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  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Info Checklist



    The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, includes reporting and disclosure requirements for schools participating in Title IV programs. Providing consumer

    information and making it readily accessible allows students and parents to make informed decisions about postsecondary education. The U.S. Department ofEducation requires schools to provide information on a number of subjects, including nancial aid, completion and graduation rates, campus safety, loan counselingand drug and alcohol abuse prevention.

    Dissemination34 CFR 668.41.

    Information Required to Be Disclosed Under the Higher Education Act of 1965: Suggestions for Dissemination.

    Consumer information may be provided in a variety of methods, with some information required to be disclosed to individuals while other information must be

    reported to an outside entity. In some cases, disclosure and reporting requirements overlap.

    A disclosure requirement, or notice, is information that an institution must make available to designated individuals (for example, current and prospective studentsor school employees). Most disclosures must be made at least annually. Some disclosure requirements may be met simply by posting information on a schools

    website, while others require one-to-one notication through U.S. mail, campus mail or email. When one-to-one notications are required, and the information isposted to a website, the disclosure must:

    u Provide a brief summary of the information required to be disclosed.

    u Include the exact Web address where information may be found.

    u Explain that the recipient is entitled to a paper copy and how a paper copy may be obtained.

    Reporting requirements state that information must be submitted to the Department or other agencies. Some reports may be made through existing databases or

    online reporting tools, such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System or the National Student Loan Data System.

    Consumer Information Resources Checklist

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Info Checklist


    ComplianceHEA Sec. 487(c)(3)(B).

    34 CFR 668.71-74.

    2011-2012 Federal Student Aid Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    Schools must comply with the consumer information disclosure and reporting requirements, and must provide accurate information in the notices. Failure to provideaccurate information may result in nes and/or the limitation, suspension or termination of participation in the Title IV aid programs. Furthermore, [for] any school that fails

    to comply with the consumer information requirements, the Department may impose civil nes of up to $27,500 for each violation. (2011-2012 FSA Handbook, p. 2-104).

    The following checklist identies Title IV, HEA citations and other resources that schools should review when ensuring appropriate consumer information disclosure andreporting requirements are being followed.

    DisclaimerThe checklist provided herein is for general information purposes only and should only be used as a guide. The information provided in the checklist should not be relied

    upon as the sole source of information relating to its content. No warranty, either express or implied, is made with respect to the information contained herein. USA Funds isnot responsible for any loss, inconvenience, damage (whether special or consequential) or claims arising out of the use of the information contained in this checklist.

    2 2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    3 2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Consumer Information Checklist Requirement Resources Responsible OfficesRevision


    Financial Aid Information

    General RequirementsHEA Sec. 485(a)(1).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d).

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Must be readily available to prospective students and updated notices to enrolled students annually.

    Need-based and non-need-based federal, state, local, institutional andprivate nancial aid programs available to students.

    34 CFR 668.42(a)(1)-(4).

    How students apply for aid. 34 CFR 668.42(b).

    How eligibility is determined and maintained. 34 CFR 668.42(b).

    How recipients are selected. 34 CFR 668.42(b).

    How award amounts are determined. 34 CFR 668.42(b).

    Student rights and responsibilities as an aid recipient. 34 CFR 668.42(c).

    How the school distributes aid and the frequency of disbursements. 34 CFR 668.42(c)(3).

    Satisfactory academic progress standards, retaining academiceligibility and regaining such eligibility.

    34 CFR 668.42(c)(2).

    Loan terms, sample repayment schedules and repayment obligations. 34 CFR 668.42(c)(4).

    Information collected during exit counseling. 34 CFR 668.42(c)(6).

    Terms and conditions of employment requirements as part of anancial aid award.

    34 CFR 668.42(c)(5).

    How enrolling in a study abroad program approved for credit isconsidered the same as enrolling at the home institution for aidpurposes.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(9).

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    Student DiversityHEA Sec. 485(a)(1).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d).

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Must be readily available.

    Percentage of full-time students disaggregated by the followingcategories:

    u Gender, male or female.

    u Pell Grant recipients.

    u Self-identied as a member of a major racial or ethnic group.

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(Q).

    Drug Conviction Eligibility HEA Sec. 485(k).

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Must be readily available.

    Potential loss of Title IV aid eligibility due to conviction of the

    possession and/or sale of illegal drugs.HEA Sec. 485(k).

    Loan CounselingHEA Sec. 485(a) and (l).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d).

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Must be readily available.

    Direct Loan Counseling.34 CFR 685.304.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    Perkins Loan Counseling.

    34 CFR 674.16(a).

    34 CFR 674.42(b).2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 6, Ch. 3.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 6, Ch. 6.

    TEACH Grant Counseling.34 CFR 686.32.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    5 2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Private Loan Disclosures

    HEA Sec. 153(a)(2)(A).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d).2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Must be readily available.

    How and why a preferred lender list was created. 34 CFR 601.10(d)(1).

    Benets the preferred lender list has for borrowers. 34 CFR 601.10(d)(1).

    Any affiliations among the lenders on the preferred lender list. 34 CFR 601.10(d)(1).

    Information detailed in the Truth in Lending Act (Section 128(e)(1)).34 CFR 601.10(a)(2).34 CFR 601.11.(b)(1).

    Availability of Title IV aid. 34 CFR 601.11(b).

    How Title IV aid programs may be more favorable than a private loan. 34 CFR 601.11(b).

    Maximum amount of Title IV aid available to students. 34 CFR 601.10(a)(1).

    Information detailed in the Truth in Lending Act (Section 128(e)(11)). 34 CFR 601.10(a)(2).

    Model disclosure form (when available from ED). 34 CFR 601.11(d).

    If requested for completion of a self-certication form:

    u Cost of attendance.

    u Amount of estimated nancial aid.

    u Difference between the COA and EFA, if applicable.

    34 CFR 601.11(d).

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    Institutional Information

    General Requirements

    HEA Sec. 485(a) and (h).

    34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d).

    2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 5, Ch. 2.

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Must be readily available.

    Degree programs, training and other education offered, along with anyplanned improvements to the academic programs.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(5).

    The names of accrediting or licensing agencies that certify, approve or

    license the school and its programs. If requested:

    u Documentation of the licensing must be provided to students.

    u Contact information for such agencies made available for ling


    34 CFR 668.43(a)(6).34 CFR 668.43(b).

    Any instructional, lab or other physical facilities associated with the

    academic programs.34 CFR 668.43(a)(5).

    Any services or facilities available to students with disabilities,including intellectual disabilities.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(7).

    A list of faculty and instructional personnel. 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5).

    Cost of attending the school:

    u Tuition and fees charged for full-time and part-time students.

    u Estimated cost of books and supplies.

    u Estimated cost of room and board.

    u Estimated cost of transportation.

    u All other costs of the program.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(1).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Institutional Information (cont)

    Policies and procedures for:

    u Withdrawing from the institution, including:

    Offices designated to receive official notice of a students intent to

    withdraw. School refund policies.

    Requirements for returning Title IV funds.

    An estimate of the amount of funds a student will retain, and willbe responsible for repaying, after withdrawing.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(2)-(4).

    u Copyright infringement, including any sanctions which studentsmay face.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(10).

    u Transfer credit policies, including a list of any schools with which it

    has an articulation agreement.34 CFR 668.43(a)(11).

    u Verication documentation requirements and deadlines:

    For selected applicants.34 CFR 668.53(b).

    u Leaves of absence. 34 CFR 668.22(d)(3).

    u Vaccinations. HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(V).

    Written Arrangement disclosures:

    u What portion of the program is not being offered at that institution.

    u Where the other institutions or organizations are located.

    u How the courses will be offered and any additional costs associated

    with the written arrangement.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(12).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Completion and Graduation Rates

    General Requirements

    HEA Sec. 485(a).

    34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d).

    2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 8.

    Who Receives InformationEnrolled and prospective students.ED.

    How it is DisseminatedStudents: Notication through mailings, publications or electronic means.ED: Report through IPEDS.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually by July 1.

    Completion and graduation rates for any rst-time, full-time

    undergraduate students pursuing a certicate or degree at theinstitution.

    34 CFR 668.45(a)(1).

    Transfer-out rates if schools mission includes providing substantial

    preparation for its students to enroll in another eligible school.34 CFR 668.45(a)(2).

    Retention rate. HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(U).

    Job placement rate, if calculated by the school. 34 CFR 668.41(d)(5).

    Types of employment obtained by degree or certicate recipients. HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(R).

    Graduate or professional studies pursued by graduates of a four-yeardegree program.

    HEA Sec. 485(a)(1)(S).

    Reported to IPEDS and disclosed to student, upon request:

    u Retention rate.

    u Job placement rate, if calculated by the school:

    Gainful Employment regulations may require disclosure of

    placement rates for certain programs.

    u Types of employment obtained by degree or certicate recipients.

    u Graduate or professional studies pursued by graduates of a four-year

    degree program.

    34 CFR 668.41(d).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Security Policies and Crime Statistics

    General Requirements

    HEA Sec. 485(f).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c) and (e).2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 8.

    Who Receives Information

    Required separately for each campus location and must be provided on a one-to-one basis to:

    u Enrolled and prospective students.

    u Current and prospective employees.

    u ED.

    How it is Disseminated

    Students: Notication through mailings, publications or electronic means.Employees: Notication through mailings, publications or electronic means.ED: Report via

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually by October 1.

    Annual Security Report 34 CFR 668.41(e).

    A statement of the schools policies and procedures on:

    u Reporting crimes and other emergencies on campus.34 CFR 668.46(b)(2).

    u Maintaining faci lity safety, including campus housing. 34 CFR 668.46(b)(3).

    u Campus law enforcement authority and cooperation with local andstate law enforcement agencies.

    34 CFR 668.46(b)(4).

    u Monitoring and recording illegal activity at off-campus locations of

    student organizations.34 CFR 668.46(b)(7).

    u Possession, use and sale of alcohol and illegal drugs. 34 CFR 668.46(b)(8)-(9).

    u Sex offenses. 34 CFR 668.46(b)(11).

    u Emergency response and evacuation. 34 CFR 668.46(g).

    u Missing student notication. 34 CFR 668.46(h).

    A description of programs discussing:

    u Campus security procedures for students and employees.34 CFR 668.46(b)(5).

    u Crime prevention. 34 CFR 668.46(b)(6).

    u Drug abuse and prevention. 34 CFR 668.46(b)(10).

    u Sex abuse prevention. 34 CFR 668.46(b)(11).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Crime Statistics34 CFR 668.41 (e).34 CFR 668.46(f)-(g).

    Crimes should be reported by the year and location where the offenseoccurred. Schools must provide a geographical breakdown, such as a

    map, based on the following locations:

    u On-campus, disaggregated by residential facilities and non-

    residential buildings.

    u Non-campus building or property.

    u Public property.

    34 CFR 668.46(c)(2) and (4).

    A crime designated as a hate crime must be reported based on thetype of prejudice. The applicable categories are the victims actual orperceived:

    u Race.

    u Gender.u Religion.

    u Sexual orientation.

    u Ethnicity.

    u Disability.

    34 CFR 668.46(c)(3).

    Timely Warning and Emergency Notication

    When a crime included in the reporting statistics occurs and representsa signicant threat to students and employees.

    34 CFR 668.46(e).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Employee Availability

    General RequirementsHEA Sec. 485(c).

    34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c) and (e).

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Must be readily available.

    Names and contact information for school employees who can provideconsumer information about:

    u Financial aid programs.

    u The institution.

    u Completion rates.

    u Campus safety.

    34 CFR 668.43(a)(8).34 CFR 668.44.

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Athletics Reporting

    General Requirements

    Required for schools that both provide nancial aid programs and have

    intercollegiate athletic teams.

    HEA Sec. 485(e) and (g).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c) and (g).

    2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 8.

    Who Receives Information Upon request from: Enrolled and prospective students and the public.

    How it is Disseminated

    Students: Notication through mailings, publications or electronic means.Public: Notication through mailings, publications or electronic means.ED: via

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually on a school-determined date.

    Full-time undergraduate students attending the institution by gender. 34 CFR 668.47(c)(1).

    A listing of all teams, and for each team:

    u Number of participants on the day of the rst scheduled contest.

    u Number of participants who also participated on another varsity

    team, and the number of teams on which they participated.

    u Total operating expenses for the team. Similar teams, such asswimming and diving, may combine expenses:

    Only required by gender if combining expenses between male andfemale teams.

    u Head coaches, indicating whether assigned to team on a full-time orpart-time basis.

    u Assistant coaches, indicating whether assigned to team on a full-time

    or part-time basis.

    34 CFR 668.47(c)(2).

    u Unduplicated head count of students participating in at least onevarsity team.

    34 CFR 668.47(c)(3).

    Revenues attributable to:

    u All athletic teams.

    u Football.

    u Basketball.

    u All athletic teams, except football and basketball.

    34 CFR 668.47(c)(4).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Athletics Reporting (cont)

    Expenses incurred by:

    u All athletic teams.

    u Football.

    u Basketball.u All athletic teams, except football and basketball.

    34 CFR 668.47(c)(5).

    Total amount of money spent on athletically related student aid,including waivers.

    34 CFR 668.47(c)(6).

    Ratio of athletically related aid awarded. 34 CFR 668.47(c)(7).

    Total amount of recruiting expenses. 34 CFR 668.47(c)(8).

    Average annual institutional salary of non-volunteer head coaches on:

    u All athletic teams.


    A per-person basis.u A per-full-time-equivalent basis.

    34 CFR 668.47(c)(9).

    Average annual institutional salary of non-volunteer assistant coacheson:

    u All athletic teams.

    u A per-person basis.

    u A per-full-time-equivalent basis.

    34 CFR 668.47(c)(10).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Consumer Information Checklist Requirement Resources Responsible OfficesRevision


    Athletics Reporting (cont)

    Completion and Graduation RatesHEA Sec. 485(e).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c) and (f).

    Who Receives InformationEnrolled and prospective students.The public.ED.

    How it is DisseminatedStudents: Notication through mailings, publications or electronic means.

    ED: Reported through IPEDS.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually by July 1.

    Requirement similar to attendance, graduation and completion ratesfor all students, but must also be disaggregated by race and gender

    through the following categories:

    u Students that attended the school during the previous year:

    Total for all students.

    Total for students who received athletically related aid, by sport.

    u Completion, graduation and transfer-out rates, using the samecriteria outlined in 34 CFR 668.45:

    For all students.

    For students who receive athletically related aid, by sport.

    u Average completion, graduation and transfer-out rates, using thesame criteria outlined in 34 CFR 668.45(a):

    For all students.

    For students who receive athletically related aid, by sport.

    34 CFR 668.48(a)(1).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Info Checklist



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    Fire Safety and Statistics

    General RequirementsHEA Sec. 485(i).

    34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c) and (e).

    Who Receives InformationEnrolled and prospective students.Current and prospective employees.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually by October 1.

    Annual re safety report that contains:

    uCampus re safety practices and standards of the school.

    uA description of the re safety system at each on-campus housingfacility and evacuation procedures.

    uThe number of re drills conducted, if any.

    uFire education and safety information that was provided to students

    and employees.uSchool policies on electrical appliances, smoking and open ames.

    34 CFR 668.49(b).

    The report also must contain statistics for the last three years on res in

    on-campus housing facilities:

    u The number of res that occurred.

    u The cause of each re.

    u The number of people who received treatment for re-related


    u The number of deaths related to a re.

    u The value of property damage caused by a re.

    34 CFR 668.49(c)

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Consumer Info Checklist



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    Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

    General Requirements

    HEA Sec. 485(a).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(d).

    2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 7.Who Receives Information Eligible students or parents covered under FERPA regulations.

    How it is Disseminated Mailings, publications or electronic means.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually on a school-determined date.

    Schools should annually notify students and families of their rights

    regarding the students educational records, including:

    u Inspecting, reviewing and amending educational records and the

    procedures for doing each of those actions.

    u Consenting to disclosure of personally identiable information.

    u Filing a complaint with ED for FERPA violations.

    uWho constitutes a school official with a legitimate educational

    interest that may review educational records.

    u Categories of information the school designates as directory


    34 CFR 99.7.

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Gainful Employment

    General Requirements34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c).

    Federal Register Vol. 76, No. 148.

    Disclosure Requirements

    Who Receives Information Enrolled and prospective students.ED.

    How it is DisseminatedStudents: Notication through publications or electronic means.ED: Report through NSLDS.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually or within 30 days of receipt of updated information.

    Schools required to provide on each programs website:

    u The recognized occupation students will be prepared to enter upon

    program completion.

    u On-time graduation rate for students who complete the program.

    u Cost for a student to complete the program in the normal timeframe(not the academic year cost).

    u Job placement rates:

    If calculated by the institution, disclosed at the program level.

    u Median loan debt incurred for students who completed the program,

    disaggregated by:

    Title IV loans.

    Private education loans and institutional nancing plans.

    34 CFR 668.6(b)(1).

    By July 1, 2012, the disclosures must include:

    u Final loan repayment rate.u Final discretionary income debt-to-earnings ratio.

    u Final annual earnings debt-to-earnings ratio.

    34 CFR 668.7(g)(6).

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Reporting Requirements

    Who Receives Information ED.

    How it is Disseminated Report through NSLDS.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline No earlier than September 30, but no later than a date published in the Federal Register.

    Submit information to allow ED to analyze the outcomes of gainful

    employment programs.34 CFR 668.6(a).

    Net Price Calculator

    General Requirements

    HEA Sec. 132(h).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c).P.L. 110-315.

    GEN-08-12.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    Who Receives InformationEnrolled and prospective students.The public.

    How it is Disseminated Published on the schools website.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Oct. 29, 2011, updated annually on a school-determined date.

    Calculate net price by offsetting the cost by the average amount ofneed-based and merit-based grant assistance awarded to rst-time,

    full-time students:

    u An eligible institution that does not enroll rst-time students on afull-time basis, such as a graduate school, is exempt from this


    HEA Sec. 132(h).34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c).P.L. 110-315.

    GEN-08-12.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Textbook Information

    General Requirements

    HEA Sec. 133.

    34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c).GEN-08-12.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    Who Receives Information

    Enrolled and prospective students.

    The public.Upon request:The bookstore.

    How it is Disseminated Published on the schools course schedule website and written course schedule.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually on a school-determined date.

    Information about required textbooks and course materials, including:

    u International Standard Book Number.

    u Price:

    May indicate To Be Determined if price not available.

    Encouraged to disseminate to students information about institutionalprograms that would help students save money on textbooks, such as

    rental, textbook exchange or buy-back programs.

    If requested by the bookstore:

    u The schools course schedule for the upcoming academic period.

    u Information to provide on the Internet course schedule for each


    Required and recommended textbooks and supplemental material.

    Number of students enrolled in the course. Maximum enrollment for the course.

    HEA Sec. 133.34 CFR 668.41(a)-(c).GEN-08-12.

    2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Consumer Information on College Navigator Website

    General RequirementsHEA Sec. 132.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    Who Receives Information ED.The public.

    How it is Disseminated Published on the schools website.

    Disclosure/Reporting Deadline Annually.

    Report requested data to ED for publication on the College Navigator

    Website. Schools must provide a link to the website:

    HEA Sec. 132.2011-2012 FSA Handbook, Vol. 2, Ch. 6.

    2012 United Student Aid Funds, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    References, Resources and Websites

    Federal Legislation or Regulations

    Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended

    34 CFR Title IV Federal Student Aid RegulationsElectronic code of federal regulations.

    Integrated Regulations

    U. S. Department of Education

    Dear Colleague Letters

    Electronic Announcements

    2011-2012 Federal Student Aid Handbook

    2012-2013 Federal Student Aid Handbook Application and Verifcation Guide.