controlador de motores

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  • 8/4/2019 controlador de motores


    P/N: 010-0051-00





    1.5 (39mm)

    1 (26mm)

    0.35 (9mm)

    Weight: 0.7 oz (20 grams)

    Max amps: 36*

    Max volts: 15 volts

    3S LiPo

    10 NiCad/NiMh

    BEC: linear regulator

    3 amp max

    Castle Link Compatible

    8 5 08 6 6 0 00 01 6BRUSHLESS SPEED COTROL



    This product was assembled in the USA or Mexico o U.S. and imported parts.

    Castle Creations, Inc. warrants this product to be ree rom manuacturing deects or aperiod o one year rom date o purchase.

    *Current rating or ull throttle operation with a 5 mph airow over the controller.Safety First!Castle Creations, Inc., is not responsible or your use o this product, or or any damages orinjuries you may cause or sustain as a result or its usage. An electric motor that is connectedto a battery and speed control may start unexpectedly and cause serious injuries. Keep thepropeller away rom your body and others at all times. Always observe loca l laws regardingthe operation o remote controlled aircrat.This product may contain chemicals known to the State o Caliornia to cause cancer and orbirth deects or other reproductive harm. Do not ingest this controller, it may hurt you.

  • 8/4/2019 controlador de motores


    Couldnt be easier! Auto-Lipo detect and nobrake or 3D action right rom the package!

    1. Connect your ThunderbirdYou will need to solder connectors on your Thunderbirdcontroller. Please reer to the diagram above. Double-checkyour battery polarity and connections beore plugging abattery into your controller. There is no polarity or the

    three motor wires. I the motor spins the wrong waywhen power is applied, swap any two o the motor sideconnections and it will then spin properly. You may alsouse programming unction 3, described below, to reversethe rotation via the controllers sotware.

    NOTE TO FUTABA TRANSMITTER USERS You mayhave to reverse the throttle direction o your radio.Please see your radios instructions on how to make

    this change.

    2. Fly your ThunderbirdYour Thunderbird comes ready to y with LithiumPolymer type batteries. No settings changes are needed.To y, turn your transmitter on beore connecting yourThunderbird ESC to the motor battery. When you connectthe motor battery to the Thunderbird ESC, you will hearan initialization tone rom the motor and a series o beepstelling you how many Lithium Polymer cells in series arein your battery pack, and the servos will be active. Makesure that the number o beeps matches the number ocells in your pack. I it doesnt, make sure your pack isully charged. The Thunderbird will not arm unless youmove your throttle stick to the lowest position. When theThunderbird receives the low throttle command, it willarm and play a double tone through the motor, indicatingit is armed and now ready to run. I this is the rst timeyou are running the controller, advance the throttle slowly

    to ensure that the propeller rotation is correct. I it isnt,correct as described above.

    Changing Optional Settings on your ThunderbirdYou may change the Thunderbirds settings or BATTERY TYPE,BRAKE BEHAVIOR, and MOTOR DIRECTION. We recommend thatyou use the Castle Link (sold separately) to make these changesusing your PC. You may also change these settings using your radioand receiver.To change settings with your receiver, start with the motor battery

    unplugged and the transmitter ON.

    1. Put the throttle stick in the ull throttle (up) position.2. Connect the Thunderbird ESC to a battery pack.3. You should hear the rst multi-tone ring upon plug in, and the

    battery count in beeps i set or Auto-Lipo. Ater 2 seconds,you should hear a second multi-tone ring, indicating the ESCsees ull throttle.

    4. Bring the throttle stick down to the middle position, and youwill hear another ring.

    5. Bring the throttle stick back to the top position, and you willhear another ring.

    6. Bring the throttle stick to the middle position again, and youwill hear 4 rings all in a row. Then the Thunderbird will make asingle beep that repeats. This is setting question #1.What battery type?

    ForLithium Polymer type batteries (deault setting),move the stick up to ull throttle and wait or the rapidbeeps

    ForNiCad and NiMH type batteries, move the stick to

    low/of throttle and wait or the rapid beepsThe rapid beeps tell you that the controller has now storedthat answer in its memory.

    7. You can now move the stick back to the middle position or question#2BrakeONorOFF.TheThunderbirdshouldstart

    beeping two repeating beeps. This is setting question #2.Brake ON or OFF?

    ForBrake ON move the stick to ull throttle, and wait orthe rapid beeps

    ForBrake OFF (deault setting), move the stick to

    low/of throttle, and wait or the rapid beepsThe rapid beeps tell you that the controller has now storedthat answer in its memory.

    8. You can now move the stick back to the middle position orquestion #3 Rotation direction. The Thunderbird will startbeeping three repeating beeps. This is setting question #3.Rotation Direction?

    Forrotation orward (deault setting), move the stickto ull throttle, and wait or the rapid beeps

    Forrotation reversed, move the stick to low/of

    throttle, and wait or the rapid beepsThe rapid beeps tell you that the controller has now storedthat answer in its memory.

    Ater the last setting is made, the controller will exit programmingmode, and will arm when the throttle is in the low position.

    For troubleshooting, warranty information, or technical support,please contact us at: (913) 390-6939 or

    ATTENTION LIPO FLIERS - Always ollow your batterybrands saety recommendations. Your Thunderbirdis set at the actory to use a 3.0 volt per cell cutofvoltage. You may change this voltage setting usingthe Castle Link system (sold separately).

    2008 Castle Creations, Inc. 095- 0029- 00 Revision date - 09/2008