content curration

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Are Brands shifting to Online Content Curration Marketing? From advertising their products and services on T.v, Radio and newspapers now brands have taken over internet to reach their customers. How are they doing it? The answer is Content Curration. Content curration is an art of collecting, organising and displaying information for their target market and popular brands are wisely using this art on social networking sites like facebook, twitter, flipboard and their personal websites. A new rule have emerged in content curration, where, earlier brands kept bragging about their products and services now the rule of 80/20 is becoming standard. The idea is that 80% content of your social post will value your audience. This 80% content should be curated from other sources and aligned with your brand's mission, vision and values and the rest 20% content can be about you and your brand. The hidden motive of this 4:1 ratio is that more the content valuable to the audience more the brand will earn the right to talk about itself. Everyone loves to talk about themselves same is the case with companies but the reality the more the company talks about themselves the more their updates and blogs become ignorable noise. The Fact is: We are living in the era of content abundance. "On facebook alone, the average user creates 90 peices of content each month. If you multiply that by 800 million users the data or content on the internet is measured in billions of gigabytes," The objective of Online content curration should be: Tweet, post, share, update, publish content not only to advertise your brand, product and services but also to help people manage their career, job, work, life, time and relationships. Post countless content related to work, happiness and productivity hacks and see within seconds how your posts will get re-tweeted, shared along with developing conversations among your fan followers. And when a brand is successfull in facilitating a conversation it automatically positions itself to cultivate a relationship that is beyong a social like. These people become are the one's who become Word-of-mouth sales force. They will start associating your products and services
  2. 2. with you vision, mission and values. This is where a company starts telling their customers what the company stands for without being too pontifical. But, remember the key is, to share with them things that make that case and your customers will begin to see you in a new light. Don't be just a product by talking all about yourself everytime, spend your social real estate platform to be more than a product. Remember, trusted resources pull more trigger than "Buy Now" bullhorns.