consultants, mos among 69 doctors

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: Ek Sath Rang Mandal (ESRM) today presented its 265th nukkad "Bahhyanak Khel" in its Monday Theatre Series here at Gole Market Park, Gandi Nagar. The nukkad is based on a game called 'Blue Whale Game" which has emerged as fatal game among our children. This game has forced many children for suicide attempts and has cre- ated insecurity among parents also. This well planed challenge game has attractive and hypno- tizes our innocent children which ends in a death. "Bahhyanak Khel" revolves around a school boy namely Raju, who use to be very much brilliant in studies. But all of a sudden he develops a different unusual mannerism, body lan- guage and behavior. Some time he is a frozen body without expressions and actions and some time goes in depression. Raju's parents become suspi- cious. They approach a doctor who thoroughly checks Raju. He notices that Raju has many blade cuts on his arms and an image of a fish was made by sharp edged blade. The doctor immediately referred Raju to a well known consultant, Dr Ravi Rai, who is famous for giving counseling in such cases. Dr Ravi describes the game dangerous for every- body because it has wrong options in the end of the game like suicide and other causali- ties. He advised parents to be vigilant and cautious about involvement of their children in such games. Dr Ravi council Raju and the latter promised not play such games henceforth. Actors who acted in the play were were Raju Mad, Shiv Kumar, Kanav Sharma, Dheeraj Sharma, Ashok Sharma, Vipin Magotra, Harsh Mahajan, Shriya Duggal and Vijay Malla. The nukkad was written and directed by Vijay Malla. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: A meeting of General Council was convened today at the organization Head Quarters which was presided over by the President Kashmiri Pandit Sabha, Ambhalla K K Khosa. The meeting attained significance on account of the political develop- ments of the State. Members deliberated upon the various connected issues and the pertaining to cultural and social issues of the community. The threat posed by the influx of Mynmar Rohingya Muslims to the demographic and security aspects of Jammu region was the main issue to deliberate upon and a need of their early deportation from the city of temples was stressed upon. "Any move, direct or indirect, to rehabilitate them even temporarily in Jammu, a peaceful city with peace loving people, were bound to create problems of unmanage- able magnitude", was felt by the members on the Council and spe- cial invitees and observers in the meeting. A resolution was unanimously passed which demanded that "Kashmiri Pandits Sabha, Ambhalla feels strongly over clan- destinely settling hundreds of Mynmar Rohingya Muslims in the periphery of Jammu Division pos- ing a serious threat to the demo- graphic and security scenario of this border State. The speed with which and the manner through which they were brought inten- tionally here and settled in make shift sheds and structures, openly reveals the evil motive of those responsible for the whole exercise. The close proximity of most of these foreign nationals to serious crimes including terrorism is well established. A few such incidents at the hands of these Rohingyas and timely action by the State Police lifts the lid from above the pot. The Sabha unequivocally impresses upon the State adminis- tration to speed up the identifica- tion and deportation of these unwanted foreigners in our state." "The Sabha also condemns any mischievous moves to disturb the close unity and cooperation between different sections of the society living peacefully in Jammu. No such detestable move from any quarter shall succeed in its nefarious designs by the matured peace loving patriotic people of all sections of the Jammu society," The resolution added. The Sabha put on record the magnanimity and the open heart- edness of Jammu people to help and provide succor to the persecut- ed community of Kashmiri Pandits in the trying hours of January 1990 and thereafter for which the community shall always feel grateful. Excelsior Correspondent POONCH, Sept 18: A minor school girl was allegedly raped by a youth when she was going to her school at Sagra in Mankote area of Mendhar Sub Division today. A police spokesman said that 16-year-old Saira (name changed), hailing from the same area was going to her school. A youth who was known to her gave lift to the girl in his Alto car and told that he would drop her to school which was at some dis- tance from the village. The youth by making false excuse stopped at his shops on the way and pulled the girl under the shutter and committed rape on her. Later, he dropped her near school. The visibly disturbed girl when arrived school, the teach- ers asked for the reason of arriv- ing late. The girl earlier tried to hide the incident but later broke down before teachers and narrat- ed the whole matter on their insisting. They called the parents of the girl and handed over the girl. Later, an FIR was lodged with the Mendhar police by the parents of the girl. The police seized the car ( JK12/ 9187) and was looking for the accused who had gone to his in-laws house near Rajouri. The accused has been identi- fied as Zaheer Ahmed (25), son of Javed Iqbal, resident of Uchhad. The Police sent the girl for medical examination and registered a case FIR No. 173/ 2017 U/S 376/ 363 RPC against the accused person. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: Chhamb Route Bus Union is going to hold elections of its president on October 5 (Thursday) in the office of the Group at General Bus Stand, Jammu. In a meeting of the trans- porters of Jammu Chhamb Group Passenger Bus Service held here under the chairmanship of TS Wazir, Chairman All J&K Transport Welfare Association, it was unanimously decided to dis- solve the old body and go for fresh elections democratically in the Chhamb Group Union office at Bus Stand Jammu on October 5 from 10 am to 3 pm. On the request of the trans- porters, Mr Wazir constituted a 11-member Election Board including three members from Central body- general secretary Vijay Kumar Sharma, secretary Ram Parkash and Parkash Singh. This new Election Board under the supervision of the Chairman (AJTWA) would supervise the elections. It was decided that nominations for the post of pres- ident will be filed from Sept 25 to 27 from 11 am to 1 pm and scrutiny of the papers will be conducted on September 28 and September 29 will be the last date of withdrawal of nomina- tion, in the office of chairman (AJTWA). Excelsior Correspondent SAMBA, Sept 18: In contin- uation to drive against the men- ace of the drugs launched by SSP Samba, Anil Magotra an awareness cum interactive pro- gramme on Drug Abuse was organised by the SHO Vijaypur, Inspector Suraj Pathania in BBN High School Vijaypur near here, today. SHO Vijaypur briefed the students about the evils of drugs and their harmful effects in life and asked them to channelize their energy in sports activities and to make their future career bright instead of indulging in drug abuse. He also briefed the school staff about their role and respon- sibility to prevent the students from drug menace. It is the duty of every citizen of the country to contribute towards drug-free society and help Police to curb smuggling / menace of drugs from the country, he added. The students were also apprised about the effects of misuse of internet and mobile phones. The event concluded with a pledge, taken by the participants to fight against drug abuse. Excelsior Correspondent KATRA, Sept 18: A meeting of All India Devotional Song Competition Committee (organ- ized by SMVD Shrine Board & J&K Tourism in association with other organizations ), was held here today under the chairman- ship of its chairman Rakesh Wazir wherein threadbare discus- sions were held with regard to its preparations of the event. While speaking on the occa- sion, Wazir briefed that renowned Bollywood singers including Hans Raj Hans, Wadalli Brothers, Nooran Sisters, Gulzar Lahori and others would come one by one on daily basis and besides performing duties as Judges, they will also perform there. "In addition to that the top film and media personalities have already given their consent to be there in the panel of judges for final of All India Devotional Song Competition," he added. Wazir informed that this year would be 19th competition and efforts would be made to increase its horizon. " Keeping in view the fact in mind, the all over India publicity for auditions and par- ticipation is going on through print and electronic media which are going to be held from 21st September to 26th September and its registration can be done at Tourist Office Katra personally or through phone numbers 01991-232005,233301, 02. Ist prize of the competition would be Rs 3 lakh and recording contract with Venus Records & Tapes Ltd. "The pattern of quali- fying rounds, wherein 2nd & 3rd winners of the preliminary rounds will compete on 27th September in quarter final, first position holders of daily compe- tition will compete with the win- ners of the quarter final in semi final i.e. on 28th Sept. for their entry into mega final to be held on 29th Sept. at Yog Ashram Ground. In the meeting, different Sub Committees were formed for the smooth conduct of the competi- tion. These included Committee for reception of guests which will be headed by Shyam Lal Kesar as its president with Shiv Kumar Sharma, Virender Kesar, Vivek Sharma, Subhash Chander as its members, Committee for finaliz- ing of names of judges to be sub- mitted to CEO SMVD Shrine Board included Swami Yoganand as its president with Ajay Sharma and Shyam Lal Sharma as its members. The meeting, among others, was attended by Shyam Lal Kesar, Shiv Kumar Sharma, Rakesh Sharma, Virender Kesar, Ajay Sharma, Bhola Ram, Vijay Kumar, Pawan Kumar, Subhash Chander and Prabhat Singh. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2017 (PAGE 10) DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU Consultants, MOs among 69 doctors shifted Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: Govern- ment today ordered transfers and postings of 69 doctors including Consultants, Medical Officers and Dental Surgeons. The newly appointed Consultants namely Dr Ashaq Hussain (Consultant Paedia- trics), Dr Anwar Hussain (Consultant, Paediatrics), Dr Shabir Ahmad Langoo (Consultant, Anaesthesia) and Dr Malik Zaffar (Consultant Anaesthesia) have been posted at SDH Tangmarg, DH Kargil, DH Baramulla and DH Kulgam, respectively while Dr Motup Angmo (Consultant Opthalmology) will report to CMO Leh for further posting in district Leh. Dr Tafazal Majid (Consultant Surgeon) presently posted at SDH Pampore has been transferred and posted at CHC Zainapora vice Dr Altaf Hussain Khan (Consultant Surgeon), who has been posted at SDH Pampore. Dr Mohd Sadiq (Consultant Anaesthesia), presently posted at SDH Kreeri, has been transferred and posted at SDH Tangdhar. While Dr Priyanka Sambyal (Consultant ENT), presently posted at Government Hospital Sarwal, has been transferred and posted at AH Vijaypur vice Dr Shaheen Akhter, who has been posted at Government Hospital, Sarwal. Dr Anshu Charak (Consultant Gynae), under orders of transfer to DH Kathua, has been posted to AH Vijaypur vice Dr Naresh Sharma (Consultant Gynae), who has been posted at DH Kathua. Dr Balwinder Singh (MD Physician B-Grade) has been transferred from CHC Khour and posted at SDH Nowshera while Dr Ajaz Ahmad Malik (consultant ENT), presently posted at SDH Sunderbani, has been transferred and posted at DH Rajouri vice Dr Vijay Gupta (Consultant ENT), who has been posted at SDH Sunderbani. Dr Fozia Jan (Consultant Gynae), attached at MCH Anantnag, has been posted against clear vacancy at DH Anantnag but she will work at MCH Anantnag. Dr Manzoor Ahmad Wani (Consultant Medicine), who was under orders of transfer to JLNM Hospital, Srinagar, has been retained at SDH Ganderbal. Dr Zahoor Ahmad Lone, Incharge (I/C) BMO, Damal Hanjipora, under orders of attachment to DHS Kashmir, has been retained at Damal Hanjipora; Dr Bashir Ahmad Teli (Medical Officer), presently posted at DH Baramulla has been transferred and posted as I/C BMO Shangus; Dr Iqbal Bichoo, I/C BMO has been transferred and posted as I/C BMO Achabal vice Dr Bashir Ahmad Paddar, who has been posted at Block Sallar as Medical Officer; Dr Rafi Slathi, I/C Deputy MS Kulgam has been transferred and posted as I/C BMO Kulgam while Dr Bilquies Jahan Rather (Medical Officer), attached with Directorate of Health Services (DHS) Kashmir, has been posted as I/C BMO Pampore against available vacancy. Dr Sangeeta Ajarwant (Medical Officer), presently posted at PHC Barwal (Kathua), has been transferred and posted as I/C BMO Nagri vice Dr Vijay Bali, who has been posted as DH Kathua as MO and Dr Mohd Yousaf Khawaja (Consultant Anaesthesia), presently posted at SDH Tangdhar, has been posted as I/C BMO Tangdar. He shall also work as Anaesthesist there. Dr Rita Kotwal (MO), Deputy CMO Samba, has been trans- ferred and posted as Assistant Director, Rehbar-e-Sehat (RES), Jammu. She shall assume the charge of the post after superannuation on retire- ment of Dr Kiran Katal on September 30, 2017. Dr Anjum Afshan, I/C DHO Srinagar, has been transferred and posted as I/C DHO Ganderbal vice Dr Parven Sofi, who has been posted as I/C DHO Srinagar; Dr Nishat Shaheen, I/C MS Gousia Hospital, Srinagar, shall report in DHS Kashmir. Consequently, CMO Srinagar shall hold addi- tional charge of MS Gousia Hospital, Srinagar; Dr Masrat Jabeen, I/C DIO Srinagar, has been transferred and posted as I/C DIO Ganderbal; Dr Yasmeen Kangoo, I/C DIO Ganderbal has been transferred and posted as I/C MS Kangan vice Dr Qazi Javaid, who shall report to DHS Srinagar for further duties while Dr Davinder Singh, under orders of transfer as I/C MS DH Reasi, shall report to DHS Jammu till further orders. Dr Parvesh Kumar (MO), presently posted at SDH Hiranagar, has been transferred and posted as Assistant Commissioner, Food Safety Officer, Jammu and Sanjeev Kumar, Assistant Commissioner, Food Safety Officer, Jammu, has been posted as Assistant Commissioner, Food Safety offi- cer, Kargil while sanction is hereby accorded to the extension of the deputation in favour of Dr Shahida Habib (MO) for a period of one year from the date her previous period has expired i.e. 01-08-2017 to GMC Srinagar on the standard terms and condi- tions as stipulated in Government order No 451-HME of 2014 dated 01-08-2014 read with Government order No 284- HME of 2015 dated 29-07-2015. She shall retain her lien, seniori- ty and promotion prospects in her parent department/cadre. Dr Anita Koul (MO), PG Opthalmology, attached in DHS Jammu, has been transferred and posted at proposed Eye bank, GMC Jammu as MO on inter- cadre deputation basis; Dr Syed Majid Malik (MO) MS Surgery, presently posted at CHC Mandi, has been transferred and posted at DH Poonch against available post of MO/Consultant; Dr Nusrat Majid (MO), presently posted as PHC Nutnoosa (Handwara), has been trans- ferred and posted as PHC Narbal, Budgam vice Dr Masrat Yaqoub, MO, who has been posted at PHC Nutnoosa, Handwara while Dr Tasneem Suraya (MO), under transfer orders to Khanmoh Srinagar, has been posted at GMC Srinagar on inter-deputation basis. Dr Fehmida (MO), presently posted at NTPHC Shadimarg, Pulwama, has been transferred and posted at PHC Soibugh, Budgam; Dr Abdul Qayoom Bhat (MO), presently posted at PHC Soibugh, Budgam, has been posted at NTPHC Shadimarg, Pulwama; Dr Arjumand Nazir (MO), awaiting orders of adjustment in DHS Kashmir, has been posted at GMC Jammu on inter-cadre deputation basis; Dr Sadaf Syed (MDS) Dental Surgeon, present- ly posted at SDH Khansahib, has been transferred and posted at GDC Srinagar on inter-cadre deputation basis while Dr Parvaiz Iqbal (Dental Surgeon), under orders of transfer to PHC Kullan, Ganderbal, has been posted at GMC Srinagar on inter-cadre deputation basis vice Dr Qazi Qamar, who has been posted at PHC Kullan, Ganderbal. Dr Mohd Mushtaq Chowhan (MO), under orders of transfer from DH Samba to Trauma Hospital Kathua, has been trans- ferred and posted at SDH Ramgarh against available vacancy; Dr Maqsooda (Dental Surgeon), presently posted at PHC Wuyan, Block Pampore, district Pulwama, has been transferred and posted at AD Rainwari, district Srinagar, vice Dr Khurshid Qureshi (Dental Surgeon), who has been trans- ferred and posted at PHC Wuyan, Block Pampore, district Pulwama; Dr Deepak Tickoo (MS Ortho), MO (Migrant), presently posted at Government Hospital, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, has been transferred and posted at DH Ramban against the post of Consultant Orthopaedician while Dr Irshad Ahmad Khan, Dental Surgeon, presently post- ed at PHC Dharmari (Mahore) has been posted at PHC Kakpora (Pulwama). Dr Mohd Shafi Wani (MS Surgery DNB), MO, presently posted at DH Budgam, has been transferred and posted at JLNM Hospital, Srinagar, vice Dr M Ayoub Fatehkhan (MO), who has been posted at DH Budgam; Dr Mohd Ayoub Danoo (Dental Surgeon), presently posted at PHC Kakapora, has been trans- ferred and posted at PHC Harwan (GMC Srinagar) on inter-cadre deputation basis; Dr Farhat Kanth, awaiting orders of adjustment in DHS Kashmir, has been posted at GMC Srinagar on inter-cadre deputation basis while Dr Meena Angral (MO), presently posted at ESI Dispensary, Digiana, Jammu, has been posted at PHC Lower Gadigarh vice Dr Rakesh Kumari, who has been posted at ESI Hospital, Digiana, Jammu on inter-deputation basis. Dr Bhawna Raina (MO), presently posted at CHC Jourian, has been transferred and posted at PHC Mishriwala; Dr Nowsheen Abdullah (MS Opthalmology), presently post- ed at DH Pulwama, has been posted at Mobile Surgical Unit Srinagar, vice Dr Umera Din (Dip Optho), who has been post- ed at DH Pulwama; Dr Kaiser Ahmad War (MO), presently posted at PHC Kulan (Ganderbal), has been trans- ferred and posted at PHC Zadibal Srinagar, vice Dr Ashiq Ali, who has been posted at PHC Kulan, Ganderbal while Dr Dilnaz Akhter (Dental Surgeon), under orders of transfer to Block Charar-e-Sharief, has been post- ed at JLNM Hospital, Srinagar, vice Dr Idrees, who has been posted at Block Charar-e- Sharief. Dr Afroza Bano (MO), presently posted at SDH Charar- e-Sharief, has been transferred and posted at PHC Lasjan vice Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Gagloo (MS Surgery), MO, who has been posted at SDH Charar-e-Sharief; Dr Vishal Raina (MO), presently posted at Civil Secretariat Dispensary, has been posted as Deputy General Manager, J&K Medical Supplies Corporation Limited on inter-cadre deputa- tion basis; Dr Zeeshan Wani (MO), under orders of transfer to SDH Ganderbal, has been retained at JLNM Hospital, Srinagar while Dr Seema Kapoor, MO (Homeopathy), presently posted at DH Handwara, has been posted at PHC Khanmoh, Srinagar. Protest, bandh at Harni Excelsior Correspondent POONCH, Sept 18: The people from Harni held protest and the local market observed bandh for the half day in sup- port of Rohingya Muslims who are being thrown out by the Mayanmar Government. Expressing solidarity with the Rohingyas, they urged upon the Union Government and the Prime Minister Modi to take up the matter with the Mayanmar Government. They also demanded that State Government should take this case on humanitarian grounds. After holding protest for about an hour and disruption of move- ment of vehicles, they dis- persed. Two Dy SPs shifted Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: Govern- ment today ordered transfers and postings of two Deputy Superintendents of Police with immediate effect. According to the order, Ashiq Hussain Tak, Deputy SP Headquarters, Shopian, has been transferred and posted as SDPO Sumbal vice Rashad Akbar, who has been trans- ferred and posted as Deputy SP Headquarters Shopian, vice Ashiq Hussain Tak. Bari Brahmana Police arrests drug peddler Excelsior Correspondent SAMBA, Sept 18: Bari Brahmana Police arrested a drug peddler today and recovered 50 poly pouches of 180 ml each JK Desi whisky (Alcohol) from his possession. A Police Party of Police Station Bari Brahmana headed by Inspector Mahesh Sharma, SHO Bari Brahmana and under the direct supervision of Usmaan Choudhary, SDPO Bari Brahmana apprehended a drug peddler namely Sain Dass S/o Bhagu Ram R/o Karwal tehsil Bishnah, Jammu and recovered the 50 poly pouches of alcohol form his possession. The accused was arrested on spot. In this regard case FIR No. 178/2017 U/S 48(a) Excise Act stands reg- istered at PS Bari Brahmana and investigation started. It may be recalled that district Police Samba has launched a drive against the menace of the drugs on the directions of Anil Magotra, SSP Samba. HC denies bail to heroin smuggler Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: High Court today rejected the bail application of heroin smuggler namely Jasvinder Singh, who was nabbed by Nowabad Police on March 11, 2015. After hearing both the sides, Justice Sanjay Kumar Gupta observed, "petitioner is habitual offender and was already con- victed by Principal Sessions Judge Jammu in 2003 and he is threat to society at large". "Counsel for petitioner has, thus, failed to show that there are reasonable grounds for believing that accused /appli- cant is not guilty of such offence", the High Court said while rejecting the bail applica- tion. Central Mahajan Sabha holds WC meet Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: Working Committee meeting of the Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha was held today at Mahajan Bhawan Shalamar road here today under the presidentship of Romesh Chander Gupta in which many important organizational decisions were taken for imple- mentation by Sabha. The dais was also shared by chief patron Amarnath Gupta and Jugal Mahajan. The president of the Sabha sought cooperation of all the members of Working Committee. He said the problems being faced by the traders and consumers in the State under the GST implemented by the Government and the steps taken by the Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha to approach the concerned authority of the Government to make the GST law more public friendly to mitigate the sufferings of the public on this account. Biker crushed to death by CRPF truck; people protest, block NH Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: A motor- cyclist was today crushed to death by a CRPF truck in city outskirts here, resulting into protest by locals. ''A biker identified as Sahil Hussain, 20, son of Ali Hussain, resident of Pangali, Nagrota this morning died on the spot when his motorcycle bearing registra- tion number JK02BU-0790 was hit by a CRPF vehicle (registra- tion number RJ01JB-6393) near GREF Camp at Nagrota,'' police here said. They said that police shifted the body to the mortuary room of the Government Medical College and Hospital, Jammu while the vehicle was seized and investigation started. Later hundreds of villagers assembled on the spot and blocked the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway to lodge protest. The Additional Deputy Commissioner, Arun Manhas along with senior civil and police officers rushed to the spot and discussed the matter with the irate mob. A stern action was sought against the negligent driver and immediate arrest besides action against the traffic cops for dereliction of duties. On the assurance of the sen- ior civil and police officers, the protestors lifted the blockade after about four hours and dis- persed. Meanwhile, according to SHO Nagrota, Inspector Bhushan Manhas, the driver of the CRPF truck was also arrested while a case under relevant sec- tions was registered and investi- gations started. Upliftment of weaker sections sole motive of Govt: Sukhnandan Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: Upliftment of weaker section of the society is sole aim of the present PDP-BJP Government in the State, as uplift- ment of this section can also con- tribute for the socio-economic development of the State and the country as well. This was stated by Sukhnandan Choudhary, former Minister and MLA Marh. He was speaking during a financial aid distribution camp for weaker sec- tion organized by Rural Development Department at Gajansoo in Marh constituency. During the programme, MLA provided financial aid to near about 23 beneficiaries for Rs 1,57,000 each. First installment for Rs 50,000 has been credited in their accounts directly, under Prime Minister Awaas Yojana (PMAY). This total amount also include the cost of toilet i.e. Rs 12000 and Rs 15000 as labour cost under MGNREGA if the beneficiary will do labour at his own in con- struction of his house. On the occasion, the MLA said that transparency and accountability has been the motive of State as well as Central Government. The former Minister exhorted BDO Marh and the ben- eficiaries to ensure judicious uti- lization of these funds only for construction of their houses, as any wrongdoing in this regard will amount to non release of next installment. While lauding the vision of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi of weeding out corruption from the roots, he said that PM's unique approach towards basic issues have succeeded in effective implementations of several inno- vative programmes launched dur- ing last three years. He also appealed people to take maximum benefits of these schemes launched by Centre as well as State Government from time to time. Minor school girl raped, youth escapes KPS for immediate deportation of Rohingyas, Bangladeshis Dogri Sanstha, Mahajan Sabha demand holiday on Maharaja’s birthday Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: The Executive body of Dogri Sanstha Jammu has urged upon the State Government to declare a gazetted holiday on the birthday of Maharaja Hari Singh former ruler of the State falling on September 23. The Sanstha said it is the common demeaned of the people as the Maharaja was a popular and benevolent ruler who had touched the hearts of the people of the State. It said Maharaja was a secular monarch who had brought many reforms and lived for the people of the State so as a mark of respect to this great soul September 23 be declared as State holiday. Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha in its meeting held under the chairmanship of its president Romesh Chander Gupta also demanded that the September 23 be declared as gazetted holiday in the State. The meeting said such a decision will be a great honour to former ruler of the State and all the nationalist forces in J&K. Chhamb Route Bus Union election on Oct 5 Airtel Payments Bank launches UPI enabled digital payments Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: Airtel Payments Bank has become the first payments bank in India to integrate the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) on its digital platform. This will add to customer choice and convenience for making secure digital payments to online/offline merchants and making instant money transfers to any bank account in India. Shashi Arora, MD and CEO, Airtel Payments Bank said, “We are pleased to announce UPI integration with Airtel Payments Bank. This would allow all our 20mn bank customers to create their personalized UPI handles on the Airtel app, and enable them to make digital payments in both the offline & the online space.” Dilip Asbe, Chief Operating Officer, National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) said, “Payments banks are capa- ble of facilitating remittances and payments to a large user base especially to underserved area as per RBI’s vision. We are happy to on-board Airtel Payments Bank on BHIM/UPI platform. Through this associa- tion, we foresee significant rise in digital transactions at untapped merchant locations and person-to-person payments space.” For UPI based payments and transfers, customers are not required to furnish their bank details to enable transactions and can create easy to remember IDs, ensuring optimal data secu- rity. Customers can also use MyAirtel app (Bank section) to scan any UPI QR code for mak- ing merchant payments. Online and offline merchants can lever- age Airtel Payments Bank as a payment mode to accept pay- ments seamlessly from their customers. How can customers create their Airtel Payments Bank UPI handle: Customers need to update their My Airtel App, Select UPI from the ‘Bank’ sec- tion, recreate personalized han- dle name (E.g mobile no@air- tel). Default will be the cus- tomer’s mobile number. Customers can also link their Airtel Payments Bank savings accounts to any of their UPI handles on popular apps such as BHIM or UPI apps of other banks. This can be done by selecting Airtel Payments Bank from the link or change account section and select Airtel Payments Bank from the list post which customer details will be linked to the UPI handle automatically. Renowned singers to perform daily during Navratra Festival Awareness programme against drug abuse organised MIER organizes extension lecture Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 18: The Centre of Educational Research, MIER, organized an extension lecture on the theme "Research and Teaching." The resource person was Prof Jigar Mohammad, Dean Research, University of Jammu. In his address, he said teach- ing is a highly professional activ- ity which demands specialized knowledge, skills and behavior. "Therefore, students need to opt this profession by choice and not by chance," he said and added that every classroom is different and it is this complexity in which the teachers function provides a compelling reason to look more closely into their teaching prac- tices. Dr Adit Gupta, Director MIER, chaired the session while HoD of the PG Department of Education along with the faculty and students attended the lec- ture. Dr H.R Shan, Head, Centre of Educational Research MIER, introduced the resource person as an expert in the field of Research and Medieval Indian History, who has authored many books. Dr Nishta Rana, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Education, presented a formal vote of thanks. ESRM presents ‘Bahhyanak Khel’ in Monday Theatre ESRM artists presenting a nukkad at Gole Market park in Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. AIDSC members holding meeting on Monday.

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Page 1: Consultants, MOs among 69 doctors Zainapora vice Dr Altaf Hussain Khan (Consultant Surgeon), who has been posted

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: Ek SathRang Mandal (ESRM) todaypresented its 265th nukkad"Bahhyanak Khel" in itsMonday Theatre Series here atGole Market Park, Gandi Nagar.

The nukkad is based on agame called 'Blue Whale Game"which has emerged as fatalgame among our children. Thisgame has forced many childrenfor suicide attempts and has cre-ated insecurity among parentsalso. This well planed challengegame has attractive and hypno-tizes our innocent childrenwhich ends in a death.

"Bahhyanak Khel" revolvesaround a school boy namelyRaju, who use to be very muchbrilliant in studies. But all of asudden he develops a differentunusual mannerism, body lan-guage and behavior. Some timehe is a frozen body withoutexpressions and actions andsome time goes in depression.

Raju's parents become suspi-

cious. They approach a doctorwho thoroughly checks Raju. Henotices that Raju has many bladecuts on his arms and an image ofa fish was made by sharp edgedblade.

The doctor immediatelyreferred Raju to a well knownconsultant, Dr Ravi Rai, who isfamous for giving counseling insuch cases. Dr Ravi describesthe game dangerous for every-body because it has wrongoptions in the end of the gamelike suicide and other causali-ties. He advised parents to bevigilant and cautious aboutinvolvement of their children insuch games.

Dr Ravi council Raju and thelatter promised not play suchgames henceforth.

Actors who acted in the playwere were Raju Mad, ShivKumar, Kanav Sharma, DheerajSharma, Ashok Sharma, VipinMagotra, Harsh Mahajan, ShriyaDuggal and Vijay Malla.

The nukkad was written anddirected by Vijay Malla.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: A meetingof General Council was convenedtoday at the organization HeadQuarters which was presided overby the President Kashmiri PanditSabha, Ambhalla K K Khosa. Themeeting attained significance onaccount of the political develop-ments of the State.

Members deliberated upon thevarious connected issues and thepertaining to cultural and socialissues of the community. Thethreat posed by the influx ofMynmar Rohingya Muslims to thedemographic and security aspectsof Jammu region was the mainissue to deliberate upon and a needof their early deportation from thecity of temples was stressed upon."Any move, direct or indirect, torehabilitate them even temporarilyin Jammu, a peaceful city withpeace loving people, were boundto create problems of unmanage-able magnitude", was felt by themembers on the Council and spe-cial invitees and observers in themeeting.

A resolution was unanimouslypassed which demanded that"Kashmiri Pandits Sabha,Ambhalla feels strongly over clan-destinely settling hundreds ofMynmar Rohingya Muslims in theperiphery of Jammu Division pos-ing a serious threat to the demo-graphic and security scenario of

this border State. The speed withwhich and the manner throughwhich they were brought inten-tionally here and settled in makeshift sheds and structures, openlyreveals the evil motive of thoseresponsible for the whole exercise.The close proximity of most ofthese foreign nationals to seriouscrimes including terrorism is wellestablished. A few such incidentsat the hands of these Rohingyasand timely action by the StatePolice lifts the lid from above thepot. The Sabha unequivocallyimpresses upon the State adminis-tration to speed up the identifica-tion and deportation of theseunwanted foreigners in our state."

"The Sabha also condemnsany mischievous moves to disturbthe close unity and cooperationbetween different sections of thesociety living peacefully inJammu. No such detestable movefrom any quarter shall succeed inits nefarious designs by thematured peace loving patrioticpeople of all sections of theJammu society," The resolutionadded.

The Sabha put on record themagnanimity and the open heart-edness of Jammu people to helpand provide succor to the persecut-ed community of KashmiriPandits in the trying hours ofJanuary 1990 and thereafter forwhich the community shall alwaysfeel grateful.

Excelsior Correspondent

POONCH, Sept 18: A minorschool girl was allegedly rapedby a youth when she was goingto her school at Sagra inMankote area of Mendhar SubDivision today.

A police spokesman said that16-year-old Saira (namechanged), hailing from the samearea was going to her school. Ayouth who was known to hergave lift to the girl in his Alto carand told that he would drop herto school which was at some dis-

tance from the village. Theyouth by making false excusestopped at his shops on the wayand pulled the girl under theshutter and committed rape onher. Later, he dropped her nearschool.

The visibly disturbed girlwhen arrived school, the teach-ers asked for the reason of arriv-ing late. The girl earlier tried tohide the incident but later brokedown before teachers and narrat-ed the whole matter on theirinsisting. They called the parentsof the girl and handed over thegirl. Later, an FIR was lodgedwith the Mendhar police by theparents of the girl. The policeseized the car ( JK12/ 9187) andwas looking for the accused whohad gone to his in-laws housenear Rajouri.

The accused has been identi-fied as Zaheer Ahmed (25), sonof Javed Iqbal, resident ofUchhad. The Police sent the girlfor medical examination andregistered a case FIR No. 173/2017 U/S 376/ 363 RPC againstthe accused person.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: ChhambRoute Bus Union is going to holdelections of its president onOctober 5 (Thursday) in theoffice of the Group at GeneralBus Stand, Jammu.

In a meeting of the trans-porters of Jammu Chhamb GroupPassenger Bus Service held hereunder the chairmanship of TSWazir, Chairman All J&KTransport Welfare Association, itwas unanimously decided to dis-solve the old body and go forfresh elections democratically inthe Chhamb Group Union officeat Bus Stand Jammu on October5 from 10 am to 3 pm.

On the request of the trans-porters, Mr Wazir constituted a11-member Election Boardincluding three members fromCentral body- general secretaryVijay Kumar Sharma, secretaryRam Parkash and Parkash Singh.This new Election Board underthe supervision of the Chairman(AJTWA) would supervise theelections. It was decided thatnominations for the post of pres-ident will be filed from Sept 25to 27 from 11 am to 1 pm andscrutiny of the papers will beconducted on September 28 andSeptember 29 will be the lastdate of withdrawal of nomina-tion, in the office of chairman(AJTWA).

Excelsior Correspondent

SAMBA, Sept 18: In contin-uation to drive against the men-ace of the drugs launched bySSP Samba, Anil Magotra anawareness cum interactive pro-gramme on Drug Abuse wasorganised by the SHO Vijaypur,Inspector Suraj Pathania in BBNHigh School Vijaypur near here,today. SHO Vijaypur briefed thestudents about the evils of drugsand their harmful effects in lifeand asked them to channelizetheir energy in sports activitiesand to make their future career

bright instead of indulging indrug abuse.

He also briefed the schoolstaff about their role and respon-sibility to prevent the studentsfrom drug menace. It is the dutyof every citizen of the country tocontribute towards drug-freesociety and help Police to curbsmuggling / menace of drugsfrom the country, he added. Thestudents were also apprisedabout the effects of misuse ofinternet and mobile phones. Theevent concluded with a pledge,taken by the participants to fightagainst drug abuse.

Excelsior Correspondent

KATRA, Sept 18: A meetingof All India Devotional SongCompetition Committee (organ-ized by SMVD Shrine Board &J&K Tourism in association withother organizations ), was heldhere today under the chairman-ship of its chairman RakeshWazir wherein threadbare discus-sions were held with regard to itspreparations of the event.

While speaking on the occa-sion, Wazir briefed thatrenowned Bollywood singersincluding Hans Raj Hans,Wadalli Brothers, Nooran Sisters,Gulzar Lahori and others wouldcome one by one on daily basisand besides performing duties asJudges, they will also performthere. "In addition to that the topfilm and media personalities havealready given their consent to bethere in the panel of judges forfinal of All India DevotionalSong Competition," he added.

Wazir informed that this yearwould be 19th competition andefforts would be made to increaseits horizon. " Keeping in view thefact in mind, the all over Indiapublicity for auditions and par-ticipation is going on throughprint and electronic media whichare going to be held from 21stSeptember to 26th Septemberand its registration can be done atTourist Office Katra personally

or through phone numbers01991-232005,233301, 02.

Ist prize of the competitionwould be Rs 3 lakh and recordingcontract with Venus Records &Tapes Ltd. "The pattern of quali-fying rounds, wherein 2nd & 3rdwinners of the preliminaryrounds will compete on 27thSeptember in quarter final, firstposition holders of daily compe-tition will compete with the win-ners of the quarter final in semifinal i.e. on 28th Sept. for theirentry into mega final to be heldon 29th Sept. at Yog AshramGround.

In the meeting, different SubCommittees were formed for thesmooth conduct of the competi-tion. These included Committeefor reception of guests which willbe headed by Shyam Lal Kesar asits president with Shiv KumarSharma, Virender Kesar, VivekSharma, Subhash Chander as itsmembers, Committee for finaliz-ing of names of judges to be sub-mitted to CEO SMVD ShrineBoard included Swami Yoganandas its president with Ajay Sharmaand Shyam Lal Sharma as itsmembers.

The meeting, among others,was attended by Shyam LalKesar, Shiv Kumar Sharma,Rakesh Sharma, Virender Kesar,Ajay Sharma, Bhola Ram, VijayKumar, Pawan Kumar, SubhashChander and Prabhat Singh.


Consultants, MOs among 69 doctors shiftedExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: Govern-ment today ordered transfers andpostings of 69 doctors includingConsultants, Medical Officersand Dental Surgeons.

The newly appointedConsultants namely Dr AshaqHussain (Consultant Paedia-trics), Dr Anwar Hussain(Consultant, Paediatrics), DrShabir Ahmad Langoo(Consultant, Anaesthesia) andDr Malik Zaffar (ConsultantAnaesthesia) have been postedat SDH Tangmarg, DH Kargil,DH Baramulla and DH Kulgam,respectively while Dr MotupAngmo (ConsultantOpthalmology) will report toCMO Leh for further posting indistrict Leh.

Dr Tafazal Majid(Consultant Surgeon) presentlyposted at SDH Pampore hasbeen transferred and posted atCHC Zainapora vice Dr AltafHussain Khan (ConsultantSurgeon), who has been postedat SDH Pampore. Dr MohdSadiq (Consultant Anaesthesia),presently posted at SDH Kreeri,has been transferred and postedat SDH Tangdhar. While DrPriyanka Sambyal (ConsultantENT), presently posted atGovernment Hospital Sarwal,has been transferred and postedat AH Vijaypur vice Dr ShaheenAkhter, who has been posted atGovernment Hospital, Sarwal.

Dr Anshu Charak(Consultant Gynae), underorders of transfer to DH Kathua,has been posted to AH Vijaypurvice Dr Naresh Sharma(Consultant Gynae), who hasbeen posted at DH Kathua. DrBalwinder Singh (MD PhysicianB-Grade) has been transferredfrom CHC Khour and posted atSDH Nowshera while Dr AjazAhmad Malik (consultant ENT),presently posted at SDHSunderbani, has been transferredand posted at DH Rajouri viceDr Vijay Gupta (ConsultantENT), who has been posted atSDH Sunderbani.

Dr Fozia Jan (ConsultantGynae), attached at MCHAnantnag, has been postedagainst clear vacancy at DHAnantnag but she will work atMCH Anantnag. Dr ManzoorAhmad Wani (ConsultantMedicine), who was underorders of transfer to JLNMHospital, Srinagar, has beenretained at SDH Ganderbal.

Dr Zahoor Ahmad Lone,Incharge (I/C) BMO, DamalHanjipora, under orders of

attachment to DHS Kashmir, hasbeen retained at DamalHanjipora; Dr Bashir AhmadTeli (Medical Officer), presentlyposted at DH Baramulla hasbeen transferred and posted asI/C BMO Shangus; Dr IqbalBichoo, I/C BMO has beentransferred and posted as I/CBMO Achabal vice Dr BashirAhmad Paddar, who has beenposted at Block Sallar asMedical Officer; Dr Rafi Slathi,I/C Deputy MS Kulgam hasbeen transferred and posted asI/C BMO Kulgam while DrBilquies Jahan Rather (MedicalOfficer), attached withDirectorate of Health Services(DHS) Kashmir, has been postedas I/C BMO Pampore againstavailable vacancy.

Dr Sangeeta Ajarwant(Medical Officer), presentlyposted at PHC Barwal (Kathua),has been transferred and postedas I/C BMO Nagri vice Dr VijayBali, who has been posted asDH Kathua as MO and DrMohd Yousaf Khawaja(Consultant Anaesthesia),presently posted at SDHTangdhar, has been posted asI/C BMO Tangdar. He shall alsowork as Anaesthesist there. DrRita Kotwal (MO), DeputyCMO Samba, has been trans-ferred and posted as AssistantDirector, Rehbar-e-Sehat(RES), Jammu. She shallassume the charge of the postafter superannuation on retire-ment of Dr Kiran Katal onSeptember 30, 2017.

Dr Anjum Afshan, I/C DHOSrinagar, has been transferredand posted as I/C DHOGanderbal vice Dr Parven Sofi,who has been posted as I/CDHO Srinagar; Dr NishatShaheen, I/C MS GousiaHospital, Srinagar, shall reportin DHS Kashmir. Consequently,CMO Srinagar shall hold addi-tional charge of MS GousiaHospital, Srinagar; Dr MasratJabeen, I/C DIO Srinagar, hasbeen transferred and posted asI/C DIO Ganderbal; Dr YasmeenKangoo, I/C DIO Ganderbal hasbeen transferred and posted asI/C MS Kangan vice Dr QaziJavaid, who shall report to DHSSrinagar for further duties whileDr Davinder Singh, under ordersof transfer as I/C MS DH Reasi,shall report to DHS Jammu tillfurther orders.

Dr Parvesh Kumar (MO),presently posted at SDHHiranagar, has been transferredand posted as AssistantCommissioner, Food SafetyOfficer, Jammu and Sanjeev

Kumar, Assistant Commissioner,Food Safety Officer, Jammu, hasbeen posted as AssistantCommissioner, Food Safety offi-cer, Kargil while sanction ishereby accorded to the extensionof the deputation in favour of DrShahida Habib (MO) for a periodof one year from the date herprevious period has expired i.e.01-08-2017 to GMC Srinagar onthe standard terms and condi-tions as stipulated inGovernment order No 451-HMEof 2014 dated 01-08-2014 readwith Government order No 284-HME of 2015 dated 29-07-2015.She shall retain her lien, seniori-ty and promotion prospects inher parent department/cadre.

Dr Anita Koul (MO), PGOpthalmology, attached in DHSJammu, has been transferred andposted at proposed Eye bank,GMC Jammu as MO on inter-cadre deputation basis; Dr SyedMajid Malik (MO) MS Surgery,presently posted at CHC Mandi,has been transferred and postedat DH Poonch against availablepost of MO/Consultant; DrNusrat Majid (MO), presentlyposted as PHC Nutnoosa(Handwara), has been trans-ferred and posted as PHCNarbal, Budgam vice Dr MasratYaqoub, MO, who has beenposted at PHC Nutnoosa,Handwara while Dr TasneemSuraya (MO), under transferorders to Khanmoh Srinagar, hasbeen posted at GMC Srinagar oninter-deputation basis.

Dr Fehmida (MO), presentlyposted at NTPHC Shadimarg,Pulwama, has been transferredand posted at PHC Soibugh,Budgam; Dr Abdul QayoomBhat (MO), presently posted atPHC Soibugh, Budgam, hasbeen posted at NTPHCShadimarg, Pulwama; DrArjumand Nazir (MO), awaitingorders of adjustment in DHSKashmir, has been posted atGMC Jammu on inter-cadredeputation basis; Dr Sadaf Syed(MDS) Dental Surgeon, present-ly posted at SDH Khansahib, hasbeen transferred and posted atGDC Srinagar on inter-cadredeputation basis while DrParvaiz Iqbal (Dental Surgeon),under orders of transfer to PHCKullan, Ganderbal, has beenposted at GMC Srinagar oninter-cadre deputation basis viceDr Qazi Qamar, who has beenposted at PHC Kullan,Ganderbal.

Dr Mohd Mushtaq Chowhan(MO), under orders of transferfrom DH Samba to TraumaHospital Kathua, has been trans-ferred and posted at SDHRamgarh against availablevacancy; Dr Maqsooda (DentalSurgeon), presently posted atPHC Wuyan, Block Pampore,district Pulwama, has beentransferred and posted at ADRainwari, district Srinagar, viceDr Khurshid Qureshi (DentalSurgeon), who has been trans-ferred and posted at PHC

Wuyan, Block Pampore, districtPulwama; Dr Deepak Tickoo(MS Ortho), MO (Migrant),presently posted at GovernmentHospital, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu,has been transferred and postedat DH Ramban against the postof Consultant Orthopaedicianwhile Dr Irshad Ahmad Khan,Dental Surgeon, presently post-ed at PHC Dharmari (Mahore)has been posted at PHC Kakpora(Pulwama).

Dr Mohd Shafi Wani (MSSurgery DNB), MO, presentlyposted at DH Budgam, has beentransferred and posted at JLNMHospital, Srinagar, vice Dr MAyoub Fatehkhan (MO), whohas been posted at DH Budgam;Dr Mohd Ayoub Danoo (DentalSurgeon), presently posted atPHC Kakapora, has been trans-ferred and posted at PHCHarwan (GMC Srinagar) oninter-cadre deputation basis; DrFarhat Kanth, awaiting orders ofadjustment in DHS Kashmir, hasbeen posted at GMC Srinagar oninter-cadre deputation basiswhile Dr Meena Angral (MO),presently posted at ESIDispensary, Digiana, Jammu,has been posted at PHC LowerGadigarh vice Dr RakeshKumari, who has been posted atESI Hospital, Digiana, Jammuon inter-deputation basis.

Dr Bhawna Raina (MO),presently posted at CHCJourian, has been transferredand posted at PHC Mishriwala;Dr Nowsheen Abdullah (MSOpthalmology), presently post-ed at DH Pulwama, has beenposted at Mobile Surgical UnitSrinagar, vice Dr Umera Din(Dip Optho), who has been post-ed at DH Pulwama; Dr KaiserAhmad War (MO), presentlyposted at PHC Kulan(Ganderbal), has been trans-ferred and posted at PHCZadibal Srinagar, vice Dr AshiqAli, who has been posted at PHCKulan, Ganderbal while DrDilnaz Akhter (Dental Surgeon),under orders of transfer to BlockCharar-e-Sharief, has been post-ed at JLNM Hospital, Srinagar,vice Dr Idrees, who has beenposted at Block Charar-e-Sharief.

Dr Afroza Bano (MO),presently posted at SDH Charar-e-Sharief, has been transferredand posted at PHC Lasjan viceDr Mushtaq Ahmad Gagloo (MSSurgery), MO, who has beenposted at SDH Charar-e-Sharief;Dr Vishal Raina (MO), presentlyposted at Civil SecretariatDispensary, has been posted asDeputy General Manager, J&KMedical Supplies CorporationLimited on inter-cadre deputa-tion basis; Dr Zeeshan Wani(MO), under orders of transfer toSDH Ganderbal, has beenretained at JLNM Hospital,Srinagar while Dr SeemaKapoor, MO (Homeopathy),presently posted at DHHandwara, has been posted atPHC Khanmoh, Srinagar.

Protest, bandh atHarni

Excelsior CorrespondentPOONCH, Sept 18: The

people from Harni held protestand the local market observedbandh for the half day in sup-port of Rohingya Muslims whoare being thrown out by theMayanmar Government.

Expressing solidarity withthe Rohingyas, they urged uponthe Union Government and thePrime Minister Modi to take upthe matter with the MayanmarGovernment. They alsodemanded that StateGovernment should take thiscase on humanitarian grounds.After holding protest for aboutan hour and disruption of move-ment of vehicles, they dis-persed.

Two Dy SPs shifted Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: Govern-ment today ordered transfersand postings of two DeputySuperintendents of Police withimmediate effect.

According to the order,Ashiq Hussain Tak, Deputy SPHeadquarters, Shopian, hasbeen transferred and posted asSDPO Sumbal vice RashadAkbar, who has been trans-ferred and posted as Deputy SPHeadquarters Shopian, viceAshiq Hussain Tak.

Bari BrahmanaPolice arrestsdrug peddler

Excelsior Correspondent

SAMBA, Sept 18: BariBrahmana Police arrested a drugpeddler today and recovered 50poly pouches of 180 ml each JKDesi whisky (Alcohol) from hispossession.

A Police Party of PoliceStation Bari Brahmana headed byInspector Mahesh Sharma, SHOBari Brahmana and under thedirect supervision of UsmaanChoudhary, SDPO BariBrahmana apprehended a drugpeddler namely Sain Dass S/oBhagu Ram R/o Karwal tehsilBishnah, Jammu and recoveredthe 50 poly pouches of alcoholform his possession. The accusedwas arrested on spot. In thisregard case FIR No. 178/2017U/S 48(a) Excise Act stands reg-istered at PS Bari Brahmana andinvestigation started.

It may be recalled that districtPolice Samba has launched adrive against the menace of thedrugs on the directions of AnilMagotra, SSP Samba.

HC denies bail to heroin smuggler

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: HighCourt today rejected the bailapplication of heroin smugglernamely Jasvinder Singh, whowas nabbed by Nowabad Policeon March 11, 2015.

After hearing both the sides,Justice Sanjay Kumar Guptaobserved, "petitioner is habitualoffender and was already con-victed by Principal SessionsJudge Jammu in 2003 and he isthreat to society at large".

"Counsel for petitioner has,thus, failed to show that thereare reasonable grounds forbelieving that accused /appli-cant is not guilty of suchoffence", the High Court saidwhile rejecting the bail applica-tion.

Central Mahajan Sabha holds WC meetExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: Working Committee meeting of the JammuCentral Mahajan Sabha was held today at Mahajan Bhawan Shalamarroad here today under the presidentship of Romesh Chander Gupta inwhich many important organizational decisions were taken for imple-mentation by Sabha.

The dais was also shared by chief patron Amarnath Gupta andJugal Mahajan. The president of the Sabha sought cooperation of allthe members of Working Committee.

He said the problems being faced by the traders and consumers inthe State under the GST implemented by the Government and thesteps taken by the Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha to approach theconcerned authority of the Government to make the GST law morepublic friendly to mitigate the sufferings of the public on this account.

Biker crushed to death by CRPFtruck; people protest, block NH

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: A motor-cyclist was today crushed todeath by a CRPF truck in cityoutskirts here, resulting intoprotest by locals.

''A biker identified as SahilHussain, 20, son of Ali Hussain,resident of Pangali, Nagrota thismorning died on the spot whenhis motorcycle bearing registra-tion number JK02BU-0790 washit by a CRPF vehicle (registra-tion number RJ01JB-6393) nearGREF Camp at Nagrota,'' policehere said.

They said that police shiftedthe body to the mortuary room ofthe Government MedicalCollege and Hospital, Jammuwhile the vehicle was seized andinvestigation started.

Later hundreds of villagersassembled on the spot and

blocked the Jammu-SrinagarNational Highway to lodgeprotest.

The Additional DeputyCommissioner, Arun Manhasalong with senior civil and policeofficers rushed to the spot anddiscussed the matter with theirate mob. A stern action wassought against the negligentdriver and immediate arrestbesides action against the trafficcops for dereliction of duties.

On the assurance of the sen-ior civil and police officers, theprotestors lifted the blockadeafter about four hours and dis-persed.

Meanwhile, according toSHO Nagrota, InspectorBhushan Manhas, the driver ofthe CRPF truck was also arrestedwhile a case under relevant sec-tions was registered and investi-gations started.

Upliftment of weaker sections sole motive of Govt: Sukhnandan

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: Upliftmentof weaker section of the society issole aim of the present PDP-BJPGovernment in the State, as uplift-ment of this section can also con-tribute for the socio-economicdevelopment of the State and thecountry as well.

This was stated bySukhnandan Choudhary, formerMinister and MLA Marh. He wasspeaking during a financial aiddistribution camp for weaker sec-tion organized by RuralDevelopment Department atGajansoo in Marh constituency.

During the programme, MLAprovided financial aid to nearabout 23 beneficiaries for Rs1,57,000 each. First installmentfor Rs 50,000 has been credited intheir accounts directly, underPrime Minister Awaas Yojana(PMAY).

This total amount also includethe cost of toilet i.e. Rs 12000 andRs 15000 as labour cost under

MGNREGA if the beneficiarywill do labour at his own in con-struction of his house.

On the occasion, the MLAsaid that transparency andaccountability has been themotive of State as well as CentralGovernment. The former Ministerexhorted BDO Marh and the ben-eficiaries to ensure judicious uti-lization of these funds only forconstruction of their houses, asany wrongdoing in this regard willamount to non release of nextinstallment.

While lauding the vision ofPrime Minister, Narendra Modi ofweeding out corruption from theroots, he said that PM's uniqueapproach towards basic issueshave succeeded in effectiveimplementations of several inno-vative programmes launched dur-ing last three years.

He also appealed people totake maximum benefits of theseschemes launched by Centre aswell as State Government fromtime to time.

Minor school girl raped, youth escapes

KPS for immediate deportationof Rohingyas, Bangladeshis

Dogri Sanstha, Mahajan Sabha demandholiday on Maharaja’s birthday

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: TheExecutive body of Dogri SansthaJammu has urged upon the StateGovernment to declare a gazettedholiday on the birthday ofMaharaja Hari Singh formerruler of the State falling onSeptember 23.

The Sanstha said it is thecommon demeaned of the peopleas the Maharaja was a popularand benevolent ruler who hadtouched the hearts of the peopleof the State. It said Maharaja was

a secular monarch who hadbrought many reforms and livedfor the people of the State so as amark of respect to this great soulSeptember 23 be declared asState holiday.

Jammu Central MahajanSabha in its meeting held underthe chairmanship of its presidentRomesh Chander Gupta alsodemanded that the September 23be declared as gazetted holiday inthe State. The meeting said sucha decision will be a great honourto former ruler of the State and allthe nationalist forces in J&K.

Chhamb Route BusUnion election on Oct 5

Airtel Payments Bank launches UPI enabled digital paymentsExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: AirtelPayments Bank has become thefirst payments bank in India tointegrate the Unified PaymentsInterface (UPI) on its digitalplatform.

This will add to customerchoice and convenience formaking secure digital paymentsto online/offline merchants andmaking instant money transfersto any bank account in India.

Shashi Arora, MD and CEO,Airtel Payments Bank said, “Weare pleased to announce UPIintegration with Airtel PaymentsBank. This would allow all our20mn bank customers to createtheir personalized UPI handleson the Airtel app, and enablethem to make digital paymentsin both the offline & the onlinespace.”

Dilip Asbe, Chief OperatingOfficer, National PaymentsCorporation of India (NPCI)said, “Payments banks are capa-ble of facilitating remittancesand payments to a large userbase especially to underservedarea as per RBI’s vision. We arehappy to on-board AirtelPayments Bank on BHIM/UPIplatform. Through this associa-tion, we foresee significant risein digital transactions atuntapped merchant locations

and person-to-person paymentsspace.”

For UPI based payments andtransfers, customers are notrequired to furnish their bankdetails to enable transactionsand can create easy to rememberIDs, ensuring optimal data secu-rity. Customers can also useMyAirtel app (Bank section) toscan any UPI QR code for mak-ing merchant payments. Onlineand offline merchants can lever-age Airtel Payments Bank as apayment mode to accept pay-ments seamlessly from theircustomers.

How can customers createtheir Airtel Payments Bank UPIhandle: Customers need toupdate their My Airtel App,Select UPI from the ‘Bank’ sec-tion, recreate personalized han-dle name (E.g mobile no@air-tel). Default will be the cus-tomer’s mobile number.

Customers can also link theirAirtel Payments Bank savingsaccounts to any of their UPIhandles on popular apps such asBHIM or UPI apps of otherbanks. This can be done byselecting Airtel Payments Bankfrom the link or change accountsection and select AirtelPayments Bank from the listpost which customer details willbe linked to the UPI handleautomatically.

Renowned singers to perform daily during Navratra Festival

Awareness programme against drug abuse organised

MIER organizes extension lectureExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: TheCentre of Educational Research,MIER, organized an extensionlecture on the theme "Researchand Teaching."

The resource person was ProfJigar Mohammad, DeanResearch, University of Jammu.

In his address, he said teach-ing is a highly professional activ-ity which demands specializedknowledge, skills and behavior."Therefore, students need to optthis profession by choice and notby chance," he said and addedthat every classroom is differentand it is this complexity in whichthe teachers function provides a

compelling reason to look moreclosely into their teaching prac-tices.

Dr Adit Gupta, DirectorMIER, chaired the session whileHoD of the PG Department ofEducation along with the facultyand students attended the lec-ture.

Dr H.R Shan, Head, Centreof Educational Research MIER,introduced the resource personas an expert in the field ofResearch and Medieval IndianHistory, who has authoredmany books.

Dr Nishta Rana, AssistantProfessor, PG Department ofEducation, presented a formalvote of thanks.

ESRM presents ‘BahhyanakKhel’ in Monday Theatre

ESRM artists presenting a nukkad at Gole Market park inGandhi Nagar, Jammu.

AIDSC members holding meeting on Monday.