content analysis

Shot no. Shot type Shot length Scene no. Content/Purpose 1 Title screen 16 seconds 1 This shot contains writing, which shows a 999 call. This adds to the realism around the movie, and also makes you intrigued as to what has happened for the call to take place. It also shows you who the main character will be, and the theme of this horror movie, as death is mentioned. This is a conventional theme within the horror genre, so would appeal to the audience. 2 Mid-Shot 1 second 2 This shot shows a mid-shot of a woman, the main character, sat looking vulnerable. This is in the dark, so the use of a night vision camera is used, which adds to the realism, and also makes her eyes stand out, which adds to the fear within the audience. This vulnerability links to the theme of an exorcism, which is mentioned throughout. 3 Two-Shot 1 second 3 This shot shows some of the characters within the film, giving you background into what is happening in the story. It also shows the surroundings, which are a normal setting of a café. This shows them to be normal people, which add to the realism around the storyline. 4 Wide- Shot and Close Up 2 seconds 3 This shot introduces another main character to the story, and the close up shows her facial expression, which makes her look worried, which links to the horror genre. It also shows her to be looking toward the ground, which may show she is ashamed, or feels vulnerable around the other characters in this scene. The wide shot shows her body language and the surroundings, which is a normal café setting. Her body language shows her to be vulnerable and worried, as she moves her hands a lot. This vulnerability is conventional in the horror genre, and in this theme as it shows there is a dominant character within the

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Page 1: Content analysis

Shot no. Shot type Shot length Scene no. Content/Purpose1 Title screen 16 seconds 1 This shot contains writing, which shows a 999 call. This adds to the realism around the movie,

and also makes you intrigued as to what has happened for the call to take place. It also shows you who the main character will be, and the theme of this horror movie, as death is mentioned. This is a conventional theme within the horror genre, so would appeal to the audience.

2 Mid-Shot 1 second 2 This shot shows a mid-shot of a woman, the main character, sat looking vulnerable. This is in the dark, so the use of a night vision camera is used, which adds to the realism, and also makes her eyes stand out, which adds to the fear within the audience. This vulnerability links to the theme of an exorcism, which is mentioned throughout.

3 Two-Shot 1 second 3 This shot shows some of the characters within the film, giving you background into what is happening in the story. It also shows the surroundings, which are a normal setting of a café. This shows them to be normal people, which add to the realism around the storyline.

4 Wide-Shot and Close Up

2 seconds 3 This shot introduces another main character to the story, and the close up shows her facial expression, which makes her look worried, which links to the horror genre. It also shows her to be looking toward the ground, which may show she is ashamed, or feels vulnerable around the other characters in this scene. The wide shot shows her body language and the surroundings, which is a normal café setting. Her body language shows her to be vulnerable and worried, as she moves her hands a lot. This vulnerability is conventional in the horror genre, and in this theme as it shows there is a dominant character within the storyline.

5 Wide Shot, uses Rule of Thirds

1 second 3 This shot shows one of the characters in the film, which links to the storyline of an exorcism, as he is a priest, shown by the costume he is wearing. This wide shot also is quite close up, so shows his facial expression, which shows the worry and panic within this character, which makes you feel tense for what is going to happen next. The wide shot shows the surroundings behind him, which is conventional for a horror movie as typically most things happen behind the characters, to create fear. It also shows the normal setting of a café, showing them to be normal people, adding to the realism of the movie. The rule of thirds places him on the left of the shot, which shows he is not key to the story or scene, as he would be in the centre of the shot, but also shows his surroundings.

6 Establishing Shot

1 second 4 This shot shows an ellipsis of time, as it goes back in time as to what the characters are talking about in the previous scene. This establishing shot shows that something bad has happened, as you see police cars and them tapping off a specific area. This links to the horror genre as it creates panic, and also intrigues you as to wanting to know what has happened within the scene, and in the story. This shot uses dark, low key lighting, which is conventional for this

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genre, as it connotes a sense of mystery around the film and the setting.7 Wide Shot,

uses rule of thirds, mid-shot.

1 second. 4 This wide shot shows a news reporter and the surroundings behind her. The surroundings behind her show that something bad has happened as there is a police car and a house, which gives you an insight into the storyline, and intrigues you. This shot also uses low key lighting on the background, adding to the sense of mystery surrounding the movie, which links well to the horror genre of movie. This shot also shows something big has happened as the use of a character being a news reporter and the words ‘breaking news’ show that something bad has happened, as its being reported about. This links to the horror genre of something negative and dangerous happening. The character being on the left third allows the audience to see what is happening behind her, which is conventional in a horror movie as a lot happens around the characters. This shot also shows that she is not a main character, but adds to the realism of the storyline, as it looks like what has happened is being reported about on the news, and you can see the fear and worry within the characters facial expression, as she is quite close to the camera, which would be a mid-shot.

8 Wide Shot 1 second. 4 This shot shows the main character in the back of a police car. This shot shows that what has happened in the story is quite serious, and you can also see the fear in the characters facial expression. There is the use of low-key lighting, which adds to the mystery around the story and the fear, but the lighting used highlights the main characters face, which could be from a handheld or night vision camera, which adds to the realism around the movie. The composition of the shot shows the character is in the centre of the shot, which shows she is the main focus of the movie, and the storyline is going to revolve around her.

9 Wide Shot 1 second. 3 This shot shows one of the main characters, which is the main characters daughter, talking about what happened. This wide shot shows the surroundings of a normal café, which shows them to be normal people, which add to the realism of the movie. The wide shot shows her to look vulnerable, as she is looking down, which is conventional within the horror genre, as there are always characters which feel isolated within horror movies. This shot type also shows her costume, which is normal clothing, linking to the realism of the story and the interpretation that the characters in this café are normal people. This wide shot also shows the main character to be in the centre of the shot, showing her to be the most important character within this scene.

10 Close Up and Wide Shot

1 second. 3 This shot shows one of the characters in the café, which is the priest. As this is a close up it shows his facial expression and body language, which shows him to look worried and panicked about what the main characters daughter is telling him. This shot also uses a focus pull, showing him to be the focus of the shot, as everything around him is not in focus, but he is. He

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is on the left side of the shot, allowing you to see the surroundings behind him, and showing him to not be the most important character in the scene, as he is not central, unlike the main characters daughter is in her shots within this scene.

11 Close Up and Two Shot

2 seconds. 5 This shot shows an image of the main character and her daughter, but is focused on the main character. As this shot is of an old photograph, this adds to the realism around the movie, which helps to make the audience feel more afraid when watching. This two shot shows the relationship between the two main characters, which gives an insight into the storyline for the audience, and adds to the realism of the film. The close up shows the facial expression of the two characters, mainly the main character that the exorcism was performed on. This facial expression shows her to appear unhappy, and would also cause fear within the audience, due to the blank expression on her face, and her eyes being one of the main focuses in the shot. This shot type also shows the other character to appear unhappy, which would give the audience some insight into the background of the story and the family scenario, allowing them to understand what is going to happen more.

12 Close Up 1 second. 3 This shot shows one of the other characters in the café setting. There is the use of a close up, which shows the facial expression of the character, which shows them to feel panicked and worried about what the main characters daughter is telling them. The shot is quite wide, so this shows the surroundings behind the character, which is conventional within the horror genre, as this is where the majority of things happen.

13 Establishing Shot

2 seconds. 6 This shot shows the settings within the film, which looks to be a city centre. This shot adds to realism within the movie, as it shows that what is happening is in a normal city, so the people that it is happening to have normal lives.

14 Establishing shot with high angle

2 seconds. 6 This shot shows a building, which appears to be a church. This links to the storyline of an exorcism, which helps to give an insight into the storyline for the audience. This is appealing in a horror trailer.

15 Over the shoulder shot

1 second. 7 In this shot the character is on the left side of the composition to show the setting around her, which links to the previous scene, as they are in the church which links to the exorcism storyline, which is featured in this movie. As the camera is tracking, it adds to the realism of the movie, as it appears to be a handheld camera, which is being used. This realism helps to add to the fear and panic in the audience, as they would feel like they can link it toward their own lives.

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Shot no. Shot type Shot length Scene no. Content16 Wide Shot 1 second 7 The main characters daughter is walking around a church setting. The wide shot shows the

setting around her, which links to the storyline of an exorcism. This intrigues the audience as to what is going to happen in the rest of the movie, making them want to watch. This wide shot is conventional as in horror movies the majority of things happen around or behind the characters.

17 Close Up 1 second 3 Shows one of the characters in the café setting, which links to the realism of the movie and shows them to be normal people and for it to be a normal life setting. This close up shows the characters facial expression, showing him to appear panicked and worried about what is going to happen, which creates an atmosphere of fear within the movie, causing the audience to feel fearful.

18 Close up 1 Second. 3 Shows the main characters daughter speaking about what has happened, intriguing the audience into what is in the storyline. You can see her facial expression, which is showing her to look worried or vulnerable to the other characters, which is also shown in her body language when she looks downwards. She is in the centre of the shot, which shows her to be the main focus of the shot and of the scene.

19 Long Shot 4 seconds 8 This shows a doctor and the main characters daughter walking through what seems to be a hospital, which gives an insight into the storyline. This is also shown in the costume worn by the doctor character. In this shot the camera is tracking to follow the characters, which adds to the realism of the movie, as it appears to be a handheld camera, making it seem like it is actually happening in someone’s life.

20 Two Shot 2 seconds. 9 This shot shows some of the background around the characters, which shows where they are, which links to the storyline of an exorcism as there are crosses in the background. This shot also shows how the doctor is higher up than the other character, showing his dominance in profession over her. This shot also shows his facial expression, which shows him to look concerned or worried, which makes the audience feel worried and also intrigued into what is going to happen.

21 Wide Shot 1 second. 9 This shot shows the surroundings around the character, which gives an insight into what is going to happen as it shows where the characters are. This also shows the character to be on the right side of the shot and also shows her to look worried about what is going to happen in the story.

22 Low Angle 1 second. 10 This shot looks down on the two characters, which adds to the realism of the scene as it makes it seem that a security camera is being used in the movie. This links to the sense of danger

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around the character, which is created through the storyline in the previous scenes. This shows the setting, which the character is in, making them appear isolated to everyone else, but also adds to the sense of danger, which has been created around the main character, which is in the chair in this scene.

23 Wide Shot 1 second. 10 This shot shows the main character to be in the centre, which shows she is the main focus of the scene. It also shows her costume which makes the character look as though they do not care about their appearance, as what she is wearing looks worn and too big for her. This also shows her facial expression, in which she is not looking at the character that is her daughter, which shows her to not care. This links to the isolation theme within this movie. You can also see the setting, which is plain walls and floors, showing the isolation again.

24 Close Up 2 seconds. 10 This shot shows the facial expression of the character, showing her to appeared worried about what is going to happen next. This creates suspense within the audience, who then also feel worried for what is about to happen. It also shows the plain setting around her, showing the other character to be isolated.

25 Close Up 5 seconds 10 This shot shows the main characters facial expression. In this she doesn’t appear to care and has a plain expression, which links to the danger of the character as the audience are unaware of what is about to happen next. It also shows her to look tired, which shows the isolation of the character. It also shows her surroundings, which are plain and simple, which links to her facial expression.

26 Over the Shoulder Shot

2 seconds 10 This shot shows what the main characters daughter can see, which shows the main character to be on the left side, which is conventional within a horror movie. This shows her surroundings, which show the window, which has a wall behind it, which links to the isolation of the character, and also show her to be dangerous, which links to the storyline behind the character. This also shows the other characters clothing, which is dark colours, linking to the horror genre.

27 Wide Shot 4 seconds 10 This shot links to the violence and danger of the character as it shows cuts on her arm, linking to blood, linking to violence. It also links to the realism, as it appears to be a handheld camera as it is shaky.

28 Close Up 1 second. 10 This is a close up of the main character, and shows a cross on her lip. This cross links to the storyline of an exorcism, so gives an insight for the audience. It also shows her facial expression, which is still plain and simple, which links to her surroundings. It also makes her eyes stand out, which would be one of the main focuses of the scene for the audience, and would create fear within them. It shows her to not care about her appearance, as she is pale

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and her hair looks messy, also showing she has been isolated away from society.29 Close Up 1 second 10 This shot shows the characters facial expression, and her surroundings, which are plain and

simple. Her facial expression shows her to appear worried about what is happening, causing the audience to feel afraid for what is about to happen, causing suspense, which is conventional within a horror movie.

30 Wide Shot 2 seconds 10 Shows the main characters facial expression and body language, which show her to feel scared, which would cause the audience to feel scared. Her body language toward the other character would create suspense within the audience as to what is going to happen in the next shot. It also shows her isolation, as you can see the wall behind the window.

31 Close Up 3 seconds 10 This shows the main characters facial expression, which makes her look afraid and scared. It also shows her to not care about her appearance and to have been isolated, as she looks pale. When she screams, this shows how the character is seen as dangerous; linking to the main storyline well, and this would also panic the audience.

32 Wide shot 1 second 10 This shot would create panic within the audience as it shows the main character to be screaming and shows her body language well, which makes the audience worried for what is about to happen next. This also links well to the theme of the main character being seen as dangerous within the movie, which is a conventional theme within the horror genre.

33 Wide shot 1 second 10 This shot shows both characters in the scene. This shows the main character to appear dangerous, linking to the common theme within the movie. The other character is shown to seem afraid and panicked, as she is crying, which would cause the audience to feel afraid. This also links to the theme of an exorcism due to the main characters reaction and body language.

34 Low Angle. 1 second 10 This shot shows the main character being held by two characters that appear to be doctors. This shot links to the theme of the main character being dangerous, as others are having to hold her away from the other character. This would create panic within the audience for what is going to happen next. This shot also links to the sense of realism in the movie, as the camera appears to be a security camera, which shows that she is dangerous, as she has to be watched. This also shows the setting around her to be plain and simple, showing her to be isolated away.

35 Close Up 1 Second 11 This shot shows the main characters daughter in a close up. From this you can see her facial expression and body language, showing her to appear upset and also afraid. This may make the audience feel this too, and also to feel fearful of the main character, which is conventional in the movie as she is appearing to be dangerous, which links well to the horror genre. This shot adds to the realism as it uses a handheld camera, so this links well to the storyline of

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them all being normal people.36 Wide Shot. 1 second 12 This shot shows the characters worry and concern, which would cause the audience to feel the

same. It also uses the rule of thirds, as he is on the left, which is conventional in the horror genre. This shows that he is not the main focus of the scene, as he is not central in the shot. It shows them to be normal people also as you can see the background in the shot.

37 Wide Shot 1 second 12 This shot is quite close up to the character, so shows her facial expression well. This shows her to appear worried, which would make the audience feel suspense as to what is going to happen next.

38 Mid Shot 2 seconds 13 This shot is conventional as it uses dark low-key lighting, which creates mystery, which is conventional within the horror genre. It also shows the facial expression of the character, which shows them to be worried, creating anticipation for what is going to happen next. Their costume also gives an insight into what is going to happen next, as it lets you know that they are priests, which links to the exorcism storyline.

39 Close Up 1 second. 14 This shot uses a lot of dark low-key lighting, which is conventional as it creates a sense of mystery around what is going to happen next.

40 Two shot 1 second. 14 This shot shows the panic within the characters, due to their body language and facial expressions. The costume shows them to be normal people, linking to the realism of the movie.

41 Low Angle 1 second. 15 This shot shows the panic in the characters as something is about to happen, and also shows the realism as they are using a handheld camera.

42 Wide Shot 1 second 15 This shot uses conventional low-key lighting to create mystery. It also adds to the realism as they are using handheld cameras, and also the surroundings can be seen, which shows them to be in a normal house setting

43 Wide Shot 1 second. 15 This shot shows the characters face to be shadowed, so links to the low-key lighting creating mystery, which is conventional. You can also see the surroundings behind her, which is also conventional and shows it to be a normal setting, adding to realism.

44 Wide Shot 1 second. 15 This shot uses low-key lighting to create mystery, which is conventional within the horror genre. Wide shot shows the surroundings, which is conventional.

45 Wide Shot 2 seconds 15 This links to the theme of the main character being dangerous as others are surrounding her. It adds to realism, as it is a handheld camera.

46 Mid Shot 1 second 15 Shows the characters body language, which shows her to feel afraid of the other character, as she is covering her face with her hand. This shot also shows some of the surroundings, which use dark low-key lighting.

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47 Wide shot 2 seconds 15 Shows the main character lay on a bed with others surrounding her. Her body language is shown well, which links to the danger of the character and the theme of an exorcism on her. It shows the plain setting, which links to the isolation of the character.

48 Close Up 2 seconds. 15 Close up of the characters eye, which would create panic in the audience, as it is the main focus, and would make them feel afraid. This is as it shows the panic within that character, and shows how she is dangerous.

49 Wide Shot 1 second 15 Shows the priest character and other equipment around him, giving an insight into what is happening in the story for the audience.

50 Close Up 2 seconds 15 Shows how drained the character looks by her pale face, and her blank facial expression. As you can see her eyes, it shows her to look afraid, which may make the audience feel the same.

51 Wide Shot 2 seconds 15 Shows the character looking panicked and worried, due to her body language. It also shows the dark low-key lighting of the surroundings, and the isolated building due to the bricked wall.

52 Aerial Shot 1 second 15 Links to the exorcism theme as she is being lifted into the air. Creates panic in the audience, as it is a quick change of shot to this one, making the audience jump.

53 High Angle 0.5 seconds 15 Shows the character has been lifted, linking to the exorcism theme within the storyline. The different shots of this would create panic in the audience and also help to add to the realism, as it shows she has actually been moved from the bed.

54 Titles 1 Second Informs the audience of when the movie is going to be released, so is conventional for the form. It is also in whites and blacks, which are conventional for this type of horror film.

55 Over the shoulder shot

2 seconds 16 Shows what the character is looking at, so adds to realism as it’s from their perspective. Also uses a handheld camera, which adds to the realism of the film, which is conventional for this genre and would make the audience more afraid.

56 Mid shot 2 seconds 16 Shows the characters body language and facial expression, and as they are moving away it shows they may feel afraid of what is happening, and would inform the audience of their emotions and feelings due to their body language and blank expression.

57 Two Shot 2 seconds 16 Shows both characters are feeling afraid of what has happened, and also intrigued. This would give the audience an insight into the storyline and what is going to happen throughout, and also what the characters are like, as they both look concerned.

58 Establishing shot

1 second. 17 Shows the setting, uses dark low-key lighting to create mystery around the setting and the storyline, which is conventional for the horror genre. It is also looking up on the building, which shows it to be a place of significance for this movie.

59 Wide shot 1 second. 18 Shows the characters facial expression, which shows them to look worried or afraid, which would make the audience feel the same. It also shows the isolation as you see the bricked wall

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in the background, signifying the enclosed building60 Two shot 1 second 19 Shows the surroundings, signifying where they are and what is about to happen, as it looks like

they are in doctors of some sort, due to the props used, such as the brain picture. This also shows the facial expression of the characters, showing the panic and how they feel afraid of what is going to happen. This would create suspense for the audience as to what is going to happen next.

61 Aerial shot 2 seconds. 19 Shows the character to be the most important as she is in the centre of the shot. Her eye stands out in the shot, which would make the audience look at it and make them feel afraid or fearful of that character, linking to the danger surrounding her.

62 Low angle 2 seconds. 19 This adds to the realism of the setting, as it appears to be a security camera, which links to the danger of the main character, as it is showing someone has to watch her. This shot also allows the audience to see everything that is happening in the setting, which would be appealing and conventional to see props and to identify the setting. It also shows the danger as one character has to restrain her, and another has been thrown across the room, which is stereotypical in an exorcism themed film.

63 Close up 1 second 19 Shows how the character is fearful of the main character, as there is a close up on her face to show the facial expression. This would be conventional in a horror movie, as the facial expression of others would make the audience change their feelings.

64 Mid shot 1 second 19 Shows the characters body language, and shows she is feeling afraid of the main character. It shows her facial expression to appear afraid, which would change the audiences feelings.

65 Aerial shot 1 second. 19 Shows the character and the danger around her as she is screaming. There is high-key lighting on her to show she is the main focus of the scene and the main character.

66 Titles 2 seconds Gives an insight into the storyline of the film, uses conventional colours.67 Close up 2 seconds. 20 Shows the fear in the facial expression of the character. Creates realism, as it is a handheld

camera, which links to the horror genre well. High key lighting on the characters face to put focus onto it for the audience.

68 Titles 2 seconds. Link to previous titles, gives an insight into the storyline of the film. This uses conventional colours for the horror genre

69 Close up 2 seconds 21 Shows the facial expression of the character, which is conventional in the horror genre as it links to the storyline of the exorcism. It also shows the background behind the character, which is where the majority of things happen within a horror movie.

70 Titles 2 seconds Link to previous titles, uses conventional colours and also makes you scared as it says ‘no soul is safe’

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71 Wide shot 1 second 22 This shot looks like it’s used a handheld camera, which links to the realism of the story, making it appear scarier. It shows the facial expression of the character, which changes the emotion of the audience. It also allows a lot to happen in the background, which in this shot would make the audience jump as someone comes from behind the character and grabs them. This type of shot is conventional in this genre as it allows a lot to happen in the background, which makes you jump, making you feel scared.

72 Long shot 1 second 15 This shot shows the entire setting, as there is a lot going on in the shot. It shows the main characters body language and actions, and the other characters reactions, which are ones of fear, which would change the audience’s emotions. You can see the isolated building they are in, which is a conventional setting in the horror genre.

73 Close Up 2 seconds 15 Shows the facial expression of the characters, so this is conventional for this genre of movie. In this shot, both characters look afraid, and the main character looks isolated and plain, as they have a blank expression and a pale face. As one character is stood over her, it shows her to be a danger as people are surrounding her.

74 Aerial shot 1 second 15 This shows the main characters facial expression, which is one of fear. It shows how people are looking down on the character in the story, which links to the danger around her. As the character looks pale it shows they have been isolated.

75 Low angle 2 seconds 19 This shot shows the setting they are in, which appears to be a doctors. It adds to the realism as it appears to be a security camera which is being used. It shows the characters body language, and all of them surrounding the main character. This shot is conventional as it adds to the realism of the movie, as it appears to be a security camera.

76 Aerial shot 3 seconds 19 This shot shows the facial expression of the character, and is conventional as they jump forward toward the camera which would make the audience jump. This is conventional as it would create fear in the audience.

77 Titles 2 seconds This allows the audience to know what the name of the movie is, so would be appealing to them. It is in the conventional place being at the end of the trailer. It uses conventional colours of blank’s and whites which link well to the horror genre, as they create mystery.