfor the comparison were TRAF3D~Arnone et al. @176#! andRVC3D ~Chima@160#!. The most significant portion of the difference between the predictions of the two codes and the experimtal results was attributable to the different turbulence models u

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in the codes. In addition to the data sets noted above, many oendwall data sets that have appeared in the literature havebeen adequately analyzed with current predictive codes.

4.1.3 Time-Averaged Vane and Blade Heat Transfer.The in-tent in this section is to review the current state-of-the art pretive capability by use of several examples that have appearethe literature providing comparisons between experimental resand predictions for full-stage rotating turbines. By confining tdiscussion to rotating turbines, the facilities in which the measuments were performed are one form or another of a short-durafacility. The specific facilities of interest in much of the discussithat follows are the shock-tunnel~Calspan Corp. and Ohio StatUniversity!, the blowdown~MIT and Wright Laboratories!, andthe light piston~Oxford University, Pyestock, and von KarmaInstitute!. For the comparisons that will be presented~which covera time span of approximately fifteen years!, it is necessary to relyheavily, but not exclusively, on data obtained by the author, sithose data are most readily available. In the majority of the cacited for which the data of the author and associates have bused, the predictions were performed by others than the authothe course of this comparison, some of the CFD codes discuearlier are used for the prediction. This section includes a dission of time-averaged heat transfer results for the vane and bsurfaces. Section 4.1.4 presents a discussion of time-resolvedtransfer results for the vane and blade surfaces. Both tiaveraged and time-resolved results for the blade tip regionpresented in Section 4.1.5.

The starting point for either a vane or a blade heat trancalculation is the stagnation region requiring the calculation tenique to have some method of handling this region. It was noearlier in Section 4 that one of the major improvements incorrated into the flat-plate code STAN5 was to allow for a cylindricleading edge. Although the leading edge of a vane or a bladseldom a cylinder, it is often approximated using a cylinder. Seral authors have investigated techniques for this starting cotion, e.g., references@177–185#. Taulbee et al.@179# present acomparison of prediction with measurement for two different tbine stages, the Garrett TFE-731-2 and the Teledyne 702. Talso present results obtained for the suction surface of the T731-2 vane comparing predictions of the Reynolds stress mwith those of thek–« model. Figure 17 illustrates the influenceturbulence model on the predicted suction surface Stanton-numdistribution and compares the prediction with experimenresults.

As shown in Fig. 17, thek–« model results in a high hea

Fig. 17 Influence of stagnation point initial profiles on bladeheat transfer distribution, TFE-731 †179‡

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transfer prediction in the immediate stagnation-point regioncause of the excessively large amount of turbulent energy instagnation profile. This predicted high heat transfer rate decrerapidly with increased distance along the surface such thatboundary layer prediction obtained from either turbulence mogives about the same predicted value.

The authors also present results for both the vane and the bsurfaces of these turbines. Reynolds stress modeling was uscalculate the variation of the turbulence quantities along the snation streamline, thus determining the stagnation-point htransfer. The boundary-layer solution from which the surface htransfer distribution on the vane and blade surfaces was demined was obtained using a two-equationk–« turbulence model.Figure 18 presents comparisons reported in Taulbee et al.@179#obtained for the midspan region of the vane and blade ofGarrett TFE-731-2 HPT stage.

This is the same turbine stage for which Kielb@64# reportedsurface-pressure measurements for the blade~Fig. 13 of this pa-per!. This particular turbine has a modest stage pressure r~vane inlet total to blade exit static on the order of about 2! and

Fig. 18 Predicted versus measured Stanton number distribu-tion for TFE 731-2 vane and blade, †179‡

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the vane and blade profiles are essentially two dimensional.agreement between the prediction and measurements is in gereasonably good. The prediction underpredicts the data onvane pressure surface, and overpredicts the data on the bladetion surface beyond about 25 percent wetted distance.

Taulbee et al.@179# also compare their prediction to data obtained for the Teledyne 702 HPT stage. This turbine has a signcantly greater vane inlet total to blade exit static pressure ratio~onthe order of about 4.2! and the vane and blade geometry is thredimensional. Similar to the TFE 731-2 result, the vane presssurface heat transfer is underpredicted and the blade suctionface heat transfer is overpredicted beyond 15 percent wettedtance. Rae et al.@186# present a comparison generated usingmodified version of STAN5 with the same data as used by Tabee. The results obtained by Taulbee were significantly better tthose achieved with the flat-plate prediction technique.

Sharma et al.@120# present a comparison between a twdimensional~vane and blade! and three-dimensional~vane only!boundary-layer predictions and measurement for yet a differturbine, the Garrett Low Aspect Ratio Turbine~LART!. The vaneand blade geometry of this particular turbine is three dimensioand the vane inlet total to blade exit total pressure ratio was ab3.2. The LART measurements were those reported in Dunn e@107#. Both the two-dimensional and the three-dimensionboundary-layer codes were found to underpredict the measments on the vane, but the two-dimensional code did a reasongood job of predicting the data on the blade.

The literature contains several references, e.g., Abhari et@134#, Moss et al.@29#, and Dunn et al.@187#, for which the CFDcode UNSFLO 2D~described in Section 2.2! has been used topredict heat transfer distributions. These predictions have bdone for either the vane or the blade or both for turbine stadesigned and manufactured by different companies. The measments reported in Abhari et al.@134# were conducted in the MITblowdown turbine facility and the test article was the full-stagRolls Royce ACE high-pressure turbine. The authors presencomparison between prediction and measurement for the bthat is reproduced in Fig. 19.

On the early portion of the suction and pressure surfaces, tunderpredict the measurement somewhat, but in general thediction is good. Dunn et al.@187# used the same predictive codas part of a study to determine the influence of vane/blade spaon the blade heat transfer distribution. The measurements repoin Dunn et al.@187# were performed in the Ohio State Universitshort-duration facility and the test article was the full-stage Alson VBI high-pressure turbine. The conclusion of that study wthat vane/blade spacing has a relatively small influence on blheat transfer loading. The code UNSFLO 2-D was used to pre

Fig. 19 Predicted versus measured Nusselt number distribu-tion for Rolls-Royce ACE blade †134‡

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both the vane and blade heat transfer distributions. The resulthe comparison with measurement at the 40 percent vane achord spacing case are shown in Figs. 20 and 21 for the vaneblade, respectively.

For the vane, the code does a good job of predicting the dexcept for the data point at about 70 percent wetted distancethe suction surface. For the blade, the prediction is good onpressure surface, but underpredicts the data early on the susurface and then again beyond 70 percent wetted distance. Hever, overall the comparison is good between the data andprediction. The nomenclature block on Figs. 20 and 21 contaan entry marked ‘‘corrected.’’ This note refers to a correction te~taken from Zilles and Abhari@188#! that has been applied to thdata because of a potential heat-island effect, which is discuin more detail in Dunn et al.@187#.

For a much earlier experimental program using the same Ason high-pressure turbine stage, Rao et al.@150# reported a com-parison of time-averaged and time-resolved heat transfer pretions obtained using the Allison two-dimensional VBI cod~described in Section 2.2!. The prediction presented by Rao et a@150# was good except that they didn’t do as good a job of pdicting the data as Dunn et al.@187# for the vane suction surfaceand the blade suction surface. However, the result would be csidered good considering the status of the code development atime the calculation was performed.

The two-dimensional boundary-layer code KEP~discussed ear-lier in Section 4! was used by Bergholz et al.@189# for the mid-span analysis of the vane and blade of a General Electric hpressure turbine stage. The authors also present a compabetween measurement and predictions obtained using the thdimensional code STAR CD for the blade hub and tip as well a20, 50, and 96 percent span. The measurements used for thisparison were obtained using the Ohio State University shduration facility and the test article was a General Electricsigned and constructed high-pressure turbine stage. The resuthe comparison obtained using the two-dimensional boundlayer code for the midspan region of the vane and blade aresented in Figs. 22 and 23, respectively.

The results of this comparison are considered generally gowith the prediction on the pressure surface of the vane being abelow the data, but in good agreement with the data on the bpressure and suction surfaces. A comparison betweenSTAR3D prediction and the experimental results obtained forblade is presented in Fig. 24.

Measurements and predictions are compared for both the psure and suction surfaces at 20, 50, and 96 percent span as wfor the blade platform. These color plots are typical of curreCFD presentations. The numbers written on the lines are theperimental results. It is difficult from these types of plots to assthe quality of the prediction. However, the authors note thatcomparison is reasonably good between the predictions anddata.

Narcus et al.@190# present the results of a study utilizing themocouple instrumented vane airfoils of an operating enginemeasure the vane heat load. The intent of the study was to dmine the accuracy with which the external heat load to the vcan be determined using embedded thermocouple methods acompare the results of the engine experiments with cascadesults. The authors conclude that the engine measurement caperformed with an acceptable level of uncertainty. Their claimto measure heat transfer coefficients in an engine environmewithin 63.2 percent minimum absolute uncertainty, which ismarkable accuracy for using thermocouples in such a hostilevironment as the engine presents. The authors favorably comthe operating-engine results obtained at one location on the vsuction surface with those obtained earlier by SoechtingSharma@191# using an airfoil with identical midspan profiles incascade facility. Similar to the argument presented in Joe e@157#, the authors show that the Nusselt number results for

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engine experiment are bounded by the flat-plate turbulentlaminar boundary-layer predictions. The authors make spenote to point out that the cascade experimental results didduplicate heat transfer levels for all locations on the airfsurface.

Several examples were given above for which predictionstained using existing CFD codes were compared with experimtal results. The UNSFLO 2-D code was used by two differegroups to obtain comparisons between prediction and measment for two different full-stage turbines with good success. TAllison VBI code was used to obtain a comparison between pdiction and measurement for one of the same full-stage turbused with UNSFLO 2-D with equally good success. Vane ablade midspan predictions obtained using the two-dimensioboundary layer codes generally demonstrated reasonable sufor the blade, but not as good for the companion vane. Thdimensional heat transfer predictions obtained with different Ccodes were compared with experimental results. For these cparisons, regions of the airfoil for which reasonable agreembetween prediction and data was achieved were illustrated. Oregions were identified that require additional effort. Severalthe three-dimensional codes described in Section 2 that demstrated good ability for obtaining surface-pressure predictionsnot currently being used to obtain heat transfer predictions.

Fig. 20 Predicted versus measured Nusselt number distribu-tion for Allison VBI †187‡

Fig. 21 Predicted versus measured Nusselt number distribu-tion for Allison VBI blade, †187‡

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important for the heat transfer community to incorporateproper gridding near the surface into these codes so that theybe used for heat transfer prediction.

All of the above having been said regarding the state of thein the measurement and prediction of turbine heat transfer, onstill faced with the question: ‘‘Who has the responsibility to prdict component life, and how is it accomplished?’’ With the icreased demand for guarantees of engine operating time in exof 20,000 hours, life prediction of turbine components can haveimportant financial impact. The replacement rates of hot-seccomponents are among the highest in the engine, making thebine a focus of the community. There is generally a separate grwithin the engine companies that is composed of persons wexpertise in materials, heat transfer, structures, and aerodynawho have been associated in the design phase. Most of tpeople have years of engine experience and some have exenced higher than anticipated failure rates for turbine componwith which they have been associated. Often mistakes madeing the design phase couldn’t be predicted by the then-curpredictive capability, and the lessons learned were translated‘‘rules of thumb’’ for hot-section design. If the experience factwere to be discounted, then the tools that these individuals havwork with for predicting component life are no better than tdesign tools. Some of these design tools have been desc

Fig. 22 Predicted versus measured heat flux distribution forGE vane †189‡

Fig. 23 Predicted versus measured heat flux distribution forGE blade †189‡

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Fig. 24 Predicted versus measured heat flux distribution for GE blade, three-dimensional †189‡









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herein, so there are limitations to how well life can be predictRelevant measurements taken in the engine environmentcould be used to refine a life analysis are scarce. Thus the fdation of the ‘‘rule of thumb’’ often used is based on engine tedown information from which the events that probably occurrin the engine to produce the failure mode observed are deduUnfortunately, it is difficult to generalize among engine configrations even within the same company so life prediction becomore of an art than a science. It is anticipated that with impropredictive capability life predictions will become more represetative of experience.

4.1.4 Time-Resolved and Phase-Resolved Rotating BladeTransfer. Many authors have either measured or predictedblade unsteady heat transfer loading for full-scale rotating turboperating at design corrected conditions. Among these are rences@128,107,130,131,142,134,192,193,150,187#. Space permitsonly selected of these to be described herein.

Abhari et al.@134# reported the results of a combined expemental and computational program that used the full-stage RRoyce ACE HPT stage operating at design corrected conditi

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They did not measure surface pressure on the blade, but raused the predicted blade unsteady pressure loading~obtained us-ing UNSFLO 2-D! to calculate the local unsteady heat flux whicwas then compared with the measured heat flux. On the eportion of the pressure surface and for a good deal of the sucsurface, Abhari et al.@134# found reasonably good agreement btween the predicted and measured unsteady heat transfer. Thenot find good agreement at the stagnation region of the blaDunn et al.@187# measured both the unsteady surface pressand the unsteady heat flux at selected locations on the presand suction surface of the blade of the Allison VBI high-pressturbine stage. Figures 25 and 26 present the comparisons betmeasured surface-pressure and heat-flux histories takenDunn et al.@187#.

These comparisons illustrate that the results predicted byhari et al. @134# are consistent with the measurements of Duet al. @187#. The measured surface pressure and surface heatare in phase with each other on the early portion of the pressurface, over most of the suction surface~see similar comparisonspresented in@187#!, but not in the stagnation region. Johnson et

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@164# and Rigby et al.@141# have both reported studies of threlationship between unsteady heat transfer and unsteady supressure. Rigby et al.@141# argue that it should be possible tdetermine the local heat transfer enhancement for a givensteady pressure signal at various wall temperature ratios utemperature scaling. For this to be true there must be a linrelationship between the local heat-flux history and the losurface-pressure history. The surface pressure and heat trahistories presented in Figs. 25 and 26 are both experimentasults. Busby et al.@30# present comparisons of predicted to mesured time histories of surface pressure~but not heat transfer! forseveral locations on the pressure and suction surface of theblade. The predictions were done using four different predictcodes described in Section 2. It is demonstrated by Busby e@30# that two of the four codes did a reasonably good jobpredicting the time history of the surface pressure on the sucsurface. All of the codes did a good job at some wetted distalocations and not so good a job at other locations for the pressurface.

The CFD code UNSFLO 2-D is used in Dunn et al.@187# topredict the unsteady envelope of heat flux on the blade surfFigure 27 presents the predicted envelope compared with thesured envelope for the 60 percent vane/blade spacing case.

Fig. 25 Comparison of measured surface pressure with mea-sured surface heat flux near blade stagnation point †187‡

Fig. 26 Comparison of measured surface pressure with mea-sured surface heat flux on blade pressure surface near stagna-tion point †187‡

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In general, the code does a good job of predicting the magtude and distribution of the unsteady heat flux. Similar to tunsteady pressure envelope comparison, the prediction is insonably good agreement with the data over most of the blsurface. The most significant unsteadiness occurs on the susurface from the stagnation region to about 40 percent wedistance and the agreement between prediction and measureover this region is good. The largest disagreement betweenpredicted envelope and the data occurs beyond 80 percent wdistance on the suction surface, but even there, the agreemeacceptable. The unsteady envelope over the pressure surfarelatively constant from the leading edge to the trailing edge,the agreement between prediction and data is good.

Rao et al.@28# also predicted the unsteady heat flux as a fution of position on the blade as well as the unsteady envelopethe Allison VBI turbine, but for an earlier data set. The resulticomparison between predicted and measured unsteady heaenvelope obtained with the two-dimensional VBI CFD codesimilar to that just illustrated for the UNSFLO 2-D calculatioUNSFLO 2-D and VBI 2-D are the only CFD codes that habeen tested against unsteady heat transfer results for a tranturbine stage. Both of these CFD codes are specifically applicto a two-dimensional geometry. It is not clear how well eithwould predict the heat transfer data at the hub or tip for a thrdimensional blade configuration, but it is unlikely that they woudo as well as demonstrated for the midspan region.

4.1.5 Blade Tip and Shroud Heat Transfer.The tips of axialHPT blades rotate in close proximity to a stationary outer seashroud. For performance reasons, the designer generally prefemaintain the tip clearance as tight as feasible, but wants to atip rubs. Some engine companies elect to utilize shrouded blaand eliminate the tip rub problem, while others use flat-tiprecessed-tip blades. For those aircraft engines using flat orcessed tips, significant variations in clearance occurs at diffeoperating conditions such as takeoff and cruise. Differential thmal expansion between the rotating blades and the statioouter shroud causes variations in the magnitude of the cleargap depending upon engine operating point. Unfortunately,some engine operating conditions, the shroud may cool mquickly than the disk, resulting in a significant reduction in tip gto the point that rubbing occurs. Even with active clearance ctrol, it is not always possible to eliminate tip rubs for all operaticonditions. However, the use of recessed tips allows one to oate with tighter clearance gaps with a reduced probability ofvere blade damage if a rub were to occur. Clearance gaps in m

Fig. 27 Predicted versus measured unsteady Nusselt numberfor blade surface †187‡

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ern axial gas turbines are typically less than one percent ofblade height for large engines, ranging up to 1.5 percent or mfor smaller engines with low aspect ratio blading. Even with ttightest possible tolerances, the leakage flow can have signifieffects on stage aerodynamic performance and on the strucdurability of the blade. The surface area at the blade tip in conwith the working gas is an area for convection heat transferthermal loading on the blade. This heat must be removed byblade internal cooling flows, along with heat transferred toblade pressure and suction side-surface areas.

Bunker @194# presents an extensive review of public domainformation regarding high-pressure turbine blade-tip region htransfer covering the time from about 1955 to 2000. As demstrated in Bunker’s review, a significant portion of the literaturelevant to tip gap flows has dealt with flat tip blades. In macases, the measurements were performed for very low relaspeed or the blades were not rotating at all relative to the oshroud. The early work of Metzger and Rued, Parts I and II@195#were designed to obtain detailed information relevant tosource~pressure surface side! of the tip flow. Similar informationfor the sink~suction surface side! was also presented. These moeling experiments were conducted using a water tunnel faciSeveral researchers have also investigated ways of reducingformance losses by controlling tip leakage flow~@196–199#, and@200#!. Others have concentrated on the heat transfer in theregion ~@201#!. The work of Booth et al.@196# and Wadia andBooth @197# was also conducted using water tunnels as thebed. Sjolander and Cao@198# used a single blade and shims weused to change the value of the gap in order to study the strucof the gap flow in the absence of relative motion. In a later stuYaras et al.@199# used a cascade of three blades and addemoving outer belt to simulate the influence of rotation on tip leaage. The results of this study indicated that relative motion causignificant changes in the tip leakage vortex and passage vostructures. It was concluded that the strength of the tip vortexreduced considerably with the introduction of wall motion. In adition, the passage vortex was enhanced by the scraping effethe blades. Both vortices were dragged toward the suction sidthe passage and appeared to partially block the outlet flow fthe tip gap. Heyes and Hodson@202# presented the results of aexperimental study using linear cascades in the absence of aing outer wall. They suggested a relative simple model that cobe used in conjunction with a three-dimensional code to calcuthe tip gap flow. One significant finding of their study was that tpressure gradients along the blade chord are a major factor iencing the tip leakage flow.

There are very few experimental data for the heat transfertributions in the vicinity of recessed tips that have been obtaifor full-scale rotating turbines operating at the design correcconditions. It is well known that the pressure difference betwethe convex and concave sides of the blade drives flow throughclearance gap. However, because of the recessed cavity in ththe flow field associated with the recess is significantly more coplicated than one would encounter on a flat tip blade. Nearleading edge of the blade, a strong vortex flow exiting the vanear the stationary shroud enters the tip region from head ofrom the suction surface side of the blade. Ameri et al.@203#demonstrate in their calculation of the tip region flow for a rcessed tip geometry that the flow field is very three dimensiowith many vortices interacting. Their results suggest that thereat least two distinct vortices existing in the cavity region, and thpersist throughout the length of the cavity. Their modeling of tflow suggests that one of the vortices is a result of separationthe pressure side of the lip and that this vortex hugs the capressure sidewall. The second vortex is the result of a flow seration again at the lip on the blade suction side. There appeabe a dividing streamline after which the mainstream flow is turninto the gap from the pressure side of the blade. Flow separaoccurs because of the lip. Strong secondary flows can be expe

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to be present in the gas path as a whole. This can have the eof bringing very hot portions of the mainstream to the vicinitythe clearance gap, downstream of the blade leading edge lip.lip acts like a rearward-facing step with resulting flow separatand attachment in the recessed cavity. As the flow emerges fthe suction side of the gap, it is usually visualized as rolling ina vortex as it meets the oncoming shroud wall flow~Bindon @204#and Allen and Kofskey@205#!. Thus near the tip on the aft portioof the suction surface the local heat transfer rates can becquite high causing trailing edge tip burn out.

Metzger published the results of several low speed outer wstudies applicable to the tip region heat transfer for recessed cties ~@206–208#!. Ameri et al.@203# applied their calculation technique to the Metzger tip cavity data. They obtained reasonagood results for those configurations with depth to width ratios0.2 and 0.5 at a tip clearance to cavity width ratio of 0.1. Duand Haldeman@209# present the results of an experimental prgram designed to measure the heat transfer in the regionrecessed blade tip for a transonic turbine at different vane/bspacing. The specific turbine used for this experiment wasAllison VBI transonic turbine discussed earlier. For reference pposes, the depth to width ratio of the cavity used in the studescribed in Dunn and Haldeman@209# range from 0 to 0.21 witha tip clearance to cavity width ratio of 0.14. The blade tip regiwas instrumented with thin-film heat-flux gages in the cavfloor, on the lip of the tip, and at 90 percent span on the sucside of the blade. The experimental data and the results ofAmeri et al.@203# calculation for the geometry closest to that usherein suggested that the peak Nusselt number occurred on thThe Nusselt numbers in the bottom of the cavity were aboutpercent of the lip values. In this same paper, Ameri et al.@203#have performed tip region calculations to simulate the fluid fland heat transfer in the tip region for the GE-E3 high pressureturbine. Their calculations were performed for a smooth tip, apercent recess, and a 3 percent recess. The recessed tip usthe measurements reported by Dunn and Haldeman@209# was a 3percent recess. Dunn and Haldeman@209# found that the peakheat flux ~which was on the same order as the blade stagnapoint value! occurred in the recessed cavity near the leading eof the blade. This is at about the same location that a turbdesigner would place the tip vent hole for the showerhead cootube of a film cooled blade. For the lip region of the blade, tpeak values of heat flux occurred on the suction surface side ocavity and were of the same order of magnitude as the blstagnation point.

Bunker et al.@210# and Ameri and Bunker@211# report theresults of a combined experimental and computational studysigned to investigate the heat transfer to the first-stage blade ta power generation gas turbine. The experiment utilized a thblade linear cascade with no outer shroud motion. Using liqcrystals in the tip region, the authors were able to obtain a radetailed distribution of heat transfer in the tip region. The comptational phase of the effort used to support the experimentslized the code reported in Rigby et al.@212# and Ameri et al.@203#. The authors showed good comparison between experimand computation.

Three previous experimental/computational analyses of flowthe tip region for a flat tip blade were reported by Metzger et@213#, Ameri and Steinthorsson@214#, and Ameri and Steinthorsson @215#. For the Metzger et al.@207# paper, time-resolved heatransfer measurements obtained on the blade tip and simneously obtained time-resolved heat transfer and surface presmeasured on the adjoining stationary shroud was comparedthe results of a CFD analysis. The turbine stage used for this wwas Garrett TFE-731-2. Ameri and Steinthorsson@208# reportedthe results of time-averaged heat transfer calculations comparethe data of Dunn et al.@216# for the Garrett TFE-731 turbine. Asimilar comparison is presented by Ameri and Steinthorsson@215#for the data of Dunn et al.@217# obtained on the first blade of a

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full two-stage Space Shuttle main engine hydrogen sidebopump. The predictions of Metzger et al.@213# and the predic-tions of Ameri and Steinthorsson@214,215# showed good agreement with the experimental results.

Heat transfer~and surface-pressure! measurements for the stationary shroud have been presented in the literature for sevdifferent full-scale rotating turbine stages. Dunn et al.@216#present results for the Garrett TFE731-2 turbine, and Epstein e@218# present similar results for the Rolls Royce ACE turbinOther shroud results are described in Dunn et al.@107# for theGarrett Low Aspect Ratio Turbine~LART!, and in Dunn and Kim@219# for the Space Shuttle Main Engine~SSME! two-stage tur-bine. The results for the TFE731-2 and the Rolls Royce turbiare similar. The shroud heat flux is shown to remain rather h~on the order of the blade stagnation region value! from the bladeleading edge until about midchord. The magnitude of heat flthen falls rapidly from midchord to the trailing edge for boturbines. Both Epstein et al.@218# and Dunn@220# present thetime-resolved heat-flux history on the stationary shroud. Theand stationary shroud regions of these machines both haveheat-flux levels with similar shroud distributions. However, fother turbines, the heat-flux level on the stationary shroudrelatively constant along the blade chord and did not fall uafter the blade trailing edge.

Missing from the tip region studies described abovesurface-pressure data for the location on the moving tip cosponding to the heat transfer measurement. Surface pressureare available for the stationary shroud that is in close proximitythe rotating blade, but this is not sufficient information to hewith determination of the blade flow field. Also missing are eperimental results obtained on a rotating blade configured to ha range of tip cavity configurations. None of the calculation teniques described above has the capability to calculate thesteady heat transfer history in the blade tip region. Thus, compson of the unsteady experimental results with prediction ispresently possible. Significant work remains to be done from ban experimental and computational perspective for the bladeregion flow.

4.1.6 Influence of Hot Streaks and Downstream Vane Clockon Heat Transfer. Turbine inlet temperatures have been on tincrease for a number of years. This temperature is limited oby the amount of cooling that can be supplied to strategic lotions in the combustor or turbine, the melting temperature ofcomponents, and the stoichiometric temperature of the fuel.long as the gas turbine industry desires to maximize cycle permance and reduce fuel consumption, there will be pressure ondesigner to find a way to increase hot-section temperatures. Fpath temperatures used in modern machines are significagreater ~on the order of 500 K! than the maximum allowableoperational temperatures of the component materials. Coldinjection, internal cooling, or external film cooling methods aused to maintain structural integrity. However, there will be loareas where this hot gas will migrate to the blade surface~pressuresurface and platform! resulting in a modest increase of local metemperature, which may result in a major decrease in compolife.

The hot-section design team has several important questhat they must answer. Important considerations include the nber of fuel nozzles in the combustor and the number of vanethe HPT vane row. They must also determine placement ofleading edges of the HPT vanes relative to the fuel nozzles~hotstreaks! and placement of the vane leading edge of the secvane row relative to the first vane row. For very good reasoseasoned designers have ‘‘rules of thumb’’ regarding fuel nozcount relative to HPT vane count relative to HPT blade count,These rules are based on years of experience that more oftennot has involved a machine getting into serious trouble becausa particular configuration. However, continued demands tocrease engine performance, increase thrust to weight, reduce

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count, and to improve fuel consumption to mention but a fewcausing some of these ‘‘rules of thumb’’ to be questioned aquantified.

It is well known that the flow exiting the combustor and enteing the turbine has significant radial and circumferential tempeture distortion or ‘‘hot streaks.’’ It is not surprising that the number of hot streaks at the exit of the combustor section frequecorresponds with the number of combustor fuel nozzles, and mbe relatively in line with their physical position. The nonunifortemperature profile entering the HPT vane row has the potenwhen progressing on through to the rotating blade row to caadditional secondary flows~Hawthorne @221# and Lakshmi-narayana and Horlock@222#!. Temperature segregation on thblade surface was initially described by Kerrebrock and Mikojczak @223#. In the absence of major breakthroughs in new higstrength materials~and an accompanying decrease in the desireincrease turbine inlet temperature!, it becomes important tomodel, as accurately as possible, hot streak migration throughturbine. Doing so allows one to maximize component life andavoid excessive performance penalties because of cooling gatraction from the compressor. Migration of multiple hot streathrough the turbine stage has been the subject of considercomputational attention in recent years. Among the papersscribing this effort are references@224–231,235#. In the paper byShang and Epstein@229# the authors utilize the three-dimensionunsteady Euler code described in Saxer@232# to explore in somedepth the trends observed in the experiments performed by S@233# and reported in Shang et al.@234#. Secondary flow effectsand tip clearance effects were ignored in this study, but the obtive of the authors was to study trends and scaling as opposequantitative values. The work of Shang will be described in mdetail in the following paragraph. Orkwis et al.@235# used alumped deterministic source term technique to track a hot strthrough the vane and blade of a typical HPT. They compare tresults with those obtained using an inviscid unsteady solu~MSU TURBO, Chen et al.@16# and Chen and Barter@44#, de-scribed earlier!. Orkwis et al.@235# conclude that their deterministic source term technique offers the possibility of including usteady effects in time-averaged calculations with minimcomputer effort.

The experimental database available in the literature to guthe CFD code developers with modeling these flows is much mlimited, e.g., Butler et al.@236#, Roback and Dring@237#, andShang et al.@234#. The experimental database reported in the Rback and Dring@237# papers was obtained in a large-scale, lospeed, rotating rig. A single-stage turbine for which trace amouof CO2 were injected upstream of the vane inlet and subsequtracking the seed gas through the turbine stage was the technused to obtain the data. The measurements of Shang et al.@234#were performed using a transonic turbine stage. Radial andcumferential temperature distortions were introduced upstreamthe vane inlet and the blade heat flux was measured at selemidspan locations. The results demonstrated that the spatial hflux distribution on the blade pressure surface was significaaltered by the presence of the hot streaks with local increase50 percent being measured. The experiment described in the pby Shang et al.@234# was performed in the MIT blowdown turbine facility using the Rolls Royce designed ACE full-stage roting turbine operating at design corrected conditions. Fourstreaks were introduced in one-third of the flow annulus upstreof the HPT vane row. The four injection sites were locatedmidpassage and were equally spaced circumferentially overthird of the annulus. Heat transfer measurements were madthe blade at three spanwise locations on the pressure and susurfaces at 79, 46, and 16 percent. Blade measurements obtfor uniform temperature conditions at the inlet demonstratedthe turbine has significant three-dimensional effects. There wamuch as a 40 percent spanwise variation in measured heat traand the radial variation on the pressure surface was different

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on the suction surface. This measured radial profile is imporwhen discussing the film cooling measurements and comparwith prediction ~done for the same HPT! reported in Garg andAbhari @238# that will be described later. Measurements madethe blade in the presence of hot streaks suggest that the hot sthave a significant influence on the time-averaged heat tranlevel unless the additional energy added to the streak is accoufor in the comparison. However, when this extra energy is prerly accounted for in the data analysis, then there is still an inence of the hot streak, but it is much less important. These autalso find that the hot gas migrates to the blade pressure suand the cold gas migrates to the suction surface as found byvious investigators. Further, Shang et al.@234# also investigatedthe case of circumferentially uniform but radially varying temperature and found that this configuration results in significchanges in the blade heat transfer loading.

Dorney and Gundy-Burlet@239# present a calculation of hostreak migration through a one-and-a-half stage turbine. Resare presented for three cases:~1! the hot streak does not impingon the HPT vane,~2! the hot streak has full impingement on thHPT vane, and~3! the hot streak impinges only on the suctiosurface of the HPT vane. The resulting temperature magnituand history on the HPT vane, the HPT blade, and the secondare all very different depending upon where the hot streak hpens to be located relative to the HPT vane. It is clear fromresults of this study that one must take a careful look at howplace the hot streaks relative to the HPT vane and the secvane. Then the overall cooling gas penalty associated withselection must be evaluated.

This discussion leads to the obvious question of how clockmay impact on turbine performance. Dorney and Sharma@240#have presented the results of a numerical study for a one-anhalf stage turbine intended to provide insight into this questiThe authors conclude that clocking the second vane relative tofirst can result in performance increases in excess of 2 percentheir configuration. The maximum performance increase occwhen the first vane wake is aligned with the leading edge ofsecond vane. The minimum occurs when the first vane waklocated in midpassage of the second vane, and at the maximefficiency clocking position, the second vane has significantcreases in unsteadiness. Huber et al.@241# reports the results of acombined analytical and experimental study~see Griffin et al.@242# for the analytical portion!. They used a full two-stage turbine with 54 first-stage vanes, 50 first-stage blades, 54 secstage vanes, and 50 second-stage blades. Huber et al.@241# foundthat an efficiency gain of about 0.8 percent could be achievedlocating the second vane so that the first vane wake impingethe second vane leading edge. The minimum efficiency occuwhen the first vane wake occurred at second vane midpas~consistent with the calculations of Dorney and Sharma@227#!.The numerical analysis reported in Griffin et al.@242# for theHuber et al.@241# experiments predicted a potential efficiengain due to vane clocking of 0.3 percent as compared to the msured 0.8 percent. However, the prediction suggested an aveefficiency of 94.8 percent, but the experiments gave an aveefficiency of 89.7 percent. The authors could not adequatelyplain the difference between predicted and measured averagficiency and further work is required.

Several other authors have also investigated the implicationvane clocking from either a heat transfer or performance viepoint, e.g., Eulitz et al.@243#, Gundy-Burlet and Dorney@244#,Johnson and Fleeter@245#, and Tiedemann and Kost@246#. Asdemonstrated by the calculations and experimental resultssented in the previous paragraph, there are potential gains trealized by clocking the upstream vane row relative to the fnozzles. Potential performance gains are also possible by clocthe downstream vane row relative to the upstream vaneenough so that additional work is warranted. Although thereseveral different CFD codes that can be used to predict the in

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ence of clocking on stage performance and on downstreamtransfer, there is relatively little experimental data with whichcompare the predictions. It is not difficult to design experimethat would provide both the performance and the heat transferthat are needed in order to improve the modeling inherent inCFD codes. This subject is treated in a little more depth in Sec5.2.

4.2 External Heat Transfer With Film Cooling. As men-tioned earlier, turbine inlet temperatures continue to increase,ting pressure on the design community to improve calculationheat loads for the hot-section components. These increasedperatures can be tolerated because the combustor and tucomponents are film cooled. The expected life of the componecritically dependent upon accurate knowledge of film coolingfectiveness and the resulting metal temperature prediction. A rtively small error in metal temperature may result in a significaloss of component life. The ability of the designer to predict htransfer distributions for film cooled surfaces has not kept pwith the required temperature increases. Thus, the design resphas been to bleed more cooling air from the compressor to cpensate for these higher temperatures~and thus increased healoads!. Increased compressor bleed air leads to a performapenalty that the compressor designer resists. It is appropriathis stage of gas turbine development for the turbine designecease the practice of increased bleeding and to improve predicof film cooled heat loads if future performance goals are tomet.

The vane airfoils and endwalls, the blade airfoil, platform, ttrailing edge, and the stationary shroud for a modern gas turbengine all get very hot. The engine would have very shortexpectancy if it weren’t for the thermal protection afforded by filcooling. The quantity of papers appearing over the past 60 ypertaining to heat transfer in the presence of film cooling andassociated film effectiveness is staggering. With some effort,can find in excess of 2500 references on the subject in the oliterature dating back to 1940. There are two abbreviated bibliraphies of film cooling research available in the literature that hto direct one to a significant portion of the available literatu~Kercher@247,248#!. These provide film cooling references from1971 through 1996 and leading edge film cooling references f1972 through 1998. The body of information includes experimtal and analytical treatments of the problem from a wide sectothe heat transfer community. Large fractions of these publicatihave their origin in universities and corporate research laborries with a much smaller number coming from industry. Thus,primary focus of this literature is on the fundamental aspectsthe associated flow physics, on training graduate students, andeveloping specific information for a design system. Understaing the fundamental physics is the foundation upon whichdesign technology must be built so this has been an imporundertaking. It is beyond the scope of this paper to reviewextensive literature relevant to film cooling and film effectiveneHowever, typical examples of some of the university researchthis area are as follows: Aachen University,@249–251#; Cam-bridge University, @252,253#; Clemson University,@254–256#;ETHL, @257,258#; Karlsruhe University,@259–261#; Leeds Uni-versity, @262,263#; University of Minnesota,@264–267#; MIT,@268,269,2#; Oxford University, @270–272#; Pennsylvania StateUniversity,@273–275#; University of Texas,@276,277#; Texas A &M, @278–280#; University of Utah,@281–283#; VPI, @285,284#.Numerous contributions to the literature associated with film coing and film effectiveness have come from industry and govement laboratories. Among these are: ABB,@285,286#; GeneralElectric, @287–289#; MHI, @290#; NASA, @291,238,292#; RollsRoyce,@293#; UTRC and Pratt and Whitney,@294,166#, and@127#.

To a turbine designer one of the difficulties with the existiknowledge base is that a significant portion is specific to simflow geometries at flow conditions far from those associated wturbine operating conditions. For example, numerous studies

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pear in the literature for isolated holes or a single row of ho~which may be circular or shaped and have various valuesL/D!. The holes used in these studies may have been inclinethe surface at various angles or have compound angles, bedrilled or electric discharge machined. The configuration usedlikely a flat plate for which the approach Mach number was vlow. Using different gases instead of duplicating the respectemperature and pressures of the internal and external flow fiis a technique often used to simulate the density ratio betweenexternal and injected flow. Elovic and Koffel@295# presented de-tailed discussion of the 1983 state of the art regarding the deof turbine airfoil cooling systems. The authors included in thdiscussion a summary of current practice for predicting bothternal and internal heat transfer. A significant portion of the meodology described as standard practice almost eighteen yearis still in use today.

Earlier in Section 4 the University of Texas boundary laycode TEXSTAN was briefly described, and it was noted that tcode has also been used for predictions in the presence ofcooling. The film cooling models of TEXSTAN have evolvesince the early version described by Miller and Crawford@296#.The revised film cooling models are derived based on the ework of Tafti and Yavuzkurt@297# and the extensions to that worby Neelakantan and Crawford@298,299#. Those references showextensive validation of the models for flat-plate conditions. Ffilm cooled airfoils, very little validation of the Crawford modehas been carried out. Weigand et al.@300# evaluatedTEXSTAN and a three-dimensional Navier–Stokes code for pdicting heat transfer on a fully film cooled vane for both filcooling effectiveness and heat transfer. They found the bounlayer program provided good agreement with the data, providthe appropriate boundary conditions are used for the veloloading.

For the past several years there has been an active resprogram at the Wright Research Laboratory, Aero PropulsionPower Directorate, for which the structure of film cooling flowhave been studied. The flow configuration for the majoritythese studies has been a flat plate with a single row of cooholes. The diagnostic tools have generally been two color, doupulsed, Particle Image Velocimetry~PIV!, and hot-wire anemom-eter. PIV has been used to characterize the behavior of thecooling fluid for different values of the blowing ratio, Reynoldnumber, free-stream turbulence, and unsteady forcing functLiquid crystals are used in these studies to help with determinthe spread of the film coolant on the plate surface. Results ofwork are reported in references@301–305#.

The research activity described in the previous paragraphdirected at coolant injection from holes in the stagnation region the pressure surface, or on the suction surface of the airHowever, the trailing edge is another important region of thefoil from which coolant is frequently discharged for turbinesgeneral, but especially for power turbines. For the case of a tsonic vane, this coolant discharge may influence the shock sture and thus the resulting interaction between the vane anddownstream blade. Several papers have appeared in the literdescribing the aerodynamic performance of high-pressure turbwith trailing edge coolant injection. These studies include optimzation of trailing edge mixing losses, the flow field downstreama vane with trailing edge coolant injection, the aerodynamicstrailing-edge cooled vanes, and the influence of trailing edgejection on downstream blade heat transfer. Many other authhave reported the results of studies designed to describe thewake-generated flow in the immediate vicinity of the rotatiblade in the absence of trailing edge ejection. Among these@136,306,307#, and@308#. The interest in this portion of the papeis in the with-ejection case. For this case Pappu and Scho@309# and Schobeiri@310# present the results of an experimenprogram and an analysis technique, respectively. These stuwere intended to allow discharge of coolant gas from the trail

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edge of the airfoil and to minimize downstream mixing lossThese authors show that if the ejection velocity ratio is maintainequal to one, then trailing edge ejection reduces the mixing losdownstream of the airfoil to a minimum. Deckers and Dent@311,312# describe the results of a combined experimental atheoretical and computational effort designed to investigateaerodynamics associated with trailing edge coolant ejection ftransonic airfoil. As would be anticipated, the ejected coolmakes a significant change in the near wake flow field. Kapteet al. @313# reported the results of a study designed to determthe aerodynamic performance of a transonic turbine vane wtrailing edge coolant ejection. The authors used two differentfoil configurations. In one case, the coolant was ejected throthe trailing edge and in the second case, the coolant was ejefrom the pressure surface near the trailing edge. They concluthat ejection from the pressure surface configuration caused hiturning but also greater losses than ejection through the traiedge. For the case of subsonic external flow, wake mixing forpressure surface ejection occurred much more quickly thantrailing edge ejection, whereas for supersonic external flow tfound no significant difference in wake mixing time. Deckers aDenton @311# find that the ejected coolant causes a significincrease in base pressure and reduction in overall loss. Thethors found the surface-pressure distribution to be influencedrectly by the base pressure and indirectly because of a chatrailing edge shock system. Interestingly, the authors foundfor a specified exit Mach number and coolant ejection pressratio, the influence of the coolant stagnation temperature ratiothe resulting base pressure and loss was insignificant. The ausuggest in Deckers and Denton@312# that the relatively thick trail-ing edge associated with the cooled airfoil with a wide slot canmore efficient than a thin airfoil with a solid trailing edge. Thinfluence of vane trailing edge ejection on blade heat transfernot been studied in the detail to which base pressure andimplications have been studied. Dunn@314# reports the results ofa study designed to determine the impact of vane trailing eejection on the heat transfer distribution of the downstream roing blade. The particular machine utilized in this work was tfull-stage Garrett TFE 731-2 high-pressure turbine with pressusurface slot ejection. The resulting blade measurements suggthat ejection near the blade stagnation region influenced the msured heat transfer to about 20 percent wetted distance onsuction surface and to about 10 percent wetted distance onpressure surface. Du et al.@315# performed a similar measuremenprogram, but instead of a rotating turbine they used a rotaspoked wheel to create the vane wakes and coolant gasejected from the rotating spoked wheel. Du et al.@316# is a con-tinuation of the studies reported in Du et al.@315#. Du et al.@315#also found that trailing edge ejection increased the heat tran~on the order of about 20 percent! on both the suction and pressusurfaces of the downstream blade in the stagnation region.

The remainder of this section will be devoted to a brief revieof a small fraction of the available film cooling information. Emphasis is placed on those few publications felt to be most aligwith the interest of persons charged with the task of buildingturbine cooling design system. The discussion will be confinedthe three existing rotating turbine measurement programshave included cooling gas injection on the rotating blade. Inthree cases discussed, the authors have made comparisonsrotating data with cascade data or flat-plate data. In two ofthree cases, the identical blade was run in a cascade experimethat a one-to-one comparison of the influence of rotation on fieffectiveness could be made.

4.2.1 Full-Stage Turbine Film Cooling Experiments.One ofthe earliest measurement programs conducted for a full-scalebine with film cooling on the rotor blade is described in Drinet al.@127#. The authors used a large-scale, low-speed, rotatingfor their experiments. Cooling gas was discharged from anlated single cooling hole at midspan and 10 percent axial chord

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the suction surface and another isolated cooling hole at midsand 16 percent axial chord on the pressure surface. The coolafree-stream mass flux ratio was varied from 0.5 to 1.5 anddensity ratio was varied from 1.0 to 4.0. Flow visualization afilm effectiveness measurements were made for the vicinity ofinjection holes. The authors compared their film effectivenesssults with data available in the literature that was obtained forplates and for airfoils located in cascade flows. They found gagreement between these previous data and the rotating rigfor the suction surface. However, for the rotating rig, they msured very low values of film effectiveness on the pressure surand found that the agreement between their data and the flat-and cascade data for the pressure surface was poor. The auargue that the reasons for such poor agreement are likely duthe compound orientation of the hole due to measured large racomponent of flow on the pressure surface and the surface cuture effects. It was also concluded that for the range of parameinvestigated, the trajectory of the coolant gas at each of thesites was uninfluenced by the coolant-blowing rate or by the cant to free-stream density ratio.

Takeishi et al.@290# report the results of a study for which thfilm cooling effectiveness was measured for the same scmodel blades mounted either in a two-dimensional, low-speedtionary cascade or in a high-speed air turbine rotating rig. Tspecific application was for a stationary power plant turbine. Tturbine stage consisted of 32 vanes and 72 blades. Two ofblades were configured so that heated or cooled air or CO2 couldbe injected through them. Film cooling effectiveness was demined based on surface temperature measurements and bygas chromatography to analyze the relative amounts of CO2 col-lected at selected locations along the blade surface. The auused engine hardware, but were not able to reproduce the prdensity ratio~density ratio is known to have an influence on fileffectiveness! for the operating conditions. However, for the rtating measurements they did match the density ratio used focascade experiments. For their rotating experiments, the blowparameter is varied, and it is demonstrated that film effectivendecreases with increased blowing because of the coolant gasetrating the mainstream flow. A comparison between rotatingcascade results is presented for film effectiveness in the leaedge region and on the suction surface. It is shown that inleading edge region, the film effectiveness data for the rotablade decay much more rapidly than do the corresponding datthe stationary blade~cascade!. It is also shown that for the suctiosurface, the film effectiveness measured for the rotating bladabout 30 percent less than measured for the stationary bladex/d50 until x/d545. At aboutx/d545 lines drawn through thetwo sets of results intersect. Beyondx/d545 the rotating bladefilm effectiveness decreases and plateaus out roughly parallthe cascade data but at a value about 50 percent less thacascade result. Takeishi et al.@290# were able to obtain only lim-ited rotating blade data for the blade pressure surface becauexperimental difficulties, but the results that they did obtain sgested a low level of film effectiveness. They did not obtain sficient rotating data to make a comparison with the pressusurface cascade results.

Abhari and Epstein@317# report the results of a film coolingstudy for which unsteady heat transfer was measured on the ring blade of a full-scale, single-stage transonic turbine withstage pressure ratio of about 4:1. The film cooling results obtain the rotating stage are compared with uncooled results obtain the same rig for the same turbine and with cooling resuobtained using the same blade profile but in a linear cascadecility. Not all of the blades in the rotor were cooled; rather, tinstrumented blade and one blade on each side of each inmented blade was cooled. Each of the cooled blades~for a total ofabout 15 blades! was configured with three rows of cooling holeon the pressure surface and two rows of holes on the sucsurface~total of 93 cooling holes!. Heat transfer measurements a

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made at blade midspan, near the blade tip and near the bladeso that migration of the coolant flow in both the spanwise achordwise directions could be monitored. The ratio of coolaflow to main flow was about 6 percent with corresponding bloing ratios in the range of 1 to 1.5 depending upon specific locaon the blade surface. Prior to performing the fully cooled expements, Abhari and Epstein ran a series of measurements in oto be able to differentiate between the vane wakes and the scooling effects. For these experiments, the blades were uncoobut cooling gas was injected from near the trailing edge ofvane row. Cooling gas injection causes the stagnation regiontransfer to decrease significantly, relatively little change wasserved for the suction surface, and the pressure surface heat tfer was found to increase. The authors were not able to expthese observations. For the cooled blade measurements, ththors demonstrate that the influence of unsteadiness has a sicant influence on the resulting heat transfer distribution. Tdriver of this unsteadiness is the surface pressure unsteadinethe blade, which results from wake cutting and shock wave inactions as discussed in Section 2.2.1~see also Figs. 4 and 5!. Thecoolant flow is correspondingly modulated, especially on the prsure surface of the blade and near the leading edge on the suside of the blade where the coolant pressure margin~coolant sup-ply pressure/external pressure! is reduced. The model includes thcoolant flow exiting the hole that is being acted upon by theternal unsteady flow field. They then propose a simple modeobtain an estimate of the cooling effectiveness~based on the workof Goldstein and Haji-Sheik@318#!. This model is used in con-junction with the uncooled rotor to obtain an estimate of tcooled rotor heat transfer distribution. When compared withexperimental results, the model shows good agreement. Thethors also compare the rotating cooled blade measurementscascade results obtained with the same blade geometry~see Rigbyet al. @141#!, but found poor agreement. On the blade suction sface, the rotating cooled blade heat transfer was about 60 perless than measured in the cascade experiments. Blade data opressure surface for the cooled rotating case were not obtaiHowever, a comparison between uncooled blade pressure-sudata and cooled cascade data were in good agreement. Thisparison would suggest that in the cascade experiment, coolinginjection had no influence on the heat transfer distribution. Tresults obtained by Dring et al.@127# indicated poor agreement othe blade pressure surface when comparing results for a rotacooled blade with results obtained for the same blade configtion in a cascade. Dring et al.@127# found reasonably good agreement for the corresponding suction surface.

The authors of all three of the cooling gas rotating rig measument programs described above compared their rotating bdata with corresponding flat-plate and/or cascade airfoil data.common theme from all three papers is that the stationary msurements do not represent the rotating fluid dynamics adequaHowever, none of the experiments described was performedvanes or blades using modern film cooling schemes. Thus, tremains a tremendous void of applicable data for such an imtant design problem as film cooling design. The current expmental capability is such that an experiment using film cooengine hardware is within reach. However, how to model theperimental results to make them useful to the designer remaidifficult task that is yet to be completed. The subject of modelof film cooling will be addressed in a little more detail in thfollowing section in an attempt to clarify why this problem exist

4.2.2 Film Cooling Modeling. It comes as no surprise thathe flow field near a cooling hole of a vane or blade is thrdimensional. It is also not surprising that the analysis methdesigned for two-dimensional flow field calculations would hato be modified in order to account for mixing interactions. Seveinvestigators have attempted to do so in the past, e.g., refere@115#, @116#, @319#, @297#, @320#, and @2#. In Part II of Crawfordet al. @116#, the authors describe modifications that were made

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STAN5 in order to incorporate into the two-dimensional boundlayer code routines to model injected coolant and turbulence amentation. Three possible injection models were investigatedpart of the study. For low-Mach-number flows, the authors hsome success with the various injection models. However, thecaution that for application to the gas turbine blade-cooling enronment, the effects of mainstream turbulence, rotation, andvature are missing from the analysis.

Abhari @2# revisited the data initially reported in Abhari anEpstein@317# for a full-stage, transonic, rotating turbine. The pmary intent of this additional effort was to incorporate a steastate injection model of the film cooling process into the CFcode UNSFLO 2-D. The injection model accounts for the penetion and spreading of the coolant jet as well as entrainment ofboundary-layer fluid by the coolant. Abhari compared the steastate predictions of his code to the film cooled linear cascadeof Camci @321#. He found that in the immediate vicinity of thhole, the code overpredicted the experimental result, while afrom the hole, the agreement was much better. The reason foroverprediction is felt to be due to an improper modeling of bouary layer fluid entertainment by the coolant gas. The time averof the unsteady code calculations and the steady-state prediwith film cooling were compared with the data reported in Abhand Epstein@317#. At the blade midspan, they had several dapoints on the suction surface but only a single data point onpressure surface. On the blade near the hub, they had severapoints on both the suction and pressure surfaces. Film coolinga much more significant influence on the suction-surface htransfer than it does on the pressure-surface heat transfer.comparison between the prediction and the experimental resudemonstrated to be good at both blade locations for both the psure and suction surfaces. Abhari goes on to illustrate quantively how the unsteady pressure field on the blade influencesfilm effectiveness and how the flow rate of the injected coolaninfluenced by the local wave systems~either compression or expansions!. Substantial reductions in pressure-surface film efftiveness are shown, resulting in the time-average of the unsteheat transfer predictions being significantly greater~as much as230 percent! than the steady-state prediction.

As was noted earlier, Abhari and Epstein@317# obtained data atseveral spanwise locations on the blade of the Rolls Royce Aturbine in the presence of film cooling. Garg and Abhari@238#used portions of this data set to compare with the results othree-dimensional steady Navier–Stokes code. The particcode used was a modified version~to incorporate film coolingeffects, Garg and Gaugler@322#! of that reported in Arnone et al@176#, which is a steady-state code and does not include ansteady capability. The CFD code used by Abhari@2# for compari-son made for the midspan region with the same dataUNSFLO 2-D, which is capable of doing the unsteady calculatiThe calculation performed for the uncooled blade midspan reghas been reproduced in Fig. 28.

This figure demonstrates that the results achieved usingthree-dimensional Navier–Stokes code were in good agreemwith the experimental results for the suction surface. However,calculation underpredicted the data for the pressure surfacabout 30 percent. For comparison purposes, Fig. 19 is the cosponding comparison presented in Abhari et al.@134# that wasobtained using UNSFLO 2-D, which shows good agreementtween prediction and data for both the pressure and suctionfaces. Garg and Abhari present predictions for three cooled scases. The specific cases are as follows: (a) case #71, which is anear design point condition, (b) case #72, which has a positivincidence angle, and (c) case #73, which was run at a lower stapressure ratio and speed. These three cases make up a goodover which to test the predictive capability of the CFD code. Tresults of the prediction versus the data for all three cases

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given in @238#. The results for the design point case taken fro@238# are reproduced in Fig. 29 for the blade locations notednear hub, midspan, and near tip.

The location of the rows of cooling holes on the pressure asuction surfaces of the blade can be seen in Fig. 29. As caobserved by studying these figures and the companion onessented in@238#, the CFD analysis consistently underpredicted tpressure surface experimental results near the hub by a veryamount. However, near the hub on the suction surface, the agment between the prediction and the data is good. For casethe agreement between data and prediction at the midspan susurface location~there was only a single data point on the presssurface, which was greatly underpredicted! was reasonably goodThe exception to this comment is the data point immediatdownstream of the injection holes. However, for cases #71#73, the midspan prediction on the suction surface underpredithe data from 50 percent to more than 100 percent. There wermidspan pressure surface data for cases #71 and #73. For allcases, their cooled prediction for the location near the tip onsuction surface was in reasonably good agreement with theperimental results. For cases #71 and #72 there was a singlesure surface data point~just downstream of the row of coolingholes! for the near tip location, and the prediction was aboutpercent below the data at that point. Shang et al.@234# note thatthe turbine used to obtain these measurements has signifithree-dimensional effects and that the spanwise heat transfethe uncooled case may vary by as much as 40 percent~see thediscussion in Section 4.1.6!. However, Garg and Abhari usedthree-dimensional CFD code so these spanwise effects shhave been properly accounted for. The authors suggest thareason for this disagreement between prediction and experimemost likely due to the neglect of unsteady effects in the Arnoet al. @176# code. This suggestion is supported by a figure psented in Garg and Abhari~reproduced in Fig. 30! for the blademidspan region.

This figure compares predictions versus data using Abhatwo-dimensional unsteady calculation and the results obtaineding the three-dimensional steady code. Abhari@2# obtains signifi-cantly better agreement with the data than does Garg and AbLater, Garg@323# revisited the same data set using a two-equatturbulence model instead of the Baldwin–Lomax turbulenmodel used in Garg and Abhari@238#. The choice of turbulencemodel made little difference in the resulting comparison with texperimental results from what was described earlier in this pgraph. It is important to note that the calculation presentedGarg and Abhari was a state-of-the-art attempt at calculatin

Fig. 28 Predicted versus measured Nusselt number distribu-tion for an uncooled Rolls Royce ACE turbine blade †238‡

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very difficult flow environment. The results obtained are valuain helping to direct future research efforts in this problem areais very important to the gas turbine community.

Later, Garg and Gaugler@324# use the same code describedthe previous paragraph to study the effect of coolant velocitytemperature distribution at the exit of the hole on the heat trancoefficient. They compared their predictions to experimentalsults obtained on three film cooled blades: the C3X vane, the Vrotor blade, and the ACE rotor blade. The primary differencetween this comparison and the one described in the previous pgraph is that neither of the blades~the VKI rotor blade or the ACErotor blade! was rotating. Further, the C3X vane was also stati

Fig. 29 Predicted versus measured Nusselt number distribu-tion for a cooled Rolls Royce ACE turbine blade; case #71 †238‡

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ary since all three~the C3X, VKI blade, and ACE blade! were ina stationary cascade. The comparison presented by the aubetween their predictions and the experimental results were gas illustrated in Fig. 31 for the same rotor blade~but in a station-ary rig! as used in the comparisons presented in Fig. 29.

This comparison suggests that there may be a major differebetween the fluid dynamics of film cooling in a rotating enviroment and film cooling in the stationary cascade and this differemay not be captured in the CFD code. It is important to clarify tsource of the difficulty before one can be comfortable usingtechnique in an engine film cooling design system.

As part of an ongoing experimental measurement programThe Ohio State University Gas Turbine Laboratory~OSU GTL!that is being performed in cooperation with ETH Zurich, a Hoeywell high-pressure turbine stage is being instrumented. Asof this research program, both the entire vane row and the enblade row are film cooled. The vanes and blades are instrumewith surface-pressure transducers, thermocouples, and heagages. This instrumentation task is underway in preparation ffully cooled measurement program. The measurements are tconducted for an engine stage operating at design correctedditions. More detail of this experiment will be provided in Sectio5 of this paper. Garg@292# has presented a prediction of both thsurface heat transfer and the surface pressure for the blade oturbine for both the uncooled and the cooled upcoming OSU Gexperiments. The author is commended for publishing his pretions well in advance of the time that the experiments are toperformed. When the experimental results become availablecomparison with data truly will represent a prediction. In his c

Fig. 30 Two-dimensional and three-dimensional predictionsversus measured Nusselt number distribution for cooled bladeof Rolls Royce ACE turbine, case #71 †238‡

Fig. 31 Predicted versus measured heat transfer coefficientfor cooled blade of Rolls Royce ACE turbine †324‡

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culation, Garg treats only the blade and not the vane. Thus, henot included in his analysis the influence of the coolant flow frothe upstream vane row on the downstream blade. Also notcluded is the cooling emanating from the coolant holes inrecessed tip of the blade or from the blade trailing edge. The Ccode used by Garg for this prediction is the NASA Glenn Rsearch Center Multi-Block Navier–Stokes Convective HTransfer code, LeRC-HT~which was previously known asTRAF3D.MB; see Steinthorsson et al.@325,326#!. This code is asteady state code and does not include the unsteady effects oblade resulting from wake cutting or shock wave structure. Thneither the cooled upstream vane nor the unsteady effectsincluded in the prediction presented by Garg@292#. Abhari @2#argues the importance of considering the coolant flow comfrom the upstream vane as well as the unsteady flow assocwith wake cutting and shock wave structure for predicting the htransfer distribution on the cooled blade. The reason given in Gand Abhari@238# for having poor agreement between predictiand the experiments of Abhari was the absence of unsteady efin the CFD code used for the analysis.

4.3 Influence of Free-Stream Turbulence and BoundaryLayer Transition on Heat Transfer. Over the past twentyyears, the subjects of free-stream turbulence, boundary layersition, and film cooling have received an enormous amounattention in the gas turbine heat transfer literature. A detailedview of this literature is far beyond the scope of this paper,selected references containing ample direction to the relevanerature are noted for the interested reader. Free-stream turbuhas its origin in the combustor section of the engine. Two ofmore important pieces of information still unknown about frestream turbulence are the intensity and the scale. These arefortunately, two of the more important parameters needed wperforming hot-section heat transfer predictions. The fact thatfinitive experimental data for the turbulence intensity, turbulescale, etc., are not generally available for an engine combustnot because researchers have stood idle, but rather because oing the relevant information is a very difficult task. In this reganumerous authors have described the results of studies designdetermine the influence of free-stream turbulence on stagnaregion heat transfer or heat transfer to uncooled turbine vaAmong these are references@234,327–339#. Shang et al.@234#describe the results of a measurement program utilizing astage uncooled rotating turbine for which the free-stream turlence was varied over the range of 0.5 to 8 percent. The resuheat transfer level and distribution on the rotating blade wereinfluenced by the magnitude of the free-stream turbulence.authors do not present the corresponding uncooled vane datthese turbulence variations. It is very likely that the vane htransfer would have been influenced by the level of turbulencthey were to measure the distribution~in the absence of leadingedge film cooling injection! without and with significant free-stream turbulence. In the presence of vane leading edge film cing, the influence of free-stream turbulence would likelysignificantly less. In the work reported by Ames, the influencelarge-scale~energy scale on the order of 0.5 to 2 times the valeading-edge diameter! high-intensity turbulence was investigateMoss and Oldfield@340# and Dullenkopf and Mayle@341# werespecifically interested in the question regarding the influenceturbulence length on heat transfer. Moss and Oldfield@340# foundthat for a given free-stream turbulence intensity, length scalean important influence~enhancement factors of up to 40 perce!on the measured heat transfer. Burd and Simon@342# investigatedthe question of local turbulence addition near the vane coohole injection site because of injected coolant gas. The autinvestigated holeL/D and coolant supply flow orientations, anconcluded that length scale is relatively unaffected by the hlength, but dissipation appears to be greater for short holes.

The state of the boundary layer on the vane and blade ofturbine stage is important to the turbine designer because of

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transfer, aerodynamic loss, and component life consideratiFrom the first-stage vane on through the machine, other pareters influencing the boundary layer development are wakefects, shock waves, and coolant injection. Mayle and Dullenk@125,126# presented their turbulent-strip theory for transition frolaminar to turbulent boundary layer for the turbomachinery cof unsteady, periodic turbulent wakes. In the 1991 IGTI SchoLecture, Mayle @124# presented a discussion of the rolelaminar–turbulent transition in gas turbine engines from the viepoint of the engine designer. This discussion included the differkinds of transition, e.g., natural transition~Tollmien–Schlichting!,bypass transition~where creation and amplification of TollmienSchlichting waves is bypassed!, separated-flow transitionperiodic-unsteady transition, and reverse transition, and theirspective importance in the gas turbine application. At the folloing IGTI meeting, Walker@343# revisited the topic and explainesome differences of philosophy between his view and thatMayle. Mayle @124# notes in his paper that in the case of turbmachinery applications, the boundary layer is often in a trantional state. Addison and Hodson@344# describe a model for transitional boundary layers that can be used to estimate profile losturbines. Ameri and Arnone@345# demonstrated the influence otransitional boundary layer modeling on predicted heat trandistributions for a rotating blade. They compared their predictioto the data of Blair@346#, which was obtained in the UTRC largelow-speed, rotating rig. Later, Halstead et al.@347# published acomprehensive four-part experimental and computational padealing with boundary layer development in axial compressand low-pressure turbines. Boundary layer transition in the copressor and in the low-pressure turbine is similar in many waMuch of the analytical work relating to boundary layer transitiin the turbine has origin in the turbulent spot theory of Emmo@348#. The discussion presented here is intended to be of helthe turbine designer, so it is important to differentiate film coolturbines from internally cooled turbines, high-pressure turbinfrom low-pressure turbines, and big turbines from little turbinTransition in all of these machines is influenced by the unsteness of the flow, the magnitude and scale of the free-streambulence, and by the local Reynolds number. The Reynolds num~based on vane axial chord for example! for comparable compo-nents is obviously much greater in big engines than in smengines.

Tiedemann and Kost@349# present the results of a study conducted for the midspan region of a rotating blade using a fstage turbine in the DLR Gottingen facilities. The authors demstrate the simultaneous existence of two of the transition modescribed by Mayle@124#, bypass transition and separated-flotransition. The authors used a hot-film technique to deducelocal state of the boundary layer on the rotating blade. Volino aSimon @350# have combined several different data sets in antempt to characterize the influence of free-stream turbulence,celeration, and wall curvature on bypass transition. All of the dused in the Volino and Simon@350# study were taken from nonrotating configurations. Clark@351# demonstrated that the influence of Mach number on turbulent spot parameters is significat much lower Mach numbers than previously thought. Boyle aSimon @352# incorporated the data of Clark@351# into the turbu-lent spot production models of Simon@353# and Solomon et al.@354# in order to investigate the effect of Mach number on trasition length. However, in their study, Boyle and Simon@352#only compared their predicted results against isolated bladeexperimental data. Thus, the periodic unsteadiness that is inebly associated with gas turbines was not included in the analy

4.3.1 High-Pressure Turbine Stage.As noted in the previousparagraph, for the modern propulsion gas turbine engine, theentering the vane row of the high-pressure turbine has a hdegree of free-stream turbulence along with embedded hot str~Section 4.1.6!. The vane is normally configured with showerhecooling in the leading edge region. Along the vane suction s

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face, one will find two or three rows of spanwise cooling holThe pressure surface will have three or four rows of film coolholes, slot injection near the trailing edge, and distributed injtion holes on both the inner and outer endwalls. The downstreblade will also have several spanwise rows of leading edge sherhead cooling holes. These blades will have one or two spanrows of cooling holes on the suction surface, three or four rowsthe pressure surface, and trailing-edge slots across the spanblade may also have distributed injection holes in the tip regiand injection holes on the platform. For this configuration, itgenerally accepted~Mayle @124#! that transition is not a consideration. The high level of free-stream turbulence along with injecgas from the showerhead will trip the boundary layer in the imediate stagnation region of the vane. The combination of cgas injection, wake cutting, and shock waves will trip the bouary layer close to the stagnation region on the blade. The tendof the turbine designer is to be conservative and to assumeboundary layer to be turbulent over the airfoil. Two earlier studof the influence of free-stream turbulence on boundary layer tsition for the gas turbine application are those of Blair@175# andHodson@137#. In contrast to the case of a propulsion gas turbithe situation of a stationary power plant gas turbine may be sowhat different. The stationary power plant high-pressure turbvane may have an incoming high free-stream turbulent flow whot spots, but the vane and the blade of this turbine may be innally cooled, instead of having film cooling injection. It is oftetrue that the combustor internal cooling configuration and etemperature profile for a stationary gas turbine are significadifferent from those for a propulsion engine, but hot streaksturbulence still exist. With this scenario, the boundary layer trsition question for the vane may be different from the situatjust described for the propulsion turbine. The blade of thiscooled turbine is still subjected to the strong periodic-unsteinfluences because of wake cutting and shocks so transition ocnear the leading edge of the airfoil. Some of the more recpower turbines do have film cooling and thus the same consiations described earlier for the propulsion turbines are applica

Figures 23–31 described earlier in Section 4.1.3 present vand blade heat transfer data versus prediction for five diffe~Garrett TFE 731-2, Teledyne 702, Rolls Royce ACE, AllisVBI, and General Electric! uncooled high-pressure turbine stageThe TFE 731-2, the Teledyne 702, and the General Electricbines all had subsonic vane exit Mach numbers while the RRoyce ACE and the Allison VBI turbines had transonic vane eMach numbers. Rivir et al.@355# used two separate techniquesmeasure the free-stream turbulence for the experiment nabove that utilized the Garrett TFE 731-2 turbine and found ibe on the order of 5.5 to 6 percent. Essentially the same expmental configuration was used for the Teledyne 702, Allison Vand General Electric turbines. Thus, one might anticipate thatfree-stream turbulence intensity immediately upstream of the ventrance was of the same order of magnitude as measureRivir et al. @355#. In all five cases reported in Figs. 23–31, thturbines are operating at the proper stage pressure ratio andesign corrected conditions. With the exception of the RoRoyce ACE turbine, both vane and blade heat transfer datapresented. For the four vane comparisons and the five blade cparisons presented, the agreement between data and predictgood. The vane predictions shown were performed assumingboundary layer to be fully turbulent on the pressure surface,forcing transition to occur on the suction surface at about 20 pcent wetted distance. For the blade comparisons presentedboundary layer was assumed fully turbulent on both the presand suction surfaces for all five turbines. Vane and blade calctions were performed assuming the boundary layer to be flaminar, but the resulting predictions were so far below theperimental results that they are not shown on these figures.

Film cooling and the associated film effectiveness are veryportant considerations in the high-pressure turbine. The previo

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published studies for rotating turbines that included film coolion the blade all had relatively low incoming free-stream turblence at the high-pressure turbine vane. These include Dring e@127#, Takeishi et al.@290#, and Abhari and Epstein@317#. Ofthese, Takeishi et al.@290# had the highest free-stream turbulenlevel, 4 percent. None of the references noted in the discussiofree-stream turbulence in Section 4.3 considered the imporquestion relating to the potential impact that free-stream turlence might have on the film effectiveness. To do so requiresthe turbulent free-stream be superimposed on the film cooledface. Intuition~always dangerous in gas turbine flows! suggeststhat free-stream turbulence may be a hindrance or a help deping upon the relative magnitudes of some of the parametersvolved. Some of these parameters are turbulence intensity, bing ratio, coolant to free-stream gas density ratio, etc. Many yeago, Kadotani and Goldstein@356# looked at this problem for alow-speed, flat-plate flow, with a single row of inclined coolinholes. They conclude that the parameters most influencing theeffectiveness are the free-stream turbulence intensity, the lescale to boundary layer thickness at the injection site, the ratilength scale to injection hole diameter, and the blowing raMore recently, Bons et al.@357# presented the results of an expemental investigation for flow conditions~low speed! and geometry~flat plate, single row of cooling holes! similar to those used byKadotani and Goldstein@356#. However, Bons et al.@357# werenot able to vary the turbulent length scale independently. Tparameters that they could vary effectively were free-streambulence intensity and blowing ratio. The results demonstratethe relative magnitudes of the free-stream turbulence and blowratio have a profound influence on the overall film cooling effetiveness~e.g., directly behind the hole, in between the holes, afar downstream of the hole!. Increasing free-stream turbulenceshown to significantly reduce the effectiveness immediatdownstream of the hole for low to moderate blowing ratios.contrast, increasing free-stream turbulence intensity for higblowing ratios results in improved effectiveness at locatiodownstream of the injection site. In another study, Bons et@358# investigated the influence of unsteadiness on film cooleffectiveness for a flat-plate configuration. Film cooling effectivness was determined downstream of a single row of cooling hoFor these measurements, the film cooling flow was modulateopposed to the external flow being modulated~which would bethe normal environment for the blade leading edge!. The results ofthis study suggested significant reduction in the film coolingfectiveness because of the unsteadiness. Drost and Bolcs@359#investigated cooling effectiveness for two different free-streturbulence levels using a cooled turbine airfoil having eight roof holes in the stagnation region, on the suction surface, andthe pressure surface. The airfoil was located in a cascade envment. From the cooling configuration sketched in the paperappears that the bulk of the cooling gas was directed towardsuction surface. The results suggested significant cooling eftiveness on the suction surface, but low cooling effectivenessthe pressure surface.

The high-pressure turbine vane endwalls are also regionsmust be film cooled for modern turbines, and film effectivenesof importance. One of the early works treating endwall film coing is that of Blair @166#. Secondary flow effects were found thave a significant influence by decreasing film effectivenessthe early portion of the endwall. Others have also investigatedcooling effectiveness for injection on the vane endwall, eTakeishi et al. @360#, Granser and Schulenberg@361#, andFriedrichs et al.@362#.

Mehendale et al.@363#, Funazaki et al.@364#, Heidmann@291#,and Du et al.@365# are among a large group of researchers whave investigated the influence of unsteady wakes on film eftiveness. All of these authors simulated the wakes via a serierotating bars~described by Doorly and Oldfield@140#!. They alsoall arrive at about the same conclusions, which are that film co

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ing effectiveness is significantly reduced by the presence ofwakes, which should come as no surprise. They further concthat increasing the blowing ratio increases film effectiveness uthe blowing ratio gets so large as to allow entrainment of theexternal gas. Both Funazaki et al.@364# and Ekkad et al.@280#superimposed free-stream turbulence on the wake disturbancthe case of Ekkad et al.@280#, a medium~16.4 percent! to a strong~21 percent! free-stream turbulence superimposed on the unstewakes caused further degradation in film effectiveness beythat observed for the wakes alone. By contrast, superimposinunsteady wake on a strong free-stream turbulence~21 percent!caused little reduction in film effectiveness, which is probably nsurprising.

Beyond what has been presented above, it is not productivcontinue the discussion of film cooling and film effectivenestudies for high-pressure turbines. As indicated at the beginninthe previous paragraph, there are precious few applicable datawith which to obtain insight. Further, for all three rotating turbindata sets that have been discussed, the comparisons madecascade results suggested that rotational effects~secondary flows!,wakes, and shock waves couldn’t be neglected in either theperiments or the analysis. This point will be addressed in mdetail in Section 5.

4.3.2 Low-Pressure Turbine Stage.There are increasing demands imposed upon a modern low-pressure turbine to genas much power as possible to drive larger fans at lower spwithout adding weight, cost, or complexity to the engine. Thincrease in power extraction being asked of a componentalready operates with efficiency in excess of 90 percent puts gdemands on the technology. The low-pressure turbine must oate efficiently over a large range of Reynolds numbers consiswith the take-off condition~on the order of 1,000,000! to the high-altitude cruise condition~on the order of 25,000!. There have beenseveral papers in the literature dealing with heat transfer inlow-pressure turbine section of the engine. Among these@366,367#, and @368#. Heat transfer is not the primary areaconcern in this section of the machine. Much of the research ehas been concentrated in bodies of research that can broaddescribed as transition studies. These studies are generallyformed for relatively low values of inlet turbulence intensity fwhich transition to turbulent boundary layer can be helpfulpreventing laminar separation~and thus loss in stage efficiency!.Airfoil configuration studies are often designed to reduce thelidity of the LPT while not destroying the efficiency of the component, and controlling separation in the low-pressure turbineuse of passive or active vortex generators. Several groupsmade major contributions to the research efforts associatedthe low-pressure turbine. Among them, four account for a signcant amount of the reported research results. These are groupby Hodson at Cambridge University, Hourmouziadis at MTWisler, Halstead, and Solomon at General Electric Aircraft Egines, and Rivir at Wright Laboratory.

One of the largest uncertainties associated with the LPT ismagnitude of the free-stream turbulence entering the individblade rows. The magnitude of turbulence intensity and the wthat the turbulence intensity changes as one progresses thrthe machine is a consideration in the low-pressure turbine. Reldiscussions are presented in@369,367,370#, and @371#. Binderet al.@369# used hot films to measure the turbulence intensity ilow-pressure turbine. Significant spanwise variations in turlence intensity were measured in the early stages of the five-smachine varying from a high value of near 12 percent nearhub to near 6 percent at midspan to about 10 percent near thAt later stages of the turbine, the spanwise variation of turbuleintensity disappeared and the level across the airfoil was reduto a value of about 5 percent or less. The 5 to 6 percent turbuleintensity number near midspan is consistent with the measments of Halstead et al.@347#. In their study, Binder et al.@369#were able to determine within the various stages the presenc

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absence of profile separation. They concluded that separatioinitiated when the upstream rotor wake enters the blade pasnear the leading edge, preferably on the pressure surface. Setion occurred in only one of thee rotors, but the reasons forobservation are not clear. Most rig measurement programsquote numbers in the 5 to 10 percent range, but the engine msurements reported by Sharma@372# indicated wake turbulenceintensities in the range of 16 to 23 percent. The difference inrig versus engine free-stream turbulence levels is large and potially very important to the transfer of information from the labratory to the design.

The experimental results described in numerous studies arlated to the questions of boundary layer transition, reductionsolidity, losses, and boundary-layer separation control. Amothese are references@347,373–382# helpful to the designer in answering the demands of the industry. There are several obvadvantages to being able to reduce separation on the airfoilsthe resulting performance penalty just as there are advantagreducing LPT solidity without reducing performance. If solidican be reduced, then engine weight is reduced with an accomnying reduction in parts count, and thus increased thrust to weof the engine. The question that remains to be answered is bymuch can solidity be reduced without adverse effects. Wis@383# notes that an experimental program was conducted usingGE Low-Speed Research Turbine in which the blade count of bthe rotor and the nozzle were simultaneously reduced by 20cent. At the increased levels of inlet turbulence intensity testhe performance of this reduced solidity turbine was not meaably different from that of the baseline in either pressure coecient or efficiency. The baseline turbine was designed using sdard design practice. Howell et al.@384# and Rivir et al.@380#suggest that a solidity reduction more on the order of 34 percepossible. It is important to note that with the reduced solidity,blade loading and the potential mechanical problems increasethus must be properly included in the design process.

Boundary layer transition and turbulence are both of imptance in the low-pressure turbine. Two locations within a modturbine engine where boundary layer transition is importantthe compressor and the low-pressure turbine. The IGTI Schpaper of Mayle@124# and the four-part paper of Halstead et a@347# both treated the problem of transition in the low-pressuturbine and the compressor. Compressors utilize aerodynamicfusion to achieve significant pressure increases, but alongthis come adverse pressure gradients and the associated tenfor boundary layer separation. By contrast, the low-pressurebine extracts work from the flow by expanding the gas streaThe designer takes advantage of this expansion and stable boary layer on the blade suction surface for as long a distance athe airfoil as is possible. However, at some point there is a dision region and one has what Sharma et al.@385# refer to as the‘‘aft-loaded airfoil.’’ Hourmouziadis@386# has pointed out thatthese airfoils operate very well at high-Reynolds-number contions. However, when the Reynolds number falls, as it doescruise altitude, then flow separation in the diffusing region coccur. Reattachment may not take place, resulting in increaloss and reduced aerodynamic performance, if the Reynolds nber becomes too low or the pressure gradient too high.

The detailed experimental results presented in Halstead e@347# provide significant insight into the transition process on tlow-pressure turbine vane and blade for Reynolds numberssistent with both take off and cruise operation. The authors ustwo-stage, low-speed, low-pressure turbine with the vanesblades instrumented with hot films in order to deduce detaboundary layer information. In Part 3 of their four-part paper, tauthors demonstrate that the boundary layer over a signifiportion of the airfoil suction surface is either laminar or trantional. The Reynolds number, the free-stream turbulence intenand the airfoil pressure loading determine the particular locaof transition. Halstead et al.@347# properly duplicated the Rey

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nolds number and the airfoil pressure loading. However, twere concerned that because there is neither a combustorhigh-pressure turbine upstream of the low-pressure turbine,may not have the proper free-stream turbulence intensity and sconvected through to the low-pressure stage. The measuredof free-stream turbulence was 4.6 percent in the wake, and nbers ranging from 1.7 to 3.4 percent in between the wakes. Ccerned about the level of free-stream turbulence, they removrotor airfoil and introduced a rod to generate high free-streturbulence intensity~on the order of 16 percent! and found dra-matic influences on their results. The authors cautioned thatmust be taken when using rods to simulate airfoil wake turbuleintensity to assure oneself that the bar is producing a represetive wake of a lifting airfoil. As part of their investigation, thauthors also found that clocking of the turbine vanes has a sigcant influence on boundary layer development and loss atmidspan location. The measurements demonstrated that transoccurred near the leading edge~in the region of adverse pressugradient! on the pressure surface of the airfoil when the blade woperating at design incidence angle. In the case of negativedence angle, separated flow transition occurred at the leaedge, followed shortly by turbulent reattachment, while for potive incidence, wake-induced strips and regions of transitionalturbulent flow were found between wakes.

Solomon et al.@354# have proposed a model for estimating itermittence~a measure of the degree to which the flow is turblent, being equal to zero for laminar flow and one for turbuleflow!. This model can be used to predict the region of transitioflow for flow conditions similar to those experienced on the stion surface of low-pressure turbine airfoils. These authors hused their own experimental data along with that of many otauthors in order to arrive at a generalized model that is demstrated to be effective in predicting the transitional flow lengthtypical low-pressure turbine airfoils. More recently, Solom@378# has investigated boundary layer development for two nblade configurations having identical design vector diagramssubstantially different loading levels. Earlier, Curtis et al.@387#and Cobley et al.@388# demonstrated use of a high lift bladewhich could be used to take advantage of the effect of wpassing described by Schulte and Hodson@375#. Solomon@378#performed measurements for several combinations of blade prand free-stream turbulence level. The primary goal of thissearch was to investigate ways in which the solidity couldreduced without decreasing performance. The results demonsthat the large regions of laminar and transitional flow presentthe blade suction surface at low inlet turbulence are also prewhen the inlet turbulence is increased to high levels. It was afound that the onset of transition for the high-lift profile is muless sensitive to inlet turbulence level than is the conventioprofile. Solomon@378# clocked the second vane relative to thfirst and found that in certain orientations it was possible to neeliminate periodic transition effects, which results in more turblent flow on the blade and increased loss.

Qiu and Simon@389# have investigated the influence of frestream turbulence intensity and Reynolds number on boundlayer transition and flow separation for low-pressure turbblades using a cascade facility, but in the absence of unstewakes. The authors present detailed velocity profiles and intertency distributions measured in the airfoil boundary layer fordifferent turbulent intensities and Reynolds numbers. Murawet al. @377# reports the results of a low-Reynolds-number, linecascade study of unsteady aerodynamics associated with apressure turbine blade. This study is similar to that reported inand Simon in that there are no unsteady wakes present inexperimental configuration, but rather emphasis is placed on Rnolds number and free-stream turbulence intensity influenBoundary-layer separation was experienced for all combinatof Reynolds number and turbulence intensity for which measuments were performed. Schulte and Hodson@375# performed a

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similar measurement program, but they used a series of upstrrotating bars to simulate the unsteady wakes. The authors mcareful note of the experience of using rotating bars to genefree-stream turbulence that is described by Halstead et al.,argue that they have specifically designed their bar system toduce the desired turbulence intensity. The conclusion ofSchulte and Hodson work was that the suction surface bounlayer was dominated by the unsteady wakes. These authorsfound that there is an optimum wake-passing frequency andfor this case the profile loss is nearly independent of Reynonumber. This result suggests the possibility of designing a higloaded low-pressure turbine without having large profile lossethe low Reynolds numbers associated with the cruise operacondition.

The group at Wright Laboratory has been investigating theof dimples,V-grooves, and passive and active air jets as mefor reducing boundary-layer separation losses in the low-presturbine. Rivir et al.@380# and Lake et al.@382# describe the resultsof measurement programs for which dimples and steadypulsed 90 deg skew injection are used as effective vortex gentors. These techniques have been shown to reduce total losignificantly ~by about 40 percent! for a low-pressure turbine airfoil operating at low Reynolds number. Most of the experimedescribed in this paragraph were conducted using a nine aicascade housed in an open-loop induction wind tunnel and geally highly aft loaded airfoils were used. The authors demonstruse of both steady jets and pulsed jets as vortex generators.dimples and the jets were located on the airfoil near the natseparation point instead of near the leading edge that wouldmore common. However, the authors show that it is not necesto know the separation point in order to achieve significant lreduction with the proposed techniques. Additional work with uof passive jets and dimples to create steady vortex flow for conof boundary layer separation on the suction side of the lopressure turbine blade noted earlier in the paragraph is discuin @390#. Rivir et al. @380# reports the results of a similar studexcept that for these measurements both dimples active co~pulsed vortex generator jets! are used for control of boundarylayer separation. Bons et al.@381# describe the results of a similameasurement program, but use only active control in the abseof dimples. The results of all of these studies are consistent inthey report significant~on the order of 40 percent! reductions intotal loss.

4.3.3 Influence of Surface Roughness on Aeroperformaand Heat Transfer. It is well known that propulsion, stationarypower plant, and marine gas turbines experience corrosion, dsition, and pitting of the vanes and blades of the high-pressturbine. This surface degradation results in decreased aernamic performance of the machine and increased heat tran~and thus reduced life! for the component. For the film coolevane, the surface degradation can have a significant influencfilm cooling effectiveness because of the way in which deposforeign material influences the geometry of the cooling hole. Fthe uncooled vane, surface roughness can have a significant ience of the location of boundary layer transition on the suctsurface and thus on the heat transfer load to the surface. Detion of foreign material on the blade is generally less of a problthan for the vane. Because of wake cutting and shock wavesboundary layer is already mostly turbulent. However, corrosand pitting can impact the leading-edge cooling holes, and tthe film cooling effectiveness.

The influence of blade surface roughness on aerodynamicformance and heat transfer has been investigated for the Rodyne Space Shuttle Main Engine~SSME! fuel side turbopumpusing the full-stage rotating turbine by several authors. Amothem are references@391#, @392#, @393#, @394#, @27#, @395#, and@396#. This is a relatively good example to discuss because althe papers just noted were attempting to deal with essentiallysame hardware. However, the experiments were done using

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ferent facilities and experimental techniques while the analyportions of the work ties the parts together. The first-stage turbblade of the Rocketdyne two-stage machine was initially intento have a thermal barrier coating~TBC! deposited on the surfaceAfter the primer coat was deposited, a decision was made noadd the TBC and thus the way the turbine went into servicewith a first-stage rough surface blade. Boynton et al.@395# mea-sured the aeroperformance of the turbine with the rough first-sblades, and then with those rough blades polished to a smcondition, and found nearly a two percentage point differenceperformance. For comparison purposes, the Reynolds numbased on blade axial chord and rotor exit conditions for the aperformance experiments of Boynton was about 8.93105. Thisvalue of Reynolds number is about 2.3 times greater thanhighest Reynolds number used by Dunn et al.@27# and about 1.5times greater than the Reynolds number used in the experimof Blair @394#. Boyle @396# used a Navier–Stokes analysis to ivestigate in depth the experimental results of Boynton et al.@395#,which include both the influence of roughness and the influencincidence angle on performance. The Navier–Stokes analysisused because of the potential for separated flow to occur overange of incidence angles used in the experiment. Boyle fothat the predicted influence of incidence angle on performawas in reasonable agreement with other predictions and in agment with the trend in the experimental results. The roughnmodel incorporated into the analysis of Boyle was that of Ceband Chang@397#. Boyle found that the estimate of the influenceroughness on performance was sensitive to the value selectethe damping parameter. The damping parameter that workedfor predicting performance didn’t necessarily work as well fpredicting heat transfer. Dunn et al.@27# used the same turbinconfiguration as Boynton et al.@395# and measured the heat tranfer distribution to the first-stage vane, first-stage rough blade,second-stage vane. The surface roughness for the first-stagewas measured to be 15mm rms for a blade with an axial chord oabout 0.018 m. The experiments were run for two Reynolds nbers based on vane chord and vane inlet conditions, 1.43105 and2.53105. For comparison with the results of Blair and Anders@391# and Blair@394#, the corresponding Reynolds numbers bason blade chord and rotor exit conditions are 2.13105 and 3.83105. The technique described by Boyle and Civinskas@392# wasused to analyze the data for the rough blade. In their analysisauthors concluded that the effect of the roughness on thetransfer is a function of Reynolds number and the effective rouness height, which in turn is a strong function of the roughnand the density. For this particular blade, profilometer scans donstrated that the peaks of roughness are not very close toother. Although to the human eye the blade appeared to berough, the analysis suggested that it was not, and the experimresults confirmed this conclusion. Blair@394# performed an analo-gous experimental program for this same engine configuratbut in a large-scale 1-1/2 stage rotating rig. The blade usedBlair @394# was much larger than the engine hardware~which wasused by Boynton et al.@395# and Dunn et al.@27#! so the rough-ness was scaled up accordingly from 15 to 660mm. In addition,Blair @394# ran his measurements at higher Reynolds numbbased on blade axial chord and rotor exit conditions~4.2 to 5.83105! than Dunn et al.@27#. The engine hardware rotor usedthe experiments of Dunn et al.@27# was aft loaded and hadgreater solidity than the rotor that Blair@394# used, which wouldtend to make that rotor less sensitive to roughness. Blair@394#found a significant increase in the heat transfer for the rough bat the higher Reynolds number. Boyle and Civinskas@392# ana-lyzed the data of both Blair and Anderson@391# and Dunn et al.@27#. They achieved good comparison between the experimeresults and their predictions for both experimental data sets.profilometer measurements taken~by Blair at United TechnologyResearch Center! for the actual engine hardware blade usedDunn et al.@27# gave an equivalent height ratio of 0.3. At th

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same Reynolds number, the roughness for the blade used byand Anderson@391# would be about 15 times greater. It is believethat the reason for this significant difference in equivalent rouness height ratio is that Blair and Anderson@391# were attemptingto match thek–plus value for the SSME engine Reynolds numbcondition. Boyle concluded that the much larger Reynolds numassociated with the actual engine condition could explain thenificantly increased heat transfer observed by Blair.

Numerous other authors have investigated the influence offace roughness on vane heat transfer and or losses. These inreferences@163,398–409# Guo et al.@403# incorporated a rough-ness model into a CFD code commonly used at Rolls Royceorder to obtain comparisons with experimental results for hydrlically smooth and transitionally rough surfaces. The roughnmodeling used by Guo et al.@403# is similar to that described byBoyle and Civinskas@392#. A comparison between prediction andata is presented in Fig. 7 of Guo et al.@403# for a roughenedvane. This comparison illustrates that from the stagnation regto about 60 percent of the pressure surface the prediction unestimates the rough surface data by about 60 to 70 percent. Hever, at about 85 percent of the surface, the prediction and datequal~mainly because the two results have very different slope!.For the suction surface from the stagnation region to aboutpercent of the surface distance, the prediction overestimatesdata by about 30 percent, but beyond 40 percent of the surdistance, the data exceed the prediction by about 10 percenmodel stochastic surface roughness in the University of Tecode TEXSTAN, the discrete roughness model reported in Taet al. @410# and its modification for heat transfer by Tarada@411#have been incorporated into the research version of TEXSTATolpadi and Crawford@407# used this model to predict the suctioand pressure side heat transfer data of airfoils~Abuaf et al.@406#!at four Reynolds numbers and high free-stream turbulence.roughness elements were simulated using full-height right-circcones, with parameters of the elements being matched to thefoil’s roughness statistical profile measurements. Both the htransfer level and transition locations were in good agreementall but the lowest of the Reynolds number cases.

References@398#, @400#, @404#, and@412# are among the few toaddress the question of how surface roughness influencescooling effectiveness. Of these four the two probably most revant to turbine conditions is that of Schmidt et al.@404# andWeigand et al.@412#. Schmidt et al.@404# used a flat-plate con-figuration with two different values of roughness~differing by afactor of two! that the authors describe to be representative ofin-service airfoil. The authors conclude that surface roughndoes not cause any significant loss in film cooling effectivenebut it does result in significant loss in film cooling performanbecause of increased heat transfer rates due to the roughHowever, it appears that this conclusion would be dependent uboth the specific Reynolds number and the equivalent roughneheight ratio as discussed in the previous paragraph with respethe roughness data for an operating turbine. Weigand et al.@412#evaluated TEXSTAN for the combined effects of its roughneand film cooling models using the flat-plate data included in Hoet al. @401#. The combined effects were successfully modeledboth the effectiveness and heat transfer.

4.4 Internal Heat Transfer With Cooling. Sections 4.2was devoted to discussions of heat transfer in the presence ofcooling and film cooling modeling, but the discussion was cofined to the coolant gas after being injected into the external flAn equally important consideration has to do with the historythe coolant gas as it is directed from the compressor bleed reto the exit of the cooling holes on the vane, inner and outer baand the blade. There are many variations on the internal constion of these vane and blade cooling passages. These variaoften include ribs, inclined ribs, roughened ribs, etc., whichdesigned to trip the internal boundary layer to turbulent in ordeincrease the internal cooling capacity above what it would be

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a laminar boundary layer. A significant database exists forvane. Based upon engine experience, designers can often gwith using standard pipe flow correlations for estimating theternal heat transfer with an experience factor added to the colations. However, in the case of the rotating hot turbine blaCoriolis and buoyancy forces induce secondary flow vorticesresult in different heat loads to the different internal walls depeing upon their specific orientation. The fluid flow for the rotatinblade has been characterized by several authors to describeexperimental results. It is common in this work to use a Buoyaparameter~ratio of centrifugal to inertial forces!, a Rotational pa-rameter~ratio of Coriolis to inertial forces!, and the Reynoldsnumber. The inverse of the Rotational parameter is the Rosnumber~ratio of inertial to Coriolis forces!. These parameters cabe expressed in several ways, but are often expressed as fol



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The combination of Coriolis forces, buoyancy forces, aforced convection determines the internal heat transfer. Forcase, the common practice among designers is still to useavailable database obtained for vanes and then to introducehancement factors to correct for the physics of the flow~rotation!missing from the data set being used. For the past eight toyears, experiments have been designed to supplement the exnonrotating data set and to provide insight into internal heat trafer for the turbine blade. However, it is not clear just how muchthis recent information has migrated into the turbine designtools. It is generally agreed among the research communitythe experiments designed to produce data applicable to the bmust be rotating to produce the proper Coriolis forces, and tmust be heated to produce the proper buoyancy forces. Latthis section, both the nonrotating~vane! and the rotating~blade!literature will be briefly described.

For some applications the coolant gas~or liquid! remains con-fined to the internal passages of the vane and blade and doeexit cooling holes. In the case of stationary power plants,cooling medium of choice is sometimes steam or water. Theerature contains several proposals of this type of internal coofor the vane of advanced propulsion gas turbine engines. The tnique involves the use of heat pipes for which the potential coants are alkali metals~sodium or sodium-potassium!. The coolantmaterial is in the solid phase at room temperature, but it is argthat the solid should liquefy quickly upon engine start up. Theat pipe technique is not confined to propulsion gas turbinalthough many of the published studies are directed at thisticular application. One of the advantages of the heat pipe tenique is that it does not rely upon compressor bleed air, but rauses a liquid, wick system, heat sink, and condenser to removheat load. A discussion of various research efforts involving hpipes can be found in references@413–420#. Silverstein et al.@415# studied the application of heat pipe vane cooling foradvanced military turbofan engine and concluded that they corealize significant increase in thrust and a decrease in specific

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consumption. Yamawaki et al.@418# discuss three alternative heapipe configurations and cooling media applicable to propulsgas turbine engines. Their heat pipe concept is similar toproposed by Silverstein et al.@415# except that Yamawaki et al@418# use cooling air to provide cooling for the vane leading edand the thin trailing edge. In this paper, the authors devote attion to start up time for the heat pipe when being used inpropulsion engine application. They found that inclusion of a nocondensable gas in the cooling medium was an effective wareduce start up time. The shortest startup time found for the hpipes studied was on the order of six minutes.

4.4.1 Nonrotating Measurements.A significant database applicable to the nonrotating vane is available to the enginesigner, e.g., references@421–425#. Included in this literature is abody of data dealing with the influence of ribs on internal hetransfer. Probably Taslim and his students have generated theextensive data set. Taslim et al.@426# studied the influence ofbleed holes on heat transfer and pressure drop in roughenedezoidal passages with tapered turbulators. This configuratiorepresentative of the trailing edge region of the airfoil. The athors concluded that the bleed holes provide a spanwise velocomponent to the main flow and result in a more uniform spwise heat transfer coefficient. Taslim and Wadsworth@427# dem-onstrated that the average heat transfer coefficient to the risignificantly greater than the heat transfer coefficient for the floor the area between the ribs, which is a particularly importfinding for small engines. Taslim et al.@428# investigated rib-roughened channels to simulate leading edge cavity heat tranVarious shaped ribs consistent with engine application were uin this study. In a later paper, Taslim et al.@429# found that byroughening the walls of the ribs they could significantly increathe heat transfer coefficient of the ribs. Taslim et al.@430# inves-tigated heat transfer coefficient enhancement in channels roened with angled ribs,V-shaped and discrete ribs on opposwalls. The authors concluded that the resulting heat transfer cficients were greater than corresponding 90 deg ribs, and reasthat secondary flows generated by the angled ribs were ressible for the increased heat transfer coefficients. Wang et al.@431#have also investigated the use of angled ribs and found two mcounterrotating vortices. However, Wang et al.@431# did not com-pare their results to the 90 deg rib data.

Several other authors have also investigated the influencribs ~or turbulators! on the internal heat transfer. Among them areferences@432–439#. Rivir et al. @438# describe an experimenfor which hot-wire measurements were performed in a squchannel roughened with ribs. The authors considered severaconfigurations in their study. The turbulent intensity and scalethe immediate vicinity of the ribs were determined from hot-wdata. The interested reader is referred to these papers for adetailed discussion of the additional results.

4.4.2 Moving the Coolant to the Disk and the Cavity FloOne must move the coolant gas from the compressor bleed torotating blade in the gas turbine application. This must be accplished without suffering significant losses, or contaminatingblade cooling air with hot disk cooling air or ingested flowpagas in the process. Prakash and Zerkle@440# have shown thatblade internal heat transfer is sensitive to the conditions ofincoming coolant flow. The flow in the disk cavity must also bunderstood so that proper cooling of the disk can be assureorder to prevent thermal distress. The rim seal between the rand the stationary vane will normally leak under the best of cditions, allowing hot gas from the flow path to move into the dicavity thus presenting potential thermal stress for the disk. A snificant portion of the database having application to these prlem areas can be found in papers authored by Professor Owenco-workers at the University of Bath and by Professor Bohn aco-workers at Aachen University of Technology. Examplesthese papers are references@441–454#. Wilson et al.@448# used a

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preswirl rotor–stator rig similar to that used by El-Oun and Ow@443# to perform detailed heat transfer, velocity, and temperatmeasurements for the surface of the disk, the stator, and theswirl chamber. The authors had significantly less instrumentain the preswirl chamber than for the stator and rotor. The blcooling temperature was shown lowest when the swirl ratio wthe highest. Predicted values of the measured parametersobtained using an axisymmetric elliptic solver and a loReynolds-numberk–« turbulence model. The trend of the predicted results was consistent with the measurements, but thenitudes were significantly different. Karabay et al.@449# describesa combined theoretical, computational, and experimental reseprogram treating the problems associated with the preswirl~in-ducer! system. In the process of preswirling the cooling air, ttechnique described also provides cooling to the disk to mainthe metal temperature within acceptable limits. It is demonstrathat the flow between the preswirl cover plate and the disksimilar to that in a rotating cavity with a radial outflow of aiChen et al.@455# report the results of a combined experimentcomputational study of heat transfer for the disk cavity, i.e., icavity bounded on one side by the rotating disk and on the oby a stationary wall. Measurements of local velocity and htransfer in the cavity are reported. The authors show reasongood agreement between measured and predicted heat travalues in the cavity. Chen et al.@455# report the results of a similar experimental investigation for heat transfer in the cavitycontrarotating disks. Bohn et al.@454# investigated ingestion ohot gas into the disk area via the lip seal between the vane anrotor. These measurements were performed for different valuethe lip seal clearance, rotational Reynolds number, and Mnumber of the gas path flow. The results of the study demonstrthat both the flow path Mach number and the rotational Reynonumber have a significant influence on the leakage flow. Wincreases in both of these parameters, the efficiency of thedecreases. Bohn et al.@451# report the results of a combineexperimental/computational study designed to study the contive heat transfer in a closed annuli cavity rotating about its hzontal axis. The steady-state results of the calculations andexperiment are shown to be consistent. However, the compresults inside the cavity appear to be influenced by an instabthat could not be resolved from the experimental results. Thinternal cavity flows, which, when properly designed, are sposed to maintain the working temperature of the disk at anceptable temperature to ensure reasonable life, are a very imtant consideration in the design of turbomachinery. Steltz@456#has presented the results of a generalized analysis that caconveniently used to estimate thermal stress in the rotor disking transient operation. The analysis was designed for speapplication to stationary power plant machines, but the resultssufficiently general to be of use to many different applicatioSeveral other papers dealing with disk cavity flows are alsoevant to this discussion, e.g., Long et al.@457#, Guo and Rhode@458#, Chen et al.@455#, and Roy et al.@459#, but space does nopermit further discussion.

4.4.3 Rotating Measurements.Measurements of internal turbine blade heating on rotating cooling passages have been oing for many years. Many of these studies have used sqsmooth ducts as the experimental vehicle. This configuratioacceptable for basic studies of the fluid mechanics associatedthese flows. However, it may be difficult to build square ducts ia turbine blade and the industry generally doesn’t run with smochannels but rather builds turbulators into the airfoil in ordertrip the boundary layer and enhance heat transfer. Han et al.@460#provide a review of the available literature relevant to heat trafer in ducts rotating perpendicular to the duct axis. It is notedthe paper that the difference in heat transfer between rotatingnonrotating flow conditions is very significant. The rotating traing surface heat transfer coefficient increased up to 3.5 timesnonrotating value and the leading surface heat transfer coeffic

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was reduced to 40 percent of the nonrotating value. Thus,very important when designing a measurement program oftype to be sure to reproduce both the Coriolis and the buoyaforces present in a heated turbine blade. Wagner et al.@461–463#and Johnson et al.@464# have studied the Coriolis effects on hetransfer in a serpentine square passage both with and withoutat constant wall temperature. Dutta et al.@465# report the resultsof a rotating internal heat transfer experimental study obtaiusing the same experimental facility described in Han et al.@460#for which smooth-walled triangular ducts~instead of square orround ducts! were used. Their reason for doing so was that triagular ducts are a feasible configuration for internal passageturbine blades. This configuration provides more restriction to sondary flows, thus avoiding symmetric vortex formation andducing heat transfer disparities between the leading and trasurfaces. Dutta et al.@465# considered three different wall heatinconditions—constant wall temperature, constant wall heat fland engine condition—in order to impose both the Coriolis abuoyancy forces on the experimental condition. The results oftriangular duct are compared with the corresponding squareresults reported by Han et al.@466# and different heat transfer anvortex patterns are demonstrated. Bons and Kerrebrock@467# de-signed and conducted a unique experiment in which they obtalocal velocity and surface temperature information in the hearotating passage, which would then provide a data base to bein code validation studies. They used a smooth-walled squarein a large rotating rig, and heated the walls using indium tin oxstrips that operated as resistance heaters. The temperaturewall was then measured using a mercury/cadmium/telluride inred detector~frequency response typical of these detectors isthe order of 300 kHz!. The internal flow was seeded with particleand the internal flow velocity was measured using Particle ImVelocimetry. In addition to providing a unique set of flow fielvelocity data for a heated rotating passage, this experimentdemonstrates the significant differences in wall heat transferoccur when the buoyancy force is not duplicated in rotating msurements. The authors illustrate the importance of duplicaboth the Coriolis and buoyancy forces simultaneously. They sha difference of a factor of two in Nusselt number from trailingleading wall when both the Coriolis and buoyancy forces wpresent as compared to a ten-percent effect in the absencbuoyancy. Glezer et al.@468# describe the results of an experimetal program designed to investigate the impact of a screw-shaswirl cooling technique~described in Glezer et al.@469#! for cool-ing the turbine blade leading edge. It is argued that the jets inda swirling motion in the leading edge passage, resulting in signcant augmentation of the internal heat transfer along the leaedge with crossflow playing an insignificant role. Many years aKercher and Tabakoff@470# had demonstrated that jets impinginnormal to the wall of the confining channel were inefficient finternal cooling because of the influence of crossflow. The roing experiments described by Glezer et al.@469# were conductedusing the same rotating rig as noted above in the discussion owork reported by Bons and Kerrebrock@467#. Additional rotatingmeasurements were performed using thermal sensitive paint~pro-ducing an irreversible color map! on a blade that utilized thissame screw-shaped swirl cooling technique that was operatean engine. Measurements for the same geometry were obtausing a hot cascade rig. The authors concluded that optimizaof the internal passage geometry relative to the tangential sloimportant to achieve the best results using the screw-shapedfor internal cooling.

4.4.4 Predictive Capability for Internal Cooling.The litera-ture relevant to predicting heat transfer in blade coolant passis not as extensive as that for measurement of the heat transfethese passages. A significant portion of the available informahas been done for cylindrical, square, or rectangular configtions rotating about an axis that is normal the axis of the duAmong these references are@471,472,473#, and @440#. Although

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these studies did not consider the typical 180 deg bends cmonly associated with a turbine blade internal cavity flow, thwere quite successful in identifying the primary features offlow field. The findings of these authors were in general agrment in that they identified strong rotational flow effects. Thalso noted that on the pressure side of the wall~trailing side! theturbulent mixing increases and the skin friction increases, resing in thinner boundary layers and increased heat transfer. Onsuction side of the wall~leading side!, the heat transfer decreasenear the inlet but increases further downstream. PrakashZerkle @440# treated the case of a rotating square duct and conered both Coriolis and buoyancy effects. These authors foundtheir predictions were quite sensitive to the inlet conditions, escially to the presence of rotation in the incoming flow. It wnoted in Section 4.2 that getting the coolant flow into the blacavity is not a trivial task and improperly doing so can have sous consequences.

Kumar and Deanna@474# describe a method for designing internal coolant passages for a radial flow turbine, which is baupon empirical lumped parameter models. Procedures similathat described in Kumar and Deanna are today more widely uwithin the industry for doing internal designs than are thredimensional Navier–Stokes solutions of the kind briefly notedthe remainder of this section. Later, Steinthorsson et al.@475,476#attempted to add computational rigor to the prediction scheThey describe a CFD code that was developed for calculatingthree-dimensional fluid flow within coolant passages of a radturbine blade similar to that discussed by Kumar and Deanna.calculation scheme solves the compressible Navier–Stokes etions for a turbulent rotating flow with the equations being formlated in the rotating frame of reference instead of the inerframe. The numerical code is described in Steinthorsson e@475#. The grid generation technique, including provision for spentine passages with pin fins, that was developed in ordeobtain meaningful results from running the code is describedSteinthorsson et al.@476#. The specific problem treated in thipaper is for the case of a coolant gas entering at the dovetailof the rotating blade. The coolant then passes through a tortuinternal passage, which includes distributed pin fins, and exitthe blade trailing edge. The authors incorporated their formulaof the Navier–Stokes equations into an existing NASA codeperformed calculations for a typical rotating blade configuratiThey note in their discussion of results that caution was in orbecause some of the trends predicted were counter to intuitionin the absence of experimental results. They also note thatprovement of the calculation technique additional work is requito reduce numerical diffusion without reducing robustness.

Dawes@477# used information available in the open literaturereconstruct the internal serpentine passages of an airfoil descin Snyder and Roelke@478#. Dawes@477# demonstrated application of an unstructured mesh, solution adaptive, three-dimensiNavier–Stokes solver to the geometry and flow conditions oradial inflow turbine blade. For the case selected by Dawesexperimental results were available. Therefore, he elected to cpare the results of his calculation technique with calculationsported by Taylor et al.@479# for a multi-ribbed cylindrical duct forwhich there were limited experimental results available. Howethe lumped parameter predictions of Kumar and Deanna@474#~noted in the previous paragraph! were available for the radiainflow turbine airfoil configuration and Dawes demonstratesvorable comparison between his predictions and those of Kuand Deanna@474#.

Rigby @480# describes heat transfer predictions in a ribbed coant channel with a 180 deg bend. The full Reynolds-averaNavier–Stokes equations are solved in obtaining these calctions. The calculation procedure utilizes the Wilcoxk–v turbu-lence model~Wilcox @481,482#!. The intent of the paper was tconcentrate on grid structure for internal cooling passages anturbulence modeling. Rigby@480# shows reasonable agreeme

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with the experimental results reported by Park et al.@483#. Rigbyet al. @212# present the results of a numerical simulation of thredimensional flow and heat transfer in a rectangular duct wit180 deg bend. One of the intentions of this paper was to compthe results obtained with single-block versus multi-block gridThe calculated results were compared with the experimentalof Arts et al.@484# and shown to be in reasonable agreement.the same number of cells, the multi-block grid produced maccurate results than did a single-block grid. The same turbulemodeling was used here as was used in the Rigby@480# work.This internal flow calculation effort continues in Rigby et a@485#. This later paper describes the results of a numerical simlation designed to treat the case of flow in a straight channel wsquare cross section, but with three smooth walls and the foconfigured to contain ribs and bleed holes. For completenessauthors performed calculations with the fourth wall as noabove or with holes only, with ribs only, or smooth. The calcutions were performed in order to provide a prediction of the eperimental results of Ekkad et al.@486#. The predictions presentecapture the general trend of the experimental results. Withexception of the immediate vicinity of the ribs, the predictions ain good agreement with the measured heat transfer. The autonce again used thek–v turbulence model proposed by Wilco@481,482#, and find that this model works well for them withourequiring reference to the distance to a solid surface.

5 Summary Remarks and Suggestions for Future Tur-bine Aerodynamic and Heat Transfer Research and De-velopment Needs

Brief reviews of current hot-section heat transfer measuremand predictions have been presented. The pressure and vefields in the immediate vicinity of the airfoil are essential fpredicting local heat flux. Thus, the capability of the current CFcodes for predicting both the time-averaged surface-pressuretributions on the vanes and blades has been described. Itpossible for some cases to compare the results of six diffepredictive codes run by five different groups to the same dataFive of these CFD codes also predicted the unsteady presenvelope on the blade for comparison with the experimentalsults. In addition, time-averaged and unsteady surface prespredictions were compared with measurements for two differvaneless counterrotating turbine stages. In this case, the indiviengine company responsible for design and construction ofmachine using their internal codes performed the predictions,a third group performed the experiments using both machinThe results of the comparison demonstrated regions of the swhere agreement between prediction and experiment was qgood and other locations where improvements are needed.

The state of the art with respect to high-pressure turbine htransfer was reviewed for both external and internal heat transThe scarcity of definitive information regarding the turbulenintensity and scale of turbulence of the flow exiting the combuspresents a difficult hurdle in predicting the heat transfer forhigh-pressure uncooled vane. It is of less importance if the vanfilm cooled and most likely less important for the blade becausethe disturbances caused by the vane wakes and shock waveteracting on the blade. Standard practice within the communitto assume values for turbulence intensity and scale and to prowith predictions of heat transfer distribution for the vane ablade. It is then argued that if the proper values were selectedone would obtain the presented result.

Several examples comparing measurements with predictionheat transfer distribution for both rotating rigs and cascadesdiscussed~both with and without film cooling!. In general, theparameters being varied in these studies were the Reynolds nber, the airfoil incidence angle, and the airfoil exit Mach numbIt is demonstrated that even for the simple case of an uncoairfoil in a cascade, there is still great room for improvementthe CFD predictive capability. Prediction of surface pressure d

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tributions is much further advanced than the ability to predictcorresponding heat transfer distributions. Film cooling was treain some depth because it is obviously a significant part ofhigh-pressure turbine design system. There is an abundancfilm cooling information for simple low-Mach-number flat-platflows using isolated cooling holes of different configurationHowever, data for a film cooled stage with a fully cooled vane aa fully cooled rotating blade are nonexistent. There are threesets described in this paper for which isolated blades of the roing disk were cooled, but the upstream vane was not. For thspecific cases, comparison of rotating blade results with the reobtained for the same airfoil run in a cascade facility gave pagreement. Limited attempts have been made to predict surheat transfer distributions for film cooled rotating blades. Baon these, it appears that in order to obtain reasonable agreewith measurements, one will need to use a CFD code capabcalculating the unsteady blade flow in the presence of wakesshocks. Similarly, a review of existing results obtained for intercooling of rotating blades demonstrated the importance of incing both Coriolis and buoyancy effects in the experiments. Tconclusion of these studies was that if one is interested in obting design system experimental results for the blade, thenblade must both be rotating and heated if one is to obtainproper internal heat transfer loading. The discussion of intecooling also addresses the effectiveness of ribs and internal roness on the enhancement of convective heat transfer. Anotheportant factor influencing high-pressure turbine heat transferwhich a discussion regarding the current state of the art iscluded is surface roughness. In this regard, it was possiblcompare experimental results from three different groups desigto investigate the same turbine with the same rough blade, afourth group performed the analysis of the roughened blade.

A significant amount of research has been done with regarthe low-pressure turbine with respect to transition, losses, retion of solidity, and flow control. It is apparent that several of tresearch groups working this problem have been communicaand results coming out of one group appear to supplement tcoming from the others quite nicely. It appears that it willpossible for the industry to take advantage of vane clockingairfoil design in order to reduce losses, parts count, and weiThe impact on mechanical requirements because of the hiblade loading appears to be a relatively straightforward probto solve.

The earlier discussion related to unsteady pressure loadinthe turbine demonstrated that the state of the art has advancthe point where the short-duration facility can be effectively usto obtain forced response data relative to high cycle fatigue.results of an experimental/numerical program, which producedata set consisting of unsteady aerodynamics and structurasponse for a full-stage rotating Garrett TFE 731-2 turbine,described which demonstrate the feasibility of the technique.rotating blade of the turbine was instrumented with flush-mounminiature pressure transducers, strain gages, and piezoelecrystals. The turbine stage measurements were obtained withturbine being operated at design corrected conditions. Both adynamic and piezoelectric excitation techniques were usedstudy the blade vibratory response with and without aerodynaloading. In this way, it was possible to measure the total dampand to obtain estimates of the contributions from structuralaerodynamic sources. The results of this measurement/anaprogram provide the coupled measurement of unsteady presand vibratory response of a high-pressure turbine blade duvane/blade interaction that can be used to validate predictive Ccodes.

The state of the art regarding experimental and computatiocapabilities relative to heat transfer in gas turbine enginesmade significant progress over the past thirty years. It is also cthat the experimental and computational capabilities availableday are significantly greater than they were even a few years

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and that equally large advancements are within the grasp ofcommunity. The following discussion is not intended to be ehaustive of specific problem areas requiring further attentiRather it is intended to be a brief description of several targetopportunity with potentially high dividends for relatively little investment for the interested parties. The specific research areanot given necessarily in order of importance since the individuser of the technology is responsible for determining importan

For the purposes of this discussion, the list is confined toturbine and the combustor sections of the machine. Withinconfines of this portion of the machine, some problem areas sout from the others because of their first level importance toimmediate needs of the community. It was noted early in the pathat the tendency of the design community to push the turbinlet temperature closer and closer to fuel stoichiometric islikely to diminish with time. Accordingly, potential solutions theat transfer problems and design methods to diminish harmeffects of excessive heating while preserving performancehigh on the priority list. Also high on the list is improving ouunderstanding of the fluid flow in the low-pressure turbine staand the potential weight savings and performance gains thatbe realized by this information. The following list of research adevelopment needs is intended as a list of that the author feelof the highest priority and is not intended to be a shopping gu

5.1 Fully Cooled Turbine Stage. Because of increasing turbine inlet temperatures, the ability to design efficient film coolischemes is essential. However, the basic design informationquired to perform such a design is not available. A significacontribution to the gas turbine industry for the film cooling desisystem can be made if the experimentalist, code developers,modelers can join forces to develop the necessary validated detools. From the experimental perspective, a very important lfor turbine heat transfer prediction is missing from the data baThis missing link is a data set for a full-stage rotating turbiobtained using fully cooled engine hardware. Use of such haware would provide current cooling hole technology and passafor both the vane and the blade~shroud band cooled also if that ihow the particular engine operates!. This data set should be composed of several components obtained for specific conditioninterest. Included in this subset of measurements would be:a)the vanes are cooled but the blades are not, (b) the blades arecooled, but the vanes are not, and (c) the vanes and blades arsimultaneously cooled. In addition, the free-stream turbuleshould be varied over an acceptable range. The coolant blowratio, density ratio, momentum ratio, and coolant-to-wall tempeture ratio should be varied over a range consistent with engparameters. The adiabatic wall temperature is an important paeter in this study and must be measured. In order to measurequantity; it will be necessary to be able to change the wall teperature, which will require heating the walls~which was previ-ously demonstrated for a rotating blade in Bergholz et al.@189#!.Many quantities must be measured and be included in the dbase. Among these are: (a) internal cavity temperatures and presures, (b) cooling gas flow rates, (c) vane and blade surfactemperature, (d) vane and blade heat flux, (e) vane and bladesurface pressure, and (f ) flowpath pressure and temperature.

Modeling of film cooling can be divided conveniently into mcro and macro models. A significant amount of information happeared in the literature describing micro models. The mimodel represents those cases for which millions upon millionsgrid points are utilized to grid the inside of one or two isolatholes and maybe a little of the internal and external airfoil surfaBy contrast, the macro model represents a more encompasdescription of the film hole-surface interaction, but with signicantly less detail regarding individual holes since the entire exnal surface of the component must be included in the modelscription. Clearly, the micro model is too demanding of time acomputer resources to be useful for describing film cooling fosection of engine hardware, but rather is useful when used

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conjunction with more fundamental laboratory studies. A geneized macro model that could be used to describe the interacbetween the coolant flow and the external flow needs to be deoped. Neither the macro model nor the missing experimentaformation may be as difficult to develop as some might thinAbhari @2# has outlined the structure of a potential macro mothat could be for this purpose. In his work, the vane row wascooled and only selected blades were cooled with fewer holesan actual blade would have. However, he has demonstratedthe heat transfer model can be incorporated into an unsteadyfield code~UNSFLO 2-D! and that heat transfer predictions in thpresence of film cooling can be obtained. As part of this work,results of his predictions are compared with experimental resand good agreement is demonstrated. The modelers and thperimentalist have demonstrated in the past that they can fiway to work together effectively. Assuming that this cooperatcan be repeated, then the detailed data coming from thethree-dimensional experiment using actual engine hardwarescribed in the preceding paragraph would provide the misslinks in the development of this interaction model. Several grohave operational three-dimensional unsteady codes that aretinely used to predict the unsteady pressure field on the blSection 2.2 demonstrated the capability of some of these codpredict the three-dimensional pressure field on a rotating blaModifying these codes so that they do an adequate job of inporating the cooling flow model and the heat transfer calculais far from a simple task, but with insight and dedication it isfeasible task.

5.2 Combustor Hot Streaks and Vane Clocking. Combus-tors are known to produce hot streaks that may impinge onHPT vanes; a discussion related to this topic was presented ein Section 4.1.6. Many researchers have demonstrated poteadvantages for clocking downstream vane rows relative tostream vane rows for both the high-pressure turbine and thepressure turbine. There is certainly good reason for the decommunity to be interested in further investigation of these ccepts. However, as demonstrated earlier in the paper, littlknown about the hot streak migration through the machinedemonstration of the existence of hot streaks can be seenphotograph of a Rolls Royce RB211 HPT vane row presenteChambers@487# and in Campbell@488#. There are many CFDcalculations of hot streak migration, but very limited data wwhich to verify the calculation techniques. Tracking the hstreaks through the blade row is not a simple task, but it is psible to track them with existing technology. Heat-flux gagescated at strategic locations on the blade can be used to methe potential impact of the hot streak on the surface heat tranHowever, a high-frequency response device to measure temture will be required to track the hot streak in the flow paTracking these hot streaks in the flow path will also requiretraverse mechanism to move the temperature sensing dethrough the blade and/or vane wakes, which is also posswithin the current state-of-the-art technology. Sieverding et@489# provide an excellent review of high-frequency measuremtechniques and describe a device that has the required frequresponse for this purpose.

It is within the experimental state of the art to design and pform a measurement program directed at providing a databasvalidating the hot streak migration CFD codes noted in the preous paragraph. In this regard, it is important to duplicate repsentative temperature profiles with respect to their circumferenand radial distribution consistent with the engine. Upstream vclocking relative to the hot streak and downstream vane clockrelative to the upstream vane are important parameters instudy.

5.3 Blade Tip Heat Transfer. Burnout of high-pressure turbine blade tips is currently one of the more expensive problefacing the industry. In Section 4.1.5, a brief discussion of h

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transfer to the blade tip was presented. It was demonstratedthe heat-flux values at local sites in the blade tip region couldin excess of the blade midspan stagnation value. One of the lexpenses within the gas turbine industry is the necessity to repor re-work HPT blades because of thermal distress in the tipgion. The blade tip burn spot~spots! can sometimes be reworkeand the blade returned to service, but in other cases struccracks develop and the blade must be replaced. The industry hgreat deal of field information for various blade-tip configurationbut this information comes as the result of engine tear down,is of a nature that indicates either distress or unacceptable sture. Laboratory measurements for rotating turbines operatinrealistic conditions of the type needed to supplement predictechniques for blade distress are very limited. The available dand predictions of this type were described in Section 4.1.5 forand recessed blade tips. It is easy to arrive at the conclusionmuch is left to be desired if one wishes to understand heat tranin the blade tip region better. Similar to the case of film coolinthis is another area for which the state-of-the-art experimentalcomputational capability has advanced significantly. Assemblincombined experimental and computational research effort wboth groups working very closely together has potentially hpay off for the gas turbine industry. The design of this effort neeto incorporate a machine capable of operating over a rangvane exit Mach number conditions, tip configurations, tip/shroclearance values, and vane/blade spacing. In addition, meaments and predictions need to be obtained for situations haand not having hot streaks both with and without cooling gas

5.4 Turbulence Intensity and Scale Measurements for Op-erating Gas Turbine Combustor. Gas turbine engine combustors are known to have associated with them varying degreeturbulence intensity and scale. In Section 3.2, it was noted thamagnitude and scale of the turbulence entering the HPT vanea well-known quantity. However, several groups of researcherswilling to state that the turbulence intensity ‘‘must be a higvalue’’ ~where high is often quoted to mean 10 to 18 percen!.Further, these same folks are willing to approximate the scalethe turbulence as on the order of 0.1, 1.0, or 10 times a chateristic dimension of the HPT vane. The fact that little is knowabout combustor turbulence intensity and scale is not becaussearchers over the years haven’t tried to measure these quanRather, it is because the environment in which the measuremare to be made is extremely hostile. It is very doubtful that withthe near term anyone will produce more specific informatabout combustor turbulence than was noted in Section 3. Hever, the results reported by Goebel et al.@89# are a reasonablestart for a measurement program utilizing an operating combuand perhaps the effort could be extended to an annular configtion. In the absence of further combustor measurement prograit would be instructive to create a turbulence of documentedtensity and scale and then to subject a rotating turbine stage toturbulent flow. Measurements on the vane and blade surfawould include, but not be limited to, heat-flux and surfacpressure distributions. The obvious next step would be to remthe turbulence generator, determine the free-stream turbule~and associated scale! in the absence of the turbulence generatand then repeat the heat-flux measurements for the same tuhardware. It would be important to perform the measurementsboth an uncooled and a fully cooled turbine stage~see Section5.1!.

5.5 Blade Vibratory Response for Turbine. The modernturbine designs have associated with them large stage presratios and reduced vane and blade count in an effort to extmore work from the flow and to reduce the weight of the machiThere have been some instances for these modern designwhich high-cycle-fatigue~HCF! has become a source of concerThe ability of the turbine designer to predict HCF may not begood as the ability to predict surface-pressure distributions

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surface heat transfer distributions. It is generally agreed withinindustry that the uncertainty associated with predicting vibratresponse and blade damping is relatively large and datawhich to compare the predictive codes are in scarce supply. Hever, the state of the art in experimental techniques has progreto the point where useful information regarding HCF can nowobtained at an affordable price with sufficient accuracy to intethe design community.

The work of Kielb et al.@37,65# was performed using a machine that is more than forty years old that was designed to oate at a very modest pressure ratio with the vane at subsonicMach number. Similar data sets for more modern turbine staoperating at transonic exit conditions and more aggressive psure ratios are not available for comparison purposes.

Short-duration facilities have demonstrated sufficient test tto produce the modal response for many of the important exctions of interest. There is now the opportunity for the industryextend the techniques developed in this earlier work to a sigcantly more modern turbine stage operating at much more aggsive stage pressure ratios. Several turbine stages of current into the industry could be used in conjunction with the experimentechnique noted above to provide valuable design informatAmong these are the vaneless counterrotating machines descin References@34# and @36# that both operate at transonic condtions. However, with little effort one could envision many othturbine configurations for which affordable experimental informtion could be generated that would prove useful to the indust

5.6 Low-Pressure Turbine Measurements. All of the low-pressure turbine measurement programs described hereinbeen performed in the absence of an upstream high-pressurebine. Thus, the disturbances generated by the HPT haveassumed to either be relatively small or have been simulatedbars, grids, or some other mechanism. Further, the additiondimples and/or vortex generator jets to the low-pressure turbblades in order to achieve passive or active control of boundlayer separation still is in need of verification in a rotating renvironment. In a long run time rig, it is a difficult task to operaa HPT in conjunction with the LPT. The major advantage tolong run time is the availability of measurement techniques thave increased accuracy at the expense of significant integrtime. However, short duration facilities can complement the mexpensive long duration facilities. As described, measuremprograms have been performed using short duration facilitieswhich the high-pressure turbine~with a significant stage pressurratio! was followed by a second stage. These measurementgrams demonstrated that there was sufficient second-stagepressure to install additional stages. Further, the capability exito increase the first-stage inlet pressure so that the later stwould have sufficient pressure to allow for reasonable signanoise ratio for the pressure transducers. The instrumentationavailable for the short duration facility is significantly differethan for the long duration facility. Primary measurementscomposed of surface heat transfer, surface pressure, strain gmounted on the airfoils, and flowpath quantities such as stpressure and total temperature and pressure. The suggestedsurements would provide a significant supplement the alreadyisting knowledge base for low-pressure turbines. They aresigned to fill the rather obvious gaps in the existing technolobut not to supercede the existing database or to replace exiexperimental techniques.

5.7 Internal Cooling. Internal cooling measurements reevant to the high-pressure turbine blade obtained at conditrepresentative of the engine are difficult to find in the literatuComputational techniques are available that can be used to prthe blade internal heat transfer. A concerted effort designedprovide such experimental information would be beneficial toheat transfer community. These measurements could be usverify many of the lumped parameter correlations that are c

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hed tour-

rently used to predict internal heat transfer and to provide ancpoints for more advanced calculations. To be useful to the comunity, it is necessary that engine hardware blades and disused as the experimental vehicle. Instrumentation capable of msuring temperature, pressure, and heat transfer at selectedtions internal to the blade and disk would be installed. As optidiagnostics improve and the associated frequency responscreases, they would become a very useful addition to the insmentation suite. Heaters would be installed in the blade skinthat the proper buoyancy can be duplicated and the disk woulrotated at the design engine speed to duplicate the rotationarameter. Performance of this measurement program is withincapability of the current state of the art.

6 Selected ReferencesThe reference section of this paper contains numerous citat

relevant to the development of turbine aerodynamics and htransfer, but this collection is likely more than the person wcasual interest desires. Thus, this section lists approximatelyreferences~grouped by topic! which provide a reasonable startinpoint for interested readers. The references have been selectprovide an overall historical view of the specific area. The lbegins with papers that generally do not include comparisonstween prediction and measurement. The middle portion inclupapers showing comparison between prediction with measuremand concludes with a recent paper or two that represent the culevel of technology in the field. An attempt has been madecompiling the list to cite the different organizations involvedthe research activities discussed in the paper.

6.1 Turbine Aerodynamics

Rai, M. M., 1987, ‘‘Unsteady Three-Dimensional NavierStokes Simulations of Turbine Rotor–Stator Interaction,’’ AIAPaper No. 87-2058.

Giles, M. B., 1988, ‘‘Calculation of Unsteady Wake Rotor Interaction,’’ AIAA J. of Propulsion and Power,4, No. 4, pp. 356–362.

Whitfield, D. L., Janus, J. M., and Simpson, L. B., 1988, ‘‘Implicit Finite Volume High Resolution Wave-Split Scheme foSolving the Unsteady Three-Dimensional Euler and NavieStokes Equations on Stationary or Dynamic Grids,’’ MSSU-EIRASE-88-2.

Sharma, O. P., Pickett, G. F., and Ni, R. H., 1990, ‘‘Assessmof Unsteady Flows in Turbines,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,114, pp.79–90.

Rao, K. V., Delaney, R. A., and Dunn, M. G., 1994, ‘‘VaneBlade Interaction in a Transonic Turbine, Part I—AerodynamicAIAA J. Propulsion and Power,10, No. 3, pp. 305–311.

Busby, J. A., Davis, R. L., Dorney, D. J., Dunn, M. G., Haldman, C. W., Abhari, R. S., Venable, B. L., and Delaney, R.1998, ‘‘Influence of Vane–Blade Spacing on Transonic TurbStage Aerodynamics Part II: Time Resolved Data and AnalysASME Paper No. 98-GT-482.

Adamczyk, J. J., 2000, ‘‘Aerodynamic Analysis of MultistagTurbomachinery Flows in Support of Aerodynamic DesignASME J. Turbomach.,122, No. 2, pp. 189–217.

Denos, R., Arts, T., Paniagua, G., Michelassi, V., and MarteF., 2000, ‘‘Investigation of the Unsteady Rotor Aerodynamics inTransonic Turbine Stage,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-435.

Barter, J. W., Vitt, P. H., and Chen, J. P., 2000, ‘‘InteractiEffects in a Transonic Stage,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-037

6.2 Turbine Heat Transfer

Crawford, M. E., and Kays, W. M., 1976, ‘‘STAN5—A Program for Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Internand External Boundary Layer Flows,’’ NASA CR-2742.

Gaugler, R. E., 1981, ‘‘Some Modifications to, and OperatiExperience With, the Two Dimensional, Finite-DifferencBoundary Layer Code, STAN 5,’’ ASME Paper No. 81-GT-89.

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Dring, R. P., Joslyn, H. D., Hardin, L. W., and Wagner, J.1982, ‘‘Turbine Rotor-Stator Interaction,’’ ASME J. Eng. Powe104, pp. 729–742.

Dunn, M. G., Rae, W. J., and Holt, J. L., 1983, ‘‘Measuremeand Analysis of Heat Flux in a Turbine Stage: Part II—Discussof Results and Comparison With Prediction,’’ ASME J. Eng. GTurbines Power,106, pp. 234–240.

Guenette, G. R., Epstein, A. H., Giles, M. B., Haimes, R., aNorton, R. J. G., 1988, ‘‘Fully Scaled Transonic Turbine Roheat Transfer Measurements,’’ ASME Paper No. 88-GT-171.

Goebel, S. G., Abuaf, N., Lovett, J. A., and Lee, C.-P., 19‘‘Measurement of Combustor Velocity and Turbulence ProfileASME Paper No. 93-GT-228.

Owen, J. M., and Rogers, R. H., 1995,Flow and Heat Transferin Rotating-Disc Systems, Vol. 2: Rotor–Stator Systems, ResearchStudies Press, Taunton, UK; Wiley, New York.

Hilditch, M. A., and Ainsworth, R. W., 1990, ‘‘Unsteady HeaTransfer Measurements on a Rotating Gas Turbine Blade,’’ASPaper No. 90-GT-175.

Abhari, R. S., Guenette, G. R., Epstein, A. H., and Giles, M.1991, ‘‘Comparison of Time-Resolved Turbine Rotor Blade HeTransfer Measurements and Numerical Calculations,’’ ASMEper No. 91-GT-268.

Taslim, M. E., Li, T., and Spring, S. D., 1993, ‘‘ExperimentStudy of the Effects of Bleed Holes on Heat Transfer and PresDrop in Trapezoidal Passages With Tapered Turbulators,’’ ASJ. Turbomach.,117, pp. 281–289.

Giel, P. W., VanFossen, G. J., Boyle, R. J., Thurman, D. R.,Civinskas, K. C., 1999, ‘‘Blade Heat Transfer MeasurementsPredictions in a Transonic Turbine Cascade,’’ ASME Paper99-GT-125.

Dunn, M. G., Haldeman, C. W., Abhari, R. S., and McMillaM. L., 2000, ‘‘Influence of Vane/Blade Spacing on the Heat Flfor a Transonic Turbine,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-206.

Bergholz, R. F., Dunn, M. G., and Steuber, G. D., 2000, ‘‘RotStator Heat Transfer Measurements and CFD PredictionsShort-Duration Turbine Rig Tests,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-G208.

6.3 Blade Tip Heat Transfer

Mayle, R. E., and Metzger, D. E., 1982, ‘‘Heat Transfer at tTip of an Unshrouded Turbine Blade,’’Proc. 7th InternationalHeat Transfer Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 87–92.

Bindon, J. P., 1986, ‘‘Pressure and Flowfield MeasurementAxial Turbine Tip Clearance Flow in a Linear Cascade,’’ Cambridge University Engineering Department, TR 123.

Metzger, D. E., Bunker, R. S., and Chyu, M. K., 1989, ‘‘CaviHeat Transfer on a Transverse Grooved Wall in a Narrow FChannel,’’ ASME J. Heat Transfer, 111, pp. 73–79.

Metzger, D. E., Dunn, M. G., and Hah, C., 1991, ‘‘Turbine Tand Shroud Heat Transfer,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,113, pp. 502–507.

Ameri, A. A., Steinthorsson, E., and Rigby, D. L., 1997, ‘‘Effeof Squealer Tip on Rotor Heat Transfer and Efficiency,’’ ASMETurbomach.,120, pp. 753–759.

Bunker, R. S., 2000, ‘‘A Review of Turbine Blade Tip HeaTransfer,’’ presented at Turbine 2000 International SymposiumHeat Transfer in Gas Turbine Systems, Izmir, Turkey.

6.4 Temperature Migration and Vane Clocking

Butler, T. L., Sharma, O. P., Joslyn, H. D., and Dring, R.1989, ‘‘Redistribution of an Inlet Temperature Distortion in aAxial Flow Turbine Stage,’’ AIAA J. Propulsion,5, pp. 64–71.

Takahashi, R., and Ni, R. H., 1991, ‘‘Unsteady Hot StreSimulation Through 1-1/2 Stage Turbine,’’ AIAA Paper No. 93382.

Shang, T., Guenette, G. R., Epstein, A. H., and Saxer, A.

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1995, ‘‘The Influence of Inlet Temperature Distortion on RotHeat Transfer in a Transonic Turbine,’’ AIAA Paper No. AIAA95-3042.

Dorney, D. J., and Sharma, O. P., 1996, ‘‘A Study of TurbiPerformance Increases Through Airfoil Clocking,’’ AIAA PapeNo. 96-2816.

Tiedemann, M., and Kost, F., 2000, ‘‘Some Aspects of WakWake Interactions Regarding Turbine Stator Clocking,’’ ASMPaper No. 2000-GT-487.

6.5 Turbulence and Boundary Layer Transition

Blair, M. F., 1983, ‘‘Influence of Free-Stream Turbulence oTurbulent Boundary Layer Heat Transfer and Mean Profile Devopment, Part I—Experimental Data, and Part II—Analysis of Rsults,’’ ASME J. Heat Transfer,105, pp. 33–47.

Hodson, H. P., 1984, ‘‘Boundary-Layer Transition and Sepation Near the Leading Edge of a High-Speed Turbine BladASME Paper No. 84-GT-179.

Mayle, R. E., 1991, ‘‘The Role of Laminar-Turbulent Transitioin Gas Turbine Engines,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,113, pp. 509–537.

Addison, J. S., and Hodson, H. P., 1991, ‘‘Modeling of Usteady Transitional Boundary Layers,’’ ASME Paper No. 91-G282.

Mayle, R. E., Dullenkopf, K., and Schultz, A., 1997, ‘‘The Tubulence That Matters,’’ ASME Paper No. 97-GT-274.

6.6 Turbine Cooling

Blair, M. F., 1974, ‘‘An Experimental Study of Heat Transfeand Film Cooling on Large-Scale Turbine Endwalls,’’ ASMEHeat Transfer,96, pp. 524–529.

Dring, R. P., Blair, M. F., and Joslyn, H. D., 1980, ‘‘An Expermental Investigation of Film Cooling on a Turbine Rotor BladeASME J. Eng. Power,102, pp. 81–87.

Yavuzkurt, S., 1985, ‘‘Full-Coverage Film Cooling a OneEquation Model of Turbulence for the Calculation of the FuCoverage and the Recovery-Region Hydrodynamics,’’ ASME Pper No. 85-GT-119.

Takeishi, K., Aoki, S., Sato, T., and Tsukagoshi, K, 1991, ‘‘FilCooling on a Gas Turbine Rotor Blade,’’ASME Paper No. 91-G279.

Abhari, R. S., 1996, ‘‘Impact of Rotor–Stator Interaction oTurbine Blade Film Cooling’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,118, pp.123–133.

Kercher, D. M., 1998, ‘‘A Film Cooling CFD Bibliography:1971–1996,’’ Int. J. Rotating Machinery,4, No. 1, pp. 61–72.

Kercher, D. M., 2000, ‘‘Turbine Airfoil Leading Edge FilmCooling Bibliography: 1972-1998,’’ Int. J. Rotating Machinery,6,No. 5, pp. 313–319.

6.7 Low-Pressure Turbine

Hourmouziadis, J., Buckl, F., and Bergmann, P., 1986, ‘‘TDevelopment of the Profile Boundary Layer in a Turbine Enviroment,’’ ASME Paper No. 86-GT-244.

Binder, A., Schroeder, T., and Hourmouziadis, J., 1988, ‘‘Tbulence Measurements in a Multistage Low-Pressure TurbinASME Paper No. 88-GT-79.

Hourmouziadis, J., 1989, ‘‘Aerodynamic Design of Low Presure Turbines,’’ AGARD Lecture Series 167.

Denton, J. D., 1993, ‘‘Loss Mechanisms in TurbomachineASME Paper No. 93-GT-435.

Schulte, V., and Hodson, H. P., 1996, ‘‘Unsteady Wake-InducBoundary Layer Transition in High Lift LP Turbines,’’ ASMEPaper No. 96-GT-486.

Halstead, D. E., Wisler, D. C., Okiishi, T. H., Walker, G. JHodson, H. P., and Shin, H.-W., 1997, ‘‘Boundary Layer Devopment in Axial Compressors and Turbines: Part 14—Composite Picture,’’ibid., 119, pp. 114–127. ‘‘Part 2 of

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4—Compressors,’’ibid., 119, pp. 426–444. ‘‘Part 3 of 4—LP Turbines,’’ ibid., 119, pp. 225–237. ‘‘Part 4 of 4—Computations aAnalyses,’’ibid., 119, pp. 128–139.

Hodson, H. P., 1998, ‘‘Bladerow Interactions in Low PressuTurbines,’’Blade Row Interference Effects in Axial Turbomachery Stages, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, LecturSeries 1998-02.

Sharma, O., 1998, ‘‘Impact of Reynolds Number on LP TurbPerformance,’’Minnowbrook Workshop on Boundary Layer Trasition in Turbomachines, J. E. LaGraff and D. E. Ashpis, eds., p65–69.~See also NASA/CP-1998-206958.!

Bons, J. P., Sondergaard, R., and Rivir, R. B., 2000, ‘‘TurbSeparation Control Using Pulsed Vortex Generator Jets,’’ ASPaper No. 2000-GT-262.

Howell, R., Ramesh, O., and Hodson, H. P., 2000, ‘‘High Land Aft Loaded Profiles for Low Pressure Turbines,’’ ASME Pper No. 2000-GT-261.

AcknowledgmentsThe author expresses his appreciation to the IGTI Scholar L

ture committee for providing the opportunity and motivationsperform this review of turbine heat transfer state of the art. Tauthor would also like to express appreciation to his friendscolleagues, as well as to the IGTI Scholar Lecture committee,their dedicated effort in providing technical reviews and criticcomments of the draft of the paper. Much of the material psented in this paper comes from research performed by the auand his colleagues at the Ohio State University Gas Turbine Laratory. In this regard, the author would like to acknowledgededication of two talented individuals, Charles W. Haldeman aJeffrey L. Barton. These individuals have collaborated withauthor in performing numerous turbine aerodynamics and htransfer studies for the past eleven and twenty years, respectiCharlie Haldeman was extremely helpful in providing critictechnical review comments regarding the manuscript. The auwould also like to express his appreciation to many friendsacademia, government, and industry who have graciously shinformation for inclusion in this review. The author would furthlike to express his appreciation to ASME for granting permissto reproduce herein figures published in previous ASME publitions. A more detailed version of this paper is available as an OState University Gas Turbine Laboratory technical report.

References@1# Clark, J. P., Stetson, G. M., Magge, S. S., Ni, R. H., Haldeman, C. W.,

Dunn, M. G., 2000, ‘‘The Effect of Airfoil Scaling on the Predicted UnsteaLoading on the Blade of a 1 and 1/2 Stage Transonic Turbine and a Compason With Experimental Results,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-0446.

@2# Abhari, R. S., 1996, ‘‘Impact of Rotor–Stator Interaction on Turbine BlaFilm Cooling,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,118, pp. 123–133.

@3# Simoneau, R. J., and Simon, F. F., 1993, ‘‘Progress Towards Understanand Predicting Heat Transfer in the Turbine Gas Path,’’ Int. J. Heat Fluid Fl14, No. 2, pp. 106–127.

@4# Denton, J. D., and Singh, U. K., 1979, ‘‘Time Marching Methods for Turbmachinery Flow Calculations. Part I—Basic Principles and 20 Applicatioand 11 Three Dimensional Flows,’’Application of Numerical Methods to FlowCalculations in Turbomachinery, VKI Lecture Series 1979-7.

@5# Denton, J. D., 1982, ‘‘An Improved Time Marching Method for Turbomachery Flow Calculations,’’ ASME Paper No. 82-GT-239.

@6# Rai, M. M., 1987, ‘‘Navier–Stokes Simulations of Rotor–Stator InteractiUsing Patched and Overlaid Grids,’’ J. Propul. Power,3, No. 5, pp. 387–396.

@7# Rai, M. M., 1987, ‘‘Unsteady Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Simulatioof Turbine Rotor–Stator Interaction,’’ AIAA Paper No. 87–2058.

@8# Giles, M. B., 1988, ‘‘UNSFLO: A Numerical Method for Unsteady InvisciFlow in Turbomachinery,’’ MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory Report No. 195.

@9# Giles, M. B., 1988, ‘‘Calculation of Unsteady Wake Rotor Interaction,’’Propul. Power,4, No. 4, pp. 356–362.

@10# Sharma, O. P., Renaud, T. L., Butler, T. L., and Milsaps, K., 1988, ‘‘RotoStator Interaction in Multi-Stage Axial-Flow Turbines,’’ AIAA Paper No. 883013.

@11# Whitfield, D. L., Janus, J. M., and Simpson, L. B., 1988, ‘‘Implicit FinitVolume High Resolution Wave—Split Scheme for Solving the UnsteaThree-Dimensional Euler and Navier–Stokes Equations on Stationary ornamic Grids,’’ MSSU-EIRS-ASE-88-2.

@12# Ni, R. H., and Bogoian, J. C., 1989, ‘‘Prediction of Three-Dimensional M

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tistage Turbine Flow Field Using a Multiple-Grid Euler Solver,’’ AIAA PapeNo. 89-0203.

@13# Rao, K. V., and Delaney, R. A., 1990, ‘‘Investigation of Unsteady FloThrough a Transonic Turbine Stage: Part I—Analysis,’’ AIAA Paper No. 92408.

@14# Sharma, O. P., Pickett, G. F., and Ni, R. H., 1992, ‘‘Assessment of UnsteFlows in Turbines,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,114, pp. 79–90.

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@22# von Hoyningen-Huene, M., and Jung, A. R., 2000, ‘‘Comparison of DiffereAcceleration Techniques and Methods for Periodic Boundary TreatmenUnsteady Turbine Stage Flow Simulations,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,122, pp.234–246.

@23# Adamczyk, J. J., 2000, ‘‘Aerodynamic Analysis of Multistage TurbomachineFlows in Support of Aerodynamic Design,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,122, No. 2,pp. 189–217.

@24# Dring, R. P., and Joslyn, H. D., 1981, ‘‘Measurement of Turbine Rotor BlaFlows,’’ ASME J. Eng. Power,103, pp. 400–405.

@25# Dring, R. P., Joslyn, H. D., Hardin, L. W., and Wagner, J. J., 1982, ‘‘TurbiRotor–Stator Interaction,’’ ASME J. Eng. Power,104, pp. 729–742.

@26# Blair, M. F., Dring, R. P., and Joslyn, H. D., 1988, ‘‘The Effects of Turbulenand Stator/Rotor Interactions on Turbine Heat Transfer Part I: Design Opeing Conditions,’’ ASME Paper No. 88-GT-125.

@27# Dunn, M. G., Kim, J., Civinskas, K. C., and Boyle, R. J., 1994, ‘‘TimeAveraged Heat Transfer and Pressure Measurements and ComparisonPrediction for a Two-Stage Turbine,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,116, pp. 14–22.

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@29# Moss, R. W., Ainsworth, R. W., Sheldrake, C. D., and Miller, R., 1997, ‘‘ThUnsteady Pressure Field Over a Turbine Blade Surface: Visualization andterpretation of Experimental Data,’’ ASME Paper No. 97-GT-474.

@30# Busby, J. A., Davis, R. L., Dorney, D. J., Dunn, M. G., Haldeman, C. WAbhari, R. S., Venable, B. L., and Delaney, R. A., 1999, ‘‘Influence of VanBlade Spacing on Transonic Turbine Stage Aerodynamics. Part II: Timesolved Data and Analysis,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,121, pp. 673–682.

@31# Venable, B. L., Delaney, R. A., Busby, J. A., Davis, R. L., Dorney, D. J., DunM. G., Haldeman, C. W., and Abhari, R. S., 1999, ‘‘Influence of Vane-BlaSpacing on Transonic Turbine Stage Aerodynamics, Part I: Time-AveraData and Analysis,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,121, pp. 663–672.

@32# Barter, J. W., Vitt, P. H., and Chen, J. P., 2000, ‘‘Interaction Effects inTransonic Stage,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-0376.

@33# Denos, R., Arts, T., Paniagua, G., Michelassi, V., and Martelli, F., 2001, ‘‘vestigation of the Unsteady Rotor Aerodynamics in a Transonic TurbStage,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,123, pp. 81–89.

@34# Haldeman, C. W., Dunn, M. G., Abhari, R. S., Johnson, P. D., and Mondeoca, X. A., 2000, ‘‘Experimental and Computational Investigation of tTime-Averaged and Time-Resolved Pressure Loading on a Vaneless CouRotating Turbine,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-445.

@35# Laumert, B., Martensson, H., and Fransson, T., 2000, ‘‘Investigation ofFlowfield in the Transonic VKI BRITE EURAM Turbine Stage With 3DSteady and Unsteady N–S Computations,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-43

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@37# Kielb, J. J., Abhari, R. S., and Dunn, M. G., 2001, ‘‘Experimental and Numecal Study of Forced Response in a Full-Scale Rotating Turbine,’’ ASME PaNo. 2001-GT-263.

@38# Ni, R. H., and Sharma, O. P., 1990, ‘‘Using Three-Dimensional Euler FlSimulations to Assess Effects of Periodic Unsteady Flow Through TurbineAIAA Paper No. 90–2357.

@39# Takahashi, R., and Ni, R. H., 1991, ‘‘Unsteady Hot Streak Simulation Throu1-1/2 Stage Turbine,’’ AIAA Paper No. 91-3382.

@40# Lewis, J. P., Delaney, R. A., and Hall, E. J., 1989, ‘‘Numerical PredictionTurbine Vane–Blade Aerodynamic Interaction,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111,pp. 387–393.

@41# Dorney, D. J., and Davis, R. L., 1992, ‘‘Navier-Stokes Analysis of Turbi

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Blade Heat Transfer and Performance,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,114, pp. 795–806.

@42# Baldwin, B. S., and Lomax, H., 1978, ‘‘Thin Layer Approximation and Algbraic Model for Separated Turbulent Flow,’’ AIAA Paper No. 78-257.

@43# Turner, M. G., Vitt, P. H., Topp, D. A., Saeidi, S., Hunter, S. D., Dailey, L. Dand Beach, T. A., 1999, ‘‘Multistage Simulations of the GE90 TurbineASME Paper No. 99-GT-98.

@44# Chen, J. P., and Barter, J. W., 1998, ‘‘Comparison of Time-Accurate Calctions for the Unsteady Interaction in a Turbomachinery Stage,’’ AIAA PaNo. 98-3292.

@45# Dunn, M. G., Bennett, W. A., Delaney, R. A., and Rao, K. V., 1992, ‘‘Invesgation of Unsteady Flow Through a Transonic Turbine Stage: Data/PredicComparison for Time-Averaged and Phase-Resolved Pressure Data,’’ ASMTurbomach.,114, pp. 91–99.

@46# Ni, R. H., Sharma, O. P., Takahashi, R. K., and Bogoian, J. C., 1989, ‘‘Pretion of 3D Multi-Stage Turbine Flow Field Using a Multiple-Grid EuleSolver,’’ AIAA Paper No. 89-0203.

@47# Sharma, O. P., and Syed, S. A., 1991, ‘‘Turbulence Modeling in Gas TurbDesign and Analysis,’’ AIAA Paper 91-0514.

@48# Sharma, O. P., Ni, R. H., and Tanrikut, S., 1994, ‘‘Unsteady Flows in Turbiand Impact on Design Procedures,’’ AGARD Lecture Series #195,Turboma-chinery Design Using CFD.

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